Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Suicide and Violence Help Thread


Paul Bryson Photography

Posts: 48041

Hollywood, Florida, US

Kayelless wrote:

you just had to out do me didn't you?
*runs off crying*

No. The wine was only 4 bucks from the grocery store, and the cookies came from walmart. tongue

Feb 03 09 05:27 pm Link


Feral Oneiric

Posts: 5949

Portland, Oregon, US

The best cheap ass wine comes from Fred Meyer.
Just called House Wine, label looks like it was scribbled on with a Sharpie.

Feb 03 09 06:44 pm Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

time for work... bleh

Feb 04 09 05:45 am Link


Stephoto Photography

Posts: 20158

Amherst, Massachusetts, US

i'm unemployed again sad they decided to drop me and go internal instead hmm

Feb 04 09 05:54 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Kayelless wrote:
time for work... bleh

Edit: eh, make that home sick.

Feb 04 09 05:56 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

SPierce Photography wrote:
i'm unemployed again sad they decided to drop me and go internal instead hmm

Urrgh.  Were you a temp?
I know the economy is what it is, but I truly believe in an always remember when one door closes it's so we can get to the one that's been opened for us.

Feb 04 09 06:00 am Link


Stephoto Photography

Posts: 20158

Amherst, Massachusetts, US

Kayelless wrote:
Urrgh.  Were you a temp?
I know the economy is what it is, but I truly believe in an always remember when one door closes it's so we can get to the one that's been opened for us.

I was a temp, but this was a different job I had setup after that position ended (like it did on Monday). It seems that every single time I hit a job where I mesh properly with my boss and coworkers, and it's something I really want to do, someone just swoops in and takes it all away. This is the 4th time it's happened to me. I was so excited, i even went and got my hair done yesterday so i could go in this afternoon looking great, and it was all for nothing hmm

Feb 04 09 06:07 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

SPierce Photography wrote:

I was a temp, but this was a different job I had setup after that position ended (like it did on Monday). It seems that every single time I hit a job where I mesh properly with my boss and coworkers, and it's something I really want to do, someone just swoops in and takes it all away. This is the 4th time it's happened to me. I was so excited, i even went and got my hair done yesterday so i could go in this afternoon looking great, and it was all for nothing hmm

kind of like finding rocks in ones soup..

Feb 04 09 06:12 am Link


Stephoto Photography

Posts: 20158

Amherst, Massachusetts, US

Kayelless wrote:

kind of like finding rocks in ones soup..

I booked two models at the end of march, and I NEED to find an income/way to pay them. I have to find a way to pay my bills. I have enough to get me through this month, but that's pretty  much it!

Feb 04 09 06:14 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

SPierce Photography wrote:

I booked two models at the end of march, and I NEED to find an income/way to pay them. I have to find a way to pay my bills. I have enough to get me through this month, but that's pretty  much it!

*prays for needs being met*
they will be met. a new way is coming, so hang tough and most of all.. please don't despair. That's the road to our enemy's camp.

Feb 04 09 06:24 am Link


Stephoto Photography

Posts: 20158

Amherst, Massachusetts, US

Kayelless wrote:
*prays for needs being met*
they will be met. a new way is coming, so hang tough and most of all.. please don't despair. That's the road to our enemy's camp.

i know, but its so hard sometimes. I think everything will finally be okay and the rug gets pulled out from under me everytime hmm im tired of watching my dreams slip through  my fingers

Feb 04 09 06:27 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

SPierce Photography wrote:

i know, but its so hard sometimes. I think everything will finally be okay and the rug gets pulled out from under me everytime hmm im tired of watching my dreams slip through  my fingers

that will change... I know it

Feb 04 09 06:30 am Link


Stephoto Photography

Posts: 20158

Amherst, Massachusetts, US

Kayelless wrote:

that will change... I know it

God I hope so, and soon! sad *hug*

Feb 04 09 06:38 am Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

SPierce Photography wrote:

God I hope so, and soon! sad *hug*

Obama said it. Change you can believe in.

How much do you usually pay the models and when do you need it by? Also, do you have PayPal?

Feb 04 09 05:19 pm Link


Dark Angel Photography

Posts: 9584

Orlando, Florida, US

...sometimes it really is better to just burn out than to just fade away...

   dust in the wind baby.......

peace out...       


Feb 04 09 05:28 pm Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

Dark Angel Photography wrote:
...sometimes it really is better to just burn out than to just fade away...

   dust in the wind baby.......

peace out...       



Feb 04 09 06:22 pm Link


Stephoto Photography

Posts: 20158

Amherst, Massachusetts, US

Photons 2 Pixels Images wrote:
Obama said it. Change you can believe in.

How much do you usually pay the models and when do you need it by? Also, do you have PayPal?

PM coming; and I know everything will work out OK. I just worry.

Feb 04 09 06:29 pm Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

SPierce Photography wrote:

PM coming; and I know everything will work out OK. I just worry.

yeah, how's that shower downstairs?

Feb 04 09 09:37 pm Link



Posts: 10053

Orlando, Florida, US

BUmping this for Thursday morning. Hope everyone is doing grand today. I have some excitment coming up this weekend. So I haz butterflies, but they're all residing in my stomach!

Feb 05 09 05:08 am Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Carrie_K wrote:
BUmping this for Thursday morning. Hope everyone is doing grand today. I have some excitment coming up this weekend. So I haz butterflies, but they're all residing in my stomach!

YAAAAAAY!!!!! Good luck with whatever it is.

Feb 05 09 06:24 am Link



Posts: 10053

Orlando, Florida, US

Photons 2 Pixels Images wrote:

YAAAAAAY!!!!! Good luck with whatever it is.

It's an art show. My first for my jewelry designs. I've got lots of nervous, positive energy for anyone who needs some.

Feb 05 09 06:25 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Natasha240 wrote:
Thank you so much guys, for the calls/pms/texts. I cried, just knowing that you all cared so much to take the time. It really touched me. I'm not doing so good, but I'm still here. I'm just getting very overwhelmed again, I guess. I'm getting sucked down into those negative thoughts, and they keep feeding on themselves, growing. Just knowing that I have you all rooting for me helps. I will try to keep that in my mind when I get deep down into this dark place I am in.

I don't mean to ignore anyone, I just isolate myself hardcore when I feel like this.

I love you all

edit: I just want to add that this now proves that this board helps. I posted here about how bad I am feeling, even while I am trying to hide it from everyone else. Who knows, if I did not have this place to do it, I may have continued to hold it all in, pretending everything was fine.

You know the whole gang is here for you.  I know that you're going through a pretty tough low right now.  You can pull through and out of it.  I know you can.

Gang, she's still having a rough time of it so please stick with Natasha right now.

Feb 05 09 06:31 am Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Kayelless wrote:

You know the whole gang is here for you.  I know that you're going through a pretty tough low right now.  You can pull through and out of it.  I know you can.

Gang, she's still having a rough time of it so please stick with Natasha right now.

Actually, I was just about to text her when I saw you just posted here so I thought I'd read this first.

Feb 05 09 06:42 am Link



Posts: 10053

Orlando, Florida, US

Kayelless wrote:

You know the whole gang is here for you.  I know that you're going through a pretty tough low right now.  You can pull through and out of it.  I know you can.

Gang, she's still having a rough time of it so please stick with Natasha right now.

Natasha, we all care about you, whether we know you or not. You can PM me and rant and rave. And I'd still huggle you.

Feb 05 09 07:29 am Link


Stephoto Photography

Posts: 20158

Amherst, Massachusetts, US

Kayelless wrote:

yeah, how's that shower downstairs?

its filling up fairly quickly smile

Feb 05 09 08:11 am Link


Stephoto Photography

Posts: 20158

Amherst, Massachusetts, US

Kayelless wrote:

You know the whole gang is here for you.  I know that you're going through a pretty tough low right now.  You can pull through and out of it.  I know you can.

Gang, she's still having a rough time of it so please stick with Natasha right now.

I just sent her a PM smile

Feb 05 09 08:12 am Link


Caperucita Roja

Posts: 11545

London, England, United Kingdom

I can't get a job, I'm hundreds of pounds in debt, I have a stupid amount of work for university.

I don't have money to buy anything, not even food at the moment. I've got tins and pasta ect at least. I have to afford traveling to all these shoots I have planned but I don't know how on earth I'm going to do it.

Most of my friends have moved abroad as part of the course we're doing, I'll be joining them in October but still. I'm really lonely and there aren't exactly many opportunities here for me to go out and make more friends.
The few friends I do still have in North Wales are all, like me, working their asses off so we don't have a lot of time to hang out.

I live alone with a crappy internet connection and almost no phone signal. My parents and brothers are 7-8 hours train/car ride away in Southern England, and the rest of my family are in Spain. I feel really cut off from everyone I love.

I'm only at uni in North Wales because the stupid exam system I was on while in secondary school lost every single exam I had done from the ages of 17-18 and all evidence I had even taken any of these exams.
I lost my place at Cardiff university, I was going to study Spanish and Japanese, they wouldn't take me on "predicted grades" so I had to go with my second choice which is here.

I'm not happy, but i'm half way through finishing this degree and it would be an awful thing to transfer elsewhere at this stage.

I just don't have the motivation to leave the house much anymore. I'm lonely, but at the same time I'm bringing it on myself.

People call me stupid and ungrateful for sometimes complaining about getting to travel so much, but although I love doing it at the same time it's very very hard. My homes are in three different places, and next year I will be travelling between an additional 2 more places.

This is a nice place to go to rant...

Feb 05 09 08:27 am Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Caperucita Roja wrote:
I can't get a job, I'm hundreds of pounds in debt, I have a stupid amount of work for university.

I don't have money to buy anything, not even food at the moment. I've got tins and pasta ect at least. I have to afford traveling to all these shoots I have planned but I don't know how on earth I'm going to do it.

Most of my friends have moved abroad as part of the course we're doing, I'll be joining them in October but still. I'm really lonely and there aren't exactly many opportunities here for me to go out and make more friends.
The few friends I do still have in North Wales are all, like me, working their asses off so we don't have a lot of time to hang out.

I live alone with a crappy internet connection and almost no phone signal. My parents and brothers are 7-8 hours train/car ride away in Southern England, and the rest of my family are in Spain. I feel really cut off from everyone I love.

I'm only at uni in North Wales because the stupid exam system I was on while in secondary school lost every single exam I had done from the ages of 17-18 and all evidence I had even taken any of these exams.
I lost my place at Cardiff university, I was going to study Spanish and Japanese, they wouldn't take me on "predicted grades" so I had to go with my second choice which is here.

I'm not happy, but i'm half way through finishing this degree and it would be an awful thing to transfer elsewhere at this stage.

I just don't have the motivation to leave the house much anymore. I'm lonely, but at the same time I'm bringing it on myself.

People call me stupid and ungrateful for sometimes complaining about getting to travel so much, but although I love doing it at the same time it's very very hard. My homes are in three different places, and next year I will be travelling between an additional 2 more places.

This is a nice place to go to rant...

Yes it is. I sincerely hope things work out for you. I'm sure it will all be worth it in the end.

Sending hugs your way.

Feb 05 09 09:41 am Link


eliza montgomery

Posts: 454

Denver, Colorado, US

Dark Angel Photography wrote:
...sometimes it really is better to just burn out than to just fade away...

   dust in the wind baby.......

peace out...       


You will never fade in my eyes.

Feb 05 09 04:27 pm Link


Kylie Ann

Posts: 402

Durham, North Carolina, US

Seems like this thread has gone on a lot of tangents and I want to bring it back to the suicide topic. Just today my choir teacher informed the class that one of our fellows singers, a senior, hung herself last night and was found this morning. Just 2 days ago we were planning to be in Battle of the Bands at school and planning to hang out over break. Now she won't walk with us at graduation, and pursue her artistic dreams. It's a real shock, and hard to cope with. I've never had someone close to me die before, and it's even harder knowing she took her own life.

In my county there has been so many high school suicides lately. record breaking. In January a popular football player was found dead; it was ruled a suicide today. A few weeks ago a sophomore and a junior ended their own lives. I'm not sure why suicide rates have increased in high schoolers, but it's becoming a serious issue here.

Just had to share.

Feb 05 09 07:36 pm Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Kylie Ann wrote:
Seems like this thread has gone on a lot of tangents and I want to bring it back to the suicide topic. Just today my choir teacher informed the class that one of our fellows singers, a senior, hung herself last night and was found this morning. Just 2 days ago we were planning to be in Battle of the Bands at school and planning to hang out over break. Now she won't walk with us at graduation, and pursue her artistic dreams. It's a real shock, and hard to cope with. I've never had someone close to me die before, and it's even harder knowing she took her own life.

In my county there has been so many high school suicides lately. record breaking. In January a popular football player was found dead; it was ruled a suicide today. A few weeks ago a sophomore and a junior ended their own lives. I'm not sure why suicide rates have increased in high schoolers, but it's becoming a serious issue here.

Just had to share.

This is sad news.  I have to question why it is that we are losing our teens to suicide.  I had read an article recently that had identified your area as being one of the highest for such... kind of makes a person wonder what's going on, but we are here today to state it and hope that by keeping a dialog going that one day we may find out.

Feb 05 09 08:34 pm Link


Kylie Ann

Posts: 402

Durham, North Carolina, US

Kayelless wrote:
This is sad news.  I have to question why it is that we are losing our teens to suicide.  I had read an article recently that had identified your area as being one of the highest for such... kind of makes a person wonder what's going on, but we are here today to state it and hope that by keeping a dialog going that one day we may find out.

I hadn't read that statistic. It really is a tragedy and to strike home like this is horrible. I take a psychology course at my school and my teacher talked to us about all the recent suicides, but there have yet to be any answers.

Feb 05 09 10:13 pm Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US


Feb 06 09 01:13 pm Link


Stephoto Photography

Posts: 20158

Amherst, Massachusetts, US

Kylie Ann wrote:
Seems like this thread has gone on a lot of tangents and I want to bring it back to the suicide topic. Just today my choir teacher informed the class that one of our fellows singers, a senior, hung herself last night and was found this morning. Just 2 days ago we were planning to be in Battle of the Bands at school and planning to hang out over break. Now she won't walk with us at graduation, and pursue her artistic dreams. It's a real shock, and hard to cope with. I've never had someone close to me die before, and it's even harder knowing she took her own life.

In my county there has been so many high school suicides lately. record breaking. In January a popular football player was found dead; it was ruled a suicide today. A few weeks ago a sophomore and a junior ended their own lives. I'm not sure why suicide rates have increased in high schoolers, but it's becoming a serious issue here.

Just had to share.

I'm sorry for your losses, its still got to be tough.

Feb 06 09 01:15 pm Link


Feral Oneiric

Posts: 5949

Portland, Oregon, US

A kid in my class killed himself our freshman year.

Already as a freshman, he was a state champion wrestler.
His big brother was a state champion as well, twice.

He was one of the 'popular kids', who were mostly jerks, but he surprised people in that he wasn't really a jerk, and was actually a really nice guy.

He killed himself the summer after he won his title. The most anyone could figure was that he couldn't handle the pressure he felt he was under to make his family proud or whatever.

This was strongly evidenced when his father took his life shortly after.

His big sister still went to our school. I was sympathetic to her once her family members killed themselves, but she was always a rather terrible person, before and after. Then she made some big overture of threatening suicide herself, and as she prepared to drive off in her car (she alerted pretty much everyone that she planned on doing it, so I'm pretty sure she had zero intention of actually doing it). When she got out to the parking lot, a lot of the guys in school gathered around the car, and in an attempt to stop her from driving off, lifted up the back end of the car. But it was a front wheel drive, and she just about drove over a few of them.

Then my Spanish teacher, the badass that he was and tired of her shenanigans, kicked out the driver side window of her car, and snatched her keys. A cry for help is one thing, but I couldn't find that in any way excusable. She knew her brother's friends very well, and to think that she would put them through that sort of turmoil, knowing good and well what it was and why she was doing it, was appalling.

No one else killed themselves while I was in high school, but three have since.

One shot himself in the chest in his truck after having some fight with his girlfriend. He survived the shot, and stumbled back into the party, but it was too late to save him. He wanted to be saved.

Another shot himself after coming home from the war. He had a child on the way.

Another, while still in the military, was electrocuted by his radio in the bathtub. No one thinks it was an accident.

Four if you count the one who OD'd on something. His daughter had just been born.

These were people in a pretty narrow age range, in a very very small town. Seems like a lot for how few were actually in that town.

Feb 06 09 01:29 pm Link


Kylie Ann

Posts: 402

Durham, North Carolina, US

SPierce Photography wrote:
I'm sorry for your losses, its still got to be tough.

It'll be very tough. We set up a memorial today at school and I spent a couple class periods at the memorial. It has only been 1 day and it has already hit so hard. I just saw a story on the news about record breaking suicide rates in the military. Looks like these tragedies are hitting all aspects of our society.

Feb 06 09 07:08 pm Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Kylie Ann wrote:

It'll be very tough. We set up a memorial today at school and I spent a couple class periods at the memorial. It has only been 1 day and it has already hit so hard. I just saw a story on the news about record breaking suicide rates in the military. Looks like these tragedies are hitting all aspects of our society.

Yes, I saw the news report on military suicides too. Bad times put people over the edge. It's unfortunate because there is always help available. I know I get close sometimes so I can understand what they're thinking. When you get like that, sometimes you don't want help. You don't want anything.

Feb 06 09 07:26 pm Link


Lawrence Guy

Posts: 17716

San Diego Country Estates, California, US

Photons 2 Pixels Images wrote:
... When you get like that, sometimes you don't want help. You don't want anything.

It's really a vicious bastard, isn't it.

Feb 06 09 07:29 pm Link


Kylie Ann

Posts: 402

Durham, North Carolina, US

Photons 2 Pixels Images wrote:

Yes, I saw the news report on military suicides too. Bad times put people over the edge. It's unfortunate because there is always help available. I know I get close sometimes so I can understand what they're thinking. When you get like that, sometimes you don't want help. You don't want anything.

I understand that. I just wish it could be different. hmm

Feb 06 09 07:57 pm Link


Stephoto Photography

Posts: 20158

Amherst, Massachusetts, US

Kylie Ann wrote:

It'll be very tough. We set up a memorial today at school and I spent a couple class periods at the memorial. It has only been 1 day and it has already hit so hard. I just saw a story on the news about record breaking suicide rates in the military. Looks like these tragedies are hitting all aspects of our society.

None of that is ever easy, or ever really able to be able to "gotten over". Just try to honor them in the best way you can, and don't dwell.. (most of the time) no one would want that. If you ever need to talk, or just vent, send me a PM and i'll be happy to either listen through MM, or i can get you my cell phone number and will be available after my shoot tomorrow wink

I can't even begin to imagine what it's like to think about suicide and how hard it must be on everyone. (not that I don't, for me mentally it's more of thinking--and knowing-- that i'm going to die early, so i live every day like i might not be here tomorrow)

Feb 06 09 08:37 pm Link