Forums > General Industry > Jerks calling themselves photographers to get laid



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Melany Wells wrote:
Also how old are you I will tell you where I was when you were 14 , hehe

You were 12.  smile  I was in Scotland, you?  smile

Oct 04 06 12:48 am Link


John Van

Posts: 3122

Vienna, Wien, Austria

Just read the whole thread. That was fun...

Seriously, why do some photographers become so involved with a model's fate? I might see or hear about what a model I've shot, has done and think it demeans her (one did a cheap porn video), but it's her stupid business.

And, yes, a model needs good shots but money talks in the end. When I started my journalism career, I wrote free stuff to get clips, but I didn't consider myself a real journalist until I got paid hard cash for my work. Simple, really.

Oct 04 06 12:48 am Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Ruben Grolet wrote:
Only  a few of you got the point.

Mircalla wrote:
3. I don't think you should waste anymore time trying to explain yourself to people who aren't listening.

If most of the people you're talking at aren't getting your point, you might want to consider that the problem may not be with them, but might be in how you're presenting your point.

For example, what you said in the first post and what you said 4 hours later are not related--yet you seem to feel they are.

"Just some kindly advice. Take it or leave it."

Oct 04 06 12:50 am Link


Leo Howard

Posts: 6850

Phoenix, Arizona, US

okay, I think I got lost somewhere.

Wasnt this thread about someone getting raped?
Shouldnt she or someone CALL THE FREAKIN POLICE?
That would be a logical step if you ask me.

Oct 04 06 12:52 am Link


Model Mel

Posts: 733

Mircalla wrote:

I am not saying anything bad about it, doll.I am simply stating that modeling isn't just focused on one certain style. Oh...and I modeled hair styles for a year. I agree, it was fun. It wasn't extensions it was my own but I do agree, fun nonetheless. wink

I think that everyone has an opinion and that what makes this forum go round wink
thanks for giving me yours... Ive stated mine... back to the subject at hand.. Wink... this BLONDE PALE FACED FAKE HAIRED model is going to bed.. it's been fun ... YAWN.... but trully I'm too bored to continue...

Oct 04 06 12:52 am Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

JvR wrote:
Seriously, why do some photographers become so involved with a model's fate?

When hormones go nuts, and jealousy runs rampant.

Oct 04 06 12:52 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Leo Howard wrote:
okay, I think I got lost somewhere.

Wasnt this thread about someone getting raped?
Shouldnt she or someone CALL THE FREAKIN POLICE?
That would be a logical step if you ask me.

The problem with this, I guess, is that she isn't saying she was raped, the scorned photographer is.  Without a complaining witness, calling the police is futile.

Oct 04 06 12:54 am Link


Leo Howard

Posts: 6850

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:

The problem with this, I guess, is that she isn't saying she was raped, the scorned photographer is.  Without a complaining witness, calling the police is futile.

Thank you for clarifying that, I got lost, must be old age.

Oct 04 06 01:03 am Link


Jason McKendricks

Posts: 6025

Chico, California, US

You know what bugs me about the OP?

Assuming this was a true story- the issue of the girl being raped takes a back burner to the potographer grousing about not getting to photograph her. Seriously, he starts by talking about his situation...

"I asked her to model a lot...she said no...oh yeah, she was drugged and raped... oh well, this sucks, I'm a good photographer! Get nice photos!"

I've never been in the situation, but if I heard a model I knew was raped, I would like to think I wouldn't be moaning about my own situation. Do I know this guy? Can I offer any testimony? Is she okay? I might make a post warning models about who they photograph with but I really don't think the majority of my post would have been bitching about how she wouldn't model naked for me (for free!)

As for commenting on other peoples' work, we freely post on a public forum. Ideally, we get constructive criticism so we can improve, but there is no guarantee of that. I know I have room to improve and can handle the criticisms, it comes with posting your work for others to see.

With that in mind, I do wonder if the OP spent so much money on equipment he forgot to buy a sunsail, a reflector or even a piece of foamcore to control the harsh sunlight in his photographs.

Oct 04 06 01:31 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

DigitalCMH wrote:
Actually, I don't think Playboy cares about a portfolio.  They even take crappy snap shots as long as they get a good idea of what your face and body looks like.

And acting like a photographer to get laid doesn't work.  Trust me. I've been at this for over 2 years and I haven't scored.  I guess I'm just not hot enough.

Dude, you are definitely doing something wrong!!!

Oct 04 06 01:34 am Link


Sam Tang

Posts: 152

Novi, Michigan, US

Hamza wrote:
Dude, you are definitely doing something wrong!!!

Too Funny!

Oct 04 06 01:51 am Link



Posts: 194

Greensboro, North Carolina, US

Okay, off topic...Melany, the "fake" hair looks great, anyone who says otherwise is just jealous. And isn't it like "fake boobs?"  If you can touch 'em, and you bought 'em, they ain't fake!!!

As for the actual post...if some one says she was drugged and had sex, but it isn't rape...well, why is some outsider going to jump in and tell her (and all of us) that it WAS rape?  Seems like a major waste of time to me to tell someone what happened to them when you weren't even there to witness the events.  If she was so concerned about it, she would have called someone other than another photog.

Oct 04 06 02:21 am Link



Posts: 194

Greensboro, North Carolina, US

Oh yeah, one other thing...where was this young lady's escort??? Was he just sitting in the corner reading a book while the photog drugged and raped the girl?  Or maybe he was helping, as all escorts are so eager to do! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

And Batman, why didn't you save this poor young girl?!?

Oct 04 06 02:26 am Link



Posts: 2

Jesup, Georgia, US

Lot of crazies out there, I have no problem with escorts as long as they do not interfere with the shoot.

Oct 04 06 02:29 am Link


Joshua K. R.

Posts: 69

Los Angeles, California, US

Is this kind of like anorexic girls passing themselves off as models to feel better about themselves?

Oct 04 06 02:29 am Link


Morbid Rockwell

Posts: 593

Fresno, California, US

e-string wrote:
Perhaps the $ thing was just her way of nicely trying to say "thanks but no thanks"...

Tape Her Up wrote:
Of course, the concept of paying her for a shoot also does not seem to have crossed the OP's mind...

Had I been so desparate, I woulda coughed up some money.

It really sounds like jealousy, Bud.

Throw the girl some money, and own the copyright. Look at the guy that shot Madonna before she was big (probably very rich right now). If she's that HOT, there's a chance it could be an gaining investment on your part.

Oct 04 06 03:13 am Link



Posts: 96

Dallas, Texas, US


I printed out the OP for my wife's psych class as an example of the ego defense mechanisms that they just covered!

Nevertheless, the guys got cajones.

My ports not the best and I am still a devoted student to this craft,  but even where I'm at now I wouldnt have the balls to pretend that I have the skills to springboard someone to Playboy (though I do have a couple of contacts that can and have).

Go back and offer her $$$ for overexposed nekkid pics. She will either drop her clothes or serve you with a restraining order.

Oct 04 06 05:55 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
So how exactly is paying one photographer for a whole portfolio gaining experence?
Yes we know their are scum out there it happens, their is scum everywhere. their is also the scum that use other scum to make themselves look better.

I don't care about leather bound books, or the fact that models love you, or  your claim to get me in playboy, I care that your images are the best I can buy.

Amen, that would be the issue I believe.

Oct 04 06 05:55 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Dude STFU, you opened a whole can of whoopass here for yourself. Damn, get out much?

Oct 04 06 06:00 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

Back to the OP , If i carry a viewmaster and tell people i am a photographer do you think that'll work ?

I mean I am a model , but most people thee days don't know what a viewmaster looks like so i may be able to pull it off....

Do people still "drug" other people , is that stuff still going on?
How 1992 is that ?

I need to get out more...

Oct 04 06 06:09 am Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

This had been going on since Ughug the caveman, was  scratching bison onto cave walls.
There always some sleazebag looking to get over on some naive girl, using whatever lure, to hook her in.


Oct 04 06 08:28 am Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Ruben Grolet wrote:
Only  a few of you got the point.

A person, man or woman cannot expect to be rated as a TOP MODEL just because they have the idea that they want to model. It takes lots of experience. Just like it takes to be a great photographer. Any bum can buy a digital camera and call himself a photographer.

And anyone can claim to have spent a lot of money on equipment and call themselves a photographer.  That hardly equates a quality product.

Like I said before, if you wanted to shoot so desperately with her, why didn't you pay her?  And the $300 the other photographer paid her is $300 more than you were willing to, so I can't blame her for going to someone else.

If you can't figure it out, most women don't want to get naked and have pictures taken of them for free.  They kinda expect compensation there.

Oct 04 06 03:48 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
I'm beginning to feel like MM is being invaded by the Pod People.

No, not the iPod people.  The POD people.

Will there be a day when MM industry talk is about industry and not rape, photographic trends and not GWCs, or the tragic plight of being tall and much prettier in one's mind than in reality?

Iona Lynn wrote:
This will happen the day after I stop trying to seduce you KM.

Ooooh....Iona seducing me...okay this wasn't such a worthless thread after all!

Oct 04 06 03:55 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Austyn229 wrote:
And Batman, why didn't you save this poor young girl?!?

I was too busy checking you out.

Oct 04 06 03:56 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Assuming the OP's story is accurate, this illustrates a point I raised a few weeks ago about paying photographers being more risky than those that are paid or working TFCD.

A model is not likely to work TFCD or pay the photographer unless the photographer is bringing quality work to the table, and is therefore serious about their art and reputation.

If the photographer is paying, the model will much more likely be quicker to accept and ask fewer questions.

The model mentioned by the OP has learned this first-hand.

Oct 04 06 05:59 pm Link


Giacomo Cirrincioni

Posts: 22234

Stamford, Connecticut, US

Tiff Marie wrote:
i absolutely agree, as i've been offered money to shoot a million times, but if the portfolio isn't better than mine, no thanks.  i have no problem with standing in front of the camera of an amazing photog for free.

but, i will say, that these guys exist because they can. although this situation was different because she was drugged, many girls do willingly sleep with photographers to 'further their careers'. ladies, save your self- respect and realize that if you can't get ahead without giving a blow job, then maybe this isn't the business for you.

SHHHHH!!!!!!  Ixnay on the no lowjobsbays!!!!

*EHEM* ok ladies, move along, nothing to see here.  Just a crazy homeless woman spouting some nonsense about the end of the world.  I heard she has a fatal disease which could be contagious so you better give her a wide berth....

Oct 04 06 06:57 pm Link



Posts: 3674

Portland, Oregon, US

rp_photo wrote:
Assuming the OP's story is accurate, this illustrates a point I raised a few weeks ago about paying photographers being more risky than those that are paid or working TFCD.

A model is not likely to work TFCD or pay the photographer unless the photographer is bringing quality work to the table, and is therefore serious about their art and reputation.

If the photographer is paying, the model will much more likely be quicker to accept and ask fewer questions.

The model mentioned by the OP has learned this first-hand.

Well, except that the OP is almost definitely lying or seriously exaggerating his story, given that he seems far more concerned over being snubbed and then criticised for his work than the "fact" that a model he claims to care about was drugged and raped.

And once again, I disagree with the notion that paying photographers are more likely to be perverts, or that models are more likely to put up with inappropriate behaviour from them. I recall the thread you posted along those lines and also recall that I saw no responses from models indicating that paid work was more likely to involve problems than TFP or paying photographers. As I stated there, all of the paying photographers and fine artists I have worked with were nothing but respectful, and I have had no qualms about turning down work with creepy-sounding paying and non-paying photographers alike. But please, keep trying to perpetuate this notion so inexperienced models can be led to believe that they will be putting themselves in danger if they dare to charge for their services.

Oct 04 06 07:42 pm Link



Posts: 392

Mill Valley, California, US

Catriona wrote:
I have had no qualms about turning down work with creepy-sounding paying and non-paying photographers alike. But please, keep trying to perpetuate this notion so inexperienced models can be led to believe that they will be putting themselves in danger if they dare to charge for their services.


Oct 04 06 08:55 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Catriona wrote:
But please, keep trying to perpetuate this notion so inexperienced models can be led to believe that they will be putting themselves in danger if they dare to charge for their services.

I agree in principle, but all else being equal, a mediocre photographer with ill intent would have the greatest advantage by paying the model.

Oct 04 06 09:28 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Mircalla wrote:
NO ONE is perfect

... That's not entirely accurate.


Oct 05 06 01:42 am Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Ruben Grolet wrote:
Jerks calling themselves photographers to get laid

I didn't know being a photographer was such a powerful qualification for getting laid.

Most photographers are mid 50's, bald, fat, introverted and funny looking.

It's better to tell them you are a rock star or fighter pilot. Or even a cop or fireman.

... but a photographer???

Shirley, you jest.

Oct 05 06 02:02 am Link


Beauty of Tiferet

Posts: 533

Cleveland, Ohio, US

KM von Seidl wrote:

KM von Seidl wrote:
I'm beginning to feel like MM is being invaded by the Pod People.

No, not the iPod people.  The POD people.

Will there be a day when MM industry talk is about industry and not rape, photographic trends and not GWCs, or the tragic plight of being tall and much prettier in one's mind than in reality?

Ooooh....Iona seducing me...okay this wasn't such a worthless thread after all!

All I know is I'm acting as photographer for THAT shoot. ;-)

Ched is not Batman. I feel like I'm still on an unending journey following him (ooooh, perchance I've become a stalker? - no that would only be true if I read every thread looking for him and that's DEFINITELY not true) saying "Ched, you are NOT Batman." I'm hoping it gets through his head in time.

Though if he wants to shoot me he can dress up as Batman to shoot me. That would be a hysterical shoot. "Batman says turn a little to the left. Now Batman says look into the camera. Now Batman says have a little wine with cheese and crackers but don't mess up your lipstick! Etc."

Iona, you game?

Oct 05 06 02:09 am Link



Posts: 194

Greensboro, North Carolina, US

Ched wrote:

I was too busy checking you out.

Aren't you sweet...but there seems to be contention as to whether or not you're the real batman...maybe we need a new thread!

Oct 05 06 02:19 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Austyn229 wrote:
Aren't you sweet...but there seems to be contention as to whether or not you're the real batman...maybe we need a new thread!

Batman doesn't need to be out in the open. Batman lurks and surprises.

I'm Batman.

Oct 05 06 02:43 am Link



Posts: 975

San Diego, California, US

Click Hamilton wrote:
When I get drugged and raped, I'm a happy camper.

what Click said

Oct 05 06 03:19 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

Ruben Grolet wrote:
Anyone out there got a shot gun. A bullet to the brain is not good enough for those bas.....

I have been sincerely working to do photo shoots with a model who wants to very much get into the business. She has a great look, a great bod, wants to do Play Boy style photos.

She has been putting me off because she says she needs paid jobs. I tell her that she needs a great portfolio to take to agencies, fashion shows, ad companies, even Play Boy. You don't just walk into Play
Boy and say I want to be the cover girl for your next one and expect to get it unless God dropped you on earth to be the HOTTEST thing that ever hit the business. sounds like she is not very bright and the shooter/rapist needs to go to jail

So, she puts me off and puts me off. Finally after 3 weeks she lands that paid job. Big deal $200.00 to $300.00 dollars. BIG MONEY. One shoot. So, when is the next big money. Even at $300.00 that is only $100.00 a week average she earned. BIG DEAL. The kicker. He drugged her and raped her. She says he had sex with her and it was not rape. If he drugged her and had sex with her without her permission it was rape.

And here I am a photographer with a great reputation for my work ethics, my sincerity, my devotion to my work, and my being loved by my models, being passed off for a few hundred dollars.

What are you after work that pays penneys or long term work that could earn you BIG TIME MONEY. For those aspiring models think about it. Too many times this has happened. Better a strong portfolio, with lots of great photos, in a leather bound photo portfolio, all professionally made by a photographer who cares. You can walk into any agency with it, show it off, be proud of it. And you will be respected as a Top Model.

No wonder models want to bring a escort.

Damn jerk should have his b.... cut off.

And this is not about me putting out an add for work. I get work. This is about models thinking about what they should be doing. If you just want some jerk with a camera to take naked pics of you and get paid then don't complain. If you are serious about modeling you have to gain experience just like everyone else. Money should come second and experience, great photos, a great portfolio should come 1st.

Oct 05 06 03:25 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
Can't I be a jerk without needing to screw models?

can I just jerk off and screw the thought of sleaping with models

Oct 05 06 03:27 am Link


Primox Studios

Posts: 342

Madrid, Madrid, Spain

First, thanks to all for malking me laugh so hard this morning.

I just got home from my job (I wish I could live out of clicks), tired and sleepy, but I just couldn't stop reading... simply too funny. I'm going to sleep with a smile on my face...


Ruben Grolet wrote:
Damn jerk should have his b.... cut off.


Along the way I didn't see the OP too much, maybe he's on his way to the playboy mansion, or maybe he's cutting some jerk's/raper's b@lls off... but anyway, please somebody tell him to start working in his port, and stop being a jerk himself...

*wondering if he already cut his own b@lls off, and that's why he's acting like that*


Oct 05 06 06:03 am Link



Posts: 194

Greensboro, North Carolina, US

Ched wrote:

Batman doesn't need to be out in the open. Batman lurks and surprises.

I'm Batman.

Oooohhhhh, I LOVE surprises!!!!

Oct 05 06 01:50 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
Will there be a day when MM industry talk is about industry and not rape, photographic trends and not GWCs, or the tragic plight of being tall and much prettier in one's mind than in reality?

Tape Her Up wrote:
Like I said, someone needs to go start another "I Hate Escorts" and another "Bondage Is Immoral" thread to make the day complete.

No, not another thread. This guy needs to be posting his White Knight shit over on The Thread where he'll get deconstructed like he deserves (and The Thread will be able to count him in their statistical analyses - an ongoing public service).

Look like I missed all kinds of shit last week!

Oct 08 06 09:41 am Link