Forums > General Industry > Why would i bring escort with me, very simple...


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

I have a question...

The situation was just so fucked up, I just chewed his ass out, spread the word (he lost a lot of business) and left it. But, if it happened only two months ago, is it too late to file charges? Probably, eh? There was a witness -- a model he manages, who I don't know if she'd back up what happened.

Sep 16 06 07:12 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US


Sep 16 06 07:13 pm Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

i would bring an escort with me if i wanted to stop for sex before the photoshoot? LOL.

Sep 16 06 07:13 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Rabbit86 wrote:
Melvin YOU EVEN READ my responds for god sake ...i told you all long time he speak english better then some photgraphers i work with, better then some americans ( please no offence intended) Folks Stop calling some one guerilla beacose hes big, and stop saying about hes lang barrier which dont exist....damn it folks dont just grab top of each post if you like to post something usefull read all topics all posts and then replay.

It really dosen't matter because ol' Dimitry is never getting near me if I can help it.  This may be the first time a model has actually made me question my open policy regarding escorts.

Sep 16 06 07:13 pm Link



Posts: 6129

Melissa Vultaggio wrote:

Being a female and assualted, most times and cases go to show that the men make us the women feel as if it were our faults that it happened. In all reality its not what we ask for in any point or time. It took me almost 2 months before I said anything to anybody about my assault. Yes, he is actually doing time in jail for what he has done, thats niether here or there. The point is, is that we need to feel safe. There are alot of men out there that claim to be professional and really aren't, but all they want is to see just how far it can go. I wasn't the only one!

i would suggest that this is an awful industry for someone with your fears (justified or not).

i SO have issues with that crap about men making you feel its your fault. if you didn't already suspect that to be true, wtf do you care what someone else thinks.

look, this industry is for the strong of heart and stomach. personally, i think there may well be something emotionally suspect about WANTING to model (or act, or perform, etc.) it is not supposed to be easy.

it is, however, supposed to be safe. for everyone. therefore you have the right to want an escort, whether a good idea or not. I have the right to say i'd prefer another model do the assignment. your history is not motivation for me to change my own working parameters.

Sep 16 06 07:17 pm Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:

It really dosen't matter because ol' Dimitry is never getting near me if I can help it.  This may be the first time a model has actually made me question my open policy regarding escorts.

and mine.

Sep 16 06 07:18 pm Link



Posts: 6129

Rossi Photography wrote:
I have a question...

The situation was just so fucked up, I just chewed his ass out, spread the word (he lost a lot of business) and left it. But, if it happened only two months ago, is it too late to file charges? Probably, eh? There was a witness -- a model he manages, who I don't know if she'd back up what happened.

not too late to file, but i would speak with the DA first to see if they believe there is a good case before having him arrested.

Sep 16 06 07:19 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

Rossi Photography wrote:
Sorry to hear this happened to you. I can relate, though. And I'm a photographer (female)! I was at a shoot. There were two of us photoraphers to each shoot this particular model. Well, the other photographer wanted to photograph me while we were waiting on the model to get ready. I was like, what the hell.. why not. Well, in the middle of the shoot, this so-called professional photographer (who is also a member on this site!) said he had to adjust his lights. So, I started talking to the model, looking off to the side. I was in boy shorts and a top. Before I know it... happened so fast, I didn't even realize it... this asshole is behind me pulling down my shorts saying, "I'm just going to slide these off...". I freaked!!! Needless to say that was the end of the shoot. Have chosen not to have any contact what so ever with this jerk off of a photographer (who I refer to as a GWC -guy with camera - rather than a "professional photographer... who I believe to be a piece of shit, who does 99% TFCD work just to get young 18/19 year old naive girls to get nude for him and his camera), I tell all the models I know to stay the hell away from him.

Since when is it okay for a photographer to take it upon themself to remove a model's clothing???

How is it your camera did not end up in his teeth?

Sep 16 06 07:19 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Those who are paranoid [EDIT: habitually fear for their safety], or those who feel they have strong reason to be paranoid [EDIT: fear for their safety] (and well might), should probably find another line of work. This is not a good field/hobby for people who are modest or scared of other people (with or without reason). Seriously.

Sep 16 06 07:20 pm Link



Posts: 467

Białystok, Podlaskie, Poland

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:

It really dosen't matter because ol' Dimitry is never getting near me if I can help it.  This may be the first time a model has actually made me question my open policy regarding escorts.

Hmm do i question your policy in any of my posts..?
i just pointed that you dont read my posts about my friend and that it, as for respect to your policies as photographer i make comment earlier also i do respect every photogrpaher rules if they going aginst mine i just dont work with him/her. Same way i ask to respect mine.
My post was :
"If you like work with me and it beacose of something special in my work, something special in my poses, in my face, in my smile on face, i my personality on photos you see, just keep in mind all this was taken by professionals ( some by not pro's)when my friend presnt at shoot, if you like results and wish to have same on your photos respect my wish or dont ask me to work with you "

Sep 16 06 07:20 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

oldguysrule wrote:
i would suggest that this is an awful industry for someone with your fears (justified or not).

it is, however, supposed to be safe. for everyone. therefore you have the right to want an escort, whether a good idea or not. I have the right to say i'd prefer another model do the assignment. your history is not motivation for me to change my own working parameters.

You just beat me to the punch! Ditto.

Sep 16 06 07:21 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Rabbit86 wrote:

Hmm do i question your policy in any of my posts..?
i just pointed that you dont read my posts about my friend and that it, as for respect to your policies as photographer i make comment earlier also i do respect every photogrpaher rules if they going aginst mine i just dont work with him/her. Same way i ask to respect mine.
My post was :
"If you like work with me and it beacose of something special in my work, something special in my poses, in my face, in my smile on face, i my personality on photos you see, just keep in mind all this was taken by professionals ( some by not pro's)when my friend presnt at shoot, if you like results and wish to have same on your photos respect my wish or dont ask me to work with you "

Actually, I'm going to be brutally honest:  I can't read your posts...they make my head hurt.

And your pet stegasaurus Dimitry is still never coming near me.

Sep 16 06 07:23 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

oldguysrule wrote:
you have the right to want an escort, whether a good idea or not. I have the right to say i'd prefer another model do the assignment. your history is not motivation for me to change my own working parameters.

Perfectly stated.

Sep 16 06 07:25 pm Link


Sky Above

Posts: 250

This is why Men are from Mars and Women are From Venus.

Sep 16 06 07:25 pm Link


D Freeman

Posts: 490

Fresno, California, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:

Could you get my boyfriend to agree too?  He still tries to use logic on me.  And he doesn't listen to Dr. Laura.

Heh, if I could figure out to explain it to him in a way that would help him "get it".. I'd call him up for you right now lol.  Besides.. if you can't tell from my argument with e-string, I "get it" and I still use logic heh.  What's really funny is that now that I think back about our argument.. the entire thing was based on the difference we're discussing right now.  Go figure.

BTW.. Dr. Laura rocks.

Sep 16 06 07:26 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Demarcus Freeman wrote:

Heh, if I could figure out to explain it to him in a way that would help him "get it".. I'd call him up for you right now lol.  Besides.. if you can't tell from my argument with e-string, I "get it" and I still use logic heh.  What's really funny is that now that I think back about our argument.. the entire thing was based on the difference we're discussing right now.  Go figure.

BTW.. Dr. Laura rocks.

She does.  Not that I've had a chance to listen to her since like a million years ago when I had nothing to do in the middle of the day.  I wonder if there's a way to listen to her show on the internet.

Sep 16 06 07:29 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

markcomp wrote:

How is it your camera did not end up in his teeth?


If I told you who it is, you'd I'm sure know him. Not saying you're anything on the same level as he, just saying Mich. photog...

Sep 16 06 07:31 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Demarcus Freeman wrote:

Heh, if I could figure out to explain it to him in a way that would help him "get it".. I'd call him up for you right now lol.  Besides.. if you can't tell from my argument with e-string, I "get it" and I still use logic heh.  What's really funny is that now that I think back about our argument.. the entire thing was based on the difference we're discussing right now.  Go figure.

BTW.. Dr. Laura rocks.

Yet you ignored my comments that actually did use hard facts. Hmm...

Sep 16 06 07:31 pm Link



Posts: 467

Białystok, Podlaskie, Poland

oldguysrule wrote:
you have the right to want an escort, whether a good idea or not. I have the right to say i'd prefer another model do the assignment. your history is not motivation for me to change my own working parameters.

that why i do respect every one rules and simply dont accpet work with photographers who not allowing escort i would never try to convince photographer that hes policy bad and he have to let me bring escort, i just move to another.
Al i did was discribe why i have this rule and why i asking to respect this rule.

Sep 16 06 07:31 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Rossi Photography wrote:
I have a question...

The situation was just so fucked up, I just chewed his ass out, spread the word (he lost a lot of business) and left it. But, if it happened only two months ago, is it too late to file charges? Probably, eh? There was a witness -- a model he manages, who I don't know if she'd back up what happened.

I'll post this generally as well....

But many juristictions have sexual assault centers and hotlines.  HOw good they are unfortunately depends on where you live.  The good ones have counselors that listen and provide your with psychological resources/referrals, and the good ones often have legal advisors who can give you an idea of what your legal remedies are (as well as probability of success depending on the police/DA/judges in the juristiction).

When I hear these stories of people who have been assaulted, I at the very least suggest the person seek some assistance.  For one, to process what happened.  And secondly, to consider/strategize what/if to do legally.

Sep 16 06 07:32 pm Link



Posts: 467

Białystok, Podlaskie, Poland

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:

Actually, I'm going to be brutally honest:  I can't read your posts...they make my head hurt.

And your pet stegasaurus Dimitry is still never coming near me.

LMAO i would never bring him near you beacose i wouldnt work with you, simple .
Thank god there a lot of very good photographers who have same rules and policies as me and have no problem with it.
As for my posts ...sorry if it  not clear english it not my oiginal lang.

Sep 16 06 07:34 pm Link



Posts: 6129

Rabbit86 wrote:

that why i do respect every one rules and simply dont accpet work with photographers who not allowing escort i would never try to convince photographer that hes policy bad and he have to let me bring escort, i just move to another.
Al i did was discribe why i have this rule and why i asking to respect this rule.

i don't think you have any argument there, Rabbit86.
does anyone disagree?

the question is why you needed to tell the world about it.

Sep 16 06 07:36 pm Link


D Freeman

Posts: 490

Fresno, California, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
And your pet stegasaurus Dimitry is still never coming near me.

omfg.. I think I just pee'd my pants a little.. too funny!

Sep 16 06 07:37 pm Link



Posts: 467

Białystok, Podlaskie, Poland

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:

Actually, I'm going to be brutally honest:  I can't read your posts...they make my head hurt.

And your pet stegasaurus Dimitry is still never coming near me.

As for the "pet stegasaurus " comment , ahh how much intelegence you showing off by calling some one you never met english very bad but i atlest respect all people here .

Sep 16 06 07:37 pm Link



Posts: 1179

Freedom, New Hampshire, US

James Jackson wrote:

The *only* way I can see making that happen Alan is if models did what they should all be doing and #1) check the list of models the photographer has shot and ask the models questions #2) Have a full conversation with the photographer discussing the shoot, and have a clear mental picture and written account of what you are expecting to happen at the shoot.

Can I add, James that the conversation (a conversation) should be in person or on the phone? Relying solely on email or other electronic messaging is not enough for either the model or the photographer. I want to hear the voice at the very least.

Sep 16 06 07:39 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Everyone has the right to expect (hell, DEMAND) safety. That transcends photography and takes precedence by a long shot. Some safety measures (as the escort issue) are frankly not good for photography.

If the need, or the imagined need (either, doesn't matter) becomes habitual, it's frankly time to find another line of work/hobby.

Sep 16 06 07:39 pm Link


D Freeman

Posts: 490

Fresno, California, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:

She does.  Not that I've had a chance to listen to her since like a million years ago when I had nothing to do in the middle of the day.  I wonder if there's a way to listen to her show on the internet.

It's the only way I listen now.  We don't get her here in Fresno, so I either:
A.) Listen online while I'm at my computer
B.) Download her mp3's and put them on my Ipod. (this can be tricky if you have quicktime installed in your browser.. just pm me if you have trouble.)

She goes with me to the gym, to school, and to the drive-thru smile  Hell.. I'm even listening to her right now. - $6 a month.

Sep 16 06 07:41 pm Link



Posts: 467

Białystok, Podlaskie, Poland

oldguysrule wrote:

i don't think you have any argument there, Rabbit86.
does anyone disagree?

the question is why you needed to tell the world about it.

Well i new to modeling world, and i  tough i share my expirience with MM( even bad but expirience)also was woundering if i was alone in this, was just sharing something that have happend to me i didnt know it something bad to do..?
Sorry dont mean to.

Sep 16 06 07:41 pm Link


D Freeman

Posts: 490

Fresno, California, US

e-string wrote:

Yet you ignored my comments that actually did use hard facts. Hmm...


Sep 16 06 07:43 pm Link


D Freeman

Posts: 490

Fresno, California, US

KM von Seidl wrote:

When I hear these stories of people who have been assaulted, I at the very least suggest the person seek some assistance.  For one, to process what happened.  And secondly, to consider/strategize what/if to do legally.

But mostly because if you don't, and that predator harms someone else.. you're partly to blame.

Sep 16 06 07:46 pm Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

If I'm not mistaken it was an established photographer, well known in the community who murdered Linda Sobek, an agency supplied model,  and left her body in the desert. It was a known photographer who murdered  the model from Canada. I can't recall her name but he even operated a site for model safety.  A photographer who was checked out thoroughly, including rerence checks, Googling his name, review of his extensive on line portfolio, who had a well established studio, but unfortuanately a career predator was using his identity when he forcibly raped an Atlanta model. When arrested immediately after the rape, he had several multiple sets of IDs in his wallet and even more in his car. He's current serving a  long sentence in the Gray Bar Hotel, but that doesn't really help the lady who was raped. It was a known photographer on the net who did a lengthy shoot with a model and while the model was changing in the hotel room bathroom, ran out and left without paying her.  It was an established  photographer who during a shoot, decided to "adjust" a model's pubic hair, so it would look more "perky". Had an escort been present during any or all of the above, more than likely nothing would have happened.

I've been shooting with models for longer than many here have been alive and I've never been threatened, assaulted or robbed. For what it's worth, a sexual assault has no relation to a trffic accident! Give the gals a break, let them have a familiar face around when they work. It can make them more relaxed which can only help the images you produce!

Sep 16 06 07:46 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Rabbit86 wrote:

Well i new to modeling world, and i  tough i share my expirience with MM( even bad but expirience)also was woundering if i was alone in this, was just sharing something that have happend to me i didnt know it something bad to do..?
Sorry dont mean to.

I like you. You're very rational and fair about the whole thing. smile

Sep 16 06 07:46 pm Link



Posts: 467

Białystok, Podlaskie, Poland

Marko Cecic-Karuzic wrote:
Everyone has the right to expect (hell, DEMAND) safety. That transcends photography and takes precedence by a long shot. Some safety measures (as the escort issue) are frankly not good for photography.

If the need, or the imagined need (either, doesn't matter) becomes habitual, it's frankly time to find another line of work/hobby.

Why is it not good for photography ?? please please tell me..?
For somephotographers yes it may be not good, but why it not good for photography in general  hmm i have no problem with work even tough i am rookie  i in last 3 month did approx 20+ session make good money even by american  measurments, was having a lot of fun doing it and still do smile so i wouldnt say say escort bad for photography.

Sep 16 06 07:47 pm Link



Posts: 6129

Rabbit86 wrote:
Well i new to modeling world, and i  tough i share my expirience with MM( even bad but expirience)also was woundering if i was alone in this, was just sharing something that have happend to me i didnt know it something bad to do..?
Sorry dont mean to.

*smile. you are sincere. that alone will get you appreciation.

Sep 16 06 07:49 pm Link



Posts: 467

Białystok, Podlaskie, Poland

e-string wrote:

I like you. You're very rational and fair about the whole thing. smile

hehe e-string some may thing i am silly but i usualy saying what i thinking smile
kiss smile

Sep 16 06 07:50 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

Rossi Photography wrote:


If I told you who it is, you'd I'm sure know him. Not saying you're anything on the same level as he, just saying Mich. photog...

It's a small community when you think about it.  lol

Sep 16 06 07:50 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Demarcus Freeman wrote:

But mostly because if you don't, and that predator harms someone else.. you're partly to blame.

I leave blame to the religious types.

I believe that not everyone reacts or is behaviourly the same.   I know what I'd like to see in assault cases is for the perpetrator to be punished/stopped from committing further crimes.  Not every situation will result in that, and there are a myriad of reasons why.

At least if someone reaches out for assistance in processing the incident, they are less likely to be amongst the walking wounded.   Legal solutions may or may not be in the best interests of the person assaulted, and weighing that vs. societal interests I like to at least let the victim have some power in assessing.

Sep 16 06 07:52 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Doug Lester wrote:
If I'm not mistaken it was an established photographer, well known in the community who murdered Linda Sobek, an agency supplied model,  and left her body in the desert. It was a known photographer who murdered  the model from Canada. I can't recall her name but he even operated a site for model safety.  A photographer who was checked out thoroughly, including rerence checks, Googling his name, review of his extensive on line portfolio, who had a well established studio, but unfortuanately a career predator was using his identity when he forcibly raped an Atlanta model. When arrested immediately after the rape, he had several multiple sets of IDs in his wallet and even more in his car. He's current serving a  long sentence in the Gray Bar Hotel, but that doesn't really help the lady who was raped. It was a known photographer on the net who did a lengthy shoot with a model and while the model was changing in the hotel room bathroom, ran out and left without paying her.  It was an established  photographer who during a shoot, decided to "adjust" a model's pubic hair, so it would look more "perky". Had an escort been present during any or all of the above, more than likely nothing would have happened.

I've been shooting with models for longer than many here have been alive and I've never been threatened, assaulted or robbed. For what it's worth, a sexual assault has no relation to a trffic accident! Give the gals a break, let them have a familiar face around when they work. It can make them more relaxed which can only help the images you produce!

OMG! I've never heard about any of that... Insanity!

Sep 16 06 07:53 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

markcomp wrote:

It's a small community when you think about it.  lol

This isn't the name, but I think you can guess if I say...R2D2.

Sep 16 06 07:55 pm Link


Papa Vic Photography

Posts: 8211

Glendale, Arizona, US

I always like to interject into these threads a fact (which always seems to be totally ignored, because to stir with the paranoia sh*tstick is more fun I guess):

In over 80% of all sexual assaults, the victim knows the prepetrator.

The model is many times more likely to be harmed by her escort she knows than the photographer who's a stranger to her.

Sep 16 06 08:03 pm Link