Forums > General Industry > I Really Pissed Off Her Mom......



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

Cspine wrote:

One thing has nothing to do with the other. The fact that you think it does tells me where your mind is.

It must be the California air. The only people who have defended Mr Snitch are a photographer and a model, both from Cailifornia. I guess, like in Hollywood, it's everyday practice to sell out your clients/friends just to make a deal go through.

Oct 19 06 05:31 am Link


GDS Photos

Posts: 3399

London, England, United Kingdom

Vito wrote:
The OP should have acted like a professional and not outted the daughter to the mother, no matter what. The mother may know what the daughter is up to, but it is not her photographers place to tell her.

This is the real crux of this issue.  Are photographers the new morals police?  It was none of the OPs business what this girl gets up to with other people.

Oct 19 06 05:37 am Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

gdsandy wrote:

This is the real crux of this issue.  Are photographers the new morals police?  It was none of the OPs business what this girl gets up to with other people.

Exactly. That's what most people in the thread are trying to convey to the OP, but it doesn't seem to penetrate.

Oct 19 06 05:45 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Vito wrote:

It must be the California air. The only people who have defended Mr Snitch are a photographer and a model, both from Cailifornia. I guess, like in Hollywood, it's everyday practice to sell out your clients/friends just to make a deal go through.

California thing?


First off all..who got sold out...???

The girl who post her sexual exploits on MYSPACE?

OH that girl!
My bad, I guess she got sold out...

You can only be SOLD out if yuo are keeping a SECRET...PUBLIC knowledge is hardly a tool for "selling one out"

You miss the point of the many did....

Must be an "EAST COAST " thing///:-)

Oct 19 06 05:45 am Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

Vance wrote:

California thing?


First off all..who got sold out...???

The girl who post her sexual exploits on MYSPACE?

OH that girl!
My bad, I guess she got sold out...

You can only be SOLD out if yuo are keeping a SECRET...PUBLIC knowledge is hardly a tool for "selling one out"

You miss the point of the many did....

Must be an "EAST COAST " thing///:-)

the point is IT WAS NOT THE PHOTOGRAPHER'S PLACE, OR JOB OR DUTY TO INFORM THE MOTHER, especially in "retaliation" for a "possible" insult the mother may have conveyed. That is the point! Your boy here doesn't get it. As a professional photographer or one trying to become one, he crossed a line.

The girl might know her mother (or family) are not net-savvy and would never have found her MySpace info. Also what she is saying on there could be for bragging rights and might not even be completley true. The Photographer/OP doesn't know and should have just moved on.

Oct 19 06 05:50 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Vito wrote:
So if the OP found on your MySpace (this is all hypothetical) that you like screwing donkeys and ostriches but your bf/husband doesn't know this, and your bf/husband said to the photographer "I heard a lot of things that have happened with photographers, I want someone to be there with her", it would be perfectly fine to say to your bf/husband, "Oh, it's okay for her to f*ck donkeys and exotic birds but not shoot with me?". The OP should have acted like a professional and not outted the daughter to the mother, no matter what. The mother may know what the daughter is up to, but it is not her photographers place to tell her.

If you POST anything on the internet you are NOT keeping it a secret....

And in this case..MOm needed a dose of reality...and if MY YOUNG daughter was out screwing donkeys..Id want her outted to ME regardless of the issue...

It just so happens that she got a face full of reality when she tried to pull a BS move.

With all the crap about myspace..I am sure he wasnt outting a matter of fact..WHERE DOES IT say he outted her? It reads more like he slapped her the face with something she already knew..Which is one of the resons she is projecting her bullshit on an individal that HAS ALREADY demonstrated he is good at what he does.

and has no other motives..

IF HE DID..then he could contact her VIA myspace..(which as you say..MOM HAS no clue...And get in her pants that the math

Oct 19 06 05:51 am Link


C and J Photography

Posts: 1986

Hauula, Hawaii, US

It appears to me that the Mother could have been worried about what the daughter would do and (not wanting to call her daughter a slut) pointed in the photographer's direction. Not a good move, but understandable.

However, I can't recall looking through a 16 year old's MySpace pages ever. Not even those I know socially. In fact, I would not want to be aware of that kind of information about any 16 year old I know.

Oct 19 06 05:59 am Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

Vance wrote:

If you POST anything on the internet you are NOT keeping it a secret....

And in this case..MOm needed a dose of reality...and if MY YOUNG daughter was out screwing donkeys..Id want her outted to ME regardless of the issue...

It just so happens that she got a face full of reality when she tried to pull a BS move.

With all the crap about myspace..I am sure he wasnt outting a matter of fact..WHERE DOES IT say he outted her? It reads more like he slapped her the face with something she already knew..Which is one of the resons she is projecting her bullshit on an individal that HAS ALREADY demonstrated he is good at what he does.

and has no other motives..

IF HE DID..then he could contact her VIA myspace..(which as you say..MOM HAS no clue...And get in her pants that the math

I don't know what his intentions were towards the daughter, I'll assume it was to take photos, period. He did not maintain a professional relationship with the mother or daughter by informing the mother (whether she knew or not) of her daughters sexual proclivities or anything he found on MySpace. He crossed a line of professionalism when he did that, period. Our jobs are to shoot photos, not tell a mother her daughter may be a slut. It doesn't matter if he is good at what he does, he should not be trusted with extraneous information in the future, because he feels that if he's backed into a wall (whether real or in his mind), he is free to divulge anything he knows.

Oct 19 06 06:01 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

ArtisticDigitalImages wrote:
It appears to me that the Mother could have been worried about what the daughter would do and (not wanting to call her daughter a slut) pointed in the photographer's direction. Not a good move, but understandable.

However, I can't recall looking through a 16 year old's MySpace pages ever. Not even those I know socially. In fact, I would not want to be aware of that kind of information about any 16 year old I know.

Why not? They are YOUNG PEOPLE..knowing them and even...OMG..talking to them is not a crime...I have 16yr olds models, dancers and actors on myspace page....It the nature of the business I am in...I know teir parents..They know me..Hell I even get invited to B-Day parties and graduations...They stop by the studio when in the area..They hang out...It's the art world..

I dont sleep in the same bed or give em Jesus Juice..I dont talk about their sex lives...But you would be suprised at how smart they are and worldly.

the world just isnt that damned scary...

Oct 19 06 06:04 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Vito wrote:
I don't know what his intentions were towards the daughter, I'll assume it was to take photos, period. He did not maintain a professional relationship with the mother or daughter by informing the mother (whether she knew or not) of her daughters sexual proclivities or anything he found on MySpace. He crossed a line of professionalism when he did that, period. Our jobs are to shoot photos, not tell a mother her daughter may be a slut. It doesn't matter if he is good at what he does, he should not be trusted with extraneous information in the future, because he feels that if he's backed into a wall (whether real or in his mind), he is free to divulge anything he knows.

DUDE..Are you serious?! We are talking MYSPACE..what is private about it?

There is no way to defend anyone who post anything..And you NAME ONE parent who WOULD not want to know....?! Please FIND ONE!

As far as the OP goes....I read it as if MOM has a problem because she already knows her daughter is VERY sexualy active and she is fearful....OK, cool..But leave it in the KIDS lap..Not the photgraphers..... I wont cross a line if you dont..If you do... ALL BETS are off...FUK so called professionalism......It is now personal...We have no future business and you will go home wishing you had come at me with a little more respect. PERIOD.....

Oct 19 06 06:07 am Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

Vance wrote:
If you POST anything on the internet you are NOT keeping it a secret....

Daughter comes off as a slut through her MySpace page.

But the thing about it is, people can be anything & everything using the viel of the internet.

Who are we to say that some forum poster is actually as much as a bigot as he is in real life? On a similiar note, how are we supposed to know that some high schooler isn't embellishing their sexual exploits to make themselves look better for their peers? Is a MySpace page really that reliable about a person's true character or was it something that the OP WANTED to believe? Aside from a "virtual stranger calling my daughter a whore" bit, I think that's what's disturbing me the most about the OP.

He would have better served for everyone involved that he simply say, "Ma'am, I'm sorry that you feel that way but I'm going to have to insist" or a litany of other alternatives (Hello, hot girls often bring hot friends &/or equally hot older sisters). By doing that, you would have thrown the ball back into Mom's court. But instead, it got turned into an attack on Mom's parenting skills.

Oct 19 06 08:23 am Link



Posts: 513

Fresno, California, US

DigitalCMH wrote:

It was posted in a forum somewhere.

Oh.  Well, I guess it must be true, then!  wink

-- rick

Oct 19 06 08:28 am Link



Posts: 513

Fresno, California, US

RohanB wrote:

Not making it up, research it. In my other world of shooting I have to abide by laws of 2257, so had my lawyers research alot of stuff. Laws like that protect kids from weirdos i guess but not BS'ing, laws are like that in some states.

I must have been absent the day in law school where they taught us that even being alone with another human being could get you in legal trouble. 

Or maybe it's b.s.

Yeah, I think it's probably the latter. 

-- rick

Oct 19 06 08:30 am Link



Posts: 513

Fresno, California, US

Vance wrote:
Since I've slammed plenty of those full of fear on escorts I must be fair. I dont run my business from a state of fear. If I get amodel who is underage, I get a parent to sigh a form. I dont shoot them holding their boobs. PLEASE! Kids fly across the nation alone all the time. Kids do a lot all the time. Parents leave them in situations whith OTHER adults knowing it is in a controled enviorment. Photgraphy shoud be no different. To see photgraphers talking this way only adds to the hype.

For the record..

Go ahead and try to prove something I didnt do..I dare ya.....

As Donald Trump once told me...If they screw you..CRUSH EM!
I welcome a fight...I have enough things in place and people in my corner..I dare someone to come up with an unfounded accusation..Why I am willing?

Principle.....Im just that type of guy...

I refuse to live in fear of WHAT IF..screw that...

Just to clarify, I was not advocating living in fear.  In fact, you may note my other posts pointing out the ignorance of someone trying to say that you would be breaking the law just by being in the presence a minor without their parents there.  That's just silly. 

At the same time -- particularly with what I will call "the GWC hysteria" -- it's not too bright to be photographing minors in the nude.  Although there are some situations in which photographing nude minors might be perfectly legal, there are plenty of fruitcakes out there who will be happy to turn nothing into something.

And if you are accused of sexual misconduct with a minor, you will be considered guilty until you prove yourself innocent.  Go watch jury selection sometime in a criminal courtroom.  [DISCLAIMER: I am not a lawyer.  I am a law clerk, waiting to find out if I passed the Bar Exam to become a lawyer.  I research, write and sometimes get to argue in court for criminal defense lawyers.  I frequently sit and watch trials so that I can learn. I am not providing you legal advice and you cannot take anything I said to the bank.  YMMV.  I am making a comment about what I have observed in criminal courtrooms.]  The law may say that you're innocent until proven guilty.  Juries don't appear to see it that way.  "He's here for a reason," they say.  Or "He must have done something, or they wouldn't have arrested him." 

If you want to put yourself into that situation "for your art", more power to you. 

For me, no naked kids in my studio! 

I don't consider it "living in fear" to say that I'm smart enough not to cross the street in front of speeding buses. 

-- rick

Oct 19 06 08:40 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

So Shoot Me! wrote:

Just to clarify, I was not advocating living in fear.  In fact, you may note my other posts pointing out the ignorance of someone trying to say that you would be breaking the law just by being in the presence a minor without their parents there.  That's just silly. 

At the same time -- particularly with what I will call "the GWC hysteria" -- it's not too bright to be photographing minors in the nude.  Although there are some situations in which photographing nude minors might be perfectly legal, there are plenty of fruitcakes out there who will be happy to turn nothing into something.

And if you are accused of sexual misconduct with a minor, you will be considered guilty until you prove yourself innocent.  Go watch jury selection sometime in a criminal courtroom.  [DISCLAIMER: I am not a lawyer.  I am a law clerk, waiting to find out if I passed the Bar Exam to become a lawyer.  I research, write and sometimes get to argue in court for criminal defense lawyers.  I frequently sit and watch trials so that I can learn. I am not providing you legal advice and you cannot take anything I said to the bank.  YMMV.  I am making a comment about what I have observed in criminal courtrooms.]  The law may say that you're innocent until proven guilty.  Juries don't appear to see it that way.  "He's here for a reason," they say.  Or "He must have done something, or they wouldn't have arrested him." 

If you want to put yourself into that situation "for your art", more power to you. 

For me, no naked kids in my studio! 

I don't consider it "living in fear" to say that I'm smart enough not to cross the street in front of speeding buses. 

-- rick

Who said anyththing about a naked kid?

Oct 19 06 08:44 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Farenell Photography wrote:

Daughter comes off as a slut through her MySpace page.

But the thing about it is, people can be anything & everything using the viel of the internet.

Who are we to say that some forum poster is actually as much as a bigot as he is in real life? On a similiar note, how are we supposed to know that some high schooler isn't embellishing their sexual exploits to make themselves look better for their peers? Is a MySpace page really that reliable about a person's true character or was it something that the OP WANTED to believe? Aside from a "virtual stranger calling my daughter a whore" bit, I think that's what's disturbing me the most about the OP.

He would have better served for everyone involved that he simply say, "Ma'am, I'm sorry that you feel that way but I'm going to have to insist" or a litany of other alternatives (Hello, hot girls often bring hot friends &/or equally hot older sisters). By doing that, you would have thrown the ball back into Mom's court. But instead, it got turned into an attack on Mom's parenting skills.

When I first jinedMM, I had no clue...

I was helping a few friends with modeling as I own a studio..I came in here and ran my mouth off to sound BIGGER... I thought I woold get more shoots..

Well, since I didnt know anything about sluggos and the likes..I made myself look like an idiot.
I GOT banned!
I had to pay my dues and wise up. I now have a great reputation and all is well. It could have been avoided if I had taken the time to learn the ropes instead of my usual headstrong self...

So, if you post it or say with what happens..PERIOD

As to MOM..had she kept it in perspective she would nopt have been slapped in the face with reality.

p e r i o d

Oct 19 06 08:49 am Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

Vance wrote:
When I first jinedMM, I had no clue...

I was helping a few friends with modeling as I own a studio..I came in here and ran my mouth off to sound BIGGER... I thought I woold get more shoots..

Well, since I didnt know anything about sluggos and the likes..I made myself look like an idiot.
I GOT banned!
I had to pay my dues and wise up. I now have a great reputation and all is well. It could have been avoided if I had taken the time to learn the ropes instead of my usual headstrong self...

So, if you post it or say with what happens..PERIOD

Not sure if you took it as such but I was speaking in the general sense.

Oct 19 06 09:03 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Farenell Photography wrote:

Not sure if you took it as such but I was speaking in the general sense.

OH no dude..Dont think I took it personal..Iwas just making a point....The boxing gloves are not coming out.its all good...

Thanks for asking before bashing... We like that..:-)

Oct 19 06 09:06 am Link


George ephrem

Posts: 981

Jacksonville, Florida, US

Always, always, if the model is under age(18 here in fla), the mom MUST be with her. I don't deviate from this , ever!!!!!!

Oct 19 06 09:15 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

George ephrem wrote:
Always, always, if the model is under age(18 here in fla), the mom MUST be with her. I don't deviate from this , ever!!!!!!

Is this Florida law, or your policy?

Oct 19 06 09:44 am Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

Vito wrote:

WTF is it to you (as a photographer) what a models' sex life is (or is not). You're not her therapist or her father-confessor. You're there to take pictures, period. Not get involved in their lives. So you like to work one-on-one, fine. Don't accept work with models who want to bring an escort but don't disparage them either. How old are you?

Thank you. Not only am I trying to figure out why you're scouring through her myspace page profile and pics and then a nice segue into your need to get her alone to open up but why you feel it's necessary to shoot a 17 year old without any parent or guardian. She should have a parent or guardian present at ALL shoots. Haven't you noticed that nice little area on the model release form where a legal adult must sign the release?

But to spew insults because she doesn't want her underage daughter alone on a shoot is incredibly immature. She is the mother and you should show respect and professionalism even if you don't agree. So she said she didn't think it was appropriate...that's her choice. To insult her daughter and bring up the fact that she has sex with other guys so "what's the big deal" only confirmed her mother's apprehension.

Thanks to you there's another person who has good reason to have an aversion to photographers. If you had handled the situation professionally maybe you could have overcome her fears. But I don't think calling her daughter a slut did much to restore your credibility.

Oct 19 06 10:03 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

I had her listed as a friend on my Myspace profile and I noticed that she had put up many of our pictures on her page.  I also noticed on her page alot of other stuff she put up.....racy pictures and stories about her and other guys.  From the pictures it is very obvious that she dates older guys and from her posts its obvious she is sexually active.  All fine and dandy with me.
  Yesterday her mom calls me and asks if I can do another shoot with the daughter. She is now 17 yrs old. I said sure, however, I asked if I could do the shoot just one on one with the model because I felt she wasnt opening up enough due to her mom being there.  The mom was understanding but accused me of trying to be alone with her daughter so I could make "advances" toward her.  I told her I took offense to that and asked why I would be any different then any other guy she was alone with.  The mother stammered and then said "well because you are a photographer and it wouldnt be appropiate" .  I said "of course, I should have known.  Its a good thing all of those other guys she is having sex with arent photographers"  Well, suffice it to say the mother started yelling and blah blah blah.

OK, I had to read that again..

1. She was a friend on his myspace page...he wasnt doing anything wrong there.
2. He Noticed she was PUTTING herself out there in a way that many would call...LOOSE. THIS POINT was only brough up to illustrate the absurdity in the mothers response.9The OP, did not look at the profile as a predator..He made a menatl note and as he said.. FINE AND DANDY,...In other words..thats her thing..I am all about the I dont mean money shot.

3. "Well becasue you are a photgrapher and it wouldnt be appropriate" And.. "You would try to make advances towards my daughter"

Now, I'd already be heated, and if caught on the wrong day, MOMMY would have gotten it then too. LIKE NO one here has EVER said something harsh or out of "line"..

The OP let her have it hard..OK...Everyone can have an opinion.its a forum..

I take the OP's side based on how I read the post...

If I thought he was a perv.Id say so..

As of now, he is not on my perv status list...

Oct 19 06 10:13 am Link

Body Painter

Henna Artist

Posts: 58

Portland, Oregon, US

dude, that totally sucks for photographers.  its really lame.  i mean, i am a girl and when my boyfriend shoots a model, i go and sometimes the mom still wants to go.  last time, the model yelled at her mom to leave because the mom was "shouting out ideas" for poses.  on the other hand, the problem is the result of women being treated like crap in society.  told to be dainty and pressure to be beautful and subservient from birth.  its in the little things too, like asking for water, a guy says "im thirsty, lets get water", girl says "im kinda feeling a little bit thirsty, we can get some water if you want"  we still get payed less than any man.  when that changes, so will this situation.

Oct 19 06 10:22 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Henna Artist wrote:
dude, that totally sucks for photographers.  its really lame.  i mean, i am a girl and when my boyfriend shoots a model, i go and sometimes the mom still wants to go.  last time, the model yelled at her mom to leave because the mom was "shouting out ideas" for poses.  on the other hand, the problem is the result of women being treated like crap in society.  told to be dainty and pressure to be beautful and subservient from birth.  its in the little things too, like asking for water, a guy says "im thirsty, lets get water", girl says "im kinda feeling a little bit thirsty, we can get some water if you want"  we still get payed less than any man.  when that changes, so will this situation.


Im not sure how that fits this thread, but then again..I am tired..

Some good points...Has the glass ceiling gotten higher for women yet? I couldnt answer that, I am too worried about my bills.LOL

But Women should be women and guys should be guys. We are rough around the edges..WE ARE GUYS... Women are givers..better listeners..more paitience...Its all good... thse differences should not be exploited, but rather celibrated.... CO_EXISTANCE.. and procreation were founded on those differences.

Damn, sorry...back to stupid mode...


Oct 19 06 10:26 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Vance wrote:
The OP let her have it hard..OK...Everyone can have an opinion.its a forum..

I take the OP's side based on how I read the post...

If I thought he was a perv.Id say so..

As of now, he is not on my perv status list...

I want it to known that I am NOT on the OPs side on this and I do NOT think he's a perv.  Instead, I think he acted like a teenage boy.  He was upset about the implication the mother made and he lashed out at her by essentially calling her daughter a slut.  In an attempt to hurt the mother, he has actually hurt the daughter.

Oct 19 06 11:11 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

DigitalCMH wrote:
I want it to known that I am NOT on the OPs side on this and I do NOT think he's a perv.  Instead, I think he acted like a teenage boy.  He was upset about the implication the mother made and he lashed out at her by essentially calling her daughter a slut.  In an attempt to hurt the mother, he has actually hurt the daughter.

How did he HURT the daughter..who is doing a fine job herself. And if the OP was acting like a teenage was the mother...seems to me all is fair on the Mayflower.

And are not mothers the first to say.. I KNOW MY I am sure it was no eye opener except to know that anyone on Myspace can find out all about her kids sexual  exploits.

The more I think about it....RUDE as it may be,... If she didnt know..He did her a favor.Now Mom can step in before the little one gets knocked up or raped by a real monster.

And if Mom already knew...she deserved it..because she projected her insecurities on the OP. I see both sides... I see where people are coming from, but from what I am reading, and from what I know abuot us adults. Mom is well informed...and she projected..she wasnt told anything she didnt know...and if she didnt..she needed too..

Call me a slut today, or call me Mommy, or AIDS victim tomorrow...

Oct 19 06 11:20 am Link


George ephrem

Posts: 981

Jacksonville, Florida, US

Vance wrote:

Is this Florida law, or your policy?

it is Fla law, that if your are under 18, your are a minor, 18 and over, your are an adult. while the law doesn't say anything about the mom  having to be there,
THAT, is my policy. Mom MUST be there w/ child/minor, if under 18....add to that , i have seen some 18 yr olds that should have had their mom with them!!!!!

Oct 19 06 11:27 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

George ephrem wrote:

it is Fla law, that if your are under 18, your are a minor, 18 and over, your are an adult. while the law doesn't say anything about the mom  having to be there,
THAT, is my policy. Mom MUST be there w/ child/minor, if under 18....add to that , i have seen some 18 yr olds that should have had their mom with them!!!!!

Right on...thats cool..

I havent had a reason to have such a policy. for the record, I've had 30yr olds who should have had their mommy...:-)

Oct 19 06 11:30 am Link



Posts: 513

Fresno, California, US

Vance wrote:
Who said anyththing about a naked kid?

Several of the posts here have discussed the idea of photographing minors unclothed.  One mentioned having a minor's breasts showing on a website.  Another talked about a shot with a minor cupping a breast.  The OP discussed sexual issues in relation to the girl he was hoping to encourage to "open up" in the absence of her mother. 

Again, I've not suggested that people should live their lives too scared to conduct a business on the up-and-up.  However, a little common sense and precautionary measures never hurt anyone.  In addition to situations like those mentioned in the last paragraph, I was also responding to people who said, "let someone prove I did something wrong!  I'll eat them alive!" or something to that effect.  Another post said, "ever heard of innocent until proven guilty?" 

I spend too much time in criminal defense, I suppose, seeing people wrongly accused of this or that because someone is angry with them, or was offended, or misunderstood something, or was just loony.  In those situations, you sometimes know the accusations are false.  When it boils down in front of the jury to "he said/she said", ideas like "let them prove it" and "innocent until proven guilty" seem not to matter much.  You want a real fright for this Halloween?  Go sit in a criminal courtroom and observe for awhile.  (Most criminal trials in the U.S. are still open to the public.)

Here's hoping you never piss off the wrong person during or after handling a shoot with an underage girl.  wink 

-- rick

Oct 19 06 11:30 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

So Shoot Me! wrote:
Several of the posts here have discussed the idea of photographing minors unclothed.  One mentioned having a minor's breasts showing on a website.  Another talked about a shot with a minor cupping a breast.  The OP discussed sexual issues in relation to the girl he was hoping to encourage to "open up" in the absence of her mother. 

Again, I've not suggested that people should live their lives too scared to conduct a business on the up-and-up.  However, a little common sense and precautionary measures never hurt anyone.  In addition to situations like those mentioned in the last paragraph, I was also responding to people who said, "let someone prove I did something wrong!  I'll eat them alive!" or something to that effect.  Another post said, "ever heard of innocent until proven guilty?" 

I spend too much time in criminal defense, I suppose, seeing people wrongly accused of this or that because someone is angry with them, or was offended, or misunderstood something, or was just loony.  In those situations, you sometimes know the accusations are false.  When it boils down in front of the jury to "he said/she said", ideas like "let them prove it" and "innocent until proven guilty" seem not to matter much.  You want a real fright for this Halloween?  Go sit in a criminal courtroom and observe for awhile.  (Most criminal trials in the U.S. are still open to the public.)

Here's hoping you never piss off the wrong person during or after handling a shoot with an underage girl.  wink 

-- rick

Yeah, but the  quoted post have nothing to do with this tread...

And nobody has a reason to get pissed unless they do something to get me pissed..

Again, more fear talk than reality. Just like in the escort me a bunch of cases where a photgrapher has been acused wrongfully... And show me plenty...

And before you ask..NO, one or two or even 50 are not enough...the percentage is too low for me to build a bomb shelter.

I live in Earthquake central, moved from tornado alley...Everything in life has risk..Im too busy to worry about every single one.

my .02

Oct 19 06 11:34 am Link


Art Richards Creatives

Posts: 107

Bogo, Central Visayas, Philippines

Kinetic Photography wrote:

Because i want good pictures and i trust that most people are honest and wont make false accusations.  I am not one of these people who worry all the time about being alone with models and liability.  Along the same lines as models being afraid of photographer, photographers are overly afraid of models accusing them of something innapropiate.

Just my opinion... that outlook is naive and could come back to bite you hard.  I am not worried about the "most" who are honest... it is the ONE who says you grabbed her boob or had sex with her that will get you convicted before you have a chance to say DNA.  Even if you get off (no pun intended), you are already branded as a perv by tons of folks who will never bother to find out they found you innocent...

It sucks, but if you care at all about your reputation you have to CYA.  Never be alone with a minor.  If mom/dad can't be at the shoot, there is no shoot.  If I am at all concerned about the model or the folks (like right after you saw the myspace content) we don't even shoot at her family reunion.

No model or picture is worth compromising your reputation over.

Oct 19 06 11:39 am Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

this is today's climate for shooting minors... read the article, look at the picture … c&psp=news


by the way, look at wynd mylusa, raven's laughter, click hamilton, stan shultze, and  w g rowland's week, wynd went to san diego, hooked up with several photographers and they have spent the week showing off the fruits of their labor

if i forgot to add a name, or added a name that wasn't in this group my appolgies

i envy them, i dont envy anyone who spends their time rationalizing bullsht

Oct 19 06 11:43 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Vance wrote:

How did he HURT the daughter..who is doing a fine job herself. And if the OP was acting like a teenage was the mother...seems to me all is fair on the Mayflower.

And are not mothers the first to say.. I KNOW MY I am sure it was no eye opener except to know that anyone on Myspace can find out all about her kids sexual  exploits.

The more I think about it....RUDE as it may be,... If she didnt know..He did her a favor.Now Mom can step in before the little one gets knocked up or raped by a real monster.

And if Mom already knew...she deserved it..because she projected her insecurities on the OP. I see both sides... I see where people are coming from, but from what I am reading, and from what I know abuot us adults. Mom is well informed...and she projected..she wasnt told anything she didnt know...and if she didnt..she needed too..

Call me a slut today, or call me Mommy, or AIDS victim tomorrow...

How did he hurt the daughter?  oh I dunno, maybe SHE trusted him?  Do you think she'd trust him NOW if her mom tells her what he said about her?

Is he helping the daughter?  No.  If he WANTED to help her he'd have talked to her OR even talked to her mom about the girl's behavior.  However, he used the information as a way of lashing out at the mom because he was angry.  Does he want to be this girl's friend or photographer?  If he wants to be her photographer, he should shut his mouth and mind his own business.

So, what's your sexual activity like?  are YOU going to be an AIDS victim?  Should we call your mommy?

Oct 19 06 11:43 am Link


Admiral Frog

Posts: 29088

Roswell, Georgia, US

Vance wrote:
Must be an "EAST COAST " thing///:-)

Don't make this a Biggie and Tupac issue, next thing you know we will have photographers popping caps in each other throwing up gang signs at photo shoots. East Coast Represent!!
of course the previous statement was a joke incase you don't have a sense of humor.

Oct 19 06 11:47 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

DigitalCMH wrote:
How did he hurt the daughter?  oh I dunno, maybe SHE trusted him?  Do you think she'd trust him NOW if her mom tells her what he said about her?

Is he helping the daughter?  No.  If he WANTED to help her he'd have talked to her OR even talked to her mom about the girl's behavior.  However, he used the information as a way of lashing out at the mom because he was angry.  Does he want to be this girl's friend or photographer?  If he wants to be her photographer, he should shut his mouth and mind his own business.

So, what's your sexual activity like?  are YOU going to be an AIDS victim?  Should we call your mommy?

based on all the responses..The daughter isnt the one who ws trusting anybody..This thred is so over blown its crazy...

Another day on Mayhem....

And still..Iwill say again..If you start a fight be prepared to finish it. The gloves come off in a battle..everything is fair...

Happens everyday...

I have no sympathy for any of em.

I am wondering how many parents here would like to know there kids are online, talking about dating and shagging older men? And regardless of how you found out, I bet you would be grateful...If of course you are so blind and out of touch you didnt already know.

Speak to that before you slam the OP..then we have a true debate...

Oct 19 06 11:49 am Link


Kinetic Photography

Posts: 517

Vito wrote:

So if the OP found on your MySpace (this is all hypothetical) that you like screwing donkeys and ostriches but your bf/husband doesn't know this, and your bf/husband said to the photographer "I heard a lot of things that have happened with photographers, I want someone to be there with her", it would be perfectly fine to say to your bf/husband, "Oh, it's okay for her to f*ck donkeys and exotic birds but not shoot with me?". The OP should have acted like a professional and not outted the daughter to the mother, no matter what. The mother may know what the daughter is up to, but it is not her photographers place to tell her.

Hmm, interesting.....a minor is having sexual relations with adults and a 3rd person who knows about it is NOT required or even allowed to notify anyone about it.  I guess Foley would love you guys as friends smile

Oct 19 06 11:49 am Link

Body Painter

Henna Artist

Posts: 58

Portland, Oregon, US

true, men and women have differences that should be celibrated.  im all for that.  im just saying that you shouldnt have to deal with annoying escorts, but that is only the result of the problem and you can only work on the problem.  when i modeled, i was overly cautious too and it had nothing to do with photographers.  it has to do with society.  men and women should both be respected, yet women strive to be beautiful for men, dont make as much at work, are harrassed constantly.  men are congratualted for their masculinity and called pussies if they are not.  pussies, meaning wimpy, weak guy meaning woman.

it sucks that you have to do deal with escorts, but remember that the model is cat called at, checked out by creeps, intimidated and harrassed just for being a woman.

Oct 19 06 11:50 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

lotusphoto wrote:
this is today's climate for shooting minors... read the article, look at the picture … c&psp=news

What does that have to do with this thread?

And for the sake of your post.. I dont see criminal charges..Or the place being closed down..

And it looks retouched to me as well...Look at the hair line..

This is not what we are talking about..

Oct 19 06 11:52 am Link


Glamour1 Studio

Posts: 1279

Baltimore, Maryland, US

And you forgot . . .

Mean & Evil !

opps . . . .did I leave out . . .Pervert ! ! !

Oct 19 06 11:53 am Link


Art Richards Creatives

Posts: 107

Bogo, Central Visayas, Philippines

lotusphoto wrote:
this is today's climate for shooting minors... read the article, look at the picture … c&psp=news

wow... a hysterical mother... a lynch mob (media) hot after a juicy story... whether they are guilty or not, the public will always think they are guilty.  You may "refuse to live in fear" but I would rather be cautious. 

And yes... while there is clearly shadow from the jacket coming from both the left and the right... the area where the shadows cross seems a bit off.  That would be a pretty stupid way to get a chuckle.

Oct 19 06 11:53 am Link