Forums > General Industry > she is sexy and sixteen??!!??



Posts: 209

yea i do agree with that.. but that bad thing is you gotta meet a couple before you realise and learn

Jan 27 06 10:16 am Link



Posts: 209

yea i do agree with that.. but that bad thing is you gotta meet a couple before you realise and learn

Jan 27 06 10:16 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

x-leila-x wrote:

Click send just once smile
It takes a minute or so to send because of server issues.

Jan 27 06 10:20 am Link



Posts: 209

im impatient smile

Jan 27 06 10:21 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Can we got over this crap already.

If you are on here as a Male and You are saying that a sixteen year old girl can not be sexy, then either:
A. You are a closet pedophile and you are deathly afraid of those feelings you have, therefore you try to deny them vehemenently, or
B. You are a homosexual, in which case 16 year old males are more your thing, or
C. You were raised by wolves and think that sixteen year old girls do not have enough hair!

The fact of the matter is that when a girl reaches Puberty, PUBERTY She becomes sexually attractive to males.
Try and deny it all you want, but it is basic instinct, and any psychologist you talk to will tell you as much.
We as a species only recently started living past the age of 35 or so.
When that started happening, we suddenly decided that the magic line needs to move up from puberty (where in most cultures in older times, a female virgin that reached puberty would be "trained" by a friend of the family. Read some old history. Or worse, in that 1200's to 1500's was given to the local ruler for his pleasure.) to 18. simply because we wanted to.
When Nanotech allows us to live to be 200+ years (which according to scientist is a mere 20 years off or less) will they move the age up again? Sure they will. Why?


Back in older times, Child bearing age was from about 14 to 25. After 25, you risked death.
A mere 11 years.
No, Child bearing age is from 14 until about 45 (yes, you can have them older, but the risks increase dramatically from about 42 up)
An incredible 31 years.
Now - make the legal age 18 and you cut it to 27 years, however, since we are also less likely to get married now until at least 25, we cut it down to 20, and since most women want to be done bearing them by early 30s (so in your 50's you do not have them as a responsibility) we are back to close to 11 years....

My grandmother was married at 14, and had the first of 8 children shortly there after.
My mother was married at 18, and had the first of 4 children shortly there after (and would have had more had it not been for complications on the last pregnancy)

We are changing as a society as a whole.....

HOWEVER, be that as it may, Society can label things right and wrong, but it will NOT override basic instincts, and as a species, the first imperative we feel is that of reproduction (or to be more accurate Species Imperative 1 is life!)
Reproduction is possible at puberty, therefore we are ingrained with the drive and desire from that point on, and we find the opposite sex attractive from that point on as well.

Accept it, but do not act on it.
Society can quell actions, Society can not stop instincts.
The inverse being, Just because you find them attractive does not give you the right to break the law.....

Jan 27 06 11:31 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Double Post - Sorry

Jan 27 06 11:32 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Ty, I heard you the first time (grin)!

Jan 27 06 11:35 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Ty Simone wrote:
Can we got over this crap already.

If you are on here as a Male and You are saying that a sixteen year old girl can not be sexy, then either:
A. You are a closet pedophile and you are deathly afraid of those feelings you have, therefore you try to deny them vehemenently, or
B. You are a homosexual, in which case 16 year old males are more your thing, or
C. You were raised by wolves and think that sixteen year old girls do not have enough hair!

Jan 27 06 11:41 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
Ty, I heard you the first time (grin)!

Was not me.... Freaking internet connection smile

Jan 27 06 11:41 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Another Double Post....

I should apply for a doublemint commercial!

Jan 27 06 11:42 am Link


Far West Imaging

Posts: 436

Laguna Hills, California, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
Ty, I heard you the first time (grin)!

Heard what?

Jan 27 06 11:43 am Link


Far West Imaging

Posts: 436

Laguna Hills, California, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
Ty, I heard you the first time (grin)!

Actually I was kidding...I heard him the second time.

Jan 27 06 11:44 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Ty Simone wrote:
C. You were raised by wolves and think that sixteen year old girls do not have enough hair!

Dammit, coffee everywhere! lol

Jan 27 06 11:44 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:

Dammit, coffee everywhere! lol

Yeah, but did someone snap a picture of it???

Jan 27 06 11:47 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Ty Simone wrote:

Yeah, but did someone snap a picture of it???

No, and therefore following the if a tree falls in the woods theory, the coffee incident did not happen smile

Jan 27 06 11:49 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:

No, and therefore following the if a tree falls in the woods theory, the coffee incident did not happen smile

Shame! It was worth a pretty penny to have that shot!

Jan 27 06 11:55 am Link



Posts: 209

i like what you said simone

Jan 27 06 12:42 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Or it could be that we as grown ass men over the age of 25 just don't see an underage girl as sexy due to our morals, convictions and ability to obey the law.

I'm more concerned about the over 25 year old man that DOES find a 16 year old sexy.

Jan 27 06 12:58 pm Link



Posts: 209

once your over 16 its not against the law anymore..

Jan 27 06 01:00 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

x-leila-x wrote:
once your over 16 its not against the law anymore..

Yes it is.
In certain states you can be over 16, but no older than 18 can the sexual partner may be. The laws have stipulations to them, designed to protect naive 16 year olds from being taken advantage of by older people of superior intellect and experience. Youth still have the minds of sponges and can sometimes easily be manipulated into doing things that they were "suggested" to be right.

Jan 27 06 01:05 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

x-leila-x wrote:
once your over 16 its not against the law anymore..

That depends on your locaiton, as you know from further back in the thread.

Jan 27 06 01:06 pm Link



Posts: 209

sorry yea i forgot...but would you find them sexualy attractive if it was legal?

Jan 27 06 01:08 pm Link


Torrence Williams

Posts: 247

Dallas, Texas, US

There is nothing sexy about a child..(period) It all has to deal with morality..If a photographer accepted such an assignment..look out for him on the sex-offender list...As far as the 16yr old model.. The onus is on her parents, because they are still responsible for her...

Jan 27 06 01:09 pm Link



Posts: 209

do you consider me as a child then?

Jan 27 06 01:11 pm Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

Torrence Williams wrote:
There is nothing sexy about a child..(period) It all has to deal with morality..If a photographer accepted such an assignment..look out for him on the sex-offender list

i agree with this 10000000000% there is NO debate for me a kid is a kid and x-leila-x i do think your need more clothing on i know that others think it is fine but your 16 and thus a kid and that stuff looks bad on you (not trying to put you down or any thing just think you should out more clothes on )

Jan 27 06 01:16 pm Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

x-leila-x wrote:
do you consider me as a child then?


Jan 27 06 01:16 pm Link


Torrence Williams

Posts: 247

Dallas, Texas, US

x-leila-x wrote:
do you consider me as a child then?

My dear. You are 16 so YES.. You are still a child.. And Recognized as a child in all laws and jurisdictions...You have a nice look, but SEXY never even comes to mind because you are a child.

Jan 27 06 01:16 pm Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

Torrence Williams wrote:

My dear. You are 16 so YES.. You are still a child.. And Recognized as a child in all laws and jurisdictions...You have a nice look, but SEXY never even comes to mind because you are a child.

then a gen agree 10000000000000%

Jan 27 06 01:17 pm Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

x-leila-x wrote:
do you consider me as a child then?

So do you have any age limit ? In your world would it be ok for a 12 year old to shoot for playboy or a porn site ?

Jan 27 06 01:20 pm Link



Posts: 209 a ''child'' sad thats so frustrating

Jan 27 06 01:20 pm Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

Don't worry that particular ailment will be cured with time. smile

Jan 27 06 01:23 pm Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

x-leila-x wrote: a ''child'' sad thats so frustrating

i do not see why you could do lots of stuff !!! like adds for clothing stores or products like say motion do or other commercial work

Jan 27 06 01:24 pm Link



Posts: 209

im not talking about modeling now..just dont like me classed as a child fullstop

Jan 27 06 01:26 pm Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

x-leila-x wrote:
im not talking about modeling now..just dont like me classed as a child fullstop

do not try to grow up too fast enjoy being a kid ;-> it is not so bad

Jan 27 06 01:28 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

nathan combs wrote:

do not try to grow up too fast enjoy being a kid ;-> it is not so bad

I concur. Boy if I could be 16 again, especially with what I know now.... Can you say rich by 20? lol

But yes dear you are still a child. You're not a baby, but you're still a minor. Even if you emancipated yourself and were living like you were 36 you'd still be a child due to laws and regulations that are set up to protect minors that are enforced by adults.

Now when you turn 18, knock yourself out. But right now your rush to grow up might put you in a bad situation, and those of us that are sensible just don't want you to experience that, seeing how some of us have been there, done that and have the emotional scars to prove it.

Jan 27 06 01:41 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Terry Breedlove wrote:
So do you have any age limit ? In your world would it be ok for a 12 year old to shoot for playboy or a porn site ?

In some Europian countries,such as germany(unless it has recently changed) anyone with the minimum age of 16 can even be in a porn video performing actual sex scenes as long as the parent has signed the release form. I was not aware of this until I was talking with a model from Germany involved in the adult industry there a couple of years ago. I had seen a few German adult videos and I often wondered how old the girls actually were. That explains a lot.

Jan 27 06 01:44 pm Link



Posts: 209

its hard to explain but im not trying to grow up its just the way i am and in this situation i have no other choice...i just think its wrong to judge

Jan 27 06 01:47 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

nathan combs wrote:
i do think your need more clothing on

More? In all of her photos but her avatar she is fully dress. In her avatar she is wearing nothing less than you would see on a beach.If you have an issue with the stilletos, go to your local church where the women dress all in their sunday best, you will find at least one woman in heels.

Jan 27 06 01:49 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Leila, If they had their way, You'd be living in the same conditions as Muslim women.
Ignore them.

Let's look at reality for a minute
At 16, in my state, A person can legally work. Can legally drive. Can legally have sex with anyone other than a primary care giver (Teacher, Principal, Minister)

So in my state, Leila is not really a child anymore.

As for the pictures she takes and the  clothes she wears, Her nipples and pubic regions are covered, So if YOU think she does not have enough clothes on, then you MUST think she is somewhat sexually arousing, because otherwise, you could care less what she wears, she is only a kid.

Instead, you have an opinion, and that opinion shows that you do think she has some sexuality to her, and that frightens you.

It frightens you because deep down inside you try to deny what it is your body / instincts are telling you, and you do such because your warped perception of society dictates you are supposed to act that way.

98% of the men in the world would tell you that a a 16 year girl can be sexy.
the other 2% live in the bible belt of the U.S. (or are conservatives that should move to the Bible belt!)

My advice Leila, Ignore the ones with Sphincters...

As for the comment about photographers that shoot 16 year old in sexy poses being on the Sex-offender list.... I guess that is almost every professional photographer that ever shot for any female magazine, such as women's day, US, Seventeen, Vogue etc....

Yeah, they are all perverts I guess....

Reality, If you can not accept and understand your instinctual feelings, then you are 20 times more likely to act upon them than someone like me that understands them and accepts them for what they are.

BTW we have instinctual feelings that would violate the law if we acted upon them all the time.

Strangling idiots

The difference is what you do when you feel those instincts.
Do not act on them, and you are a find productive member of society.
Reject them and deny them outright, and odds are you will end up a neurotic member of society, Act on them and you are bunkmates to Bubba!

Leila, you are a very beuatiful and Sexy young lady.
Ignore them, They are jealous!
I'd shoot you any day of the week, and twice on Sundays.... but then again, I am a GWC according to some here......... tongue

And I promise, I will not molest you, even though you are legal here smile (something about my wife pulling a Lorena Bobbitt thing on me......)

Jan 27 06 01:53 pm Link


Torrence Williams

Posts: 247

Dallas, Texas, US

x-leila-x wrote:
its hard to explain but im not trying to grow up its just the way i am and in this situation i have no other choice...i just think its wrong to judge

I don't think anyone here is trying to judge you. I think we are trying to offer you responsible adults...bynot get you steered in the wrong direction... Anyone who comes to you and tells you, you are not a child in their eyes....Be wary of them...

Jan 27 06 01:55 pm Link