Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Suicide and Violence Help Thread


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Star Child wrote:
Starting week off with a little cat humor … ture=share

Stressed a lot over the weekend. Still trying to stay sane.

Jun 20 11 07:45 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Faith EnFire wrote:


Jun 20 11 08:04 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Its a beautiful foggy day. wish I could take my camera out and go play. but I'm stuck at work with technical issues

but its tues one day closer to friday smile

Jun 21 11 04:26 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

After a fitful night of sometimes sleep, sometimes not my cats got me up way too early.  I'm in need of a little more sleep and then I can up and challenge Tuesday.

Wishing you blessings.

Jun 21 11 04:41 am Link


Enfire Photography

Posts: 1488

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Star Child wrote:
After a fitful night of sometimes sleep, sometimes not my cats got me up way too early.  I'm in need of a little more sleep and then I can up and challenge Tuesday.

Wishing you blessings.

sometimes not my cats smile

Jun 21 11 05:35 am Link



Posts: 13765

Copiague, New York, US

Faith EnFire wrote:

Hah. Loved waking up to that.

Jun 21 11 05:47 am Link



Posts: 13765

Copiague, New York, US

So I went to the ENT doctor yesterday. I need hearing aids, and that's no shocker, really. I'm just not looking forward to it in the sense that people mistake hard of hearing for stupid.
My Father lost his hearing in the war. One ear totally gone, the other was helped with a hearing aid. I'll never forget one of my friends spoke up in that "are you slow" voice. It's infuriating.
Looking forward to being able to use the phone again though.
I don't want to talk about the rest of the appointment with the other stuff.

7 more days until the new psy doctor. It can't come soon enough. I feel myself....losing reality, if that makes sense. More and more I feel like giving up, but I have to grip so hard to not feel that way.
I want to feel like ME again.

Jun 21 11 05:51 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

E P O N A wrote:
So I went to the ENT doctor yesterday. I need hearing aids, and that's no shocker, really. I'm just not looking forward to it in the sense that people mistake hard of hearing for stupid.
My Father lost his hearing in the war. One ear totally gone, the other was helped with a hearing aid. I'll never forget one of my friends spoke up in that "are you slow" voice. It's infuriating.
Looking forward to being able to use the phone again though.
I don't want to talk about the rest of the appointment with the other stuff.

7 more days until the new psy doctor. It can't come soon enough. I feel myself....losing reality, if that makes sense. More and more I feel like giving up, but I have to grip so hard to not feel that way.
I want to feel like ME again.

loss of hearing is hard too, but hearing aides are smaller and better than they used to be. so maybe it won't be too bad

Jun 21 11 08:28 am Link



Posts: 13765

Copiague, New York, US

Faith EnFire wrote:

loss of hearing is hard too, but hearing aides are smaller and better than they used to be. so maybe it won't be too bad

That's good to hear

Jun 21 11 10:10 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

(late) morning huggs and coffee.
And as tradition, I've got one cat resting on my leg and the other on his tray behind me.

Jun 22 11 07:49 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

argh having a hard time. life is seeming overwhelming
but I'm here and tomorrow is pay day so that's nice

did i miss anything wink

Jun 23 11 04:16 am Link



Posts: 13765

Copiague, New York, US

Faith EnFire wrote:
argh having a hard time. life is seeming overwhelming
but I'm here and tomorrow is pay day so that's nice

did i miss anything wink


Jun 23 11 06:08 am Link



Posts: 13765

Copiague, New York, US

Star Child wrote:
(late) morning huggs and coffee.
And as tradition, I've got one cat resting on my leg and the other on his tray behind me.

Kitties! I love my kitty support group.

Jun 23 11 06:09 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

i miss my furball. its amazing how much comfort they can bring us

Jun 23 11 06:20 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Faith EnFire wrote:
argh having a hard time. life is seeming overwhelming
but I'm here and tomorrow is pay day so that's nice

did i miss anything wink

Oh, that overwhelming feeling.  Know it well, do I.  So many times when it comes on me I get functionally paralyzed.

Faith EnFire wrote:
i miss my furball. its amazing how much comfort they can bring us

Do they ever. My two were the main reason I managed to fight off the suicide monster back in November.  The biggest thing that kept me here was the concern for who would take care of them if I was gone.  I'm so thankful for my babies.

Jun 23 11 06:55 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

I'm refusing to give into the duck and cover response. but I just feel like I can never get past survival with pulling all of the strings of my life together into something that I need it to be. I want to live, not to survive

Jun 23 11 09:09 am Link



Posts: 7

Chicago, Illinois, US

Post hidden on Jun 23, 2011 11:26 am
Reason: other

Jun 23 11 10:59 am Link


Carl Roberts

Posts: 33090

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US


Jun 23 11 11:05 am Link


Photographer Elle

Posts: 2815

Marshfield, Wisconsin, US

Jun 23 11 11:07 am Link



Posts: 37171

Columbus, Ohio, US

ArunaAdvanee wrote:

What's up everyone? I'm back for a short visit.

When I google myself, this post comes up. lol

Glad to see the MM staff is right on top of things. lol

Jun 23 11 11:12 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

can't blame the gatekeepers for not knowing anyone

Jun 23 11 11:34 am Link


Rebecca Christine

Posts: 7074

London, England, United Kingdom


Jun 23 11 11:44 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Faith EnFire wrote:
I'm refusing to give into the duck and cover response. but I just feel like I can never get past survival with pulling all of the strings of my life together into something that I need it to be. I want to live, not to survive

Yeah, that just surviving thing is so not good.

Jun 23 11 01:31 pm Link



Posts: 414

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Help i just need to talk to someone....I'm not suicidal but nor am I a victim of violence but someone I know is going through alot of mental trauma from her family. What's worst is that person whom I love and care about alot is pushing me away. I don't even know where to begin....

Jun 24 11 12:07 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

I think giving them a little space to think is good and give them time to come to you.
because for me, if i'm going thru something that the last thing i want is to have someone fluttering around me
space, but at the same time, let them know that you are there when they are ready to talk or whatever.

But that's just my opinion. and I'm not a doctor, and only have had a few psych-related classes

Jun 24 11 04:37 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US


Although it's Friday it's the start of my five day work week and I stayed up way too late last night. *sleepy head*


I did get to shoot yesterday. smile

Jun 24 11 07:48 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Star Child wrote:

Although it's Friday it's the start of my five day work week and I stayed up way too late last night. *sleepy head*


I did get to shoot yesterday. smile

well happy mondya
and yay smile

Jun 24 11 08:30 am Link


Lawrence Guy

Posts: 17716

San Diego Country Estates, California, US

Nylon wrote:
Help i just need to talk to someone....I'm not suicidal but nor am I a victim of violence but someone I know is going through alot of mental trauma from her family. What's worst is that person whom I love and care about alot is pushing me away. I don't even know where to begin....

One of the hardest lessons I've learned is that a person who doesn't want help can't be helped, and if you try to force the issue they will resent you.  The only thing you can really do is say - once - that you're there for them whenever they need you, and the choice is theirs.  That's it.  But if you say it, you have to mean it, as in drop-whatever-you-are-doing-and-be-there if your friend DOES ask.

Jun 24 11 11:47 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

*weekend wave* hienvy
small steps forward, even baby small steps, are a good thing. don't give up

Jun 25 11 08:45 am Link



Posts: 13765

Copiague, New York, US

Star Child wrote:
*weekend wave* hienvy
small steps forward, even baby small steps, are a good thing. don't give up

I say that to myself every morning.

Jun 25 11 08:46 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

E P O N A wrote:

I say that to myself every morning.

That's awesome news. Personal affirmations are our reminders. They help us in the fight and provide focus points for balance. Keep up the great work! smile

Jun 25 11 08:54 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

today and maybe for this week I'm trying to remember
"Patience for the things that take time"

Jun 27 11 04:17 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Hi everyone,
I need to reach out to my beloved MM friends to vent and try to get some pain off my chest. Maybe even find a way to get out of this jam. For those of you who don't know me my name is Tim. When I was 12 I was burned very badly with 67% of my body receiving 3rd degree burns. It was horrible as you can imagine. There have been ongoing medical problems my whole life but about 18 months ago it all came together and made sense when I was diagnoised with Post Tramatic Stress Disorder and Major Chronic Depression at a severe level. I'm getting good effective treatment now and I've had the pleasure to have private conversations with several MM members who found themselves struggling with depression and anxiety.

Well today I'm having a really hard time of it. I'm on disabilty for the time being so I'm making about $800 a month. My car payment is late and for lack of $148.00 I am in danger of having it reposessed. I'm not at my full payment amount because the surgeon who did the last skin graf on my leg has ignored three request from the insurance company to provide them with the information they need.

So here it is, a little after 8am and I am in a bad emotional place. The depression is eating me alive and I'm really tired of the pain. I could really use a lot of encouragment and ideas from my MM friends. I'm sorry to bother ya'll, I try to be the one that  reaches out to help in these threads but today I need some support and encouragment. Thanks y'all, I love everyone of you!

BTW, as bad as it is I want to point out that I am not going to injure myself or anyone else. I may cuss some doctor out but that will be it.

Jun 27 11 05:10 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Hi Tim
I used to work for an insurance company and I've had to deal with dr.s like that before

is it possible to send someone over to the surgeon to get the docs and then you can fax/email the docs to the insurance

Otherwise all you can do is keep the car people updated to the situation.

Sorry that this is happening. Financial issues are so emotional draining

Jun 27 11 05:40 am Link



Posts: 13765

Copiague, New York, US

Faith EnFire wrote:
today and maybe for this week I'm trying to remember
"Patience for the things that take time"

I'll be keeping that in mind!

Jun 27 11 05:40 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Faith EnFire wrote:
Hi Tim
I used to work for an insurance company and I've had to deal with dr.s like that before

is it possible to send someone over to the surgeon to get the docs and then you can fax/email the docs to the insurance

Otherwise all you can do is keep the car people updated to the situation.

Sorry that this is happening. Financial issues are so emotional draining

Thank you for the inside info Faith. I appreciate your concern!

Jun 27 11 05:55 am Link



Posts: 13765

Copiague, New York, US

Tim Little Photography wrote:
Hi everyone,
I need to reach out to my beloved MM friends to vent and try to get some pain off my chest. Maybe even find a way to get out of this jam. For those of you who don't know me my name is Tim. When I was 12 I was burned very badly with 67% of my body receiving 3rd degree burns. It was horrible as you can imagine. There have been ongoing medical problems my whole life but about 18 months ago it all came together and made sense when I was diagnoised with Post Tramatic Stress Disorder and Major Chronic Depression at a severe level. I'm getting good effective treatment now and I've had the pleasure to have private conversations with several MM members who found themselves struggling with depression and anxiety.

Well today I'm having a really hard time of it. I'm on disabilty for the time being so I'm making about $800 a month. My car payment is late and for lack of $148.00 I am in danger of having it reposessed. I'm not at my full payment amount because the surgeon who did the last skin graf on my leg has ignored three request from the insurance company to provide them with the information they need.

So here it is, a little after 8am and I am in a bad emotional place. The depression is eating me alive and I'm really tired of the pain. I could really use a lot of encouragment and ideas from my MM friends. I'm sorry to bother ya'll, I try to be the one that  reaches out to help in these threads but today I need some support and encouragment. Thanks y'all, I love everyone of you!

BTW, as bad as it is I want to point out that I am not going to injure myself or anyone else. I may cuss some doctor out but that will be it.

Just so you know, you are never EVER bothering anyone here.

Jun 27 11 06:16 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

E P O N A wrote:

Just so you know, you are never EVER bothering anyone here.

Jun 27 11 06:18 am Link



Posts: 6438

Cassina de' Pecchi, Lombardy, Italy

I just went through a bad spell of not being able to sleep, even with sleep aids. I went three days with three hours of sleep a night. On the last day of that, Danielle and I had a pretty bad fight, and she said some very hurtful things. I know she didn't mean it, and she feels like shit, but it really played on my insecurites, and I can't stop thinking about it.

I slept like a corpse for 14 hours yesterday night. I woke up this am, and it's all I can do to not cry. I don't know how to get over what she said. If it was an isolated incident, I think it'd be easier. But through the years, she has said it a few other times when she's angry. So even though she apologied, and I know she feels bad, I'm convinced that she really thinks this, and my self esteem and feeling of self worth are pretty low right now. I hate who I am.

Jun 27 11 06:36 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Natasha240 wrote:
I just went through a bad spell of not being able to sleep, even with sleep aids. I went three days with three hours of sleep a night. On the last day of that, Danielle and I had a pretty bad fight, and she said some very hurtful things. I know she didn't mean it, and she feels like shit, but it really played on my insecurites, and I can't stop thinking about it.

I slept like a corpse for 14 hours yesterday night. I woke up this am, and it's all I can do to not cry. I don't know how to get over what she said. If it was an isolated incident, I think it'd be easier. But through the years, she has said it a few other times when she's angry. So even though she apologied, and I know she feels bad, I'm convinced that she really thinks this, and my self esteem and feeling of self worth are pretty low right now. I hate who I am.


Jun 27 11 07:19 am Link