Forums > General Industry > Jerks calling themselves photographers to get laid


Dean Solo

Posts: 1064

Miami, Arizona, US cheese and black olive pizza...wealth....fame...immortality....

Oct 03 06 11:40 pm Link



Posts: 5481

Vallejo, California, US

Only  a few of you got the point.

A person, man or woman cannot expect to be rated as a TOP MODEL just because they have the idea that they want to model. It takes lots of experience. Just like it takes to be a great photographer. Any bum can buy a digital camera and call himself a photographer.

Oct 03 06 11:41 pm Link


Dean Solo

Posts: 1064

Miami, Arizona, US


Oct 03 06 11:44 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Ruben Grolet wrote:
A person, man or woman cannot expect to be rated as a TOP MODEL just because they have the idea that they want to model. It takes lots of experience. Just like it takes to be a great photographer. Any bum can buy a digital camera and call himself a photographer.

So, this was the point of the original post?

Oct 03 06 11:44 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Dean Solo wrote:


Why did I say the SAME shit when i read his reply?

Oct 03 06 11:45 pm Link


Model Mel

Posts: 733

Dean Solo wrote:

Dont be an A$$ (he he)

Oct 03 06 11:45 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Ruben Grolet wrote:
John if you are as good with a camera as you are with your spelling and if you are as good with your camera as you are with your manners, behold another jerk. I did nothing to earn such criticism. You need to go back to work with your shovel and do something worth while...

You.....are new.

Joined Sep 03, 2006.

If you had been around these parts for any considerable length of time, you'd have known that my reply wasn't directed directly at you, but rather at the situation. Now take a chill pill. Relax. Smoke a blunt. And go find yourself some new pussy. This one has sailed.

Oct 03 06 11:45 pm Link


Dean Solo

Posts: 1064

Miami, Arizona, US the wrong thread...

Oct 03 06 11:46 pm Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US

well in MHO

the only way the OP is helping a model get into playboy is by 'DRIVING" her over there, so maybe he should start a car service or something

then he could use the money from the car service to actually HIRE models that are attractive with most of their clothes off

ya know ive been getting laid so much lately that i might have to stop calling myself a photographer too ;-)

oh wait i think the jerk store called, and they were out of something or other

Oct 03 06 11:46 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Dean STOP!

You're killing me!  I swear I almost choked on my fries!!!

Oct 03 06 11:47 pm Link


Dean Solo

Posts: 1064

Miami, Arizona, US

Melany Wells wrote:

Dont be an A$$ (he he)

Err....sorry...did not mean to interrupt your conversation....

Oct 03 06 11:48 pm Link


Model Mel

Posts: 733

lll wrote:

So, this was the point of the original post?

Lmao you have to start somewhere, I guess Im a bumette, when I joined model mayhem lol .. I started with digital pics ... Support your local transients ! 

So how is it you become a Photographer ? You buy a Nikon when your 14 ?

Oct 03 06 11:52 pm Link



Posts: 35

Macomb, Illinois, US

wow Drama and a waste..... Moving on.....Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2006 00:34:57 -0400--------------->>>>>>>>>

Oct 03 06 11:53 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Ruben Grolet wrote:
...It takes lots of experience. Just like it takes to be a great photographer. Any bum can buy a digital camera and call himself a photographer.

No offense, but when you point the finger, you have 4 pointing right back at you.  Is your work at a level where you feel you can be critiquing other people's work without reproach?

Oct 03 06 11:54 pm Link


Model Mel

Posts: 733

Dean Solo wrote:

Err....sorry...did not mean to interrupt your conversation....

ahhahahhahaaaaaaaaaaaa, HIJACKED !

Oct 03 06 11:55 pm Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

And to know that my sex life died when i became a photographer !! sad

Oct 03 06 11:56 pm Link



Posts: 131

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I honestly don't understand why everyone here feels the need to diss everyone elses work. If you don't like what a photographer does then so be it. You not liking what someone else does, does not make it crap, or worthless material. NO ONE is perfect and if you think you are then you're seriously in for a rude awakening.
And for everyone else to jump on someone wagon, makes you even more senseless. C'mon people-how old are we here, really?

There is a lot of talent here on MM, we all know that. Perhaps some aren't as savvy as you but hey! They aren't you! And there are plenty of people out there who might think of your work (this is pointed at everyone, myself included) as passe, old hat, not up to par. Big deal. Does it make you a bad photographer just because someone else doesn't like what you're doing with a camera?

There are ways to criticize without lowering yourselves to grade school level.

Oct 03 06 11:58 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

When pointing the finger, wise men should always wipe the shit off of it first.

Oct 03 06 11:58 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Dax wrote:
And to know that my sex life died when i became a photographer !! sad

Is that why you now have time to write the guide: "How to lick Pxssy like a pornstar"?  smile

Oct 03 06 11:59 pm Link



Posts: 513

Fresno, California, US

Melany Wells wrote:

Huh?  Wha?  Oh....I thought I heard someone call....

-- rick

Oct 04 06 12:00 am Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Melany Wells wrote:
So how is it you become a Photographer ? You buy a Nikon when your 14 ? did you know that...  Were you that secret admirer that sent me the Rollei when I turned 14?  I still haven't figured out who it was...  And then it was the Nikon (yes, FM2, which I still have!)!

Oct 04 06 12:01 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Oct 04 06 12:02 am Link



Posts: 72

Irvine, California, US

My first thought was "why didn't you offer to pay this girl?"  If she was so hot, your portfolio would have benefited and the model would have as well.

If the girl said it wasn't rape, she had fun with drugs and sex, so it likely wasn't.  The rant seemed to be a collision of rejection (she wouldn't shoot with you, no matter how upstanding you told her you were) and anger (the whole bullet thing.)  You seem to be too personally involved, which you are saying is a bad thing when it's not you.

Nude photography isn't the only photography out there;  I guess you can get good at other work while you sort out your feelings about how to improve what you are passionate about.  Perhaps offer a small fee for some fashion work (clothes on) with girls that will portray beauty?  It's less scary for women.

Oct 04 06 12:03 am Link


Model Mel

Posts: 733

Mircalla wrote:
I honestly don't understand why everyone here feels the need to diss everyone elses work. If you don't like what a photographer does then so be it. You not liking what someone else does, does not make it crap, or worthless material. NO ONE is perfect and if you think you are then you're seriously in for a rude awakening.
And for everyone else to jump on someone wagon, makes you even more senseless. C'mon people-how old are we here, really?
Models are in competition and so are photogs WELCOME TO The Industry hunny !
There is a lot of talent here on MM, we all know that. Perhaps some aren't as savvy as you but hey! They aren't you! And there are plenty of people out there who might think of your work (this is pointed at everyone, myself included) as passe, old hat, not up to par. Big deal. Does it make you a bad photographer just because someone else doesn't like what you're doing with a camera?

There are ways to criticize without lowering yourselves to grade school level.

I can agree with you to a certain respect but then again who are you to Say anything you have a half A$$ portfolio I mean I cant tell who is you and who is who ? Theres a guy and a child ? ARe you a Photographer? Did you get confused? Sorry but I am just being brutally honest , FEEL FREE TO BROWSE MY PORT ! he he

Oct 04 06 12:04 am Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

lll wrote:

Is that why you now have time to write the guide: "How to lick Pxssy like a pornstar"?  smile

Yes... cuz .. just like sports.. u know when u are not that good at the game.. u coach lol

Oct 04 06 12:05 am Link


Model Mel

Posts: 733

John Jebbia wrote:

Oct 04 06 12:10 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Melany Wells wrote:
Thanks John I've been formally introduced ... i was making a point for the stalker comment ... you have to start somewhere...Also how old are you I will tell you where I was when you were 14 , hehe

You're welcome Mel. But chill. lll is cool.

Oct 04 06 12:12 am Link


A. H A M I L T O N

Posts: 325

Coventry, England, United Kingdom

Threads like this are like car wrecks.  You want to not look, you know it's going to be bad, yet you click anyway...

Why oh why do we do the things we do?


Oct 04 06 12:14 am Link



Posts: 131

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I can agree with you to a certain respect but then again who are you to Say anything you have a half A$$ portfolio I mean I cant tell who is you and who is who ? Theres a guy and a child ? ARe you a Photographer? Did you get confused? Sorry but I am just being brutally honest , FEEL FREE TO BROWSE MY PORT ! he he

I am not making money from my photography and if you read my bio I don't claim to be an expert of any kind. Thanks for your opinion. Your stuff isn't bad, but it's not my cup of coffee. Doesn't mean your stuff is bad and I won't sit here and write some haneous and childish response picking your work apart just because the only thing you could come up with is a casual insult. The man and child are my husband and daughter. That is the type of photography that I do. I didn't sign up to model mayhem for fame and fortune, I make quite a large amount of money being in the veterinary field. It's a hobby...nothing more.

And thank you for making my point.

Oct 04 06 12:14 am Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Ruben Grolet wrote:
Only  a few of you got the point.
Any bum can buy a digital camera and call himself a photographer.

You have proven this point to us, thank you, and have a nice day.

Oct 04 06 12:15 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Iona Lynn wrote:

You have proven this point to us, thank you, and have a nice day.

Ahhhhhh dry wit!  BRISK!

Oct 04 06 12:19 am Link


John Paul Marchand

Posts: 34

Tucson, Arizona, US

If she says it wasn't rape, it most likely wasn't.  Perhaps she said she had sex with him because she knows you want her, and you are being a pest about doing a shoot for that very reason.  Women can sense that kind of vibe rather easily.

If she has been seeing your portfolio on here, I wouldn't want to shoot with you either to be honest.  Sorry just being honest.  Your profile also reads like you are trying to convince the reader you are a photographer because of all your toys.

Knowing composition is more important than expensive equipment.

Oct 04 06 12:22 am Link



Posts: 131

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Ruben, I have to agree with the vast majority here but I will put it to you being a little more thought out.

1. If the girl didn't want to work with you, then you probably should have just let it go and sought out work elsewhere. If you're a good photographer then this would have come easy for you.

2. This girl chose to work with someone else. Do you know for certain that she was drugged? Did she tell you this herself or are you guessing because she had sex with him? If she doesn't claim it as rape, then obviously she didn't feel threatened by him and if she eff's every photographer she works with then it doesn't say much about her character.

3. I don't think you should waste anymore time trying to explain yourself to people who aren't listening.

Just some kindly advice. Take it or leave it.

Oct 04 06 12:24 am Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

When I get drugged and raped, I'm a happy camper.

Oct 04 06 12:25 am Link


Model Mel

Posts: 733

Mircalla wrote:

I can agree with you to a certain respect but then again who are you to Say anything you have a half A$$ portfolio I mean I cant tell who is you and who is who ? Theres a guy and a child ? ARe you a Photographer? Did you get confused? Sorry but I am just being brutally honest , FEEL FREE TO BROWSE MY PORT ! he he

I am not making money from my photography and if you read my bio I don't claim to be an expert of any kind. Thanks for your opinion. Your stuff isn't bad, but it's not my cup of coffee. Doesn't mean your stuff is bad and I won't sit here and write some haneous and childish response picking your work apart just because the only thing you could come up with is a casual insult. The man and child are my husband and daughter. That is the type of photography that I do. I didn't sign up to model mayhem for fame and fortune, I make quite a large amount of money being in the veterinary field. It's a hobby...nothing more.

Uh your on a PUBLIC Modeling website ? Did I miss something?  I wasnt making fun of your work I said you have a HALF A$$ portfolio ( nowheer in there did it state your WORK sucks?  I was simply stating that youron MM Whining we are JUDGing other peoples work When clearly this is FREEDOM of speech , if you dont like it go cry... its a tough world especially in this business Also .. this is about a photographer who is Sore that a model didnt shoot with him "she went  and got raped " Could have been consentual but who knows... Point taken .. GREAT .. moving on....

he he SPELL CHECK nowhere he he

Oct 04 06 12:27 am Link



Posts: 131

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Uh your on a PUBLIC Modeling website ? Did I miss something?  I wasnt making fun of your work I said you have a HALF A$$ portfolio ( nowheer in there did it state your WORK sucks?  I was simply stating that youron MM Whining we are JUDGing other peoples work When clearly this is FREEDOM of speech , if you dont like it go cry... its a tough world especially in this business Also .. this is about a photographer who is Sore that a model didnt shoot with him "she went  and got raped " Could have been consentual but who knows... Point taken .. GREAT .. moving on....

he he SPELL CHECK nowhere he he

Public modeling and photography site,yes.  But who's to say that the models have to all be tall, pale and wear blonde hair extensions? Seriously... who's crying? In case you haven't noticed, the modeling industry doesn't only cater to your style of modeling. And I know that this thread is based on Rubens' post and my response was simply that there are constructive ways of criticism w/out lowering yourself to a two-year old level. That's all. wink

Oct 04 06 12:36 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

*scratches head*

Oct 04 06 12:37 am Link


Model Mel

Posts: 733

Mircalla wrote:
Public modeling and photography site,yes.  But who's to say that the models have to all be tall, pale and wear fake blond hair? Seriously... who's crying?

LMAO That FAKE blonde hair was for a TV show and yes hunny I love it , its the newest thing , you should try it ! I'm pretty bold to even mention its FAKE or you wouldnt be able to tell..I'm promoting,that's what models do !  No,  I'm not crying I'm getting paid.. Enough said ...

If you read on you will see that it is 100 % Human hair from ITALY .... Fake (meaning not mine ) Than again who judges women with Silicone or saline implants .. they look good "some " hehe  My REAL hair is in my photos too.. It's just past my shoulders.. wink

Oct 04 06 12:39 am Link


Jerel J

Posts: 201

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
You have proven this point to us, thank you, and have a nice day.

when threads backfire....

Oct 04 06 12:42 am Link



Posts: 131

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Melany Wells wrote:

LMAO That FAKE blonde hair was for a TV show and yes hunny I love it , its the newest thing , you should try it ! I'm pretty bold to even mention its FAKE or you wouldnt be able to tell..I'm promoting,that's what models do !  No,  I'm not crying I'm getting paid.. Enough said ...

If you read on you will see that it is 100 % Human hair from ITALY .... Fake (meaning not mine ) Than again who judges women with Silicone or saline implants .. they look good "some " hehe  My REAL hair is in my photos too.. It's just past my shoulders.. wink

I am not saying anything bad about it, doll.I am simply stating that modeling isn't just focused on one certain style. Oh...and I modeled hair styles for a year. I agree, it was fun. It wasn't extensions it was my own but I do agree, fun nonetheless. wink

Oct 04 06 12:46 am Link