Forums > General Industry > They don't shoot with BLACK photographers???


Beautiful Rocks

Posts: 70

San Jose, California, US

Hey Bro,
Get over it. That's the way of the world. Look at it this way at least you found out up front instead of after the shoot when it could have been real messy (subtle brush against her or the boyfriend found out). After all, what did you lose over it? Look at all of this negative energy she caused. It would have been better off if you would have never said anything at all. We would have found out eventually by her not working with the Black photographers and her career on MM would be mute. As a Beautiful Black man myself, I must be an ambassador to the ignorant. I show "those" kinds of people that stuff like that makes us stronger. You'll find out that there are more people that don't mind than those that do.

Love, Peace & Hair grease.

Nov 28 06 12:16 pm Link



Posts: 7840


Legacys 7 wrote:
Loosen up your panties here. First off, I'm not arguing with you nor anyone on here. If you are going to post and I don't agree, deal with it. You made a statement that imo is stupid, but I didn't trip off of it. Now you are fucking crying because I don't agree? Shit, if you feel that way, then wtf are you on here? Somethings you just don't overlook, but if you chose to do so, then that's your perrogative and no one else has to go that route of 'denial'.

i wouldnt choose to spend any time with someone who talks like this ... (whole converstaion with Lotus)
it's the epitome of disrespect agression egotism insulting language and ignorance

Where I come from Black British people speak as the areas they come from or school they went to. Honestly it varies its not always ignorant and  there's a lot of patois derived speech which is really cool too

in USA the classic ebonics ideas i don't really hear
except in movies when they are seldom as negative sounding as this - for no reason, unless the black actor is being paid a lot of money to sound like a jerk

the point he made was supportive and recognised the journey..

i didnt read it to say you shouldn't expect fairplay
maybe i am more used to it tho

Nov 28 06 12:19 pm Link


Nala Mills

Posts: 124

Chicago, Illinois, US

Tony Culture Photoz wrote:
oh, ok. BTW, you are one hot sexy model, Nala !

Awe... you have me blushing (I'm light enough LOL). Thanks sweetie. I'm feeling the avatar.

Nov 28 06 12:19 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Mikes Images - Mike #4 wrote:

Once upon a time, I was waiting for a model I'd never met in person, to arrive for a shoot.  While waiting, I found a white cane that one of my studio mates was using as a prop for something or another.  I was playing with that when the model arrived and looked shocked. I still had my sunglasses on and probably looked a lot like a white Stevie Wonder. So I "rolled with the flow" and told her all she had to do was to talk to me, and I'd know where she was, then I could rely on the auto-focus mechanism in the camera to do the rest. She freaked.  :-) I probably shouldn't have done that to her, but her reaction told me that there were some things she wasn't prepared for.  Many models are just young kids, unfortunately, they still have the predjudices of their parents.  Hopefully, they'll get over it.

Not all are young kids. Many of these models on here average 25 years old. I had one who thought that I was white. Wanted to pick me up and drive down to the place to get the outfit. I was actually more shocked that she asked me this, because we don't know each other, never met. Actually when I think about it, it didn't surpise me. We fianlly talk on the phone, she couldn't help herself and asked me what is my racial background. I told her and she said that's what she thought after listening to my voice. She saids that she thought that I was white. Suddenly every excuse came up. Flat tire, sick, passed out on the job each time we set another date.

Maybe I should've just told her that I'm black, but only from the waist down.

Nov 28 06 12:20 pm Link


Christopher N.

Posts: 657

Troy, Michigan, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:

I can't say that I've been the victim of model prejudice [to my knowledge].  I can only assume that models who work in my genre [fetish/erotic/nude/et al] are way past trivialities like race by the time I get to them.

I'm inclined to agree. Being black myself I've gotten the occasional "I didn't know you were..." or even the slightly disturbing "Gee you didn't sound black on the phone....".

Maybe its the fact most of the women who've worked with me have been fetish models.


Nov 28 06 12:23 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Anjel Britt wrote:

i wouldnt choose to spend any time with someone who talks like this ...
it's the epitome of disrespect agression insulting language and ignorance

Where I come from Black British people speak as the areas they come from or school they went to. Honestly it varies itsn ot ignorant although ther's a lot of patois derived speech which is really cool too

in USA the classic ebonics ideas i don't really hear except in movies when they are seldom as violent sounding as this unles the black actor is being paid a lot opf money to sound like a jerk

All of that coming from a women who is contradicting on these forums with your loose slut talk. That's your business, but when you contradict yourself and can't take the heat and blow up my email and my tag with dumb shit because you can't keep it on the forums, you should start thinking about what you say before you say it.

Me and the other photographer both made our points never and don't have any beef with one another. And he also agreed with that post that you are trying to put out there.

Nov 28 06 12:24 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:

Bubba is NOT acceptable. Many country hicks are called Bubba. I prefer Leroy.

you beat me to it. lol. I was going to say that. I agree.

Nov 28 06 12:25 pm Link



Posts: 7840


i am meeting a tog soon when i talked to him yesterday i thought  he sounded great. i asked him ''This is a Black man's voice, have I got that right?'' (Flirt flirt) BUT I was not! I was suprised. He was very flattered that i told him he sounded like a (sexy strong) black man ... and he does!
He didnt think it was any insult!! i have never met these sort of 'models' or people here although i am shocked how few black people in CA wherever i have been
& I'm sorry to hear the ongoing racism in USA

Nov 28 06 12:25 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

Barron C wrote:

Call me sensitive but it seems a little weird to apologize for the truth.

forgot my sweatshirt..

had to fire up the computer and look again..

there are a lot of hypocrites around mm.. a white (or maybe hispanic) guy who says stuff here that is mild compared to your stuff (at least the few things ive seen him say/write and the stuff i've seen you say in this thread) is railed upon by dozens of people, there are people who start threads about this guy..

but you say stuff that is more potentialy hurtful, and only a couple of people call you on it..

seems two faced to me

i'm almost sorry for you if you aren't angry.. it's better to have hatred behind your anger, having nothing behind your hatred is a little frightening..

me and the other guy who called you on your stuff are your friends today, not the people who tell you you are right al the time..

Nov 28 06 12:26 pm Link


Tony Culture Photoz

Posts: 1555

Bloomfield, New Jersey, US

Tony Culture Photoz wrote:
oh, ok. BTW, you are one hot sexy model, Nala !

Nala Mills wrote:
Awe... you have me blushing (I'm light enough LOL). Thanks sweetie. I'm feeling the avatar.

Thank you on that. I am feeling hopes of shooting with you someday. Yes, "The Audacity of Hope" *plugging the new book by Barrack Obama*

Nov 28 06 12:26 pm Link


Michelle A

Posts: 66

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Tony Culture Photoz wrote:

I have had more than two white models cancel shoots with ridiculous reasons, and I do have a picture on my page. Although the pic might be a bit intimidating, along with the words written on it. It was in the name of fun though. The way I see it, if someone is really scared of me from my pic, it was well worth not doing or even planning a shoot.

I generally meet with photographers before shooting with them,  but that has nothing to do with determining their race. It has everything to do with chemistry. I've met photographers that I had no chemistry with and we both decided not to work together. I've also met photographers (of all races) who, to be frank, creeped me out and I decided not to do the shoot.

Anyone who decides not to work with you based on your race is ignorant. Plain and simple. Working with a variety of races is important whether you are a model, photog, MUA or stylist, it shows your versatility. This chick is not going to get anywhere if she doesn't look outside the box.

Nov 28 06 12:26 pm Link


Nala Mills

Posts: 124

Chicago, Illinois, US

Mikes Images - Mike #4 wrote:
Once upon a time, I was waiting for a model I'd never met in person, to arrive for a shoot.  While waiting, I found a white cane that one of my studio mates was using as a prop for something or another.  I was playing with that when the model arrived and looked shocked. I still had my sunglasses on and probably looked a lot like a white Stevie Wonder. So I "rolled with the flow" and told her all she had to do was to talk to me, and I'd know where she was, then I could rely on the auto-focus mechanism in the camera to do the rest. She freaked.  :-) I probably shouldn't have done that to her, but her reaction told me that there were some things she wasn't prepared for.  Many models are just young kids, unfortunately, they still have the predjudices of their parents.  Hopefully, they'll get over it.

LOL!!! I don't think that age would have anything to do with that. My photography teacher showed the class pictures that portrayed motion. They were taken by blind photographers. Some of the best pictures that I've seen.

Nov 28 06 12:27 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

MichelleAlexandra wrote:

I generally meet with photographers before shooting with them,  but that has nothing to do with determining their race. It has everything to do with chemistry. I've met photographers that I had no chemistry with and we both decided not to work together. I've also met photographers (of all races) who, to be frank, creeped me out and I decided not to do the shoot.

Anyone who decides not to work with you based on your race is ignorant. Plain and simple. Working with a variety of races is important whether you are a model, photog, MUA or stylist, it shows your versatility. This chick is not going to get anywhere if she doesn't look outside the box.

Tony isn't generlaizing. Yes, you are going to have alot of cases like what you are addressing. That's how it is, even black on black this happens.

Nov 28 06 12:29 pm Link


Terrence Blount

Posts: 379

Chicago, Illinois, US

Personally I can remember back to exactly last year when I went to a photography workshop in Chicago. Me and a friend (who's also on MM) were the only 2 African-American photographers that attended. The rest that were Caucasian. There was this one model from Indiana that was shooting with the other photographers, excluding my friend and I, but when it was my friend's turn to shoot her. She told the photographer in charge that she was going outside for a smoke. I watched the whole incident and paid no mind to it. My friend wound up shooting someone else.

When she got back, she was shooting with the other photographers and when it came to my friend's turn to shoot her, she went out again. He and I just looked at each other as we both knew what the deal was. It was real busy that day at the workshop as we were shooting nonstop. When it came to the point of leaving, the model asked if anyone could bring her bags to her car. No one responded but him.

My friend and I talked the next day and we talked about the situation with that model. We both agreed that she didn't want to shoot with him because he was Black. All the other models were Caucasian and Asian. We shot them without hesitation. To make this long story short, you can't impress everyone. There are some good and bad people. We just moved on afterwards.

Nov 28 06 12:30 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

Anjel Britt wrote:

i wouldnt choose to spend any time with someone who talks like this ... (whole converstaion with Lotus)
it's the epitome of disrespect agression egotism insulting language and ignorance

Where I come from Black British people speak as the areas they come from or school they went to. Honestly it varies its not always ignorant and  there's a lot of patois derived speech which is really cool too

in USA the classic ebonics ideas i don't really hear
except in movies when they are seldom as negative sounding as this - for no reason, unless the black actor is being paid a lot of money to sound like a jerk

the point he made was supportive and recoginoised the journey

i didnt read it to say you shouldnt expect fairplay
maybe i am more used to it tho

actually, i was a little heated for a sec, i posted a self effacing comment at about the same time as he asked my how tight my panties were, we chated out for a few mins afterwards.. we're cool,

of course if you are concerned about  my psyche you could fly up here and screw me for a couple of days..

Nov 28 06 12:32 pm Link



Posts: 7840


Legacys 7 wrote:
All of that coming from a women who is contradicting on these forums with your loose slut talk.

... he also agreed with that post that you are trying to put out there.

Excuse me?

I beg your pardon?

I think ''slut talk'' is an area i have yet to explore !! (and No I'm not following your example)
You really sound like a nasty peice of work; i dont have to agree with anyone BTW so please dont imagine thats why i wrote

i was sympathising with this thread - until i saw thay nasty talk again, from YOU it changed my mood

i should have realised it was the same person who attacked me before
we;l - you are not doing any CAUSE any good BUT at least its nice to know there's only one (or maybe a couple) on MM quite as as nasty and ridiculous as you at such an early age.

Nov 28 06 12:33 pm Link


Rik Austin

Posts: 12165

Austin, Texas, US

Michael Kirst wrote:
If it makes you feel any better, I don't shoot with dwarf Lebonese one-eyed photographers. (I hope they don't hold that against me)

Oh I can't resist this one.  I'm half Lebanese, blind in one eye and shorter than I used to be.  So does that mean you won't shoot with me half the time?  Makes me wonder if that's why half the models no show.

Nov 28 06 12:33 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Terrence Blount wrote:
Personally I can remember back to exactly last year when I went to a photography workshop in Chicago. Me and a friend (who's also on MM) were the only 2 African-American photographers that attended. The rest that were Caucasian. There was this one model from Indiana that was shooting with the other photographers, excluding my friend and I, but when it was my friend's turn to shoot her. She told the photographer in charge that she was going outside for a smoke. I watched the whole incident and paid no mind to it. My friend wound up shooting someone else.

When she got back, she was shooting with the other photographers and when it came to my friend's turn to shoot her, she went out again. He and I just looked at each other as we both knew what the deal was. It was real busy that day at the workshop as we were shooting nonstop. When it came to the point of leaving, the model asked if anyone could bring her bags to her car. No one responded but him.

My friend and I talked the next day and we talked about the situation with that model. We both agreed that she didn't want to shoot with him because he was Black. All the other models were Caucasian and Asian. We shot them without hesitation. To make this long story short, you can't impress everyone. There are some good and bad people. We just moved on afterwards.

this is true. I even had it with non MM members. one was excited work with me, yeap same experience. but in the end, we worked on more than one time.

Nov 28 06 12:33 pm Link



Posts: 796

The only type of photographer I don't shoot with on TFP/CD basis, is one with a port full of sexy t&a/all sexy shots because that's not my arena.  It's not that I don't like them/think there's anything wrong, but I really don't shoot well in that arena. I tried it a few times, and left it at that, behind for good.

Nov 28 06 12:34 pm Link



Posts: 72

lotusphoto wrote:

the white people who were against slavery started the discussion, and they gave voice to the slaves who -of course, didn't have a voice since they were slaves..

what do you think, that every white person liked slavery and hates blacks?

The Pope gave permission first to the Spanish and the Portugese to enter the slave trade in the  1500s it took Europeans tree hundred (your dates) years to start to discuss it? Do you want applause. I can not imagine a Black or Native American spiritual leader condoning slavery and the destruction of a people and their continents like the Pope. Maybe you know of one I anxiously await your answer. Historically wherever white men have traveled destuction and chaos soon follow America Africa India China Australia Japan Vietnam Iraq just to name a few. Facts are facts wishful thinking is wishful thinking.

Nov 28 06 12:35 pm Link


Tony Culture Photoz

Posts: 1555

Bloomfield, New Jersey, US

Terrence Blount wrote:
Personally I can remember back to exactly last year when I went to a photography workshop in Chicago. Me and a friend (who's also on MM) were the only 2 African-American photographers that attended. The rest that were Caucasian. There was this one model from Indiana that was shooting with the other photographers, excluding my friend and I, but when it was my friend's turn to shoot her. She told the photographer in charge that she was going outside for a smoke. I watched the whole incident and paid no mind to it. My friend wound up shooting someone else.

When she got back, she was shooting with the other photographers and when it came to my friend's turn to shoot her, she went out again. He and I just looked at each other as we both knew what the deal was. It was real busy that day at the workshop as we were shooting nonstop. When it came to the point of leaving, the model asked if anyone could bring her bags to her car. No one responded but him.

My friend and I talked the next day and we talked about the situation with that model. We both agreed that she didn't want to shoot with him because he was Black. All the other models were Caucasian and Asian. We shot them without hesitation. To make this long story short, you can't impress everyone. There are some good and bad people. We just moved on afterwards.

I would have loved this story so much more, if it continued on with "the model and my friend had a very honest conversation while he took her bags out for her, and she confided in him as to why she was avoiding him. He realised it was not her true feelings which led to her being discriminant of black men, but simply her upbringing. They agreed to do a shoot, did the shoot, and came to find out the gentleman my friend really is. To this day, she continually consults with him as a platonic friend, whenever she needs advice on modelling as well as life matters."

I know, I am too optimistic.

Nov 28 06 12:37 pm Link



Posts: 635

Newark, New Jersey, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:

I can't say that I've been the victim of model prejudice [to my knowledge].  I can only assume that models who work in my genre [fetish/erotic/nude/et al] are way past trivialities like race by the time I get to them.

Oh yea cause your sooooo scary wink
Ya know...with the body of work you have you would "think" people would be climbing all over each other to get to you...But the "vanilla" you see, are scared to death of your art...
Frig em
Do your thing smile
Hope to see ya soon and all is well smile

Nov 28 06 12:37 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

okay, one last comment..

i was at a model shoot in golden gate park, a black woman from berkeley had made a half dozen outfits, all the photographers were jockeying for position with the models, 4 photographers, 4 models, i had a sence that the black woman was being exclided, and so i went for her..

but oddly, the black woman who made all the outfits put the sexiest one on the white model, and steered the black model away from the shoot..


Nov 28 06 12:37 pm Link


Rik Austin

Posts: 12165

Austin, Texas, US

Savvy1007 wrote:
The only type of photographer I don't shoot with on TFP/CD basis, is one with a port full of sexy t&a/all sexy shots because that's not my arena.  It's not that I don't like them/think there's anything wrong, but I really don't shoot well in that arena. I tried it a few times, and left it at that, behind for good.

Not even with a half Lebanese, half blind photographer.  I'd only look at you half the time.

Nov 28 06 12:37 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Anjel Britt wrote:
Excuse me?

I beg your pardon?

I think ''slut talk'' is an area i have yet to explore !! (and No I'm not following your example)
You really sound like a nasty peice of work; i dont have to agree with anyone BTW so please dont imagine thats why i wrote

i was symphaising with this thread - until i saw thay nasty talk again, from YOU

i should have realised it was the same person who attacked me before
wel - at least its nice to know there's only one (or maybe a couple) on MM as nasty and ridiculous as you.

oh please britt, that mind game stuff doesn't work on me, which is why you have addresed this topic because you already know who I am, figuring that you can come in and play devil's advocate. as you can see, both I and the other photographer agreed on this topic and have moved on several post ago. And yes, you heard me and you are excused.

alll of this from a immature chick who takes the time to post silly stuff via email and tag. talk about being immature. i luv someone who 'assume' alot.

Nov 28 06 12:38 pm Link


Pasha M

Posts: 948

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Barron C wrote:

The Pope gave permission first to the Spanish and the Portugese to enter the slave trade in the  1500s it took Europeans tree hundred (your dates) years to start to discuss it? Do you want applause. I can not imagine a Black or Native American spiritual leader condoning slavery and the destruction of a people and their continents like the Pope. Maybe you know of one I anxiously await your answer. Historically wherever white men have traveled destuction and chaos soon follow America Africa India China Australia Japan Vietnam Iraq just to name a few. Facts are facts wishful thinking is wishful thinking.

How would you explain what happened in Rwanda between the Huttu and Tutsi tribes?

Nov 28 06 12:39 pm Link


Sarah Hutch

Posts: 84

Red Bank, New Jersey, US

I'm always shocked when a topic like this comes up. I was raised in a way that I really didn't recognize a difference between black people, caucasian, etc. for quite a long time. They look different than me, but so does my brother, my mom, my friends... I don't think that behavior is right, but as others have said on this thread, it's better to be the bigger person. Let it pass and have faith that what they deserve they'll get and you'll receive what you deserve in life too.

Nov 28 06 12:40 pm Link


Tony Culture Photoz

Posts: 1555

Bloomfield, New Jersey, US

lotusphoto wrote:
okay, one last comment..

i was at a model shoot in golden gate park, a black woman from berkeley had made a half dozen outfits, all the photographers were jockeying for position with the models, 4 photographers, 4 models, i had a sence that the black woman was being exclided, and so i went for her..

but oddly, the black woman who made all the outfits put the sexiest one on the white model, and steered the black model away from the shoot..


She probably thought she was making a good "business decision" to do so. Just like some people I know, who do music....they try to do songs/recordings "tailored for a white audience" saying that is who spends money on cd's. I don't know that to be true though. I usually see all kinds of people buying all different kinds of cd/music.

Nov 28 06 12:40 pm Link



Posts: 7840


I'm not wprried about U huni
i think this fella makes a poor case for the CAUSE he's joined in with
it would be better for any group if he just keep quiet IMHO because he really isn't able to understand stuff or else really unpleasent.
in the subject here that he reveals he can't understand what is said to him from a person form another country, ever!
Kinda funny.

Nov 28 06 12:40 pm Link



Posts: 2033

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

ARTform Images wrote:
Hey Bro,
Get over it. That's the way of the world. Look at it this way at least you found out up front instead of after the shoot when it could have been real messy (subtle brush against her or the boyfriend found out). After all, what did you lose over it? Look at all of this negative energy she caused. It would have been better off if you would have never said anything at all. We would have found out eventually by her not working with the Black photographers and her career on MM would be mute. As a Beautiful Black man myself, I must be an ambassador to the ignorant. I show "those" kinds of people that stuff like that makes us stronger. You'll find out that there are more people that don't mind than those that do.

Love, Peace & Hair grease.

Contrary to what you might think, I don't appreciate being calling bro.. I'm not surprised that "this is the way of the world".  Could of, should of, would of.. okay.. I get that.. I lost nothing, you're right...

It would have been better off if I would have just kept it to myself.. okay.. That's what pervert preists used to tell young boys.. Don't tell anyone!!

You would have found out EVENTUALLY.. why would you prefer to know later, rather than sooner??

Next time I'll create a thread about "Getting a blow job while doing headshots" maybe that one will be of more interest to you..

Nov 28 06 12:40 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

Barron C wrote:

The Pope gave permission first to the Spanish and the Portugese to enter the slave trade in the  1500s it took Europeans tree hundred (your dates) years to start to discuss it? Do you want applause. I can not imagine a Black or Native American spiritual leader condoning slavery and the destruction of a people and their continents like the Pope. Maybe you know of one I anxiously await your answer. Historically wherever white men have traveled destuction and chaos soon follow America Africa India China Australia Japan Vietnam Iraq just to name a few. Facts are facts wishful thinking is wishful thinking.

spain? moors, look a little deeper..

when the brits sank the spannish armada a single ship escaped to ireland, the moors who landed here gave rise to the 'black irish'

slaves were in africa when the pyramids were built, china when the great wall was built, and i doubt stonehenge was built by people who got overtime..

Nov 28 06 12:40 pm Link



Posts: 72

lotusphoto wrote:

forgot my sweatshirt..

had to fire up the computer and look again..

there are a lot of hypocrites around mm.. a white (or maybe hispanic) guy who says stuff here that is mild compared to your stuff (at least the few things ive seen him say/write and the stuff i've seen you say in this thread) is railed upon by dozens of people, there are people who start threads about this guy..

but you say stuff that is more potentialy hurtful, and only a couple of people call you on it..

seems two faced to me

i'm almost sorry for you if you aren't angry.. it's better to have hatred behind your anger, having nothing behind your hatred is a little frightening..

me and the other guy who called you on your stuff are your friends today, not the people who tell you you are right al the time..

I missed the quotes where I spewed hatred can you show them to me if I say the Nazis killed six million jews is that hatred or the truth the european has killed countless millions of brown black and yellow people all over the earth all your whining will not change this.

Nov 28 06 12:41 pm Link



Posts: 7840


Legacys 7 wrote:
oh please britt, that mind game stuff doesn't work on me, which is why you have addresed this topic because you already know who I am, figuring that you can come in and play devil's advocate. as you can see, both I and the other photographer agreed on this topic and have moved on several post ago. And yes, you heard me and you are excused.

alll of this from a immature chick who takes the time to post silly stuff via email and tag. talk about being immature. i luv someone who 'assume' alot.

ASSUME you sure do
i am a civilized adult not ''whatever it is'' you are
or expect
im soooo glad i don't live near YOUR Fantasy world

keep that ugly avatar with the pool table then if you expected me to recall whom you are any other way

Nov 28 06 12:41 pm Link


Tony Culture Photoz

Posts: 1555

Bloomfield, New Jersey, US

Sarah Hutch wrote:
I'm always shocked when a topic like this comes up. I was raised in a way that I really didn't recognize a difference between black people, caucasian, etc. for quite a long time. They look different than me, but so does my brother, my mom, my friends... I don't think that behavior is right, but as others have said on this thread, it's better to be the bigger person. Let it pass and have faith that what they deserve they'll get and you'll receive what you deserve in life too.

Nuff Respect to your mom & dad , or whoever "raised" you that way.

Nov 28 06 12:41 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Pasha Morena wrote:

How would you explain what happened in Rwanda between the Huttu and Tutsi tribes?

actually those two tribes came about because one was trying to prevent colonialism. have you ever read the book titled 'the covenant'? it's by the late author James Mishcner? I think I spelled the last name right.

Nov 28 06 12:43 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

Anjel Britt wrote:
I'm not wprried about U huni
i think this fella makes a poor case for the CAUSE he's joined in with
it would be better for any group if he just keep quiet IMHO because he really isn't able to understand stuff or else really unpleasent.
in the subject here that he reveals he can't understand what is said to him from a person form another country, ever!
Kinda funny.

oddly, in a thread about self portraits a couple of days ago i pm'd him in hopes that his shot/background was nearby, i like how he looks at the world..

but it's okay if you don't understand us, you being a foreigner and all

Nov 28 06 12:44 pm Link


Ex Voto Studio

Posts: 4985

Columbia, Maryland, US

Barron C wrote:

The Pope gave permission first to the Spanish and the Portugese to enter the slave trade in the  1500s it took Europeans tree hundred (your dates) years to start to discuss it? Do you want applause. I can not imagine a Black or Native American spiritual leader condoning slavery and the destruction of a people and their continents like the Pope. Maybe you know of one I anxiously await your answer. Historically wherever white men have traveled destuction and chaos soon follow America Africa India China Australia Japan Vietnam Iraq just to name a few. Facts are facts wishful thinking is wishful thinking.

You have missed a little history here...  Japan and China, Indonesia,   Africa all had slaves...granted the ones in Africa did not get tortured but they also were not free to go....   Who Moses help free and lead?   it's all through our world history sorry to say..

Nov 28 06 12:46 pm Link


Sarah Hutch

Posts: 84

Red Bank, New Jersey, US

Thanks Tony. I'm proud of 'em. smile My mom and dad that is...

Nov 28 06 12:46 pm Link



Posts: 635

Newark, New Jersey, US

Ok reality is if your a flake...your a flake...It comes in many shapes, sizes and colors.
If your an ass...your an ass...same there.
So who cares what friggin color you are?

Now everyone go out and be productive...

Nov 28 06 12:47 pm Link


Pasha M

Posts: 948

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Legacys 7 wrote:

actually those two tribes came about because one was trying to prevent colonialism. have you ever read the book titled 'the covenant'? it's by the late author James Mishcner? I think I spelled the last name right.

I understand that, but genocide is no excuse for preventing colonialism.

Nov 28 06 12:47 pm Link