Forums > General Industry > Should a Black photographer disclose that fact?



Posts: 209

Baltimore, Maryland, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:

So you want to perpetuate the race shit. 
"Show me your true colors..come shining through "

Why dont you send your photo to the Realtor before you buy or rent a house ?
A very 'disarming' photo,  that says "dont sell me a house in this neighorhood"

I dont think its a bad idea, I mean I really dont think its racist, cause if someone doesnt wanna work with a black, white, whatever, photogits their choice, if they want to be a bigot its america and they can, cause if they are going to walk out on said race anyway, isnt it better that the photogs time isnt wasted with possible wasted studio time. Plus sometimes it doesnt even matter the race its nice to see them since they know what you look like already.

Aug 10 06 01:00 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

Foolio7714 wrote:

I don't agree with the disarming part but, I think it's fine to let them know what you look like.
And by the way, The realtor probably won't care but I bet the neighbors would like a picture of who is moving into the neighborhood.

Why in the world would I want a picture of who is moving into my neighborhood?  Unless it's a model or a model wannabe I could care less.  And as a Realtor I can tell you that not only don't we care, we don't care if you care.

Aug 10 06 01:04 pm Link



Posts: 251

Yorba Linda, California, US


I don't have an answer for you...but, I'm sure saddened to see that a model did that to you...(she's sounds like an ignorant loser)


Aug 10 06 01:04 pm Link



Posts: 8

Ellon, Scotland, United Kingdom


mod·el (n.)
5. One serving as an example to be imitated or compared

As far as I'm concerned she was no model, I wouldn't want anyone imitating her behaviour. A photographer is a photographer, as long as they have at the very least one eye, one index finger and one camera they should be able to be whatever else they are or want to be without prejudice. What a horrible human being this person must be to act like that!!

Aug 10 06 01:06 pm Link



Posts: 183

Pemberton, New Jersey, US

"I think that the reason I wasn't nominated for best R&B this year is because I'm white"
                  ---Stevie Wonder, at the MTV video Music Awards.
(forgot what year)

You shouldn't have to tell anybody anything other than "stand right there", unless you want to.

Aug 10 06 01:11 pm Link


Christine Cox

Posts: 102

Los Angeles, California, US

PPRO Analyst wrote:
Yesterday, I had a model walkout on a scheduled shoot because I “didn’t tell me you’re black!”  This model and had several phone conversations about the planned shoot, her portfolio, my portfolio, etc.  We even talked about family and educational goals.  You know all the normal stuff adults talk about.

The shoot was at my condo in the Lincoln Park section of Chicago, not exactly the hood!
Average home costs around $550,000 so you get the idea of the community.

As a minority photographer, shooting nudes, should I make a point of advising new models that I am Black?

WoW! Just when I was starting to have a little more faith in humanity! That behavior is unacceptable..........and HELL NO you shouldnt have to tell anyone up front that has nothing to do with anything............. Sounds like a real nut job to me.

Aug 10 06 01:11 pm Link


Aimee Beaulieu

Posts: 17

Seattle, Washington, US

Sometimes I wonder how people even dare to say things like that out loud... That was just so incredibly rude and ... ok, I can't even find words.

Aug 10 06 01:14 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:

So you want to perpetuate the race shit. 
"Show me your true colors..come shining through "

Why dont you send your photo to the Realtor before you buy or rent a house ?
A very 'disarming' photo,  that says "dont sell me a house in this neighorhood"

You totally missed the point!

If a model knows what the photographer looks like ahead of time, it eases anxiety and confirms that the photographer is who they said they are.

Realtors and many other professionals have such images of themselves in their advertising.

Aug 10 06 01:15 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

rp_photo wrote:

You totally missed the point!

If a model knows what the photographer looks like ahead of time, it eases anxiety and confirms that the photographer is who they said they are.

Realtors and many other professionals have such images of themselves in their advertising.

Yes, but the Realtor does not have a photo of the buyer to display to the neighbors as was mentioned earlier.

Aug 10 06 01:17 pm Link


SPM Studios

Posts: 176

Albany, New York, US

Thats Absolutely ridiculous!!!!
You should be judged only on the quality of your photographic work.
If you're good it shouldnt matter if you're a dog who pushes the shutter button with your nose lol

Aug 10 06 01:17 pm Link


Morbid Rockwell

Posts: 593

Fresno, California, US

I don't think there's a thing wrong with being black, so you shouldn't have to list your color. But if someone is so bigoted that they can't work with someone because of race, creed or religion, that should be listed.

Then you could of told her to not waste either of your time.

Aug 10 06 01:19 pm Link



Posts: 1034

Arlington Heights, Illinois, US

Yes, that really sucks. There are a lot of threads on these boards that runs of on a racial tangent when the subject really has nothing to do with it.  It is disheartening to say the least when it is really a clear case.  I do not feel it is necessary or justified that you state you are African American but it is the only way to avoid going through this process and aggravation again.  Be assured my friend, there will be others.  I know it is not the same but it is one of the reasons I let a model know my age early on, just to avoid that “Ewww, your old enough to be my father” look.

On another note,  Can I borrow your condo?  smile

Aug 10 06 01:19 pm Link



Posts: 10053

Orlando, Florida, US

I had a phtographer tell me not to freak out when I met him because he's young. I told him that what the photographer looked liked didn't really matter to me. If I've decided to do a shoot, it was based on the quality of work, not what the photographer looks like. That's why they're BEHIND the camera.

Aug 10 06 01:21 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

markcomp wrote:
Yes, but the Realtor does not have a photo of the buyer to display to the neighbors as was mentioned earlier.

A photographer-model relationship is a bit more intimate than neighbor-to-neighbor. In many cases, there is a high degree of trust required, especially if they are shooting alone together.

Aug 10 06 01:21 pm Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

Fuck her!

Can't really think of anything more eloquent to say.

I hope she reads all the responses to your topic.

Aug 10 06 01:24 pm Link


B Ellis Photography

Posts: 368

Arlington, Texas, US

I recently had a shoot scheduled with a model.  We spoke on the phone a few times and we decided on when and where the shoot would take place.  She had never seen me, but I told here I'm originally from Long Island and a little about me and my background.  We were to meet at a gas station.  We exchanged information about the types of cars that we drive and met at a gas station.  The funny thing was that when I pulled up next to her car she didn't recognize me, even though I was on the phone speaking with her at the same time.  LOL  She was smiling moments before she looked over to see me.  When she figure out that it was me, in all my African-American glory, her face just went blank.  It was funny to me at the time because this isn't the first time this has happened.  She got out the car an was very quiet compared to how chatty she was on the phone.  I immediatley introduced myself and asked her what was wrong.  She said, "I guess, I just didn't know you were Black."  I asked her if it mattered and she was like, no, but it was odd to her.   Anyway, she did the shoot and loved the images.  I guess it is just one of those things you kind of don't think about because color shouldn't matter, but to some people it sadly does!

Aug 10 06 01:25 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

There's black photographers? Just kidding...

So Says Amara. wrote:
you should have shot back, 'you didn't tell me you were a bigot!' and thrown her ignorant ass right in the street.

I think this pretty sums up the way I feel too.

Aug 10 06 01:26 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

rp_photo wrote:

A photographer-model relationship is a bit more intimate than neighbor-to-neighbor. In many cases, there is a high degree of trust required, especially if they are shooting alone together.

Again, I agree with you but this is the statement I was responding to was:

"And by the way, The realtor probably won't care but I bet the neighbors would like a picture of who is moving into the neighborhood"

Since when do the neighbors need a picture of who is moving in?

Aug 10 06 01:28 pm Link


Philip Gunderson

Posts: 40

Blue Springs, Mississippi, US

To play this on the different side, a few years ago I was posting on a St. Louis forum a few times when a model posted she was looking to do some shooting and wanted to know the race of the photographer.

My reply was something like "though I don't see what difference that would make, I'm a white person in his 40's."

The next thing I knew, I was told how so wrong to make the comment 'what difference does that make'. The model has the right to shoot with whom ever she wants to.

I agree to the point you need to be comfortable, but behind the lens, what difference race has to do with experience. I'm still trying to figure that one out. Granted in front of the lens, if I asked for a redhead and nothing but blondes (NO JOKE INTENDED) showed up, it didn't meet what I was looking for, but good photography is just that, no matter who pushes the button.

Aug 10 06 01:28 pm Link


Tara Jane

Posts: 311

New Haven, Connecticut, US

this post made me realize I don't think I've ever shot with a black photographer yet, not by choice, just by my location I assume. If she did not want to shoot with a black photographer, which is her choice, and no matter how racist it is, obviously she can do it, she should've asked. It's completely ridiculous to plan a shoot and then walk out because an unimportant piece of information like race failed to come up in conversation. If you want to put on your site that you are black because of this incident to help prevent it from happening in the future, that is up to you, but if anyone is going to be racist about who they work with, then it should be up to them to ask questions to find that out.

Aug 10 06 01:28 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

rp_photo wrote:
A photographer-model relationship is a bit more intimate than neighbor-to-neighbor. In many cases, there is a high degree of trust required, especially if they are shooting alone together.

I want a photo of that cable guy's ass crack before he comes to the house.

No hairy asses allowed.

Aug 10 06 01:33 pm Link


Blackmirror Photogenics

Posts: 198

New York, New York, US

PPRO Analyst wrote:
Yesterday, I had a model walkout on a scheduled shoot because I “didn’t tell me you’re black!”  This model and had several phone conversations about the planned shoot, her portfolio, my portfolio, etc.  We even talked about family and educational goals.  You know all the normal stuff adults talk about.

The shoot was at my condo in the Lincoln Park section of Chicago, not exactly the hood!
Average home costs around $550,000 so you get the idea of the community.

As a minority photographer, shooting nudes, should I make a point of advising new models that I am Black?

Hell, no! Only the camera is black.

Aug 10 06 01:36 pm Link


glenn my name today

Posts: 1025

Lancaster, California, US

My answer would have been much simpler.

I would have answered her, "Holy crap, I'm black...thanks for telling me. I had NO clue.....damn are my mother and father going to be shocked!!!!!!!!!! Now someone better explain how the fuck that happened and how nobody pointed it out until you. Thanks a bunch."

Aug 10 06 01:37 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Let's just clear the air now so that there are NO surprises!

This is what I look like. And yes, my camera case and shoes DO match and pay no attention to my shirt......I am a puurrrrrffect gentleman. *wink wink*

Aug 10 06 01:38 pm Link


Far West Imaging

Posts: 436

Laguna Hills, California, US

So Says Amara. wrote:
you should have shot back, 'you didn't tell me you were a bigot!' and thrown her ignorant ass right in the street.

I agree.

I was trying to think of something funny to say, but I just keep shaking my head at the ignorance of this model.  You do great work.

Aug 10 06 01:39 pm Link


LNV Innovations

Posts: 174

Spring, Texas, US

I don't see why you should even have to ask this question (OP), but I guess we have not as humans evolved enought to realize it just does not matter what our race, religion or anything else has on just how good we are. But I guess to some people it does, just hang in there...try being a self declared amateur photographer and getting some of the people out there just to return your email.

Aug 10 06 01:51 pm Link


Daniel DAuria

Posts: 13


It is appalling to think that this garbage still goes on.  She is a narrow minded bigot.  You did nothing wrong.  Sometimes I wonder how mankind has managed to survive this long.

Aug 10 06 01:59 pm Link


MurphyMurphy Studios

Posts: 2315

Denver, Colorado, US

Any model that does this deserves to be banned from the human race.....

I assume that this gal was going to shoot figure work with you and must have had a problem with a black photographer.... let's see, if you were a black DOCTOR and she was bleeding to death from a would near her pelvis, I reckon that she would have also told you "no thanks, I will only be operated on by white doctors."   Yah right.

This model is simply shamefully sick.  No are under no obligation to disclose your race to anyone. Let this model rot in her bigotry.

Aug 10 06 02:01 pm Link


So Says Amara.

Posts: 62

Baltimore, Maryland, US

WG Rowland wrote:
I'm going to try to play devil's advocate here a little (even though I agree with the person who made the bigot remark).. Just because..

Should your race, gender preference, or other things that have nothing to do with the quality of your work or your professionalism play into whether a person should/shouldn't shoot with you?  No..


If the shoot was racially, ethnically, politically, or any other "-ally" themed.. Then THAT should be a factor that should be brough forth in the beginning..  Since it plays into how the subject (the model) will be represented in the images.. At which point their beliefs do matter..

I bring this up not because of anything the OP did or didn't do, but because there was a  thread a while back in which a gay photographer complained that his model was upset because the photos they took ended up on a gay photography site..

Now the point is the photographer wasn't exactly hiding this information (and there was a small logo stating that just because the models appeared on this site it did not mean they were necesserily gay..)  But none of this was stated completely up front and on the surface..  And at this point it had gone past who the photographer was, into the realm of how the model would be perceived..

Point is.. It sucks..  It can get sticky..  But do we all have to be so quick to judgement?

bullshit, that model wasnt judging the shoot, she was judging the man. she obviously must have had some idea of what the shoot was going to entail, her attitude is just disgusting and she had no right to say what she said to a man she didnt even know.

i'm not saying you're defending racism or anything like that!! and there is always a place for playing devil's advocate or starting a debate or whatever, i just dont think it extends to this particular situation... if that model had the balls to say 'you didnt tell me you're black!' then she deserves every bit of criticism she ever ends up getting.

anyway, if her feelings were that she wouldnt shoot with a black person, shouldnt she have brought that up BEFORE she went to a shoot with a new photographer?


Aug 10 06 02:04 pm Link


Shanda S

Posts: 4

Colorado Springs, Colorado, US

Wow I can not believe that!  You do NOT have to tell anyone that....that is totally irrelevant!  Being black or white or asian, etc... has nothing to do with the quality of your work!  My husband is black and if I were there or heard that I would have gave her what she deserved and knocked her right out of the modeling industry!  That disgusts me! That should never be an issue!

Aug 10 06 02:12 pm Link



Posts: 5446

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

PPRO Analyst wrote:
Yesterday, I had a model walkout on a scheduled shoot because I “didn’t tell me you’re black!”

I rarely call girls assholes..but she is an asshole.  smile 

Sorry to hear about your situation...

Aug 10 06 02:14 pm Link


PPRO Analyst

Posts: 149

Chicago, Illinois, US

Thanks to EVERYONE for the love!   You've all made my day.  I'm sitting here with a blank check for $200 (her fee & expenses), I'm going to fill it out in the name of the charity that gets the most votes in the next 4 hours, 7pm CST.

I vote first;  Habit for Humanity

Aug 10 06 02:37 pm Link


Some Like It Shot Photography

Posts: 89

Kent, Washington, US

NOt At All!! I do have to say that I am asked if I can photograph black people, it is distinctly different being asked that vs. being the photographer! All that matter is what can do with your photos. smile Sorry that happened to you.

Aug 10 06 02:42 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

PPRO Analyst wrote:
Thanks to EVERYONE for the love!   You've all made my day.  I'm sitting here with a blank check for $200 (her fee & expenses), I'm going to fill it out in the name of the charity that gets the most votes in the next 4 hours, 7pm CST.

I vote first;  Habit for Humanity

The Human Fund.  You can make the check out to Christopher Hartman.  E-mail me for address.

Aug 10 06 02:48 pm Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

The day I have to offer that I'm white or answer that question is the day the other person better pray they are not in front of me.... don't EVER put up with that shit.
It cuts both ways... we all have our "unfriendlies" out there...
remember the best advise of all times....................NEXT!

Aug 10 06 02:49 pm Link


Lo Fi Art

Posts: 1311

Alice Town, Biminis, Bahamas

That's funny, she sounded taller on the phone.  Why should it matter what race?

One love!

Aug 10 06 02:51 pm Link



Posts: 183

Pemberton, New Jersey, US

Arbor Day Foundation!!!

We need more Trees!!!

Aug 10 06 02:58 pm Link



Posts: 183

Pemberton, New Jersey, US

Daniel Schmidtka wrote:
This is one dumb shit! Don't let it get to you. Most models/photographers are not like that. Hell I believe America is not like that. Its a few dumb shits of every color that cause the problems! I love going to play grounds and seeing the kids play. No colors just fun. If ever in AZ I would love to meet/work with you.

And if any of my bitches say anything I will Photoshop all kinds of bruises on them! LOL!!!

Pay attention, models!
Yet another reason to keep our photographers happy.

Aug 10 06 03:04 pm Link


Terrence Blount

Posts: 379

Chicago, Illinois, US

Sorry you've experienced it! I believe that every minority photographer will face that situation one day. I'd say put her on display and tell other photographers that she don't work with minorities.

Aug 10 06 03:06 pm Link


PPRO Analyst

Posts: 149

Chicago, Illinois, US

PPRO Analyst wrote:
Thanks to EVERYONE for the love!   You've all made my day.  I'm sitting here with a blank check for $200 (her fee & expenses), I'm going to fill it out in the name of the charity that gets the most votes in the next 4 hours, 7pm CST.

I vote first;  Habit for Humanity

So far only three votes, let everyone you know on MM know about this vote!


Aug 10 06 03:07 pm Link