Forums > General Industry > Lower Back Tattoos



Posts: 2

Overland Park, Kansas, US

jennifer lockstedt wrote:
here i am once again gonna tell it straight....... i have one on my lower back, 1. because i love the design... 2. any where that you get a tattoo hurts...even if your drunk off your ass.....and 3. cause it is sexy as hell when im takin it from behind........and yes men like it.......oh yeah im flexible enough to see mine.....haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............j

...i think that sums it up!

Oct 31 06 09:28 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

oh jesus.

Oct 31 06 09:29 am Link


Craig Seay

Posts: 8606

Nashville, Tennessee, US

JEKKA wrote:

...i think that sums it up!

Jessalyn_54 wrote:
oh jesus.

Leave Jesus out of this. I'm buying it though. smile

Oct 31 06 09:34 am Link


Ashley N Spicer

Posts: 69

Orlando, Florida, US

I have one on my lower back and I like it. I don't give two thoughts to what other people think about it.. Guess what? It's MY body.. It's MY decision. If it's not on your body, why should you care?

Not a single person has ever said that it looked bad or was 'trashy' or anything like that... No, I didn't get it for men's viewing pleasure because I am not a 'tramp' or anything of the sort and for people to call it a 'tramp stamp' is either due to jealousy or pure immaturity. There's a way to be tactful in expressing dislike - some of you should learn how to do that. I like how it looks... get over it.

Sorry... had to rant.

Oct 31 06 09:45 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:

Funny.  Most of us have a fashion sense & style that evolves over time.  You mention jewelry & hair color -- but by definition, you can change your jewelry (or take them off) at a moment's notice, and you can change your hair style & color all the time. 

In my experience, 75% of the people I know who have had tattoos for long periods of time have regretted getting them (and can't afford to have them removed).  Why?  Because their style changed, but they couldn't change their ink.

Looknsee if you stop talking about something you know nothing about then I'll step out of your MySpace argument.

Oct 31 06 09:48 am Link



Posts: 5517

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

Joe Lee wrote:
Why do so many models and young women today have these lower back tattoos?

They can't really see them unless they look in a mirror, can they?

I don't get it.

big_smile  Hey, I gotta an idea for one:  "If you are close enough to read this, swipe your card here."

Oct 31 06 09:48 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

Craig Seay Artistry wrote:
Leave Jesus out of this. I'm buying it though. smile

oh I was saying Jesus not to what Craig said but to the fact that Looknsee is spreading his crap in here again. I wish no one had resurfaced this thread but it happens.

Oct 31 06 09:49 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Joe Lee wrote:
They must do it to impress men. I think they look pretty bad but I guess it's the trend.

It's so you have something else to look at when you get bored during sex.

wham wham

Oh, such a nice tat!!

uhhh huuuuuh

wham wham

Oct 31 06 09:51 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Jessalyn_54 wrote:
Looknsee if you stop talking about something you know nothing about then I'll step out of your MySpace argument.

How, exactly, is my knowledge deficient?  How do you know that my knowledge is deficient?

What kind of knowledge is necessary to come to an opinion?

Are all people with opinions that opposes yours ignorant?

Do you think you can win an argument by being snide & sarcastic to those who don't agree with you?

Your attitude is arrogant, unfounded, & self-centered.  Sorry -- in my opinion, tattoos are inappropriate for my photography, and the "logic" / justification behind them is suspect.

Oct 31 06 11:57 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:

How, exactly, is my knowledge deficient?  How do you know that my knowledge is deficient?

What kind of knowledge is necessary to come to an opinion?

Are all people with opinions that opposes yours ignorant?

Do you think you can win an argument by being snide & sarcastic to those who don't agree with you?

Your attitude is arrogant, unfounded, & self-centered.  Sorry -- in my opinion, tattoos are inappropriate for my photography, and the "logic" / justification behind them is suspect.

everybody who has seen your posts before will actually probably agree with me that you have just described yourself.

Oct 31 06 12:24 pm Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Jessalyn_54 wrote:
everybody who has seen your posts before will actually probably agree with me that you have just described yourself.

That doesn't answer a single one of my questions.  You should consider politics as a career.

Oct 31 06 02:21 pm Link


Renee Jensen

Posts: 44

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Joe Lee wrote:
Why do so many models and young women today have these lower back tattoos?

They can't really see them unless they look in a mirror, can they?

I don't get it.

I got my first one on my lower back because the design I wanted, which also holds alot of meaning to me, was too large to go anywhere else. Yes, some people may be following a "trend" and some may do it for the attention, but anyone with any sense gets a tattoo because it means something to them that they want to be reminded of forever! I have three tattoos and don't regret one of them.. because I did them for myself, not for anyone else.

Oct 31 06 02:28 pm Link


Renee Jensen

Posts: 44

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

DigitalCMH wrote:

It's so you have something else to look at when you get bored during sex.

wham wham

Oh, such a nice tat!!

uhhh huuuuuh

wham wham

Wow... that was just foul and childish...

Oct 31 06 02:30 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:
Your attitude is arrogant, unfounded, & self-centered.  Sorry -- in my opinion, tattoos are inappropriate for my photography, and the "logic" / justification behind them is suspect.

Danielle's father passed away not long after she graduated high school (she is now 20) and she got this tattoo as a tribute to him.

I'm sure she's an exception to MOST who get tattoos, but I find them to be no different than changing hairstyles, clothing, or even simple ear piercings other than they are essentially very very very permanent.  I'm not a fan of tattoos and even less of a fan of LARGE tattoos.  But generally no matter they are, there is a story to go with the tattoos and I find those to be interesting.  In fact, in my photos, I usually use the burn and dodge tools to try an enhance the tattoos in my photos to help bring them out in the photos a little more than if I had left them alone.

Oct 31 06 02:32 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Renee Jensen wrote:
Wow... that was just foul and childish...

oh come on Renee, it was a joke.  You did read the post I was responding to right?


Joe Lee wrote:
They must do it to impress men. I think they look pretty bad but I guess it's the trend.

If simply having a tattoo is what impresses men, these men must be pretty shallow.  I imagine these men get bored pretty easily.

Oct 31 06 02:33 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Jessalyn_54 wrote:
oh jesus.

Heeeeeeeee's back with his blah blah blah blah blah!!  And now I'm done with this trouble making, should be dead thread.  Toodles!

I'm such a liar.  Looknsee.  Question:  Did a bunch of tattooed bikers beat you up everyday when you were walking home from school or something?  Because I have never in my entire life known someone who hated tattoos so damn much that took every opportunity to insult them.  I mean, good god man, what is your deal?  And I'm not buying your whole "they're an ugly fad" story because it doesn't hold water anymore.  Kisses.  wink

Oct 31 06 02:38 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:
Your attitude is arrogant, unfounded, & self-centered.  Sorry -- in my opinion, tattoos are inappropriate for my photography, and the "logic" / justification behind them is suspect.

Do you even read what you type. You pretty much described yourself! Many people get tattoos for spiritual/family/or other personal reasons. Most of my friends have tattoos and the majority of them, have them for really well thought out reasons. I myself am actually getting another tattoo for my birthday, not for vanity, but because it's something that is very pesonal to me.

Oct 31 06 03:50 pm Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Sorry, the difference is this:  I said that I didn't like tattoos, that I believe that they are a fashion trend, and that they are unsuitable in my own photography.  I didn't single out a single person, call them ignorant, and tell them that they are not entitled to their own opinions. 

When faced with an opinion that didn't align with their own, several people here chose instead to respond with a personal attack.  Rather than simply saying "I disagree", folks here decided that because I dislike tattoos, I must be ignorant and that I really don't know my own opinion.  No one, however, responded when I asked exactly where my knowledge was deficient.

I made general comments & offered personal opinions.  Several folks here responded with personal attacks.  I reacted to the personal attacks. 

So there.

Oct 31 06 04:06 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:
Sorry, the difference is this:  I said that I didn't like tattoos, that I believe that they are a fashion trend, and that they are unsuitable in my own photography.  I didn't single out a single person, call them ignorant, and tell them that they are not entitled to their own opinions.

Sounds valid to me.  Personal preference and no one should give you grief for it. It is what it is.

Oct 31 06 04:08 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

DigitalCMH wrote:

Sounds valid to me.  Personal preference and no one should give you grief for it. It is what it is.

We don't care what his opinion is.  Everyone is allowed to think whatever they want.  But this thread was originally about why do girls get lower back tattoos?  How on earth would he know?  He's not a girl with a lower back tattoo.  And now that he's shown up, again, to reiterate the same damn thing, I've gotta wonder what his deal is.

Looknsee, you never answered my question.

Oct 31 06 04:11 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Joe Lee wrote:
Why do so many models and young women today have these lower back tattoos?

I got mine because there are only so many places I feel that it's appropriate for a woman to have a tattoo.  I already had one on the back of my left shoulder and I spend a lot of time contemplating what and where my tattoos are gonna be.  That's why I didn't rush out a get something dumb permanently inked on my ass as soon as I turned 18 and got to college.  The tattoo on my lower back is of a Kairos cross.  This relates to a spiritual retreat I went on in high school where at the end of the week, we were given a cross to represent our time there.  Well, I've gone through 3 so I decided to put it somewhere I couldn't lose it.  Not to mention that I was going to get a cross anyway because of my dedication to my faith.  I put it on my lower back because then I can decide when and how I want it to show.  I have no problem covering it up if a photographer requests it.

I'm not sure why there are so many retards out there getting tattoos because they are popular.  I can't speak on them.  But I do know that a lower back tattoo is not the end of the world, if it looks like crap when you are 75, then just stop wearing those midriff tops Granny!

Happy Halloween!!

Oct 31 06 04:19 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:

So, if you ain't one of the cool people, you can't be cool?

What you say is hogwash -- we are talking about opinions, and you are not required to have a tattoo in order to have an opinion about tattoos.  More power to you if your ink makes you happy, but that doesn't mean that I have to like them, and I certainly am already on record as saying that I won't photograph them.

He never said that it was about who was/wasn't cool. And, I understand what he means when he says that people without tattoos don't understand the meaning behind certain ones. You keep saying that it's a fad, but tattooing has been around far longer than any fad I've ever heard of. I have no problem when people voice their own opinions, but its always good when they have some idea about what they are talking about.

Oct 31 06 04:32 pm Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:

DigitalCMH wrote:
Sounds valid to me.  Personal preference and no one should give you grief for it. It is what it is.

Melissa Lynnette wrote:
We don't care what his opinion is.  Everyone is allowed to think whatever they want.  But this thread was originally about why do girls get lower back tattoos?  How on earth would he know?  He's not a girl with a lower back tattoo.  And now that he's shown up, again, to reiterate the same damn thing, I've gotta wonder what his deal is.

Looknsee, you never answered my question.

So, are you saying that only girls with lower back tattoos are allowed to respond to this thread?

I didn't hear a question from you.

Oct 31 06 06:01 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:
Looknsee.  Question:  Did a bunch of tattooed bikers beat you up everyday when you were walking home from school or something?  Because I have never in my entire life known someone who hated tattoos so damn much that took every opportunity to insult them.  I mean, good god man, what is your deal?  And I'm not buying your whole "they're an ugly fad" story because it doesn't hold water anymore.  Kisses.

Looknsee Photography wrote:
I didn't hear a question from you.

If you had looked like 4 posts up you would have seen it honey.

Oct 31 06 09:21 pm Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

DigitalCMH wrote:
Danielle's father passed away not long after she graduated high school (she is now 20) and she got this tattoo as a tribute to him.

To clarify -- I don't care if people choose to get tattoos, I just don't want to photograph any.  But since you bring it up, why did she choose a spot for this tribute on a part of the body that she can't see without using two mirrors?

Nov 01 06 09:02 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Is this the "question" you asked?

Melissa Lynnette wrote:
I'm such a liar.  Looknsee.  Question:  Did a bunch of tattooed bikers beat you up everyday when you were walking home from school or something?  Because I have never in my entire life known someone who hated tattoos so damn much that took every opportunity to insult them.  I mean, good god man, what is your deal?  And I'm not buying your whole "they're an ugly fad" story because it doesn't hold water anymore.  Kisses.  wink

See, I didn't recognize that as a question.  It looked like a snide rhetorical statement that attempted to be cruel wit (succeeding at the former but not the latter).  It would be akin to me asking you whether your parents were also stupid.

So, here are some answers:

>>>  To me, tattoos are like graffiti on the Mona Lisa.  The human figure is nature's ultimate work of art, and in my opinion, no body is improved by adding doodles to the skin.  That's the main reason I don't want to photograph them -- I don't want to photograph someone else's work of "art".

>>>  In my experience, many of the people who got tattoos several years ago have expressed regret that they got them.  Tattoos often last longer than the person's sense of style.

>>>  For centuries, tattoos (and other fashion statements) were ways for people to claim membership in a group.  Sorry, but I tend not to believe people who claim that their ink makes them unique. 

There are others, but I really don't get the sense that you are interested in hearing them.  You just want to rag on me because you & I disagree.

Nov 01 06 09:17 am Link


Saryn Angel

Posts: 464

Los Angeles, California, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:

To clarify -- I don't care if people choose to get tattoos, I just don't want to photograph any.  But since you bring it up, why did she choose a spot for this tribute on a part of the body that she can't see without using two mirrors?

I can't answer for Danielle, but for me - My lower back tattoo is a tribute to my best friend who passed away.

First and formost - that particular tattoo just felt right going there.  As far as not being  able to see it without mirrors - what does it matter if I can see it or not?  I know it's there.  It is a tribute to her. I chose to use a tattoo for this rather than a photo or any other traditional memorial piece, because that is special to me, just as she was - It will be with me for the rest of my life.  Just knowing it is there is what makes me happy.  It has nothing to do with being able to see it. 

AND further more, for me, I don't show off that part of my body very often - so it has nothing to do with other people seeing it either.

I don't really understand what the animosity (on your part, OR anyone else's part) is about this particular location. It is a sensual location - with nice curves, and works great for a lot of different shapes and designs.


Nov 01 06 09:32 am Link


Saryn Angel

Posts: 464

Los Angeles, California, US

So, here are some answers:

>>>  To me, tattoos are like graffiti on the Mona Lisa.  The human figure is nature's ultimate work of art, and in my opinion, no body is improved by adding doodles to the skin.  That's the main reason I don't want to photograph them -- I don't want to photograph someone else's work of "art".

***Interesting - and YOUR opinion, which you certainly are allowed to - and as such, you make decisions to NOT photograph tattoos. You go. smile  It's your choice. Just like it is others choice to HAVE tattoos. You just won't be able to work with every model.  It's not much different than working with someone who has short hair when you like long hair - She can put on a wig, OR you can choose to cover up the tats in PS OR with clothing. *shrugs*

>>>  In my experience, many of the people who got tattoos several years ago have expressed regret that they got them.  Tattoos often last longer than the person's sense of style.

***I got my first tattoo at 18 - Have never regreted any of them other than the fact that I kinda wish that I had had a more cohesive idea to bring them all together later in life - however, I have no regrets regarding my tattoos, and no intentions of ever getting them removed. Each one DOES signify a different time in my life and as such, documents my life journey. My style/fashion HAS changed, but each piece was a part of what brought me to where I am today. Life is about learning and growing.

>>>  For centuries, tattoos (and other fashion statements) were ways for people to claim membership in a group.  Sorry, but I tend not to believe people who claim that their ink makes them unique.

***Nope, doesn't make me unique - but it does make me happy. And Nobody is really unique.  My ink just makes me feel good and I view it as collecting art... smile  Instead of hanging it on the wall, I hang it on me. I am very careful about WHO tattoos me, as well as what I get tattooed on me.


Nov 01 06 09:43 am Link


Cristina Ashley

Posts: 1294

Buffalo, Illinois, US

Im not gonna read through all this babble about whats right and wrong...but really, WHO CARES where someone gets a tattoo. I might have the most meaningful tattoo on my lower back, but because it's there alls it is considered is a tramp stamp?

Maybe instead of saying "what's with all these girls having stupid lower back tattoos" and calling them cliche and tramp stamps, you should be saying, whats with all these PEOPLE with meaningless tattoos anywhere on their body.

Nov 01 06 09:49 am Link


Cristina Ashley

Posts: 1294

Buffalo, Illinois, US

jennifer lockstedt wrote:
honey everything about me is don't get just probably have a small tattoo..... you can contact every single tattoo shop in the U.S and ask them if tattoo's hurt....they will laugh and hang up on you for being ignorant.....your body also has nerves that run through it....when those nerves are being messed with by a big ass that i have school-ed you .....go take some more pictures honey.......kisses j

Melissa Lynnette wrote:
How are you gonna tell someone that their own tattoo didn't hurt?  I have two and neither one bothered me.  Do I need to be schooled too?

I agree with melissa here. I don't have a small tattoo. I have a tattoo going from my ribs to my hip on one side and it honest and true did not hurt. The artist told me that I probably would only last about 10 minutes on my ribs and that we'd have to do multiple sittings, but we didn't have too. Yes, It got sore once he started shading it in and had to rub his work clean to check it (After 3 hours of work it's bound to get sore), but the actual needle to the skin doesn't hurt me at all.

If a tattoo is a tremendous amount of pain you either 1) have a low tolerance for pain or 2) have a shitty artist who has a heavy hand.

Nov 01 06 09:56 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:
Is this the "question" you asked?

See, I didn't recognize that as a question.  It looked like a snide rhetorical statement that attempted to be cruel wit (succeeding at the former but not the latter).  It would be akin to me asking you whether your parents were also stupid.

So, here are some answers:

>>>  To me, tattoos are like graffiti on the Mona Lisa.  The human figure is nature's ultimate work of art, and in my opinion, no body is improved by adding doodles to the skin.  That's the main reason I don't want to photograph them -- I don't want to photograph someone else's work of "art".

>>>  In my experience, many of the people who got tattoos several years ago have expressed regret that they got them.  Tattoos often last longer than the person's sense of style.

>>>  For centuries, tattoos (and other fashion statements) were ways for people to claim membership in a group.  Sorry, but I tend not to believe people who claim that their ink makes them unique. 

There are others, but I really don't get the sense that you are interested in hearing them.  You just want to rag on me because you & I disagree.

Ok, here's the thing.  I "rag" on you because you leave yourself open to it.  If you were like most of the others on this board who don't like tattoos and just stated your opinion and left it at that, that would be one thing.  But you take it waaaaaay past the point of simply stating your opinion.  You take every opportunity that you can to make a big deal about why you don't like tattoos.  I'm not that nice of a person, so you just seem like someone fun to play with.  Sorry.  See your response above.  How on earth have you had that much time to analyze tattoos if you don't have any or want any or like any?  WTF?!  I dislike plenty of things, and I don't usually have a dissertation on why, because I don't usually hate anything with such unnecessary fervor.  My god man!  Which is why I wondered if some tattooed bikers beat you up.  Cuz I know that if that happened to me, I might feel differently about them too. 

Now, as I've said repeatedly, no one on this thread was asking you to photograph anyone with tattoos.  They were, in fact, not asking you anything at all.  You know nothing about why a person would get a lower back tattoo because you don't have one and aren't going to get one.  You might remember the guy who said girls only get them for men's attention.  We reacted to him the same way you get reacted to, but since he isn't involved in an anti-tattoo crusade, he made some other silly remark or two and left.  Pity you don't do the same.

Nov 01 06 01:36 pm Link



Posts: 146

Orlando, Florida, US

You gotta be F'n kidding me...This topic is still being talked about

Nov 01 06 05:39 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:

To clarify -- I don't care if people choose to get tattoos, I just don't want to photograph any.  But since you bring it up, why did she choose a spot for this tribute on a part of the body that she can't see without using two mirrors?

She doesn't need any mirrors at all.  She has my photo to look at and enjoy.

Nov 01 06 05:46 pm Link


Cale J Glendening

Posts: 436

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Stereotypes are ridiculous.  Some girls that have them are skanks, some aren't.  Sound like Mr. Kerry when talking about troups in Iraq.

Grow up people.

Nov 01 06 05:52 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

When I get my new tattoo and it starts to hurt, I will take comfort in the fact that I will never be able to shoot with Looknsee....You gotta think positive through the pain!

Nov 01 06 08:23 pm Link