Forums > General Industry > Its Time for us to Pay for MM


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

Deana G wrote:
plus in my opinion it may seperate the serious from the non-serious

yeah, the serious would probably leave because they don't need it smile

Dec 27 05 06:01 pm Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

26 26 26 I win!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 27 05 06:02 pm Link


J C ModeFotografie

Posts: 14718

Los Angeles, California, US


I doubt if any of the photographers here book jobs through Model Mayhem in any significant amount.  The purpose of this site is for models/photographers/makeup artist/what-have-you to network and exchange ideas - not to generate bookings from clients (i.e. a community).  Pay for a site that doesn't generate revenue for me?  That would be the height of stupidity. 

And no, I won't model nude for any amount of money!

JAY carreon
PHOTOGRAPHER - this site HAS generated revenue for me

Dec 29 05 03:19 am Link



Posts: 6703

Tampa, Florida, US

CS-I-PHOTO wrote:
I believe Tyler was in the process of developing a store of shirts, shorts.....etc. For us to purchase to help support this site. I'd like to see how this pans out first.

I think this would be a much better way to go.

Frankly, if I'm not making any real money off of a web site, I'm not going to pay for it just to host a few images. That is what my own web site is for! How many people on MM are really making enough money off this site to pay for this site, much less to support themselves (particularly folks who do not do nude work)?

I come here to hang out and chat with folks who share similar interests, far more than I do to look for any paid work. At least 90% of the *paid* casting calls (in California at least) on this site are for nudes, which I do not do. I've not been contacted on this site for one paid job that didn't involve nudity, which I have no interest in. I may periodically collaborate with others on MM, but it's not going to pay my bills!! I would NOT want to see this site become more like OMP. I dropped my account there for a reason!

Now, give me fun novelty items I can buy to support the site... I'm game.

Dec 29 05 12:29 pm Link


The Art of CIP

Posts: 1074

Long Beach, California, US

bill wylie wrote:
Financing is the key to in creating a strong business. At current MM is Free.
If were we to be proactive; We could start a conversation about fees & the
further needs of MM users (client). Within this conversation, we can be a part of making a strong site (that helps us), even stronger. It is clear that MM is focused on the clients. By showing our support, via credit cards, checks, etc;
we the clients can make a statement that we want this site to continue to
grow and maintain its focus. Us the user.

In giving your feedback, Please remember that in the long run MM is about you building your business. MM is one very large contact data base, which at the end of the day, may provide the resources to expand you work; thus your business.

I have no problems with MM becoming a paysite - 10 to 20 a month isn't an issue - I'll spend 10 times that amount on a typical bar tab..

     BUT..... Let's look at this from a business point of view...  Model Mayhem is a great networking tool - but it is not without serious problems...  The first one being security - Model Mayhem has already shown itself to be very vulnerable to attack - so that means this system needs to be overhauled...  Are you all willing to pay your money and then wait for the necesarry staff to be hired and necassary technollogy to be put in place?  What if the MM staff goes with cutrate options and not top off the line?  Has anyone asked themselves these things?  I mean if you guys want to invest in MM that's cool - wait and see what happens - and hopefully it'll work out for you...  Tyler himself has said on numerous occasions that this page is a hobby for him. The moderators aren't paid.  Simply put if MM is to survive as a business it needs the capital to start - if MM wanted to be a paysite Tyler would have gone to the bank - shown them what he's already done and requested a loan for expansion or raise the money himself...  When MM can compete Aesthetically, functionally, and realiably, with the ther paysites then I'll be the first one to sign up for the 20$ a month platinum membership...  But until then - I'll wait until MM can pull it together.. 
If anyone else in here is just itching to funnel money to MM - please contact me - I have some excellent investment opportunities for you... *smirk* wink!

Dec 29 05 12:50 pm Link


Coral Weber

Posts: 98

New York, New York, US

i think something like 25 bucks a month would be ok if it would successfully weed out the imposters, HOWEVER ive been taught that websites who make u pay in this bussiness are sometimes just scams.  and if i had to originally pay for this site without hearing abut it i may have thought the same about it... so im torn on the subject ..

Dec 29 05 12:53 pm Link


joe duerr

Posts: 4227

Santa Ana, California, US

We are back on this!!!  Anyone wishing to contribute $20 or $25 a month please feel free to mail your money directly to Tyler. I am sure he will put it to good use.

Dec 29 05 01:01 pm Link



Posts: 98

New York, New York, US

$300 a year ?  Ya - that will weed out the fakers all right .. and most everyone else.  That's a hell of a price to pay for a community of .. like 10 people.

Dec 30 05 10:40 pm Link



Posts: 1126

Hollywood, Alabama, US

$300 a year ?  Ya - that will weed out the fakers all right .. and most everyone else.  That's a hell of a price to pay for a community of .. like 10 people.

I gladly pay omp to post all my images-this site, with all the idle chatter really leads nowhere.
It's a guilty pleasure however-
like watching the BARKERS.

Dec 31 05 11:26 am Link