Forums > General Industry > Does TFP really stand 4 Time For Pu**y???



Posts: 394

XtremeArtists wrote:

That's what the call girl told the lepper...

yuk haha

Sep 01 05 11:23 pm Link


T.S. Caudill

Posts: 2

Tampa, Florida, US

Wow.. This is a not so fun thread to read. I do feel I should say something. Both being a photog & woman. I've met and worked (in the small amount of time i've been here) some wonderful models off of Model Mayhem. They have been professional and just plain fun to work with. Being a female photographer- i'm going to say- photography is a hard business. On all sides, but if you ask questions & have escorts with you on shoots - you really shouldn't have problems. You feel threaten or uncomfortable- like Bella said- walk out- leave. I know pressure and the pressure you might put on yourself to please & i think as women we have a tendency to do that because of gender roles etc.. but i'm not getting into that. There are times i have an escort go with me to some of the places i will shoot. I think communication is Key in this buisness.
The TFP or TFCD is a very benefical thing for both model & photographer.
I'm with Marvin, i went to school for art/photography & i put a lot of work and care into that art.
Please research & talk to your photographers- they will appreciate your questions and time.
All of you are welcome to come work with me smile

Sep 01 05 11:44 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

If I owned a warehouse of Recreational Vehicles, I'd loan them to the needy and homeless in Louisiana!

Sep 01 05 11:46 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Joe K. Perez wrote:
If I owned a warehouse of Recreational Vehicles, I'd loan them to the needy and homeless in Louisiana!

Okay Joe... I saw your overwhelmingly emotional willingness to help "everywhere and everybody" many times... now... slooowwly.... put down that vodka bottle... "yes! Joe... it's gonna be okay... put it down... no... NO! no more drinky drinky... you had plenty...

Okay... see, the bottle will not spill... now... step back from the bottle... no... you won't bumping into people...!" big_smile

Sep 01 05 11:52 pm Link


Marvin Dockery

Posts: 2243

Alcoa, Tennessee, US

Joe K. Perez wrote:
If I owned a warehouse of Recreational Vehicles, I'd loan them to the needy and homeless in Louisiana!


I heard tonight that some large cruise ships might be coming in to help out with lodging, food, and making drinking water.  Those people sure need help.

They found another 20,000 plus people today staying in the convention center.

Sep 01 05 11:54 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Marvin Dockery wrote:

Do you think your doctor gets turned on when you are sp###d for an exam? (he or she)

  I am sure a lot of photographers are the same way. Getting turned on is the last thing on my mind when the model is getting more than a dollar per minute, of my money.

Well... I think the difference is that the good ol' doc sees the goods often inflamed, oozing yellowish green stuff, discoloration, strange smells etc...

The glamour and nude photographers see a healthy, shaven, freshly showered woman in the buff with make up in a seductive pose and sexy lingery...

I think that the presentation of the menu has a lot to do how the observer is looking at the goodies... No? big_smile

Sep 01 05 11:57 pm Link


Marvin Dockery

Posts: 2243

Alcoa, Tennessee, US

Udo R Photography wrote:
Well... I think the difference is that the good ol' doc sees the goods often inflamed, oozing yellowish green stuff, discoloration, strange smells etc...

The glamour and nude photographers see a healthy, shaven, freshly showered woman in the buff with make up in a seductive pose and sexy lingery...

I think that the presentation of the menu has a lot to do how the observer is looking at the goodies... No? big_smile

I agree.

I liked it back when the models did not shave everything, and gas was 50 cents a gallon.

Sep 02 05 12:01 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

bebewood wrote:
professional photogs may use their power and connections with stuff in the industry to get what they want. girls are afraid that if they report them, they will get blacklisted from whatever magazines the photographer shoots in

Oh please....

Sorry... but could you spend a buck and get a clue!

How many actual professional photographers use their industry connection to get booty? How many, really!

How many GWC's are in the biz to get laid? Many... many... many...

How many GWC's have learned to refine their game by presenting themself as having industry connection to get the tougher girls to lay...


Yes, there are certainly pro-shooters who use this artform and craft to get some... but you can't talk in a way that "protects" the GWC's and tell how "bad" the real pros are.

The pro's I know... are working extremely hard, have pride in what they do and don't have often the friggin' time to play such stupid games just to get laid.

I think the "pros" that you've met and base your judgement on are exactly the GWC's with "game".

Sorry dear... your statement shows that you didn't meet the real ones.

Oh... and as it happens... when you are fulltime in this biz... you most likely end up in relationships with the other sex (or same) in the same industry (model/photographer) as it happens in every other workplace... even in the armed forces, where such relationships are not allowed yet do happen.

But... that is something different and relationships have nothing to do with your described situation.

Sep 02 05 12:24 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

KILL THREAD NOW! I cannot even handle seeing the title on the forum page. EUEWwwwwwwwwww

Sep 02 05 12:27 am Link



Posts: 9122

Marvin Dockery wrote:

I heard tonight that some large cruise ships might be coming in to help out with lodging, food, and making drinking water.  Those people sure need help.

They found another 20,000 plus people today staying in the convention center.

Joe bought Carnival Cruise lines...

Seriously, the people were ordered to go there 3 days ago and have been waiting in lines for the busses.

Sep 02 05 12:27 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Lapis wrote:
KILL THREAD NOW! I cannot even handle seeing the title on the forum page. EUEWwwwwwwwwww

... and yet... it seems that you can't stay away and have to check if something else "euewwwwww-worthy" is posted... huh? big_smile

Sep 02 05 12:29 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

I just decided to stop reading entirely and only respond to thread titles, and this thread title just grosses me out. It is that fascination/repulsion thing...and tell your atavar to stop taking pictures of me.

Sep 02 05 12:37 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Lapis wrote:
...and tell your atavar to stop taking pictures of me.

LMAO!!!... That sends me laughing to bed...

Nite Lapis... LOL

Sep 02 05 12:39 am Link



Posts: 156

Los Angeles, California, US

Udo R Photography wrote:

Oh please....

Sorry... but could you spend a buck and get a clue!

How many actual professional photographers use their industry connection to get booty? How many, really!

How many GWC's are in the biz to get laid? Many... many... many...

How many GWC's have learned to refine their game by presenting themself as having industry connection to get the tougher girls to lay...


Yes, there are certainly pro-shooters who use this artform and craft to get some... but you can't talk in a way that "protects" the GWC's and tell how "bad" the real pros are.

The pro's I know... are working extremely hard, have pride in what they do and don't have often the friggin' time to play such stupid games just to get laid.

I think the "pros" that you've met and base your judgement on are exactly the GWC's with "game".

Sorry dear... your statement shows that you didn't meet the real ones.

Oh... and as it happens... when you are fulltime in this biz... you most likely end up in relationships with the other sex (or same) in the same industry (model/photographer) as it happens in every other workplace... even in the armed forces, where such relationships are not allowed yet do happen.

But... that is something different and relationships have nothing to do with your described situation.

im not saying theyre all like that im just saying that just because one photog is one of the best doesnt mean hes not capable of sexual harrassment or rape.  and i know a lot of people use their job to try to impress people and get laid, don't be naive.

Sep 02 05 01:06 am Link


Kina Dore

Posts: 45

Adelphi, Maryland, US

bebewood wrote:

just because a photog behaves well with other models doesnt m ean he is going to behave well with you

That is precisely what I have been trying to say...I agree 100 percent

Sep 02 05 02:06 am Link



Posts: 14

Wow...Sorry to hear that but I think you really need to do a through search for good photgraphers or well known ones...I wish you the best of luck but dont give up because some photographer dont know how to act.


Sep 02 05 05:51 pm Link



Posts: 14

Wow...Sorry to hear that but I think you really need to do a through search for good photgraphers or well known ones...I wish you the best of luck but dont give up because some photographer dont know how to act.


Sep 02 05 05:51 pm Link



Posts: 2398

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Udo R Photography wrote:

LMAO!!!... That sends me laughing to bed...

Nite Lapis... LOL

He has a point.. now that i really look at it I do get the feeling you're trying to take my picture... i better put some clothes on then.  It is creepy....stop looking at me!!!!

Sep 02 05 08:54 pm Link


Bryan Crump

Posts: 562

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US

Kinel wrote:
Okay the asterisks represent the letter s...but I didn't want to be too blunt with it..I am just wondering it ...I ended up having a discussion with 10 other models at once (not over the phone in person) and they were all wondering the same thing...It seems in our experiences photogs have gotten a little "too" into the photo shoot..I have heard ever thing to photogs claiming they will not give the photos to the model unless she has sex with them before she leaves...photogs that get hard..or just plain photogs that when you get there all they talk about is sex... I have had ONE really BAD BAD BAD experience with a photog that I think I might report but on the other hand I have had one really professional photog that didnt try anything with me.....but it seems most i have shot with ask me to have sex with them in mid shoot and if I say no then they lose all interest in the shoot and the pics come out like the ones you see in my port...I believe I am beautiful geesh would any of you photogs out there shoot me for TFP/TFCD (the real acronym)  hypothetically and realistically..tell me what you think....But on the real I do not bad mouth photogs just had bad experiences I think it beautiful what photogs do...models as well and when you put two amazing ppl together you create pics that make people go wow...geez i love photogs (for the most part) and models (for the most part) damn i just love this industry...hehehe (4 the most part)

It's one thing to get turned on in a photoshoot, but to insist the model have sex with you is not professional and is very disrespectful. This is the reason model releases and escorts to shoots exist, to prevent things like that happening.

I have seen romances develop between people but even then. Work should be work. I have met some wonderful models and made some wonderful friends. I love creating awesome images, but it is crazy to hear about some things that happen. some people I think get desperate or need hormone therapy if they can't behave themselves.

Sep 02 05 09:44 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

I am baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. I just had to hit the reply button and bring this one back....

Apr 21 06 01:40 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Lapis wrote:
I am baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. I just had to hit the reply button and bring this one back....

Someone, somewhere is readying a paddle at this very moment...

Apr 21 06 01:51 am Link



Posts: 2861

Cambridge, England, United Kingdom

Speaking for myself - and I mainly do erotic and nude images - I NEVER sleep with my models - whatever they do in front of my camera (and a lot of my models love to explore and experiment in front of me) it never gets me excited.

Why - because all I see are the images I "see" in my mind - and the light, the way the model is moving, laying, standing etc., If I got caught up in the sexual atmosphere - adnit often getsd very sexual - I would never be able to create the kind of images I do.

And I have to say this - judging from the quality of the images  - not you - on your profile - I think you have been "working" with GWC's -not photographers.

Apr 21 06 01:51 am Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

Kinel wrote:
Thank you Lora...see that is why victims of anything never say anything because people react that way..all mean and wanting to lynch the girl geez...i know now what not to do..and just to get some attention? is this attention...who knew but thank you for making me feel like I have done something wrong ..and i never said the photog was a bad person i simply said in my experience...he is actually very nice despite what occured he never cursed at me or did anything of the sort he was friendly

Kinel, I'm about to send you a private message. 

I just posted a message in another thread the other day about how victims often don't speak up because of attitudes like this from other people who don't take them seriously.  The perverts are counting on people to not believe your story, because it allows them to get away with it and continue doing it.  Even if you didn't mention the photographer's name, that doesn't mean you were making it up (despite what a previous poster on here said).  I had posted a warning on my OMP page about a Virginia photographer (pervert), and I was told that I shouldn't come out and say his name because it could be a lawsuit for slander/deformation of character or some s**t like that.  So I played it safe and removed the name and just referred to him as a "Hampton Roads, Virginia photographer."  Well he KNEW I was talking about him, so in a desperate attempt to save his rep, he started bad-mouthing me to people...making it sound like I'm the one who was begging him to shoot and yada, yada, yada (yet I saved all his e-mails where he's begging me to come out there and shoot).  At first I was starting to think the photographer you were referring to is the same guy I'm talking about, but it's not.

Apr 21 06 02:13 am Link



Posts: 365

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

wow .. sorry u had that experience ... me personally i like to meet the model and let her kno wat im about .. im about my business and only that .. the only person i want is my wife ... plus i have a background in life drawing ( drawing nude models) so i dont see a model in any sexual way other than a model i can b shooting a rock for all i care .. i jus want to build a hot port and do photography .. cus im 23 i get a bad rap cus many GWCs are young lookin to see models in the nude... i say if u seen one u seen them all .. i jus want to do my job and create images that make every one happy ... i wish u all the best in ur search for professional photographers and watch out for the trash... peace TG

Apr 21 06 02:21 am Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

TG Photography wrote:
i wish u all the best in ur search for professional photographers and watch out for the trash... peace TG

Thanks, TG.  smile  There are some scumbags out there, but we just gotta pick up on the "red flags" and the "gut feelings."

Apr 21 06 02:29 am Link



Posts: 365

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

but u kno .. ive had a experience where the model ( wasnt for my looks) came on to me .. cus ii work for a magazine in Toronto .. and keep implying that i come ova for a drink .. me being niave asked her why dont we go to a bar and then i got it when she spelled it out for me  that she will trade sex for a spot in the mag ... being the fateful guy i am said Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll NO and bolted for there.. cant get caught up wit the shit .. trust me .. photographers get it 2

Apr 21 06 02:31 am Link



Posts: 365

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Tikeya wrote:

Thanks, TG.  smile  There are some scumbags out there, but we just gotta pick up on the "red flags" and the "gut feelings."

ur welcome .. i try to advice many of the new models i work wit to spot out the trash and get their rates on their ports and be selective wit TPCD/TFP so that the trash cant use them for tpcd and try anything on them.. i had a model that called me one time crying cus a photographer told her after the shoot he'd like to  take off her pants and do things to her ass that she will enjoy (he told her this on MSN) and i was shocked ... trash like that doesnt belong in this field ..

Apr 21 06 02:35 am Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

i'm not going to write a novel on here. one suggestion for you that'll resolve all of this.


Apr 21 06 02:42 am Link



Posts: 2594

Los Angeles, California, US

Bad zombie resurrection thread. Shame on you.

Apr 21 06 09:36 am Link


Michael Raveney

Posts: 628

Miami, Florida, US


That made my day, I never even thought of that when looking at TFP...LMFAO!!!!!!

funny that a model brought it up, not the first time I've seen that! HAAAA

Apr 21 06 09:41 am Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US

Dark Matter Zone wrote:

Here's an interesting OMP page! I don't know it it is related to this discussion or not!

First of all I am going to vouche for this photographer because I have worked with him and Also another friend of mine and he has never approached both of us about sex...he was the second photographer I worked with professionally, he was very humble, had a lot fo wardrobe and was able to help me take or learn how to take great my port he took the pick of me with the name JASON on my back and two other photos....SO I really hope that he isnt the photographer your talking about because he is married and his wife is extremely nice

Apr 21 06 09:44 am Link



Posts: 648

Lawrence, Indiana, US

I would be interested in knowing if the OP is still having the same problems with photographers or whether she has found better ways to screen photographers than when she posted this thread last year?

Personally, I didn't photograph my first nude woman until I was forty years old.  When I was in my twenties I knew myself too well to trust my behavior around naked women.  I would probably just be getting out of jail about now.

Apr 21 06 09:45 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Dark Matter Zone wrote:
This is illegal. You should go to the Police.

If the shoot was on the photographers property, say his studio or home when this was done, it is not. This has already been in court many times. One included a photographer who also owned a video store. He was doing an actual real shoot of some underage girls for their portfolios.He did some shots in his video store as well and gave them a small section of the video store which was an enclosed room with some videos in it. It also had a camera on the wall at an angle where everything in the room could be seen.
He as well as many store owners with security cameras keep them on 24/7 and often  don`t think about them being there because they are around them every day.
The girls noticed the camera, didnt know stores used cameras for security, freaked out, sicked mommy and daddy on them immediately, and they acted as though he was specifically setting out to record them.when in fact he had cameras in every part of the store for security.
Mom and dad called the cops, cops came and sure enough the girls were recorded during changing.
Mom and dad lost, it is not illegal for a property owner to use see through mirrors, security cameras and such as they please at any time. It was proven the cameras were kept on 24/7 for security, not videotaping little girls changing.

Apr 21 06 09:49 am Link


Joe Koz

Posts: 1981

Lititz, Pennsylvania, US

Kinel wrote:
...but it seems most i have shot with ask me to have sex with them in mid shoot and if I say no then they lose all interest in the shoot and the pics come out like the ones you see in my port...

I think you need a photographer upgrade ... or a better screening process ...

Apr 21 06 09:50 am Link



Posts: 55

Los Angeles, California, US

I will probably get a lot of flack for saying this, but...

If this has happened to you a NUMBER of times, you need to really question your own "radar", in terms of judging people. 

Granted, this can (and does) happen to nearly everyone - regardless of how savvy/smart you may be.  However, there is a pattern here that you need to examine, before you are on the receiving end of something FAR worse than a proposition.

In my experience, people are *generally* what they seem.  If you get a sick feeling from an e-mail, call, etc., TRUST YOUR GUT.  Are you speaking with the photog on the phone first (this should be the MINIMUM contact you have prior to shooting)?  Are you meeting with them in advance (at a public place)?  There are *reasons* we do this; and much of it has to do with the type of silliness you are experiencing during the shoot itself.

Get references, but also look on the photogs page for models you *recognize*.  Contact them directly, WITHOUT letting the photog know.  It's no guarantee; but many a photog has used a model's images without realizing that the model is repeating her "bad experience" to others.

Other than that, I don't know what else to say...but it really shouldn't be *that* difficult to avoid shooting with quite so many "guys with cameras" (as opposed to actual *photographers*).

Apr 21 06 11:06 am Link



Posts: 55

Los Angeles, California, US

Kinel wrote:
but how do i go to the police wouldn't I have to get the "manager" to say his part I asked him should i report it he said do what i feel like i need to do but he is still doing work with him for the MD team ..I am feeling pressure not to tell anything especially because my "manager" is the one who knows for sure

If you are STILL retaining this guy as your manager, you have no one to blame but yourself.

Seriously, this pisses me off to NO END.  If you choose to work with scum, they will introduce you to more scum!  You should be running for the hills from all of these people...but instead you choose to whine and continue engaging in the same behavior repeatedly, wondering why things don't change.

Having looked at your profile, you also need to do a lot of work to appear more professional yourself (sorry, but you have to expect some criticism of yourself, rather than just criticism of "the other guy").  If you stopped referring to yourself as "cuteninnocent",, began using your profile for NETWORKING (rather than looking for "friends" between the lines, as if you were some random horny guy, and then DO THE MATH), you'd avoid many of these problems.  You need to look at this as a BUSINESS, even it if it IS just a hobby for you. 

Until you do your part to be mature and responsible, you will continue this cycle.  You should not be asking for help from others when you are incapable of defending yourself (with your so-called manager).  I'll bet your "manager" doesn't have a license either, right?

I'd wish you luck; but lack of it has painfully little to do with your situation.

In short: no amount of advice can repair poor common sense.

Apr 21 06 11:30 am Link


Strahd SA

Posts: 77

Pontefract, England, United Kingdom

I just read thru this thread from start to finish. It horrifies me that models are put in this kind of position. I say name and shame.

When I first got into photography about 15 years ago I was deffinitely a GWC. The shoot was often purely an opportunity to see some flesh ( please note the excessive honesty here).

Even during this time I believed very strongly that it is very easy to get a bad reputation so no matter what happened or how hot the shoot became it was totally hands off.

However after about 6 months something happened and the image became more important than the situation I was in.

Now I find that no matter what is happening during the shoot I certainly do not manifest a physical reaction. i believe that the emotion is all channelled through the camera. As a photographer I am concentrating on getting the pic right not checking out the model.

I was also once in a situation where the models husband was very put out at my polite refusal to have sex with his wife. We were doing a fairly erotic shoot and he got so worked up that he wanted to start a threesome. At that stage I packed my bags and left.

I have found that if I lose my proffessional detatchment a shoot just does not work. With some of the fetish work i have done there was once a case that a bondage artist did not make the shoot that was planned, Because I am fairly good with ropework myself I decided to go ahead with the shoot. however even tho there was nothing sexual happening i could not concentrate on the photo's that I was trying to get because i was too involve I had no perspective.

I hope this is not just rambling and actually does help someone out there.

Apr 21 06 11:34 am Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Lapis wrote:
I am baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. I just had to hit the reply button and bring this one back.... are so wrong. You just had to bring this back didn't you?
Ah well. I'll sit back and see how far this goes.

"evil grin"

Apr 21 06 11:44 am Link


The Suburban Hippie Pho

Posts: 606

Hampstead, Maryland, US

Kinel wrote:
Well i have talked to alot of photographers and it seems most think it is normal to get turned on (not saying its a bad thing) but they basically ay it's what you do after you are "turned on" that makes you unprofessional or not

You know, maybe my opinion doesn't count since I am so new and not "truely Extraordinary"  But two things;

1.  I have read and I agree that modeling/photography is about sexy, NOT SEX.  If someone asked you for sex, they clearly weren't worried about the pictures(like they should have been)  Either they think they are so great that they don't have to think about it, or they just don't care and are in it to just be around women.

2. Even if I ever did get turned on, I certainly wouln't tell anyone about it, and I would try to snuff out that feeling right away, because I wouldn't be able to consentrate. And it would embarass me.  I would probably chide myself for not being professional.  I haven't had this happen yet, and I hope I never get turned on when working with someone.

Oh and I don't think it is bad that you mentioned it,  Other models should know about  it.  Trouble is, if you don't have proof, it is a tricky situation. 

If you can talk to other models that had this same situation, then you can all agree to get together and out this person.  I wouldn't put yourself on the line, because people are just going to bash you as you can tell from this tread.  If a bunch of you have had the same experience then you have a LITTLE bit of proof.

I did read your thread and although it is UNPROFESSIONAL, unless he tried to force you into having sex, or promise you some sort of monitary gain, I don't think it is illigal, only galling and tasteless.

I don't want people like this around because it just makes it hard for me, the beginner to get people to trust me and to get new models.

Just my little two cents


Apr 21 06 04:35 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

CristinaLex wrote:

First of all I am going to vouche for this photographer because I have worked with him and Also another friend of mine and he has never approached both of us about sex...he was the second photographer I worked with professionally, he was very humble, had a lot fo wardrobe and was able to help me take or learn how to take great my port he took the pick of me with the name JASON on my back and two other photos....SO I really hope that he isnt the photographer your talking about because he is married and his wife is extremely nice

that's cool that you did that. In all fairness we should hear the good and the bad...if any.

Apr 21 06 04:58 pm Link