Forums > General Industry > Creepy Photogs and their Bad Advice.


Douglas Sonders

Posts: 26

New York, New York, US

Thats hillarious. That jerk is stealing all my good lines! ;-)

Oct 03 06 12:35 am Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:
And even getting that degree guarantees nothing, as evidenced by my best friend who is sitting in Arizona, broke and very lucky her family still spoils her grown ass even though she has a business degree but no employment.

Well, what's your major? That is scary when that happens. I know a lot of friends who have found themselves in that situation but most of them are your typical film or liberal arts majors which is always gonna be difficult to find a job in and most of the time you end up doing something completely different.

Oct 03 06 12:35 am Link



Posts: 103

Abbeville, Alabama, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:

I agree with you, except now the teenaged boys have to worry about creepy old Congressmen hitting on them! 

Actually when I was a teenaged boy, I had a female teacher hit on me ... and it was pretty creepy to me back then!  She didn't get too far with me.  So forgive and forget.

You are wrong to thing that only young women get hit on by people they don't want to be with or even talk to.  Young men get it too!

you are right.  i was just referring to what i related to, and just cause this situation was having to do with young girls being harassed, but yes you are definitely right. we are hearing more and more everyday about young guys getting hit on by creepers!

Oct 03 06 12:36 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Rachelle Anita wrote:

you are right.  i was just referring to what i related to, and just cause this situation was having to do with young girls being harassed, but yes you are definitely right. we are hearing more and more everyday about young guys getting hit on by creepers!

I can;t walk out of my front door without 40 year old women throwning panties at me.  THE NERVE!

Oct 03 06 12:37 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Threads like this make me so happy to be working in fetish/bondage...We never have stupid/catty bickering contests like this.

Good luck you're all gonna need it.

Oct 03 06 12:37 am Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
I agree with you, except now the teenaged boys have to worry about creepy old Congressmen hitting on them!

See, I can't quite understand that. I mean a teenaged boy? I never hear of a lesbian trying to get wit an underage girl. What is this world coming to!

Oct 03 06 12:37 am Link


Caroline Ann Martin

Posts: 1761

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

My point is that with all the model bashing that goes around. Many of us models go through a lot worse with a lot of these creepy GWC's running around. Of course, such threads are put in the dark.

HOW TRUE...  We constantly see threads about models flaking, models needing to "grow up" or "act their age", etc. etc. etc.... But what of the many photogs who are clearly just GWC's and nothing more? 

Personally, for the photogs who really ARE photogs for the right reasons, it would be better to bitch about the GWC's as these are the idiots that give the profession a bad rap.

Oct 03 06 12:38 am Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Ransom J wrote:

I can;t walk out of my front door without 40 year old women throwning panties at me.  THE NERVE!

lol! oh Yes,Ransom. You pimp you.

Oct 03 06 12:39 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
Threads like this make me so happy to be working in fetish/bondage...We never have stupid/catty bickering contests like this.

Good luck you're all gonna need it.

Well duh!  They can't back talk with a ball gag in their mouths now can they?

Oct 03 06 12:39 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
I was in Cancun with one of my set of twins not to brag but my girls are pretty.
They wanted to dance so off to a club we go.  I escorted them but wouldn't go
in nor did they want me to.  I looked inside for a moment and among mostly
college aged guys were some men my age.  Balding a bit over weight and looking
like goofs trying to keep up with twenty something women.  Don't get me wrong
theres nothing wrong with noticing young women but dating them ummm, no.
It only works in other cultures because very often older men have some money
and are able to provide for the women they date or marry.  Here, women make as
much or more then men.  I'm not a bad looking old dude and young women are
always smiling at me.  However I never think its because they have a interest in me.
look if some young lady gives you a play its all good but don't be stupid enough to
think she is going to stay with your old ass.  Well in most cases, anyway.
Also for our fine OP and lady M both of you are fine sisters so enjoy your youth.
Enjoy what Allah has blessed you with.

ROTFL!  So true brother, so true!!!!!  big_smile

Oct 03 06 12:39 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US


See, I can't quite understand that. I mean a teenaged boy? I never hear of a lesbian trying to get wit an underage girl. What is this world coming to!

Actually it happens all the time, but nobody cares what happens to teen aged lesbians, so it's not an issue.

BTW:  What's with all the "ebonics" in your posts?  Most unladylike.

Oct 03 06 12:39 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Ransom J wrote:

Well duh!  They can't back talk with a ball gag in their mouths now can they?

...Something like that. wink

Oct 03 06 12:40 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US


Well, what's your major? That is scary when that happens. I know a lot of friends who have found themselves in that situation but most of them are your typical film or liberal arts majors which is always gonna be difficult to find a job in and most of the time you end up doing something completely different.

My major is mass comm with a public relations concentration.  I already know the deal, which is why I'm not all that excited about college anymore anyway.  But my friend has a Bachelors in Business from a good private school and she's just as assed out as I am.  Another friend of mine (same school) was delivering pizzas for a good year after he graduated until his mom pulled some strings and moved him back home and got him a job.  I'm just saying.  The only people I know (in my age range) who are working, not just in their field, are my cousin (graduate school) and her fiance, same deal.

Oct 03 06 12:41 am Link



Posts: 103

Abbeville, Alabama, US

Caroline A Martin wrote:

HOW TRUE...  We constantly see threads about models flaking, models needing to "grow up" or "act their age", etc. etc. etc.... But what of the many photogs who are clearly just GWC's and nothing more? 

Personally, for the photogs who really ARE photogs for the right reasons, it would be better to bitch about the GWC's as these are the idiots that give the profession a bad rap.

oh be careful, all we do is throw around the "GWC" label on here!  no labeling or complaining unless it's about a  flaking model, bringing a friend to a shoot, or women that are too old to wear younger clothes cause it's not sexy and gross for them to dare have to look at (of course THAT isn't age discrimination or anything).

Oct 03 06 12:42 am Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Caroline A Martin wrote:
Personally, for the photogs who really ARE photogs for the right reasons, it would be better to bitch about the GWC's as these are the idiots that give the profession a bad rap.

Well, I tried that in another thread just a couple days ago and I'm sure you've seen what that turned into. *rolls eyes*

Oct 03 06 12:44 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Caroline A Martin wrote:
Personally, for the photogs who really ARE photogs for the right reasons, it would be better to bitch about the GWC's as these are the idiots that give the profession a bad rap.

And those "right" reasons would be...?

*this should be good*

Oct 03 06 12:44 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Rachelle Anita wrote:
oh be careful, all we do is throw around the "GWC" label on here!  no labeling or complaining unless it's about a  flaking model, bringing a friend to a shoot, or women that are too old to wear younger clothes cause it's not sexy and gross for them to dare have to look at (of course THAT isn't age discrimination or anything).

And since I said that four models have come in and thrown that label around.


On the flip side i notice you still haven't acknowledged that ya'll bitch about photographers just like photographers bitch about models.

To paraphrase Caroline:

"Personally, for the models who really ARE models for the right reasons, it would be better to bitch about the GWP's as these are the idiots that give the profession a bad rap."

So as i said earlier.  Everyone should relax.  Period.  Ya'll are pretty women that take pictures for a living (or aspire to)

And we are men who take pictures of pretty women for a living.  What about that life is BAD?

Oct 03 06 12:47 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Samantha Grace wrote:
Sweety you rock. I never tell anyone I am a model because of creepy men like that. It's a given at least once every 3 monthes or so, I will be out shopping or out with friends. When a creepy photographer will come up to me. He will claim he can get me into Playboy. I always explain, I am just not interested. I lie and say I am not a model, and I am not looking to bust into the industry.

Since, I live in Cleveland everyone knows everyone here. I hate when they come up to me in public and ask, "Are you Samantha Grace? Well, I am a photographer and I have moutains of career advice." But in the end these jokers know nothing.

Thanks for having the guts to post this, on a famous model bashing board. I know a few models who refuse to post on MM because they are afraid of being bashed by GWC's.

I understand in a limited way what some attractive women deal with.  A while
back a friend asked me to read and respond to her email as her computer was down.  Wow,  some of her emails were so vile and sexual I was stunned.  One
guy was asking to marry her another wanted to do something nasty to her toes
another wanted to tie her up.  There were offers of cash, trips and gifts also. 
Men can be creeps and because we don't always know how we come across
can be scary.  Whenever I read for example the endless escort no escort posts
I think escorts aren't about safety so much but comfort and many male photographers don't get that.  We also forget that while some women may enjoy
the sexual attention of some men many women feel uncomfortable with it.
I'm not saying that women are children that need our constant protection.  Look
lets reverse this and pretend you as a man were being checked out in a oblivious
way by another man and you weren't gay (nothing wrong with being gay)
What if he made comments about your butt or size of your penis?  It would piss
me off for sure.  Its not quite good enough for men to just say women should
just accept having men say suggestive things as harmless.  Yes, men are going
to say nasty stuff but that doesn't mean women should be cool with it.  By
the way none of the photographer responding to this thread have say women
should be cool with nasty things said this was a general comment.

Oct 03 06 12:47 am Link


Papa Vic Photography

Posts: 8211

Glendale, Arizona, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:

Ok, the problem I have with this comment is this:  Your veiled insult doesn't hold water.  Because let's say your claiming Tony's port is the only ok one.  Then where does that leave Patrick and Digital and Ransom?  In fact, I know you aren't counting Ransom because of his port.  But seeing as how I'm in the process of building an alter to his work (which is plenty technically compentent and tasteful, I mean, he could have tacky glamour in there), your agreement with our side coupled with your downing of another photographer puts you in the white knight category (correct me if I'm wrong).  I think guys like you go to the chipper, but I could be wrong.  I haven't been to THE THREAD in awhile. 

By the way, I adore the ports of all four of the photographers I mentioned.  If I forgot you, it's cuz I didn't read over this thread before responding and I apologize.

maybe Lost meant -me- sad

Oct 03 06 12:48 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US


Thanks for the advice. I love my parents to death. They are certainly the loves of my life and I can't even imagine losing one of them. I've never expirienced death personally so the time when that comes...I don't even like thinking about though at times it keeps me awake at night cause I know its inevitable. Again. thanks for the words of encouragement and don't give up on love!

Age really is just a number:the best well (you know) I've ever had was with my current boyfriend.To be honest, many of my friends have said the same about when they date older men. You older guys you! ROWRRR!!!

Aww! You are very welcome!  big_smile

Oct 03 06 12:49 am Link


Dark Magus

Posts: 7027

El Cajon, California, US

Gee, I guess I am the number one creep on MM. At 45 I dated women as young as 19. At 19 I dated women as old as 47. I rarely try and look up a woman’s dress or down her blouse. I figure if she wants to show me that side of her she will. I don’t know why women hate the fact that if they are attractive they attract; although I know that they can attract stalkers and other perverts. Sorry ladies but it is a fact that if you tell most people they cannot have something they want it all the more. I don’t understand the guy who shoots a woman (with a gun) who has left him when in a week or two five more will be dying to give him their number. Why would you want someone who doesn’t want you and will mistreat you? I guess some of you girls think that being with a man with a bald head and a grey beard is creepy. A lot of you young people think 45 old and next to death. I know I did at that age. However I let life give me experiences and I embraced what ever came. I now know age is just a number, experience means much more and life is far too short to let such trivial things define your life. When you reach that golden day when it is time for you to lay down your burdens and drink the sweet wine of death, the only regrets you will have will be the things you thought of doing, should have done but did not because you were worried about how you would look to others.

Oct 03 06 01:00 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Samantha Grace wrote:
Sweety you rock. I never tell anyone I am a model because of creepy men like that. It's a given at least once every 3 monthes or so, I will be out shopping or out with friends. When a creepy photographer will come up to me. He will claim he can get me into Playboy. I always explain, I am just not interested. I lie and say I am not a model, and I am not looking to bust into the industry.

Since, I live in Cleveland everyone knows everyone here. I hate when they come up to me in public and ask, "Are you Samantha Grace? Well, I am a photographer and I have moutains of career advice." But in the end these jokers know nothing.

Thanks for having the guts to post this, on a famous model bashing board. I know a few models who refuse to post on MM because they are afraid of being bashed by GWC's.

".... Well, I am a photographer and I have moutains of career advice."  this has me ROTFLMAO!

So Grace, what is it about you that they would insult you that way?  Why do they think you need their "mountains of career advice." anyway?  But you are right about his .. how many models go up to photographers and tell them "I'm a model and I can make you into a well known photographer!   Do you know that there was a thread on photographer Annie Leibovitz. There were some hints of male chauvinism on it .. but I defend her because when I got into shooting music concerts, it was the female photographers that figuratively opened doors for me.  Most guys are too competitive to consider that we can go farther when helping lift each other up. It's called "Networking" and many photographers and models can benefit from becoming skilled at it.

No, they only have advice is you are actually interest.  wink

Oct 03 06 01:02 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:

Patrick, while I can't argue with the fact that some people have it worse than I do, I can admit to being the selfish, conceited, insensitive person I am and say I don't give a shit.  I wasn't asking for sympathy.  But just because someone is homeless and I'm not doesn't mean I feel any better.  Cruel and callous, I know.  That sucks for them.
And I can't change my job situation.  Until I can come up with the cash to finish my degree, any job I find in this town is going to suck just as much.  And even getting that degree guarantees nothing, as evidenced by my best friend who is sitting in Arizona, broke and very lucky her family still spoils her grown ass even though she has a business degree but no employment.

Melissa, I can't help but dig your honesty!  It is danm expensive to live in Cali, I know!   

Of what you said, the one thing that throws me a curve is the "And I can't change my job situation." ... maybe there is something I don't know about you, but I don't accept that.  You say "can't" and I say you just don't want to ... or you don't think you can.  I'm in business for myself ... and when I need to have something done, I approach people with the potential job to be done.  If they tell me that they can't do it, or that it can't be done, well guess what?  I say "thank you .. " and move on until I meet the person who says "Yes!" and can do it! 

I needed some flyers printed up .. you know the kind that we pass out at clubs about music artists, etc ... the 4 x 6 kind.  I needed these done in two days!  Well the first guy I called said they needed 3 days and that they can't do it.  I called someone I met that weekend at a photo shoot, and guess what?  He said he could do it! So in 48 hours, 5,000 flyers were designed, printed, and in my hands for the lower price of $275.  If you are interested to see one side of that flyer .. it's on my yahoo group right now at

Find the job that you do like .. or if it's more about your own feelings .. then maybe you really need to work on yourself? This whole business is about networking. It's not good for networking if you put out a negative vibe.  It's going to be rough, but you have got to rise about the negative idea of "can't" and say "I can!"  Do it!  I know you can!  wink

Oct 03 06 01:17 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Ransom J wrote:

LMAO I used to say that all the time when i was younger.  "Who cares that it could be worse?  It sucks NOW!"

Then I realized that with 90 percent of what i would piss and moan about I had complete control over my own happiness.  I had control over whether or not i was in the situation I was in.  I learned that if my job sucked then i could tough it out and find another job.  If my love life stunk then i needed to re-evaluate what i was looking for and change everything about ME that made my relationships fail.  If my personal life sucked, then i needed to grab life by the balls and go have fun and stop waiting on life to HAPPEN.

That's the point of those "It could be worse" statements.  Some people are in situations that they have NO control over.  If you're worst complaints are all about things you have the power to change then you lead a priveledged life.

Right on!  If someone is locked up in prison or jail, OR in a hospital ... those things are pretty much going to leave one with little control.  But other than that, we all have many choices to make in life. The most important choice is to be happy or not!  It's not always easy though.

Oct 03 06 01:21 am Link



Posts: 5850

Mesa, Arizona, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:

Maybe I'm just too young, but I don't get it.  Who is James Kirk?

And who said anything about flying off the handle?  Just because I vent on the internet, doesn't mean I roar at people in real life.

James T. Kirk - Commander of the Feretation Starship "Enterprise" From the ORIGINAL  TV show.. Star Trek... but I guess the two of you are too young (being 22 and 23 ) to remember TV or Star Trek.

Oct 03 06 01:33 am Link


Bunnie Page

Posts: 1161

Dallas, Texas, US

AndrewG wrote:

James T. Kirk - Commander of the Feretation Starship "Enterprise" From the ORIGINAL  TV show.. Star Trek... but I guess the two of you are too young (being 22 and 23 ) to remember TV or Star Trek.

I watch Star Trek...and I've been 22 for less than a month smile

Oct 03 06 01:38 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

I remember TV. I'm Batman.

Oct 03 06 01:46 am Link



Posts: 1843

Tacoma, Washington, US

The original post seems to me like a troll....a blown up story to get people to look at her profile...Am I the only one who smells this.

Oct 03 06 01:47 am Link



Posts: 24

San Diego, California, US

Actually the photographer who shot my avater (who stopped me in a Starbucks one morning while brunching with friends-minus the creepy factor) was about 50 and one of the best damn photographers I have ever shot with and I am grateful that he gave me the chance to be part of his magic.

Someone tell that poor bastardo who pushes cash register keys for a living that, he will have a much better chance at scoring a photoshoot (or bootay) if in the future he "brunches with friends in Staaaaaarbucks" (said with a stiff upper lip in old british tone).

Is it possible this isn't about age? But actually about the fact that lot's of beautiful women only seem to gripe about the attention they get, when it doesn't come from a guy they consider either attractive themselves, or on some proper level of acceptance in society's food chain? 

Didn't Brad Pitt work in a store at some point before becoming a star?  What a story a fly on the wall of that place would have to tell, had at this same moment in time - someone of Brad's caliber in looks (whatever age), approached a girl in the same manner.

I bet that Brad-like guy would have gotten a phone number, 40 something or not.  But woe is the old man with looks of instant "creepy factor" that God cursed him with, yet bestowed all women with pin-point-accuracy sensory tools to smell him a mile away.

Someone please notify Jerry A., Mark Anderson and the likes of Gary Bernstein.  We need to make sure they don't walk up to any beautiful women in public and tell them they are photographers.  Oh, but wait. They wouldn't do that would they?  It wouldn't strike them that they might just be looking at the next Guess Girl and just let her walk on by, would they?

Hey all you "40 something" photogs.  Keep your lip tight and your "not considered brunchable donuts" still, if you happen to be getting your coffee with friends in 7-11 when a hottie walks in the door.  You might end up the "bashed creepy guy" in a thread that was only supposed to be worth 2 cents.  ;>P

Oct 03 06 01:48 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US


See, I can't quite understand that. I mean a teenaged boy? I never hear of a lesbian trying to get wit an underage girl. What is this world coming to!

Yea, it is sick and disgusting ...  This sort of stuff has gone on longer than any of us or our grandparents have been around.  Stealing and rape go on too.  It's about power more than sex.  About fear more than love!  It makes me wonder if religion and government were created to control all others who were not white men.  Power is corruptive, and it's very evident today! I grew up believing in equality for all people, and it's still a dream.  Let's not let it die!

I grew up as a liberal hippie, and I'm very much multi ethnic, but with a last name that sounds Jewish (... picture a guy with a big red 'fro, and freckles)  it's very interesting some of the things I've learned about people when they don't know who they are talking to.  wink   LOL

Models on Model Mayhem, You Rock!

Oct 03 06 01:48 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:

Melissa, I can't help but dig your honesty!  It is danm expensive to live in Cali, I know!   

Of what you said, the one thing that throws me a curve is the "And I can't change my job situation." ... maybe there is something I don't know about you, but I don't accept that.  You say "can't" and I say you just don't want to ... or you don't think you can.  I'm in business for myself ... and when I need to have something done, I approach people with the potential job to be done.  If they tell me that they can't do it, or that it can't be done, well guess what?  I say "thank you .. " and move on until I meet the person who says "Yes!" and can do it! 

I needed some flyers printed up .. you know the kind that we pass out at clubs about music artists, etc ... the 4 x 6 kind.  I needed these done in two days!  Well the first guy I called said they needed 3 days and that they can't do it.  I called someone I met that weekend at a photo shoot, and guess what?  He said he could do it! So in 48 hours, 5,000 flyers were designed, printed, and in my hands for the lower price of $275.  If you are interested to see one side of that flyer .. it's on my yahoo group right now at

Find the job that you do like .. or if it's more about your own feelings .. then maybe you really need to work on yourself? This whole business is about networking. It's not good for networking if you put out a negative vibe.  It's going to be rough, but you have got to rise about the negative idea of "can't" and say "I can!"  Do it!  I know you can!  wink

I'm not talking about the modeling industry.  That doesn't pay my bills.  And living in California isn't what's costing me money, it's paying people back for an education I don't have that sucks my money dry.  I'm not going to find a job I like without some degrees after my name and then a bunch of other shit after that.  The competition is brutal, I accept that.  This isn't a negative attitude, it's just a realisitic one.  I appreciate your remarks though, and I understand what you're saying.

Oct 03 06 01:48 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Caroline A Martin wrote:

HOW TRUE...  We constantly see threads about models flaking, models needing to "grow up" or "act their age", etc. etc. etc.... But what of the many photogs who are clearly just GWC's and nothing more? 

Personally, for the photogs who really ARE photogs for the right reasons, it would be better to bitch about the GWC's as these are the idiots that give the profession a bad rap.

This thread has gotten me to come out and post more than I have in a long time.  It's more fun when we hear from the models!  All the whining from the photographers .. well I had other things to do .. like shoot pictures!  LOL

Oct 03 06 01:51 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

-Tripp wrote:
Is it possible this isn't about age? But actually about the fact that lot's of beautiful women only seem to gripe about the attention they get, when it doesn't come from a guy they consider either attractive themselves, or on some proper level of acceptance in society's food chain?

I just want to say, for the record, that I don't like it when anybody hits on me, no matter what they look like.

Oct 03 06 01:52 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Taray Jennings wrote:
Gee, I guess I am the number one creep on MM. At 45 I dated women as young as 19. At 19 I dated women as old as 47. I rarely try and look up a woman’s dress or down her blouse. I figure if she wants to show me that side of her she will. I don’t know why women hate the fact that if they are attractive they attract; although I know that they can attract stalkers and other perverts. Sorry ladies but it is a fact that if you tell most people they cannot have something they want it all the more. I don’t understand the guy who shoots a woman (with a gun) who has left him when in a week or two five more will be dying to give him their number. Why would you want someone who doesn’t want you and will mistreat you? I guess some of you girls think that being with a man with a bald head and a grey beard is creepy. A lot of you young people think 45 old and next to death. I know I did at that age. However I let life give me experiences and I embraced what ever came. I now know age is just a number, experience means much more and life is far too short to let such trivial things define your life. When you reach that golden day when it is time for you to lay down your burdens and drink the sweet wine of death, the only regrets you will have will be the things you thought of doing, should have done but did not because you were worried about how you would look to others.

Oh boy!  This one came in late!  LOL  Umm sir, nobody said anything about you being "the number one creep on MM" ... sorry but you just volunteered that piece of information.   yikes

Oct 03 06 01:57 am Link


Opus Lily

Posts: 822

New York, New York, US

Are creepy old photographers any worse than people who think they're models? The former wants to get into your pants, and the latter is vain enough to think that former wants to get in her pants. The world isn't as obvious as you think. Don't assume people want to get into your pants.

Oct 03 06 02:04 am Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

yep, i once offered a potential model some advice, and  i aint robert redford, and i was working in a car dealership at the time,  but she took it and went on to win a trip to fiji, a car ,a modeling contract and become the face of grace bros in australia, then the big one,she married a millionarre, all from one photo i took and some advice , her names sharie,  it goes to show ya gotta switch on your  brain before your mouth sometimes , shes now 3o -ish  with millions of her own  with a lovely child as well, not bad for a country girl who took some advice..

Oct 03 06 02:10 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Jeffrey Winner wrote:
The original post seems to me like a troll....a blown up story to get people to look at her profile...Am I the only one who smells this.

No...she's always like that.

Oct 03 06 02:58 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

LiliOPhoto wrote:
Are creepy old photographers any worse than people who think they're models? The former wants to get into your pants, and the latter is vain enough to think that former wants to get in her pants. The world isn't as obvious as you think. Don't assume people want to get into your pants.

Well, that's the surreal beauty of the OPs position.  She can be vain enough to think everyone wants what she's got while acting above wanting to be wanted.  It's perfect when you think about it.

Oct 03 06 03:00 am Link


Dean Solo

Posts: 1064

Miami, Arizona, US

Wendy of the Arts wrote:
F***in' freak! I would have shoved a razor-edged pineapple up his booty!

People from Texas have a fucked up sense of humour. I guess too much time on the plains with sheep can warp a person.

I just looked at your port and I see your from Waco. That explains a lot...

Oct 03 06 03:10 am Link


Dark Magus

Posts: 7027

El Cajon, California, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:

Oh boy!  This one came in late!  LOL  Umm sir, nobody said anything about you being "the number one creep on MM" ... sorry but you just volunteered that piece of information.   yikes

Well, I do live in the volunteer state.

Oct 03 06 03:11 am Link