Forums > General Industry > Its Time for us to Pay for MM


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

splashswim wrote:
When the average google ad can cost something like 30 cents per click now, paying a mere $5/month or so to be part of all the modeling sites might actually be a much better way to get yourself noticed. Boycotting sites because they charge money might actually be hurting you more than them.

Funny, but no matter how much I pay google, my name will never come up first in their search engine (too common) and yet when I search for my screen name, my site already comes up first in their search engine (well placed long running site with lots of visitors).

I've already paid for my advertising, and already pay to host my own web site.  Not being on any other modeling site hasn't hurt me yet, and being on this one (and musecube before it switched to pay) hasn't earned me one dime or reference (according to web logs).  So, where is the big loss I'm not seeing?

Dec 22 05 02:51 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Double post...sorry

Dec 22 05 02:52 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Dave the design student

Posts: 45198

Detroit, Michigan, US

Where’s the Beef?  It is Tyler’s right to make money and profit because he took the initiative to start the service.  He took the risk, good for Tyler. 

I don’t know for certain and it’s none of my business as a matter of reality, and as a matter of fact I couldn’t blame him if he did turn Model Mayhem into an overpriced consortium. 

My concern is this:  People new to the art form being shut down and shot down by self-inflated egotistical people.  You have to be very comfortable in your own skin to walk in certain fashion, art and financial circles as many of you have experienced for yourselves, and then you still don’t have what it takes to survive the social setting, let alone enjoy what you’re doing. 

New people with creative blood working with experienced people with kind hearts is where the art form will always grow from.  It doesn’t matter if it’s photography, makeup & hair, style or any discipline of art. 

That is the power of Model Mayhem. That is the uniqueness of Model Mayhem.  People helping other people, people being generous to other people, and hopefully Tyler set the tone for every member of the Model Mayhem family.  This could go on to be the one place on the Internet where fashion could really mean something. 

The seed is planted and I hope the ship won’t be driven onto a pile of jagged rocks.  We can all get high off of creating and not out of outclassing each other.  I truly hope money, though responsibilities need to be met, doesn’t end up destroying something that could be so beautiful.

This is the crossroad and since the subject has been mentioned there is really no turning back because we are all here in the same place at the same time, if you like it or not.  Do we charge 40,000 members $8 per year and have enough money to operate the servers and pay for Tyler’s car payment and home.  Or do we go down the road that the majority takes of charging 10,000 members $50 per year.

Of course that question is not for us to answer, it is for Tyler to answer. But what you do here could truly define history.  As funny or corny as it may sound, great moments are made by these small things that seem so sublime.

I would hope that the answer is Tyler would accept an annual income of $75,000 and operate the site on a budget of $20,000 per month, which is not unreasonable for a service of this size with a specific group of friends with a selective purpose and interest.

Tom at MySpace could have probably charged everyone $5 per year, never sold to Fox, and had an operating budget of about $50 million per year.  Within two or three years time, he would have earned as much money with a nominal fee as he did by selling the farm out from under himself in a single moment.

Tyler man, I love what you’ve done here and I hope you think long and hard before you make your decision because I’m sure that Style TV networks, Conde Naste or some other corporation would just love to liquidate this place.

(The final solution, or how we can help is the last part of what I have to say…to be continued)

Dec 22 05 03:05 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Dave the design student

Posts: 45198

Detroit, Michigan, US


The Solution:  In addition to paying to become a member, or even aside, I am truly surprised that I have never seen a Pay Pal donation button on the front page of this site, because it is one of the few services of the net that deserves to have a donation button.  It is definitely not electronic pan handling or as I call it techno-bumming or electro-bums.  Don’t be so modest Tyler.

No, I did not forget about how much money one can make with the advertising that is posted on this site, so obviously there is some form of income, because the more we post, the more the insert ads appear, which means Tyler has more money for the site. 

I hope nobody feels guilty for posting, because data and backup is relatively small in terms of physical space when it comes to text, although photos are a different matter.  So do post away as long as it is not overtly photo intensive.  You’ll notice that I didn’t use a photo to illustrate each of my points like I might have on my own public or private website when I’m telling a story.

Google Ads are a plus, though you can’t ask anyone to visit, as long as the categories you sign up for are appropriate I’m sure most people here would get the hint and select more that a few ads to keep the site buoyant.  Yes, I know that they are used on the front page, hopefully friends would urge each other more often to use them as a way of saying thanks.

Also designers:  I know I have thought about offering Tyler a custom pair of denim jeans or a custom silk shirt just as a way of saying thanks.  Maybe you can’t afford it right now if other incidents have popped up in your life as they often do, but sometimes it truly is the thought that counts.  So at least let him know your thinking about him.

And I am sure Tyler wouldn’t mind having his hair styled or cut or any free skin care samples for the hair and makeup style people either in his area or even from half way across the world.  Don’t think I don’t know how much free product some of you horde or throw away after attending trade shows.  Yes, even those in of you in Japan and other destinations halfway around the world.

And last, don’t forget to thank the moderators, and help to police the site without turning it into a Gestapo like atmosphere.  People should be able to express their personalities, even if you think it is way overboard or over the top.  Lighten up, its only fashion.


Thanks for listening to what I had to say

Dec 22 05 03:27 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Dave the design student

Posts: 45198

Detroit, Michigan, US

Everyone should post here and everyone should read because I am sure that Tyler will eventually read some of the opinions if not all when he needs to make the tough decisions.  Think of it as your patriotic Model Mayhem duty.  You have just been drafted.

Dec 22 05 03:30 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

I am ready to send a bribe....Get rid of the thread that wont die..."you dont need a job you have audrey" and I will pay.

Dec 22 05 03:33 pm Link


Eric Jackson

Posts: 1290

Dayton, Ohio, US

As long as this site is as slow as it is...I wouldn't pay a red cent.

Dec 22 05 03:39 pm Link


Eric Foltz

Posts: 432

Lake Forest, California, US

splashswim wrote:
When the average google ad can cost something like 30 cents per click now, paying a mere $5/month or so to be part of all the modeling sites might actually be a much better way to get yourself noticed. Boycotting sites because they charge money might actually be hurting you more than them.

I pay $2.00 per day for my google ads that bring anywhere from 900-2000 hits to my site per month. I get at least one paid job per month from those hits.

I think I've seen maybe 30 hits from here since August when I joined with no paid work.

I've been on GG, OMP, MC and the rest of them forever and have yet to see an actual client surfing any of them looking for photographers. I think I got one paid job off GG a couple of years ago.

These sites are good for networking with models and other photographers but are not a way to "get yourself noticed." I get more paid work through and craiglist than I ever expect to get from any model site.

It's a social club.

Eric Foltz

Dec 22 05 04:21 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Mary wrote:
I am ready to send a bribe....Get rid of the thread that wont die..."you dont need a job you have audrey" and I will pay.

Or just succumb to the temptation and join the thread and have some light hearted fun.  LOL

Dec 22 05 04:23 pm Link


Huntsville Car Scene

Posts: 112

Huntsville, Alabama, US

bill wylie wrote:
Please remember that in the long run MM is about you building your business. MM is one very large contact data base, which at the end of the day, may provide the resources to expand you work; thus your business.

What I gather is this is the thought behind any solution to any problem here at MM.  This is, by design, a professionally oriented site that is focused on helping businesses.  Every business requires an investment--be it advertising or some other form of communication like a web site, telephone line, etc.  MM is one of those investments,  that currently has some issues that hamper its usability (speed is the major one for me, but omp is no better).  As these issues are resolved, MM is a choice for business as another form of communication.

ROI is what it's all about.  Whether you're a model, mua, photographer, whatever.  If it is worth your time, effort, and money to be on here and you still come out ahead satisfied, what difference does it make what the fee is?  It's just another expense in your business.

Personally, the site needs to be more solid and faster for me to get more ROI.  The more return, the more I'll invest.

Dec 22 05 08:16 pm Link


Eddy Torigoe

Posts: 478

Boston, Massachusetts, US

if they make everyone pay, i'm all for it. if it's a "photographers foot the bill", then i'm not.

Dec 22 05 10:04 pm Link



Posts: 10254

Sacramento, California, US

Beta wrote:
I do not know about Models,and photographers, but we as a Hair stylist we are not allowed to talk about Hair Service at the forums, and I did not got any business from MM.  But I'll still  agree to pay $25 per year.

Says who? Just because you don't have your own forum yet doesn't mean you cant discuss issues relating to M/H on these forums.

Dec 22 05 11:09 pm Link



Posts: 189

Los Angeles, California, US

i think $20-$25 a year and some contolled ads and banners would be fine - but i would like to see some added features... better search.... notifications and travel alerts/notices.


Dec 22 05 11:16 pm Link


Photography by RJ

Posts: 40

Bartlett, Illinois, US

It takes money to make money.  I would gladly pay MM anyday over OMP.  I have had more traffic on this site in the short time I have been on it then the two years I have been on OMP. 

Where do I send the check?

Dec 22 05 11:22 pm Link


K Schwartz

Posts: 9

Sioux Falls, South Dakota, US

From the computer geek side of things, the appearance of a site such as this is not something that's slapped together and let go.  It's not just uploading a FrontPage and saying "There, I'm done...whew!"

Consider if you will the following costs needed to run a site:

1) Server (The computer that runs the site)
2) Hard Disk
3) Memory to run a site this large
4) Processing power
5) Domain Name
6) Internet connection (not just a basic cable service)
7) Time and effort to create the database (to hold all the pictures, forums, emails, favorites, and all the other bits and pieces of the site)
8) Total man hours needed to create the scripts that run the pages
9) Total man hours and moneys needed to maintain such a site (including upgrades to everything listed above (and yes, working out issues with site speed), as well as monitoring the system to keep it up and running 24/7).

This is just a small sampling of what goes on behind the scenes (not to mention any work conducted as a Moderator).  Not to mention keeping an eye on what the customers/users want/are requesting/needing/bitching about.... 

Hopefully, this will give you a little insight on what it takes to keep MM going!

Oh....and "Thanks Tyler!"

Dec 22 05 11:35 pm Link


Royce Ednalino Photo

Posts: 130

Bellingham, Washington, US

wow i cant help but notice .. there are other filipinos in here.

Dec 22 05 11:41 pm Link


Royce Ednalino Photo

Posts: 130

Bellingham, Washington, US

wow i cant help but notice .. there are other filipinos in here.

Dec 22 05 11:41 pm Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

I'd pay as long as there are no free accounts at all. I'm sick to death of the daily 'new model' notifications of misproportioned, unattractive, and otherwise unsuitable 'models ' from  that OM place.


Dec 23 05 12:15 am Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Huntsville Car Scene wrote:
This is, by design, a professionally oriented site that is focused on helping businesses.

Sorry, it doesn't even come close to professionally oriented.  MM is only a hobby haven for like-minded people. 

As for paying for entry, some willingly accept paying dues to a hobby club, some don't.  But once the dues begin the outside world becomes restricted.  The strength is in the club itself, not what the club has to offer those outside.

The OtherModelSite is a prime example.  Unless you are a member the contact is limited.  Clients can't contact, agencies can't contact, only those within the club can contact.  Sites like that, and if this were to become a pay-for-entry site, feed off the old adage "dumb model-even dumber photographer."  Everyone is marketing to everyone else within the club where the objective is to launch beyond for greater opportunity.  Is it any wonder why TFP is so abundant?

Professionally oriented may be the goal of members, but to be useful a site must be built/designed to attract those that require offered professional services, not designed/built just for attracting those within the haven.

A site restricting the outside world (OtherModelSite) is like hamsters running in a cage...exhaustive for the member without the benefit of travelling anywhere beyond.

Dec 23 05 09:56 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Dave the design student

Posts: 45198

Detroit, Michigan, US

area291 wrote:
As for paying for entry, some willingly accept paying dues to a hobby club, some don't.  But once the dues begin the outside world becomes restricted.  The strength is in the club itself, not what the club has to offer those outside.

A site restricting the outside world (OtherModelSite) is like hamsters running in a cage...exhaustive for the member without the benefit of travelling anywhere beyond.

Wow Area, I never thought I would be moved to tears by a profound statement made by a Pez Dispenser.  Yes, your words do carry a lot of truth and weight,  though on a more serious note.

K. Schwartz is definitely right about the internet connection.  I doubt Tyler has a T-1 installed in house unless he is administrating a number of other sites or hosting a connection for web server clients, however, the T-1 line he is leasing time from costs the service provider $10,000 - $15,000 per month. 

The Model Mayhem site is at least operating on a T-3, if not a T-1, whereas MySpace is probably operating on at least a couple or few pairs of T-1 lines, and in many ways I would be afraid to find out what it is really running on.  The Frankenstein of all database sites outside of major corporation that have permanent or portable satelite arrays that make James Bond look like a dimestore cowboy.

Though I'd like to believe that Tyler was sitting by his Christmas tree, thoughfully reading my mind in my brief essay I posted the other day, he is probably booty dancing with four or five college girls in a Florida bar.  Yes, this is what I was doing in my early-mid twenties when I wasn't working.  The fuzzy pink Kangol gave you away man.

Dec 23 05 04:03 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Dave the design student wrote:
Wow Area, I never thought I would be moved to tears by a profound statement made by a Pez Dispenser.

It moves me to tears that Jack is not in Michigan so you can't load the Jack CashCard with 10 bucks and receive two free tacos. sniff-sniff.

Dec 23 05 05:08 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Dave the design student

Posts: 45198

Detroit, Michigan, US

area291 wrote:
It moves me to tears that Jack is not in Michigan so you can't load the Jack CashCard with 10 bucks and receive two free tacos. sniff-sniff.

That one flew overhead for five seconds, since yes you're right we don't have Jack in the Box in Detroit.

Dec 23 05 06:55 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Dave the design student

Posts: 45198

Detroit, Michigan, US

; )

Dec 23 05 07:03 pm Link

Hair Stylist


Posts: 360

Beta wrote:
I do not know about Models,and photographers, but we as a Hair stylist we are not allowed to talk about Hair Service at the forums, and I did not got any business from MM.  But I'll still  agree to pay $25 per year.

Please do not include ALL hairstylists in your comment . This site is wonderful for us as well . Go around and compare your portfolio to other Hairstylists and you might find out why you did not get any business.

Dec 23 05 08:17 pm Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

time to pay, amen to that.

Dec 23 05 08:29 pm Link


Nico Coer

Posts: 64

Utica, Pennsylvania, US

I THink that if you are adding features, charge for those. but not all of us can afford stuff- some of us are amatures and will most likely never be anything MORE than amatures. I'm A student- I can't afford that much ever. I might buy extra features if I ever got a paid job, but most of my funds are going to school- the rest are going towards eating, keeping warm, and transportation.

Opening my wallet produces wee little flies starving for something to nibble upon. And that doesn't look like it's going to change anytime soon, as with student loans I'm likely to be in debt for the rest of my life. Modeling is art for me, not a money maker, and as much as I wish I was on the level of calling it my bussiness, I've never done anything professional.

So, add extra features and what not for those who can pay- after all I can't begrudge those who are successful in this- but don't kick us starving artists/students off just because you want to get rid of the rabid myspacers. Would I like bussiness? HELL YES. But can I afford to actually put $$$ into it? nope.

*shakes purse upside down and watches dust descend*


Dec 23 05 08:33 pm Link


Dmitri Markine

Posts: 428

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Why don't you just guys find his paypal address or postal adress and donate some money if you have too many? I don't understand people who beg to GIVE their money away. Find a homeless guy,maybe...

Dec 24 05 03:05 am Link



Posts: 38

Aylesbury, England, United Kingdom

No doubt at some time this site will have to start charging for some services but at the moment I think it is far too scrappy to attract any significant income so needs some significant development first.

The portfolio search is very basic and would be useless if this site had significantly more models, and personaly I cannot see the point of having a portfolio page that gets buried under under a heap of 'friends' 'tags' and other nonsense that serves little practical value in terms of promoting the model/photographer/artist.

Not do I find the forums much use, though I accept I am still feeling my way around. I want to go straight to a forum where I know the posts will be UK models looking for work or be able to post on one which I know will be looked at my Models in my area, not trawl through acres of postings from halfway round the world. Especialy as people invariably forget to put where they are in the title!

I do like the clean layout and I'm sure there is a lot of potential with some investment but pay in its present incarnation? I think not


Dec 24 05 06:30 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

pay?!?...i get paid to be here...doesnt everyone else?!?

Dec 24 05 06:38 am Link


Eric Harrell

Posts: 265

Shelbyville, Tennessee, US

Insight from another forum owner.... Pardon me if this reply is not following in line like it should, I got started following this thread very late.

One thing you need to think about is just how many modeling websites and forums there are available to us. Many you do pay to recieve the full benefit of the site while others ( mine just being one ) is mainly a free site just accepting donations from those members that want to help keep the site active.

I left OMP because I felt like the site was not worth what I was being asked to shell out as well as not satisified with the results from e-mail inquiries. If you use OMP for you "own personal site " then that may be fine but because I have my own personal website I use sites such as MM and a couple others just to entice people to come to mine and see all of my work. I don't feel the need to post tens or hundreds of photos on sites and basically that is the only big drawing tool many sites have in order to get you to pay.

If the administration of MM decides to start charging a small fee I know most will gladly pay, some will not, it just boils down to whether or not we the members feel it is justified in are we getting our monies worth by the services offered by MM?

Oh and in case someone wants to check out my modeling website forum wink, wink, the address is

Dec 24 05 06:54 am Link



Posts: 98

New York, New York, US

Just what I need - another paysite to use as a venue for my email contacts to be ignored.  I would pay a fee in exchange for a service which required emails to be  replied to - ie: "not interested" or "somewhat interested".  Perhaps a fee-based site would eliminate those models in the database that are not actively engaged to begin with.  Or would a slimmer database negate the perceived value ?

Dec 24 05 07:11 am Link


Matthew A Cooke

Posts: 157

Los Angeles, California, US

charging a fee would be the death of MM...

Dec 24 05 07:12 am Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

I dunno. I'm probably in the minority but I don't get enough out of it to pay more than $20/year. A couple things that rankle me about this site that would make me shy away from paying more are:

1. The site SEEMS like its constantly down for "maintenance/hackers/slowness/etc" reasons.
2. In a big population state like NY, the search feature is darn near worthless.
3. There isn't an efficient way to send blanket messages to people on our friends list (like a MySpace bulletin).
4. Having page numbers on friends list would be helpful, instead of constantly clicking the "next" button, when you already know the friend in question is towards the back.
5. Being able to search for more than subject headings (something like my own username) would be extremely helpful, particularly if I'm rechecking replies to a posted Casting Call.
6. Dividing people on my friends list into model, photographers, & everyone else would be nice. No offense to all the MUA there.
7. Would love to find & possiblely collaborate w/ people that are traveling to my state w/o sifting through the mess in the Casting Call section.

There are a lot more. But I'm taking a wait & see approach because I know very well that this website is still in its infancy.

That being said, I do like the concept of limiting the number of pictures that people are allowed to post. I forces them to "Wow" you w/ their 20 best instead of bombarding us w/ 3 different shots of the same outfit.

Dec 24 05 08:27 am Link


That Look Photography

Posts: 1581

Clearwater, Florida, US

I think you all have to much money....!


Dec 24 05 08:43 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist


Posts: 178

Cocoa Beach, Florida, US

raveneyes wrote:
Funny, but no matter how much I pay google, my name will never come up first in their search engine (too common) and yet when I search for my screen name, my site already comes up first in their search engine (well placed long running site with lots of visitors).

I've already paid for my advertising, and already pay to host my own web site.  Not being on any other modeling site hasn't hurt me yet, and being on this one (and musecube before it switched to pay) hasn't earned me one dime or reference (according to web logs).  So, where is the big loss I'm not seeing?

My point exactly, lots of people here would rather pay google hundreds of dollars / month for clicks to their own website but wouldn't fork over $25/year to be on a website that might bring them more exposure.

Here is a little hidden fact about google, your page-rank is largely based on how many other related sites link to you, so if you're website isn't listed or mentioned in many places, you are unlikely to appear in the google listings first few pages. By contrast, if your website is being referenced in lots of other places, you might become number one on their search pages.

Dec 24 05 02:32 pm Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

I'd be willing to spend a few $$ a month for the site.  Even if the membership was $20/year, it'd be a steal.  smile

Dec 25 05 01:06 am Link


Champion Hamilton

Posts: 190

New York, New York, US

Those who seem to be dying to pay should donate and call it a day. Sites like these help many people who were once considered "nothing" or "GWC's" get started. I would have more understood a thread asking where/how donations could be made.

Many find it so easy to suggest someone should start a business. Yet so few take into consideration how much that takes. Making it a paid wouldn't make things better by default. In fact, it creates more of a headache and adds more responsibility. It also has a habit of changing the mood.

This site seems meant to be a communty for people who have the same or similar interests. Allowing them to network, build experiences and gain a bit of exposure. I say enjoy the ride and do what you can to make this site a better community individually. Throw up a PayPal donate link and call it a day...

Dec 25 05 01:42 am Link


Decerebrate Response

Posts: 55

Seattle, Washington, US

I can't speak for everyone, but most student photographers that I know consider paying for websites a "luxury item."
Which comes after rent. And food. And bills. And gear. And so on.

Having stuff that you charge for is fine, but I hope they won't launch an aggressive "subscribe or die" type campaign the way OMP did.

Dec 27 05 12:46 pm Link



Posts: 395

LADERA RANCH, California, US

The biggest problem with making this site a paid site is that the amount of new people coming will drop. Photographers will see their potential pool of new models fall sharply.

Donation or some extra special features for those who pay a small fee is the better way.

Dec 27 05 12:50 pm Link


Deana G

Posts: 79

Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

i would definitly pay.

I only joined 2 days ago but well worth it.

plus in my opinion it may seperate the serious from the non-serious

Dec 27 05 06:00 pm Link