Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Suicide and Violence Help Thread


Dannielle Levan

Posts: 12865

New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada

ArunaDiesPretty wrote:

She doesn't believe in counseling. She's supportive of me getting counseling for "my" depression, but she doesn't think she needs it herself. I am seeing a therapist. My mom was there for a couple sessions to fill my therapist in about me. Other than that, she believes that depression is a thing of "American Culture", and that I have "become american".

Honestly, I really thought my mom would be a little supportive of me pursuing this. I never thought that she would try to stop me, and then make me feel like a bad person for it. She said I could meet photographers at the mall, now it seems she's changed her mind about that even!

She has always been very smart and professional in her dealings with other people, like when she used to work and when she's running our household, so I'm just really bitter and frustrated with her insulting attitude toward me, and her total disregard for my online friendships and communications.

I have always been annoyed with my mom, but I have never hated her the way I do now. I am especially disgusted when she keeps insisting that she "loves" me, and wants me to "understand". It's not enough that she's oppressing me, she wants me to be happy with it!

And then she just laughs it off!

I can understand that - My whole family is kinda screwed up but my mother has been unofficially diagnosed (by proxy) as paranoid schizophrenic.  Yet, she believes she is perfect and everyone else is the problem.
She swings between a nice 'Christian lady' in public, and this horribly cruel monster around us kids.  I'm pretty sure she doesn't remember the stuff she does as this cruel monster side of her; she honestly thinks she was a good parent to me (She tried to kill me any chance she got.)
She tells everyone she loves us then sabotages us every chance she gets.
I've stopped talking to my whole family, except one brother, mostly because of her effects on people.

Mar 31 10 12:40 pm Link


Cadence Rose

Posts: 2689

Greenfield, Massachusetts, US

Big A-Larger Than Life wrote:

These are amazing! I can feel the emotion in them. I'm glad you ended up okay. smile

Mar 31 10 07:53 pm Link


Cadence Rose

Posts: 2689

Greenfield, Massachusetts, US

I have been considering telling my therapist something but I'm scared that she'll think I'm in danger and send me to a hospital against my will. Thinking about this makes me anxious. I know it will be good for me to tell her, but my gut instinct tells me not to. I don't know what to do.

Mar 31 10 08:19 pm Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

- Rose - wrote:
I have been considering telling my therapist something but I'm scared that she'll think I'm in danger and send me to a hospital against my will. Thinking about this makes me anxious. I know it will be good for me to tell her, but my gut instinct tells me not to. I don't know what to do.

do you want to tell us here or PM or are you just thinking kind of out loud?

Sounds like you're trying to take a big step and you're not sure what to do.

Mar 31 10 08:45 pm Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Help me choose, please. or

Mar 31 10 08:46 pm Link


Cadence Rose

Posts: 2689

Greenfield, Massachusetts, US

Star Child wrote:
do you want to tell us here or PM or are you just thinking kind of out loud?

When I was a child I was hospitalized for suicidal ideation. I've been experiencing it again, but it's just thoughts...I'd never do it, I'd never put my boyfriend through it. I only think about it when I'm feeling bad. But having been hospitalized for it before, I don't want to risk it again. I don't need to be in a hospital, I need my therapist to help me work through it.

P.S. After some thought, I think I'd vote for turtlelife. It's memorable. So is kayelless, but people may have trouble spelling it if they don't know it very well. smile

Mar 31 10 09:55 pm Link


A S Photography

Posts: 1222

Newark, Delaware, US

Star Child wrote:
Help me choose, please. or

A) how much does it cost?
B) can you do both and have one refer to the other? (that should let you do the referring one very cheaply)

If you can only do one, which name will your audience be the most familiar with?

Mar 31 10 10:00 pm Link


Dannielle Levan

Posts: 12865

New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada

A S Photography wrote:

A) how much does it cost?
B) can you do both and have one refer to the other? (that should let you do the referring one very cheaply)

If you can only do one, which name will your audience be the most familiar with?

I like Turtlelife

Mar 31 10 10:02 pm Link


Cadence Rose

Posts: 2689

Greenfield, Massachusetts, US

On a happier note, I am working on a long-term blogging project...long-term meaning I'll work on it whenever I feel like it and hopefully it won't be put down and forgotten about. I'm not sure exactly what I'm trying to do with it but I know I want to use it to inspire others who have gone through foster care, using my own experiences.

Mar 31 10 10:04 pm Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

A S Photography wrote:

A) how much does it cost?
B) can you do both and have one refer to the other? (that should let you do the referring one very cheaply)

If you can only do one, which name will your audience be the most familiar with?

Considering costs I can do both.
I already own & .com
-Rose- had a good point, though. People misspell Kayelless all the time.
btw, is leading in the race

Mar 31 10 10:41 pm Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

- Rose - wrote:
On a happier note, I am working on a long-term blogging project...long-term meaning I'll work on it whenever I feel like it and hopefully it won't be put down and forgotten about. I'm not sure exactly what I'm trying to do with it but I know I want to use it to inspire others who have gone through foster care, using my own experiences.

That's awesome!! big_smile borat

Mar 31 10 10:41 pm Link


Geoffrey B Photography

Posts: 502

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

turtlelife would get my vote.

Mar 31 10 11:21 pm Link


Geoffrey B Photography

Posts: 502

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

- Rose - wrote:
I have been considering telling my therapist something but I'm scared that she'll think I'm in danger and send me to a hospital against my will. Thinking about this makes me anxious. I know it will be good for me to tell her, but my gut instinct tells me not to. I don't know what to do.

Well she might also surprise you with something different, more useful.

Mar 31 10 11:23 pm Link


Geoffrey B Photography

Posts: 502

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

RL_11214 wrote:
Aruna. I am going to try to restrain my reply.

A lot of your problems are in your own head.

Before you even get a job, you have already decided it will be a dead end. There is nothing congenitally wrong with you. Go out and join the Army, for example, while you are still under 42, do something to get out of the house.

I don't know about that.  The military isn't always  the friendliest place around.
I was in the Canadian Forces.  After boot camp, seven people and myself went to the same barracks.  This funny little guy (21 years old) after being there for like eight months, just before Christmas, waited to his three room mates were out and hung himself.

Mar 31 10 11:34 pm Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Star Child wrote:

Considering costs I can do both.
I already own & .com
-Rose- had a good point, though. People misspell Kayelless all the time.
btw, is leading in the race

I like turtlelife. That's something more people can remember and associate with. It's a familiar animal. kayelless isn't recognizable unless they know you already.

Apr 01 10 03:55 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

totally like turtlelife smile

got bad news from my vet
my dog has days, maybe weeks left. The dog has tumors throughout his lungs
he's been with me through my worst times to now
He seems relatively ok though, not in pain so for now he'll get some steriods

Apr 01 10 05:03 am Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Faith EnFire wrote:
totally like turtlelife smile

got bad news from my vet
my dog has days, maybe weeks left. The dog has tumors throughout his lungs
he's been with me through my worst times to now
He seems relatively ok though, not in pain so for now he'll get some steriods

Oh, no. Faith, I'm sorry. I don't even know what to say. sad

Apr 01 10 05:07 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Photons 2 Pixels Images wrote:

Oh, no. Faith, I'm sorry. I don't even know what to say. sad

hugs are good

Apr 01 10 06:07 am Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Faith EnFire wrote:

hugs are good

Lots of *HUGS* coming your way.

Apr 01 10 07:09 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Photons 2 Pixels Images wrote:

Lots of *HUGS* coming your way.


Apr 01 10 07:50 am Link


Cadence Rose

Posts: 2689

Greenfield, Massachusetts, US

Faith EnFire wrote:
totally like turtlelife smile

got bad news from my vet
my dog has days, maybe weeks left. The dog has tumors throughout his lungs
he's been with me through my worst times to now
He seems relatively ok though, not in pain so for now he'll get some steriods

Ohh, poor little guy. Hugs for you and your dog. I'm sorry sad

Apr 01 10 01:50 pm Link


Dannielle Levan

Posts: 12865

New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada

Faith EnFire wrote:
totally like turtlelife smile

got bad news from my vet
my dog has days, maybe weeks left. The dog has tumors throughout his lungs
he's been with me through my worst times to now
He seems relatively ok though, not in pain so for now he'll get some steriods

Oh poor baby.  Well at least he'll be safe, warm and loved smile  That means more to pets than anything.

Apr 01 10 01:56 pm Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Faith EnFire wrote:
totally like turtlelife smile

got bad news from my vet
my dog has days, maybe weeks left. The dog has tumors throughout his lungs
he's been with me through my worst times to now
He seems relatively ok though, not in pain so for now he'll get some steriods


Apr 01 10 02:06 pm Link



Posts: 6438

Cassina de' Pecchi, Lombardy, Italy

popping in, popping out smile

Apr 01 10 04:22 pm Link



Posts: 6438

Cassina de' Pecchi, Lombardy, Italy


Kevin: YAY!!! on the almost job. Have you heard anything?

Big A: HI! Why no pm? I've been only marginally on the forums for the past few weeks. I've been thinking about you, and concerned with the passing of another month. Where are you with that?

Everyone: Love you guys!  I think about you all daily.

Apr 01 10 04:38 pm Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Natasha240 wrote:

Kevin: YAY!!! on the almost job. Have you heard anything?

Big A: HI! Why no pm? I've been only marginally on the forums for the past few weeks. I've been thinking about you, and concerned with the passing of another month. Where are you with that?

Everyone: Love you guys!  I think about you all daily.

Back atcha lovely lady. smile

Apr 01 10 06:54 pm Link


Roxie Red

Posts: 1574

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

i'm sorry i don't have time to read all of these...

just came by to say. if the last time i was here i was a 2 out of 10. 10 being happy.

i'm like a five right now. which is good!

Apr 01 10 10:05 pm Link


Dannielle Levan

Posts: 12865

New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada

Retardly happy right now, as i finally got my paws on a new Canon 50D. big_smile

Apr 01 10 11:06 pm Link


Roxie Red

Posts: 1574

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Miss Murder Photography wrote:
Retardly happy right now, as i finally got my paws on a new Canon 50D. big_smile

congrats! i am a nikon baby myself...but congrats!

Apr 01 10 11:45 pm Link


Dannielle Levan

Posts: 12865

New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada

Roxie Red wrote:

congrats! i am a nikon baby myself...but congrats!

It's a massive upgrade from my Canon Rebel xt, lol

Apr 01 10 11:52 pm Link


Roxie Red

Posts: 1574

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Miss Murder Photography wrote:

It's a massive upgrade from my Canon Rebel xt, lol

I always heard that was a good camera?

Apr 02 10 12:19 am Link


Dannielle Levan

Posts: 12865

New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada

Roxie Red wrote:

I always heard that was a good camera?

They both are.

Apr 02 10 12:49 am Link


Nicole Nygaard

Posts: 795

Sacramento, California, US

Roxie Red wrote:
i'm sorry i don't have time to read all of these...

just came by to say. if the last time i was here i was a 2 out of 10. 10 being happy.

i'm like a five right now. which is good!

ha, right now i feel like a 2. Great hahaha

Apr 02 10 12:56 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Miss Murder Photography wrote:
Retardly happy right now, as i finally got my paws on a new Canon 50D. big_smile

sweet jealousy
but yes a canon xt is good too, I like mine

dog's not doing well, so it's looking like sooner rather than later. the heat doesn't help him

Apr 02 10 04:23 am Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Roxie Red wrote:
i'm sorry i don't have time to read all of these...

just came by to say. if the last time i was here i was a 2 out of 10. 10 being happy.

i'm like a five right now. which is good!

YAAAAAAY! Happy dance.

Apr 02 10 04:51 am Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Miss Murder Photography wrote:
Retardly happy right now, as i finally got my paws on a new Canon 50D. big_smile

I'm jealous. I'm trying to decide between the 5DmkII or the T1i and use the difference for accessories. Decisions, decisions....

Happy for you, though. smile

Apr 02 10 04:52 am Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Faith EnFire wrote:

sweet jealousy
but yes a canon xt is good too, I like mine

dog's not doing well, so it's looking like sooner rather than later. the heat doesn't help him

sad More *HUGS* for ya.

Apr 02 10 04:53 am Link


Lawrence Guy

Posts: 17716

San Diego Country Estates, California, US

Miss Murder Photography wrote:
Retardly happy right now, as i finally got my paws on a new Canon 50D. big_smile

Photons 2 Pixels Images wrote:
I'm jealous. I'm trying to decide between the 5DmkII or the T1i and use the difference for accessories. Decisions, decisions....

Happy for you, though. smile

I'm salivating over the T2i. 5DmkII is out of my budget for the time being.

Happy for both of you!

Apr 02 10 11:27 am Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

Miss Murder Photography wrote:
Retardly happy right now, as i finally got my paws on a new Canon 50D. big_smile

Haz a 50D big_smile
wait till you start shooting with it,your happiness will be x100

One thing,the files will be HUGE!
I shoot in Jpeg(ducks from all the peeps here who say you have to shoot in
RAW),and these files are humungous

Apr 02 10 11:43 am Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

Oh and happiness factor is at a 2 today sad
mainly because my seasonal allergies(which hit me harder
than most) have confined me indoors on a rare day off,where
not a cloud in the sky and 83 degrees....

But,I know this will be over in a week or so,but unfortunately
due to my job I hit every allergy seasonacross the US sad

Apr 02 10 11:47 am Link