Forums > General Industry > I Really Pissed Off Her Mom......



Posts: 38

Fountain Inn, South Carolina, US

Maybe she should just have her daughter carry a can of mase on a chain around her neck.........
I agree you shouldnt just go shoot with any person who claims to be a photographer, but after you have done a coupld shoots, I think it would be ok. Especially if it is a photographer that has worked with people you know.....and they are still alive.....

Oct 18 06 08:45 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US


Oct 18 06 08:45 pm Link


Ivan Aps

Posts: 4996

Miami, Florida, US

Mikel Featherston wrote:

What kind of photos are YOU taking? wink

None that could either embarrass or incarcerate me. smile

Oct 18 06 08:46 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Apfel Photography wrote:

None that could either embarrass or incarcerate me. smile

Good to hear. wink

Oct 18 06 08:47 pm Link


Kinetic Photography

Posts: 517

I spent plenty of time explaining to her why it would be a good idea to shoot alone.

Oct 18 06 08:47 pm Link


Kinetic Photography

Posts: 517

cuddlbug00 wrote:
Especially if it is a photographer that has worked with people you know.....and they are still alive.....

Well maybe that was the problem.  Two are still missing but I swear it wasnt me.....

Oct 18 06 08:48 pm Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

Kinetic Photography wrote:
From the mothers perspective, why is it appropriate for her daughter to have sex with other guys but not with a photographer ?  Why are parents so quick to leave their kids alone with coaches, teachers, driving instructors, co-workers and everyone else, but not a photographer ?

You are assuming it is okay with the mother. You assume a lot. You still don't get it and I believe you never will, because you're always right and no one else has a different point of view than you and when they do it's all wrong, because you know how everyone thinks and how they should all behave and.....

GROW UP! and act professional!

Oct 18 06 08:48 pm Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

Kinetic Photography wrote:
Well maybe that was the problem.  Two are still missing but I swear it wasnt me.....

Georgia...Shutterbug jail for murder of a model.
I believe it's Shell. Look it up.

the following quote is here for storage and is not part of this post, to preserve the original posting:

Kinetic Photography wrote:
Okay so we all know that all photographers are pedophiles, rapists and murderers.  Society and the media has taught everyone to be EXRETEMLY cautious and apprehensive around photographers and to do everything possible to ensure that you dont end up a victim of a known photographer.  The golden rule is that a female can NEVER be left alone with a photographer because at any given moment they might STRIKE.....sexually.

  Here is my story.....A mother of a 16 year old girl that lives about 5 minutes from me contacted me about doing some pictures for her daughter.  She got my number from a friend of hers that I worked with previously.  We set up a shoot and it went very well.  At the shoot was the model, her mom, a brother and another guy.  Clearly they brought back up to a very dangerous situtation.  I mean, we were shooting at a public beach and we all know how risky that is.  So anyway, girl loves her pictures and mom does too.  A month later the mom calls me again and asks to do another shoot.  We did. At my house.  It went great and once again they loved the pictures.  This girl went to the same high school that I did and we know alot of the same people. 
  I had her listed as a friend on my Myspace profile and I noticed that she had put up many of our pictures on her page.  I also noticed on her page alot of other stuff she put up.....racy pictures and stories about her and other guys.  From the pictures it is very obvious that she dates older guys and from her posts its obvious she is sexually active.  All fine and dandy with me.
  Yesterday her mom calls me and asks if I can do another shoot with the daughter. She is now 17 yrs old. I said sure, however, I asked if I could do the shoot just one on one with the model because I felt she wasnt opening up enough due to her mom being there.  The mom was understanding but accused me of trying to be alone with her daughter so I could make "advances" toward her.  I told her I took offense to that and asked why I would be any different then any other guy she was alone with.  The mother stammered and then said "well because you are a photographer and it wouldnt be appropiate" .  I said "of course, I should have known.  Its a good thing all of those other guys she is having sex with arent photographers"  Well, suffice it to say the mother started yelling and blah blah blah.

I am tired of automatically being put on the same level as convicted molesters and rapists merely because I am a photographer.  Photographers did ABSOLUTELY nothing to deserve their reputation.  My father told me when he was in college studying photo-journalism that people actually liked and respected photographers.

Oct 18 06 08:50 pm Link


Kinetic Photography

Posts: 517

Vito wrote:

You are assuming it is okay with the mother. You assume a lot. You still don't get it and I believe you never will, because you're always right and no one else has a different point of view than you and when they do it's all wrong, because you know how everyone thinks and how they should all behave and.....

GROW UP! and act professional!

So you think the mother was present when she had sex with the other guys ?  Lol, thanks Don Vito.  Go eat some pizza and shut up

Oct 18 06 08:51 pm Link


Bob Bentley Photography

Posts: 15141

Westcliffe, Colorado, US

O.k., get over it.  Now go do the mother.

Oct 18 06 08:52 pm Link


Anne of Ohio

Posts: 4391

Columbus, Ohio, US

Okay..I am a mother....If you said that about my daughter! I would have yelled and screamed to...jeeze dude....think before you talk....lucky she didn't whoop your a@$. .

Oct 18 06 08:52 pm Link


Kinetic Photography

Posts: 517

Patricia Daniels wrote:
Okay..I am a mother....If you said that about my daughter! I would have yelled and screamed to...jeeze dude....think before you talk....lucky she didn't whoop your a@$. .

Who would you have yelled and screamed at ? Me or your daughter ?

Oct 18 06 08:53 pm Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

Kinetic Photography wrote:

So you think the mother was present when she had sex with the other guys ?  Lol, thanks Don Vito.  Go eat some pizza and shut up

Listen you obviously don't listen, don't read or comprehend what is being told to you. I, nor anyone else here ever said that. What I said was that IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS WHAT THE GIRL DOES! IT WAS NOT YOUR BUSINESS TO INFORM THE MOTHER BECAUSE SHE HURT YOUR LITTLE FEELINGS!

And don't ever tell me to shut up!

Oct 18 06 08:54 pm Link


Mr Maki

Posts: 633

Tallahassee, Florida, US

some photographers are former U.S. Marines, Black Belt Martial Artist and, bring swords to a photo shoot... (Semper Fi)

They need more back-up smile

Oct 18 06 08:54 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

Kinetic Photography wrote:

Who would you have yelled and screamed at ? Me or your daughter ?

I think your shovel's getting a little warn out.

Oct 18 06 08:54 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Vito wrote:
GROW UP! and act professional!

Either that, or run for political office.

Oct 18 06 08:54 pm Link


Kinetic Photography

Posts: 517

ZingArts wrote:
O.k., get over it.  Now go do the mother.

Maybe thats it.  She is divorced and quite a looker herself.  Maybe she was jealous.  Her ex is a famous pro basketball player, lol

Oct 18 06 08:54 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Vito wrote:

Listen you obviously don't listen, don't read or comprehend what is being told to you. I, nor anyone else here ever said that. What I said was that IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS WHAT THE GIRL DOES! IT WAS NOT YOUR BUSINESS TO INFORM THE MOTHER BECAUSE SHE HURT YOUR LITTLE FEELINGS!

And don't ever tell me to shut up!

Vito, he's on a (t)roll... Let him go with it.... wink

Oct 18 06 08:55 pm Link


Kinetic Photography

Posts: 517

Vito wrote:
]And don't ever tell me to shut up!

Vito, what are you doing here ?  I thought I told you to go SHUT UP !!

Oct 18 06 08:56 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Kinetic Photography wrote:
From the mothers perspective, why is it appropriate for her daughter to have sex with other guys but not with a photographer ?  Why are parents so quick to leave their kids alone with coaches, teachers, driving instructors, co-workers and everyone else, but not a photographer ?

For you, Kinetic, I will come out of my mourning induced lurking and say this:  Give it up man.  Ok guys, I'll see you all when I feel better.

Oct 18 06 08:57 pm Link



Posts: 214

Laguna Beach, California, US

you should of asked to photograph the mother.............she was upset that her
daughter always gets the attention.

Oct 18 06 08:58 pm Link



Posts: 89

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Everyone...there are lots of models to photograph out there, if she under 18 then what the mother says...GO's...It's her kid and not yours!

Oct 18 06 09:00 pm Link



Posts: 513

Fresno, California, US

Jack Checkowy wrote:
Sorry, there have been photographers, two in Canada in the last year that I know of that took advantage of underage models and one from the US who murdered the model. Granted, a small percentage, but in the news!!!!

Well, there you have it.  "Sorry," he says, as if to say, "tough for you.  They're really out there.  You shouldn't be upset at being equated with them." 

How many doctors last year had sex with underage patients?  How many Republican congressional people tried to have sex with underage pages?  How many angels can stand on the head of a pin? 

In my mind it's that "sorry, but it has happened and so we're going to have to accept the idea that we're all suspect now" attitude that is making the world a miserable place to live. 

Believe it or not, people got raped in the 1700s, too.  But the world didn't stop allowing fathers to be alone with their baby daughters (without suspecting them of kinkiness) people didn't go around suspecting every male of being a rapist. 

-- rick

EDIT: I do have to say, though, that in today's climate -- although it makes me angry that it has to be this way -- there's no way I'd want to be alone with a woman in my studio, let alone an underage female.  It would be way too easy for you to end up in jail.  (Take it from a guy who's been working with criminal defense attorneys' offices for the last couple years.)

Oct 18 06 09:01 pm Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

Mikel Featherston wrote:

Vito, he's on a (t)roll... Let him go with it.... wink

Thank you for bringing me back to Earth. I don't usually roll with the troll(s). I originally thought he was a professional photographer who just strayed off a little on this one and needed to take a step back. I was wrong. On all counts. wink

Oct 18 06 09:02 pm Link



Posts: 97

Madison, Wisconsin, US

im not sure why any photog would want to be alone with an underage model. i dont care how "compelling" you feel the pics might turn out, if the model hadn't "come out of her shell" after 3 shoots, it probably wont get any better on the 4th.

Oct 18 06 09:03 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Vito wrote:

Thank you for bringing me back to Earth. I don't usually roll with the troll(s). I originally thought he was a professional photographer who just strayed off a little on this one and needed to take a step back. I was wrong. On all counts. wink

Just keep the soft gloves on and feed the rope. He can do the rest without joining him on the scaffold.

Oct 18 06 09:04 pm Link


Anne of Ohio

Posts: 4391

Columbus, Ohio, US

Who would you have yelled and screamed at ? Me or your daughter ?

Okay let me try to explain SLOWLY....You are a photographer...It is not your place to tell a mother about daughters sexual relations..PERIOD...DUH...Thats what went wrong in conversation....your kinda freakin me out...The photographers I have worked with would NEVER want to be alone with a underaged model..PERIOD....

Oct 18 06 09:05 pm Link



Posts: 89

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Oct 18 06 09:06 pm Link


Ivan Aps

Posts: 4996

Miami, Florida, US

Level 10 Studios wrote:
im not sure why any photog would want to be alone with an underage model. i dont care how "compelling" you feel the pics might turn out, if the model hadn't "come out of her shell" after 3 shoots, it probably wont get any better on the 4th.

From a security standpoint it can be a bit moronic these days to even think about being alone with a minor on a shoot.  At least have a MUA present.  How many peoples lives have been ruined by a case of she said he said involving a minor.  They don't have to be "right" to ruin your career and life, they just have to say it.  Why would you take the chance?

Oct 18 06 09:06 pm Link



Posts: 89

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Kinetic Photography wrote:

So you think the mother was present when she had sex with the other guys ?  Lol, thanks Don Vito.  Go eat some pizza and shut up

Speaking of Pizza...I say Detroit style pizza is the best!

Oct 18 06 09:09 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Patricia Daniels wrote:
Okay let me try to explain SLOWLY....You are a photographer...It is not your place to tell a mother about daughters sexual relations..PERIOD...DUH...Thats what went wrong in conversation....your kinda freakin me out...The photographers I have worked with would NEVER want to be alone with a underaged model..PERIOD....

Whoa whoa with the illogical leaps there Patricia...

Saying something idiotic and being a pervert are two different things...

Also, some very good photographers have been alone with models under the age of 18.  Me included.  In fact, you can see her boobies in my web portfolio.

Shooting a model that is under 18, and trying to have sex with her are two different things as well...

Oct 18 06 09:09 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

X West Media wrote:

Speaking of Pizza...I say Detroit style pizza is the best!

I'm about to eat some vegan pizza with soy cheese.  I wonder where that originated.. Probably right here in the Bay Area.  smile.  Or maybe Eugene.  They have the best vegan pizza ever.

Oct 18 06 09:11 pm Link



Posts: 513

Fresno, California, US

James Jackson wrote:
Also, some very good photographers have been alone with models under the age of 18.  Me included.  In fact, you can see her boobies in my web portfolio.

Actually, you can't.  For awhile now, I haven't been able to see anyone's photos on any portfolios.  I think it's broken again.  wink 

-- rick

Oct 18 06 09:11 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

So Shoot Me! wrote:

Jack Checkowy wrote:
Sorry, there have been photographers, two in Canada in the last year that I know of that took advantage of underage models and one from the US who murdered the model. Granted, a small percentage, but in the news!!!!

Well, there you have it.  "Sorry," he says, as if to say, "tough for you.  They're really out there.  You shouldn't be upset at being equated with them." 

How many doctors last year had sex with underage patients?  How many Republican congressional people tried to have sex with underage pages?  How many angels can stand on the head of a pin? 

In my mind it's that "sorry, but it has happened and so we're going to have to accept the idea that we're all suspect now" attitude that is making the world a miserable place to live. 

Believe it or not, people got raped in the 1700s, too.  But the world didn't stop allowing fathers to be alone with their baby daughters (without suspecting them of kinkiness) people didn't go around suspecting every male of being a rapist. 

-- rick

EDIT: I do have to say, though, that in today's climate -- although it makes me angry that it has to be this way -- there's no way I'd want to be alone with a woman in my studio, let alone an underage female.  It would be way too easy for you to end up in jail.  (Take it from a guy who's been working with criminal defense attorneys' offices for the last couple years.)

*STILL* waiting to see a link to a recent case of a professional photographer being convicted of raping, murdering, or heck, I'll even take exposing himself to a model.

Oct 18 06 09:12 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

So Shoot Me! wrote:

Actually, you can't.  For awhile now, I haven't been able to see anyone's photos on any portfolios.  I think it's broken again.  wink 

-- rick

not my MM port Rick, my actual web site...

Oct 18 06 09:12 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

James Jackson wrote:

*STILL* waiting to see a link to a recent case of a professional photographer being convicted of raping, murdering, or heck, I'll even take exposing himself to a model.

I *did* strip down to my underwear in front of Wynd last weekend.

Oct 18 06 09:13 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

James Jackson wrote:

*STILL* waiting to see a link to a recent case of a professional photographer being convicted of raping, murdering, or heck, I'll even take exposing himself to a model.

A photographer exposed himself to me less than a week ago.  Haha.

Oct 18 06 09:13 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

Mikel Featherston wrote:

I *did* strip down to my underwear in front of Wynd last weekend.

And I wasn't even talking about Mike!

Oct 18 06 09:13 pm Link



Posts: 89

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Wynd Mulysa wrote:

I'm about to eat some vegan pizza with soy cheese.  I wonder where that originated.. Probably right here in the Bay Area.  smile.  Or maybe Eugene.  They have the best vegan pizza ever.

It had to be the Bay area...vegan pizza and soy cheese.....ahhhhh! you're making this Italian cringe!!!

Oct 18 06 09:14 pm Link


wishingtree photography

Posts: 1042

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

Click Hamilton wrote:


You are REALLY creepy! You better stay FAR away from any of my daughters, if I have any!!!

Click Hamilton ;-)

hahah too funny.

by the way, me two cents on this thread is:

i do not shoot models under 18 at all (not talking about family family portraits).  i understand that other photographers do so with parental consent.  i just do not want the hassle.

Oct 18 06 09:14 pm Link