Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Suicide and Violence Help Thread


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

My inner bully has been beating me up all week.  I'm happy that my therapist pointed the abuse out to me during our session this week.  Gotta shut him down.

Jul 29 11 09:28 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Star Child wrote:
My inner bully has been beating me up all week.  I'm happy that my therapist pointed the abuse out to me during our session this week.  Gotta shut him down.

Kick some bully ass SC, then bring on the funk my friend!

Jul 29 11 10:35 am Link



Posts: 2063

Rockville, Maryland, US

hate my skin and body today

Jul 29 11 03:19 pm Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

weekend bump. I'll be here till about noon

everyone is required to give themselves a hug before posting here tongue jk, but it is a good idea

Jul 30 11 06:21 am Link


Lady Pelvic

Posts: 1414

Orlando, Florida, US

Tim Little Photography wrote:

Welcome to the thread! My name's Tim and I'm here quite a bit. There are several others who are also regulars and you are going to love them. Let me introduce myself by giving you some of my background. I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from an explosion years ago that left me badly burned. On top of that I have severe clinical depression and an anxiety disorder to boot. This thread and the people that take part in it are wonderful. If you ever need to talk about anything you can come here and unload. Also, feel free to private message me anytime you want. I talk to lots of people everyday who are going through all kinds of tough times.

D'aww, thank you (all ) for the kind welcome. ^_^
It's nice to know I have a place to vent and whatnot...

Maybe later in the day I'll have a nice paragraph or two for you guys and how I should act...about this one issue... Right now it's the morning and I'm not feeling like typing. Lawlz. ^^

BTW, good morning all!

Jul 30 11 06:29 am Link


Enfire Photography

Posts: 1488

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US


Jul 30 11 07:15 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Good morning all you beautiful people! It's Saturday and I'm feeling fine as wine in the Summertime! Yes sir ree bob cattail on a stick with a pickle! Ya gots to love da Lord for inventin' all you wonderful, talented, creative, beautiful sexy fine friends. I love y'all like fat loves living on my ass!!!

Jul 30 11 08:21 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US


Morning Y'all

Jul 31 11 08:27 am Link


Lawrence Guy

Posts: 17716

San Diego Country Estates, California, US

Just cruising by to check out what's up and to pick up chicks.

Jul 31 11 08:29 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Lawrence Guy wrote:
Just cruising by to check out what's up and to pick up chicks.

Wanna help me with yard work?

Jul 31 11 08:39 am Link


Lawrence Guy

Posts: 17716

San Diego Country Estates, California, US

Star Child wrote:
Wanna help me with yard work?

I'd have no problem helping, but the commute is a bitch.

Jul 31 11 08:40 am Link



Posts: 6438

Cassina de' Pecchi, Lombardy, Italy

I think I may be in trouble. It's a long story that no one cares about, but it's revolving around my job. I see the warning signs, and they are escalating rapidly. At least I'm aware of them, but I'm scared. Right now I'm trying to take one day at a time, but I don't feel good about this.

My endgame plan is to just quit, because my job is not worth my mental health in the long run, but that very idea also causes me severe anxiety. I don't want to be a quitter again. How will we deal with the loss of income? We have more expenses now than we did when I was unemployed totally.

I think about work every waking hour. I can't make myself stop worrying and agonizing over it. I have almost constant anxiety, and I've had a number of panic attacks in close succession. Today the constant anxiety finally led to some depression. I feel like crying all the time because of the never ending anxiety.

/worried and freaked out.

Jul 31 11 08:10 pm Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Natasha240 wrote:
I think I may be in trouble. It's a long story that no one cares about, but it's revolving around my job. I see the warning signs, and they are escalating rapidly. At least I'm aware of them, but I'm scared. Right now I'm trying to take one day at a time, but I don't feel good about this.

My endgame plan is to just quit, because my job is not worth my mental health in the long run, but that very idea also causes me severe anxiety. I don't want to be a quitter again. How will we deal with the loss of income? We have more expenses now than we did when I was unemployed totally.

I think about work every waking hour. I can't make myself stop worrying and agonizing over it. I have almost constant anxiety, and I've had a number of panic attacks in close succession. Today the constant anxiety finally led to some depression. I feel like crying all the time because of the never ending anxiety.

/worried and freaked out.

I just sent you a PM!

Jul 31 11 08:46 pm Link



Posts: 265

West Palm Beach, Florida, US


Jul 31 11 08:59 pm Link



Posts: 6438

Cassina de' Pecchi, Lombardy, Italy

and I just got the urge to cut. I won't, but I haven't had the urge in YEARS.

Jul 31 11 09:31 pm Link



Posts: 265

West Palm Beach, Florida, US

Natasha240 wrote:
and I just got the urge to cut. I won't, but I haven't had the urge in YEARS.

Only you can realize that cutting doesn't solve anything.. it will only cause you more pain down the road. Once you start up again you're going to want to run to it everytime it gets tough, and that can lead to serious consequences. Please don't do this. -hugs- It will get better. I recommend quitting your job.. it really isn't worth your mental state, as you said. You're only given one life to live.. why ruin that one life and be miserable simply to conform to societies standards?

Jul 31 11 09:42 pm Link


A S Photography

Posts: 1222

Newark, Delaware, US

Natasha240 wrote:
I think I may be in trouble. It's a long story that no one cares about, but it's revolving around my job. I see the warning signs, and they are escalating rapidly. At least I'm aware of them, but I'm scared. Right now I'm trying to take one day at a time, but I don't feel good about this.

My endgame plan is to just quit, because my job is not worth my mental health in the long run, but that very idea also causes me severe anxiety. I don't want to be a quitter again. How will we deal with the loss of income? We have more expenses now than we did when I was unemployed totally.

Sorry to hear this.

Any idea how long it would take to find another job in your area?  Can you find another one before you find yourself needing to leave work?  Can you save enough to help tide you over? 

[/rhetorical questions]

Best of luck.

edit:  Don't ever think that no one cares.  People do care about you.

Jul 31 11 10:04 pm Link


A R S Photography

Posts: 176

Louisville, Kentucky, US

Michael Pandolfo wrote:
How is this industry related?

Here's a good one though that encompasses them all. It's really quite diverse.

No one in the industry has ever committed suicide?

Jul 31 11 10:06 pm Link


A S Photography

Posts: 1222

Newark, Delaware, US

Becky-Marie wrote:
Im becky. I've been dating this guy for a few years. Sometimes he has a bit of a temper and can lash out on me, physically and mentally.. and as we pretty much live together sometimes it gets really hard... he's in therapy at the moment but for something else so it always gets me really depressed to think he's getting help but too proud to get help for what he really needs.. and the sick part is.. he makes me feel like the crazy one! I mean, if he hurts me I'll hurt back which generally doesn't help but it literally is self-defense.. but then he claims that he never did it in the first place.. like it never happened.. only sometimes will he ever really acknowledge it, and to him, I really believe he thinks its my fault ALL the time.. I really love him but it seriously fucks me up.. I'm pretty sure I now have depression, major trust issues, and possibly co-dependancy.. i really feel like i CAN'T live without him and it can literally make my body sick when we're not together or fighting. I don't know if it's also related.. but whenever I try to feel confident about myself I always get an overwhelming sense of sadness... Another incident happened tonight before he went out with his friends and I really dont know what to do.. I feel so broken at the moment and during fights i actually feel like I truly hate him.. but then he can be so lovely... there's times I even think he's bipolar. hmm Idk.. I just needed to vent.

First, for the record, you need to leave until he gets help and can control himself.

Second, since it sounds like you know this and won't leave, try to get help so you can deal with this issue.  Perhaps some of the others posters here can suggest specific places to look for help.

Jul 31 11 10:18 pm Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US


There are always woman centers that are willing to help. or maybe just stay at a friends house. leaving hurts but it gets easier.

As for cutting, I know the feeling. I chose mint brownie ice cream instead. or spinning poi. it worked for me.

ready for a whole new week full of new and happy discoveries?

Aug 01 11 04:18 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Had to work an extra shift last night and didn't get to bed until 3 AM. I'm up now.


One of the hardest things for us to do is seek out professional help or assistance in dealing with issues.  We've heard the horror stories and/or had previously bad experiences and we don't want that to happen again so we try to deal with the problems on our own.  Unfortunately, that is something we rarely can do.  Basically, we're swimming from side to side in a pool of our problems, but we're not getting out of the pool.  For changes to happen we must start the ball rolling by reaching out for someone to help us up out of that pool.  That requires taking that chance and trusting over and against our reservations.

Aug 01 11 09:31 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I don't wanna go to bed.

.. morning, Faith.

Aug 02 11 12:46 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

morning (kev)

I hear your post, but I'm thoroughly frustrated with these said resources. the places covered by my insurance is expensive
the public places make appointments but then never follow thru. grrr
I do have unrealistic expectations of people but I don't think that expecting people to do what they say is unreasonable

Aug 02 11 04:30 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Faith EnFire wrote:
morning (kev)

I hear your post, but I'm thoroughly frustrated with these said resources. the places covered by my insurance is expensive
the public places make appointments but then never follow thru. grrr
I do have unrealistic expectations of people but I don't think that expecting people to do what they say is unreasonable

I understand. I know not ever area is blessed to have some of the resources such as where I'm located.

Aug 02 11 10:34 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Star Child wrote:

I understand. I know not ever area is blessed to have some of the resources such as where I'm located.

rawr! tongue

Aug 02 11 12:18 pm Link



Posts: 3587

Mount Vernon, Ohio, US

counting down the hours until the end of my 30's sad  For a long time I thought my 40th was it, thankfully im not in that mindset anymore, but I still dont wanna turn 40 lol

Aug 02 11 12:29 pm Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Bah! More car troubles.  Thankful for friendly, helpful co-workers and a roommate who works at the same job.

Had strong panic attack at work brought on by car issue, but I fought through it and made it happily through my shift. smile

40's are fun.  Wisdom comes to visit more often and one learns the things we so valued and stressed over during more youthful years are pretty much useless and pointless and 40+ begins to take on a role of "Hey, this is alright. I'm glad I'm not that young and stupid anymore."

I'm a bit wired, but sleepy time needs to happen soon.

Morning, Faith and y'all.

Aug 02 11 11:35 pm Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Scottsworld71 wrote:
counting down the hours until the end of my 30's sad  For a long time I thought my 40th was it, thankfully im not in that mindset anymore, but I still dont wanna turn 40 lol

I've got more than hours but this whole 30 thing is throwing me for a loop

Aug 03 11 04:55 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Star Child wrote:
Bah! More car troubles.  Thankful for friendly, helpful co-workers and a roommate who works at the same job.

Had strong panic attack at work brought on by car issue, but I fought through it and made it happily through my shift. smile

Morning, Faith and y'all.

I hear you on those. I know that we are supposed to find peace within ourselves and just sorta roll with the punches but car troubles...good you made it thru

morning all smile

Aug 03 11 05:16 am Link



Posts: 3587

Mount Vernon, Ohio, US

Star Child wrote:
Bah! More car troubles.  Thankful for friendly, helpful co-workers and a roommate who works at the same job.

Had strong panic attack at work brought on by car issue, but I fought through it and made it happily through my shift. smile

40's are fun.  Wisdom comes to visit more often and one learns the things we so valued and stressed over during more youthful years are pretty much useless and pointless and 40+ begins to take on a role of "Hey, this is alright. I'm glad I'm not that young and stupid anymore."

I'm a bit wired, but sleepy time needs to happen soon.

Morning, Faith and y'all.

Im afraid to say it out loud, buuuttt, im so thankful I havent had any car troubles in a while now, man that shit was getting old!! I had my first real full blown panic attack a month or so ago, I gotta say, I never really understood when id hear ppl talk about having issues with anxiety! I thought it was a stroke, by the time the paramedics showed up my hands and feet were numb and the side of my face was starting to go numb bc I was hyperventilating so bad ... scared the shit out of me!!!! It made giving up smoking very easy though, and ive cut back on my caffeine, as soon as I get back to work ( on vacation ) and money start coming in again ive got a personal trainer ready to knock the man-titties off of me lol Im pretty determined to make my 40th yr a great one smile

btw ... sept 15 2012 ( yeah I know its a long ways out, im a planner though lol ) theres a 5 day bahama cruise sailing out of Jacksonville Florida, rooms start at $249+tx per person,I think we should try to make a big meet-n- greet trip out of it!

Aug 03 11 06:54 am Link



Posts: 3587

Mount Vernon, Ohio, US

Faith EnFire wrote:

I've got more than hours but this whole 30 thing is throwing me for a loop

yeah I remember when I was creeping up on 30 ... 31 was actually worse bc I wasnt just 30 any more, I was "in my 30's" .. a whole new age group, kinda like the new millenium starting in 2001 lol now its just like "goddamnit its here already?!?!"

Aug 03 11 07:19 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Scottsworld71 wrote:

yeah I remember when I was creeping up on 30 ... 31 was actually worse bc I wasnt just 30 any more, I was "in my 30's" .. a whole new age group, kinda like the new millenium starting in 2001 lol now its just like "goddamnit its here already?!?!"

it feels so adult. I don't want to be an adult. I'm already responsible. isn't that enough?

Aug 03 11 08:10 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Faith EnFire wrote:

it feels so adult. I don't want to be an adult. I'm already responsible. isn't that enough?

The only real difference between 20's and 30's is being young and stupid.  In our 30's we know we're being stupid, but we do it anyway 'cause we want to.  In our 20's we're just plain stupid.

Aug 03 11 08:20 am Link



Posts: 2063

Rockville, Maryland, US

Star Child wrote:

The only real difference between 20's and 30's is being young and stupid.  In our 30's we know we're being stupid, but we do it anyway 'cause we want to.  In our 20's we're just plain stupid.

aint that the truth ave got a few years until that the bug 30

Aug 03 11 08:21 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Star Child wrote:

The only real difference between 20's and 30's is being young and stupid.  In our 30's we know we're being stupid, but we do it anyway 'cause we want to.  In our 20's we're just plain stupid.

maybe you were...
I turned the mature and boring card at 22

Aug 03 11 09:07 am Link



Posts: 1558

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

I've opened this thread about 4 times today.. I guess I just wanted to check in and say hi. I don't have much to say as of right now but I figured I would at least make an apperance and let me other thread die. 


Aug 03 11 09:25 am Link



Posts: 2063

Rockville, Maryland, US

Kelsey-L wrote:
I've opened this thread about 4 times today.. I guess I just wanted to check in and say hi. I don't have much to say as of right now but I figured I would at least make an apperance and let me other thread die. 


hey their stranger would you like some vegan chocolat chip cookies its just something I offer wink

Aug 03 11 09:27 am Link



Posts: 1558

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Phane wrote:

hey their stranger would you like some vegan chocolat chip cookies its just something I offer wink


I could use something to munch on while I work!

Aug 03 11 09:42 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Hi Kelsey and Phane. I need a cookie too! I'm just checking in. My car got booted and I'm very pissed, but I'll get over it. Love to you all!


Aug 03 11 11:11 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

hi you guys. no cookies for me...i'm on a salt binge. got any kosher midget pickles

I saw your thread, Tim. that sucks...

Aug 03 11 11:13 am Link