Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Suicide and Violence Help Thread



Posts: 13765

Copiague, New York, US

Tim Little Photography wrote:
This makes me happy!!

Faith EnFire wrote:
yay. win and more win smile

(((bouncing hugs)))

Jul 15 11 12:14 pm Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

E P O N A wrote:

Tim Little Photography wrote:
This makes me happy!!

(((bouncing hugs)))

Bouncing hugs are the best thing ever!!!!! They are hugs but they are bouncy, like Tigger!

Jul 15 11 12:26 pm Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Midnight at the oasis, put your camel to bed,,,

Jul 15 11 09:19 pm Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Got a new job. Money not really any better than what I was making, but it will be a consistent forty hours plus overtime.  In the long run this is much better.

Second shift and currently at the same plant as my roommate so we can car pool.

Jul 16 11 09:20 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Star Child wrote:
Got a new job. Money not really any better than what I was making, but it will be a consistent forty hours plus overtime.  In the long run this is much better.

Second shift and currently at the same plant as my roommate so we can car pool.

Outstanding! I couldn't be happier for you, and it couldn't have happened a nicer guy!!!

Jul 16 11 09:37 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Well I have some good news to share as well. I never thought this would happen again because it been decades but anyway.

I'm in love with the most amazing woman, and as luck would have it, she is in love with me as well. back in 1982 we dated for a few months in college and then lost touch. Facebook brought us back together and it as if we were never apart!

Jul 16 11 10:10 am Link



Posts: 2063

Rockville, Maryland, US

Tim Little Photography wrote:
Well I have some good news to share as well. I never thought this would happen again because it been decades but anyway.

I'm in love with the most amazing woman, and as luck would have it, she is in love with me as well. back in 1982 we dated for a few months in college and then lost touch. Facebook brought us back together and it as if we were never apart!

Man thats like the second time ave heard of facebook reconciling two people who then fall in love

Jul 16 11 02:20 pm Link



Posts: 13765

Copiague, New York, US

Star Child wrote:
Got a new job. Money not really any better than what I was making, but it will be a consistent forty hours plus overtime.  In the long run this is much better.

Second shift and currently at the same plant as my roommate so we can car pool.


Jul 16 11 02:21 pm Link



Posts: 13765

Copiague, New York, US

Tim Little Photography wrote:
Well I have some good news to share as well. I never thought this would happen again because it been decades but anyway.

I'm in love with the most amazing woman, and as luck would have it, she is in love with me as well. back in 1982 we dated for a few months in college and then lost touch. Facebook brought us back together and it as if we were never apart!


Jul 16 11 02:22 pm Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Phane wrote:
Man thats like the second time ave heard of facebook reconciling two people who then fall in love

Actually, I never stopped loving her, I just had to wait a couple of decades for her to catch up!!! Shes wacky like that!

Jul 16 11 02:25 pm Link



Posts: 13765

Copiague, New York, US

Tim Little Photography wrote:
Actually, I never stopped loving her, I just had to wait a couple of decades for her to catch up!!! Shes wacky like that!

All women are crazy. wink

Jul 16 11 02:26 pm Link



Posts: 2063

Rockville, Maryland, US

congratds TIM wink

Jul 16 11 03:20 pm Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Tim Little Photography wrote:
Well I have some good news to share as well. I never thought this would happen again because it been decades but anyway.

I'm in love with the most amazing woman, and as luck would have it, she is in love with me as well. back in 1982 we dated for a few months in college and then lost touch. Facebook brought us back together and it as if we were never apart!

That's pretty cool. smile

I've recently rekindled a romantic relationship with my former gf with help of FB.  It's a pretty complicated thing and I'm not sure what's going to happen, but we've been tossing that "L" word at each with serious intent as of late.

Jul 16 11 03:51 pm Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Star Child wrote:

That's pretty cool. smile

I've recently rekindled a romantic relationship with my former gf with help of FB.  It's a pretty complicated thing and I'm not sure what's going to happen, but we've been tossing that "L" word at each with serious intent as of late.

More great news! I hope it all works out for you my friend. I have decided that all of us deserve love and acceptance. I never knew how much something like that meant until MM wrapped its kind arms around me and saved me. Now I'm hungry for love, and to give love back and I'm making it happen. I also know I would not have been ready for Terry to be back in my life without the S&V help thread people helping me to learn and grow.

Jul 16 11 04:56 pm Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

Tim Little Photography wrote:
Well I have some good news to share as well. I never thought this would happen again because it been decades but anyway.

I'm in love with the most amazing woman, and as luck would have it, she is in love with me as well. back in 1982 we dated for a few months in college and then lost touch. Facebook brought us back together and it as if we were never apart!

this just might be the coolest thing i have seen in this thread

Jul 16 11 10:57 pm Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Star Child wrote:
Got a new job. Money not really any better than what I was making, but it will be a consistent forty hours plus overtime.  In the long run this is much better.

Second shift and currently at the same plant as my roommate so we can car pool.

Well that's a good thing smile

and yay for love smile

Jul 18 11 04:12 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

So this weekend, I tried to stay busy.
Friday just went home and slept
Saturday was a flickr walk
Sunday was Bastille days-ending in me with a mild case of heat stroke.

Bf(ex?) and I are on a break. it's official-I'm single on facebook wink he's doing some counseling, I'm going to get some therapy, maybe get on medication. Don't know what will happen. We are going to do a baseline counseling session today probably

Now about the walk-I was looking at the results and feeling sorta depressed about my photography. They all have amazing glass. There is a sharpness there I cannot believe or hope to achieve with my lense. But I had taken a picture of a baseball, and then another guy moved it and took his picture-so I figured I'll take one more
Yesterday, it had six views-five comments and five favorites. today 31 views, six comments and 10 favorites. feel pretty good about that
rawlings by Moyer566, on Flickr

and got this little guy
bug2 by Moyer566, on Flickr

was it a good weekend. no, but it certainly wasn't bad

Jul 18 11 04:23 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Good morning my friends! Welcome to Monday!

Jul 18 11 04:33 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Faith EnFire wrote:
So this weekend, I tried to stay busy.
Friday just went home and slept
Saturday was a flickr walk
Sunday was Bastille days-ending in me with a mild case of heat stroke.

Bf(ex?) and I are on a break. it's official-I'm single on facebook wink he's doing some counseling, I'm going to get some therapy, maybe get on medication. Don't know what will happen. We are going to do a baseline counseling session today probably

Now about the walk-I was looking at the results and feeling sorta depressed about my photography. They all have amazing glass. There is a sharpness there I cannot believe or hope to achieve with my lense. But I had taken a picture of a baseball, and then another guy moved it and took his picture-so I figured I'll take one more
Yesterday, it had six views-five comments and five favorites. today 31 views, six comments and 10 favorites. feel pretty good about that
rawlings by Moyer566, on Flickr

and got this little guy
bug2 by Moyer566, on Flickr

was it a good weekend. no, but it certainly wasn't bad

Good morning Faith! It sounds like you are doing everything right. I'm glad you are going to get some counseling. A good therapist can really help you sort through your feelings and bring you through to the other side.

I love the baseball shot! One of the comments rang true, it is art!

You know where I'm at if you need me, love ya girl!


Jul 18 11 04:41 am Link


Enfire Photography

Posts: 1488

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

thanks smile

Jul 18 11 04:43 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Interesting Faith that you and I are both breaking new ground today.  Stay prayerful and patient and you'll be okay.

Like the picture of the baseball, too.

Never worry about gear.  As useful as it is true artist get it on with what they have available and create their beauty.  Stick with your vision and allow your soul to speak as you seek to create.

I'm about to head off to the new job this morning. Gonna be a long day.

*huggs to everybody*

Jul 18 11 06:09 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

I've done therapy. I don't really like it. but I figure I need to do it

Jul 18 11 07:31 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Faith EnFire wrote:
I've done therapy. I don't really like it. but I figure I need to do it

Well, you know in order for it to be helpful you've got to work with it.  Most importantly I suggest that you take your time and allow yourself to feel what is going on with you and try not to get too down during rough patches. And there's going to be some really rough patches.

Just came back from my on site orientation.  My actual work shift starts this afternoon. I'm a bit nervous 'cause I don't want to tank this, so I just have to be confident in myself.

Jul 18 11 10:06 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Star Child wrote:
Well, you know in order for it to be helpful you've got to work with it.  Most importantly I suggest that you take your time and allow yourself to feel what is going on with you and try not to get too down during rough patches. And there's going to be some really rough patches.

Just came back from my on site orientation.  My actual work shift starts this afternoon. I'm a bit nervous 'cause I don't want to tank this, so I just have to be confident in myself.

you can do it. smile You'll be good

I don't like sharing with people. I don't really like people. How long did I poke around here before started seriously was a long while
I'm an introverted curmudegeon and I do like it that way

Jul 18 11 10:30 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Faith EnFire wrote:

you can do it. smile You'll be good

I don't like sharing with people. I don't really like people. How long did I poke around here before started seriously was a long while
I'm an introverted curmudegeon and I do like it that way

Sharing is an important part, yes, but there are things that come with therapy that are about giving us something to think about or work on.  It's important that you give that end of therapy strong effort. That's where we find our biggest areas in growth.  Yeah, we gotta let 'em know what's going on inside us, but there are ways to express that within our comfort zones.
Patience and giving yourself credit for small steps and victories are good tools to carry and use.

Jul 18 11 10:52 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Star Child wrote:

Sharing is an important part, yes, but there are things that come with therapy that are about giving us something to think about or work on.  It's important that you give that end of therapy strong effort. That's where we find our biggest areas in growth.  Yeah, we gotta let 'em know what's going on inside us, but there are ways to express that within our comfort zones.
Patience and giving yourself credit for small steps and victories are good tools to carry and use.

Right now I feel fien and indifferent about the whole thing. I just know it's all going to seep out eventaully and want to get a head start on it

Jul 18 11 11:07 am Link



Posts: 2063

Rockville, Maryland, US

I had a pretty awsome weekend up until I got in my bathing suit and all my insecrurities  came and hit me hard in the head
I dont know why But I dont love my body. I tolerate it

Jul 18 11 01:26 pm Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

The wonderful love of my life got pissed when I changed my face book status to "In a relationship". Today she used the "best friend" phrase to describe me. Every woman I have ever cared about has wanted to be friends after they learn about the scars on my legs and arm.  What a fool I was.

Jul 18 11 02:11 pm Link



Posts: 2063

Rockville, Maryland, US

Tim Little Photography wrote:
The wonderful love of my life got pissed when I changed my face book status to "In a relationship". Today she used the "best friend" phrase to describe me. Every woman I have ever cared about has wanted to be friends after they learn about the scars on my legs and arm.  What a fool I was.

wow. huge hug and vegan cookies your way

Jul 18 11 04:04 pm Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Tim Little Photography wrote:
The wonderful love of my life got pissed when I changed my face book status to "In a relationship". Today she used the "best friend" phrase to describe me. Every woman I have ever cared about has wanted to be friends after they learn about the scars on my legs and arm.  What a fool I was.

maybe she's just not ready?

but either way that sucks-the whole friend thing

Jul 19 11 05:02 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Faith EnFire wrote:

maybe she's just not ready?

but either way that sucks-the whole friend thing

Thanks Faith, we discussed it last night. It may just be a misunderstanding of what "best friend" means to her and to me. We will see. Thanks for your concern Faith!

Jul 19 11 05:09 am Link



Posts: 13765

Copiague, New York, US

Tim Little Photography wrote:
The wonderful love of my life got pissed when I changed my face book status to "In a relationship". Today she used the "best friend" phrase to describe me. Every woman I have ever cared about has wanted to be friends after they learn about the scars on my legs and arm.  What a fool I was.

Don't call yourself a fool. You did nothing wrong. You have no control over anyone elses thoughts, feelings, or reactions.

Jul 19 11 05:48 am Link



Posts: 13765

Copiague, New York, US

Phane wrote:
I had a pretty awsome weekend up until I got in my bathing suit and all my insecrurities  came and hit me hard in the head
I dont know why But I dont love my body. I tolerate it

(please don't quote this)
I'm in the same boat.
I'm very thin, but I feel fat. I'm wonderfully toned, but I still feel big.
I have several tumors all over my skin and just don't understand how John can love me sometimes. I feel like a beast most days.
I have my "yay pretty" moments. I'm working on self esteem.

Jul 19 11 05:50 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Faith EnFire wrote:
maybe she's just not ready?

but either way that sucks-the whole friend thing

Tim Little Photography wrote:
Thanks Faith, we discussed it last night. It may just be a misunderstanding of what "best friend" means to her and to me. We will see. Thanks for your concern Faith!

A lot of it comes from our expectations. When it comes to matters of the heart, sometimes we have little empty spaces that are vacuums. Once we find something to put in there we suck it in so fast and strong.

When it comes to such matters I tend to advise folks to take their time and allow things to grow (flow) into place without putting too much expectations.  I told you a bit of my situation and, right now, it's more or less two people recognizing how much they mean to each other, but outside of that there's not much happening.  As much as I would like for it to be more I understand that it isn't at the moment and only in time will I be able to see where it goes.  My expectations aren't very high, but more importantly I'm emotionally allowing things to develop in their time.

I've always been the best friend and 2nd place runner-up in the majority of my love life. Through that experience I've learned to embrace the value of friendship and allow it to evolve to whatever it can be.  I try not to let my heart get caught up in the passion of the moment.  Instead, I just try to enjoy the moment with little expectations.

I wouldn't be surprised that if you give it time and allow things to develop over time you'll find that love that you're hoping for.

Jul 19 11 10:03 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Star Child wrote:

Faith EnFire wrote:
maybe she's just not ready?

but either way that sucks-the whole friend thing

A lot of it comes from our expectations. When it comes to matters of the heart, sometimes we have little empty spaces that are vacuums. Once we find something to put in there we suck it in so fast and strong.

When it comes to such matters I tend to advise folks to take their time and allow things to grow (flow) into place without putting too much expectations.  I told you a bit of my situation and, right now, it's more or less two people recognizing how much they mean to each other, but outside of that there's not much happening.  As much as I would like for it to be more I understand that it isn't at the moment and only in time will I be able to see where it goes.  My expectations aren't very high, but more importantly I'm emotionally allowing things to develop in their time.

I've always been the best friend and 2nd place runner-up in the majority of my love life. Through that experience I've learned to embrace the value of friendship and allow it to evolve to whatever it can be.  I try not to let my heart get caught up in the passion of the moment.  Instead, I just try to enjoy the moment with little expectations.

I wouldn't be surprised that if you give it time and allow things to develop over time you'll find that love that you're hoping for.

Wow, that was really beautiful, thank you for that. She and I are both kinda broken. She was in an abusive marriage for over 25 years. I was destroyed by a cruel ex to the point that I've never attempted to even ask a woman out in the past 10 years. We are both a little broken and need time to cry in each others arms and see where it goes. If history is any indication she will get the emotional support and friendship she needs and I will get that 2nd-place runner up position you speak of so well. If that happens I can deal with it. I just wonder if there will ever be a "my time"

Jul 19 11 10:05 pm Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Tim Little Photography wrote:
Wow, that was really beautiful, thank you for that. She and I are both kinda broken. She was in an abusive marriage for over 25 years. I was destroyed by a cruel ex to the point that I've never attempted to even ask a woman out in the past 10 years. We are both a little broken and need time to cry in each others arms and see where it goes. If history is any indication she will get the emotional support and friendship she needs and I will get that 2nd-place runner up position you speak of so well. If that happens I can deal with it. I just wonder if there will ever be a "my time"

Could be. I once characterized finding that special love as waiting for your bus and finally when giving up and starting to walk off across the street you get hit by the bus.

Jul 19 11 11:01 pm Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Star Child wrote:

Could be. I once characterized finding that special love as waiting for your bus and finally when giving up and starting to walk off across the street you get hit by the bus.

can I laugh at that? I want to laugh at it-like a dark humor.

morning all
Feeling a little stronger today

Jul 20 11 04:29 am Link



Posts: 13765

Copiague, New York, US

I just wanted to let everyone know that I won't be around here for a while. I found out some stuff yesterday and I'm very hurt and very shocked.
I just need some time to absorb it all.
My heart is in my throat and I"m crying as I type this.

Jul 20 11 04:36 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

E P O N A wrote:
I just wanted to let everyone know that I won't be around here for a while. I found out some stuff yesterday and I'm very hurt and very shocked.
I just need some time to absorb it all.
My heart is in my throat and I"m crying as I type this.

I am so sorry to hear this. I wish I could reach out and hold you in my arms! Please know that I'm here if there is anything you need please reach out to us!


Jul 20 11 05:19 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

E P O N A wrote:
I just wanted to let everyone know that I won't be around here for a while. I found out some stuff yesterday and I'm very hurt and very shocked.
I just need some time to absorb it all.
My heart is in my throat and I"m crying as I type this.

PM me if you want to talk
I'm sorry you're hurt.

Jul 20 11 05:43 am Link