Forums > General Industry > Should a Black photographer disclose that fact?



Posts: 227

Los Angeles, California, US

Had that happen once- It made me create my " Mask Series ". Truth is that craziness happens. When I first started a good friend of mine who covered WWII told me to walk into shoots and say " get over it " before anything else.

Aug 10 06 12:05 pm Link


Hasta la Vista

Posts: 1641

This is one dumb shit! Don't let it get to you. Most models/photographers are not like that. Hell I believe America is not like that. Its a few dumb shits of every color that cause the problems! I love going to play grounds and seeing the kids play. No colors just fun. If ever in AZ I would love to meet/work with you.

And if any of my bitches say anything I will Photoshop all kinds of bruises on them! LOL!!!

Aug 10 06 12:07 pm Link


Dark Magus

Posts: 7027

El Cajon, California, US

rp_photo wrote:
Photographers should have a "disarming" picture of themselves onliine somewhere that prospective models can see.

That way, if there is something about you that creeps them out (such as race), things will go no further.

It's also a good idea because the model will know it is you when meeting for the first time. Sometimes people assume someone looks a certain way, and are surprised when truth is revealed.

Did anyone ever see an image of a radio personality, only to find out that they looked nothing like you thought?

What I look like shouldn’t be an issue. I am not going to be in the images she is. She liked your work before she found out you were too dark for her tastes. I would like to know why it matters to her. Perhaps she does not believe that a black man should see her naked.
I lived in Chicago for 16 years and the South for 10 and the only real difference between the two is the accent. But you stay strong Black Man.

Aug 10 06 12:09 pm Link


Stonekey Photography

Posts: 507

Wilmington, North Carolina, US

That is funny and sad all at the same time.  I don't think it should matter one way or the other what you disclose before hand.  There will always be someone out there who will hate you for something.  I have plenty of people that don't like me for the simple fact that I am not afraid of the world.

The best thing to do is to not give them the satisfaction of letting it bother you.  They lose power if you trivialize their actions.  Let it bother you and they got what they wanted.


Aug 10 06 12:11 pm Link


Thomas Landon

Posts: 516

Aden, Alberta, Canada

yeah and while your at it you should tell her your sexual orientation.. what kind of socks you wear.. the kind of tooth paste you use... and what side of the bed you like ot sleep on.. cuz these are very important things to know when you are working with your photographer..
Wow it never ceases to amaze me the ignorance and stupidity of some people.

I for one would have been completely offended and would have thrown her ass back in the trailer she crawled out of.

Aug 10 06 12:12 pm Link



Posts: 458

Providence, Rhode Island, US

I could see this happening with inexperienced wanna be models, but can't imagine that an experienced model would think like that. But then again if your a photog and only have pics of white models others might think your white only because there are no pics of black models...sounds dumb to me but I'm sure thats how some people think. Thats why I posted a pic of me with models, to let any potential model know that I'm Africian American. Since posting the pic I have had three or more models cancel a shoot. I would have thought that this form of art would be more like sports were skin color makes no difference. Not yet I guess.

Aug 10 06 12:16 pm Link


Anne of Ohio

Posts: 4391

Columbus, Ohio, US

Im sorry that happened to you...I personally dont give a damn if photographer you get the idea!

Aug 10 06 12:16 pm Link


Anne of Ohio

Posts: 4391

Columbus, Ohio, US

Oh by the your port...I would love to work with you!!!smile

Aug 10 06 12:18 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

rp_photo wrote:
Photographers should have a "disarming" picture of themselves onliine somewhere that prospective models can see.

It's also a good idea because the model will know it is you when meeting for the first time. Sometimes people assume someone looks a certain way, and are surprised when truth is revealed.

So you want to perpetuate the race shit. 
"Show me your true colors..come shining through "

Why dont you send your photo to the Realtor before you buy or rent a house ?
A very 'disarming' photo,  that says "dont sell me a house in this neighorhood"

Aug 10 06 12:18 pm Link


Carpe Imago Photography

Posts: 1757

Dousman, Wisconsin, US

So Says Amara. wrote:
you should have shot back, 'you didn't tell me you were a bigot!' and thrown her ignorant ass right in the street.


Aug 10 06 12:18 pm Link



Posts: 3

Summit, New Jersey, US

You SHOULD tell her - for your own sake.  Look at the energy and time and emotional capital wasted because of her reaction.  You can't afford that in your life.  Better to let that person know everything about you and then let them come or not come.  If someone is going to discriminate against you because you are black, or white, or jewish, or hispanic, or fat or whatever - let them.  They are going to anyway,  but let them not waste your time and the only way to ensure that is going to happen is to let them know up front.

Maybe she was just a 'delicate flower' type and anything that did not match her expectations upset her - who knows.  I had a situation where I was interviewing someone for a job and they were 350lbs and all I had were chairs with arm-rests.  She couldn't fit into them!  We had to have two people carry in a couch from the lobby for her to sit in.  How embarrassing for me, and for this poor woman.  But if she'd let me know beforehand I'd have had a chair without arms for her to sit in and things would have gone much better.

Aug 10 06 12:19 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

You say you spoke to her on the phone and she didn't know you were black?  You were obviously deceiving her by not sounding black.  How are white people supposed to know who they should make appointments with if they can't tell the race of the person on the other end of the phone.  Shame on you and I hope the next time you take other peoples feeling into consideration when you schedule a shoot or conduct any sort of business activity.

*For those of you who do not understand sarcasm, this is the mother of all sarcasm.

Aug 10 06 12:21 pm Link


Gary Kennedy

Posts: 130

Brampton, Ontario, Canada

That's crazy!  I don't even know what to say...

Aug 10 06 12:22 pm Link



Posts: 5

San Francisco, California, US

everybody's been very diplomatic with their replies..mine is.. HELL NO! There is a reason photos of YOU aren't posted all over the place, because YOU aren't the service being provided, your photographical talent is. And the fact you live in a high-income area is even FARTHER besides the fact, outside of safety concerns. The only time race is an acceptable exchange is in the case of us models, because we ARE what's being provided.. and to the model.. you make us look bad.. lol... keep on pushin' on...

Aug 10 06 12:23 pm Link


Robert Feliciano

Posts: 580

New York, New York, US

OMFG. I'm at a loss. I would call her every name in the book right now, but I wouldn't want future clients to read this post.

Aug 10 06 12:23 pm Link



Posts: 332

Cleveland, Ohio, US

I've had 1-2 models act funny, but for the most part they are all okay with it.  I usually meet my subjects before the shoot so we know each other ahead of time.  Funny thing is that from my voice I sound 'white' and have to put up with that crap also.  I wonder if some models try to be more sensual with me since most are posing with very little clothing, and are living that 'Jungle Fever' fantasy?

Aug 10 06 12:24 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

PPRO Analyst wrote:
Yesterday, I had a model walkout on a scheduled shoot because I “didn’t tell me you’re black!”  This model and had several phone conversations about the planned shoot, her portfolio, my portfolio, etc.  We even talked about family and educational goals.  You know all the normal stuff adults talk about.

The shoot was at my condo in the Lincoln Park section of Chicago, not exactly the hood!
Average home costs around $550,000 so you get the idea of the community.

As a minority photographer, shooting nudes, should I make a point of advising new models that I am Black?

Shooting while black.

In some places, it might be a crime.

Aug 10 06 12:24 pm Link



Posts: 10302

Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US

So Says Amara. wrote:
you should have shot back, 'you didn't tell me you were a bigot!' and thrown her ignorant ass right in the street.

...I agree wholeheartedly!!!

Aug 10 06 12:29 pm Link



Posts: 5367

Chicago, Illinois, US

WHO CARES what color the photographer is, the work should speak for it's self!
To day has been the first time I have been actualy moved enough to write on the forums,and all because of these type of biggots stories.
I DONT have to tell people I am a Latino/Mexican photographer, so why should you have to tell them what color you are?
I mean arent we all just from the same race? the HUMAN RACE? the RAT RACE of LIFE?

Aug 10 06 12:32 pm Link


Flash Vividere

Posts: 39

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

I bet I get more models who won't work with a "mature" photographer than those who will reject a black photographer.

It seems many "models" base their decision on who to shoot with based on how "cool" the photographer is vs. the work the photographer has done.

I haven't had a model come right out and tell me she things I am too old but I highly suspect it was the reason some shoots didn't happen.

Aug 10 06 12:32 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

markcomp wrote:
You say you spoke to her on the phone and she didn't know you were black?  You were obviously deceiving here by not sounding black.  How are white people supposed to know who they should make appointments with if they can't tell the race of the person on the other end of the phone.  Shame on you and I hope the next time you take other peoples feeling into consideration when you schedule a shoot or conduct any sort of business activity.

*For those of you who do not understand sarcasm, this is the mother of all sarcasm.

Hint: to show dumb shitheads your ethnicity, here are code words or phrase to use during the phone conversation.
is your uncle your daddy ?
you like chow mein ?
I have  gold teeth
your baby daddy is your escort ?
dats your cuzzin pickup truck
es tu cholo ?
ooohh, you are soooo gay!

you can simply say " I dont work with dumb phucks"

Aug 10 06 12:35 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Debbie Lezemore

Posts: 98

Liverpool, England, United Kingdom

That is shocking someone can be like that! She wont get far in life with that attitude.
Debs x

Aug 10 06 12:36 pm Link



Posts: 43

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:

So you want to perpetuate the race shit. 
"Show me your true colors..come shining through "

Why dont you send your photo to the Realtor before you buy or rent a house ?
A very 'disarming' photo,  that says "dont sell me a house in this neighorhood"

I don't agree with the disarming part but, I think it's fine to let them know what you look like.
And by the way, The realtor probably won't care but I bet the neighbors would like a picture of who is moving into the neighborhood.

Aug 10 06 12:37 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

PPRO Analyst wrote:
Yesterday, I had a model walkout on a scheduled shoot because I “didn’t tell me you’re black!”  This model and had several phone conversations about the planned shoot, her portfolio, my portfolio, etc.  We even talked about family and educational goals.  You know all the normal stuff adults talk about.

The shoot was at my condo in the Lincoln Park section of Chicago, not exactly the hood!
Average home costs around $550,000 so you get the idea of the community.

As a minority photographer, shooting nudes, should I make a point of advising new models that I am Black?

If you had told her, would she have stayed?

I think you should tell them ONLY if you are worried that they might waste your time as this girl did.  She deserves to have her time wasted because she's stupid.  I think it servers her right to show up, find out your black, and then for her to storm out.  If her time was wasted because you weren't upfront about it, GOOD!!  My concern would only be if YOUR time was wasted.

So again, if you're concerned about this happening again and you don't want your time wasted, yeah, you should tell them.  If it's really not that big a waste of your time to have a model storm out, then don't tell them.  It shouldn't be an issue to begin with.

Aug 10 06 12:37 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Foolio7714 wrote:

I don't agree with the disarming part but, I think it's fine to let them know what you look like.
And by the way, The realtor probably won't care but I bet the neighbors would like a picture of who is moving into the neighborhood.

Would that be your neighborhood ?

Aug 10 06 12:39 pm Link



Posts: 152

San Diego, California, US

its the art that counts, not the color, race or creed of the individual creating it.  she is shallow, and no matter how pretty the outside is, she will always be ugly inside.

Aug 10 06 12:39 pm Link



Posts: 43

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:

Would that be your neighborhood ?

My neighborhood loves me. Black people are welcome.

Aug 10 06 12:41 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

ryanfreeman wrote:

You haven't been to Alabama have you???? LOL It sucks that people are still like that. If you take good pics, you take good pics. That's the way I look at it.

been there, done that... you can keep it

Aug 10 06 12:43 pm Link


Ivan S Harris

Posts: 96

San Diego, California, US

man, I wouldn't trip! You obviously have you rphotography together so I wouldn't let one model instance get you! forget live and you learn, just step your photog game the bigots will still have no choice but to be like Damn...

Aug 10 06 12:44 pm Link


Stephen McClelland

Posts: 1

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

You should have told her if and only if every other person states what nationality they are, Korean, Chinese, Indian, Italian, Brazilian, Scottish, and those Irish too. Probably mention religious backgrounds too. Then we can all just start throwing bombs, who wants to enjoy life anyway?

Aug 10 06 12:44 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Foolio7714 wrote:

My neighborhood loves me. Black people are welcome.

Good. 100 points and a beer ! the 7-11 cheap stuff, not the good German beer

Aug 10 06 12:45 pm Link


Craig A McKenzie

Posts: 1767

Marine City, Michigan, US

And this is the reason...

I hope you handled it in a professional way and dismissed it. Grow from it, but don;t allow it to harm your talent.  Stay strong, be proud.

Aug 10 06 12:48 pm Link


Marshall Arts

Posts: 621

Los Angeles, California, US

e-string wrote:
What the HELL?! I can't believe people are THAT openly racist anymore. Wow.

Believe it.  Racism is here to stay.  I'm sure I've been overlooked because I'm black AND physically fit.  That's a double-whammy and "scary" to a lot of non-black models.

Aug 10 06 12:48 pm Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

You can't be Black, I think this is a hoax. Everybody knows Black photographers just take booty shots. Besides if you were Black your big lips would keep you from getting close enough to the camera to focus, not to mention all the fried chicken grease would mess up the camera. (Did I leave out any stupid stereotypes?)

Face it, she did you a favor especially if this was a paid shoot. If she is that stupid then  you don't want her nasty ass fucking up your art. BTW great work.

Please don't be angry at her, the retarded can't help it and she sounds like a short bus girl to me.

Sorry you had to deal with stupidity and waste your time, but at least she showed. wink

EDIT: to answer your question, NO you don't need to tell them you are black. You are the photographer, NOT the model.

Aug 10 06 12:49 pm Link



Posts: 578

San Francisco, California, US

LOL, unless it is relevant to accessing a location I don't tell models that I am a C5-6 quadriplegic and confined to a wheelchair.

I like seeing their face when we meet for the first that harsh?   I guess it just helps me get a good read on people.  And like many others have said, either you like my work or you don't.


Aug 10 06 12:50 pm Link



Posts: 209

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Maybe she is one of those people who doesnt date outside her race and after talking to you on the phone she was like "wow he is such a nice guy" and thought she was flirting with you on the phone then when she got there realised you were black and got offended.. I know thats a childish poit of view but so is doing something like that...

Aug 10 06 12:51 pm Link


Marshall Arts

Posts: 621

Los Angeles, California, US

name some names !!!! call the bigots out !!!

They'll just hide under their white hoods.

Aug 10 06 12:52 pm Link


Remi Tamar

Posts: 1

London, England, United Kingdom

What a total Bitch.... Lol,

I don't know what she meant by that, as if it effects your work, or maybe she thought you were dodgy or that you would do something to her. Nevermind, she'll get hers, the person who she least expects it from will shit on her, Trust!

Yes people, racism is still alive and well. I live in London, which is more multicutural than anywhere in Europe, but I know my blackness still offends some people, but they wouldn't dare say it... Lol! I JUST DON'T LET THEM EFFECT ME, AND NEITHER SHOULD YOU SWEETHEART.  Love It! :-)

Aug 10 06 12:54 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Patricia Daniels wrote:
Im sorry that happened to you...I personally dont give a damn if photographer you get the idea!

I'm fine with that, but I draw the line at one-eyed, one horned, mighty purple people eaters.

Bigotry, bah, humbug!  I grew up in the 50's.  We would have been having an entirely different conversation back then.

Thank God for progress.

Aug 10 06 12:58 pm Link



Posts: 183

Pemberton, New Jersey, US

Aug 10 06 12:58 pm Link