Forums > General Industry > boyfriends and photoshoots!



Posts: 6118

Park City, Utah, US

Kelli, glad to see that you have reclaimed your thread. smile Got any work done? LOL

Nov 10 06 02:29 pm Link


Katie Osgood

Posts: 2

New York, New York, US

take him just act professional

Nov 11 06 02:16 am Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

This is a repetitive topic to say the least, but it definitely does not belong in the 'newbie' forum. I can't believe the other mods have been so lax for so long. maybe general apathy has set in again. Okay, have fun with the bf escort question.

Nov 11 06 02:18 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Kelli Charmae wrote:
I was just wondering what everyone's perception is on boyfriends coming to photoshoots???  good or bad?

You're fucking kidding me right?

Why the fuck does this question keep coming up?  It's been answered thousands of times thousands of different ways!!!

Here is my take on the subject...

Boyfriends and Photoshoots go together like Canon Cameras and Nikon Lenses.

All depends on the photoshoot:
  If it's just the photog and model w/o MUA or assistant, then sure, it's ok?
  If the model is being paid or it's a test shoot with MUA and assistants, then NO BOYFRIENDS or
   ESCORTS.  A job is a job!!!

Nov 11 06 02:23 am Link


Food 4 Less

Posts: 378

Los Angeles, California, US

you mean boyfriends of photographers?

Nov 11 06 02:24 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Tim Baker wrote:
Good point. I've come to realize that with younger models 18-21ish, that the boyfriend doesn't really tell the girlfriend how pretty she is as a matter of course in their daily relationship.  Most likely the rare emotion he shows her is his erection when she's just getting out of the shower or changing clothes.  It's a young guy macho thing, I suspect.  So, the girlfriend becomes a model to validate her beauty and to deal with her insecurities of not being told by her b.f. she's beautiful - so she drags him to a shoot to 'show' him that she's not only beautiful, but she has a nice body too (by stripping down to her tiniest thong and striking a pose in front of another guy).  I believe this may result in a lot of no-shows further down the line once the b.f. starts appreciating the g.f. and the g.f. forgets about modeling and settles on cuddling, her beauty insecurities now dealt with (until the next b.f. comes along).  /tim

Dude you are fucking funny!!!

Nov 11 06 02:29 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Tim Baker wrote:
Good point. I've come to realize that with younger models 18-21ish, that the boyfriend doesn't really tell the girlfriend how pretty she is as a matter of course in their daily relationship.  Most likely the rare emotion he shows her is his erection when she's just getting out of the shower or changing clothes.  It's a young guy macho thing, I suspect.  So, the girlfriend becomes a model to validate her beauty and to deal with her insecurities of not being told by her b.f. she's beautiful - so she drags him to a shoot to 'show' him that she's not only beautiful, but she has a nice body too (by stripping down to her tiniest thong and striking a pose in front of another guy).  I believe this may result in a lot of no-shows further down the line once the b.f. starts appreciating the g.f. and the g.f. forgets about modeling and settles on cuddling, her beauty insecurities now dealt with (until the next b.f. comes along).  /tim

Hamza wrote:
Dude you are fucking funny!!!

and frighteningly accurate

Nov 11 06 02:32 am Link



Posts: 6129

no i haven't read the thread so can only respond to the IP...

on my shoots... if anyone on the team, or model(s), showed up with an uninvited party -- boyfriend or otherwise -- they would be shown the door without pay, expense money, or further consideration. They would never be welcome again.

my POV

Nov 11 06 02:33 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Ashley N Spicer wrote:
Well, my boyfriend helps me organize everything with my modeling (keeping me up to date on what events I'm working, photoshoots, etc.). He is VERY involved in what I do. In fact, he has been on almost every photoshoot I have ever done and I would not feel comfortable otherwise.

You will NEVER make it in this industry!  You need to take control of your OWN life if you want to be a PROFESSIONAL Model.  If you can't feel comfortable without your "Keeper", remember that when you are on a leash, you are limited on what you can do.

Have you EVER seen any of the models on the Sports Illustrated Videos with their boyfriends in tow?  How about on America's Next Top Model?  Wake up and pull your head out!  If you want to be serious in this industry learn to grow up and leave your baggage at home.

Ashley N Spicer wrote:
People need to remember that not all models are uneducated when it comes to what is professionalism and what is not. A professional model knows not to bring someone into the situation that is going to cause unnecessary drama. If they do, it goes to show their immaturity and true intentions in the business.

Professionalism is LEAVING the boyfriend/girlfriend at HOME!  But then again what the hell do I know?  I've only been doing this for 20 years and you have been doing so much more in your one year as an amatuer freelance model.

Nov 11 06 02:35 am Link


Chantelle Mathiasson

Posts: 3638

Carson City, Nevada, US

JM Dean wrote:
Try this tread out

It's only 315 pages long smile

Welcome to the Mayhem!


Nov 11 06 02:40 am Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

The more you pay, the less likely they are to bring a boyfriend.

Nov 11 06 02:46 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

RED Photographic wrote:
The more you pay, the less likely they are to bring a boyfriend.

Don't you mean the more you Charge?

Nov 11 06 02:56 am Link


Joseph D Castleberry

Posts: 188

Chicago, Illinois, US

I allow escorts/boyfriends to the shoots - but there not allowed in the same area as the shooting takes place - I'm personally very picky about that - and I can be - since my referances are through the roof reguarding my professionalism !!!!!

Nov 11 06 02:57 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I like the response that "my boyfriend is also my manager and he attends my shoots with me." Or something like that...

How insulting is that to your "manager" that he has nothing better to do than to come hang out at photoshoots.. Must not be a very busy "manager" if you ask me.

Nov 11 06 02:58 am Link



Posts: 77

Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

I don't mind as long as he doesn't get in the way or try to direct.  I wouldn't bring my husband along to a shoot (unless there was lots of heavy equipment that needed carrying...) because I don't see the point in it and don't feel the need for a bodyguard or any kind, but if bringing an escort along makes a model feel more comfortable and therefore work better, it's all good.  But if he starts to get in the way or act all weird and jealous, the shoot is OVER.

Nov 11 06 03:12 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Kelley Mantia wrote:
I don't go to shoots w/out him!  It's very important for your personal safety.  Just make sure he's mature and doesn't get in the way. smile

Sorry.  I'm sure someone above me has already responded to this but: LOL!!!  I guess.

Nov 11 06 05:16 am Link


Josie Tan Photography

Posts: 249

Clackamas, Oregon, US

well this is the first time i've posted about this topic, so yall quit coming here to tell us there are already existing threads and give some replies!
I hate bfs on a shoot, oh sheesh I hate it! I actually hate anyone who accompanies the model, but bfs are the worst only because I dont get to communicate with the model as much and the constant snugling is so annoying..
Plus I have to worry about the escorts comfort, making sure to offer tv, food, drinks.. blah!

Nov 11 06 05:31 am Link


San Francisco Nudes

Posts: 2910

Novato, California, US

Josie Artography wrote:
Plus I have to worry about the escorts comfort, making sure to offer tv, food, drinks.. blah!

OK, now that's funny!

Nov 11 06 09:16 pm Link


Josie Tan Photography

Posts: 249

Clackamas, Oregon, US

yeah, its an asian thing.. its hardwire to greet guests well =/

Nov 12 06 01:33 am Link



Posts: 392

Mill Valley, California, US

Kelli Charmae wrote:
I was just wondering what everyone's perception is on boyfriends coming to photoshoots???  good or bad?

Good idea, IMHO. I would be happy to shoot both of you for a package price. Two hours included in the session fee, you keep the proofs and any enlargements you want you purchase later. You're both welcome anytime.

Nov 12 06 02:49 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Shelby Rich wrote:
When will these escort threads end???????????????????????????????????????

when internet modeling dies

Nov 12 06 02:51 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

dfstudios wrote:

Good idea, IMHO. I would be happy to shoot both of you for a package price. Two hours included in the session fee, you keep the proofs and any enlargements you want you purchase later. You're both welcome anytime.


Nov 12 06 02:52 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Katie Osgood wrote:
take him just act professional

that is a contradiction in terms

Nov 12 06 02:54 am Link



Posts: 392

Mill Valley, California, US

KM von Seidl wrote:


Kim, I thought it was the only possible response. smile Besides, it's nearing the holiday season, Heck, I'll even throw in the winter scene painted backdrop.

Nov 12 06 02:58 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

dfstudios wrote:

Kim, I thought it was the only possible response. smile Besides, it's nearing the holiday season, Heck, I'll even throw in the winter scene painted backdrop.

What about fake falling snow?

Wouldja do that for the model and her boyfriend as well???

Nov 12 06 03:01 am Link


Jeff Searust

Posts: 920

Austin, Texas, US

Hamza wrote:
Boyfriends and Photoshoots go together like Canon Cameras and Nikon Lenses.

I think they can go together just fine with long lengths of duct tape

Nov 12 06 03:02 am Link



Posts: 392

Mill Valley, California, US

KM von Seidl wrote:

What about fake falling snow?

Wouldja do that for the model and her boyfriend as well???

Great idea!!!
That would be necessitate an upgrade in the price. Somebody's gotta sweep that stuff up. But sure why not, their dime.

Nov 12 06 03:09 am Link



Posts: 185

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

With tape and handcuffs maybe...(lol)  Really, if he is cool and understands that someone else will see you in a beautiful light and is cool with the comments and direction....bring him.  But if he's a foul mouthed ass that might get shot if he jumps at a photographer from Vegas or some place like that..leave him at home..

Not saying that I bring my gun to photoshoots in this time of kidnapping and ransoms.....or anything like that  but , just saying...

; }

Nov 12 06 03:17 am Link


Edge Images

Posts: 631

Thousand Oaks, California, US

Kelli Charmae wrote:
I was just wondering what everyone's perception is on boyfriends coming to photoshoots???  good or bad?

I've had both ok & bad experiences, BF's that sat in the corner and watched, and BF's that were telling the model, "don't wear that", or "I don't like that pose", etc.  Escorts?  Sure.  Boyfriends?  No way!

Nov 12 06 09:20 am Link



Posts: 28

Lewisville, Arkansas, US

Kelli Charmae wrote:
I was just wondering what everyone's perception is on boyfriends coming to photoshoots???  good or bad?

Guess it depends on the boyfriend! I bring my boyfriend to all my shoots and he's great! He allows me to do what I want, he even gives me advice on what he thinks I'd look better doing like poses and such. Plus I feel safe with him there and he likes to know what's going on and it's less I have to tell when I get home. smile 
  So far all of the photographers I've worked with like him... he helps them set up the props or backgrounds and stuff too..
But of course I do always here of the jealous ones who cause problems. so???

Nov 12 06 09:35 am Link


Richard Maxwell

Posts: 242

Somerville, Massachusetts, US

Its the telling you what kind of poses that bothers a lot of photographers

Nov 12 06 10:31 am Link


Joe Alcantar

Posts: 438

Beaumont, California, US

Hey where is that thread that the boyfriend beat up the photographer?  lol

Nov 12 06 10:33 am Link



Posts: 1040

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

D Winge Photography wrote:

Bad. I would much rather have a friend, cousin, sibling, anyone but a boyfriend. The last time I worked with a model who brought her boyfriend at one point early in the shoot he was watching as we were shooting on some playground equipment and made the comment under his breath...but loud enough for us to hear "this is stupid". So much for support, it clouded the entire shoot, at that moment the mood changed and never recovered. I now refuse shoots that include a boyfriend anywhere in the vicinity.

Yep. Your escort should be someone who will be businesslike. If you shoot with me, your escort will become my assistant.

Nov 12 06 10:43 am Link


Melitza Guerrero

Posts: 274

Passaic, New Jersey, US

My boyfriend is dying to go on  shoot with me, but i know most photogs would rather you bring along a friend or family member and i know how he's a little jealous sometimes so i'd rather leave him at home....

I guess it all depends on the individual(s) involved... Including the model, photographer, and/or friend or boyfriend.

Nov 12 06 10:46 am Link


JaysonPolansky com

Posts: 816

Sedona, Arizona, US

This was a nice result of having the boyfriend on the set of a shoot.
I have had mostly very good experiences with having positive supporting friends, moms, dads, boyfriends and husbands.

I have only had one time when a husband was non supportive. I encourage supportive escorts.

I make it a point to ask up front “on a scale of 1 to 10 how supportive would (the escort) be”? If the answer is less that a 9, I ask if they know anyone who would be more supportive that they could bring. Just talk to them about it.

Nov 12 06 11:03 am Link


Vera van Munster

Posts: 4095

Belmont, North Carolina, US

It depends!
Is your boyfriend the type that thinks he's Mr.Billy Bad Ass and no one can look at his girl or they're toast?
If not,then he's cool to bring along.You dont know a darn thing about the photographer,and if he has a problem with you wanting to feel safe,then move along.If you dont feel safe,then it's gonna show in the photos.If anything, at least bring SOMEONE with you.You can't trust everyone.I bring my husband for safety and for assistance,because I bring a lot of clothes and shoes with me to shoots, and he can help the photog with equipment if needed.

Nov 12 06 11:08 am Link



Posts: 1912

San Francisco, California, US

LarryB wrote:
There's a huge thread in the "general mayhem" forum about this.

Some photogs are fine with any escort.  Some go so far as to tell models to always take an escort to any shoot, regardles what type of shoot it is or who the photographer is.

Some don't mind an escort, but won't allow a boyfriend or "significant other" because boyfriends have a way of turning jealous and ruining shoots (or punching the photog in the face for saying the model looks "hot").

Some photogs don't like escorts at all.  They think the model should check references and not attend a shoot where she feels uncomfortable.  They take the position that they have a reputation to protect and are therefore less likely to be an ax-murderer with a camera.

Whatever you want is fine.  Just realize that if you feel you must have your boyfriend with you there are some photogs who won't work with you.  Photogs who don't allow escorts understand that there are some models they won't be able to work with either.

This response should be made into a "sticky".

Nov 12 06 01:39 pm Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Digital Basement Studio wrote:
I have only had one time when a husband was non supportive. I encourage supportive escorts.
I make it a point to ask up front “on a scale of 1 to 10 how supportive would (the escort) be”? If the answer is less that a 9, I ask if they know anyone who would be more supportive that they could bring. Just talk to them about it.

I have no idea what you mean by "supportive" here.. not insulting the model?
How about an escort that will go read his book, climb a tree, or mind his own business until the shoot is over? I don't want them to be supportive, I want them to be out of my hearing and out of the viewfinder.

Nov 12 06 03:05 pm Link



Posts: 900

New York, New York, US

no significant others at shoots...model law

Nov 12 06 09:55 pm Link


Davis Images

Posts: 93

Tampa, Florida, US

A few days ago I did a great shoot with a model who brought her husband with her. He was cool, even though we were doing a topless shoot and I was sometimes pretty close to her. So it all depends. Pepper spray and stun guns are for jealous guys.

Nov 14 06 02:44 pm Link