Forums > General Industry > They don't shoot with BLACK photographers???


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

Barron C wrote:
They may not shoot with black photographers but I bet they would have no problem shooting you if you step out of line. I find it a little silly that a grown black man is suprised to find racism anywhere in America or Europe since race as a concept was invented by Europeans wherever they are it is. Maybe that hanging us from trees putting us in prison and policemen killing us without provocation might have served as hints for you. You can only judge people on their past behavior and no matter how far back you go they were racist so shrug it off and keep stepping if it doesn't kill you it only makes you stronger.

this is addictive..

i have to go to work, but i can't let it go..

Nov 28 06 12:48 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Anjel Britt wrote:

ASSUME you sure do
i am a civilized adult not ''whatever it is'' you are
or expect
im soooo glad i don't live near YOUR Fantasy world

keep that ugly avatar with the pool table then if you expected me to recall whom you are any other way

This is funny, because the more that you reply, the more that you are showing how silly that you are acting. you mean the pool table shoot that have got nothing but positive compliments? Oh yeah, that one.

You got to to do better than that. You are so glad of many things and yet you still continue to post to me? that's contradicting. Indecisive. And to show you that you are silly, the mods when they read that dumb shit that you sent on my tag and email, the mod couldn't believe it. But hey, that's how it is. Anyways, I'll stop toying with now. Let me get back to the topic at hand. no need to continue to replying to a simpleminded woman.

Nov 28 06 12:49 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Pasha Morena wrote:

I understand that, but genocide is no excuse for preventing colonialism.

I was just aswering your questions, a cause and affect. not justifying it. The origins of it all. that's all.

Nov 28 06 12:50 pm Link


Tony Culture Photoz

Posts: 1555

Bloomfield, New Jersey, US

WTF is wrong with some of these white models?? You dumb asses.. I experienced just a small wiff of this type of prejudice over the weekend.. Anyone else care to share their thoughts???

Damn ! I didn't even realise this was the same photog whose work I often admired. Respect my youth ! Your works are good. I know you are not even "shook" by this model's ignorance, so I won't offer any "some people are just stupid, just move on" advice. I know how it is, sometimes you just gotta rant about something that you observe in people's idiotic behaviours. Keep doing the works, it's wicked !

Nov 28 06 12:51 pm Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

can one point out there may be more to it? I mean yea sure racism is still an issue but maybe you said a few things the wrong way and made her feel uncomfortable and are using the race card as a cop out? I'd love to see the models side of the story, just as a devils advocate....

Nov 28 06 12:52 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Project Photography wrote:

You have missed a little history here...  Japan and China, Indonesia,   Africa all had slaves...granted the ones in Africa did not get tortured but they also were not free to go....   Who Moses help free and lead?   it's all through our world history sorry to say..

not all african slaves were free to go in africa. many still are slaves to black moors and are toturted.

Nov 28 06 12:52 pm Link


Nala Mills

Posts: 124

Chicago, Illinois, US

Tony Culture Photoz wrote:
[Thank you on that. I am feeling hopes of shooting with you someday. Yes, "The Audacity of Hope" *plugging the new book by Barrack Obama*

Hopefully, I'll be able to travel next year. I plan on doing so.

Nov 28 06 12:54 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

lotusphoto wrote:
oddly, in a thread about self portraits a couple of days ago i pm'd him in hopes that his shot/background was nearby, i like how he looks at the world..

but it's okay if you don't understand us, you being a foreigner and all

ignore her lotus. this is going back to something that happened some weeks back. and if she was mature enough she would've read our entire conversation and realized that I wasn't the first to intiated profanity. Which isn't the point because we didn't take it personal and it's our business. She'll be fine. I'm over it. and yes, thank you.

Nov 28 06 12:54 pm Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

Legacys 7 wrote:

not all african slaves were free to go in africa. many still are slaves to black moors and are toturted.

now don't say stuff like that because then the rant can't be justified. I mean god forbid racism be larger than any one race....right?

Nov 28 06 12:55 pm Link



Posts: 635

Newark, New Jersey, US

WTF is wrong with some of these white models?? You dumb asses.. I experienced just a small wiff of this type of prejudice over the weekend.. Anyone else care to share their thoughts???

*raises hand*
oooo I know...I know
Ya think it's because anyone with a PC can be a model?
D don't stress it..

Now if you all reeeealy wanna know why she was scared...Ill tell ya..
Ya see...he only holds the camera with one of his 3 hands wink

Nov 28 06 12:55 pm Link



Posts: 132

TOBYHANNA, Pennsylvania, US

Barron C wrote:

Call me sensitive but it seems a little weird to apologize for the truth.

You're talking about how racist white people supposedly are and only make yourself look just as racist in my eyes and obviously in lotus' as well. I cannot even believe the way you're talking bud.

Nov 28 06 12:55 pm Link


Ex Voto Studio

Posts: 4985

Columbia, Maryland, US

Legacys 7 wrote:

not all african slaves were free to go in africa. many still are slaves to black moors and are toturted.

so my point is then why so much hatred just at whites???  it wasn't just europeans that had slaves and they were not the first.

Nov 28 06 12:56 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

there are philipinas enslaved in saudi arabia, we turn a blind eye to it because we get a lot of oil from the sauds

asian massage parlours have sex slaves

kids in the inner cities are enslaved by columbian drug cartels

the problem isnt whites, it's oportunity -or lack thereof..

Nov 28 06 12:57 pm Link


Mike Kelcher

Posts: 13322

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Terrence Blount wrote:
Personally I can remember back to exactly last year when I went to a photography workshop in Chicago. Me and a friend (who's also on MM) were the only 2 African-American photographers that attended. The rest that were Caucasian. There was this one model from Indiana that was shooting with the other photographers, excluding my friend and I, but when it was my friend's turn to shoot her. She told the photographer in charge that she was going outside for a smoke. I watched the whole incident and paid no mind to it. My friend wound up shooting someone else.

When she got back, she was shooting with the other photographers and when it came to my friend's turn to shoot her, she went out again. He and I just looked at each other as we both knew what the deal was. It was real busy that day at the workshop as we were shooting nonstop. When it came to the point of leaving, the model asked if anyone could bring her bags to her car. No one responded but him.

My friend and I talked the next day and we talked about the situation with that model. We both agreed that she didn't want to shoot with him because he was Black. All the other models were Caucasian and Asian. We shot them without hesitation. To make this long story short, you can't impress everyone. There are some good and bad people. We just moved on afterwards.

Terrence, You're African-American?  You never told me!  Did I shoot with this bitch?  I gotta check my records, who is from Indiana?  Hmmmm.  oh no  :-(  oh well  :-(  At least there's other models.  I'm Polish and a lesbian trapped in a man's body.  I'm also perverted.  I get models refusing to work with me just because I'm perverted.  Imagine that.  If it's not one thing, it's another.

Nov 28 06 12:57 pm Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

just another racist complaining about other racists.... we should all move on

Nov 28 06 12:57 pm Link



Posts: 635

Newark, New Jersey, US

lotusphoto wrote:
there are philipinas enslaved in saudi arabia, we turn a blind eye to it because we get a lot of oil from the sauds

asian massage parlours have sex slaves

kids in the inner cities are enslaved by columbian drug cartels

the problem isnt whites, it's oportunity -or lack thereof..

A friggin men!

Nov 28 06 12:58 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

Legacys 7 wrote:

ignore her lotus. this is going back to something that happened some weeks back. and if she was mature enough she would've read our entire conversation and realized that I wasn't the first to intiated profanity. Which isn't the point because we didn't take it personal and it's our business. She'll be fine. I'm over it. and yes, thank you.

can't, i have the hots for her.. which is odd because i dont really like white women..

Nov 28 06 01:00 pm Link



Posts: 72

lotusphoto wrote:

spain? moors, look a little deeper..

when the brits sank the spannish armada a single ship escaped to ireland, the moors who landed here gave rise to the 'black irish'

slaves were in africa when the pyramids were built, china when the great wall was built, and i doubt stonehenge was built by people who got overtime..

The pyramids were built by farm workers (from the lands we now call Uganda Kenya Rwanda Ethiopia) on the off season they were paid well and it was an honor to work on the pyramids because it was religious devotion, if there was slavery in Egypt where were the slave markets and how much were the slaves (according to whites the ancient Egyptians were white so excuse my suspicions when it comes to your accounts of history or should I say your story) if you go to Egypt you can see this drawn in the pyramids themselves the Moors ruled spain for 800 years and did not enslave anyone were they perfect probably not besides chattel slavery was different from all other forms of slavery no one had ever killed most of the inhabitats of a continent and turned it into a big plantation.The black picts of Ireland and Scotland had been there long before the Spanish armada was destroyed a painting of their king Kenneth the Niger hangs in museums all over Scotland, oh by the way niger means black, but not angry, informed great white father.

Nov 28 06 01:00 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

lotusphoto wrote:

can't, i have the hots for her.. which is odd because i dont really like white women..

nice guy, open a can of worms and split.. lotus, you are a bum,,,,

Nov 28 06 01:02 pm Link



Posts: 635

Newark, New Jersey, US

Corey Wellman wrote:
just another racist complaining about other racists.... we should all move on

Now hold on ...
I know him personally, and consider him a friend.
I happened to be there during this incident.
He is FAR FAR from a racist in any way shape or form. I think he was so pissed because he expected the same respect he gives.
I mean really...look at his port....he shoots every race...there is NO discrimination there at all. a pasty mofo myself...ya think he and I would be friendly ????

Man some people should think before they speak....really.

Nov 28 06 01:03 pm Link



Posts: 2033

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Corey Wellman wrote:
just another racist complaining about other racists.... we should all move on

Corey.. you can kiss my ass... I'm such a racists.. lol.. I have a white girlfriend and a half mexican daughter.. I must not like blacks...

Nov 28 06 01:04 pm Link



Posts: 635

Newark, New Jersey, US


Corey.. you can kiss my ass... I'm such a racists.. lol.. I have a white girlfriend and a half mexican daughter.. I must not like blacks...

Nice D

Nov 28 06 01:05 pm Link



Posts: 581

Walnut Creek, California, US

Don't let it bother you. Just charge a deposit and start pulling in the cash.

Nov 28 06 01:05 pm Link


Mike Kelcher

Posts: 13322

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Barron C wrote:

The pyramids were built by farm workers (from the lands we now call Uganda Kenya Rwanda Ethiopia) on the off season they were paid well and it was an honor to work on the pyramids because it was religious devotion, if there was slavery in Egypt where were the slave markets and how much were the slaves (according to whites the ancient Egyptians were white so excuse my suspicions when it comes to your accounts of history or should I say your story) if you go to Egypt you can see this drawn in the pyramids themselves the Moors ruled spain for 800 years and did not enslave anyone were they perfect probably not besides chattel slavery was different from all other forms of slavery no one had ever killed most of the inhabitats of a continent and turned it into a big plantation.The black picts of Ireland and Scotland had been there long before the Spanish armada was destroyed a painting of their king Kenneth the Niger hangs in museums all over Scotland, oh by the way niger means black, but not angry, informed great white father.

Did Moses know this?
I thought the Jews built the pyramids.  Hmmmm.

Nov 28 06 01:08 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Project Photography wrote:

so my point is then why so much hatred just at whites???  it wasn't just europeans that had slaves and they were not the first.

here's what the problems lies. you already answered your own question in your initial post when you made your comments. The reality of racism is real. Slavery is one thing. As you pointed out slavery exist within same race. But colonialism, especially in south Africa and here was uniquely different than it was when the Romans and Egyptians etc. enslaved. Better? No, but the past still has a domino effect on the present. Think about Nelson Mandela, who was in prison for most of his adult life. President Bush, the father was one of the guys who helped in this when he worked for the FBI. Even decades later, the segregation and murder continued. The reason why this stopped in the country of south Africa, well most of it is because the blacks were not afriad to die to have that right. But the system who gave up, also abandoned. This is very similar to places like Detroit, Michigan. That's a smaller version of south African and the exodus to the suburbs.

Nov 28 06 01:08 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

lotusphoto wrote:

can't, i have the hots for her.. which is odd because i dont really like white women..

you are a grown man, my man. and stop talking in 3rd person, answering for me. lol. Yes you can, I'm trying to get her off of my line.

Nov 28 06 01:10 pm Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I only work with middle aged white men.  Oh wait, sorry, that's my day job...I'll let anyone with a decent eye take my picture...even...gasp...blacks or women!!!

Nov 28 06 01:12 pm Link



Posts: 72

Pasha Morena wrote:

How would you explain what happened in Rwanda between the Huttu and Tutsi tribes?

The Tutsi (minority) discriminated agaianst the Hutu (majority) for a hundred years on behalf of the Belgiums and French who took all of their land they were put in charge and given weapons to practice a form of apartheid against the Hutus when the Belgiums and French(after the hutus killed some belgium soldiers) fled the Hutus were in charge and armed payback is a bitch.

Nov 28 06 01:13 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Legacys 7 wrote:
But the system who gave up, also abandoned. This is very similar to places like Detroit, Michigan. That's a smaller version of south African and the exodus to the suburbs.

You haven't even scratched the surface.  Detroit is black hell on earth.  I swear this is the most racially stunted city i have ever lived in, been too, visited.  And the worst part is how undercover it all is.  It's NOT blatant in your face "NIGGER" hatred, it's sytematic, government funded and legislated  fuckery that, quite frankly, even the 90 percent black population is just all to eager to be spoon fed and support.

And this coming from a dude that lived in one of the most back water towns in Georgia.  I saw more racially foward thinking in Columbus, GA/ Phenix City, AL then i've seen in my almost 3 years of living in Michigan.

Nov 28 06 01:15 pm Link


Manda Mercure

Posts: 506

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Barron C wrote:
Facts are facts wishful thinking is wishful thinking.

no offense, but have you ever read a history book? africans did indeed trade african slaves. sorry to bust your bubble, but hey, facts are facts and wishful thinking is wishful thinking.

Nov 28 06 01:16 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Corey Wellman wrote:
just another racist complaining about other racists.... we should all move on

Whoa!  I haven't read this entire thread, but I'm letting everyone know right now, personal attacks are expressly prohibited by MM rules, and they will not be tolerated here.

Corey, consider yourself lucky that you're getting of with a warning right now.

BD, MM Moderator.

Nov 28 06 01:17 pm Link



Posts: 132

TOBYHANNA, Pennsylvania, US


Corey.. you can kiss my ass... I'm such a racists.. lol.. I have a white girlfriend and a half mexican daughter.. I must not like blacks...

I think he's talking about that other guy saying so much bad stuff about whites.

Nov 28 06 01:18 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Ransom J wrote:

You haven't even scratched the surface.  Detroit is black hell on earth.  I swear this is the most racially stunted city i have ever lived in, been too, visited.  And the worst part is how undercover it all is.  It's NOT blatant in your face "NIGGER" hatred, it's sytematic, government funded and legislated  fuckery that, quite frankly, even the 90 percent black population is just all to eager to be spoon fed and support.

And this coming from a dude that lived in one of the most back water towns in Georgia.  I saw more racially foward thinking in Columbus, GA/ Phenix City, AL then i've seen in my almost 3 years of living in Michigan.


Brotha, I hear you. I lived in the area most of my life. And yes is very subtle and bad back there. The way the system turned that city into a desolate place is almost like genocide. The example would be, the lack of transit system that is intentionally setup that way, seperating city from suburb.

Nov 28 06 01:20 pm Link


giovanni gruttola

Posts: 1279

Middle Island, New York, US

So bottom lining this and taking out the "color"... we got a model that flaked on a photographer... yawn

Nov 28 06 01:21 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Im'age NY (INY) wrote:
So bottom lining this and taking out the "color"... we got a model that flaked on a photographer... yawn

do to 'color'. yawn.

Nov 28 06 01:22 pm Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

That's silly, I have shot with 2 black photographers. It doesn't matter what color you are. As long as I get my $$, or photos.

Nov 28 06 01:27 pm Link


giovanni gruttola

Posts: 1279

Middle Island, New York, US

Legacys 7 wrote:

do to 'color'. yawn.

really... I didn't recall EMG saying it was due to color. I saw it get directed that way but I could be wrong... sneeze

Nov 28 06 01:28 pm Link



Posts: 72

Pasha Morena wrote:
I'm reading a couple of people saying that racism was invented by the Europeans and slavery started in the 1800s.  This could not be further from the truth.  Racism and slavery have been here since ancient times.  Slavery was started by the nations of color who were in power.  The Assyrians, Egyptians, Medes, Persians, Babylonians.  They enslaved all those who were not of their race, which would include the nationalities of caucasian decent as well as other nations of color.  Dont say "white people" or Europeans invented racism.  Its just not true.  We still see it today.  When I went to South Africa I was so surprised by how racist many people were I encountered.  We constantly got dirty looks.  I live in the south and I have never felt such aggression toward me.  and it wasnt just the white South Africans.  The lighter black south africans wouldnt even look at my mother or talk to her because she has a darker skin tone.  It shouldnt be like that anywhere in the world, but it is and placing blame on one nationality or another is wrong to do.  Racism is all over the world, sometimes it just manifests itself in different ways.

Slavery has always existed in some form or another but not chattel slavery based on race and on one race to say that ancient africans enslaved people for being white is absurd especially with no proof. Tell me when people of color had sex with people they said were not human and then sent their own children into slavery all the while claiming to be religious, show me a group of black people lynching and killing white children for exercising their rights, show me black cops shooting white unarmed assailants, show me black people practicing a form of apartheid against others show me black people having a picnic while their is a white corpse hanging in a tree behind them. Then maybe I would see your point.

Nov 28 06 01:31 pm Link


Bondo Photo

Posts: 250

Glen Burnie, Maryland, US

Back to the original topic of the post (this was my first time reading it), I had an African American model say she didn't trust me because I wasn't African American too. Obviously if she doesn't trust me, then we need not to be working together. Buh bye.

You can't blame one race or the other. Morons are morons no matter what color, race, sex, or religion they happen to be.

Nov 28 06 01:31 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Im'age NY (INY) wrote:
really... I didn't recall EMG saying it was due to color. I saw it get directed that way but I could be wrong... sneeze

EMG wrote:WTF is wrong with some of these white models?? You dumb asses.. I experienced just a small wiff of this type of prejudice over the weekend.. Anyone else care to share their thoughts???

Plus he confirmed this when he pointed out that someone confirmed that the model stated that she doesn't shoot with black photographers. Although he didn't need that part, because he made it very clear what he had meant....burp.

Nov 28 06 01:32 pm Link