Forums > General Industry > Creepy Photogs and their Bad Advice.


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:

How do you know?  smile  Oh Ched, why am I arguing with you?  You say I'm not gonna hear you, but you're not hearing me.  Chalking anything I say up to "oh well she's young what does she know" is just as bad, even if I'm more blunt and abrasive.

Ched, you're right. She's not listening to you.  She thinks she's listening to you but she's not hearing what you are saying.

Oct 03 06 12:16 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US


Oct 03 06 12:23 pm Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Jeffrey Winner wrote:
The original post seems to me like a troll....a blown up story to get people to look at her profile...Am I the only one who smells this.

For your information I been on MM for months and this is what? My third thread since being on here. I don't need to start a thread for people to look at my page. Most of the time I making writing deadlines or working to be an internet troll.

Oct 03 06 12:27 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
Wow this thread is still going...
More of my dump replies to add to it.  Being attractive, young, tall and sexy is a
advantage for women and various studies have shown so but it comes with a price.
At times creepy or possible creepy men are going to hit on you they may even be
women.  If you're not interested say so, be polite but walk away.  I'm not saying
to be rude but people should only be allowed to intrude into our lives if we let
them not because they choose to.

Let me add here.   And it might seem crude, but anyone with a set of tits and a hole is gonna get hit on in their life.  That's just the way it is.   If you are truly beautiful or cute, you'll get hit on more, but at least you can wrap yourself in the knowledge that you're likely being hit on, not only by lower class creeps, but high class creeps that can take you to good restaurants, or make you a trophy wife if that's your goal in life.

Some people wish they had to only suffer the unwanted attention of males.

Tony Lawrence wrote:
Some women use what I call the power of the
booty to get bigger tips at restaurants or to get jobs and other things.  These are
the women who often are very sweet and have great personalities.  They aren't
always beautiful.

Well they ain't ugly.   I don't give a damn how great a woman's personality is, if she looks like she was dropped from the back of a truck ugly , or she looks too masculine she isn't going to be able to translate that into power of booty.  Fullstop.   Unless it's with someone who is just equally ugly or not socialized in this society or she's flirting with a lesbian femme looking for a butch daddy.

Tony Lawrence wrote:
want to only be respected and valued for how smart
they are and while they enjoy some attention it gets old quickly after all how many times a day do you want to hear, girl you look fine compared to after someone saying maybe after hearing something you said, you are a intelligent women.  Guys try this on your next date.  Don't give the usual you're pretty comments.  Ask her, her view on any given subject.  Now this may be hard for some of you but listen really listen to her reply and then tell her A: that was a
intelligent view or B: her view is interesting.  Watch her light up.

Yeah, but you better still tell her, after you've massaged her ego with her brilliance, that she looks beautiful.   And her outfit, always looks great.   And when asked "How much do you love me?"  The answer always is:  to the ends of the earth, the sun and the stars.

Oct 03 06 12:28 pm Link


stan wigmore photograph

Posts: 2397

Long Beach, California, US

Part of the reason you are getting alot of negative response on your post is because your post starts out as if you are blaming all photographers as being creepy and unproffessional.There are some jerks out there,but most are decent and proffessional.
    It's a sore spot for photogs just as models are sensitive about being all labeles as unproffesssional and undependable.

Oct 03 06 12:31 pm Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:

No...she's always like that.

LOL! I know this man don't even know me and he is speaking in my behalf. Don't let this get personal buddy; cause it can.

Oct 03 06 12:31 pm Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
Well, that's the surreal beauty of the OPs position.  She can be vain enough to think everyone wants what she's got while acting above wanting to be wanted.  It's perfect when you think about it.

How was I being vain? Where in any of my statement did I say "Oh everyone wants me! I am just so gorgeus" Woe is me.

Bottom line: If I am at the store minding my buisness and its obvious I am not interested in a dude then back off. Its that simple. I bet you're the kind of person to insist that if a girl happend to be wearing a revealing alfit well the she probably "deserves" whatever is coming to her.

I've never been outright rude to anyone but you're a jerk.

Oct 03 06 12:35 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US


LOL! I know this man don't even know me and he is speaking in my behalf. Don't let this get personal buddy; cause it can.

Ebonics again.  Yuck.

Oct 03 06 12:36 pm Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Dean Solo wrote:
Funny, I posted on the first page when I first saw this thread. I was quick to see that this would de-evolve into mud slinging. Curosity brought me back and all I see is the OP back peddling with cutesy, witty remarks.

Honey, you should have bowed out gracefully a few pages back while you still had some grace.

Actually, if you haven't noticed there's been more than one convo going on and it looks like you're about 5 pages late. And like my mama always says: Don't leave till you're good and ready.

Oct 03 06 12:37 pm Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
The other thing I've noticed is that "creepy old men" and "creepy ugly men" are often perceived of as "acceptable" depending on how much money or perceived societal acceptance (success) they have.   Therefore, if the person hitting on the OP had been a smoldering hot male driving a 80k car, dressed in Armani, and owned the supermarket, then the "creep" factor would be more acceptable or even ignored.

Again, my boyfriend is 33, with NO car, has never owned a suit or even dress shoes in his life and is a teacher.

I rest my case.

Oct 03 06 12:40 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
Well, that's the surreal beauty of the OPs position.  She can be vain enough to think everyone wants what she's got while acting above wanting to be wanted.  It's perfect when you think about it.

How was I being vain? Where in any of my statement did I say "Oh everyone wants me! I am just so gorgeus" Woe is me.

You didn't say it directly.  But just how you "know" someone is a creep, I got that vibe from your post that you feel like lots of people notice and want you and it's a drag.

Bottom line: If I am at the store minding my buisness and its obvious I am not interested in a dude then back off. Its that simple.

So, what you're saying is you don't want to be noticed.  You only want to make the first move?

What if this guy wasn't some gross OLD dude with a working class pathetic cashier job?  What if he was a gorgeous hunk of male meat who drove a swank car and owned his own software company worth 40 million?

I bet you're the kind of person to insist that if a girl happend to be wearing a revealing alfit well the she probably "deserves" whatever is coming to her.

I don't think anyone deserves to be raped.

BUT let's divide your comment and let me ask you this:  what is the intent of a woman who wears a revealing outfit?  Honestly.

Oct 03 06 12:43 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US


Actually, if you haven't noticed there's been more than one convo going on and it looks like you're about 5 pages late. And like my mama always says: Don't leave till you're good and ready.

Annabella, I've noticed its mostly us old dudes who are kinda pissed about this
thread.  So we all know, Annabella is a very nice women and very bright she's
also very young and many of us that are responding aren't.  Some of us have the
knowledge that only time and experience give, I call it wisdom.  This isn't to say
she isn't wise but to say that life is a teacher, sometimes a cruel one but a
teacher for sure.

Oct 03 06 12:44 pm Link



Posts: 6065

Columbia, Maryland, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
Wow!  That is so logical that I thought your first officer Spock wrote it!  wink 

Aww man .. you must get a lot of people who don't even believe you?  But if we can't laugh at ourselves, then life ain't worth living!

Right after I wrote that I went to bed (us old guys need our ugly sleep.)

The thread is worth studying.  It is a window into many minds and attitudes.

Oct 03 06 12:45 pm Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
Ebonics again.  Yuck.

And ya damn skippy. The ghetto side will come out if I'm being disrespected. So "yuck" all you want.

Oct 03 06 12:47 pm Link



Posts: 2728

North East, Maryland, US

I'm tell'n yaawl this thread needs to be made into a reality show.

It's funny, entertaining, has the Jerry Springer thing goin' on. It's got it all


Oct 03 06 12:48 pm Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
BUT let's divide your comment and let me ask you this:  what is the intent of a woman who wears a revealing outfit?  Honestly.

WoW! I won't being going there. No more further comments towards you.

Oct 03 06 12:49 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US


And ya damn skippy. The ghetto side will come out if I'm being disrespected. So "yuck" all you want.

Can you tell me how to ask if you do nudes for TFP in ebonics?

Oct 03 06 12:53 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US


WoW! I won't being going there. No more further comments towards you.


MM community isn't mature enough to ask, why do we wear what we wear?   Many models here hope to be working in fashion, same with photographers.

Does anyone ever analyze marketing trends, or what motivates customer choices whether it be purchasing or wearing?

What is wrong with asking the question, what is motivating a woman to put on a revealing outfit?   What is she hoping to get from it versus wearing a part of baggy sweats or a boxy cut 3 piece suit.

Oct 03 06 12:53 pm Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Jay Bowman wrote:
This is no different than most any other debate on MM:  there appears to be absolutely no middle ground, people refuse to allow concessions for mistakes or wording, people try desparately to put words into someone's mouth etc. 

Now, the OP has tried countless times to say she didn't mean it that way.  Bad wording, I suppose.  But still people are trying to make her say it.  That fact, to me, could say as much about the people pushing the issue as it could say about the OP

Now, if everyone will excuse me I have more important topics to read here, like breast enhancement or flakes or TFP or releases or...

With that, I'm out. Suddenly I'm getting bored with all the back and forth ranting and raving.

Its been fun Model Mayhemers! My debate team would be proud.

Oct 03 06 12:59 pm Link



Posts: 12221

Los Angeles, California, US


Actually, I did steer myself from the convo once it got a bit heated. I mean, who wants to stand around and watch a 40-something year old undress you with their eyes?

40 this and 40 that - Do you work at being this offensive, or are you just naturally an ****** ?


Oct 03 06 12:59 pm Link



Posts: 2728

North East, Maryland, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:

Can you tell me how to ask if you do nudes for TFP in ebonics?

You are hired for the show, I'll have my casting director call you, we'll do lunch.


Oct 03 06 01:00 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US


And ya damn skippy. The ghetto side will come out if I'm being disrespected. So "yuck" all you want.

So feeling "disrespected" causes you to forget how the english language works?  Insteresting.

Oct 03 06 01:03 pm Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

John Allan wrote:

40 this and 40 that - Do you work at being this offensive, or are you just naturally an ****** ?


Damn, I just can't quit. Must be the spitfire in me. In the words of my boyfriend after reading all 6 pages: "Us old folks just can't deal with being old. So explains Viagra and all that other good stuff"

OK THE END. Its really getting boring. Its just not like the debates in class where new arguments are actually addressed. So...

Oct 03 06 01:03 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US


Damn, I just can't quit. Must be the spitfire in me. In the words of my boyfriend after reading all 6 pages: "Us old folks just can't deal with being old. So explains Viagra and all that other good stuff"

OK THE END. Its really getting boring. Its just not like the debates in class where new arguments are actually addressed. So...

Testy, insulting, belittling, huffy...Wow, what a prize.  Good luck with this one  all you fashion guys!

Oct 03 06 01:07 pm Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

Ched wrote:
Ok. When I read what you wrote, I thought in my head "I wouldn't hire her with that attitude." Even if you have the skills for whatever needs to be done, I wouldn't want someone on my team who has that mindset. I don't think I'm the only person here who feels the same way.

You're not poor. I've been to India. I've been to Africa. You're not poor. You're not desperate. You may not like the size of your TV, but you're doing ok.

That's very similar to what I was thinking.  I'm sorry Melissa when I see this kind of anger and attitude I simply want to get away from it at all costs... and I certainly wouldn't bring it (or you) into my photography regardless of how attractive you may be.  It's just not worth it.  I'm not singling you out it would apply to anyone.

Oct 03 06 01:10 pm Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Ha ha! Ok, I just had to jump in. This is all quite humorous really. This is the most dumbest topic that a bunch of people could possibly be arguing about. When Annabella first told me her story I could care less. Quite frankly, women always have a story to tell when coming from the store so yesterday was no different. But to think 8 pages worth of responses cared?! Holy s*****! Either everyone is ridiculously bored or there really is some war between photographers and models. Anyways, after she gets out the shower I'm gettin her off this thing. This is all just too silly for words. New flash fellas: If we're past the age of 30, and we are trying to talk to a chick who looks like she's 19 she may not quite be as responsive as we'd like. I've had such expiriences myself. But nobody cares, especially me. I'm 33 and scored a 22 year old even with my bad hip so why would I complain? Sure, she hogs the covers and can't cook for nothing in this world but there's a lot more things I can complain about in my life. My girlfriend is an honest, sweet and loving person and anymore immature and insulting responses can be directed to [email protected].

By the way, I DO NOT have a beer belly. Its a bit of a gut that I acquired over the summer.


Oct 03 06 01:32 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Batman opens his case.

most dumbest

Batman rests his case.

Oct 03 06 01:35 pm Link


Dr Molly Black

Posts: 663

Cleveland, Ohio, US

As a woman, who has modeled and is now a "photographer" (I don't mind putting it in quotes since I'm not a "big name" or anything) and being close to 37 I want to know how this one guy in a freaking store reflects on photographers MY AGE that most likely DON'T WANT YOU.

I'm married. I'm happily married. Been together a while. And you know what? I don't allow escorts. I don't ogle women's (or men's) bodies and get off on it. I shoot what I shoot because that's what will eventually earn me money and models work with me because I'm a NICE person who gives them (almost every time) images they like.

My husband? A high school drop out. Thirteen years younger than me. I got him some free classes back when I programmed at an online school and now he makes a LOT of money (not as much as some, but well above poverty level) and is only 24. He's worked his a** off to be as good as he is and he just wrote the first sample chapter after a book agent found him and got him possibly two separate book deals. Yes he has a GED, he's only got one year of college. It is all his own hard work (and me helping manage things in the beginning like how to write a good resumé and cover letter and how to handle business contacts, etc).

So for much of this thread I see people:

1. Insulting photographers my age because we're older and obviously just want to sleep with these "models."

2. Seen people whimper about how hard their lives are because they can't get out of retail when they have a degree and daddy and mommy to take care of them when my friends who travel because of business to third world countries? They send me photos of what true poverty looks like. My friend who nearly lost his father to Katrina (and lost their family house and everything in it)? His father has his son to lean on, but many others didn't. That's true poverty.

3. Godsdammit Ched! YOU ARE NOT BATMAN!

Oct 03 06 01:37 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Aw, I wish my boyfriend would jump in a defend me when I was getting beat up on the forums.  Unfortunately his life sucks like mine does only he doesn't get the chance to shit around all day on the computer.

Oct 03 06 01:40 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Dr Molly Black wrote:
3. Godsdammit Ched! YOU ARE NOT BATMAN!

I'm Batman.

Oct 03 06 01:45 pm Link



Posts: 2463

Merrimack, New Hampshire, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:

Can you tell me how to ask if you do nudes for TFP in ebonics?

This goes unanswered?

Oct 03 06 01:48 pm Link


Dr Molly Black

Posts: 663

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Ched wrote:

I'm Batman.

Stop making me laugh. Please. You're going to give this old lady a heart attack!

Do you really want that on your conscience?

Oct 03 06 01:49 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:
Aw, I wish my boyfriend would jump in a defend me when I was getting beat up on the forums.  Unfortunately his life sucks like mine does only he doesn't get the chance to shit around all day on the computer.

Oh gosh, where's my violin?

Oct 03 06 01:51 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Dr Molly Black wrote:
2. Seen people whimper about how hard their lives are because they can't get out of retail when they have a degree and daddy and mommy to take care of them when my friends who travel because of business to third world countries? They send me photos of what true poverty looks like. My friend who nearly lost his father to Katrina (and lost their family house and everything in it)? His father has his son to lean on, but many others didn't. That's true poverty.

Ignoring the rest, responding to this, even though I shouldn't because hey what do I know, I'm only 23 and a big selfish whiner.  Anyway, I'm sorry that I am not a starving child in Botswana, being raped daily by vigilantes after having seen my parents slaughtered.  I truly apologize that I don't like my life and after the 238,999th mention of someone else's poverty and misfortune I still don't feel better.  But I never said I have the saddest story.  No one on here did.  And I don't work retail.  If I still had to slave away at Macy's, I'd have more complaining to do.

Oct 03 06 01:51 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Dr Molly Black wrote:
Stop making me laugh. Please. You're going to give this old lady a heart attack!

Do you really want that on your conscience?

You're not old. Dead people are old. What better way to go than to die laughing? I'm Batman and in this case I agree with the Joker.

Oct 03 06 01:53 pm Link



Posts: 2728

North East, Maryland, US

Meehan wrote:

This goes unanswered?

You are bad, and a trouble maker too. Can I hire you for the reality TV show based on this thread?


Oct 03 06 01:53 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

KM von Seidl wrote:

Oh gosh, where's my violin?

What?  You missed the sarcasm?  Of all the posts to be condescending about, you picked that one?

Oct 03 06 01:53 pm Link


Tracy L Province

Posts: 57

Omaha, Arkansas, US

Ha ha ha
this is the most entertaining thread I have read to date
I just knew MM was good for something...

Oct 03 06 01:53 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Meehan wrote:

This goes unanswered?

I'll answer! 
Yo bitch, you be feelin like gettin out yo draws?  I'll give you the pics I be takin.

Oct 03 06 01:55 pm Link


Dr Molly Black

Posts: 663

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:

I'll answer! 
Yo bitch, you be feelin like gettin out yo draws?  I'll give you the pics I be takin.

Absolutely perfect. Thank you. :-)

Oct 03 06 01:57 pm Link