Forums > General Industry > Its Time for us to Pay for MM


bill wylie

Posts: 74

New York, New York, US

Financing is the key to in creating a strong business. At current MM is Free.
If were we to be proactive; We could start a conversation about fees & the
further needs of MM users (client). Within this conversation, we can be a part of making a strong site (that helps us), even stronger. It is clear that MM is focused on the clients. By showing our support, via credit cards, checks, etc;
we the clients can make a statement that we want this site to continue to
grow and maintain its focus. Us the user.

In giving your feedback, Please remember that in the long run MM is about you building your business. MM is one very large contact data base, which at the end of the day, may provide the resources to expand you work; thus your business.

Aug 02 05 02:56 pm Link


bill wylie

Posts: 74

New York, New York, US

Hmmmm, let's give the a second try

Aug 02 05 03:06 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

ok (:-----

Aug 02 05 03:11 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

For those of you would hate the idea.  Remember everything costs money.   If not a fee then more ads and banners.

Sometimes that can become too much.
Plus a small fee would likely cure more problems then create.
Just my humble opinion.

Aug 02 05 03:31 pm Link


Stacy Patrick

Posts: 226

Beverly Hills, California, US

i think that, at the very least, MM should charge a nominal annual fee (something like maybe $25), if for no other reason than to filter out some of the people who obviously see this site as "myspace 2".

you dont have to be VERY serious to be willing to fork over that much, but i bet it would still narrow things down sufficiently.

- s

Aug 02 05 04:40 pm Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

We would gladly pay it.  I truly enjoy MM and would be willing to support it, financially. I would not like to see it go away like Musecube is trying to do, or go greedy like OMP.   This is a great site and needs support. Cheers, Tim at

Aug 02 05 04:43 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Don't get me wrong, I'm not an opportunist, and I'm not too proud where I can't accept government cheese if I was hungry, but only if I'm allowed to work it off somehow, but with this thread I just have to say...

You guys are weird for bringing up the subject.

It's like a group of people gathering around the sycamore tree to discuss how much we should be paying Robin Hood monthly/annually for his generosity.

Ultimately, he becomes no different than Sheriff Nottingham.

Aug 02 05 04:44 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I'm game to pay.. And what's wrong with the owners making a few bucks profit... So sure.. I say charge away!

Aug 02 05 04:46 pm Link


Todd S.

Posts: 2951

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US

I'll ante in. I'm about to stop paying OMP anyway.

Aug 02 05 04:47 pm Link


Todd S.

Posts: 2951

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US

duplicate post.

Aug 02 05 04:47 pm Link



Posts: 16

Manila, Arkansas, US

how about MM paying us? it got us part of their huge database. 

Aug 02 05 04:49 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by dadikongbaduy: 
how about MM paying us? it got us part of their huge database.   

LOL. For realz! Plus, they got my personality too.

Naku! Maganda ang post mo Pare!

Aug 02 05 04:51 pm Link



Posts: 848

Charleston, South Carolina, US

This site is worth some money. Its an advertising site for my business, why wouldn't I be willing to pay? And what I pay can be deducted as a business expense, which I think is true for the models as well.
Besides its still fun and for a little fun, innocent and safe, I'm willing to pay a bit.

Aug 02 05 05:00 pm Link


bill wylie

Posts: 74

New York, New York, US

I created this thread to be Proactive. A fee will come sooner or
later. With the truth in mind, I think that it would be a smart effort
to be in the forefront of something that will happen.

Every person on this site is conducting business, This site is a business. Operating cost is a serious part of business. By starting a conversation of an idea amount & of our further needs, we can help MM help us. I believe that the real bottom line is that every
soul on this site, is moving their work efforts forward. Moving forward in business cost.

Aug 02 05 05:18 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Posted by Stacy Patrick: 
i think that, at the very least, MM should charge a nominal annual fee (something like maybe $25), if for no other reason than to filter out some of the people who obviously see this site as "myspace 2".

you dont have to be VERY serious to be willing to fork over that much, but i bet it would still narrow things down sufficiently.

I would tend to agree with that statement...though I have been able to filter out the non-serious people with little problem. I have found that if my port. is professional, I don't get bothered with people looking to take advantage of newbie models. I would pay 5$ a month or 25$ a year...however, if I don't have to, that is also very okay with me.

Aug 02 05 05:19 pm Link


Wicked Hailey

Posts: 94

Round Rock, Texas, US

let me have more photos and features and I will pay for it...

Aug 02 05 05:24 pm Link


Vincent Arthur

Posts: 901

Red Bank, New Jersey, US

I'd pay

Aug 02 05 05:29 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Posted by dadikongbaduy: 
how about MM paying us? it got us part of their huge database.   

Ahhh,  Kamusta ka,.  magunda ka...

Very smart.   I have been saying that from the beginning I should be paid to entertain and share my knowledge with you humans.

Pay me now.   

Aug 02 05 05:37 pm Link


Simply Sonya

Posts: 78

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Honestly - I would pay for the services that MM gives!!  I have done several paid shoots & the networking it has created for me is awesome!!  If I paid OMP - I can DEFINITELY pay MM!!


Aug 02 05 05:40 pm Link


aye provide

Posts: 1330

New York, New York, US

Hey 10 dollars a month  I am with it  where do i sign up?

Aug 02 05 05:52 pm Link


Michael Crouch

Posts: 457

San Diego, California, US

I pay 19.99 a month to OMP. I can host 101 images, post travel notifications and recieve emails when models are traveling to my area or new in my area. I would gladly pay the same price here if mm could provide the same.

I would like to see some "showcases" and competitions as well if I was paying.


Aug 02 05 06:02 pm Link


e v e

Posts: 69

Los Angeles, California, US

I'd pay to host more images and also keep non-professionals off this site! People shouldn't be allowed on MM if they're only here to meet hot girls and chat! It's time to raise the bar.

Aug 02 05 06:06 pm Link


Delete This

Posts: 172

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

For those of you who have been around long-enough to remember, OMP was once a relatively small site (like this one) that was completely maintained by one guy (Stuart) who didn't charge anyone.  Back then, (the original OMP) was the greatest thing anyone had ever seen.  It became, however, a financial and time-consuming trap for Stuart; one that he never truly recovered from.

If Tyler is doing this all by himself, at his own expense, he would do well to learn from the mistake Stuart made.  Nothing is free.  Determine a fee schedule and build the interface and back-end necessary to charge users.  It's the only way.  The monster will do nothing but continue to grow and it will require ever-more money and time to keep it on the Net.       

Aug 02 05 06:09 pm Link


Collin J. Rae

Posts: 7657

Winchester, Virginia, US

Ability to post more Images, 25-50 bux Annually...I'm in...

Aug 02 05 06:10 pm Link


Heartland Studios

Posts: 4

Kansas City, Missouri, US

I'd Pay.  $25 annually very reasonable.  OMP is ridiculous in their fee structure and service provided!


Aug 02 05 06:16 pm Link


Bill Sylvester

Posts: 1509

Fairfield, Ohio, US

I'd be interested in paying so long as everybody else pays exactly the same amount and that amount would have to be under $50 a year.  I do not get enough out of this site to pay more than that.

Aug 02 05 06:20 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Posted by Stacy Patrick: 
i think that, at the very least, MM should charge a nominal annual fee (something like maybe $25), if for no other reason than to filter out some of the people who obviously see this site as "myspace 2".

you dont have to be VERY serious to be willing to fork over that much, but i bet it would still narrow things down sufficiently.

- s

I agree with Stacy on this one, I host a meet and greet of local photographers and models and the biggest problem I see is clicks.
I'm here (MM) to try and meet with local artist, MAU, Wardrobe,  Models and photographers.
The meet and greets I host are free. The idea is to net work as many local artist as I can and introduce them to each other in a friendly atmosphere without the tension.

If MM starts charging just to up load more images, it may thin the ranks of wanna-be anything, but is it really necessary?

How many photos do you really need to display what you do?
I feel if you can’t describe whom you are or what you can offer the others, do you really think 20 more images will help you?

There is a spot for a link to your site for that very reason, use it.

Mayhem, Chaos, disorder my work here is done…


Aug 02 05 06:24 pm Link



Posts: 615

Memphis, Alabama, US

"How many photos do you really need to display what you do?
I feel if you can’t describe whom you are or what you can offer the others, do you really think 20 more images will help you?"

Amen Craig....Well Said....

Over at that other site I feel sorry for a photog or model who is still on 56k dial up and they have to wait 30 minutes for 150 lookalike images to load on their monitor.......I think that 20 images are more than enough...there is such a thing as speaking it or BOASTING....more images just slows things down for all of us....

I think Tyler ought to put a PayPal link for those of us who want to send a donation.....however I think $50.00 a year is worth the exposure as long as there is a perk for us like a more professional template for us to display our work that we can add some nice content.... Im paying $20 a month across the street.

Aug 02 05 06:33 pm Link


David Klein

Posts: 207

Brooklyn, New York, US

i would pay if it helps keep the pretenders off of here


Aug 02 05 06:37 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Thank you Randy, you know I'm a nOOb photographer and I wish the very best for most of the folks on here or any other site in fact, my door (email) is open to anyone that has a question or comment for me.

Like with my little yahoo group, I'm there trying to answer any question asked.

Can't we all get along?

Aug 02 05 06:38 pm Link


R. Olson (RO)

Posts: 971

Seattle, Washington, US

I wouldnt mind paying a small fee for the site.....would go toward getting Tyler some pimped out H3 (Hummer) or something for Theda and Reese to share.... LOL. Seriously...a little fee can clear out the wannabes easily.

Aug 02 05 06:42 pm Link


David Stith

Posts: 166

Lexington, Kentucky, US

I worked with a model this weekend that told me MM has been amazing for her. I think it's because it's small and we have a close community. Models don't get a 1000 emails there first day on the site..


Aug 02 05 06:48 pm Link


Bellissime Studio

Posts: 13

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

You right. I will be on and support this database as well if is a small fee.

Aug 02 05 07:52 pm Link


Bellissime Studio

Posts: 13

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

This database work better of others that I know, and I will be on as well if will be a fee to paid to support the owner and webmaster. I thing is a good resorce for all of us on this business. You can count on my support on this matter.

Keep live and enjoy,


Aug 02 05 07:55 pm Link



Posts: 346

Portland, Oregon, US

I would pay, but like some other said it would be cool to see some competitions and other features like OMP has.

Aug 02 05 08:12 pm Link



Posts: 36

$25 a year would be more than reasonable, specially with a few added features.. i think this community is better than a number of others i'm involved in and most people are cool and supportive of each other..

Aug 02 05 09:36 pm Link


Lexi Lithium

Posts: 348

Tampa, Florida, US

Posted by Jibaili: 
$25 a year would be more than reasonable, specially with a few added features.. i think this community is better than a number of others i'm involved in and most people are cool and supportive of each other..

As for the pictures I think we are doing good considering we can post 40.. and I've seen amny people posting more then 40. Extra features like maybe a better block feature or afavorits for fourm threads so we can keep track of them easier.

An anual fee isn't so bad because its once a year or once every six months and eaiser on the pockets of those of us who are not exsactly bringing in the big money.

as for the competitions what if they were voted on, not by a select panel of judges but by the entire community.  Feature fix it so a indavidual can only vote once and give it a set amount of days to run.

Aug 02 05 09:43 pm Link



Posts: 359

Downers Grove, Illinois, US

As far as I'm concerned, OMP, MM and all the others are essentially like the classified sections in the newspaper.

Right now, MM is a free classified section.  If they charge fees, then the cost/benefit ratio changes. 

Contests, "showcases" and other crap like that distracts from the site's main purpose - classifed ads.  Contests and showcases are what helped put that "other" site into the toilet.

Aug 02 05 09:46 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Posted by David Klein: 
i would pay if it helps keep the pretenders off of here


What the hell's wrong with The Pretenders? I've been in love with Chrissie Hynde since I was a kid.

Just go ahead and tell me that The Monkey's was'nt a real band either and see how closer I get to the edge with that one.


Aug 02 05 09:53 pm Link



Posts: 174

Raleigh, Illinois, US

Here's the situation:

I doubt many of us are either willing and/or financially able to pay a fee to participate on several model/photog sites.  For example, how many persons are paying members of OMP and another site such as Garage Glamour?

Most of us would have to choose one site for a paid membership.  Logically that would be the site that best benefits one's own business.

At this point in time, I would have to say MM would be the loser if they did start requiring a fee for membership.  I would have to say if most of us had to make a choice as to which ONE fee-based site we would support, "veteran" OMP would win over "newcomer" MM.

Aug 02 05 10:09 pm Link