Forums > General Industry > I Really Pissed Off Her Mom......


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Mikel Featherston wrote:
I *did* strip down to my underwear in front of Wynd last weekend.

Wynd Mulysa wrote:
A photographer exposed himself to me less than a week ago.  Haha.

Wynd Mulysa wrote:
And I wasn't even talking about Mike!

*GASP* The HORROR!  You must be suffering from PPPESS (Post Photographer Penis Exposure Stress Syndrome)  Get Thee to a NUNNERY!

Seriously... is that the best anyone's got?

(and uh... wynd... what's with guys showing you their junk?)

Oct 18 06 09:16 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US


Oct 18 06 09:17 pm Link


Dean Photography

Posts: 4

West Monroe, Louisiana, US

Let me put it a different way for you. What you said to the mother aside (which was completely out of line and none of your business) you really need to think about yourself in a situation like what you were wanting.
1) Underage Girl
2) She is obviously not honest with her mother
3) Alone

You remember the salem witch trials where people were burned at the stake just on the word of the girl. Well welcome to 2006 where all it takes is the word of an underage girl that you were inapproperate (wether you were or not) to get you arrented. Courts tend to be on the girls side more than yours. All it would take is that girl getting the wrong idea (thinking that you want her alone to do what she does with other older men. Shoot she might have found you attractive..who knows). Now as well ALL know, because you have blateltly said so, you would never take advantage of a girl like that. Well lets say that after you are an upstanding guy and reject her, she decides that shes mad about it..."oh mom, you won't believe what he tried to do". Hello police. Think about that next time you ask to be alone with an underage girl. It happens. Watch yourself.

Oct 18 06 09:19 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Kinetic Photography wrote:
From the mothers perspective, why is it appropriate for her daughter to have sex with other guys but not with a photographer ?  Why are parents so quick to leave their kids alone with coaches, teachers, driving instructors, co-workers and everyone else, but not a photographer ?

You should have stopped there, but now it just looks like you're mad that you're not getting your turn.

"You let her fuck all those other guys, why not me?!"

Oct 18 06 09:19 pm Link


House of DL

Posts: 523

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

James Jackson wrote:
oh?  Do tell... Please... Post links... IN FACT come over to "the thread" and post the links to these articles and records of convicted felons who are also professional photographers... please.. please... we've been looking for documentable actual data.

If you do a search of the forums here, it was posted about 4 months ago.  The info i have was from the news coverage!

here is the thread -

Oct 18 06 09:20 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Jack Checkowy wrote:

If you do a search of the forums here, it was posted about 4 months ago.  The info i have was from the news coverage!

Like I said... please *do* post the links to the news coverage because I would *so* love to see these facts. smile

Oct 18 06 09:21 pm Link



Posts: 89

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

You guys are too funny! Remember, in Prison when someone asks you to dance you might have to!  If she's under 18 have a witness!

Oct 18 06 09:22 pm Link


Anne of Ohio

Posts: 4391

Columbus, Ohio, US

James Jackson wrote:

Patricia Daniels wrote:
Okay let me try to explain SLOWLY....You are a photographer...It is not your place to tell a mother about daughters sexual relations..PERIOD...DUH...Thats what went wrong in conversation....your kinda freakin me out...The photographers I have worked with would NEVER want to be alone with a underaged model..PERIOD....

Whoa whoa with the illogical leaps there Patricia...

Saying something idiotic and being a pervert are two different things...

Also, some very good photographers have been alone with models under the age of 18.  Me included.  In fact, you can see her boobies in my web portfolio.

Shooting a model that is under 18, and trying to have sex with her are two different things as well... [/quote

Oct 18 06 09:23 pm Link



Posts: 167

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Listen, I have read this thread and just want to make a few points.
In some states, being not the guardian of a child, it is against the law for them to even be in your prescence without their legal guardian. Because in your care you are responsible for their welfare at that given moment. Only if she was an emancipated minor where she can make decisions for herself cause she has had a child or living on her own is when she can be alone with you.

I am telling you these things Kinetic cause you say this is a hobby, but jail isn't. I am sorry but i live in NYC and there isn't too much i have not heard happen. A 17yr old girl can say you did this or that to her and whatever. It's your word against hers. Cause NO court of law is going to believe you, only her. Sorry, its the way it is. If i shoot minors, i always have them bring a friend or have another in the studio with me, for that matter i avoid the confusion all together and just dont bother to shoot em at all. Wait another year if she's 17, there are thousands of models out there to shoot other then her. For that matter you dont know the power of referrals, her mom could of recommended you to 10-15 others. She must of thought highly of you to even of called you in the first place. Referrals are more powerful then advertising, and FREE!

You also said daughters are left with coaches and others of that nature all the time, but that is with a group of other girls as well. I dont think it was appropriate at all for the comment you made to the mom, imagine you said that to some woman's husband who was her manager or agent? Think, it is a matter of professionalism, maybe you really do take this as a hobby, then you shouldnt of even brought this topic up.

To all of those who agreed that the mom went bananas, I dont know what if someone said that to you about your mate? or you about your daughter?

Think people, that was totally uncalled for...

Oct 18 06 09:23 pm Link


Anne of Ohio

Posts: 4391

Columbus, Ohio, US

RohanB wrote:
Listen, I have read this thread and just want to make a few points.
In some states, being not the guardian of a child, it is against the law for them to even be in your prescence without their legal guardian. Because in your care you are responsible for their welfare at that given moment. Only if she was an emancipated minor where she can make decisions for herself cause she has had a child or living on her own is when she can be alone with you.

I am telling you these things Kinetic cause you say this is a hobby, but jail isn't. I am sorry but i live in NYC and there isn't too much i have not heard happen. A 17yr old girl can say you did this or that to her and whatever. It's your word against hers. Cause NO court of law is going to believe you, only her. Sorry, its the way it is. If i shoot minors, i always have them bring a friend or have another in the studio with me, for that matter i avoid the confusion all together and just dont bother to shoot em at all. Wait another year if she's 17, there are thousands of models out there to shoot other then her. For that matter you dont know the power of referrals, her mom could of recommended you to 10-15 others. She must of thought highly of you to even of called you in the first place. Referrals are more powerful then advertising, and FREE!

You also said daughters are left with coaches and others of that nature all the time, but that is with a group of other girls as well. I dont think it was appropriate at all for the comment you made to the mom, imagine you said that to some woman's husband who was her manager or agent? Think, it is a matter of professionalism, maybe you really do take this as a hobby, then you shouldnt of even brought this topic up.

To all of those who agreed that the mom went bananas, I dont know what if someone said that to you about your mate? or you about your daughter?

Think people, that was totally uncalled for...[/quo

Well said!

Oct 18 06 09:26 pm Link



Posts: 513

Fresno, California, US

RohanB wrote:
In some states, being not the guardian of a child, it is against the law for them to even be in your prescence without their legal guardian.

Seriously, where do you guys come up with this stuff? 

-- rick

Oct 18 06 09:27 pm Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

If all the pictures were so great what was the reason for telling the mom to butt out? Obviously you offended her and as a mother she should be concerned for her daughter. Whatever this kid does in her private life is not your business either.

Oct 18 06 09:28 pm Link


Anne of Ohio

Posts: 4391

Columbus, Ohio, US

Patricia Daniels wrote:

James Jackson wrote:

Patricia Daniels wrote:
Okay let me try to explain SLOWLY....You are a photographer...It is not your place to tell a mother about daughters sexual relations..PERIOD...DUH...Thats what went wrong in conversation....your kinda freakin me out...The photographers I have worked with would NEVER want to be alone with a underaged model..PERIOD....

Whoa whoa with the illogical leaps there Patricia...

Saying something idiotic and being a pervert are two different things...

Also, some very good photographers have been alone with models under the age of 18.  Me included.  In fact, you can see her boobies in my web portfolio.

Shooting a model that is under 18, and trying to have sex with her are two different things as well... [/quote

Do I understand correctly...That this underage model is topless?

Oct 18 06 09:28 pm Link



Posts: 167

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

James Jackson wrote:

Whoa whoa with the illogical leaps there Patricia...

Saying something idiotic and being a pervert are two different things...

Also, some very good photographers have been alone with models under the age of 18.  Me included.  In fact, you can see her boobies in my web portfolio.

Shooting a model that is under 18, and trying to have sex with her are two different things as well...

You are right James, but you need to take into account, a minor can say anything, the courts will in most cases believe her. Why even go thru paying a lawyer to fight it and prove she lied that you did this or said that, and just have someone else there. I don't think I ever want to be alone with an underage model, you have to also take into account the maturity of most girls that age to begin with...

Oct 18 06 09:29 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

however, I asked if I could do the shoot just one on one with the model because I felt she wasnt opening up enough due to her mom being there.  The mom was understanding but accused me of trying to be alone with her daughter so I could make "advances" toward her.

Too all of you knuckle heads who want to slam the OP...

The mother made an accusation which was unfounded. Plus, the guy has already shown he is a great shooter. 2 shhots in the can.. A third requested.

The photgrapher explained his reasons. The mother could have said, I dont trust my daughter, I need to monitor her..NOT ACCUSE the photgrapher.

I would have slammed her the same way.
As far as outting the girl to the mother...I hope to hi hell the mother is smart enough to be on myspace, keeping an eye on the girl. If not, she should start there before the STUDIO. She is a little late.

I am a professional, and sometimes you have to drop the hammer.
As to the DUMB ass question as to how many clients he will lose..LOL..

FOR those of you with teenagers, you better wake up. If this guy has shot with prople in the area, his name is already known..And all the kids know who is shagging who. I'd bet 1 million bucks, half of you dont know how well versed YOUR own kids are at sex already. So, I hope she does run her mouth...She will be a laughing stock of the hood.

Talk to me the way she did, and I'd send her a link to her kids site as well as give her an ear full of grief.

Oct 18 06 09:33 pm Link


GianCarlo Images

Posts: 2427

Brooklyn, New York, US

I think mothers can get in the way because I've had them trying to direct things, but would never shoot someone under age without someone else present. It's just inviting trouble. You never know who can turn out delusional and make unfounded accusations; It's just not worth it. I try not to shoot models under 24 for anything that would be considered sexy let alone nude work.

Oct 18 06 09:34 pm Link



Posts: 513

Fresno, California, US

RohanB wrote:
Why even go thru paying a lawyer to fight it and prove she lied that you did this or said that, and just have someone else there.

Especially when, most likely, you won't be able to prove it.  Can you prove the existence or non-existence of god?  Nope.  It's a matter of faith. 

Same thing with this situation in court.  And all you have to do is read this board to realize there will be no faith in your story.  wink 

And, seriously, there won't be.  Can you say McMartin preschool?  Most people would be lucky if they get to plead out to some other thing they didn't do, but which is less opprobrious than the sexual battery of a minor with which they might find themselves charged. 

As many people here have said, it's just not worth it.

-- rick

P.S. I am in no way giving anyone any particularized legal advice and my comments should not be interpreted that way.  As you'll note, I'm making generalized comments.  YMMV.  I'm not an attorney.  I won't be for at least another few months, at the soonest (currently awaiting test results and admission to the Bar).

Oct 18 06 09:34 pm Link



Posts: 89

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Each state has a different "age of Consent."  In Kentucky it is 16 yrs old.  Regardless, you can still be charge with other "contributing to the delinquency of a minor...lewd and lucivious behavior...etc.  But also remember Federal Porn Laws say "no images of a person under the age of 18 that appeals to the "puritant interest" of the persons viewing the subject matter.  Look it up!

If she's under 18 and you take a picture of her cupping her breast, then you created "kiddie porn" in the eyes of the Federal government!

Wise up!  There's enough models, both male and female, who are over the age of 18 and want to be photographed.

PS.  I'm ex-law enforcement  this is how I know this shit!

Oct 18 06 09:34 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Claire Elizabeth wrote:
If all the pictures were so great what was the reason for telling the mom to butt out? Obviously you offended her and as a mother she should be concerned for her daughter. Whatever this kid does in her private life is not your business either.

There isd NOTHING private about MYSPACE

Oct 18 06 09:35 pm Link


OLJ studio

Posts: 1550

Winnetka, California, US

my personal advice is - never ever be alone with underage. always make sure that you have anybody from their side. eventually you will save a lot of money and nerves when one of them will accuse you. she can do this easily to cover her affair with somebody else.

Oct 18 06 09:38 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

So Shoot Me! wrote:

Seriously, where do you guys come up with this stuff? 

-- rick

It was posted in a forum somewhere.

Oct 18 06 09:39 pm Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

Vance wrote:
The photgrapher explained his reasons. The mother could have said, I dont trust my daughter, I need to monitor her..NOT ACCUSE the photgrapher.

According to the OP, Mom's reaction to a 1-on-1 shoot was... "well because you are a photographer and it wouldnt be appropiate."

How is this considered an accusation & not a difference of opinion?

Oct 18 06 09:39 pm Link



Posts: 1165

Ripon, California, US

Perhaps I am just reaching here but I would never want to be alone with a minor in a shoot period. As a photographer you leave yourself wide open. But thats just me.

Oct 18 06 09:39 pm Link



Posts: 167

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

So Shoot Me! wrote:

Seriously, where do you guys come up with this stuff? 

-- rick

Not making it up, research it. In my other world of shooting I have to abide by laws of 2257, so had my lawyers research alot of stuff. Laws like that protect kids from weirdos i guess but not BS'ing, laws are like that in some states.

Oct 18 06 09:40 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Vance wrote:
As far as outting the girl to the mother...I hope to hi hell the mother is smart enough to be on myspace, keeping an eye on the girl. If not, she should start there before the STUDIO. She is a little late.

Since trust is important, whose trust is more important?  The mother's or the daughters?  If the mother calls, admits she was wrong and apologizes, he outted his model to her mom.  How cheap is that?

Oct 18 06 09:41 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

So Shoot Me! wrote:

Especially when, most likely, you won't be able to prove it.  Can you prove the existence or non-existence of god?  Nope.  It's a matter of faith. 

Same thing with this situation in court.  And all you have to do is read this board to realize there will be no faith in your story.  wink 

And, seriously, there won't be.  Can you say McMartin preschool?  Most people would be lucky if they get to plead out to some other thing they didn't do, but which is less opprobrious than the sexual battery of a minor with which they might find themselves charged. 

As many people here have said, it's just not worth it.

-- rick

P.S. I am in no way giving anyone any particularized legal advice and my comments should not be interpreted that way.  As you'll note, I'm making generalized comments.  YMMV.  I'm not an attorney.  I won't be for at least another few months, at the soonest (currently awaiting test results and admission to the Bar).

Since I've slammed plenty of those full of fear on escorts I must be fair. I dont run my business from a state of fear. If I get amodel who is underage, I get a parent to sigh a form. I dont shoot them holding their boobs. PLEASE! Kids fly across the nation alone all the time. Kids do a lot all the time. Parents leave them in situations whith OTHER adults knowing it is in a controled enviorment. Photgraphy shoud be no different. To see photgraphers talking this way only adds to the hype.

For the record..

Go ahead and try to prove something I didnt do..I dare ya.....

As Donald Trump once told me...If they screw you..CRUSH EM!
I welcome a fight...I have enough things in place and people in my corner..I dare someone to come up with an unfounded accusation..Why I am willing?

Principle.....Im just that type of guy...

I refuse to live in fear of WHAT IF..screw that...

Oct 18 06 09:44 pm Link



Posts: 167

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

mophoto wrote:
my personal advice is - never ever be alone with underage. always make sure that you have anybody from their side. eventually you will save a lot of money and nerves when one of them will accuse you. she can do this easily to cover her affair with somebody else.


Maybe I watch too much Lifetime movies with the wife, but working for EMS in NYC in the past for over like 10 years you see alot! a minor can say anything about "that photog guy i shot with 3-4 weeks ago"

Oct 18 06 09:45 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Farenell Photography wrote:
According to the OP, Mom's reaction to a 1-on-1 shoot was... "well because you are a photographer and it wouldnt be appropiate."

How is this considered an accusation & not a difference of opinion?

read it again..she stated he was trying to make advances...that my friend is the accusation....

Let's think for ONE second....Would you realy set up a rape of HOOK UP with the Mother?  Let's be this point you would think there was some trust already..MOM is fearful of super sexy shaggable state it from that point of view..not blame the photgrapher or the profession as it were..

The last girl in my port is 14.. The shoot was for a spa type company.... MOMMY wasnt there for every shoot...

And nobody stood over me for every shot or the MULTIPLE shoots we had to do..
So that underage crap is BS..
The world is becoming too fearful and way too PC...I choose to walk a differnet path.

Coomon sense does not mean work from fear. I always speak with parents and I always make sure the content is talked about before hand. There simply isnt enough time between DROP off and PICK up, to shoot and get it on....Please....

WE CONTROL the shoots..From the conversation to the content, the flow of the shoot is so professional, it would have to be a conspiricy for someone to make an accusation. And if tats the case, hell..They could do that with out booking a shoot.


Oct 18 06 09:46 pm Link


Kinetic Photography

Posts: 517


"Since I've slammed plenty of those full of fear on escorts I must be fair. I dont run my business from a state of fear. If I get amodel who is underage, I get a parent to sigh a form. I dont shoot them holding their boobs. PLEASE! Kids fly across the nation alone all the time. Kids do a lot all the time. Parents leave them in situations whith OTHER adults knowing it is in a controled enviorment. Photgraphy shoud be no different. To see photgraphers talking this way only adds to the hype.

For the record..

Go ahead and try to prove something I didnt do..I dare ya.....

As Donald Trump once told me...If they screw you..CRUSH EM!
I welcome a fight...I have enough things in place and people in my corner..I dare someone to come up with an unfounded accusation..Why I am willing?

Principle.....Im just that type of guy...

I refuse to live in fear of WHAT IF..screw that.. "

Exactly how I feel.  I have NO FEAR of a model making a false accusation about me.  I REFUSE to sit by and not take advantage of my skills as a photographer and my luck in being able to work with beautiful models because someone might lodge a false accusation.  I live cleanly and thus it means I dont worry.   I pitty those who hedge their bets and live life based on all the things that "could" go wrong.

Oct 18 06 09:55 pm Link



Posts: 167

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Vance wrote:

read it again..she stated he was trying to make advances...that my friend is the accusation....

Let's think for ONE second....Would you realy set up a rape of HOOK UP with the Mother?  Let's be this point you would think there was some trust already..MOM is fearful of super sexy shaggable state it from that point of view..not blame the photgrapher or the profession as it were..

You know what? whatever the mother said, he should of been the professional and not made an opinion about her daughter saying she is screwing other guys her age anyways, what kind of comment is that to tell a mother. I dont think she was being overprotective, just being a mother. If the girl is going to the mall, i am sure any mother in their right mind is going to ask the daughter with who, how you getting there, what time you're coming home.

Oct 18 06 09:55 pm Link



Posts: 268

Dublin, Georgia, US

I have twin daughters (19 now). I understand the mother's point of view although unjustified.  I'm sure she's in denial, by choice...."she's her little girl" and will probably always feel that way.....I still feel that way about my daughters.  Yes she was outta line, and yes I get offended when my non-photographer friends ask me unethical questions re: clients.  I don't shoot youngsters without a guardian/parent.  No headaches later.  Maybe just a "lady you've just offended me" would have sufficed.  No offense but I just don't like to stoop to any level.

Oct 18 06 09:57 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

RohanB wrote:

You know what? whatever the mother said, he should of been the professional and not made an opinion about her daughter saying she is screwing other guys her age anyways, what kind of comment is that to tell a mother. I dont think she was being overprotective, just being a mother. If the girl is going to the mall, i am sure any mother in their right mind is going to ask the daughter with who, how you getting there, what time you're coming home.

Stating she thought te photgrapher was trying to make advances was out of line period..and the reaction she got was just...I will throw so called professionalism out the window when I am accused or spoken to like an idiot. Especialy after I have already proven myself. WHY >>>> because I can...te people in my stable out weigh the idiots..I dont have to beg or suck ass.....My phone rings all day..I have earned the rightto be a dick to those who wish to step on my toes.

Professionalism doesnt mean to allow others to step on my toes. Nor should it mean the same for any other.

The OP, made some statements as to the charater of the teen for the sake of the post.

I see many people cant or dont read in terms of context.
I dont spell check, but I can certainly read quite well.

Parents are idiots many times when it comes to their kids..FINE>.just leave that shit on YOUR DOORSTEP...not mine...When I talk to parents I demand a certain amount of respect. Their MONEY means nothing to me if it means kissing ass.

Oct 18 06 10:02 pm Link


Anthony Wallace333

Posts: 117

you should have shut your mouth and had sweet sex with her. SNAP!

Oct 18 06 10:08 pm Link


Kinetic Photography

Posts: 517


All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand.

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

OK, so what's the speed of dark?

How do you tell when you're out of invisible ink?

If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked


Support bacteria - they're the only culture some people have.

When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.

Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.

Hard work pays off in the future. Laziness pays off now.

Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film.

Shin: a device for finding furniture in the dark.

Many people quit looking for work when they find a job.

I intend to live forever - so far, so good.

Join the Army, meet interesting people, kill them.

If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?

Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

Dancing is a perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire.

When I'm not in my right mind, my left mind gets pretty crowded.

Boycott shampoo! Demand the REAL poo!

Who is General Failure and why is he reading my hard disk?

What happens if you get scared half to death twice?

I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out.

I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.

Why do psychics have to ask you for your name?

If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.

If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.

Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism.

The colder the X-ray table, the more of your body is required to be on it.

The hardness of the butter is proportional to the softness of the bread.

The severity of the itch is proportional to the reach.

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is


You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive.

The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.

Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7th of your life.

The sooner you fall behind, the more time you'll have to catch up. (this is

one of my long time favorites)

A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.

If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you've never tried


Change is inevitable....except from vending machines.

A fool and his money are soon partying.

Plan to be spontaneous tomorrow.

If you think nobody cares about you, try missing a couple of payments.

Drugs may lead to nowhere, but at least it's the scenic route.

I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of checks.

Borrow money from pessimists-they don't expect it back.

Half the people you know are below average.

99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.

42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.

A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel so good.

Oct 18 06 10:14 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

This is getting even lamer.

Oct 18 06 10:15 pm Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

Kinetic Photography wrote:


Oct 18 06 10:16 pm Link



Posts: 268

Dublin, Georgia, US

Vance wrote:

Stating she thought te photgrapher was trying to make advances was out of line period..and the reaction she got was just...I will throw so called professionalism out the window when I am accused or spoken to like an idiot. Especialy after I have already proven myself. WHY >>>> because I can...te people in my stable out weigh the idiots..I dont have to beg or suck ass.....My phone rings all day..I have earned the rightto be a dick to those who wish to step on my toes.

Professionalism doesnt mean to allow others to step on my toes. Nor should it mean the same for any other.

The OP, made some statements as to the charater of the teen for the sake of the post.

I see many people cant or dont read in terms of context.
I dont spell check, but I can certainly read quite well.

Parents are idiots many times when it comes to their kids..FINE>.just leave that shit on YOUR DOORSTEP...not mine...When I talk to parents I demand a certain amount of respect. Their MONEY means nothing to me if it means kissing ass.

I said "of course, I should have known.  Its a good thing all of those other guys she is having sex with arent photographers" 

Where are the quotes? Are you a parent?  My point: attack the threat/whatever.

Oct 18 06 10:20 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

RohanB wrote:
Listen, I have read this thread and just want to make a few points.
In some states, being not the guardian of a child, it is against the law for them to even be in your prescence without their legal guardian. Because in your care you are responsible for their welfare at that given moment. Only if she was an emancipated minor where she can make decisions for herself cause she has had a child or living on her own is when she can be alone with you.

I am telling you these things Kinetic cause you say this is a hobby, but jail isn't. I am sorry but i live in NYC and there isn't too much i have not heard happen. A 17yr old girl can say you did this or that to her and whatever. It's your word against hers. Cause NO court of law is going to believe you, only her. Sorry, its the way it is. If i shoot minors, i always have them bring a friend or have another in the studio with me, for that matter i avoid the confusion all together and just dont bother to shoot em at all. Wait another year if she's 17, there are thousands of models out there to shoot other then her. For that matter you dont know the power of referrals, her mom could of recommended you to 10-15 others. She must of thought highly of you to even of called you in the first place. Referrals are more powerful then advertising, and FREE!

You also said daughters are left with coaches and others of that nature all the time, but that is with a group of other girls as well. I dont think it was appropriate at all for the comment you made to the mom, imagine you said that to some woman's husband who was her manager or agent? Think, it is a matter of professionalism, maybe you really do take this as a hobby, then you shouldnt of even brought this topic up.

To all of those who agreed that the mom went bananas, I dont know what if someone said that to you about your mate? or you about your daughter?

Think people, that was totally uncalled for...

What state in the U.S. is there a law that prohibits a adult from being in the
presence of a minor without a parent present or a legal guardian.  I know
you're trying to be helpful but PLEASE do not quote laws  that do
not exist. In a past post I did give a example of what could happen when
children are left in a adults care.  In many states a 17 year old can have sex,
legal sex mind you with an adult.  This being a person older then 18.  You
just can't photograph the act or photograph them nude in a sexual act.  Nudes
themselves are not against the law in most states but the law you are speaking
of does not exist and if it does give a link to it.

Oct 18 06 10:25 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Jack Checkowy wrote:

James Jackson wrote:
oh?  Do tell... Please... Post links... IN FACT come over to "the thread" and post the links to these articles and records of convicted felons who are also professional photographers... please.. please... we've been looking for documentable actual data.

If you do a search of the forums here, it was posted about 4 months ago.  The info i have was from the news coverage!

here is the thread -

Still looking for evidence of a professional photographer being convicted of raping or murdering a woman.

This was an amateur photographer who had an OMP account and also he is as far as I can tell (since the news articles are no longer up) only *accused* of doing bad things.  Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty?

Oct 18 06 10:42 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Patricia Daniels wrote:
Okay let me try to explain SLOWLY....You are a photographer...It is not your place to tell a mother about daughters sexual relations..PERIOD...DUH...Thats what went wrong in conversation....your kinda freakin me out...The photographers I have worked with would NEVER want to be alone with a underaged model..PERIOD....

James Jackson wrote:
Whoa whoa with the illogical leaps there Patricia...

Saying something idiotic and being a pervert are two different things...

Also, some very good photographers have been alone with models under the age of 18.  Me included.  In fact, you can see her boobies in my web portfolio.

Shooting a model that is under 18, and trying to have sex with her are two different things as well...

Patricia Daniels wrote:
Do I understand correctly...That this underage model is topless?

My how adroit of you Patricia... ah, but which model is under 18?  And further which model is posed or focused on in a "lascivious" manner?

Oct 18 06 10:50 pm Link