Forums > General Industry > Jerks calling themselves photographers to get laid


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Molly Black wrote:
You sound like my husband. Rrrrowwww!

Ransom J wrote:
Your husband is a demon eunuch with a 12 ft long vibrating, pulsing tail with a rabbit tip?

Mollie's a unique individual. That's why she's my buddy!


Oct 08 06 09:55 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Vida Studios wrote:
I dont need to add anything else to it, you said it all and the sad thing most model still don't learn and they still get scam............

believing everything he reads.....

Oct 08 06 09:58 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US


Ah hell..

Off to the chipper!

Oct 08 06 10:04 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Ruben Grolet wrote:
John if you are as good with a camera as you are with your spelling and if you are as good with your camera as you are with your manners, behold another jerk. I did nothing to earn such criticism. You need to go back to work with your shovel and do something worth while...

You hang in there Ruben!

This is great. I'm only on page 2!

BTW, Ruben, I don't mean to threadjack, but you're doing fascinating work!  Interesting technique. Great lighting, creative use of backgrounds. Real innovation on the use of foliage. The image has that calculated insousiance of the moment with the messy hair but the hairbrush by her side and the inability to see her feet but the tips of her shoes revealed just behind her. Absolutely brilliant - it's really inspiring to look at an image where it all comes together in a creative moment like this.

Oct 08 06 10:13 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Ruben Grolet wrote:
John if you are as good with a camera as you are with your spelling and if you are as good with your camera as you are with your manners, behold another jerk. I did nothing to earn such criticism. You need to go back to work with your shovel and do something worth while...

Yeah John!  You jerk!

(just trying to support Ruben)


Oct 08 06 10:15 am Link


Israel Kendall

Posts: 641

Trenton, North Carolina, US

Curt Burgess wrote:

You hang in there Ruben!

This is great. I'm only on page 2!

BTW, Ruben, I don't mean to threadjack, but you're doing fascinating work!  Interesting technique. Great lighting, creative use of backgrounds. Real innovation on the use of foliage. The image has that calculated insousiance of the moment with the messy hair but the hairbrush by her side and the inability to see her feet but the tips of her shoes revealed just behind her. Absolutely brilliant - it's really inspiring to look at an image where it all comes together in a creative moment like this.

I agree, very.....fascinating.....

Oct 08 06 10:39 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

T.M.S. wrote:
Lot of crazies out there, I have no problem with escorts as long as they do not interfere with the shoot.

Excellent point TMS!!  Would you please go over to The Thread on escorts and let them know. They don't have a clue over there and they would benefit by your views.



Oct 08 06 10:39 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

This has been a fun thread.  Ruben has been the most fun.  Too bad he hasn't been back much.

Oct 08 06 11:19 am Link


Frank McAdam

Posts: 2222

New York, New York, US

Ruben Grolet wrote:
And here I am a photographer with a great reputation for my work ethics, my sincerity, my devotion to my work, and my being loved by my models, being passed off for a few hundred dollars.

Talk about bathos and self pity.  Ruben, it's time for a reality check.  What happened here (at least as described in your OP) is that you tried to talk a model into posing nude for free and she didn't go for it.  Instead, she found a photographer who was willing to pay her what she was worth.  Why should you be so bent out of shape over that?  If you're really that anxious to photograph this particular model, then stop being so cheap and pay her rate.  End of story.

Oct 08 06 11:46 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Mircalla wrote:
...There are ways to criticize without lowering yourselves to grade school level.

Good point. There's way too much of that on MM and this thread in particular. But then the rest of us don't have experience "running a small paranormal investigation team" like you do and thus do not have the additional insight and maturity that would have to come from that.


Oct 08 06 12:15 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I can just envision the following scene:

The OP bursts into a room:

OP: Who's the jerk who's calling himself a photographer so he can get laid?

Every guy in the room stands up: I am that jerk!

Oct 08 06 12:33 pm Link



Posts: 1912

San Francisco, California, US

How come only the jerks get laid?

the nice guy photographer...

Oct 08 06 12:39 pm Link



Posts: 1190

Winnetka, California, US


I can get LAID with this whole camera bizzzness???

hmmm, maybe thats what those models meant by "c'mon lets go to bed" I thought they just wanted a nap

Oct 08 06 12:45 pm Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

What about jerks who are great photographers and use their talent to get laid? What about the arrogant bestseller writers, the erudite poets, the freaky painters and all those who use their position to increase their likelihood of getting pussy/cock. What about the porn stars who go into porn to get laid? What about the smooth talking guy at the bar who waits until 3 minutes before the lights go up and tries to find the drunkest girl to convince to go home with him. What about Donald Trump.

C'mon people. Sexual harrassment, using of talent or money or manipulation to get laid is not at all limited to this industry. Women and men should try and be smart about this. I mean, is it better if the person is an actual photographer and uses that to get laid? Is it right to use great beauty to get laid? This just seems silly and repetitious to me.

Oct 08 06 12:49 pm Link


Dr Molly Black

Posts: 663

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Webspinner wrote:
What about jerks who are great photographers and use their talent to get laid? What about the arrogant bestseller writers, the erudite poets, the freaky painters and all those who use their position to increase their likelihood of getting pussy/cock. What about the porn stars who go into porn to get laid? What about the smooth talking guy at the bar who waits until 3 minutes before the lights go up and tries to find the drunkest girl to convince to go home with him. What about Donald Trump.

C'mon people. Sexual harrassment, using of talent or money or manipulation to get laid is not at all limited to this industry. Women and men should try and be smart about this. I mean, is it better if the person is an actual photographer and uses that to get laid? Is it right to use great beauty to get laid? This just seems silly and repetitious to me.

Yeah, but then people wouldn't be either capable of starting the silliest of troll (kind of like straw-men but overly obvious) threads.

And I mean, you have stated that you FORCED your boyfriend into modeling for your own sick and twisted desires. You, you... SLUGGO!

LOL, gods, I crack myself up.

Oct 08 06 01:02 pm Link



Posts: 998

Hartford, Connecticut, US

Ahh.... yeah....

"If you just want some jerk with a camera to take naked pics of you and get paid then don't complain."

Is she complaining? Is she on here posting about this incident? Did she go to the cops? Is she seeking counseling?

As others have noted, from the way you wrote this, it appears that you are pissed off because she shot with someone else for pay and won't shoot with you for free. Has she stated that shooting with the other photographer and having sex (if she's saying it wasn't rape I won't say it was as I wasn't there) with him made her change her mind about getting into the industry? Or is she just that much more focused on getting paid work?

About him drugging her - did she imbibe voluntarily or was it unknown to her? Neither would change the fact of sex, but if she was willing to take the drugs, it might be argued that she was willing for other things as well. I AM NOT MAKING ANY ACCUSATIONS OR ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT THE MODEL. I am only hoping that you see more than what you typed here.

As for that part of "she needs a great portfolio to take to agencies, fashion shows, ad companies, even Play Boy" - that could not be farther from the truth. Fashion shows might ask for it. I've talked to dozens of agents so that I could pass info to hopefuls and gain some experience (as well as networking) myself. Agencies want to see a few shots, but most good ones want specific images they can shoot in their office themselves. They also hope that models have NOT been incorrectly 'trained' by photographers or schools. I don't know of any ad companies (I assume you mean agencies) that hire models directly. Most are sent from modeling agencies or hired by the photographer. Playboy doesn't care less about a portfolio. She shows up, they take a few snaps of her both clothed and nude, and she gets a call if the editors want to have her shot. Then, if Mr. Hefner likes her, she gets a centerfold.

Ruben - I'm not God's gift to photography - there are tons of lessons I need to learn, but I agree with some of the other posters that what you present as a portfolio needs to be better. This could be the reason this model does not shoot with you. If this isn't your best work, update it. If it is, work on some techniques. If you are using film, your lighting is the wrong temp. If digital, your white balance is off. A few images the highlights are so high they are burned or lose detail. The motorcycle shot is done with the sun straight above (see where the shadow lies). The women's faces are lost in shadow. This needs forward lighting, a reflector or shoot very early or very late so that you have sun on the horizon. The image of the brunette with her head turned to HER right (2nd row, 3rd column; black top with red piping) - why is that even in your port? Her hands are cut off, shows no face, distracting background...

I hope that you take what I typed as both a look at what you typed and some as constructive critisism. If you or I were of Helmut Newton or Ansel Adams capability, we certainly wouldn't be on MM, right?

Ruben Grolet wrote:
Anyone out there got a shot gun. A bullet to the brain is not good enough for those bas.....

I have been sincerely working to do photo shoots with a model who wants to very much get into the business. She has a great look, a great bod, wants to do Play Boy style photos.

She has been putting me off because she says she needs paid jobs. I tell her that she needs a great portfolio to take to agencies, fashion shows, ad companies, even Play Boy. You don't just walk into Play
Boy and say I want to be the cover girl for your next one and expect to get it unless God dropped you on earth to be the HOTTEST thing that ever hit the business.

So, she puts me off and puts me off. Finally after 3 weeks she lands that paid job. Big deal $200.00 to $300.00 dollars. BIG MONEY. One shoot. So, when is the next big money. Even at $300.00 that is only $100.00 a week average she earned. BIG DEAL. The kicker. He drugged her and raped her. She says he had sex with her and it was not rape. If he drugged her and had sex with her without her permission it was rape.

And here I am a photographer with a great reputation for my work ethics, my sincerity, my devotion to my work, and my being loved by my models, being passed off for a few hundred dollars.

What are you after work that pays penneys or long term work that could earn you BIG TIME MONEY. For those aspiring models think about it. Too many times this has happened. Better a strong portfolio, with lots of great photos, in a leather bound photo portfolio, all professionally made by a photographer who cares. You can walk into any agency with it, show it off, be proud of it. And you will be respected as a Top Model.

No wonder models want to bring a escort.

Damn jerk should have his b.... cut off.

And this is not about me putting out an add for work. I get work. This is about models thinking about what they should be doing. If you just want some jerk with a camera to take naked pics of you and get paid then don't complain. If you are serious about modeling you have to gain experience just like everyone else. Money should come second and experience, great photos, a great portfolio should come 1st.

Oct 08 06 01:39 pm Link