Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Suicide and Violence Help Thread


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

Paul Bryson Photography wrote:

Until now, I never knew what you look like.

Holy fuck! yikes

*hits the weights one more time before bed* lol

And I`m an OTR trucker.
I use all my spare time on the road at the gym instead of at truck stops
with the other goobers...
I use all the negativity people have twards OTR truckers as a motivation
So when most girls I would be interested in would consider me
undesireable because of what I do for a living(and make a dam good
penny as well),They are not only throwing away a good guy who
makes good money they are throing a way a good looking
physical speciman as well.

Feb 23 10 08:38 pm Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

ArunaDiesPretty wrote:

Eating healthy doesn't have to be awful.  You just need to know how to prepare my mom does, lol, and just make little modifications here & there.

If you like chicken,turkey,lean ground beef,seafood,skim milk
broccoli,and salads,you could eat this for 2-4 months and cut
serious fat.
And a few protien shakes as well

Feb 23 10 08:44 pm Link



Posts: 4587

Dover, Delaware, US

ArunaDiesPretty wrote:
Eating healthy doesn't have to be awful.  You just need to know how to prepare my mom does, lol, and just make little modifications here & there.

Chris Rifkin wrote:
If you like chicken,turkey,lean ground beef,seafood,skim milk
broccoli,and salads
,you could eat this for 2-4 months and cut
serious fat.
And a few protien shakes as well

Oh hell, I LOVE all that stuff.  Unfortunately, I also like coke, cran-grape juice, and uhmmm... yikes, WHITE BREADS!!! yikes

Feb 23 10 08:47 pm Link



Posts: 2162

Naperville, Illinois, US

MMStudiosDC wrote:

ArunaDiesPretty wrote:
Eating healthy doesn't have to be awful.  You just need to know how to prepare my mom does, lol, and just make little modifications here & there.

Oh hell, I LOVE all that stuff.  Unfortunately, I also like coke, cran-grape juice, and uhmmm... yikes, WHITE BREADS!!! yikes

I like these flavored soda waters.

Yeah, there's artificial sweeteners in them, which are probably bad for me, but they are a nice  alternative to the sugar and corn syrup in coke.

Feb 23 10 09:57 pm Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

MMStudiosDC wrote:

ArunaDiesPretty wrote:
Eating healthy doesn't have to be awful.  You just need to know how to prepare my mom does, lol, and just make little modifications here & there.

Oh hell, I LOVE all that stuff.  Unfortunately, I also like coke zero, cran-grap juicepomergranite juice, and uhmmm... yikes, WHITEWHEAT BREADS!!! yikes

fixed a few things to make this much healthier

Feb 23 10 10:45 pm Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

ArunaDiesPretty wrote:

I like these flavored soda waters.

Yeah, there's artificial sweeteners in them, which are probably bad for me, but they are a nice  alternative to the sugar and corn syrup in coke.

fake sugars make me lightheaded nauseous and skin crawls...I try to avoid them-oh well...more natural juices for me smile

Feb 24 10 05:56 am Link


Dannielle Levan

Posts: 12865

New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada

ArunaDiesPretty wrote:

I like these flavored soda waters.

Yeah, there's artificial sweeteners in them, which are probably bad for me, but they are a nice  alternative to the sugar and corn syrup in coke.

You should try those Crystal Light flavour packs you can put in bottled water.  I'm addicted to them.

Feb 25 10 01:53 am Link



Posts: 2162

Naperville, Illinois, US

How is this for irony (or ironies):

I have never been able to drive or use public transportation, so I applied for ADA Paratransit with Regional Transportation Authority. 

Tomorrow morning is my appeal hearing (because they rejected me the first time).  I was told I would have transportation to this appeal hearing, and that I would be called the day before to confirm my pick-up time.'s late afternoon on the eve of my early morning hearing, and no phone call. 

It seems that Regional Transportation Authority failed to arrange transportation for my A.D.A. Paratransit appeal! xx(

Oh, and in "health care"...

My mom's doctor insisted she go for a biopsy right away, because it's an "emergency".  When my mom called to make the appointment with the surgeon, they new nothing of the "emergency".  Now, everyone's on the same page, but the appointment is being delayed because they realized they can't find her medical records.

I have more stories of ignorance, but this reply is already too long. 

Why doesn't anyone know WTF they're doing?!?!?

Why don't people do what they're supposed to do?

Why must every single organization we deal with be so damn ignorant!?

Edit:  RTA just called and said they will pick me up at 9:30A.M tomorrow, so I'm...less pissed off. However...

They still waited until the last minute, and I suspect they forgot to arrange transportation and only did it after I left 3 messages. Also, I had to remind them again, to authorize the second person coming with me.

Feb 25 10 01:22 pm Link



Posts: 2162

Naperville, Illinois, US

Um...sorry, the reply button stalled, so I kept clicking.  Please excuse the empty boxes below.

Feb 25 10 01:22 pm Link



Posts: 2162

Naperville, Illinois, US

(duplicate reply)

Feb 25 10 01:22 pm Link



Posts: 2162

Naperville, Illinois, US

(dupe reply)

Feb 25 10 01:22 pm Link



Posts: 2162

Naperville, Illinois, US

(dupe reply...this is why I wish we can delete posts instead of just editing them.)

Feb 25 10 01:22 pm Link



Posts: 6438

Cassina de' Pecchi, Lombardy, Italy

The news of the suicide of Andrew Koenig, aka Boner from Growing Pains, has me so sad. It's not the suicide itself that is making me tear up, but that he was apparently SCREAMING he was going to do it and NO ONE saw the warning signs. Like no one cared. Poor thing.

Suffering from clinical depression, clearing out his apartment, selling then GIVING away all of his things, alarm bells should have been going off to those close to him. Maybe it's because in the pictures I see of him, his eyes speak. He looked so kind. I dunno. Sadness.

Feb 25 10 08:33 pm Link


Big A-Larger Than Life

Posts: 33451

The Woodlands, Texas, US

Natasha240 wrote:
The news of the suicide of Andrew Koenig, aka Boner from Growing Pains, has me so sad. It's not the suicide itself that is making me tear up, but that he was apparently SCREAMING he was going to do it and NO ONE saw the warning signs. Like no one cared. Poor thing.

Suffering from clinical depression, clearing out his apartment, selling then GIVING away all of his things, alarm bells should have been going off to those close to him. Maybe it's because in the pictures I see of him, his eyes speak. He looked so kind. I dunno. Sadness.

Some people just don't see until the time comes.

Feb 25 10 09:06 pm Link



Posts: 6438

Cassina de' Pecchi, Lombardy, Italy

Big A-Larger Than Life wrote:

Some people just don't see until the time comes.

and some of us do see, and some of us care.

Feb 25 10 09:12 pm Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Natasha240 wrote:
The news of the suicide of Andrew Koenig, aka Boner from Growing Pains, has me so sad. It's not the suicide itself that is making me tear up, but that he was apparently SCREAMING he was going to do it and NO ONE saw the warning signs. Like no one cared. Poor thing.

Suffering from clinical depression, clearing out his apartment, selling then GIVING away all of his things, alarm bells should have been going off to those close to him. Maybe it's because in the pictures I see of him, his eyes speak. He looked so kind. I dunno. Sadness.

Big A-Larger Than Life wrote:
Some people just don't see until the time comes.

Unfortunate, but true. People don't want to think it'll ever come to that. They want to think it'll get better. Or he's just going through a phase. Or any number of other excuses to not get involved. Then when it happens they all stand in shock and lament how they could have/should have done something, they should have seen the signs, etc.

It's frustrating. Very frustrating. And it's why I am active here. That could be me someday. At least here, people understand and more importantly....don't judge. This is my family now.

Feb 25 10 11:47 pm Link


Dannielle Levan

Posts: 12865

New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada

Natasha240 wrote:
The news of the suicide of Andrew Koenig, aka Boner from Growing Pains, has me so sad. It's not the suicide itself that is making me tear up, but that he was apparently SCREAMING he was going to do it and NO ONE saw the warning signs. Like no one cared. Poor thing.

Suffering from clinical depression, clearing out his apartment, selling then GIVING away all of his things, alarm bells should have been going off to those close to him. Maybe it's because in the pictures I see of him, his eyes speak. He looked so kind. I dunno. Sadness.

It's so sad.  I know a lot of people in Vancouver that were friends with them.  Everyone is very quiet today, one girl has gone into hiding because the media won't leave her alone.

Feb 26 10 12:56 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

ArunaDiesPretty wrote:
How is this for irony (or ironies):

I have never been able to drive or use public transportation, so I applied for ADA Paratransit with Regional Transportation Authority. 

Tomorrow morning is my appeal hearing (because they rejected me the first time).  I was told I would have transportation to this appeal hearing, and that I would be called the day before to confirm my pick-up time.'s late afternoon on the eve of my early morning hearing, and no phone call. 

It seems that Regional Transportation Authority failed to arrange transportation for my A.D.A. Paratransit appeal! xx(

Oh, and in "health care"...

My mom's doctor insisted she go for a biopsy right away, because it's an "emergency".  When my mom called to make the appointment with the surgeon, they new nothing of the "emergency".  Now, everyone's on the same page, but the appointment is being delayed because they realized they can't find her medical records.

I have more stories of ignorance, but this reply is already too long. 

Why doesn't anyone know WTF they're doing?!?!?

Why don't people do what they're supposed to do?

Why must every single organization we deal with be so damn ignorant!?

Edit:  RTA just called and said they will pick me up at 9:30A.M tomorrow, so I'm...less pissed off. However...

They still waited until the last minute, and I suspect they forgot to arrange transportation and only did it after I left 3 messages. Also, I had to remind them again, to authorize the second person coming with me.

take a deep breath
[higher power of personal choice], grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference-just for today
and another deep breath

that's what I'd do anyways

Feb 26 10 05:18 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Natasha240 wrote:
The news of the suicide of Andrew Koenig, aka Boner from Growing Pains, has me so sad. It's not the suicide itself that is making me tear up, but that he was apparently SCREAMING he was going to do it and NO ONE saw the warning signs. Like no one cared. Poor thing.

Suffering from clinical depression, clearing out his apartment, selling then GIVING away all of his things, alarm bells should have been going off to those close to him. Maybe it's because in the pictures I see of him, his eyes speak. He looked so kind. I dunno. Sadness.


Feb 26 10 05:18 am Link



Posts: 6438

Cassina de' Pecchi, Lombardy, Italy

Starting to feel kinda hopeless and pointless again. What is the point of getting out of bed in the morning? Nothing interests me. I'm bored and lonely all the time. Going through the motions only goes so far.

Feb 26 10 10:29 am Link



Posts: 2162

Naperville, Illinois, US

Natasha240 wrote:
Starting to feel kinda hopeless and pointless again. What is the point of getting out of bed in the morning? Nothing interests me. I'm bored and lonely all the time. Going through the motions only goes so far.

Breakfast?  (shrug) That's what gets me out of bed.

Sorry...nothing else to offer.

At least you have breakfast and photo shoots.

Feb 26 10 10:38 am Link



Posts: 6438

Cassina de' Pecchi, Lombardy, Italy

ArunaDiesPretty wrote:

Breakfast?  (shrug) That's what gets me out of bed.

Sorry...nothing else to offer.

At least you have breakfast and photo shoots.

No, I have not shot in over a year sad

Feb 26 10 10:41 am Link



Posts: 6438

Cassina de' Pecchi, Lombardy, Italy

OMG! So you guys all know the shit I went through with my sister when my dad died?

So I am the beneficiary for his pension plan. It's been 3 months, and to tell you the truth I kind of forgot about it. I remembered today, so I called them asking, "what gives? It's been 3 months?"

This woman told me they've been speaking to MY FUCKING SISTER, the one who tried to steal my dads things from me. I told them no, I'm NATASHA, the beneficiary. I'm trying to get it sorted out as we speak. I'm shaking with rage, guys. I'm seeing red. RED.

Feb 26 10 10:54 am Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Natasha240 wrote:

No, I have not shot in over a year sad

I'm ready whenever you are, dear. smile

Feb 26 10 10:59 am Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Natasha240 wrote:
OMG! So you guys all know the shit I went through with my sister when my dad died?

So I am the beneficiary for his pension plan. It's been 3 months, and to tell you the truth I kind of forgot about it. I remembered today, so I called them asking, "what gives? It's been 3 months?"

This woman told me they've been speaking to MY FUCKING SISTER, the one who tried to steal my dads things from me. I told them no, I'm NATASHA, the beneficiary. I'm trying to get it sorted out as we speak. I'm shaking with rage, guys. I'm seeing red. RED.


Feb 26 10 11:00 am Link


Dannielle Levan

Posts: 12865

New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada

Natasha240 wrote:
OMG! So you guys all know the shit I went through with my sister when my dad died?

So I am the beneficiary for his pension plan. It's been 3 months, and to tell you the truth I kind of forgot about it. I remembered today, so I called them asking, "what gives? It's been 3 months?"

This woman told me they've been speaking to MY FUCKING SISTER, the one who tried to steal my dads things from me. I told them no, I'm NATASHA, the beneficiary. I'm trying to get it sorted out as we speak. I'm shaking with rage, guys. I'm seeing red. RED.

Wow.  That sucks mate, i hope you get your due.  I hope your sister gets attacked by a rabid skunk smile

Feb 26 10 11:03 am Link



Posts: 6438

Cassina de' Pecchi, Lombardy, Italy

Photons 2 Pixels Images wrote:

I'm ready whenever you are, dear. smile


Feb 26 10 11:05 am Link



Posts: 6438

Cassina de' Pecchi, Lombardy, Italy

Miss Murder Photography wrote:

Wow.  That sucks mate, i hope you get your due.  I hope your sister gets attacked by a rabid skunk smile

LOL, me too big_smile

thanks for the laugh, it broke some tension.

Feb 26 10 11:05 am Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Natasha240 wrote:
Starting to feel kinda hopeless and pointless again. What is the point of getting out of bed in the morning? Nothing interests me. I'm bored and lonely all the time. Going through the motions only goes so far.

Time to do something for someone again, maybe?

              like having fresh manure delivered on top of your sister's car? tongue

Don't stress, hon. You got through that last battle and you'll get through this one.

Feb 26 10 12:28 pm Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Miss Murder Photography wrote:

Wow.  That sucks mate, i hope you get your due.  I hope your sister gets attacked by a rabid skunk smile

I concur

Feb 26 10 12:29 pm Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Star Child wrote:

Time to do something for someone again, maybe?

              like having fresh manure delivered on top of your sister's car? tongue

Don't stress, hon. You got through that last battle and you'll get through this one.

If I recall, she's in New Jersey....not too terribly far for me. My Chocolate Lab would probably need to relieve himself quite a lot by the time I got there. smile

Feb 26 10 12:57 pm Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

It's a sunny afternoon here in Nashville. How is everybody doing?

Feb 27 10 01:18 pm Link



Posts: 2162

Naperville, Illinois, US

Star Child wrote:
It's a sunny afternoon here in Nashville. How is everybody doing?

It's cloudy here.  Just finished my yoga.

Same boring day...

Feb 27 10 01:47 pm Link


Big A-Larger Than Life

Posts: 33451

The Woodlands, Texas, US

Star Child wrote:
It's a sunny afternoon here in Nashville. How is everybody doing?

Pretty crappy!  big_smile

Feb 27 10 01:50 pm Link


Wynter Rose

Posts: 382

Wexford, Wexford, Ireland

It's nice to know there are a lot of people willing to listen. I suffer from depression as well and made several attempts to end it all. Still not out of the woods yet cause I'm not that social but getting there.....slowly but surely. Anybody got any ideas for coping with it? My councelling appointments are over a month apart!

Feb 27 10 01:59 pm Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Star Child wrote:
It's a sunny afternoon here in Nashville. How is everybody doing?

I'm doing better. How are you doing?

Feb 27 10 02:18 pm Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Wynter Rose wrote:
It's nice to know there are a lot of people willing to listen. I suffer from depression as well and made several attempts to end it all. Still not out of the woods yet cause I'm not that social but getting there.....slowly but surely.

Welcome. You'll like it here with us. Lotta good people here.

Feb 27 10 02:21 pm Link


Wynter Rose

Posts: 382

Wexford, Wexford, Ireland

Photons 2 Pixels Images wrote:

Welcome. You'll like it here with us. Lotta good people here.

Thanks for the welcome.

Anyone got any ideas for coping with depression? I'm not a danger to myself or others anymore but I'm still finding it a bit difficult to cope sometimes...actually a lot lately.

Feb 27 10 02:29 pm Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Wynter Rose wrote:

Thanks for the welcome.

Anyone got any ideas for coping with depression? I'm not a danger to myself or others anymore but I'm still finding it a bit difficult to cope sometimes...actually a lot lately.

I'm  at work on my cell phone so it's hard to write a lot. Hopefully one of the others will come in and give you some advice. You could also read back through this thread and you'll find posts already made on that.

Do you have people you can talk to?

Feb 27 10 02:58 pm Link


Star Child

Posts: 39289

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Wynter Rose wrote:
It's nice to know there are a lot of people willing to listen. I suffer from depression as well and made several attempts to end it all. Still not out of the woods yet cause I'm not that social but getting there.....slowly but surely. Anybody got any ideas for coping with it? My councelling appointments are over a month apart!

It really boils down to the individual, but for me I've found a few "fighting back" methods that I use.  It's important to remember that depression is an enemy out to destroy your life. From that point of view when I feel a low coming on I turn to my counter strikes to help pull me up. Here are a few of them.

1) Helping others - when I do things that helps someone I feel better about myself

2) Get involved with my art - I don't even consider myself a photographer. My effort is not to record or capture a vision of something. My goal is to create one.

3) My creative projects - Working on my weblog/websites, music videos for YouTube, etc.

Those are just some of my favorite counter-strikes. I have others and that's not an in-order list. I do what works best at the time.
Mostly, since I've been involved with this group and actively "fighting back" against depression it's a question of awareness. By being aware of what's going on I'm in a better position of control and better able to do something about it. I have confidence in myself and don't feel overwhelmed anymore.

That's what I do. May not be for you, but the key is recognizing what is going on and developing a strategy to fight back.

and welcome smile

Feb 27 10 04:46 pm Link