Forums > General Industry > Its Time for us to Pay for MM


Madame Cosmos

Posts: 173

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Id stay start with donations.
I think enough people would donate I know I would.
to keep servers running & all that jazz.

I dont deal with OMP anymore, although I might still get nostalgic for it sometimes. (yeah right, I get nostalgic for TearGas about as much as omp.)

I'd hate to see this site go under.
Im sure if tyler needs money he'll let everyone know.
I would however really start weeding out the omgmyspace2 check out my pix crap. cause getting rid of that would give the site just a tad more credibility. But it doesnt need to be distant & cold like OMP.

This place is fun tho.

Aug 05 05 06:31 pm Link



Posts: 1126

Roselle Park, New Jersey, US

I'd pay but wouldn't like the policy of models are FREE and others  have to pay . That's why I left MuseCube . Also , since OMP raised their fees , I might just pay the basic $10 fee ( processing fee ) for OMP and use MM as my main site.

Aug 05 05 06:35 pm Link


Ross Clark

Posts: 164

Mansfield, Ohio, US

How about a 90 day free or a 10 picture free so newbies could get the flavour of MM and then a flat yearly fee ($10-25) for those who choose to stay on?

Aug 05 05 06:40 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

I just looked at a good deal of the responses here.  I like to bottom line stuff so heres the bottom line from the responses I looked at.   Pros would leave, GWC and GWS would stay...that would make a lot of people happy too because I think they feel better about being with their peers and pros make them feel bad.

How simple was that  smile

Aug 05 05 06:44 pm Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

well said, PRB

Aug 05 05 06:48 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Posted by Mary: 
I just looked at a good deal of the responses here.  I like to bottom line stuff so heres the bottom line from the responses I looked at.   Pros would leave, GWC and GWS would stay...that would make a lot of people happy too because I think they feel better about being with their peers and pros make them feel bad.

How simple was that  smile

Simple but a load of crap.

I like your work Mary but your apparent incessant negatively towards anyone not a professional commercial photographer is trying.

To me there is a large world between the GWC's  and "PRO" commercial photographers.   

You seem to look at this site and see a rarified few pros and then the rest are GWC's.   I see the GWC's as well.   But I also see (despite my biting sarcasm) a bunch of people here trying to find there way artistically and perhaps even personally.  Has everyone reached a critical plateau that reads Le Book or a monograph in Aperture?  No, but then again, neither have all of the pro's on the site either.

Aug 05 05 06:57 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

I don't want a required subscription; I just want the opportunity to tip for good service.

Aug 05 05 07:08 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Posted by KM von Seidl: 
To me there is a large world between the GWC's  and "PRO" commercial photographers.   

There's a lot of truth in that.  There's also truth in that pro-level doesn't necessarily mean better.  There is a ton of great work being produced by those at the aspiring level equal to or above what is produced at the commercial level.

But here's the difference.  Those working at the Pro level on a day-in-day-out basis simply don't have time to wade through listings of those not working at the same level (and that doesn't denote quality, it means client base).  Those working at the client level aren't utilizing Internet sites to any great extent because the portals are not client driven.  Some in the industry do scan for possibilities, most don't as they are driven by other elements, most notably, time and QOS issues.

The requirements call for a narrowed field of like-individuals that understand the "professional workings" of the industry which is much more than simply posting good quality and calling it good to go.

Thus, Internet portal opportunity is severely limited for those seeking to reach that level client, especially when the mass of the site grows based on general entry.   The opportunities become greater within the portal, not outside of it.

That is neither good nor bad, it's just the way it is...

Aug 06 05 11:33 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Posted by area291: 

Posted by KM von Seidl: 
To me there is a large world between the GWC's  and "PRO" commercial photographers.   

There's a lot of truth in that.  There's also truth in that pro-level doesn't necessarily mean better.  There is a ton of great work being produced by those at the aspiring level equal to or above what is produced at the commercial level.

But here's the difference.  Those working at the Pro level on a day-in-day-out basis simply don't have time to wade through listings of those not working at the same level (and that doesn't denote quality, it means client base).  Those working at the client level aren't utilizing Internet sites to any great extent because the portals are not client driven.  Some in the industry do scan for possibilities, most don't as they are driven by other elements, most notably, time and QOS issues.

The requirements call for a narrowed field of like-individuals that understand the "professional workings" of the industry which is much more than simply posting good quality and calling it good to go.

Thus, Internet portal opportunity is severely limited for those seeking to reach that level client, especially when the mass of the site grows based on general entry.   The opportunities become greater within the portal, not outside of it.

That is neither good nor bad, it's just the way it is...

area291 (can I call you bob or something?)

I agree completely with your observations.   I was posting in reference to this site and this site (as it currently exists) alone.

I think it would be a very interesting proposition for someone (in the industry--we're talking land based) to set up a site with the parameters that are required to service the needs of Pro (industry) folks.  Obviously it would be a very different world in terms of who gets to play and the functionality of as well. 

My comments to Mary were in regards to what commercial photographers can get and should expect to get from a site such as Mayhem.  Currently there is only a general tier of networking and communicating with a myspace/friendster feel.   For the commercial photographers and support artists to approach MM as a professional tool and then get upset that it's not and then take it out on those NOT persuing a commercial path/or on those who lack a higher level of craftsmanship is rude.  The place was constructed to be a big cruise ship that houses many and not a assault craft with just one focus.   I say this understanding the frustration with GWC's and those who might make one's career choice seem like a joke, but I don't see the bulk of MM to be this lame...there's just lots of education and growth that needs to happen for most of us. 

Aug 06 05 01:32 pm Link



Posts: 9122

The answer is a completely different format than OMP or MM.

Aug 06 05 01:39 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

If I were to pay, I would want ZERO problems...   I would want NO Banners, better search engine, more space to post pics, etc... basically I would want it to be like OMP but BETTER!!!

Dec 21 05 09:17 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist


Posts: 178

Cocoa Beach, Florida, US

I bet the people willing to pay would at best be in the low 100's, the other 99% would not pay.

Dec 21 05 09:23 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

When a model site starts charging photographers, the good photographers leave because they don't need it.  There's always another site just down the road.

And MM will start charging.  That's the way they all go.  OMP, MuseCube...Gee I cant remember all of them over the past eight or nine years.   

When they charge, they often exempt models, expecting to keep the photographers around and paying.  What really happens is the schlock shooters stay because they need the place and the good ones go elsewhere.

Thus it has always been, and thus it shall always be.  World without end.



Dec 21 05 09:26 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

I want people to stop digging up the old threads, get a hobby instead.

Dec 21 05 09:29 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Craig Thomson wrote:
I want people to stop digging up the old threads, get a hobby instead.

Newbies.  Cut us some slack.

(Uh... this is my hobby.)


Dec 21 05 09:33 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Hamza wrote:
basically I would want it to be like OMP but BETTER!!!

Your dollar spent would be better off buying a clue.  OMP as a comparison to what is even remotely close to a valued portal is, well the explanation isn't worth it...

Craig Thomson wrote:
I want people to stop digging up the old threads, get a hobby instead.

This site by its own admission is a hobby...what difference does it make?

Dec 21 05 09:48 pm Link


Cynthia Leigh

Posts: 799

Orlando, Florida, US

I've paid in the past for OMP, and never offered features I've considered to be worthwhile. 

I wouldn't mind paying for MM at a reasonable price considering the types of features it already offers (and may offer in the future).

Dec 21 05 09:56 pm Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40994

Columbus, Ohio, US

This site has way too many problems for me to pay for. It is really generic and I get more work out of omp anyway...

christ, this is an old thread...

Dec 21 05 10:04 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

area291 wrote:

Your dollar spent would be better off buying a clue.  omp as a comparison to what is even remotely close to a valued portal is, well the explanation isn't worth it...

This site by its own admission is a hobby...what difference does it make?

It's a very thin line between hobby and mental illness.....

Dec 21 05 10:05 pm Link



Posts: 885

Chandler, Arizona, US

he should set something up through paypal.

Dec 21 05 10:06 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist


Posts: 178

Cocoa Beach, Florida, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
When a model site starts charging photographers, the good photographers leave because they don't need it.  There's always another site just down the road.

And MM will start charging.  That's the way they all go.  OMP, MuseCube...Gee I cant remember all of them over the past eight or nine years.   

When they charge, they often exempt models, expecting to keep the photographers around and paying.  What really happens is the schlock shooters stay because they need the place and the good ones go elsewhere.

Thus it has always been, and thus it shall always be.  World without end.



Photographers (and most models) are a funny bunch - they expect to get paid $$$ for their photography skills or their looks, but paying a few dollars a month for a valuable service must be a ripoff - heck, some even think they should be paid to be on a site, much less actually paying!!!

There are actually some sites that are pay only and do quite well, the photographers and models who decide not to join or leave are actually helping the members that are paying, fewer photographers or models means less competition for the ones that stay members.

But I do think a site should be fast, secure (not constantly being hacked), advertisment free, and well managed with good reliable support before it starts asking for money.

Dec 21 05 10:13 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Craig Thomson wrote:
It's a very thin line between hobby and mental illness.....

I think that's called string art, or in the case of that other site, stringing those along that think there is value because they pay for it.

Dec 21 05 10:18 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Lets look at one site that was free then charged.
Which I now pay for.  First there were tons of models and photgraphers and
then the decision came to charge everyone.  It was talked about and some
people were angry.  Some said they wouldn't pay, etc.  In the end the
webmaster decided to not charge the models.  Its never been the same.
The forums used to be full of life and fun.  Now the forums are dead or stale.
While new models do join most don't update their images.  The same will happen
here.  Many will stay.  Most won't.  When the models leave the photographers
will follow.  I don't mind paying but lets face it most models won't pay even when
they can.

Dec 21 05 10:29 pm Link


Bob Helm Photography

Posts: 18922

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, US

When was the last time any of your clients offered to pay you more because they were worried about your business?
Like others have said MM is successful because it is free and has a different feel  than OMP but charging for membership will change that.
At some time yes I'm sure it will become a paid site but that is a management decision that will be based on costs and projections will they go with a ones size fits all model or let their members decide what level of benefits they want to pay for.
Presently I am on one paid site and several free ones, not sure how ready I would be willing to pay for other sites

Dec 21 05 11:27 pm Link


Eric Foltz

Posts: 432

Lake Forest, California, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
When a model site starts charging photographers, the good photographers leave because they don't need it.  There's always another site just down the road.

I agree.

I know of at least ten other model sites in various states of either going up or slowly dying. I would have a hard time justifying paying for any site that wasn't generating work and I don't see too many/any potential clients hanging out here.

If I want a forum, here are a bunch of free ones.

Eric Foltz

Dec 22 05 12:14 am Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

ok first i am a photographer not a writer so i am sorry about the spelling ok i do pay for sites such as skills) and and both have been a HUGE binfet for me over the years in inproving my sails of my work and inproving my skills i am new to MM and i like it i do not use it to get modals becuse of there is not meany listed where i live or with in driving distance of where i live or whont so much $$ it is stuped (i will not pay any one so that i can photo them i can get all the modals i wish @ the coffy shop and pay a 1$ for a coffy and darn near get any one i wish to photo to pose for me) so i like it becuse  it gives me more acess to other photographers and there work i had an free acount with omp for a while then it started charging 10$ no it was not a lot of $$ but on the other hand i all redy pay for a site that i can talk to other photographers about photo stuff and learn more that is what this site is to me a learing place now you may say is learing some thing worth paying for yes, if the site had some of the better photographers write artcals on photography or hold on line simnars about lighting ect.... this to me is worth a lot learnning from others that are better than me to inprove my self the modals are not that inportant in fact on omp i ust to only look at the modal porflos becuse i liked the photo and they link the photographer portfolo with it and i would go and see who that was ok that is my 2 cence as miss spelled as it is lol i injoy this site a LOT and i do thank thows that put it up and to all thows i am learing from hear thank you and good night HO and a spell check for the email and for posting on the threds lol

Dec 22 05 12:43 am Link



Posts: 30

Standish, Maine, US

I won't be able to be apart of this site if I have to pay.

Dec 22 05 08:49 am Link



Posts: 268

Trenton, Michigan, US

I think it was discussed on an earlier threads that one of ways we were going to support MM and yet keep it a free site, was to purchase T-shirts that Tyler was going sell. I believe there was a sort of contest on was to be on the shirt.

Dec 22 05 09:00 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Craig Thomson wrote:
I want people to stop digging up the old threads, get a hobby instead.

The alternative is to start a new thread and repeat the same questions and answers that have been asked and answered months ago.

Dec 22 05 09:03 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Dave the design student

Posts: 45198

Detroit, Michigan, US

Just to be honest, that might be where I would get off the train.  All-inall $25 dollars a year is not that much money by itself, however it is not the only membership that many of us in art and fashion have. 

Detroit Artists Market $25 per year, Detroit Film Club $50 per year, Gen Art $50 per year plus $12,000 -$15,000 to enter all competitions, Toronto Fashion Incubator, Chicago Incubator, Scarab Arts Club, First View $600 per year, Magazine subscriptions (fashion,art) $125 per year, and on and on.... 

I could really go on for ever or publish my bookkeeping  ledgers and journals.  So yes, people have to pick and choose and many people would choose to leave and then everyything you loved about the site would slowly deteriorate. 

Because what I love as a person who likes to teach and learn is new people who are fueled by the excitement of being a part of something new and creative and not bogged down by the cynicism that comes with years of experience.  Often the people best suited to pay are the most cynical and bureaucratic.

Right now I am putting together an interactive documentary that shows people exactly what I do in my workshop, its free and anyone can ask and have answered questions.  I have even considered video taping step-by-step instructions on how i assemble my design projects and giving it away free on the Internet.  People will be able to see work I am putting together for my friends of old and new.
(more later, becuase this is an important topic)
And yes I do have a few proactive ideas I'd like to share, if you'd like to listen.

Dec 22 05 01:28 pm Link


Greg Rice

Posts: 550

Saint Peters, Missouri, US

dadikongbaduy wrote:
how about MM paying us? it got us part of their huge database.

amen !!

Dec 22 05 01:30 pm Link


Harrison Sweazea

Posts: 986

Jefferson City, Missouri, US

I'd be willing to pay if it would improve the search database selection and the overall function/speed of the site.

I do think it would thin out the ranks a bit, but maybe that's a good thing.

Dec 22 05 01:36 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I left Muse cube because it went to pay, and I'd leave here as well.  I would still use it as a model resource, but unfortunately my budget doesn't allow me to spend money on something that does not generate income, and my personal web site generates income, whereas this one does not.

So, though I appreciate that this site is provided free, and understand it may need to charge to keep up with expansion, I for one would not be able to stay.

Dec 22 05 01:38 pm Link


Mark Coleman

Posts: 61

Portland, Oregon, US

It's based on myspace. myspace is free, yet it sold for major bux to our old homeyy, straight outta Compton, Rupee Murdock AKA 2 Def Phoolio.

When OMP started charging photogs, I came here.

MM is selling ads here. MM has other bidness. They know what they're doing. Keep this partay rollin'!

Dec 22 05 01:40 pm Link


Mark Coleman

Posts: 61

Portland, Oregon, US

dupilicate post

Dec 22 05 01:41 pm Link


joe duerr

Posts: 4227

Santa Ana, California, US

I'm not going to read this whole thread so if someone has stated the obvious already forgive me. All of you that want to pay should send Tyler a check every month just to help things out and leave the people that enjoy the fact that this is a free site alone. I do not and will not be on OMP because they charge, (and for numerous other reasons). I have stated before if things aren't working as well as they could, money could be raised by charging for extra image space.

Dec 22 05 01:51 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Dave the design student

Posts: 45198

Detroit, Michigan, US

One thing that I must always keep in the epicenter of my mind is how much money I am spending on anything other than base materials, the most basic supplies, machinery and equipment for my workshop among other essentials that seem a bore in comparison to Vogue or Gen Art. 

Yes, this does include seriously scrutinizing costs of education, travel, communication and keeping up to date with the current industry; to be sure, these things of glamour and ego absolutely pale-in-comparison to new needles and a good machine technician. 

Just write it off!  I don’t write expenses off, my friends end up paying for them.  Overhead rises one dollar that dollar is split among friends.  With up to half of my income being eaten by taxes and profit margins hovering in the low teens to upper teens for a thriving business, it is truly a tight rope act.  Factor in FICA, social and other minor nicks and scrapes and you see why my blood pressure might be rising. 

Especially for the employer and not the freelancer who decides the fate of the families of those he employees.  Will the people you work with everyday be able to pay rent and buy their child medication, or do they sit in an unlit unheated apartment for the holidays.  Yes, huge responsibilities.

No one wants to pay $800 for a pair of pants, so that I can have access to VIP rooms of private clubs that no one has ever heard of.  Flip through L.A. Apparel News, throw a dart, there is no lack of designers who write off or as I picture it, stick it to their customers, because they create for customers and clients instead of serving friends.

All of the things I have just mentioned, Tyler must face as well, with a slightly different complexion being cast on the matter.

From the first day I realized how much I appreciate this site I started planning a way to help Tyler raise money for his servers without asking for anything at all in return, because I think he deserves it.  He is on a very short left-hand list of people I plan on donating; time, resources and capital to, in the same fashion that he has donated to others. 

And yes, I think people should pay, because it would be a slap in the face to Tyler to say nice job, sorry we can’t help you.  Servers cost money, time is valuable which means moderating and operating the database costs money and if you like to eat, you had better keep your eye on the bottom line.

(More later, but I will wrap it up soon…I think this is probably the most important topic on Model Mayhem at this point)

Dec 22 05 02:08 pm Link



Posts: 7024

Kansas City, Missouri, US

K, so, I know this is an old thread, yadda yadda, but it's up now, so here's my $.o2 worth.

From what I see, it's not OK for GWCs to be here, but GWCs with money are alright.

Booty is Booty, and, if we look at 'the oldest profession in the world', we see the shining example of people who are MORE than willing to pay for it. If they were able to afford the nice high end camera just to get laid, they'll come up with the extra $10 a month somehow.

If you're going to create a free site, then you ought to be prepared with a business plan to maintain that free site. To charge after a good number of people join is not only dishonest, but bad business.

The reason I DON'T join the other sites is because I can't afford it. Yeah, great, so I have the internet, I'm not broke. But it IS close every month, and, personally you don't know what's going on with my finaces, so any external judgment isn't welcome or appreciated.

I don't make money from photography, yet. Hell, I'm still aquiring thousands of dollars in equiptment, with absolutely no return to help pay bills, pay for my cats vet bills, put food on the table, and buy Christmas presents for my To have the gall and audacity to 'announce' that it's time to pay for this site is pretty damn presumptuous. I mean, I'm happy that you can afford to shell out money whenever you'd like. I want to be at that point some day, as well. But keep in mind, would you, while you're up there on cloud 9, that someone of us haven't 'made it' yet. We depend on TFP, and good free sites like this, to help us get our footing.

Dec 22 05 02:09 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist


Posts: 178

Cocoa Beach, Florida, US

When the average google ad can cost something like 30 cents per click now, paying a mere $5/month or so to be part of all the modeling sites might actually be a much better way to get yourself noticed. Boycotting sites because they charge money might actually be hurting you more than them.

Dec 22 05 02:38 pm Link

Hair Stylist


Posts: 8

Holly Hill, Florida, US

I do not know about Models,and photographers, but we as a Hair stylist we are not allowed to talk about Hair Service at the forums, and I did not got any business from MM.  But I'll still  agree to pay $25 per year.

Dec 22 05 02:45 pm Link