Forums > General Industry > boyfriends and photoshoots!


Danielle Angela

Posts: 41

New Rochelle, New York, US

Depends on the situation.  For me I would always take my boyfriend over my girlfriend for a few reasons.  First, I have been with my boyfriend for almost 5 years and was friends with him before that  so he is the most supportive of anyone in my life.  He's not jelous and we practically live together so we get along.  I dont have to worry about getting into a fight at the shoot or him getting in the way.  He's always willing to help or just sit and wait.  Second, I almost feel guilty asking anyone else.  My boyfriend is willing to do anything for me and come anywhere...sometimes with my friends I feel like Im bothering them or inconveniencing them. And as a boyfriend he should be ok with doing those types of things.  Plus I cant count on them like I can count on my boyfriend. My friends arent the most reliable.  For some people its the exact opposite so it depends on your relationship.

Nov 14 06 02:51 pm Link



Posts: 6118

Park City, Utah, US

okay, even the OP stop visiting this thread. can we put this to rest now? plese. sad

Nov 14 06 03:09 pm Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

Kelli Charmae wrote:
was just wondering what everyone's perception is on boyfriends coming to photoshoots??? good or bad?

hmm ... don't think boyfriends make such a deal out their girl going to the OB/GYN, do they? bring an escort? must be stg in the perception of what's going to take place, by whom, etc. ...


Nov 14 06 03:12 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

The reasons you should bring another person with you is if you've asked the photographer, this particular person is supportive, and this person might add to the experience.  I always encourage models to bring a person if they wish to. 

DO NOT bring an "escort" if it is because you are afraid of the photographer.  There is something wrong with that in the first place!  DO NOT bring someone if you have not communicated about it with the photographer!  DO NOT bring someone who is emotional and might cause problems for you.  Use common sense.

Once and for all, can we ALL understand that we handle the escort/boyfriend issue differently?

In taking more classes in the social sciences than anything else, I have a degree in Sociology.  Here are some facts for you to consider ... you are many times more likely to be killed in a traffic accident than murdered or raped by a photographer.  You are more likely to be murdered or raped by someone who knows you, like a family members or friend than you are to be by a stranger.  You are twice as likely to commit suicide than you are to be murdered. 

I believe that I can handle most any social situation.  There was one time that a b/f of one of the models came to the studio uninvited.  I showed him the door before anything even got started.  It was not the models fault that he followed her.  Otherwise I've had tremendous success with allowing escorts (both male and female) at photo shoots. 

This does not mean that it will work for everyone, and I respect those photographers who will not allow b/f's or in some cases even escorts at shoots.  We all have our reasons.  If I didn't have complete control of the situation ... if it were for a client who would be on the set for example, then I would communicate with that client about their expectations of whom is going to be there.  The key word here is "communicate!"  OK, so can we put this to rest?
I am now going to edit my profile to read that I am "Escort Friendly!" 

Also we are now entering a tough time of the year for those who have depression.  Last year I reminded people to be aware that there are too many suicides every year and to please get help if you or someone you love has depression.  I have lost more friends and relatives to depression than I have lost to homicide. 

Again, you are much more likely to kill yourself than to be attacked by a photographer!   The Holidays are when we are stressed out, have high expectations, and get emotionally unstable as a result.  A photographer who started the career of a model I adore committed suicide last year.  Before that, I lost a beautiful lady friend myself to suicide.  This is why I campaign online every year to remind people to be aware of this fact that we need to think about.  Please take care of yourselves so that we can continue to argue about b/f's at shoots! Give your loved ones a hug and tell them you love them!  Do it for me! big_smile

Nov 14 06 03:12 pm Link



Posts: 625

Newark, New Jersey, US

John Jebbia wrote:
If this becomes a problem, just tell him that most photographers are fat, hairy, smelly, old, bald men with raunchy breath. If he's still jealous, say WTF?!

Speak for yourself .. I'm a woman.  smile

Nov 14 06 04:30 pm Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

Some husbands are greta managers and webmasters to a few friends of mine. They go to all shots with the model. They are excellent businessmen.

Nov 14 06 06:33 pm Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

FML-Photography wrote:

hmm ... don't think boyfriends make such a deal out their girl going to the OB/GYN, do they? bring an escort? must be stg in the perception of what's going to take place, by whom, etc. ...


My other half goes with me to the OB/GYN as well a photoshoots. Every photographer who has encountered him, hasn't had an issue. He tends to add to the shoot, since he shoots me himself.

Nov 14 06 06:35 pm Link



Posts: 729

Los Angeles, California, US

I just did a photo shoot this past weekend where the boyfriend came with and NO problems at all.  I generally have had no problems and do not care if they bring the Pope along.

Nov 14 06 06:38 pm Link