Forums > General Industry > I Really Pissed Off Her Mom......


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

DigitalCMH wrote:

You watched them huh? big_smile

With the camera rolling buddy!

Oct 19 06 08:17 pm Link


Kinetic Photography

Posts: 517

Vito wrote:

That you believe only a stupid person was claim she was raped. You obviously are young so you don't know any better. There are a lot of crazy, demented, paranoid, vicious, spiteful, hateful people out there. Claiming a photographer (or anyone, really) raped them is just another day for them. They crave attention, the like to be at the center of the action, they believe the world revolves around them (hmmm...sounds like some peoples definition of a m***l). People have been arrested, tried and convicted by less evidence than you can know.

Sorry, I stand corrected.  Someone who makes a false accusation of rape IS NOT an idiot.  Thank you for correcting me.

Oct 19 06 08:19 pm Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Vance wrote:
It's bully Thursday..didnt you get the memo?


I must have missed it. Probably it's a good thing you're trying to do everyones work for them.

Oct 19 06 08:20 pm Link



Posts: 775

New York, New York, US

Your mom thinks I'm a sick freak who only wants to get nasty. And she should know.

Oct 19 06 08:22 pm Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Vance wrote:
Did you bother reading the OP?..and please...hung around teens latley.
I havent seen so many threesomes and anal sex my entire life...WOWZERS!

Should I presume those teens you've seen are 18+, or are you talking about minors, as this topic is discussing?

Oct 19 06 08:26 pm Link



Posts: 513

Fresno, California, US

Kevin Connery wrote:
Should I presume those teens you've seen are 18+, or are you talking about minors, as this topic is discussing?

He -- and apparently he alone -- doesn't have to stick to the topic. 

Go ahead, just try to make him prove he has to stay on topic!  wink

At least we aren't talking anymore about how wrong some of us are for not wanting to shoot unattended minors! 

-- rick

P.S. Vance (that should make him happy!), I'm just poking some good-natured fun at you.

Oct 19 06 08:34 pm Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Kinetic Photography wrote:
My whole point was....why do photographers, to the exclusion of so many other professions, warrant so much fear and aprehension in the publics mind ?  What did photographer do throughout history to deserve it ?

Are you part of the problem, or part of the solution? Would your comments to this particular mom increase or decrease "fear and aprehension"?

Kinetic Photography wrote:
, I asked if I could do the shoot just one on one with the model because I felt she wasnt opening up enough due to her mom being there.


Kinetic Photography wrote:
I said "of course, I should have known.  Its a good thing all of those other guys she is having sex with arent photographers"

DigitalCMH wrote:
You're now trying to make it sound like you're a hero.  But you're not.  You didn't CARE!  you didn't give a rats ass about her behavior. The ONLY reason you told the mom was because she said something that offended you so you lashed out.  Had she never done that, you'd have happily continued shooting her daughter and not given a shit about how many older men she's banging.  Don't act like you were trying to do them a favor.

Oct 19 06 08:49 pm Link



Posts: 775

New York, New York, US

DigitalCMH wrote:
You're now trying to make it sound like you're a hero.  But you're not.  You didn't CARE!  you didn't give a rats ass about her behavior. The ONLY reason you told the mom was because she said something that offended you so you lashed out.  Had she never done that, you'd have happily continued shooting her daughter and not given a shit about how many older men she's banging.  Don't act like you were trying to do them a favor.

Live and let die, baby.

Oct 19 06 08:56 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Kinetic Photography wrote:
I didnt call the girl a slut, I would never call a girl a slut.  I just mentioned that she was having sex with a few other guys.  Has our society become so jaded and sheltered that a 17 yr old girl has to have her mom with her around a photographer ?  The whole point of this is that EVERY model I work with spends hours everyday , unsupervised, around other adults and yet parents are allowing of this...but NO WAY will a female be around a photographer.  We all know how dangerous photographers.

NEVER and I mean "NEVER" mention that a minor aged daughter is having sex to the mother!  Are you crazy?

Dude, you had already shot her a few times with everyone being happy, so why'd you rock the boat by wanting to get her alone unless you really do hope you can get in her pants too?

So you blew it!  I've photographed teenaged models in the past and it never mattered to me if there was an escort or not.  However it is NOT my choice to try to talk the parent or guardian into letting me have the daughter all to myself.  If they trust me enough, then it will happen, but if not, I certainly don't go blabber "oh by the way your daughter is having sex with older guys ... !"   It's pretty dang obvious that the young lady doesn't need to have you tell the mom.  If mom doesn't want to let you have her daughter alone for a shoot, then being the guardian, she is entitled to that decision.  You ... as a photographer, must accept it!  The model is under aged and you'll get yourself into trouble if you push it by being a blabber mouth.  If not with the mom, but with the daughter for reminding mom of what is probably obvious but denied.

Oct 19 06 10:39 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Vance wrote:

With the camera rolling buddy!

I'm calling your mom!

Oct 19 06 11:48 pm Link



Posts: 775

New York, New York, US

Maybe you should ask the mom out.

Oct 19 06 11:51 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Wow! Page 10?

C'mon folks....big deal, the OP called the models mom to the rug with the truth about the double standard. Good for him. This parent is either in denial and knows all about her daughter -or- she is naive and just doesn't want to believe it. In either case she was put in her place and sometimes in life you just gotta do that for/to people. We're photogs....not saints. I might have just said "okay" but sometimes it's fun to grow horns and slap shit up every now and then. Was this TFP? If so, he's not even going to lose any biz on the back end. I call it a win win. And it probably put a little smile on his face in the end. I know it would


Oct 20 06 12:03 am Link


Elana Rachel

Posts: 266

Boston, Massachusetts, US

lesson learned? underage models- not really worth the hassle. My stand? Wait till you are 18 or go to an agency...

Oct 20 06 12:14 am Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

ERM Photography wrote:
lesson learned? underage models- not really worth the hassle. My stand? Wait till you are 18 or go to an agency...

Word up. Always go to an agency and cut out the crap!

Put up the dough and cut out the crap. Simple.

Oct 20 06 12:16 am Link



Posts: 551

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Okay... so he was a dirty little monkey and we're all saints.

The end.


Oct 20 06 02:24 am Link


removed member

Posts: 249

Kinetic Photography wrote:
Okay so we all know that all photographers are pedophiles, rapists and murderers.  Society and the media has taught everyone to be EXRETEMLY cautious and apprehensive around photographers and to do everything possible to ensure that you dont end up a victim of a known photographer.  The golden rule is that a female can NEVER be left alone with a photographer because at any given moment they might STRIKE.....sexually.

  Here is my story.....A mother of a 16 year old girl that lives about 5 minutes from me contacted me about doing some pictures for her daughter.  She got my number from a friend of hers that I worked with previously.  We set up a shoot and it went very well.  At the shoot was the model, her mom, a brother and another guy.  Clearly they brought back up to a very dangerous situtation.  I mean, we were shooting at a public beach and we all know how risky that is.  So anyway, girl loves her pictures and mom does too.  A month later the mom calls me again and asks to do another shoot.  We did. At my house.  It went great and once again they loved the pictures.  This girl went to the same high school that I did and we know alot of the same people. 
  I had her listed as a friend on my Myspace profile and I noticed that she had put up many of our pictures on her page.  I also noticed on her page alot of other stuff she put up.....racy pictures and stories about her and other guys.  From the pictures it is very obvious that she dates older guys and from her posts its obvious she is sexually active.  All fine and dandy with me.
  Yesterday her mom calls me and asks if I can do another shoot with the daughter. She is now 17 yrs old. I said sure, however, I asked if I could do the shoot just one on one with the model because I felt she wasnt opening up enough due to her mom being there.  The mom was understanding but accused me of trying to be alone with her daughter so I could make "advances" toward her.  I told her I took offense to that and asked why I would be any different then any other guy she was alone with.  The mother stammered and then said "well because you are a photographer and it wouldnt be appropiate" .  I said "of course, I should have known.  Its a good thing all of those other guys she is having sex with arent photographers"  Well, suffice it to say the mother started yelling and blah blah blah.

I am tired of automatically being put on the same level as convicted molesters and rapists merely because I am a photographer.  Photographers did ABSOLUTELY nothing to deserve their reputation.  My father told me when he was in college studying photo-journalism that people actually liked and respected photographers.

i think you played yourself pretty hard here. 

first, whos the client here bro?  THEM. 2 successful shoots and you want to change it?  you had a winning formula for them.  why change it if THEY were happy with the results?  THEY are the client...not you.

second, why on earth would you want to be one on one with someone like that?  are you looking for an accusation?  or a stach charge?

third, you talked shiot on her daughter.  this makes me think your just an idiot.  word of mouth right now is KILLING you.  you took one crack at her daughter to set her straight about the integrity of photographers (why?) and now shes taking countless cracks at you.... TO YOUR POTENTIAL CLIENTS.

good job ace.

Oct 20 06 07:24 am Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Wynd Mulysa wrote:
A photographer exposed himself to me less than a week ago.  Haha.

Click Hamilton wrote:

Report the bastard!
No, ... wait ....

you are not talking about when we went to a nude beach and you were freezing your butt off and I gave you my trench coat, are you????

Yikes again!

Maybe it was me being a gentleman!

Wynd Mulysa wrote:
I meant it technically but not negatively.  It is true, and WG has the photo to prove it.  smile.  But it was appreciated.  Haha.

I found it!

Technically, you are correct Wynd :-)

Oct 20 06 08:40 am Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

in a way the substance of this thread is in the title..

i really pissed off her mom

that's what he really did..

Oct 20 06 09:53 am Link



Posts: 775

New York, New York, US

So, there we have it: the substance was urine all along.

Oct 20 06 09:55 am Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Kinetic Photography wrote:
Photographers did ABSOLUTELY nothing to deserve their reputation.

Pull the other one; it has bells on it.


Oct 20 06 10:00 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

jason messer wrote:
i think you played yourself pretty hard here. 

first, whos the client here bro?  THEM. 2 successful shoots and you want to change it?  you had a winning formula for them.  why change it if THEY were happy with the results?  THEY are the client...not you.

second, why on earth would you want to be one on one with someone like that?  are you looking for an accusation?  or a stach charge?

third, you talked shiot on her daughter.  this makes me think your just an idiot.  word of mouth right now is KILLING you.  you took one crack at her daughter to set her straight about the integrity of photographers (why?) and now shes taking countless cracks at you.... TO YOUR POTENTIAL CLIENTS.

good job ace.

Exactly what I was saying (except worded differently!)  LOL

He was fighting back in the honor of photographers because he "took offense" to her mom saying "No" he can't have her daughter alone for a shoot. I doubt very much that those giving the high 5's of approval to his offensive reaction have kids of their own.  It's about as cool to mention to a mom or dad that their "little baby" is having sex as it is to imagine your own parents having sex ... unless you're into incest.  It doesn't matter if a daughter is 14 or 44 ... she is always the moms little girl! 

When it comes to shooting teenagers (under-aged) I've had parents who bring the whole family then I've had them drop their daughters off at my studio and leave me alone with them, with everything in between.  It is about respecting the parents and models comfort level with me as the photographer.   

It seems to me that the OP had been working on this moms comfort level, but blew it by first pushing for the daughter to shoot with him alone. Then to shove the fact that he "knows" the daughter is sexually active.  I wonder if he was hoping to "score" sexually with the daughter from his quote of "All fine and dandy with me."  Just from his statement that the daughter and him "went to the same school ... know the same people" and he notices a lot of stuff indicating that she is sexually active, likes older men, and so maybe he is thinking he stands a shot at her? Seems like he had an ulterior motive!

When you have the respect that a good reputation deserves from the parents, then you'll get the opportunity to shoot with as much freedom as necessary to get the images you need!  NOT before!  I don't need for photographers who "wanna get her alone" defending MY reputation!  He blew it!

Oct 20 06 10:41 am Link