Forums > General Industry > They don't shoot with BLACK photographers???


bobby sargent

Posts: 4159

Deming, New Mexico, US

Well isn't it their choice who they shoot with? 

Isn't it my choice who I shoot with?

If they do not want to shoot with him or her because of color who is to say they are right or wrong.

To each his own. bs

Nov 29 06 09:09 am Link



Posts: 16

Washington, District of Columbia, US

WTF is wrong with some of these white models?? You dumb asses.. I experienced just a small wiff of this type of prejudice over the weekend.. Anyone else care to share their thoughts???

your an artist should know anything is possible here ..only 40 percent of the models here would be considered profesional any if that..perfessionalism is 100% character when it comes to modeling and acting..NOT someone who shot with 20 different guys with a camera..or just purchased some tits and wanna pay them off..

Nov 29 06 09:27 am Link


Kishan South

Posts: 6

Los Angeles, California, US

wth that's some straight-up bulls*** man.. i can't stand ppl like that. my #1 photographer is black and i wouldn't even be modeling in the first place if it wasn't for him. oooh this s*** still makes me mad...

Nov 29 06 09:33 am Link


Sanjay N Patel

Posts: 134

Austin, Texas, US

Talent is colorless and international...Those models arent goin anywhere...photographers come in all shapes, sizes, genders, colors and personality

Nov 29 06 09:46 am Link


Briene Smith

Posts: 1407

Chicago, Illinois, US

Man I love this site

Nov 29 06 10:42 am Link



Posts: 650

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Frog516 wrote:

Are you freakin kidding me? A model actually refused a shot because you are black?

That's ridiculous.  Who cares about your race, it's your TALENT.

Nov 29 06 12:17 pm Link



Posts: 635

Newark, New Jersey, US

Nala Mills wrote:

Is it me or did the other model say that she was there when it happened? So, that must mean that it wasn't s(he) say right?

You got it!

Nov 29 06 01:58 pm Link


Lisa J Models

Posts: 44

Miami, Florida, US

I didn't have time to read all the replies, so sorry if I seem to be jumping back to something from page 4 and we're on 9 or 10 but I had to voice my opinion. I think sending the model who said this a link to this forum is enough to make her feel the pain she deserves for saying something so ignorant.

In my opinion, art doesn't judge the color of your skin, the church you attend, or the sex you prefer. In the end, none of those really have an affect of the quality of the picture. Of course others could argue that if you don't feel comfortable with working with someone, then dont....Agreed, but out of common courtesy, some people need to bite their tongue. It's simple to turn down an offer if you don't feel comfortable, but at least say you're having second guesses, or there is no chemistry between us and you don't think the images will be quality work for both your time....but I don't think it's right what she said......It's sad but true.

Nov 29 06 07:58 pm Link



Posts: 2033

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

_Alexandra wrote:
That's ridiculous.  Who cares about your race, it's your TALENT.

It's supposed to be this way, but often it isn't..

Nov 30 06 09:44 am Link


Jack Blake

Posts: 162

Mission Viejo, California, US


It's supposed to be this way, but often it isn't..

I'd been seeing this thread for a few days, and haven't had a chance to read it.. When I first read the headline I had to just shake my head.

I'm not sure if this is a race issue, or just a stupidity issue. Racism is here and to stay... regardless of the fact that it's "gotten better since '62"

There are still MANY folks out there that buy into stereotypes, and have listened to what their white (or black, brown, purple) grandparents have taught them about "those people". It's sick and sad, but true.

Not too long ago, in my other work, I had a young black man try to return a used and abused camera to me after using it for 6 mos.. As he stormed out of my store upon my refusal, he called me a "white prick".. (shrug) as if it had something to do with that. I'm sure his family has set him up to expect discrimination and to see it in everything. Racism works for all of us.. Again.. sick but true.

What REALLY amazes me is that she was stupid enough to be so honest about her feelings on the matter!!! lol!! Someone needs to teach her how to keep her trap shut!!

But then, I've been on here for a little while now, and I'm constantly amazed by what language is used on here, the things that are said and typed, and the ideas put out by supposed "pros" (models and photogs) not knowing who might read their words. I choose to be VERY careful about what I say and how I say it.. Ya never know if the next Cameron Diaz or Tyra Banks might be offended by what I type on here and choose not to work with me based on that.

In a case like this, I'm just shaking my head and thinking "never underestimate the power of human stupidity"..

LOL!!! Just had a thought... she probably wouldn't shoot with me either.. cuz I'm old and white. No big deal.

By the way.. Your photography speaks for itself. Great work.. You're a pro. As has been said a couple dozen times already.. her loss. There's NO way I can have your perspective, cuz I'm not in your shoes. But I'd say shrug it off, shake your head, call her an ignorant ____ and move on to work with fellow pros like yourself.


Nov 30 06 10:15 am Link