Forums > General Industry > Jerks calling themselves photographers to get laid



Posts: 5481

Vallejo, California, US

Anyone out there got a shot gun. A bullet to the brain is not good enough for those bas.....

I have been sincerely working to do photo shoots with a model who wants to very much get into the business. She has a great look, a great bod, wants to do Play Boy style photos.

She has been putting me off because she says she needs paid jobs. I tell her that she needs a great portfolio to take to agencies, fashion shows, ad companies, even Play Boy. You don't just walk into Play
Boy and say I want to be the cover girl for your next one and expect to get it unless God dropped you on earth to be the HOTTEST thing that ever hit the business.

So, she puts me off and puts me off. Finally after 3 weeks she lands that paid job. Big deal $200.00 to $300.00 dollars. BIG MONEY. One shoot. So, when is the next big money. Even at $300.00 that is only $100.00 a week average she earned. BIG DEAL. The kicker. He drugged her and raped her. She says he had sex with her and it was not rape. If he drugged her and had sex with her without her permission it was rape.

And here I am a photographer with a great reputation for my work ethics, my sincerity, my devotion to my work, and my being loved by my models, being passed off for a few hundred dollars.

What are you after work that pays penneys or long term work that could earn you BIG TIME MONEY. For those aspiring models think about it. Too many times this has happened. Better a strong portfolio, with lots of great photos, in a leather bound photo portfolio, all professionally made by a photographer who cares. You can walk into any agency with it, show it off, be proud of it. And you will be respected as a Top Model.

No wonder models want to bring a escort.

Damn jerk should have his b.... cut off.

And this is not about me putting out an add for work. I get work. This is about models thinking about what they should be doing. If you just want some jerk with a camera to take naked pics of you and get paid then don't complain. If you are serious about modeling you have to gain experience just like everyone else. Money should come second and experience, great photos, a great portfolio should come 1st.

Oct 03 06 07:20 pm Link


Ben Levis Photography

Posts: 1328

Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Amen Brother!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oct 03 06 07:22 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Gotta love fear mongering by proxxy. LOL!

Oct 03 06 07:23 pm Link



Posts: 460

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Were the pictures any good? lol

Oct 03 06 07:23 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US


I've been hearing wayyyyyyy too much of this shit happening lately.

Oct 03 06 07:25 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Rossi Photography wrote:

I've been hearing wayyyyyyy too much of this shit happening lately.

Makes you wonder what you are doing wrong? wink

Oct 03 06 07:25 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Okay..., if he "drugged" her and she knew it and if she had sex with him and she's okay with that and says herself that she was not raped...

Why exactly is it your business?

Both are adults, both had consentual sex and you shouldn't be that upset about it.

However, people who use their photography to get laid... well, we on MM have the following definition:

(258th repost!)

The GWC acronym describes a person that owns a camera, but the main objective is not to create photos, which would warrant the term "photographer".

The GWC's ("Guy With Camera") objective is to get laid, or at least to get dates, by using his camera.

Please make a note of that difference!

The distinction between most professional photographers and many amateur photographers is not the quality of their work, but the source of income... both should be expected to conduct their photoshoots in a "professional" manner.


Oct 03 06 07:26 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Without comment on the sex issue, your point about Playboy is off. You don't need professional pictures for Playboy. Indeed, every model I know who has been shot for Playboy (which would be four) got selected based on snapshots sent in, not professional pictures.

Playboy is quite able to make up their own mind based on snapshots - and I suspect a few of the folk here who have worked with/for Playboy will tell you that.

Oct 03 06 07:28 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

What drug was it?

Oct 03 06 07:28 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Can't I be a jerk without needing to screw models?

Oct 03 06 07:30 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

e-string wrote:
What drug was it?

Love. Love is the drug.

Oct 03 06 07:30 pm Link


Beauty of Tiferet

Posts: 533

Cleveland, Ohio, US

She said it wasn't rape? Did she mean it? If she did then maybe, just maybe it wasn't.

I've had tons of friends who've been raped. My husband's mother was raped. Trust me, women who have been raped will say so, even if it's in the "I deserved it for so-and-so" (which is never true, but they don't know any better).

So. Either you're making this story up because you want to be a fear-mongering photographer OR you are not listening to what this girl/woman is saying. If she was drugged and says she had sex and thinks it was of her own free will - who the hell are you to say she isn't right? Maybe she wanted to? Maybe she knew?

Honestly I doubt it. But the fact you say she says she wasn't raped speaks volumes.

Oct 03 06 07:32 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:

Love. Love is the drug.

Pass me some of that shit..

Oct 03 06 07:33 pm Link


Dudley Watson

Posts: 1737

Roseburg, Oregon, US

Ruben Grolet wrote:
Anyone out there got a shot gun. A bullet to the brain is not good enough for those bas.....

Damn jerk should have his b.... cut off.

OK, point taken, you've been informed a crime was commeted.  As an outstanding citizen (as you claim to be), have you reported it to the police?  I somehow doubt it.

Oct 03 06 07:36 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US head is beginning to hurt today.

So far we've had a guy who wants to set up a modeling website whose apparent main purpose is to flame models who flake and now this--a guy jealous because another photographer shot and had sex with a model he desperately wanted. long before another escort thread is started and another "Bondage Photography is Immoral" thread?

Oct 03 06 07:36 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Tape Her Up wrote:
So far we've had a guy who wants to set up a modeling website whose apparent main purpose is to flame models who flake and now this--a guy jealous because another photographer shot and had sex with a model he desperately wanted.

That seems to sum it up...

Oct 03 06 07:40 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Perhaps the $ thing was just her way of nicely trying to say "thanks but no thanks"...

Oct 03 06 07:41 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Actually, I don't think Playboy cares about a portfolio.  They even take crappy snap shots as long as they get a good idea of what your face and body looks like.

And acting like a photographer to get laid doesn't work.  Trust me. I've been at this for over 2 years and I haven't scored.  I guess I'm just not hot enough.

Oct 03 06 07:42 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Of course, the concept of paying her for a shoot also does not seem to have crossed the OP's mind...

Had I been so desparate, I woulda coughed up some money.

Oct 03 06 07:43 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

So how exactly is paying one photographer for a whole portfolio gaining experence?
Yes we know their are scum out there it happens, their is scum everywhere. their is also the scum that use other scum to make themselves look better.

I don't care about leather bound books, or the fact that models love you, or  your claim to get me in playboy, I care that your images are the best I can buy.

Oct 03 06 07:43 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
So how exactly is paying one photographer for a whole portfolio gaining experence?
Yes we know their are scum out there it happens, their is scum everywhere. their is also the scum that use other scum to make themselves look better.

I don't care about leather bound books, or the fact that models love you, or  your claim to get me in playboy, I care that your images are the best I can buy.

LOL at leather bound books.

The Time Life GWC Series!

Oct 03 06 07:45 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Mikel Featherston wrote:

Makes you wonder what you are doing wrong? wink

Ha-ha. You're a funny guy.

Oct 03 06 07:46 pm Link



Posts: 392

Mill Valley, California, US

The OP bothers me and I will explain why.

Ruben Grolet wrote:
She has been putting me off because she says she needs paid jobs. snip
So, she puts me off and puts me off.

What part of her "no" answer did you not understand? Why did you keep bothering her?

Ruben Grolet wrote:
She says he had sex with her and it was not rape.
Damn jerk should have his b.... cut off.

I really don't see why you think you should be involved in her business at all. Do you? Your behaviour represents that of the infamous white knight and it is not very business-like. I do not see why you posted it, and if she were a model here you are basically saying this model will have sex with someone if they pay her $200 - $300. I have no idea idea why you think any model would appreciate this.

Oct 03 06 07:48 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Rossi Photography wrote:

Ha-ha. You're a funny guy.

And sometimes it's when I am trying to be funny. wink

Oct 03 06 07:49 pm Link



Posts: 12221

Los Angeles, California, US

My first reaction to the headline was: " So I can call myself a photographer and it will help me get laid?"

But the OP sounds like a problem with an agenda...


Oct 03 06 07:49 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

I'm beginning to feel like MM is being invaded by the Pod People.

No, not the iPod people.  The POD people.

Will there be a day when MM industry talk is about industry and not rape, photographic trends and not GWCs, or the tragic plight of being tall and much prettier in one's mind than in reality?

Oct 03 06 07:51 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
Will there be a day when MM industry talk is about industry and not rape, photographic trends and not GWCs, or the tragic plight of being tall and much prettier in one's mind than in reality?

Is this from a dream you had? wink

Oct 03 06 07:53 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
Will there be a day when MM industry talk is about industry and not rape, photographic trends and not GWCs, or the tragic plight of being tall and much prettier in one's mind than in reality?

Like I said, someone needs to go start another "I Hate Escorts" and another "Bondage Is Immoral" thread to make the day complete.

Oct 03 06 07:54 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
I'm beginning to feel like MM is being invaded by the Pod People.

No, not the iPod people.  The POD people.

Will there be a day when MM industry talk is about industry and not rape, photographic trends and not GWCs, or the tragic plight of being tall and much prettier in one's mind than in reality?

This will happen the day after I stop trying to seduce you KM.

Oct 03 06 07:54 pm Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Sounds to me like she's trying to politely tell you thanks, but no thanks, and you're just not hearing her.

Oct 03 06 07:58 pm Link



Posts: 12979

Winchester, Virginia, US

Where's Batman?

Oct 03 06 08:01 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

OP said, "The kicker. He drugged her and raped her. She says he had sex with her and it was not rape. If he drugged her and had sex with her without her permission it was rape."

I read that wrong first time around....

What the hell..??? He drugged her, they had sex, she claims it's not rape. Huh? And you want to put a bullet in his head, or some shit like that. You've lost me here. Lol...

Jealous much? Are you just upset cuz it weren't you???

Oct 03 06 08:07 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

We have the sex, we have the drugs, where the hell is the rock and or roll????????

Oct 03 06 08:09 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

dfstudios wrote:
I do not see why you posted it, and if she were a model here you are basically saying this model will have sex with someone if they pay her $200 - $300. I have no idea idea why you think any model would appreciate this.

Ruben Grolet wrote:
She has been putting me off because she says she needs paid jobs. snip
So, she puts me off and puts me off.


Oct 03 06 08:12 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
We have the sex, we have the drugs, where the hell is the rock and or roll????????

Exactly! What was playing on the stereo during the photo session?

Oct 03 06 08:14 pm Link


Wolf 189

Posts: 4834

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Ruben Grolet wrote:
Anyone out there got a shot gun. A bullet to the brain is not good enough for those bas.....

I have been sincerely working to do photo shoots with a model who wants to very much get into the business. She has a great look, a great bod, wants to do Play Boy style photos.

She has been putting me off because she says she needs paid jobs. I tell her that she needs a great portfolio to take to agencies, fashion shows, ad companies, even Play Boy. You don't just walk into Play
Boy and say I want to be the cover girl for your next one and expect to get it unless God dropped you on earth to be the HOTTEST thing that ever hit the business.

So, she puts me off and puts me off. Finally after 3 weeks she lands that paid job. Big deal $200.00 to $300.00 dollars. BIG MONEY. One shoot. So, when is the next big money. Even at $300.00 that is only $100.00 a week average she earned. BIG DEAL. The kicker. He drugged her and raped her. She says he had sex with her and it was not rape. If he drugged her and had sex with her without her permission it was rape.

And here I am a photographer with a great reputation for my work ethics, my sincerity, my devotion to my work, and my being loved by my models, being passed off for a few hundred dollars.

What are you after work that pays penneys or long term work that could earn you BIG TIME MONEY. For those aspiring models think about it. Too many times this has happened. Better a strong portfolio, with lots of great photos, in a leather bound photo portfolio, all professionally made by a photographer who cares. You can walk into any agency with it, show it off, be proud of it. And you will be respected as a Top Model.

No wonder models want to bring a escort.

Damn jerk should have his b.... cut off.

And this is not about me putting out an add for work. I get work. This is about models thinking about what they should be doing. If you just want some jerk with a camera to take naked pics of you and get paid then don't complain. If you are serious about modeling you have to gain experience just like everyone else. Money should come second and experience, great photos, a great portfolio should come 1st.

I really don't mean to offend you or anything...but this much time that you wasted posting this, you should've used working on your portfolio....because it really can use some decent shots in it.

I find mentioning it relevant, because originally you wanted to make a strong portfolio for her, right?....I don't see how you could've done it really.

Your current portfolio doesn't support your claim...then the irony is that you kind of complaining of photographers similar to yourself really while they are willing to pay at least.

Again nothing personal.



Oct 03 06 08:17 pm Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

"She says he had sex with her and it was not rape."

Sounds to me as though you are jealous as hell. Isn't that why you feel like shooting him?

Oct 03 06 08:20 pm Link



Posts: 6065

Columbia, Maryland, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:
Without comment on the sex issue, your point about Playboy is off. You don't need professional pictures for Playboy. Indeed, every model I know who has been shot for Playboy (which would be four) got selected based on snapshots sent in, not professional pictures.

Playboy is quite able to make up their own mind based on snapshots - and I suspect a few of the folk here who have worked with/for Playboy will tell you that.

Well, it has been almost thirty years, but.... yes - it is very true.  Or was in the seventies.

Oct 03 06 08:20 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Common Wolf if he can get paid work with his portfolio I should have no problems charging for my photography right????

Exept I had a client flake last night grrr...

Oct 03 06 08:22 pm Link



Posts: 12221

Los Angeles, California, US

Wolf189 @ OP wrote:

I really don't mean to offend you or anything...but this much time that you wasted posting this, you should've used working on your portfolio....because it really can use some decent shots in it.

I find mentioning it relevant, because originally you wanted to make a strong portfolio for her, right?....I don't see how you could've done it really.

Your current portfolio doesn't support your claim...then the irony is that you kind of complaining of photographers similar to yourself really while they are willing to pay at least.

Again nothing personal.



Yeh, really!

After reading this I read the OP's profile and looked at his pictures.
Whoa... If I were a model, sirens would be going off.
He calls himself "Upclose and personal photography" BTW - reading what he says in his profile, combined with the look and feel of his images, should make anyone steer clear, I would think...


Oct 03 06 08:27 pm Link