Forums > General Industry > Creepy Photogs and their Bad Advice.



Posts: 103

Abbeville, Alabama, US

grr, i've noticed that all the girls on here understand perfectly, yet all the guy photographers insist it's "age discrimination" lol.  maybe becuase you have never had to experience an older man the age of your dad staring at you with molester eyes?  i've had many a conversation with genuinly nice guys that are a lot older than me, i do not care that they are older, it doesn't even phase me.  but a girl can tell almost instantly after the first few words spoken if the guy is a creepster.  and right after i read the story here i could automatically picture it in my mind. i was shocked that all these guys started freaking out about how dumb she was, but then again, all you men haven't had to deal with that.  as in, i have had many situations JUST LIKE THAT end up with me being followed and harassed, stalked, etc (even had a man ending up to be a drug dealer offer to be my "sugar daddy" LOL).  so how about you stop model bashing about shit you haven't dealt with before therefor can't relate to and go back to your forums where bitching about models is all you do.  i think all us girls should go invade THEIR shit and start telling THEM how stupid they all are for this "model discrimination" stuff that we are all extreeemmmelllyy offended over lol.  photographers have gone in shock that the tables were turned for ONE thread, look at them spaz.

Oct 02 06 11:52 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Ransom J wrote:

Case closed.

Melissa blows kisses at Ransom because he made her see the error of her ways

Oct 02 06 11:54 pm Link


Chris DK Sherman

Posts: 1

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Well, for the first thread I've checked out on this site, I sure picked an interesting one.

I do need to say one thing: ANYONE insisting that the sexual side of modeling is the way to go and the sure-in in this business, is a dirtbag.

Yeah, you might make a quick buck doing that stuff, but a model should be going for longevity and respect.

Respect yourself and others and they will respect you.

As am artist I'm in this for life. This is not some temporary thing. Even if it was, I would still give the most in professionalism. It has kept me going and sought after. I have never had to pay for a model and I have the luxory to be picky with my study subjects.

I wish the same for everyone else.

Oct 02 06 11:54 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

I was in Cancun with one of my set of twins not to brag but my girls are pretty.
They wanted to dance so off to a club we go.  I escorted them but wouldn't go
in nor did they want me to.  I looked inside for a moment and among mostly
college aged guys were some men my age.  Balding a bit over weight and looking
like goofs trying to keep up with twenty something women.  Don't get me wrong
theres nothing wrong with noticing young women but dating them ummm, no.
It only works in other cultures because very often older men have some money
and are able to provide for the women they date or marry.  Here, women make as
much or more then men.  I'm not a bad looking old dude and young women are
always smiling at me.  However I never think its because they have a interest in me.
look if some young lady gives you a play its all good but don't be stupid enough to
think she is going to stay with your old ass.  Well in most cases, anyway.
Also for our fine OP and lady M both of you are fine sisters so enjoy your youth.
Enjoy what Allah has blessed you with.

Oct 02 06 11:57 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Rachelle Anita wrote:
grr, i've noticed that all the girls on here understand perfectly, yet all the guy photographers insist it's "age discrimination" lol.  maybe becuase you have never had to experience an older man the age of your dad staring at you with molester eyes?  i've had many a conversation with genuinly nice guys that are a lot older than me, i do not care that they are older, it doesn't even phase me.  but a girl can tell almost instantly after the first few words spoken if the guy is a creepster.  and right after i read the story here i could automatically picture it in my mind. i was shocked that all these guys started freaking out about how dumb she was, but then again, all you men haven't had to deal with that.  as in, i have had many situations JUST LIKE THAT end up with me being followed and harassed, stalked, etc (even had a man ending up to be a drug dealer offer to be my "sugar daddy" LOL).  so how about you stop model bashing about shit you haven't dealt with before therefor can't relate to and go back to your forums where bitching about models is all you do.  i think all us girls should go invade THEIR shit and start telling THEM how stupid they all are for this "model discrimination" stuff that we are all extreeemmmelllyy offended over lol.  photographers have gone in shock that the tables were turned for ONE thread, look at them spaz.


Oct 02 06 11:57 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:

Melissa blows kisses at Ransom because he made her see the error of her ways

See i'm so attractive models harrass me on forums and blow me kisses!! it's creepy!  WOE IS ME!

Oct 02 06 11:58 pm Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Rachelle Anita wrote:
a girl can tell almost instantly after the first few words spoken if the guy is a creepster.  and right after i read the story here i could automatically picture it in my mind. i was shocked that all these guys started freaking out about how dumb she was, but then again, all you men haven't had to deal with that.   so how about you stop model bashing about shit you haven't dealt with before therefor can't relate to and go back to your forums where bitching about models is all you do.  .  photographers have gone in shock that the tables were turned for ONE thread, look at them spaz.


Couldn't of said it better myself! Like I said: model bashing is the only en vogue thing to do on the Mayhem.

Oct 03 06 12:01 am Link


The Wendy Variety

Posts: 371

Tempe, Arizona, US

F***in' freak! I would have shoved a razor-edged pineapple up his booty!

Oct 03 06 12:03 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Annabella, I love your smileys.

Oct 03 06 12:04 am Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
Also for our fine OP and lady M both of you are fine sisters so enjoy your youth.
Enjoy what Allah has blessed you with.

See, I sensed that was just simply a compliment and it made a girl smile.
See, I can take an older guy trying to talk to me (how else did I get wit my current boyfriend?) But ladies, we know when he's entered the Creep Factor: we sense it like cheap cologne.

Oct 03 06 12:05 am Link



Posts: 103

Abbeville, Alabama, US

Ransom J wrote:


well look at all the reply's on here that are saying bad stuff to her!  it's just dumb that every time i stop by this forum 75% of it is all about how models do this wrong and act like this and that blah blah blah, yet someone says how someone was creepy and it could have not even been a real photographer, and everyone starts freaking out on her.  as if no one thought it was creepy that someone was saying that stuff to her, and how dare she, as a model, be creeped out by certain attention.

don't tell me to relax or i'll go to a "when a model says she interested then i don't hear from her" thread and tell everyone there to just relax lol.

Oct 03 06 12:05 am Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:
And if you don't get why attractive people hate being told their attractive, think about this.  Say your name is Darth (for whatever reason).  What if everytime you told someone your name, they made a dumb Star Wars joke?  Or what if you were from Kansas (this is a true story) and everytime you told someone that they made some stupid reference to the Wizard of Oz or, even worse, they automatically assumed you meant Kansas City, MO as if there isn't an entire state that goes by the name of Kansas.  I promise you would want to murder the 125,653,588th person who made the same comment.  No really, I promise.  In fact, if you were impatient like me, it would be around the 12th person that you'd start getting hostile.

Funny, I never get tired of people telling me I'm smart.  You'd think after all these years I'd be sick of it and just want to hurt the next person who dares to give me such a damn compliment.   ;-)

Oct 03 06 12:05 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US


FYI: Patrick- Your everyday, typical sorority house college 20 something party girl will think that ANY MAN who is trying to holler at her who is old enough to be her daddy is creepy. Can't believe that is  a newsflash for some of you but it is.

Now, again, my boyfriend is 33 and he edged over into the creep factor but I fell hard so we don't look at all older guys like that. Many girls like older guys. But that was my point in making that comment. If you don't think a 20 or 30 year older guy trying to talk to your 20 something year old daughter is gonna piss you off then I wonder.

Cause my daddy, whose as dark as the night sky would be red as a tomato:

OK, I'm going to get personal here for a moment.  I've never been married ... and I have not had any kids.  I am not like that 50 something Congressman in Florida who likes teenaged boys and I'm NOT gay.  There were two women in my life who I was engaged to .. umm not at the sametime.   The first one broke my heart, and the second .. well I broke her heart.  The most recent G/F I had cheated on me by doing drugs and my now former best buddy from school daze.  So I kinda think that the whole "love thing" stinks myself.  I might die a lonely old man someday .. but I have some younger lady friends who say they wont let that happen.. I am actually very happy at this stage in life!

So your daddy is alive? Be thankful, give thanks that you have him!  Give him a BIG hug and tell him that you love him!  Do it for me too!, because my dad died back on April 13th, 2001.  He was quite a bit older than my mom who is in good health.  My dad fought in World War II and he taught at the high school level and coached sports.  He was a great man!  I helped my mom take care of him after he had a stroke.  He lived to be 88 years old, but his spirit was forever young. 

Now why do I tell you this?  Because I have friends who are not much older than you ... who lost their fathers or mothers when they were too young.  Do not take life for granted.  One of my model friends just lost her best girlfriend last week, and she has cancer too!  My friend is your age!  Although my words may not have the effect, I'm pleading with you not to wait until something like the loss of a loved one, or the near loss of your own life shocks you into the reality that Life is short! 

Life is meant for LOVE!  So what if some old man hoots and hollars at ya?  It's not hurting you, is it?  Someday ... you might just miss those old days?

Oct 03 06 12:05 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

jayedwards wrote:

Funny, I never get tired of people telling me I'm smart.  You'd think after all these years I'd be sick of it and just want to hurt the next person who dares to give me such a damn compliment.   ;-)

See, I hate it when people tell me anything I already know about myself.  It's so unnecessary.

Oct 03 06 12:07 am Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

jayedwards wrote:
Funny, I never get tired of people telling me I'm smart.  You'd think after all these years I'd be sick of it and just want to hurt the next person who dares to give me such a damn compliment.   ;-)

Someone always telling you you're smart is a compliment I would much rather hear all the time then  being told I'm "pretty" That's just me. My boyfriend is 33 with anger lines, a bad hip and shaggy gray beard. The last thing I pay attention to is vanity.

Oct 03 06 12:08 am Link


Lost Coast Photo

Posts: 2691

Ferndale, California, US

Looks like you struck a nerve, Annabella.  But I'm going to back you up on this one.  I've observed exactly the behavior you describe, and...  if those guys only knew how silly they look and sound.

Just looked at the ports of five of the guys who made dismissive responses here.  Surprise, surprise, only one of them seems to be both technically competent and reasonably tasteful.  The rest appear to be dirty old men with cameras.  Three could start by reading the manual that came with that camera.

Oct 03 06 12:10 am Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

lol I still get my little hiney out of trouble any time I want to just by shaking it at the boi....

Batting eyelashes and pouting helps too..

Or if all else fails new lingerie. wink

Oct 03 06 12:11 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Rossi Photography wrote:
Wow! This is a funny thread! You guys are funny. smile

I totally understand where she's coming from, though. Yes, it's flattering sometimes to be gawked at, but us women know when the dude's creepy. We have that instinct.

And there are times when it can be very uncomfortable for us. For example, I walked into the party store a couple months back. I kid you not, every single man in the store turned around and stared. As if they'd never seen a female. I felt so uncomfortable, I wanted to hide. It was a very weird feeling. I bought my cigarettes and got the fuck out. It was creepy! Lol..

Oh, and it's not "Clyde Davis", it's "Clive Davis". The man rocks! Lol... wink

Clive!  Thanks for correcting me!   Oh, I sorta understand the feeling ".. sort of."  It's like being in a nightclub to see a band you like, and you're the only one who looks like "you"  ummm .... of my supposed "color" or maybe being a straight dude and going into a gay bar?  LOL  I've had some strange times!  tongue

Sometimes people see me and judge me by looks, yet they know not who I am!  yikes

Oct 03 06 12:11 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Rachelle Anita wrote:

well look at all the reply's on here that are saying bad stuff to her!  it's just dumb that every time i stop by this forum 75% of it is all about how models do this wrong and act like this and that blah blah blah, yet someone says how someone was creepy and it could have not even been a real photographer, and everyone starts freaking out on her.  as if no one thought it was creepy that someone was saying that stuff to her, and how dare she, as a model, be creeped out by certain attention.

don't tell me to relax or i'll go to a "when a model says she interested then i don't hear from her" thread and tell everyone there to just relax lol.

they need to relax too.  this is an industry of harsh realities, of rejection in a nice and not so nice way.

And 75 percent?  Bah!  Over estimate much?  that's like me saying 75 percent of the models here think every photographer is a creepy perv trying to screw their brains out and shaft them on pics.  There are PLENTY of thread from whining models, so i know you aren't overwhelmed with JUST whining photographers.

Oct 03 06 12:11 am Link



Posts: 103

Abbeville, Alabama, US

Oct 03 06 12:12 am Link



Posts: 103

Abbeville, Alabama, US

Lost Coast Photo wrote:
Looks like you struck a nerve, Annabella.  But I'm going to back you up on this one.  I've observed exactly the behavior you describe, and...  if those guys only knew how silly they look and sound.

Just looked at the ports of five of the guys who made dismissive responses here.  Surprise, surprise, only one of them seems to be both technically competent and reasonably tasteful.  The rest appear to be dirty old men with cameras.  Three could start by reading the manual that came with that camera.

good to know not all the photographers on here are gwc's defending other gwc's!

Oct 03 06 12:12 am Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
Now why do I tell you this?  Because I have friends who are not much older than you ... who lost their fathers or mothers when they were too young.  Do not take life for granted.  One of my model friends just lost her best girlfriend last week, and she has cancer too!  My friend is your age!  Although my words may not have the effect, I'm pleading with you not to wait until something like the loss of a loved one, or the near loss of your own life shocks you into the reality that Life is short! 

Life is meant for LOVE!  So what if some old man hoots and hollars at ya?  It's not hurting you, is it?  Someday ... you might just miss those old days?

Thanks for the advice. I love my parents to death. They are certainly the loves of my life and I can't even imagine losing one of them. I've never expirienced death personally so the time when that comes...I don't even like thinking about though at times it keeps me awake at night cause I know its inevitable. Again. thanks for the words of encouragement and don't give up on love!

Age really is just a number:the best well (you know) I've ever had was with my current boyfriend.To be honest, many of my friends have said the same about when they date older men. You older guys you! ROWRRR!!!

Oct 03 06 12:13 am Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Rachelle Anita wrote:
good to know not all the photographers on here are gwc's defending other gwc's!

Yeah, I got a few encouraging mail too...Good to know not every photographer wants me hanged!smile

Oct 03 06 12:15 am Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Lost Coast Photo wrote:
Three could start by reading the manual that came with that camera.


1- Lost Coast Photo
0-the other guys

Oct 03 06 12:16 am Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US


Someone always telling you you're smart is a compliment I would much rather hear all the time then  being told I'm "pretty" That's just me. My boyfriend is 33 with anger lines, a bad hip and shaggy gray beard. The last thing I pay attention to is vanity.

If you want to change people's perceptions of you (and therefore their reactions to you) then change your behavior to elicit the type of responses you desire.

Oct 03 06 12:18 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Lost Coast Photo wrote:
Looks like you struck a nerve, Annabella.  But I'm going to back you up on this one.  I've observed exactly the behavior you describe, and...  if those guys only knew how silly they look and sound.

Just looked at the ports of five of the guys who made dismissive responses here.  Surprise, surprise, only one of them seems to be both technically competent and reasonably tasteful.  The rest appear to be dirty old men with cameras.  Three could start by reading the manual that came with that camera.

Ok, the problem I have with this comment is this:  Your veiled insult doesn't hold water.  Because let's say your claiming Tony's port is the only ok one.  Then where does that leave Patrick and Digital and Ransom?  In fact, I know you aren't counting Ransom because of his port.  But seeing as how I'm in the process of building an alter to his work (which is plenty technically compentent and tasteful, I mean, he could have tacky glamour in there), your agreement with our side coupled with your downing of another photographer puts you in the white knight category (correct me if I'm wrong).  I think guys like you go to the chipper, but I could be wrong.  I haven't been to THE THREAD in awhile. 

By the way, I adore the ports of all four of the photographers I mentioned.  If I forgot you, it's cuz I didn't read over this thread before responding and I apologize.

Oct 03 06 12:18 am Link



Posts: 103

Abbeville, Alabama, US

Ransom J wrote:

they need to relax too.  this is an industry of harsh realities, of rejection in a nice and not so nice way.

And 75 percent?  Bah!  Over estimate much?  that's like me saying 75 percent of the models here think every photographer is a creepy perv trying to screw their brains out and shaft them on pics.  There are PLENTY of thread from whining models, so i know you aren't overwhelmed with JUST whining photographers.

well yes i probably overestimated, i didn't exactly take the time to figure out the precise percentage.  but it's definetly enough of a percentage to have made it a known fact and joke that on MM, the photographers live on forums complaining about models.  i didn't just make that up, i have read plenty of posts where photographers actually say that themselves.  and models joke at it too.  it's usually amusing, but sometimes people get to be real assholes like on threads like this.

Oct 03 06 12:18 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Rachelle Anita wrote:

well yes i probably overestimated, i didn't exactly take the time to figure out the precise percentage.  but it's definetly enough of a percentage to have made it a known fact and joke that on MM, the photographers live on forums complaining about models.  i didn't just make that up, i have read plenty of posts where photographers actually say that themselves.  and models joke at it too.  it's usually amusing, but sometimes people get to be real assholes like on threads like this.

Goes both ways.  Models do it just as much here as photographers do.  Ya'll love to throw around the GWC label.

Oct 03 06 12:20 am Link


Mark Richards

Posts: 40

As in everything else in life, you will be guaranteed to run into posers now and again.

Oct 03 06 12:22 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:

But how specific is it?  Am I guaranteed these advantages?  If I'm still broke in 20 years can I demand recompense from someone?  I'm being a smart ass because I'm exhausted and you know I adore you Ransom, but I'm sick of being told that I have it better because I'm cute when I just don't see it.  My job sucks, my life sucks and being refused sympathy because I don't make people wince when they look at me just isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Well I'm really sorry that many people might "look" at you and judge you to be better off than you are.  It happens.  Heck, shit happens too!  If your job sucks, then you need to work on that, and those that compliment you on your having a job, well they don't know your job sucks, now do they?  Get a job that doesn't suck!

Do you really want sympathy?  It's not going to come from me.  What about those who are without a job? How about those who are homeless?  You must have more than a few reasons to be thankful?  How is your health? 

I damn near died ... but came back to life to write this to you!  The doctors gave me 3 days to live if I didn't get a heart transplant.  That scared me to death, but I had tons of clients to send off pictures to, I had more models to shoot. So I willed myself to health.  I didn't need the heart transplant.  It's really quite an amazing but true story!  The best kind!

I have tremendous compassion for those who are truly in need, but I have little sympathy for those who whine about how bad they have it when there are many reasons to be happy!  If you are hating your job, well change it!  You know you can!

Oct 03 06 12:23 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:
Ok, the problem I have with this comment is this:  Your veiled insult doesn't hold water.  Because let's say your claiming Tony's port is the only ok one.  Then where does that leave Patrick and Digital and Ransom?  In fact, I know you aren't counting Ransom because of his port.  But seeing as how I'm in the process of building an alter to his work (which is plenty technically compentent and tasteful, I mean, he could have tacky glamour in there), your agreement with our side coupled with your downing of another photographer puts you in the white knight category (correct me if I'm wrong).  I think guys like you go to the chipper, but I could be wrong.  I haven't been to THE THREAD in awhile. 

By the way, I adore the ports of all four of the photographers I mentioned.  If I forgot you, it's cuz I didn't read over this thread before responding and I apologize.

Yeah I thought that as well.  Just because he agreed with her didn't mean he needed to down other peoples work.  Skill level hasn't been brought up in 5 pages of back and forths until now, with neither models or photographers..  But it's typical.  If i was on the block i'd call him a Captain  but this is my "professional" side (yeah right!).  White Knight sums it up pretty well.

Oh yeah and **blush** you're tooooo kind.  tooooo kind.

Oct 03 06 12:24 am Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

jayedwards wrote:

If you want to change people's perceptions of you (and therefore their reactions to you) then change your behavior to elicit the type of responses you desire.

In the real world it aint so easy.I'm automatically type cast as "pretty"In debate class I was 'the girl wit the pretty smile' but who always had something to say about interracial dating, the morning after pill or some other hot topic. But the nerdy girl in the back of the room who was editor of both the campus paper AND ran the Writers Club (Even though I was the one who had to go back and edit all her articles since she could not spell for crap and it was so bad that even spell Check could not find her mistakes) held more merit when she gave speeches? Why? Cause she wears polo shirts, has huge glasses and snorts when she laughs? So unfair!

Ok, enough of my ranting for one night. That Eliza Glieichman Ms. president of the writers Club.. just hit a soft spot with me

Oct 03 06 12:25 am Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

Sweety you rock. I never tell anyone I am a model because of creepy men like that. It's a given at least once every 3 monthes or so, I will be out shopping or out with friends. When a creepy photographer will come up to me. He will claim he can get me into Playboy. I always explain, I am just not interested. I lie and say I am not a model, and I am not looking to bust into the industry.

Since, I live in Cleveland everyone knows everyone here. I hate when they come up to me in public and ask, "Are you Samantha Grace? Well, I am a photographer and I have moutains of career advice." But in the end these jokers know nothing.

Thanks for having the guts to post this, on a famous model bashing board. I know a few models who refuse to post on MM because they are afraid of being bashed by GWC's.

Oct 03 06 12:25 am Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
I damn near died ... but came back to life to write this to you!  The doctors gave me 3 days to live if I didn't get a heart transplant.  That scared me to death, but I had tons of clients to send off pictures to, I had more models to shoot. So I willed myself to health.  I didn't need the heart transplant.  It's really quite an amazing but true story!  The best kind!

I have tremendous compassion for those who are truly in need, but I have little sympathy for those who whine about how bad they have it when there are many reasons to be happy!  If you are hating your job, well change it!  You know you can!

I must say I agree wit Patrick on this one. I look at my boyfriend who almost died in a car accident at 19 with such awe.He was in a coma for weeks but pulled through and cause of that is able to really appreciate life and go for the things that he aspired to be. He never complains about the petty stuff a typical 20-something like myself would and is just happy to wake up to a brand new day. He content with riding a bike, taking the train or bus to get to where he has to go, loves being a teacher and even when he's in pain from the accident he does not ask for much.

Those who have had near-death expiriences can teach us a lot about life.

Oct 03 06 12:28 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US


Thanks Rachelle but you know how it is on MM. Photogs can bash all day but models can't speak their mind.

I age-discriminate they say: even though the love of my life is as old as dirt: oops! There I go again!

Aww .. yea, I hear ya about the photographers who dominate the conversations here ... honestly I do!  Not sure what else can be done about it, but you are doing a wonderful thing by posting your mind here!  I appreciate you!  big_smile   

You have a great sense of humor!  (I hope you see mine?)

Oct 03 06 12:29 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:

Well I'm really sorry that many people might "look" at you and judge you to be better off than you are.  It happens.  Heck, shit happens too!  If your job sucks, then you need to work on that, and those that compliment you on your having a job, well they don't know your job sucks, now do they?  Get a job that doesn't suck!

Do you really want sympathy?  It's not going to come from me.  What about those who are without a job? How about those who are homeless?  You must have more than a few reasons to be thankful?  How is your health? 

I damn near died ... but came back to life to write this to you!  The doctors gave me 3 days to live if I didn't get a heart transplant.  That scared me to death, but I had tons of clients to send off pictures to, I had more models to shoot. So I willed myself to health.  I didn't need the heart transplant.  It's really quite an amazing but true story!  The best kind!

I have tremendous compassion for those who are truly in need, but I have little sympathy for those who whine about how bad they have it when there are many reasons to be happy!  If you are hating your job, well change it!  You know you can!

Patrick, while I can't argue with the fact that some people have it worse than I do, I can admit to being the selfish, conceited, insensitive person I am and say I don't give a shit.  I wasn't asking for sympathy.  But just because someone is homeless and I'm not doesn't mean I feel any better.  Cruel and callous, I know.  That sucks for them.
And I can't change my job situation.  Until I can come up with the cash to finish my degree, any job I find in this town is going to suck just as much.  And even getting that degree guarantees nothing, as evidenced by my best friend who is sitting in Arizona, broke and very lucky her family still spoils her grown ass even though she has a business degree but no employment.

Oct 03 06 12:29 am Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

In the real world it aint so easy.I'm automatically type cast as "pretty"In debate class I was 'the girl wit the pretty smile' but who always had something to say about interracial dating, the morning after pill or some other hot topic. But the nerdy girl in the back of the room who was editor of both the campus paper AND ran the Writers Club (Even though I was the one who had to go back and edit all her articles since she could not spell for crap and it was so bad that even spell Check could not find her mistakes) held more merit when she gave speeches? Why? Cause she wears polo shirts, has huge glasses and snorts when she laughs? So unfair!
Life is not fair and no one says it is easy.  I never said it was easy -- most worthwhile endeavors are not easy to achieve.  Sorry, but that's the real world...

Ok, enough of my ranting for one night. That Eliza Glieichman Ms. president of the writers Club.. just hit a soft spot with me

Life is not fair and it isn't easy.  Never said it was.  Most worthwhile endeavors are not easy to achieve.  Sorry but that's the real world...

Oct 03 06 12:33 am Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
Being a attractive women carries ALL kind of advantages.  Things you may not
be aware of at your tender age.  Notice your profiles nice images (no offense)
but you are mega fine so there are lots of comments.  You may choose to not use what I call the power of the booty and I'm not saying being sexual but all attractive women have this power its what causes men to buy them drinks at
clubs believe me its not the fact that you know sports or can discuss the current
political climate.

I'm totally with the gals on this one, as I stated earlier. But what I quoted above, I couldn't agree more. Yes, indeed we do have advantages. We do have power. A story maybe I'll tell another time, though.

Now, I'm off to bed. G'night! Sweet dreams...


Oct 03 06 12:34 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:
But just because someone is homeless and I'm not doesn't mean I feel any better.

LMAO I used to say that all the time when i was younger.  "Who cares that it could be worse?  It sucks NOW!"

Then I realized that with 90 percent of what i would piss and moan about I had complete control over my own happiness.  I had control over whether or not i was in the situation I was in.  I learned that if my job sucked then i could tough it out and find another job.  If my love life stunk then i needed to re-evaluate what i was looking for and change everything about ME that made my relationships fail.  If my personal life sucked, then i needed to grab life by the balls and go have fun and stop waiting on life to HAPPEN.

That's the point of those "It could be worse" statements.  Some people are in situations that they have NO control over.  If you're worst complaints are all about things you have the power to change then you lead a priveledged life.

Oct 03 06 12:34 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Rachelle Anita wrote:
grr, i've noticed that all the girls on here understand perfectly, yet all the guy photographers insist it's "age discrimination" lol.  maybe becuase you have never had to experience an older man the age of your dad staring at you with molester eyes?  i've had many a conversation with genuinly nice guys that are a lot older than me, i do not care that they are older, it doesn't even phase me.  but a girl can tell almost instantly after the first few words spoken if the guy is a creepster.  and right after i read the story here i could automatically picture it in my mind. i was shocked that all these guys started freaking out about how dumb she was, but then again, all you men haven't had to deal with that.  as in, i have had many situations JUST LIKE THAT end up with me being followed and harassed, stalked, etc (even had a man ending up to be a drug dealer offer to be my "sugar daddy" LOL).  so how about you stop model bashing about shit you haven't dealt with before therefor can't relate to and go back to your forums where bitching about models is all you do.  i think all us girls should go invade THEIR shit and start telling THEM how stupid they all are for this "model discrimination" stuff that we are all extreeemmmelllyy offended over lol.  photographers have gone in shock that the tables were turned for ONE thread, look at them spaz.

I agree with you, except now the teenaged boys have to worry about creepy old Congressmen hitting on them! 

Actually when I was a teenaged boy, I had a female teacher hit on me ... and it was pretty creepy to me back then!  She didn't get too far with me.  So forgive and forget.

You are wrong to thing that only young women get hit on by people they don't want to be with or even talk to.  Young men get it too!  You are closed minded if you don't understand that.  Sex is a strong drive for both sexes no matter what age or preferences one has.  Some people just have no control.

Oct 03 06 12:34 am Link