Forums > General Industry > Not looking for TFP



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
well then I suppose all the people who read this pretty little posting will be filling your in box with requests for paid work.

Listen to TX he knows what he is talking about.
So do some of the rest of us.
What is more important than those of us who are in this thread are those who are not.

I know for a fact that there is a photographer looking for a tan midriff model to hire soon for a paid print job hight doesn't matter but your attitude does.......

Very sound advice from both TX and Iona.

Jun 24 06 06:08 pm Link



Posts: 538

Brooklyn, New York, US

All this wasted bandwith.  Why not just hit the delete button and pop a valium?

Jun 24 06 06:08 pm Link


R Michael Walker

Posts: 11987

Costa Mesa, California, US

Alex C wrote:

You don't not think that I am worth enough?

I'm trying to be constructive here so bear with me. You look fine but you have NO exceptonal photographs that show you "grace" anything. Not a single image is bad in any way but neither is it exceptional enough to give me the idea that you would make my portfolio so much better that I should pay you for you time. True I'd trade you mine but nothing more than that. Right now you look like a GWC's Deream model minus the nudity they hope for. You need something with a GREAT photographer, MUA and stylist team if glamour is your thing. To short for fashion you know. Then use that image as your main and maybe your luck would change. As is you look "Indiana" hot. You need to step it up if you expect to be a "professional" model pullling in the paying gigs. Look around and see some of the profiles of the more successful models in the area you want to compete in. See how thier images look. Then hire a coulpe of the crews that made them that way and kick your book up a couple of notches.
Good Luck,

Jun 24 06 06:10 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

What Mike said.

Jun 24 06 06:14 pm Link


R Michael Walker

Posts: 11987

Costa Mesa, California, US
Here's a short model with a DYNAMIC hers to yours..HONESTLY now.

Jun 24 06 06:22 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:

OK, so you have a healthy ego about your work as a photographer.
That is fine. But it does not mean that other photographers,
including myself ... wouldn't hire her.

Looking at the profile of one of the first models to laugh at her,
I'd hire the OP over her ... so don't laugh so hard.

Again, it's shoking how many of you take one word in her first post,
and read so much into it!

First of all Patrick,

I clearly stated, from a business point of "view"..Meanining


And from where I sit, I have absolutly no reason to "hire" te OP.
How is that EGO? I have NO WORK for the model in question? What does EGO have to do with that?

Secondly, if you post on MM, you are going to get 100 opions.

My opinon is simple. The OP using the term.."grace their portfolios for free" seems a little arrogant to me.


MM is way to nice at times and the bottom line is I see alot of Model ports with no talents and no body of work to speak of moaning about getting paid work.

I also see photgraphers with no real quality work moaning about all kinds of things.

When I see quality work accompanied by a real moan or gripe, I am the first to listen.

And when somebody post, a question and I take the time to answer. I keep it real with out being rude.

Try it, it really works.

or not..your call...


Jun 24 06 06:25 pm Link



Posts: 1398

Trumbull, Connecticut, US

Both Jay Bowman adn Iona Lynn are very very correct. Its the client/market that sets your price. NOT the photographers.

Photographers are just that, photographers. They are part of the process like you, they do not pay Models. They like you get paid through the client or some representative.

You are a pretty face, just like many other pretty faces. Some are more pretty than yours and some less. What makes a difference sis how you take over the image and make it your own. All you images have the same facial expression, you don't bring anything new or different to your photos. As a buyer or your face/body how do we know what you can bring other than that face?

Where are you published? How long have you modeled? Can you pull of the project or campaign the way the client want it?

Can't tell with this portfolio.

Good luck and know the business better.


Iona Lynn wrote:
A model does not tell the local market she is ready to be paid.
The local market tells the model she is ready to be paid.
A model can post "paid asssignments only" all she wants but if the local photographers are not willing to pay to work with her too bad.
Conversely a model can still do TFP and gett paid offers left and right.

maybe the market your traveling to is not at the same level you think you are.

Jun 24 06 06:33 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Here I go again.  I don't think the OP should invest any real money in shooting.
Why not, you ask?  Because what she has is good enough to let anyone intrested
know what they will get.  She's not a fashion model.  She's a net-glamour model.
What some of the net-glamour models miss is that many of the photographers that
want to pay them could get all the models they could handle with a aggresive
marketing and advertising plan.  I've seen it done.  Instead of paying a model
with a poor  attitude spend just a bit more and buy a newspaper ad or some space
on a popular web site.  However back to the OP for her to spend money suggests
what she has could be improved and while it could it won't make her taller or
better looking(she's pretty) or thinner or even more important nicer.  I think what
several people here have said is the key.  Its the attitude.  Everyone of those TFP
could offers means someone who looked at her profile and ad and was intrested in
working with her.  Although they offered TFP a smart salesperson knows EVERYTHING is negotiable.  So say no to the TFP offer but ask what sort of budget
they might be working with.  Maybe she was asking $50.00 per hour and the
photographer offering TFP really likes her look and more important finds her to
be cool says, hey I can't pay $50.00 per hour but would you accept $30.00 per
hour.  Ding; maybe we have a sale.  The point is to leave even the TFP people
with a feeling of this is a cool ass girl.  There is a old saying, Always be closing.
Real estate people know it and models should learn it.

Jun 24 06 06:35 pm Link


Sky Above

Posts: 250

I don't feel like quoting the other posts......

Of course Cindy Crawford had her book built by TFP....but this is the internet...and Cindy was a super model in the making....can't compare.

Everyone else can take what they want out the rest and go from there....

Alex asked why she wasn't getting a response for paid work, I gave my opinion.

Jun 24 06 06:51 pm Link



Posts: 239

Chicago, Illinois, US

Adrienne Aurora wrote:
That was entertaining.
Maybe she gets so many paid shoots because there's a lack of...erm...talent in Indiana.

That was rude. Just to remind you though, I am representing Romania more than Indiana. Thanks for at least stopping by though.

Jun 24 06 06:53 pm Link


D Fish

Posts: 316

Springfield, Missouri, US

Alex C wrote:
I am kind of irritated. I posted a travel notice for Detroit stating that I am looking for any paid projects not involving nudity. I get back 4 replies all saying something along the lines of "I'm up for TFP to build my portfolio." Do people not think I'm worth enough to pay? Do they think I will grace their portfolios for free?

Welcome to the internet. Everyone thinks the electric company dose TFP too as well as the phone company, Internet and the bankers.

Jun 24 06 06:56 pm Link



Posts: 133

Greenwood, Indiana, US

Adrienne Aurora wrote:
That was entertaining.
Maybe she gets so many paid shoots because there's a lack of...erm...talent in Indiana.

And there is SOOO much more talent in GA? Thought we were closer to Chicago?

Jun 24 06 07:03 pm Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

It's a gross oversimplification, but:

Category 1:
You could be a model who charges $100/hr for the "service" of "gracing the photographer with you presence." The guys who are awful photographers, but just wanna see a young girl in something skimpy will be the ones to hire you. Because, their work is awful, so nobody is interested in working with them, unless there's a paycheck coming. The model will receive images that are not professional quality. But who cares, she got paid.

Category 2:
The good photographers will have models lining up to work for free, in addition to the models who want to PAY the photographer. Those models will get images that are professional-quality, that will hopefully lead to them getting signed with an agency, or getting paid by other photographers. This type of photographer would never be so desperate for a model that he'd have to shell out $100/hr - and if he had that kind of money, he'd probably say, "Strippers are easier to work with."

Seems you're setting yourself up to be in category numero uno. It's your choice, either way... but if you want great photos, and not JUST money, I would suggest category 2.

Jun 24 06 07:04 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28741

Phoenix, Arizona, US


Jun 24 06 07:06 pm Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

Alex C wrote:

Well, then they should only answer me back if I say I'm looking for paid work and they have some from a client. If they want to build their portfolio, I'm not doing that free of chage. As to how many photographers I have paid, the count stand at 1.

So I'm imagining that the pics in your port are from the one photographer that you paid. Surely, you wouldn't expect to be paid for your grace and get copies of the pictures as well.

Jun 24 06 07:15 pm Link



Posts: 880

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Alex C wrote:
I am kind of irritated. I posted a travel notice for Detroit stating that I am looking for any paid projects not involving nudity. I get back 4 replies all saying something along the lines of "I'm up for TFP to build my portfolio." Do people not think I'm worth enough to pay? Do they think I will grace their portfolios for free?

If I may speak, your highness:

One word: wow.  Perhaps you should send life-size prints of yourself to all of us photographers, so that we may have the privilege of bowing down and worshipping you at least twice a day...

Seriously, take yourself down a notch. 

Every photographer offers a somewhat different perspective.  I understand it's flattering to have people willing to pay you for your looks (I am an experienced model as well as photographer), but, good lord, do not let it go to your head!

Just my two cents, your highness...

Jun 24 06 07:17 pm Link



Posts: 239

Chicago, Illinois, US

00siris wrote:

So I'm imagining that the pics in your port are from the one photographer that you paid. Surely, you wouldn't expect to be paid for your grace and get copies of the pictures as well.

No, sorry. Many images in my port were done at TFP sessions with awesome photographers. You are soooo sarcastic.

Jun 24 06 07:21 pm Link



Posts: 239

Chicago, Illinois, US

Julie-Michelle wrote:
It's "models" like Alex that make the rest of us look bad.  For someone to downgrade advice right in front of her is horrible.  It's aggravating to see so many people (mostly models) demand so much, when they don't have the goods to offer.  If you're such a "big shot" that you believe that you "deserve" only paid compensation, get an agent.  The greatest benefit in modeling, and people skills in general, is to be able to work with a diverse group of individuals (photographers, stylists, etc.) who have different visions and products.  I'm appalled at how she is so beyond reality, that she feels 100% right in her "argument".  Each response she makes just digs her deeper and deeper.

Julie Michelle, I don't have to make you look bad. You've pretty much done it yourself. Don't twist my words. I never consider myself a "big-shot." I am not 100% right either, like I've said plenty of times, I was voicing my concern and emotion.

Jun 24 06 07:25 pm Link



Posts: 239

Chicago, Illinois, US

Paris Felinni wrote:
Well, let me tell this:
I have met top-models,loads of celebs and simply rich people... many of them are my close friends and here is what I have to say: their EGO is never TOP-Ego (supposedly top-models should have one,too).... they all are so down to earth and so nice people who would never assume that Earth rotates around them.... my model friends would even offer me a TFP shoot (well, of course it is only possible because we are friends), backed by their help me get better jobs.
So the advice to Alex would be to lower her Ego a little, and withhold from saying things like "I dont want to grace their portfolios with me" sounds UNCOOL.
Dont get offended, it is just a little advice on how to succeed.

Again, the internet makes my ego seem inflated. My ego is fine the way it is.

Jun 24 06 07:27 pm Link


QM Photography

Posts: 63

Manassas, Virginia, US

Alex C wrote:
Julie Michelle, I don't have to make you look bad. You've pretty much done it yourself.

..sounds like a personal attack to me..

Jun 24 06 07:32 pm Link



Posts: 239

Chicago, Illinois, US

QM Photography wrote:

..sounds like a personal attack to me..

No, I was just restating what she said. I do not make anyone look bad. If she thinks she looks bad, it is not because of me.

Jun 24 06 07:36 pm Link


Brian Hillburn

Posts: 2442

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Mike Walker wrote:
Here's a short model with a DYNAMIC hers to yours..HONESTLY now.

Yeah, I love Ana's work! I'd pay to work with her...

Jun 24 06 08:05 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Alex C wrote:
No, sorry. Many images in my port were done at TFP sessions with awesome photographers.

Let's define terms.

"Awsome photographers" are photographers who produce awsome pictures.  As so many people have said, you don't have any awesome pictures in your portfolio.  At best they are mediocre.  Given that you have shot with these awesome photographers, what happened so the pictures didn't come out good?

Let me put it another way:  it appears you need to spend some time educating yourself on what an "awesome", or ever very good, photographer is.  It appears you haven't met any yet.

Jun 24 06 08:22 pm Link



Posts: 239

Chicago, Illinois, US

And you definitely aren't one of them.

Jun 24 06 08:41 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

*wanders in and hugs friends*

Ok I'm back from modeling for one shoot, finding locations for several others,  possibly booking a few more as the photographer, delivering prints that have been sold, hiring a friend to do some matting for more prints, hiring a bondage rigger for a few other shoots,
What did I miss while I was away?

Jun 24 06 09:31 pm Link


SolraK Studios

Posts: 1213

Atlanta, Georgia, US

This is getting ugly..............................//

these posting always end on a negative  :-P

Jun 24 06 09:38 pm Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
*wanders in and hugs friends*

Ok I'm back from modeling for one shoot, finding locations for several others,  possibly booking a few more as the photographer, delivering prints that have been sold, hiring a friend to do some matting for more prints, hiring a bondage rigger for a few other shoots,
What did I miss while I was away?

... a bondage rigger...  oh my we are branching out

Jun 24 06 09:39 pm Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Alex, you're making yourself look really, really awful. I would stop this conversation, delete all the things you've said, and perhaps even ask a mod to lock it. It's not doing you ANY good.

The worst of TX's posted photos is FAR superior to your best photo. That's not a personal attack, that's my personal opinion. However, I think many people would agree with me.

Compare: to

Alex C wrote:
No, sorry. Many images in my port were done at TFP sessions with awesome photographers.

TXPhotog wrote:
Let's define terms.

"Awsome photographers" are photographers who produce awsome pictures.  As so many people have said, you don't have any awesome pictures in your portfolio.  At best they are mediocre.  Given that you have shot with these awesome photographers, what happened so the pictures didn't come out good?

Let me put it another way:  it appears you need to spend some time educating yourself on what an "awesome", or ever very good, photographer is.  It appears you haven't met any yet.

Alex C wrote:
And you definitely aren't one of them.

Jun 24 06 09:46 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Get over it already....and use a ladder if you have to.

Jun 24 06 09:48 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Ok, lets wrap it up. You aren't getting paid shoots b/c photogs do not think you are worth paying. Most photogs who are going to pay you, are going to paid by someone else(a client)....if they're going to pay someone they can probably find someone better looking and more experienced than yourself. So what do you do? You keep working on your port TFP until you get to a hire level b/c hunny as everyone is just aren't there. If you want to be there with minimal experience then find yourself and agent...The people on here are giving you solid advice and insight you refuse to except as my mum always says "poo poo pah choo for you".

I hope i got this stuff correct?

Jun 24 06 10:07 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3510

Los Angeles, California, US

this might sound like a silly question, but if it is a job that is paid a normal models day rate, why would the photographer/client hire a model off MM or OMP who is not even with an agency, when he can just cast from an agency in his area?

Jun 24 06 10:21 pm Link


Isys Entertainment

Posts: 1420

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

If you want some cash for your work GET AN AGENT!

The internet will never pay your rent, at best it will give you a bit of exposure and some valuable industry knowlege. ( there are exceptions)

Further in this business you NEED thick skin and the ability to ge graceful even when under fire. Kill them with kindness but still be true to yourself and your values.

Now let us look at the picture you have painted, step out of yourself and look at yourself from an others perspective. What do you see, and how would you respond to this woman and her post?

Marketing is a HUGE factor when getting paid ( in any industry)...why you ask....simple; nothing sells if nobody knows about it....

So how do you want people to percieve you? Do you think all publicity is good publicity? let us ask another question: what type of person do you want people to think you are?

This is for you to decide.

Art is about emotion and image, some are good and some are bad in the sense that we can love it or hate it.

Know your enemy...the world is a stage and we all wear a mask.....people pay for a personality..they want to see inside one's mind..all the intimate details..although they are pretend.

If you want cash you have to make people want to give it to you. We pay for skill and to explore the imaginary...we sell ideas everyday...

Play the game and take lessons from the masters..

your question is more deep then pay me now...please don't pretend you are not asking "HOW TO GET PAID".

So if you ask, you shall recieve, just be prepared for the truth....

yes it can be hurt even sting..but experience is the greatest teacher provided to mankind. Pain as some say is the initiation to life, feel it; if wise and receptive it will only make you better.

I do apologize for being abstract, it is just part of my nature, I see the reality of the situation and I also commend you for having spunk, just remeber to play the game well smile

Money only means so much, respect and wisdom is everlasting

"A person starts to live when he can live outside himself."  Albert Einstein

I wish you much success,


Jun 24 06 10:38 pm Link



Posts: 239

Chicago, Illinois, US

You guys are all nuts

Jun 24 06 10:38 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Alex, no matter what you do, please don't ever duplicate a shot where there is a church spire thrusting through your arm and your hand doing something, not sure what to your rear.

Jun 24 06 10:39 pm Link


Isys Entertainment

Posts: 1420

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Alex C wrote:
You guys are all nuts

Thank you I try very hard to contribute to the Mayhem smile

Jun 24 06 10:42 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

rachelrose wrote:
this might sound like a silly question, but if it is a job that is paid a normal models day rate, why would the photographer/client hire a model off MM or OMP who is not even with an agency, when he can just cast from an agency in his area?

  This is MM, please do not introduce logic into a thread.

Jun 24 06 10:43 pm Link



Posts: 239

Chicago, Illinois, US

Isys Entertainment wrote:

Thank you I try very hard to contribute to the Mayhem smile

Hey, I sent you a message....

Jun 24 06 10:43 pm Link



Posts: 239

Chicago, Illinois, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
Alex, no matter what you do, please don't ever duplicate a shot where there is a church spire thrusting through your arm and your hand doing something, not sure what to your rear.

Please add that to the comments for that picture if you really feel so.

Jun 24 06 10:45 pm Link



Posts: 8687

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Alex C wrote:
You guys are all nuts


Thread officially closed.  Any further contributors are dead horse floggers.

Jun 24 06 10:58 pm Link


Greg Kolack

Posts: 18392

Elmhurst, Illinois, US

I can't believe this has gone on this long. It all boils down to just another young, inexperienced, egotistical girl (to call her a woman is an insult to all the mature females out there) who thinks she is far above everyone because of her pretty face and big breasts - whether it be a model, socialite, or club hopper who must have the last word - simply stated, a grown up brat.

Nothing anyone here can say or do will sway her. Only experience will humble her.

Jun 24 06 11:03 pm Link