Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Suicide and Violence Help Thread


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Lawrence Guy wrote:

PM me, please.  Just to talk.

PM sent.

Jan 21 09 02:59 am Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Kayelless wrote:
I'm whupped. My sister's death has really pushed me down.  I'm off my regular sleep schedule and my push forward motivation is extremely hard to start and keep running.

I'm here also if you need someone to talk to.

Jan 21 09 03:03 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

this is bad. I'm freezing up.  Need a heavy dose of friendship, creativity and laughter stat.

Jan 21 09 11:11 am Link



Posts: 10053

Orlando, Florida, US

Today is better for me. I got some great news, and I'm focusing on that and the happiness it's bringing me.

So to those that need it, enthusiastic hugs and silly happy dances to make you smile!

Jan 21 09 11:14 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Carrie_K wrote:
Today is better for me. I got some great news, and I'm focusing on that and the happiness it's bringing me.

So to those that need it, enthusiastic hugs and silly happy dances to make you smile!

I need more than a cyber-hug right now.  Need physical one and somebody sittin' here next to me. I can feel the bottom falling out...

I've got to be at the dentist in an hour. That's always a cheery, fun place. Hopefully that's gonna help.

Jan 21 09 11:16 am Link



Posts: 10053

Orlando, Florida, US

Kayelless wrote:

I need more than a cyber-hug right now.  Need physical one and somebody sittin' here next to me. I can feel the bottom falling out...

I've got to be at the dentist in an hour. That's always a cheery, fun place. Hopefully that's gonna help.

You're kinda far for a real hug. sad
If nothing else, maybe the detist will take your mind off things for a while.

Jan 21 09 11:18 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Carrie_K wrote:

You're kinda far for a real hug. sad
If nothing else, maybe the detist will take your mind off things for a while.

The dentist appointment helped some.

Jan 21 09 04:53 pm Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Kayelless wrote:
this is bad. I'm freezing up.  Need a heavy dose of friendship, creativity and laughter stat.

I could send you a nakey pic of myself. That would make you laugh. It would definitely be creative since I've never done that before. And talk about friendship...that would be the ultimate.

Sorry, just tryin to cheer you up. smile Just don't actually try to picture me nakey. It'll make you feel worse.

Jan 21 09 05:43 pm Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Carrie_K wrote:
Today is better for me. I got some great news, and I'm focusing on that and the happiness it's bringing me.

So to those that need it, enthusiastic hugs and silly happy dances to make you smile!

YAAAAAAY! Good for you! I'm happy for you. Wonderful news. Hope it keeps going that direction for ya.

Jan 21 09 05:44 pm Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Photons 2 Pixels Images wrote:

I could send you a nakey pic of myself. That would make you laugh. It would definitely be creative since I've never done that before. And talk about friendship...that would be the ultimate.

Sorry, just tryin to cheer you up. smile Just don't actually try to picture me nakey. It'll make you feel worse.


Jan 21 09 06:20 pm Link


Tom Barely

Posts: 17

Apopka, Florida, US

This is by far my favorite thread... i love to see people helping people.
i myself have gone through deep deep depression several times but i always find a way to wiggle my way back to my optimistic self...

Don't let the world bring you down when you can so easily rise above it.

Don't be afraid to send me a message if your ever need a little cheering up. smile

Jan 21 09 06:30 pm Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Isaac Dozier wrote:
This is by far my favorite thread... i love to see people helping people.
i myself have gone through deep deep depression several times but i always find a way to wiggle my way back to my optimistic self...

Don't let the world bring you down when you can so easily rise above it.

Don't be afraid to send me a message if your ever need a little cheering up. smile

thanks, man.

my meanie head sister is making me go to bed, but she made me laugh so...

Jan 21 09 07:05 pm Link


Caperucita Roja

Posts: 11545

London, England, United Kingdom

Something very strange has been happening to me since November.

I'm naturally a really happy person, I'm known for being a proper optimist.
But since Nov it's like I've gone barmy. One minute I'm plodding along really happy and the next I'm a mess.

I burst into tears in front of one of my lecturers, in front of a load of friends, in the street and loads of times in my room. It's embarassing, I barely even cry once a month and here I am at least once a week feeling like crap.

I'm supposed to organise counselling sessions this week because my lecturer ordered me to, but honestly I don't know what I'm going to say there. I'll probably turn up really happy- there's no guarantee I'll have one of my "episodes" in front of them. They'll think I'm insane to go in there.

Jan 21 09 07:48 pm Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Caperucita Roja wrote:
Something very strange has been happening to me since November.

I'm naturally a really happy person, I'm known for being a proper optimist.
But since Nov it's like I've gone barmy. One minute I'm plodding along really happy and the next I'm a mess.

I burst into tears in front of one of my lecturers, in front of a load of friends, in the street and loads of times in my room. It's embarassing, I barely even cry once a month and here I am at least once a week feeling like crap.

I'm supposed to organise counselling sessions this week because my lecturer ordered me to, but honestly I don't know what I'm going to say there. I'll probably turn up really happy- there's no guarantee I'll have one of my "episodes" in front of them. They'll think I'm insane to go in there.

Give it some time. It could be a seasonal thing. This time of year your body chemistry changes due to a change in the amount of sunlight you get. It could be an infection...sinus in particular or even an inner ear infection. It could be added stress from something. A change in diet.

I'm not saying to ignore the problem and it'll go away. Definitely don't do that. But if this is your first time going through it, and it's only started recently it could be just as I said. If it gets more severe, more frequent, interferes with your normal life, or anything else that causes concern then definitely see a doctor. Some doctors like to put a general "depression" label on everything that fits that description and just trow pills at you so if possible, see more than one doctor.

For now, I'll recommend you go to the counseling and see what happens. It could help.

Good luck.

Jan 22 09 02:57 am Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Isaac Dozier wrote:
This is by far my favorite thread... i love to see people helping people.
i myself have gone through deep deep depression several times but i always find a way to wiggle my way back to my optimistic self...

Don't let the world bring you down when you can so easily rise above it.

Don't be afraid to send me a message if your ever need a little cheering up. smile

Thanks, Isaac. I'm glad you're here and offering your help. It means a lot.

Jan 22 09 02:58 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Photons 2 Pixels Images wrote:

Thanks, Isaac. I'm glad you're here and offering your help. It means a lot.


Jan 22 09 10:09 am Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

I guess we now all know that George Hoffman-Onyx,did himself in.........
That is 2 in Florida in a month.....
so tragic....another talent gone....

Jan 22 09 11:53 am Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Chris Rifkin wrote:
I guess we now all know that George Hoffman-Onyx,did himself in.........
That is 2 in Florida in a month.....
so tragic....another talent gone....

I didn't know him, but I feel the loss just the same. It hits me hard every time I hear of someone committing suicide, whether I know them or not.

I feel for his family and friends.

Thank you for letting us know, Chris.

Jan 22 09 02:58 pm Link


Fede Rhodes

Posts: 331

Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Ive heard depression and suicide is sometimes a genetic condition that you cant help that much.
I would give few advices that I hope can help,ive never thought of suicide but Ive had ups and downs like everybody does.
NUMBER ONE.Try to do as many different things as you can,monotony brings that kind of thougts
NUMBER2 Move to an area where the sky is blue most part of the year.Yes you would be surprised how much it affects our state of mind.Ive traveled a lot in my life and theres nothing like a blue sky in the morning to give you desire to live
NUMBER3 You are what you eat. Add a vitamin complex to your diet and also GInseng,the best kind u can find,6 years old is the best.It really makes you feel in good balance physical and mental.Not lazy or tired
NUMBER4 Last and not least important.Ask God to help you,really beliving hes going to help you. I tell you he will,there hasnt been a time where I ask for help and he doesnt.Its cause I truly beleive hes gonna help me.If you dont have faith 100% he wont.Give God a try let him come to your life and you will be forever thankful. God bless you all

Jan 22 09 04:27 pm Link


Feral Oneiric

Posts: 5949

Portland, Oregon, US

Lawrence Guy wrote:

I don't know if this will help you or not, but my personal experience with suicide showed me that there is no selfishness involved.  What IS involved is hopelessness and helplessness.  Suicide, even for people who are suicidal, is right smack at the bottom of the list of options.  A person who reaches the point where they are ready to kill themselves have exhausted every other option they can think of, and every defense mechanism they have has crumbled.

When I was ready to kill myself, I knew how awful it would make my family feel.  I knew that I would be leaving scars that would persist for decades.  That knowledge was one of the things holding me back.  But eventually, that defense crumbled under the weight of depression, anxiety, and panic.  I ended up knowing that there was no hope for me (hopelessness), that no matter what I did, in the end I would take my own life (helplessness).

Thank god I'd had the second option drilled into by so many therapists: call for help.  I called for help, thinking that at best it would extend my life for a week.  Instead, it saved my life and gave me a new one.

I'm writing all this because I want you to understand that calling a suicide "selfish" is doing an injustice to the hell that the person went through.  I don't think most suicidal people "want" to commit suicide; I think they feel like there's no other option left.  I know that when I came to the conclusion that I was going to end my own life, I was terrified and angry, and, even worse, it made me feel even more depressed.  God damn it, I did NOT want that to be my destiny, but it was.  I could not escape that conclusion, not on my own.  I actually came to accept the fact that I would soon be dead, and I deeply regretted how that would affect others, but I could NOT continue to suffer the torment I was going through.

I'll stop now because I'm starting to ramble.  Just consider that a person who commits suicide has lost a battle, and it's fair to grieve over that, but it's not fair to blame them.


Good post.

Jan 22 09 04:29 pm Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Ngomo wrote:
Ive heard depression and suicide is sometimes a genetic condition that you cant help that much.
I would give few advices that I hope can help,ive never thought of suicide but Ive had ups and downs like everybody does.
NUMBER ONE.Try to do as many different things as you can,monotony brings that kind of thougts
NUMBER2 Move to an area where the sky is blue most part of the year.Yes you would be surprised how much it affects our state of mind.Ive traveled a lot in my life and theres nothing like a blue sky in the morning to give you desire to live
NUMBER3 You are what you eat. Add a vitamin complex to your diet and also GInseng,the best kind u can find,6 years old is the best.It really makes you feel in good balance physical and mental.Not lazy or tired
NUMBER4 Last and not least important.Ask God to help you,really beliving hes going to help you. I tell you he will,there hasnt been a time where I ask for help and he doesnt.Its cause I truly beleive hes gonna help me.If you dont have faith 100% he wont.Give God a try let him come to your life and you will be forever thankful. God bless you all

Thank you Ngomo. Good advice. Especially the blue sky part, though a lot of people don't have that option. Sunlight has been shown to alleviate depression so more sunlight can't hurt.

Personally, this time of year I try to keep a light on that mimics natural sunlight. It does help some, I've noticed. Even if it's just me thinking it's helping, that helps.

Jan 22 09 06:25 pm Link


Stephoto Photography

Posts: 20158

Amherst, Massachusetts, US

Caperucita Roja wrote:
Something very strange has been happening to me since November.

I'm naturally a really happy person, I'm known for being a proper optimist.
But since Nov it's like I've gone barmy. One minute I'm plodding along really happy and the next I'm a mess.

I burst into tears in front of one of my lecturers, in front of a load of friends, in the street and loads of times in my room. It's embarassing, I barely even cry once a month and here I am at least once a week feeling like crap.

I'm supposed to organise counselling sessions this week because my lecturer ordered me to, but honestly I don't know what I'm going to say there. I'll probably turn up really happy- there's no guarantee I'll have one of my "episodes" in front of them. They'll think I'm insane to go in there.

I know exactly how you feel! *hugs* It gets better, but is there something in your life right now thats really really bothering you ? If you need to talk, feel free to PM me... i'm heading to bed right now but will be back in the morning. Don't go to counseling because someone tells you to; I find that rarely makes any difference at all. Go, if you choose to do so at all, because you need to vent to a third, unbiased, party smile

Jan 22 09 06:28 pm Link


Stephoto Photography

Posts: 20158

Amherst, Massachusetts, US

Natasha240 wrote:

***hug back***

big_smile how're you feeling today? *waves*

Jan 22 09 06:30 pm Link


Lawrence Guy

Posts: 17716

San Diego Country Estates, California, US

Ngomo wrote:
Ive heard depression and suicide is sometimes a genetic condition that you cant help that much.
I would give few advices that I hope can help,ive never thought of suicide but Ive had ups and downs like everybody does.
NUMBER ONE.Try to do as many different things as you can,monotony brings that kind of thougts
NUMBER2 Move to an area where the sky is blue most part of the year.Yes you would be surprised how much it affects our state of mind.Ive traveled a lot in my life and theres nothing like a blue sky in the morning to give you desire to live
NUMBER3 You are what you eat. Add a vitamin complex to your diet and also GInseng,the best kind u can find,6 years old is the best.It really makes you feel in good balance physical and mental.Not lazy or tired
NUMBER4 Last and not least important.Ask God to help you,really beliving hes going to help you. I tell you he will,there hasnt been a time where I ask for help and he doesnt.Its cause I truly beleive hes gonna help me.If you dont have faith 100% he wont.Give God a try let him come to your life and you will be forever thankful. God bless you all

From personal experience, I find that number one is really hard to accomplish.  Depression is a serious de-motivator.

Number two, blue sky and full-spectrum sunlight really makes a difference.  Especially the sunlight part.  As I've said many times in this thread, sunlamps can make an amazing difference for seasonal depression.

Number three, good diet is important.  Exercise, if you can find the motivation, helps immensely as well.

Number four, not everyone believes in god, but I think most people believe in something.  It's not hard to find a spiritual philosophy without necessarily adopting a religious one.  After my own brush with suicide I did go to church for several months, and I still occasionally do.  This from a lifelong atheist/agnostic.  I'm lucky that the church I go to (Episcopal) is very open-minded.  A bunch of us joke that we sit in the "Atheists pews."  I've found that it's easy to ignore the parts that don't speak to me, but that there is a lot of value in many of the hymns, and our minister is fantastic.  I'm just saying that church is an option that can be beneficial, without requiring you to "buy in" to a set of beliefs.  For example, it's perfectly acceptable in my church for me to just sit in the pew while everybody else takes communion.


Jan 22 09 08:34 pm Link


Lawrence Guy

Posts: 17716

San Diego Country Estates, California, US

Caperucita Roja wrote:
Something very strange has been happening to me since November.

I'm naturally a really happy person, I'm known for being a proper optimist.
But since Nov it's like I've gone barmy. One minute I'm plodding along really happy and the next I'm a mess.

I burst into tears in front of one of my lecturers, in front of a load of friends, in the street and loads of times in my room. It's embarassing, I barely even cry once a month and here I am at least once a week feeling like crap.

I'm supposed to organise counselling sessions this week because my lecturer ordered me to, but honestly I don't know what I'm going to say there. I'll probably turn up really happy- there's no guarantee I'll have one of my "episodes" in front of them. They'll think I'm insane to go in there.

This might be situational.  Is there some event, either recent or impending, that might explain it?  Are you suddenly under a lot more stress?  I remember that when I was reaching the end of my college career I had a lot of bizarre emotions.  Or maybe something changed in your life that you thought was unimportant, but deep down it really bothers you.  When you have one of these episodes, try to remember what you were thinking about right before it happened.  That's helped me when I was trying to isolate the causes of my anxiety and panic attacks.

There's definitely a cause for it.  Whether it's an external cause (situational) or an internal cause will probably take time to determine.  You might talk to a doctor.  They'll probably give you Xanax or something like that.  From my own experience, I always say give the pills a try.  Other people offer different advice.

And remember that there are a bunch of complete strangers here who care deeply about you.  It's strange, but true.  You can always lean on us.


Jan 22 09 08:47 pm Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

You guys are great

Jan 22 09 08:55 pm Link


Lawrence Guy

Posts: 17716

San Diego Country Estates, California, US

Kayelless wrote:
You guys are great

Looking back on this thread, I'd have to say that you're pretty awesome yourself.

Jan 22 09 09:02 pm Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Lawrence Guy wrote:

Looking back on this thread, I'd have to say that you're pretty awesome yourself.

it's a group effort

Jan 22 09 09:17 pm Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

You guys and gals are all awesome! Everyone that checks in here and shows they care is awesome. It's possible that we've saved a life by posting here and keeping this thread active and don't even know it. Honestly I don't care about knowing, what I care about is that possibility and as long as that exists I'll be posting here.

However, this leads me to the next issue that I think we need to seriously consider. I'm not sure if everyone knows that Shiggily Weebonk McGee no longer has that profile on MM that she used to start this thread. This means that the OP can no longer be updated. I contacted the mods and we have a few choices...

1. The second person who posted in the thread, which again is Shiggily, can take over the thread. After her is Topless New York but I'm not sure the third post can take over nor do I know whether he would or not.

2.  Start a new thread and link to this one. This way the OP can be updated. I don't know if we can use a combination of #1 and #2 and at least see if Topless will agree to take over this thread and merely post a link to the new thread on top.

3. Keep going as we are. As much as I love this idea we also have to take into account someone who is coming here because they really need help and may get frustrated trying to comb through all the posts to find the information they need.

We can always keep this thread going regardless of what we decide. I do feel this is important since I've seen a couple posts that provide info that wasn't updated in the OP.

So, what do you all think?

Jan 23 09 04:10 am Link


Stephoto Photography

Posts: 20158

Amherst, Massachusetts, US

I'm in so much pain right now; i just want to go home.

Jan 23 09 07:06 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

SPierce Photography wrote:
I'm in so much pain right now; i just want to go home.

What's going on?

Jan 23 09 07:20 am Link


Stephoto Photography

Posts: 20158

Amherst, Massachusetts, US

Kayelless wrote:

What's going on?

My period started yesterday. I normally call in sick for the first two days, but I can't afford it. I can barely move/lift my arms, I can't stop shaking, and have a two hour commute home. I just want to cry; over the counter pain meds don't work, and I don't have a doctor or insurance here.

Jan 23 09 07:22 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

SPierce Photography wrote:

My period started yesterday. I normally call in sick for the first two days, but I can't afford it. I can barely move/lift my arms, I can't stop shaking, and have a two hour commute home. I just want to cry; over the counter pain meds don't work, and I don't have a doctor or insurance here.

Oh, shite! yikes You have that type? OMG, hun.  Times like this I hate being in this virtual world.. I so feel for you.  Now I want to cry.

Jan 23 09 07:42 am Link


Stephoto Photography

Posts: 20158

Amherst, Massachusetts, US

Kayelless wrote:
Oh, shite! yikes You have that type? OMG, hun.  Times like this I hate being in this virtual world.. I so feel for you.  Now I want to cry.

Awww, don't cry!! sad Thanks. and yeah., that kind. I don't mean to be gross, but getting up to change a tampon even though it's a super one every half an hour really sucks. Everything hurts, and yeah sad I love being a girl, but at times like this is really sucks.

Jan 23 09 07:49 am Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

SPierce Photography wrote:

Awww, don't cry!! sad Thanks. and yeah., that kind. I don't mean to be gross, but getting up to change a tampon even though it's a super one every half an hour really sucks. Everything hurts, and yeah sad I love being a girl, but at times like this is really sucks.

I know I'm not close geographically to you. Is there any way at all that I can help? I can't say I understand what you're going through, but I know it would have to be bad if you post about it.

Seriously, anything you need that you can't take care of on your own?

Jan 23 09 07:56 am Link


Stephoto Photography

Posts: 20158

Amherst, Massachusetts, US

Photons 2 Pixels Images wrote:

I know I'm not close geographically to you. Is there any way at all that I can help? I can't say I understand what you're going through, but I know it would have to be bad if you post about it.

Seriously, anything you need that you can't take care of on your own?

I just need someone to either 1- speed up time, or 2- help keep me busy to get through the day at work. I'm just really achy, i'm getting a coldsore, and I don't want to bother my roommate again through his email, i've done that more than enough lately.

Jan 23 09 08:09 am Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

SPierce Photography wrote:

I just need someone to either 1- speed up time, or 2- help keep me busy to get through the day at work. I'm just really achy, i'm getting a coldsore, and I don't want to bother my roommate again through his email, i've done that more than enough lately.

Well, I can offer you my email inbox if you want. Or a chat on an IM. I'm home today so my time is free.

I don't like to mess with time because when it messes back, bad things happen. smile

Jan 23 09 08:14 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Photons 2 Pixels Images wrote:

Well, I can offer you my email inbox if you want. Or a chat on an IM. I'm home today so my time is free.

I don't like to mess with time because when it messes back, bad things happen. smile

yeah... time the avenger.

Jan 23 09 08:16 am Link


Stephoto Photography

Posts: 20158

Amherst, Massachusetts, US

Photons 2 Pixels Images wrote:

Well, I can offer you my email inbox if you want. Or a chat on an IM. I'm home today so my time is free.

I don't like to mess with time because when it messes back, bad things happen. smile

Dang wormholes tongue smile

I have a gmail address, will that work? [email protected] ...

Jan 23 09 08:18 am Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

SPierce Photography wrote:

Dang wormholes tongue smile

I have a gmail address, will that work? [email protected] ...

Yes. I'm trying to send an email now but my cable company is having problems...keeps coming and going. It'll get through eventually, though.

Jan 23 09 09:01 am Link