Forums > General Industry > Lower Back Tattoos



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

UdoR wrote:
Ass Antlers! big_smile

That one always cracks me up.  I love my ass antlers!  Once I'm finished modeling, though, I'm going to get a full back piece which will incorporate the antlerage.  I figure I shouldn't do it just yet; I'm enough of a niche market as it is.  wink

Sep 26 06 10:03 pm Link


Texas Jamie

Posts: 1729

San Marcos, Texas, US

Dr Molly Black wrote:

No, but that doesn't mean I don't want to still get mine that is a female symbol with a big circle and a line through it after getting my total hysterectomy. Right where the cramps used to be (not on the actual pubic region - below the belly button but above the "pubes").

Some of us have a very twisted sense of humor about our tattoos.

I understand the reasoning behind your tattoo. I would like one, someday, that symbolizes my battle with breast cancer at the young age of 20. But my clients don't like tattoos.. and modeling is more important to me than publicising my problems. The other person I was talking to brought up historical tattoos.. your tattoo does not have any meaning that would be have been significant to tribesmen or women... the historical tattooers. I don't think tattoos are gross, It just bothers me when people get STUPID tattoos.. like cherries, naked women, fairies, or over-done tribal designs. It ruins the whole point of tattooing.. marking on your body something significant that happened to you. Your tattoo means something.. so don't assume I wash bashing all tattoos.

Sep 26 06 10:31 pm Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I'm actually surprised to see a model WITHOUT a lower back tat. I think of them (or any tattoos for that matter) like rap music; At first it was pretty interesting....but now it has become so mainstream that it's lost the uniqe flavor that made it interesting in the first place (from a bystander's point of view).

I realize people get tattoos for personal reasons, but the wide and narrow lower back designs are now like like the tribal armbands and/or barbed wire arm tats....cliched, played out, .

Of course, it's just my opinion and doesn't/shouldn't mean squat to anyone. From a photographer's standpoint, 4 shoots out of 5, I pass on models with large prominent tatoos because of the shot I'm trying to do--but that's just business/aesthetics.

Sep 26 06 11:26 pm Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Your excatly right. I got mine to impress as many men as I could. Not because I liked it or I wanted it for me, but to impress men. Really now, get your head out of your ass.

Oh come on... be honest, don't disguise it as sarcasm. Everything you do is to impress men, and that's cool. Believe me, there's nothing wrong with that at all. We love it.

As far as lower back tats go... I fuckin' love 'em. I see a woman with a lower back tat and I just go off, I can't help it. It's one of the sexiest thing a woman can have, IMHO.

Sep 26 06 11:29 pm Link


Whitney Peyton

Posts: 321

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

i have a heart tattoo on my hip..its pretty sexy... its so small it can be covered with make up or easily photoshopped out tho. :-D

Sep 26 06 11:30 pm Link


Giacomo Cirrincioni

Posts: 22234

Stamford, Connecticut, US

jennifer lockstedt wrote:
3. cause it is sexy as hell when im takin it from behind........and yes men like it.......oh yeah im flexible enough to see mine.....haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............j

This is my kind of gal!

Sep 26 06 11:49 pm Link


Dr Molly Black

Posts: 663

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Why do photographers not seem to understand that a proper MUA has in their kit things that cover tattoos quite easily? I've done shoots using the makeup to cover them and it's quite easy to do.

So models (and actresses) can quite easily cover their tattoos for work if the rest of their look is exactly what you need. That's why so many different brands are out there to help cover scars, tattoos, coloring issues, etc.

MUA? I'm surprised none of them have leapt into this to say, quite rightly, "It's really easy to cover a tattoo." Because I'm not a professional, but I have a large enough pro kit to make my tattoos go away if they need to.

Sep 27 06 01:15 am Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

bad taste can be displayed anywhere in 06?

Sep 27 06 01:17 am Link


Mindy Harley

Posts: 10

Omaha, Nebraska, US

I got my lower back tat inline with my chakra, it's a fairy speading rose petals.
Not every girl falls prey to impressing a guy or following a trend, it IS a sexy spot and it is also discreet for the most part.

also, you rock!
well said

Location: Florida
Posts: 67

HEY!  Maybe they just like tattoo's!
Maybe there's a reason they got the tattoo's!  Maybe not!
Who cares??  If you don't like them, don't friggin look at them!  If you don't want to shoot models with tattoo's, then don't.
Seems rather simple to me.
I have tattoo's and I don't give a crap if anyone likes them or not.  I do.
It's amazing that all you rocket scientists out there - posing as professional photographers (!) - have nothing better to then slam models about something as trivial as their tattoo's.
Get over it!
    Sep 26 06 08:37 pm Quote

Sep 27 06 01:20 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:
Because some cool people have tattoos there, and if you get a tattoo on your lower back, you can be cool, too.

Melissa Lynnette wrote:
Hey look!  It's the tattoo hater, pretending to know things about people with tattoos!

And yet, you haven't proven me wrong.

Besides, what, exactly, do I need to know before those ugly things become attractive or worthwhile?

Sep 27 06 08:53 am Link


Hacked Account

Posts: 492

Houston, Alaska, US

Envy wrote:

jennifer lockstedt wrote:
cause it is sexy as hell when im takin it from behind........and yes men like it.......oh yeah im flexible enough to see mine.....


jennifer lockstedt wrote:
2. any where that you get a tattoo hurts...even if your drunk off your ass.....

I'm not sure where you're getting your information, but you have been falsely "school-ed" . No one should ever drink alcohol or take Advil for that matter before or during a tattoo. It will thin your blood, causing you to bleed more which can make your tattoo look like shit when it's healed.

honey if you think for one second that a tattoo aryist is gonna turn down money just because your drunk or on drugs.....your crazy.................j

Actually , Lamonica is correct. Tattoos depending on size, detail, location , tattoo artist, even the colors used can will an impact on how much pain is involved. I have several that were no more painful than someone gently scratching at my skin with a dull knife.

Sep 27 06 09:00 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

BlackWatch wrote:
There are not too many things hotter than a girl with certain artistic tattoos. To me it says; wild, "left-of-center", creative, non-conformist, stylish and unbelievably sexy. The kind of girl who is going to be a blast to be around.  I really like when a very large piece is done as a work of art.

That, of course, is an opinion & not a fact.  My opinion is that a tattoo on a person says "follows the fashion", "buys 'art' to be cool", "unoriginal", "vain", "self absorbed", and "unsuitable for modeling".  To me, it is an attempt to enhance status that accomplishes just the opposite.

BlackWatch wrote:
I wish model Model Mayhem had tattoo levels and body mods in the search window...

Me, too, because I won't waste my time photographing a tattoo.

Sep 27 06 09:07 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Nadya305 wrote:
All the photographer's ragging on the models for having a Tat on her lower back or any other area of the body  Quit photography and get a real job and stop your bitchen like little babies...And yes I do have tats so what That's never hurt my modeling...IF YOU DO LIKE WHAT YOU SEE DONT LOOK!!!

Those of us who won't photograph tattoos have no problems finding suitable models.

You probably won't be aware of the impact of your tattoos on your modeling career, because people won't contact you to inform you that you are unsuitable for their projects.

Sep 27 06 09:11 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Dr Molly Black wrote:
Why do photographers not seem to understand that a proper MUA has in their kit things that cover tattoos quite easily? I've done shoots using the makeup to cover them and it's quite easy to do.

So models (and actresses) can quite easily cover their tattoos for work if the rest of their look is exactly what you need. That's why so many different brands are out there to help cover scars, tattoos, coloring issues, etc.

MUA? I'm surprised none of them have leapt into this to say, quite rightly, "It's really easy to cover a tattoo." Because I'm not a professional, but I have a large enough pro kit to make my tattoos go away if they need to.

1)  Extra time.
2)  Extra expense.
3)  Sometimes rubs off.
4)  Not always perfect.

Sep 27 06 09:21 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

jennifer lockstedt wrote:
honey if you think for one second that a tattoo aryist is gonna turn down money just because your drunk or on drugs.....your crazy.................j

I know quite a few who have and do, actually.  Those would be the reputable artists who actually care about what they do.  smile

Sep 27 06 09:22 am Link



Posts: 1122

Bluffton, South Carolina, US

First of all I love tats. The first one I ever got was on my lower back at 16.....My own design. All of my tats are my own art work. It wasn't so popular back then. As far as doing it for a guy? I hope no one ever does that. All mine are for myself. It's to perminate to do for someone who is temporary. I have em on my neck, back, lower back, and hips. As far as models w/ em. I could care less. thats what photoshop and makeup artist are for. Personally I like the way they look...........on most people. To put a whorish saying on something like a tat is stupid. It's like saying oh hey there is a girls with big boobs, she must be a slut. I mean what kind of crap is that. Now chicks who get it done b/c everyone else does is pointless......just like all those girls that get the same tat b/c it's on the wall of some artists shop.........yeah I think thats stupid.

Sep 27 06 09:33 am Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Joe Lee wrote:
Why do so many models and young women today have these lower back tattoos?

They can't really see them unless they look in a mirror, can they?

I don't get it.

The're really dated and when I see one I usually think a couple things....
A. Damn that's pretty good artwork (if it is)
B. Get some individuality you conformist -or- Get your whole back done you sissy!

Usually it's just (B.) And for Godssakes knock it off with the Chinese symbols that say "Fire" or "Lame" or whatever.

Sep 27 06 09:37 am Link


ObscuraPhotography KC

Posts: 6279

Olathe, Kansas, US

Used to be hot...not now...

I do a lot of childrens and family portraits to pay the bills and I see SO many young moms with the huge back tatoo they got in college and it is just not working...

Too many girls have them and it's just overkill...

I am a big fan of the classics...little tatoos on the ankle or the shoulder blade or hip...

PS:  I do have a tatoo...and always thought about getting more...always had better things to spend my money on, though...

Sep 27 06 09:39 am Link


Ira Meyer

Posts: 428

Oxnard, California, US

I've often thought young women get tattoos on their lower back...

Because they'll get kicked out of the club if they don't have one!


Sep 27 06 09:48 am Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

I have a peace sign on my big toe. Is that trashy? LMAO!!!

Sep 27 06 09:50 am Link


ObscuraPhotography KC

Posts: 6279

Olathe, Kansas, US

Michael J wrote:
Well damn!  What the hell do I know?  At 46 yrs of age and many tat's, I didn't realize they were to impress someone else.  I thought they were all the drawings that I did, at different points in my life, to represent the stages, and the hurdles, and be a token and symbol of what I had come thru, and where I had been, and keep them in my memory. 

Silly me . . .

I appreciate the fact that you have meanings behind your body art.  I only have one tatoo and it does mean something to me...and I think that they should mean something.

However, you can't say that every 20 year old girl is making a personal statement about her life and hurdles or whatever just because she got a tribal design above her ass...  I think this is the what the "tatoo haters" out there see and what they are commenting on...  Just a thought, anyway...

Sep 27 06 09:50 am Link


Saryn Angel

Posts: 464

Los Angeles, California, US

Tattoos are a passion of mine. They are my way of sharing the things I identify with .

Location is key. For me - each design calls to me to be placed in a specific place. I see something or get an idea and do't even have to think abot where it goes. It just belongs in that place.

I have a large lower back tattoo - it's a dedication to my best friend who passed away at 25.  For me, It's not a matter of seeing the tattoo, it's a matter of just knowing it's there... that the permanance and the reminder that it represents will always be there.

None of my tattoos are for anyone else. They are for me. Each one has special meaning to me and each one reminds me of a time in my life. They are me. Each one is intensly personal to me.

That said - I think tattoos are very sexy on others.  I'm generally attracted to girls who have multiple and large tattoos... it's self expression and confidence.   One day I plan to be fully sleeved.

Regarding pain - every one has different pain tolorance and different places are painful.

oh - I have a cleavage tattoo - it has nothing to do with drawing eyes there - I'm buxom enough to do that without adding to it. It's just where the design belongs.... tongue

Try not to make assumptions based on what YOU think. Realize that every person has a reason for doing what they do... smile  respect.

Sep 27 06 09:54 am Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

DJ Photography wrote:
I appreciate the fact that you have meanings behind your body art.  I only have one tatoo and it does mean something to me...and I think that they should mean something.

However, you can't say that every 20 year old girl is making a personal statement about her life and hurdles or whatever just because she got a tribal design above her ass...  I think this is the what the "tatoo haters" out there see and what they are commenting on...  Just a thought, anyway...

Yes, you do have a point. I have a 16 year old son. He's been bugging me for a year to take him to get a tattoo. I love tattoos. I have no problem taking him to get one. But... I'm not going to let him just get anything. And that is why I haven't taken him yet. It's been a year. He keeps coming to me with these band logos and things like that saying, 'This is what I want...'. I won't allow it. I keep telling him, a tattoo is something permanant. A band... you might not like in another year, you want to mark your body with. No way. Pisses him off, but oh well... When it's time, and he's mature enough to pick something then I'll take him. But who knows... by then he'll probably be old enough to take himself. Lol...

Sep 27 06 10:00 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Dr Molly Black wrote:
No, but that doesn't mean I don't want to still get mine that is a female symbol with a big circle and a line through it after getting my total hysterectomy. Right where the cramps used to be (not on the actual pubic region - below the belly button but above the "pubes").

Some of us have a very twisted sense of humor about our tattoos.

Heh heh...there's a lady in one of the CF communities whose user icon is a pic of her uterus in a pan after her hysterectomy with the word "PWNED" across it
I'm sure she'd approve of your idea!

Sep 27 06 10:02 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Black Ricco wrote:
Oh come on... be honest, don't disguise it as sarcasm. Everything you do is to impress men, and that's cool. Believe me, there's nothing wrong with that at all. We love it.

As far as lower back tats go... I fuckin' love 'em. I see a woman with a lower back tat and I just go off, I can't help it. It's one of the sexiest thing a woman can have, IMHO.

Ok, Ricco likes them & he's wrong about EVERYTHING.
Therefore they're a bad idea.

Sep 27 06 10:04 am Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Saryn Angel wrote:
Tattoos are a passion of mine. They are my way of sharing the things I identify with .

Location is key. For me - each design calls to me to be placed in a specific place. I see something or get an idea and do't even have to think abot where it goes. It just belongs in that place.

I have a large lower back tattoo - it's a dedication to my best friend who passed away at 25.  For me, It's not a matter of seeing the tattoo, it's a matter of just knowing it's there... that the permanance and the reminder that it represents will always be there.

None of my tattoos are for anyone else. They are for me. Each one has special meaning to me and each one reminds me of a time in my life. They are me. Each one is intensly personal to me.

That said - I think tattoos are very sexy on others.  I'm generally attracted to girls who have multiple and large tattoos... it's self expression and confidence.   One day I plan to be fully sleeved.

Regarding pain - every one has different pain tolorance and different places are painful.

oh - I have a cleavage tattoo - it has nothing to do with drawing eyes there - I'm buxom enough to do that without adding to it. It's just where the design belongs.... tongue

Try not to make assumptions based on what YOU think. Realize that every person has a reason for doing what they do... smile  respect.

Best response yet. *applauds*


Sep 27 06 10:04 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

I do have to agree with what several people have said (and I am FAR from a tattoo hater) that the issue many of us have with the lower back tattoos is that for a majority of the people getting them done now they're NOT done with any meaning for most of the ladies who get them other than "It's trendy and cool," and they get unoriginal tribal designs, fairies, etc.  Like the barbed wire bicep tattoo it's a cliche.  Stephen Pastis did a "Pearls Before Swine" some months ago (couldn't find it to link it) where the characters are in a bar & comment on how they went to sleep one day & when they woke up every woman in America between the ages of 19 & 35 had gotten a tattoo on her lower back.  Dave Chapelle did a commentary on the overwhelming popularity of "targets" (SKEET SKEET SKEET motherf****r!).  It's become a cliche & made it harder for people who put some thougth & meaning in to it to have it seen that way.  That's become unfortunately true for a LOT of tattoos.  I'd like to see every shop out there stripped of the designs on the walls and only have pics of the artists' previous works to show their talent & ideas.  If you have to walk in & point to a picture of Might Mouse and say "That looks cool" you probably shouldn't be getting a tattoo.

As for the comment someone made about kanji & such (foreign language characters) in the ass tats, I SILL love the chick who was in Playboy a year or 2 back who said her tat was Sanskrit (or some similar obscure language) for "Peace and Love" (or some similar sentiment) and 5 or 6 professors of language from around the world wrote in (legit guys, they sent their credentials) to say someone had played a little joke on her since it actually read "I'm a prostitute."

So ladies, if you're gonna do it, put some thought in, get something original & meaningful, and accept that a lot of people are STILL going to see it as silly conformity to a trend just because so many other people have done it.  smile

Sep 27 06 10:24 am Link


Curt Lout Photography

Posts: 153

Spearfish, South Dakota, US

Looking for hot tattooed models for Skin Deep Cover! Give me a shout!

Sep 27 06 10:40 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:

Looknsee Photography wrote:
Because some cool people have tattoos there, and if you get a tattoo on your lower back, you can be cool, too.

And yet, you haven't proven me wrong.

Besides, what, exactly, do I need to know before those ugly things become attractive or worthwhile?

Well, since you don't like tattoos, and you have none, then how much exactly do you know about the motivations of those who do have them?  I mean, I don't have pierced nipples, so I can't really say anything about why anyone else gets them.  I can have an opinion on them, but that's as far as it goes.  I can say to myself "Wow that looks painful!", but I don't know if that is true or not.  That was my point honey.
I don't care if you don't like tattoos.  I don't want to change your mind about them.  They aren't for everyone.  But since you hate them, how much weight does your input hold in a discussion about why people have them?

Sep 27 06 10:41 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

jennifer lockstedt wrote:
honey if you think for one second that a tattoo aryist is gonna turn down money just because your drunk or on drugs.....your crazy.................j

Sweetie, what kind of two bit tattoo artists have you been going to?  Both times I had to sign something stating I wasn't intoxicated and they copied my id.  I know it happens, but there are plenty of tattoo artists that have a bit of ethics about them and won't let drunk or high people get work done.  Wow.

Sep 27 06 10:45 am Link



Posts: 37

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

I have one of those "lower back" tattoos and I love it.  It's the only one I have, the only one I'll ever get.  It's symbolic to me for personal reason.  I LOVE it and I believe that it is artistic and beautiful!  I could give 2 sh*ts what anyone else thinks about it smile  To each their own.

Sep 27 06 10:45 am Link



Posts: 146

Orlando, Florida, US

Looking for hot tattooed models for Skin Deep Cover! Give me a shout!

I'm Down!!!Hit me up...

Sep 27 06 11:02 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:
I can say to myself "Wow that looks painful!", but I don't know if that is true or not.

FWIW, I know a lot of women with a LOT of body mods & they pretty much universally agree that (with the exception of a few of the REALLY odd ones) nipple piercings are about the most painful thing you can have done  smile

Sep 27 06 11:03 am Link


Ivy Jo

Posts: 2188

Amarillo, Texas, US

Beach Photography wrote:

Well, I was in this underground fighting ring, and no one could seem to get in a decent kidney punch, so I had to give them something to aim for.

Sep 27 06 11:06 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

SLE Photography wrote:

FWIW, I know a lot of women with a LOT of body mods & they pretty much universally agree that (with the exception of a few of the REALLY odd ones) nipple piercings are about the most painful thing you can have done  smile

That's what I figured, but hey, I don't have one so I can't present my opinion as the gospel truth.

Sep 27 06 11:11 am Link



Posts: 2

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

i'm not a big fan of lower back tattoos - mostly because everyone has one.

it's all about the ribcage! take a look at my profile to see what i mean. smile

Sep 27 06 11:13 am Link


Andi Pandi

Posts: 35

Lancaster, California, US

I definetly don't do it to impress hahahah men hahahahah! Men will look grossly at you anyway you got a vagina or boobs thats all you need for gross men to drool on you.
I'm an artist and love tattoos. and I assume when Im 90 I won't want to look at a wrinkled faded tattoo and I certainly don't plan on wearing midrifs to show off my sexy saggy back so it seems like an appropriate spot I as well have one on my foot I love that one as well each one was received and an appropriate time in my life were each has meaning to me.
Lower back is a beatiful spot for me. I don't get bored of it because I can't see it every second of everyday unless yes I turn around. I love hips and anyway to bring focus to the hips is great to me. I also think everyone has an opinion and everyones opinion is right for them I don't want to make others who don't like tattoos to like them etc I dont really care I will do what is right for me you do what is right for you.
Most people with tattoos have wanted them since they were young and others will never understand the desire Im not sure if it can be explained or if everyone does it for the same reasons.

Sep 27 06 11:13 am Link


Andi Pandi

Posts: 35

Lancaster, California, US

Beacuase some cool people have to bring others down because they think it is cool and than he can be cool too.
Igonorance. Just because you dont get it doesnt mean you have to say dumb things about others.

Melissa Lynnette wrote:

Hey look!  It's the tattoo hater, pretending to know things about people with tattoos!

Sep 27 06 11:15 am Link


Kandigirlz BODY Magazine

Posts: 32

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Beach Photography wrote:

That's funny as hell..

Sep 27 06 11:17 am Link



Posts: 460

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Actually I've always called them "ass hats" lol

Sep 27 06 11:18 am Link