Forums > General Industry > Should a Black photographer disclose that fact?



Posts: 99

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Doesn't matter to me if the photographer is purple and green, as long as he is good at what he does. Geesh.

Aug 13 06 09:30 am Link


Edson Williams

Posts: 6

I am having some of that problem up here

Aug 13 06 09:31 am Link



Posts: 221

Largo, Florida, US

Thats very sad. Its too bad it had to happen to someone of your talent. And no, dont tell them your color. Shouldnt matter, and if it did you dont need to waste your time with them anyway.

Unfortunatly, this is an issue that I keep running into. I had a local photgrapher tell me he wasnt interested in a model I work with on a regular basis. Shes Italian, and has the dark hair and olive skin. Shes a fantastic model, but this guy told me shes to ethnic looking for him. It was only then I realized all his work has been with white models. No Hispanics, no African-Americans, no Asians. Maybe Im reading him wrong, but it made me think...

And for thoese of you who think racism is limited to an ignorant few, visit the south sometime. You will be disapointed in what you find. I know, Im there...

Aug 13 06 09:59 am Link


Emmanuel Ray

Posts: 49

London, England, United Kingdom

PPRO Analyst wrote:
Yesterday, I had a model walkout on a scheduled shoot because I “didn’t tell me you’re black!” 

The Only way to make such types realise their mistake is by NAMING AND SHAMING THEM!!!"

Aug 13 06 10:39 am Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Emmanuel wrote:

The Only way to make such types realise their mistake is by NAMING AND SHAMING THEM!!!"

I don't think that it's really worth it Emmanuel. But I will tell you this much. I won't name the model on here. But she posted a politcal topic on this website and there were some who didn't like it. No problem with that. BUT, some took it too damn personal. She told me that she recieved threats via MM email being called all types of names including Nigger bitch.

I know this member to be for the majority neutral on these types of topics. So if anyone who sit here and try to justify this woman's actions as a fear, need a wakeup call. I just gave you an example of others on here who show their true colors. Now that's worth reporting, shaming and banning these types.

Aug 13 06 10:51 am Link



Posts: 63

Peterborough, England, United Kingdom

Next time (and I so hope there isn't)

Look at her with total horror

"I'm colour-blind and no-one ever told me before"

Now start sobbing uncontrollably

It won't lessen the crass bigotry coming from the model but it might increase their embarrassment



Aug 13 06 11:42 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:

The fact that someone has to "burn a cross" or "be in the kkk" in my front yard to be decried for their bigotry is one of the reasons we still have racism to deal with. … emID=10157

So absolutely true Melvin!

Aug 13 06 05:20 pm Link

Hair Stylist


Posts: 1

San Francisco, California, US

you should never tell anyone your race before you shoot.  If they like your work then thats all they should worry about.  And if they do have a problem with who you are don't waste your talent on them. I wonder if she just has a problem with black people or if she hates everyone.  Because a lot of the top designers, photographers, models, make-up artists, hairstylists, and stylists are people of color. And if she won't work with people of color that dumb bitch won't get nowwhere.  Excuse my language but she is a dumb ass bitch

Aug 13 06 05:53 pm Link



Posts: 185

New York, New York, US

NO!! Thats crazy. I once had a model say to that she didn't know I was so young, that I seemed much older before we met (I am very professional) and during the shoot she starts to giggle a bit (on set I am very loose but professional) and she says to me that "I still cant get over the fact that you look like my little brother holding that camera (an RZ67 handheld)" At first I was glad she didn't say I looked like I was double my age - but then I was a little insulted.

On a side note - I recently held my first agency casting and I had my portfolio with me and I was showing my book and the models were showing me theirs and the booking agent said to me "you dont need to show your book - you have nothing to prove to the models"

It was just an interesting change. It felt wierd not showing my work and just having someone have faith that your good photographer and trust worthy (cause the models werent getting paid)

Aug 13 06 06:03 pm Link



Posts: 3

Memphis, Tennessee, US

I'm just wondering how could you become successful in this business, if things such as a persons race,creed, or religion matter. I dont think she or others with that attitude would make it far, not just in this business but in life.

Aug 13 06 06:03 pm Link



Posts: 2534

Toledo, Ohio, US

Yeah.........that is a shocker this day and age. I've shot with several black photogs and they did it the same as the white ones.....pointed the camera at me and pushed the button! I can't understand some people.........the Hell with the model......

Aug 14 06 12:27 pm Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

I can't even believe that this is an issue. Who the hell cares what color anyone is? Or what gender? Do models think that all photographers are one color? Or one gender?

This makes me angry.

Aug 14 06 12:34 pm Link


Carina Comeau

Posts: 223

Ajax, Ontario, Canada

PPRO Analyst wrote:
Yesterday, I had a model walkout on a scheduled shoot because I “didn’t tell me you’re black!”  This model and had several phone conversations about the planned shoot, her portfolio, my portfolio, etc.  We even talked about family and educational goals.  You know all the normal stuff adults talk about.

The shoot was at my condo in the Lincoln Park section of Chicago, not exactly the hood!
Average home costs around $550,000 so you get the idea of the community.

As a minority photographer, shooting nudes, should I make a point of advising new models that I am Black?

Wow, thats complete ignorance.
I think I would be even more thrilled to find out that the photographer is black. Working with someone who is the minority would be a little more rare and memorable?
I don't know if I'm wording this properly, but..I know what I'm saying..? lol

Aug 14 06 12:39 pm Link


Carina Comeau

Posts: 223

Ajax, Ontario, Canada

And the thrill of eating some oxtail and roti after the shoot would be great! =P

Aug 14 06 12:40 pm Link


Cynthia Hayes

Posts: 56

Chicago, Illinois, US

Only if they give warnings that they are shallow and close-minded.  Each of the photographers I've worked with have been in my parents age group (born in the 40's and 50's) but simple conversation to warm up can get rid of the immediate uneasiness. 

And a simple meeting (10-30) would help with the skitish, and newbies, probably better to do a month in advance of the shoot though.  Anyone with experience would not care nor let your ethnic background, weight, sexuality or attractiveness a deciding factor in getting great shots done. 

She was an idiot.

Aug 14 06 12:45 pm Link



Posts: 3

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I found that race has its implications and ramification just based on general principle no MATTER WHERE YOU GO. I started in Cali in 91, was left to 2nd assistant for 5 years...Why? I dodnt go to Brooks? Who knows but I kept shooting my own stuff and was recognized eventually.

I still get alot of "your african american?"...well no, I am black & puerto rican, but for the sake of humanity, I am an educated, skillful man and lets leave it at that, and thats why you called me to shoot right?

With the models, I have run into a lot who have this perception of us, and I do what I can to make them feel comfortable, but I have not had any walk out on me in many years because of my race. I have had them leave for illness, they could not focus cause fighting with boyfriend, and even cause they will not work with other models, but my race card....Damn.

Keep doing what you do well, perfect your craft, and they will come to you.

Be Well.

Aug 14 06 12:57 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

I feel u HIPS. It's sad, very sad. Especially when it comes from sistahs too. But to be frank, I am at the point to where I really don't care because I'm going to shine no matter how dull another's attitude is. All that the model or any negative model at that,  is just doing me is a favor. Like I said in my previous post, I'll just get rid of them and move on.

It's very sad and morbid how people can put you in a place that you don't even belong.

I'll tell the African American photographer this, keep on shining and don't let anyone deny you your rights as a human being, a man and a black man who only wants what is right for you. This is how I feel about myself because I have love and respect for myself and won't settle for less or anyone with that is insecure. And also realize, you aren't alone. There are legions of us that go through what you have expereince.  BUT, I won't be denied because I fight for mine.

Aug 14 06 10:45 pm Link


Bobby Mozumder

Posts: 4007

Rockville, Connecticut, US

My own photo galleries on pbase have plenty of pics of me so that anyone knows I am brown skinned.  I'd prefer to disclose that fact early, to make sure I don't have to deal with any problems later.  Racism is not just a southern-thing either, it's everwhere around the country.  The last thing I want is to work with a person that expects a white person and can't deal with any other race.  And, I am talking from a state that is literally 97% white, so my guess is that everyone expects a white guy.  Fortunately, being in Vermont, I get to at least deal with LESS people in general on a day-to-day basis.

Still, I can't believe how many people out here can't accept the fact that racism is at the core of our society?  What's up with you idealists?  Get real.  Just look around you:  how many inter-racial marraiges do you know of?  It's only 2% of the population, when, without racism, it should be about 10-20%.  The book "Freakonomics" did a lot of subtle race-relations exploration, and found out that a white guy was 100x more likely to get a response from a dating website than a black guy, for example.  It's why business-investments are often overlooked for black-owned businesses.

We're talking "legal-but-subtle" effects of racism here.

Aug 14 06 11:09 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Ditto Bobby,

I am a student/photography major here in the Cali. San Francisco area. And a lady friend of mine who is also a student, photographer and African American talks about how subtle racism is in the Bay area. More of in the northern parts via Marin county where the rich primarily live and don't really want you there.

It's funny because I went to go purchase a t.v. at a popular electronics store here called Frys, and it was comical seeing how I was followed down every isle. Even after I had addressed a employee what I wanted, here comes a guy down my isle, sneaking around the corner only to jump after he sees me looking right at him. It was so funny. It's amazing. This is why I told WG Rowland now many Muslims know how we feel when they are harrassed in airport because people fear that they are terrorist. Sad, but it's a reality of stereotyping.

We had a Eastern Indian man here recently got shot to death because some fool thought that he was a Muslim because he wore his traditional turbin. Pitiful.

Aug 14 06 11:21 pm Link


Opportunistic Photog

Posts: 29

Greeley, Colorado, US

I dont see why it should matter, as long as your are professional.

Aug 14 06 11:24 pm Link



Posts: 57

Miami, Florida, US

PPRO Analyst wrote:
Yesterday, I had a model walkout on a scheduled shoot because I “didn’t tell me you’re black!”  This model and had several phone conversations about the planned shoot, her portfolio, my portfolio, etc.  We even talked about family and educational goals.  You know all the normal stuff adults talk about.

The shoot was at my condo in the Lincoln Park section of Chicago, not exactly the hood!
Average home costs around $550,000 so you get the idea of the community.

As a minority photographer, shooting nudes, should I make a point of advising new models that I am Black?

I would like to see how such an ignorant model plans to make it in the Industry...And unprofessional at that!

Aug 14 06 11:24 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

So Says Amara. wrote:
you should have shot back, 'you didn't tell me you were a bigot!' and thrown her ignorant ass right in the street.

Kudos to you for saying it the way that should be said. Not every none black could say this. My best friend who is white, is another example of someone who will and has said this to someone who thought that he was down with them because he's white. He cut  into to the guy so deep that it surprised the shit out the guiy who said it and left him speechless.

Aug 14 06 11:28 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Nika Vaughan

Posts: 1015

Chicago, Illinois, US

rp_photo wrote:
Photographers should have a "disarming" picture of themselves onliine somewhere that prospective models can see.

That way, if there is something about you that creeps them out (such as race), things will go no further.

It's also a good idea because the model will know it is you when meeting for the first time. Sometimes people assume someone looks a certain way, and are surprised when truth is revealed.

Did anyone ever see an image of a radio personality, only to find out that they looked nothing like you thought?

I get your logic, but don't think this really addresses that this model was racist.  So she would have just flaked out on him after scrutinizing his online picture?  He still deserves better.  If she's that much of a bigot, it should be HER responsibility to inquire, "Hey, btw, I kinda need to know what race you are...."  Then that would have been HIS red flag to walk a way. 

But most racists don't really do that, do they?

Aug 15 06 12:04 am Link


Bobby Mozumder

Posts: 4007

Rockville, Connecticut, US

This is part of the reason my photo prof would never, ever take pictures of people... he may have been onto something.

Aug 15 06 01:35 am Link


Robert Winn Photography

Posts: 2097

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

What the hell does it matter what color the photographer is?  It doesn't matter if your home cost $500,000 or $5,000. The quality of the images is all that should matter. Kick the little racist to the gutter where she can model for her favorite KKK newsletter.

Aug 15 06 03:17 am Link


Beatrice Neumann

Posts: 193

PPRO Analyst wrote:
Yesterday, I had a model walkout on a scheduled shoot because I “didn’t tell me you’re black!”  This model and had several phone conversations about the planned shoot, her portfolio, my portfolio, etc.  We even talked about family and educational goals.  You know all the normal stuff adults talk about.

The shoot was at my condo in the Lincoln Park section of Chicago, not exactly the hood!
Average home costs around $550,000 so you get the idea of the community.

As a minority photographer, shooting nudes, should I make a point of advising new models that I am Black?

Good lord!

Aug 15 06 05:24 pm Link


selina selina

Posts: 2

NO! unless they ask, it's not an issue!! if the model walked out it's their issue.  DO NOT take it personally.  people like that shouldn't model in the first place!!

Aug 15 06 05:27 pm Link



Posts: 14

Miami, Florida, US

So Says Amara. wrote:
you should have shot back, 'you didn't tell me you were a bigot!' and thrown her ignorant ass right in the street.


Aug 15 06 06:48 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Hello and Welcome to my portfolio.

I love to smoke lots of pot, and I spend enless hours on the computer. My hobbies are moutain biking, video games, belly shots and piano playing. I really love living a creative and productive life, as my creative outlets prevent me from taking revenge on the MAN for bringing my people over on tightly packed ships.

Currently I am offering TFP to all White Devils, so come on down!

Our staff is waiting to service and meet all of your photographic needs. :-)

Aug 15 06 11:38 pm Link


Southern Image Photo

Posts: 10021

Garner, North Carolina, US

The model acted like a jerk. Forget about her.

Aug 16 06 07:14 am Link