Forums > General Industry > she is sexy and sixteen??!!??


Ms Wonderful

Posts: 105

I  think nowadays girls are just to grown up. It is up to the parents to teach children as children and let adults be adults. The world is changing and the only ways morals will continue to exist is if parents put their foot down and Photgraphers and Agents do the same, other wise evreything will eventually go down hill.

Jan 27 06 05:35 pm Link



Posts: 2353

New York, New York, US

Okay, this might upset some people and screw-up a few paradigms but I feel that if we MUST settle on an age for "adulthood" it should probably be around 16.  Why?

-At 16, people who have developed normally are either fully physically mature or very close to it.
- At 16, you can work a job and drive, taking your life and that of others into your hands.  That responsibility should be acknowledged, if you regard them as children, they are devoid of responsibility.
-By 16, those who have developed normally are cognizant of right and wrong, though they may still be impulsive or high-strung, studies have shown that in most children, they are cognitively mature (this is not to say that some minor changes might occur well into the 20s).
-At 16, the law in most states allows them to consent to sex, this is NOT a choice that should be left to mere "children."

Lastly:  I met my current boyfriend at age 16-he was 25 at the time.  We met at a concert, spent hours talking & discovering all we had in-common (he was a college grad. w/a degree in Anthropolgy, I was an anth. buff, we were both into the goth/industrial scene, both writers and artists and lovers of the fine arts, and so on).  We began calling each other and after about 2 weeks our ages came out (I had thought he was 23 or so, he thought I was 22 or so), but at that point, we didn't care, we had already hit it off.

Now, SEVEN YEARS LATER, we are still together.  Together we have endured numerous family deaths (on my side), chronic illness (when I began having seizures at 18), we have traveled the world, stuck together through it all and made plans for our future. 
He wasn't a pedophile and he didn't take advantage of me, I pursued him.  We fell in love.  It worked out.
Had I been a child, I don't see how any of that would have been possible.

Jan 27 06 05:51 pm Link


Carolina Bonetti

Posts: 10

Los Angeles, California, US

Hmm well in photoshoots I can see why underage should never pose nude..mostly because the parents and the reprocussions they can bring if their standards and ideas of comfortability and whats ok isnt the same as their kids

As far as grown models I think it's always up to the individual...I love looking at some artistic nude shots...they can be breath taking...especially when theyr're photo edited and it looks like you're looking into another place..but, personally I've never been ok with being complelty nude : /...Soo thats why I believe it's all in personal choice and style...both by the model and photographer...

Jan 27 06 08:00 pm Link


Jessica Loren

Posts: 516

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Just last night, my best friend and I went out to dinner, just us girls, for my birthday.
She's 16 and I'm now 17. She drives and I don't. Just want to get all of that clear
We decided to go to a very nice-trendy place in Arundel Mills. We decided we would fancy up a bit but we wore jeans, nice tops and cool shoes and a little make up and yeah, we looked pretty nice.
So over comes this gorgeous waiter and he says.."Would you ladies like to try one of our specialty beers this evening?"

Well we're pretty mature girls but I have to admit, it was kind of cool!
I just politely said, "Naaa, that's OK." (I don't drink anyway. I know it isn't legal but I'd be lying if I said some of my friends don't drink and worse)
I'm sure if we'd have said, "Sure, why not?" the next question would have been "May I see your IDs?" LOL
I also got a really nice demonstration of all of his beautiful ink work when we ordered. His tats were awesome!, I didn't give him my number because #1, I have a boyfriend and #2, he was like 22 years old. I'm just not ready for the expectations of a MAN.
I did however get a free birthday cake, a hug on my way out and nice note on my receipt from him that said..."Happy Birthday Beautiful!"
What a nice birthday I've had!!!
I just wanted to share my first restaurant experience being offered an alcoholic beverage.
He had no clue how old we were. Like I said it happens all the time but this was the first time it came with a beer!LOL

Jan 27 06 09:25 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Jessica L wrote:
Just last night, my best friend and I went out to dinner, just us girls, for my birthday.


I have the specialty beer for you and burp the b'day song for you... just imagine you can hear it... I also wear a tank top just for you so that you have a recreation of last nights evening... with tattoos and all... wink

Okay... cheers and all the best...

Jan 27 06 09:32 pm Link


Jessica Loren

Posts: 516

Baltimore, Maryland, US

UdoR wrote:


I have the specialty beer for you and burp the b'day song for you... just imagine you can hear it... I also wear a tank top just for you so that you have a recreation of last nights evening... with tattoos and all... wink

Okay... cheers and all the best...

Thanks Udo! Hate to admit it but I can burp that song along with you!LOL
Make it a chocolate cake instead of the beer and you're on!

Jan 27 06 09:40 pm Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

Terry Breedlove wrote:
Tell me guys do you have any age limits to shooting sexy nudes? Would you be comfortable shooting a 12 year old for Hustler or Playboy ?  Because if you do then get off your european high horse and join us religious nuts down here in redstate country. If you don't then please get some help. Now I am somewhere between the two points I believe as a photographer we should be able to shoot nudes at any age as long as the work is relevant to the age. For example I think Sally Manns work is amazing but I would never want to see a child that age in Playboy.

Playboy and Hustler??? You cannot compare the too. Playboy has sexy nude images. Hustler has lezbians, cum shots, and oral????

I think implied is fine for a minor personally.
Minor is only a minor by law.
Heck, when I was 13 I looked 18. Because I had the body of an 18. I didn't chose it. It just happened. I actually look the same  now as I did at 16. I just gained 10 pounds. (I didn't wear heavy make-up ... only red lips or sluty clothes. I wore vintage clothes, 30's-50's wear... far from sluty.)

But this is the land where people can go to jail for taking photos of their toddlers naked in the bath tub. Doesn't everyone have a naked in the bathtub photo?
I know I do! I know my boyfriend does! I know many of my friends do.
Next, you will sugguest that is illegal and pornographic.

But I guess I am tained. Since, I was raised European.
I came from a house were nudity was considering natural. My mom tanned nude alot right in front of me from baby on words. My aunts did as well.
I could also drink with my parents.Wine at dinner happened alot in my house. Sometimes I would also share a good Greman beer with my parents.I always told my parents if I was going to a party that served beer. My parents would tell me they knewn, I know how to handle my beer. If I had too much, to call home, they would pick me up. But I never had to call. I till this day have never been wasted. I think it is stupid.
My parents also were respectful of my sexual explorations. My mom told me when I was ready I could go on birth control. She also keep a box of condoms in the bathroom. My parents both mom and dad, talked to me about safe sex. About how I risk having children. But they understood that sex is something we all explore. I didn't sleep around. I have been with fewer people then you would expect. My parents caught me once. They talked me about it. Told me I had a very healthy relationship. I dated a 20 year old, at 17 for 2 years. I have been with my current boyfriend for 3 years now. He was actually a minor when I started dating him!! He is younger then me!!! We are a few years apart in age. But since he is a male, here in the states it's not considered rape. Since, he is a male. He was 16 we when met. He looked 27 at least. I was 19.

Jan 28 06 01:26 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Krazy Krista wrote:
I do have one other thing to really creeps me out that whenever I see a thread about minors, three male mm members always jump on these threads. I know who they are...and probably just about everyone else notices as well.

Isn't it obvious to you guys that if you can't help but be attracted to this topic obsessively you may have some unhealthy issues about your attraction to young girls?

And one female...

Jan 28 06 01:36 am Link



Posts: 209

whos that?

Jan 28 06 11:12 am Link



Posts: 2566

Hastings, England, United Kingdom

I have 6 daughters and all grew up naturally because we talked to them, they knew how we as parents thought, they knew what the law was, they had a good education. It was better to get the information they required to make educated decisions from us than from some stranger. All of them had regular boyfriends before they were 18 and none of them got in the family way. Sexual issues here in Europe are much more free than in the USA (I lived in CA for 6 years). Two of the shots in my portfolio are of a girl of 15, she modelled catwalk in Milan at 14. I think one of the differences is the way we in Europe look at sensuality rather than sexuality.

Ed Remington wrote:
Strange...I've yet to see someone from another country say that girls shouldn't have "sexy" pictures shot until they're over 18....Why is that?

Let me guess, it's a different society? Well guess what, we came from that society not to long ago ourselves! I dare anyone here to say we are a better and more advanced society (moraly, not economic or industrial) then almost any one European country. Can anyone explain how our European friends average rate per 1000 teens getting pregnant is less than half of ours, (almost 1/4)  yet they're more open and relaxed about these kind of sexual issues??? 

Maybe if we should try talking and explaining things to our kids and work with them to have a better understanding of life, instead of keeping them sheltered for as long as possible.

Jan 28 06 05:52 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

theda wrote:

Krazy Krista wrote:
I do have one other thing to really creeps me out that whenever I see a thread about minors, three male mm members always jump on these threads. I know who they are...and probably just about everyone else notices as well.

Isn't it obvious to you guys that if you can't help but be attracted to this topic obsessively you may have some unhealthy issues about your attraction to young girls?

And one female...

Having an attraction to young girls is not unhealthy, it's human for us male species...oh and some females too...

Jan 30 06 12:01 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

i love the european arguement...remember, we didnt like it over there to begin with, so we started our own little nation...and who do ya'll call when germany gets out of hand???...thats call US.

Jan 30 06 12:26 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

DawnElizabeth Moderator wrote:

He is a fashion photographer in it's an everyday thing for him.....;-)


Jan 30 06 08:02 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

It's amazing how this post got launched with NO refernece photo to start from..Just one general statement and and running...

No wonder polititians get away with murder...nobody really pays attention...

While the moderator did a great job of making some realy good points. I say again, the original post had no basis, just a randome statement.

I would have loved to see a post which depicted the original post.

We all know that many models start quite young and look quite sexy for their age, because of the MUA, Stylist and publications.

I would shoot a 12,13,14,15,16, in a professional way anyday...Never to exploit...only in the realm of a professional shoot or project.

Common Scence and good taste should always be in full effect no matter the age of a model. I am not in the porn industry..nor do I do anything that would be seen as out side of the main stream..

I really wish this post would have been accompanied by an image that spoke to exactly what this is supposed to be about..

Vance McDaniel

Jan 30 06 08:08 pm Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

Vance wrote:
It's amazing how this post got launched with NO refernece photo to start from..Just one general statement and and running...

No wonder polititians get away with murder...nobody really pays attention...

While the moderator did a great job of making some realy good points. I say again, the original post had no basis, just a randome statement.

I would have loved to see a post which depicted the original post.

We all know that many models start quite young and look quite sexy for their age, because of the MUA, Stylist and publications.

I would shoot a 12,13,14,15,16, in a professional way anyday...Never to exploit...only in the realm of a professional shoot or project.

Common Scence and good taste should always be in full effect no matter the age of a model. I am not in the porn industry..nor do I do anything that would be seen as out side of the main stream..

I really wish this post would have been accompanied by an image that spoke to exactly what this is supposed to be about..

Vance McDaniel

as the OP'er...i would not post a photograph of a young CHILD being made up to invoke a sexual connotation...taking the attitude of "the industry does it" is the same mindless attitude the nazi party needed to build their "thousand year" reich.

Jan 31 06 07:06 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Sadly there was nothing MINDLESS about the Nazis...

And providing a link to go along with your disdain would have lent the entire thread to a more focused and clear cut thread. Which, would have driven your point home. Hell you might even have made a true contribution to the deviant world of photgraphy.

But hey, perhaps you didnt really want a productive thread. No worries..Our friendly moderator and 16 yr old model handled things quite well..Kudos GANG!

With Regards,
Vance McDaniel

Jan 31 06 07:11 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

336 replies = stimulating conversation on the matter.

Jan 31 06 07:13 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

BCG wrote:
336 replies = stimulating conversation on the matter.

Yeah, I think I spoke to that already...


With Regards,

Vance McDaniel

Jan 31 06 07:26 am Link


C Hansen Photography

Posts: 306

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

BCG wrote:
as the OP'er...i would not post a photograph of a young CHILD being made up to invoke a sexual connotation...

Now if more people would take this type of attitude and that of Vance things would be so much better.  Just because a model is under age doesn't mean don't shoot him or her.  Approach it in a professional manner and treat the model as if they were your own child and damn if you won't get some great shots.

Jan 31 06 07:50 am Link


Alli Michelle

Posts: 1611

Miami, Florida, US

I'm not completely sure if this pertains to this thread but I'm 16 and I have been approached about doing implied and lingerie.Is it even legal for me to do those kinds of shoots?

Jan 31 06 08:22 am Link


Doug Harvey

Posts: 1055

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Chris Hansen wrote:

Now if more people would take this type of attitude and that of Vance things would be so much better.  Just because a model is under age doesn't mean don't shoot him or her.  Approach it in a professional manner and treat the model as if they were your own child and damn if you won't get some great shots.

I'm going with Chris on this one and I'm not even going to touch all the rest of can of worms that can; probably will be opened in this thread. Just treat the shoot as a professional one with lots of respect and realization that it is more of a portfolio building shoot and nothing more and everything will be fine.

Jan 31 06 08:31 am Link


Lance Nichols

Posts: 199

Markham, Ontario, Canada

Curiosity has my jumping back in here again, two points/comments/questions to raise.

First, how may here work in the Seniors Portrait market? It's not that big a thing here in Canada, but I have seen some BEAUTIFUL work and some of it is quite sexy. Remember, these are a series of portraits that are telling the stories of people leaving behind the trappings of adolescence and becoming women/men. Most of them are 16-17 years old, as I understand the US school system. Are those who are stating 16 ≠ sexy against these portraits as well, as the work often has a strong element of glamour, humour, and sophistication to them?

Second, I have to say, I'm a little put out by the condescending attitude directed to a couple of the responders, because of their age. I'm reading the posts as, 'quiet girl you are not old enough to form an opinion', yet these young ladies are the people this thread should be soliciting for their views.

Jan 31 06 08:31 am Link


Doug Harvey

Posts: 1055

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Nora_Neko wrote:
I'm not completely sure if this pertains to this thread but I'm 16 and I have been approached about doing implied and lingerie.Is it even legal for me to do those kinds of shoots?

With as many threads that have circulated about age and legalities, I'm not going to go into all the detail of it. I will only say that it might be a good idea to find out what the laws are in your state and county/city. God only knows that if some over jealous parent or adult hears or sees of it, be prepared for all the feedback.

Jan 31 06 08:35 am Link


Alli Michelle

Posts: 1611

Miami, Florida, US

Doug Harvey wrote:

With as many threads that have circulated about age and legalities, I'm not going to go into all the detail of it. I will only say that it might be a good idea to find out what the laws are in your state and county/city. God only knows that if some over jealous parent or adult hears or sees of it, be prepared for all the feedback.

yeah I've tried to look it up before but all I got was what defines child I mean I'd have no problem doing it but I'm not modest or shy.My mom would probably die

btw you can definetly be sexy at 16.

Jan 31 06 08:40 am Link


Alli Michelle

Posts: 1611

Miami, Florida, US

Leaf in the Wind wrote:
Second, I have to say, I'm a little put out by the condescending attitude directed to a couple of the responders, because of their age. I'm reading the posts as, 'quiet girl you are not old enough to form an opinion', yet these young ladies are the people this thread should be soliciting for their views.

seriously.I'm 16 and I feel that I'm just as mature as I will be as an adult.I'm homeschooled,I have a job, I practically raise my 2 baby cousinds and I take care of my sick grandma everyday.I have more responsibility than most adults.So I hate it when just because of my age I get treated like a child.

Jan 31 06 08:43 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Leaf in the Wind wrote:
Curiosity has my jumping back in here again, two points/comments/questions to raise.

First, how may here work in the Seniors Portrait market? It's not that big a thing here in Canada, but I have seen some BEAUTIFUL work and some of it is quite sexy. Remember, these are a series of portraits that are telling the stories of people leaving behind the trappings of adolescence and becoming women/men. Most of them are 16-17 years old, as I understand the US school system. Are those who are stating 16 ≠ sexy against these portraits as well, as the work often has a strong element of glamour, humour, and sophistication to them?

Second, I have to say, I'm a little put out by the condescending attitude directed to a couple of the responders, because of their age. I'm reading the posts as, 'quiet girl you are not old enough to form an opinion', yet these young ladies are the people this thread should be soliciting for their views.

As I stated, and no slam to BCG..But the original post was vauge in my opinion and lent itself to random comments. I personaly would have posted or linked to an image which clearly backed up my point. All responces were valid in therindividual perspectives.

I dont think the original post was cleary defined.. OVERT? Meaning what esxactly? 16yr old glam? Actaul sexual positions? Bikini? Lingeire?

The door was left too wide open and thus no real focus.

I think by nature and Hormones teens are "sexy" that age sexuality is new and over powering..The industry knows this and uses it. Some abuse it, some repect it and tread carefully...

I'd love to see a post of this magnitude with some clear definded lines. I think it has the potential to be a very stimulating thread...WITH FOCUS...

With Regards,
Vance McDaniel

Jan 31 06 08:44 am Link


Lance Nichols

Posts: 199

Markham, Ontario, Canada

Nora_Neko wrote:
I'm not completely sure if this pertains to this thread but I'm 16 and I have been approached about doing implied and lingerie.Is it even legal for me to do those kinds of shoots?

IANAL, but I suspect, and am generalizing here, the answer would be yes, it would be legal. However, the photographer still needs to get his/her release signed by your legal guardian.

Jan 31 06 08:46 am Link


Alli Michelle

Posts: 1611

Miami, Florida, US

Leaf in the Wind wrote:

IANAL, but I suspect, and am generalizing here, the answer would be yes, it would be legal. However, the photographer still needs to get his/her release signed by your legal guardian.

yeah that makes sense.That's what I was thinking.

Jan 31 06 08:48 am Link


Lance Nichols

Posts: 199

Markham, Ontario, Canada

Nora_Neko wrote:

yeah that makes sense.That's what I was thinking.

Wow... I haven't even finished my first cup of coffee and I am making sense... this bodes well for the rest of the day. smile

On a serious note, I was basing my opinion of court cases that have gone all the way to the supreme court for photography of young women that had them nude, but not in a sexual context.

As the model, legally YOU are safe, it is the photographer that assumes all the risk, even if the shoot is technically legal, and he has consent forms signed, AND had an escort for you at the shoot. If some lab tech or "moralist" deems the picture offensive/immoral they can put a big hurt on the photog. In the end, his rights would be upheld, but not before having his name smeared by those with an agenda, but this is going off topic.

Jan 31 06 08:59 am Link


Doug Harvey

Posts: 1055

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Nora_Neko wrote:

yeah I've tried to look it up before but all I got was what defines child I mean I'd have no problem doing it but I'm not modest or shy.My mom would probably die

btw you can definetly be sexy at 16.

I'm sure that trying to find something in the laws that actually makes sence is going to be hard, but it was just a suggestion.

Yeah, I'm sure your mom would have a few words to

Jan 31 06 09:03 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Nora_Neko wrote:
I'm 16 and I have been approached about doing implied and lingerie.Is it even legal for me to do those kinds of shoots?

Well, heck, Nora. I was just on your OMP portfolio. Nice stuff. But I have to say, you at 16 have already done fetish, which is dangerous waters legally for a photographer to shoot of an underage model because of the sexual connotations behind fetish(or so I was told by a few photographers and lawyers in the past), lingerie is definitely more tame than you being in latex holding a whip,lol.
And no, this is not a slam smile

Jan 31 06 10:04 am Link



Posts: 209

can i just make a point please smile 16 most..young adults shall we say lol? are already sexualy active and have been for a while...well doesn't that mean that other people must find them sexualy attractive for this to be happening? maybe its just people dont like realising or accepting it

Jan 31 06 12:16 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

x-leila-x wrote:
can i just make a point please smile 16 most..young adults shall we say lol? are already sexualy active and have been for a while...well doesn't that mean that other people must find them sexualy attractive for this to be happening? maybe its just people dont like realising or accepting it

tell it girl ..tell it...


Chances are it's just the sqeemish American attitude towards sex...

Ive been all over the world thanks to the millitary, and one thing is for sure. Our sexual attitude breeds perverts and sexually repressed people.

In countries outside of the US where human sexuality is celibrated, they dont have the same problems we have in the US.

Though, I do not and never will advocate child pornography, I do beleive many 16yr olds are more than capable of having sexual relationships and working in an industry were certain topics may be the focus of their photgraphy.

As long as it's legal..I think it should be and can be shot.

Jan 31 06 12:37 pm Link


Alli Michelle

Posts: 1611

Miami, Florida, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:

Well, heck, Nora. I was just on your OMP portfolio. Nice stuff. But I have to say, you at 16 have already done fetish, which is dangerous waters legally for a photographer to shoot of an underage model because of the sexual connotations behind fetish(or so I was told by a few photographers and lawyers in the past), lingerie is definitely more tame than you being in latex holding a whip,lol.
And no, this is not a slam smile

I think lingerie is a lot worse than being in a full body pvc jumpsuit.heh atleast I'm covered.

Jan 31 06 12:43 pm Link


Alli Michelle

Posts: 1611

Miami, Florida, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:

Well, heck, Nora. I was just on your OMP portfolio. Nice stuff. But I have to say, you at 16 have already done fetish, which is dangerous waters legally for a photographer to shoot of an underage model because of the sexual connotations behind fetish(or so I was told by a few photographers and lawyers in the past), lingerie is definitely more tame than you being in latex holding a whip,lol.
And no, this is not a slam smile

I think lingerie is a lot worse than being in a full body pvc jumpsuit.heh atleast I'm covered.

Jan 31 06 12:43 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Nora_Neko wrote:

I think lingerie is a lot worse than being in a full body pvc jumpsuit.heh atleast I'm covered.

You may be covered but fetish(and s&m represented by the whip) is considered a sexually deviant lifestyle and as I recall from talking to a few lawyers, a minor doing fetish modeling can get the photographer in trouble easier than if he shot art nudes of her. Granted this talk with the lawyers was a couple years ago, but I do do fetish photography now and then.

Jan 31 06 12:47 pm Link


Alli Michelle

Posts: 1611

Miami, Florida, US

yeah makes sense but since I'm covered I always thought of them more as gothic fashion shots than fetish

Jan 31 06 12:52 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Nora_Neko wrote:
yeah makes sense but since I'm covered I always thought of them more as gothic fashion shots than fetish

gothic fashion and fetish fashion can be pretty much the same thing in many cases. You doing fetish fashion in some circumstances is one thing, but the whip adds a whole new legality issue side to things.

Jan 31 06 12:54 pm Link



Posts: 209

yep i told it smile
lol and another thing..i think some of the people further back in the thread couldnt differentiate between child pornography and a mature 16 year old in a sexy outfit or odd people

and about the whole whip thing one of my togs said a girl could shoot in lingirie but as soon as the pic becomes in anyway sexual then it could be illegal.. like i dont think my lingirie one is sexual in the slightest

Jan 31 06 01:02 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

x-leila-x wrote:
and about the whole whip thing one of my togs said a girl could shoot in lingirie but as soon as the pic becomes in anyway sexual then it could be illegal..

and thats even in the UK where people are more open than we are here in the US. But yea, her shots I believe would be ok as they are, but adding the whip can make things a hairy situation for the photographer.

Jan 31 06 01:16 pm Link