Forums > General Industry > Does TFP really stand 4 Time For Pu**y???



Posts: 9122

You also have to wonder sometimes why a published professional photgrapher would be eager to shoot net models for free...

Some people in the industry have told me that it is pretty much understood what goes on, but not spoken of very much.

Usually makeup artists can give you a good idea of who shoots the last set in the bedroom with the door locked.

Aug 28 05 10:26 am Link



Posts: 9122

peek a boo

Aug 28 05 10:27 am Link


pamela mars

Posts: 1719

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

XtremeArtists wrote:
You also have to wonder sometimes why a published professional photgrapher would be eager to shoot net models for free...

Some people in the industry have told me that it is pretty much understood what goes on, but not spoken of very much.

Usually makeup artists can give you a good idea of who shoots the last set in the bedroom with the door locked.

people SHOULD talk about it!
that's the problem with society today.  the victims are so afraid to speak cuz people might turn against them.
we need to support each other more.
any photographer that tries to have sex with me gets hurt.
emotionally and physically:)
i've never had that happen and i'm happy.

Aug 28 05 10:32 am Link


Mirage Studios

Posts: 5

North Arlington, New Jersey, US

Also if you had a really bad bad experience you should report it. I'm new here at MM but I'm 100 % legit and the morons give legit photographers a bad name and make it harder for us to try to do business

Aug 28 05 10:41 am Link



Posts: 5067

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Belair wrote:
What is it with all these bullshit photo-shoot-sex threads lately?

This place is starting to sound like "Penthouse Letters."


Why did you open the thread?

Aug 28 05 10:47 am Link


Mirage Studios

Posts: 5

North Arlington, New Jersey, US

Nude or sexually oriented shots should not even be an issue on a tfp shoot. Nude shoots are paid assignments

Aug 28 05 10:51 am Link



Posts: 5067

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Mirage Studios wrote:
Nude or sexually oriented shots should not even be an issue on a tfp shoot. Nude shoots are paid assignments

Ok, not EVERY model gets paid for every nude shoot. Take me.

Aug 28 05 10:52 am Link


Mirage Studios

Posts: 5

North Arlington, New Jersey, US

OK you do nudes tfp I'm not saying its out of the question but I'm sure you only do it with people you trust

Aug 28 05 10:58 am Link



Posts: 5067

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Mirage Studios wrote:
OK you do nudes tfp I'm not saying its out of the question but I'm sure you only do it with people you trust

Yes, but she did say before that she thought she could trust him because of her manager and the guy's portfolio. She's not claiming to have gone about it in the right way (as far as checking references). But even if she did, by what happened, how was anyone else to know? She could have done all of her homework and this still would have happened.

Aug 28 05 11:01 am Link



Posts: 13

Rochester, Illinois, US

""No, it would only tire me out, disappoint you AND cut into our shooting time.""

That has got to be the best line I have heard!

Aug 28 05 11:07 am Link


Mirage Studios

Posts: 5

North Arlington, New Jersey, US

You're absolutely right I'm just trying to say do as much research as possible sites like this one she can even post on one of the discussion platforms and post a general message I'm shooting with so and so he's a new contact to me does anyone have some background info on him Just be careful is my point I worked 10 years as a bouncer in go gop bars and you would not believe how many idiots make up cards claiming to be pro photographer to get a girl out of her clothes it's pitifull

Aug 28 05 11:10 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Mirage Studios wrote:
I worked 10 years as a bouncer in go gop bars and you would not believe how many idiots make up cards claiming to be pro photographer to get a girl out of her clothes it's pitifull

And what if half of them were legit offers???
When I ran my studio in Atlanta, I would give girls wherever I would go my card, and at the time I was working for an agency, with photography and video my sole source of (high) income. Just because I didn't "look" like a photographer, girls thought I was faking the funk.

Their loss, not mines.

But those of you saying she should have researched the photog more... C'mon, think about it. Guys got a TON of different models on his OMP page, PLUS she was with someone she felt she could trust, a GUY at that... And he let her down of course. Put yourself in her shoes... Guys got an extensive port of beautiful women that are tied in with his bikini business, your male manager is going with you, and has worked with this guy several times, and it's your first big shoot... What would you be looking to investigate???

Exactly. You'd go in feeling that you could trust these people, especially the photog. Now whether the things he was saying could be viewed wrong, that's a matter of judgement because I say sexy things when i'm shooting too (like, aw that's hot, you're beautiful, work it girl, etc..) BUT when he started peeking behind secret windows and shit... Well, that's flat out crossing the line.

Aug 28 05 11:42 am Link


Zairias Photography

Posts: 112

Belleville, Illinois, US

Hi Kinel,

Come out to Illinois and I'll shoot you TFP/CD and I won't ask you for sex.

Sarah E. Cayson

Aug 28 05 11:47 am Link


Brandy Engle

Posts: 257

Raleigh, North Carolina, US


Even when I've shot with my boyfriend, who's taken the majority of my photos; we've never had sex afterwards or in the middle of shooting. I think it's mainly because we're both tired as hell after shooting. We eat, watch a movie, take a nap--go to work. Shit like that.

SOOOOooooooo..I think there's something "not right"0 with these people.

Aug 28 05 01:04 pm Link



Posts: 290

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Some of these stories sound a lillte outlandish, but I'll assume for a moment that they're completely accurate, not exaggerated and not subject to different interpretations.  (not necessarily your story, but many that seem to surface here)


The more you act like a professional, the less people are likely to act unprofessionally toward you, and the easier it is to walk out if things are shady.  Act like you would act at any other job.

Sex with models is not out of the question, but sex, dating, friendship, whatever is something that can be discussed when the work is done.  Work is work, play is paly, and there's a time for both.  And sex should never be part of the bargain, expressed or implied.

Common sense- If it looks like a fish and smells like a fish, then it probably swims like a fish.  Sounds like you need to work on your instincts or your street smarts.  I don't care what his list of credits or models is (they can easily be faked by the way), if it looks sleazy or shady you should be ready to walk or you should bail before you start.  Open your eyes and look around the changing area.  On the other hand, if you've ever been to a fashion show, you know the models get changed with 50 to 100 people around, and this is just part of life.  Doesn't sound like the case with what you described (which is damn shady, but probably NOT illegal), but you should be aware that the industry you're in doesn't have a big place for modesty.

I've said it before and I'll say it again- no one should pressure in to doing something you don't want to do, and if they do, you should split.  And your manager should back you up.

Fire your manager.  No more needs to be said about that.

Yes, it sounds like a bunch of male fantasies gone wild, but I've had models get pretty physical and flirty with me during shoots.  I never act on it.  A model would have to grab me and say "enough shooting, let's F. . ." or something equally ridiculous before I would cross that line.  Anybody asking for sex is at LEAST inappropriate.  On the othe hand, there's a fuzzy line between "that's sexy, work it girl" or whatever and inappropriate.  Funny though, my shoots are very laid back, often just me and a model, often partially or fully nude, and i don't seem to have any of these problems.

Maybe the market here in NY is so saturated with decent or better photographers that the ones who try this kind of crap find themselves out of work or without models.  I've had people come from as far as MD to shoot tfp because they couldn't find anyone locally.

Last and best bit of advice (besides use common sense) is BEWAE OF HYPE.  The more hype the more full of shit the person giving you the hype is.  I'm so great, this proect is so great, this will be grate for your career, this is a great oppertunity to promote yourself, network, be discovered or meet the right people. . .  All of these usually mean the job doesn't pay and it's going to be ameteur hour or open mic night (I get these offers about once a week).  These offers are so good in the eyes of the offeror, that you should be willing to drop your pants for them right then and there for even considering you.  In reality, these are usually big time wasters, smooth talkers, and sleazy people.

Aug 28 05 01:30 pm Link


Mark - SydelineWorks

Posts: 422

Wexford, Pennsylvania, US

BlacklistVisual wrote:
Even when I shoot my girlfriend, I still don't ask for sex mid-shoot. 
I'm more interested in getting good images.
Maybe my libido is fading with age...

This is me also.  I'm too busy trying to get a good shoot........ the last thing on my mind is sex.

Aug 28 05 01:38 pm Link


Joel Belmont

Posts: 138

Rochester, Washington, US

Unfortunately, with the creation of the digital camera, and general ease of use with most camera's these days, pretty much anyone can pick up a photo magazine, order a camera and some lights from the back, and Wala! they are now a "photographer".

I hold that of all the "photographers" out there, at least 60% are doing it because it legitimizes some fantasy of either a) being in a position to have young women (90% of models--I wonder why?) do what they want them to (usually within some sort of reason) and/or b) because they want to have the ability to get a woman undressed (supposedly legitimately) and then photograph her in typically sexual poses.

It's becoming a fad that does give most honest photogs a bad rap.  I shoot one on one with models in the nude all the time--and some times my wife (who is also an artist) assists me.  All my work over the years is/has been in trade for gallery prints.  And I do not work because of the means (the shoot), but for the end product.

So be careful who you chose to work with.  You usually can get a good idea of a person by talking with them over coffee.  Ask them questions.  If someone expresses or hints at sexual ideas, that is what the work will be.  ~Joel

Aug 28 05 02:21 pm Link


Daphne G

Posts: 163

New York, New York, US

Kinel wrote:
.....but it seems most i have shot with ask me to have sex with them in mid shoot and if I say no then they lose all interest in the shoot and the pics come out like the ones you see in my port...

I guess I'm concerned when the bad experiences are repeated occurrences, which seems to be the case here.  No model deserves the type of treatment that you've received at the hands of the unscrupulous photographers that you mention in your post.  At the same time, however, one has to wonder...if the same end result repeatedly occurs, it may be worthwhile to consider another method for arranging for TFPs.  When something just isn't working, it's helpful to take the time to consider what's contributing to it not working.

With proper screening, it really is possible to avoid having to deal with the type of folk that you mention. with more professional photographers. Start off by getting references, meeting up for coffee first if possible to get a vibe, etc...

I agree with this earlier post.  That's definitely a start...

It may also pay to consider purchasing a session with a professional photographer to build a foundation for your portfolio.

When you treat the modeling like any other paid job, and conduct yourself as you would in any other business-oriented setting, you really can command the type of respect that  I know you are seeking and very much deserve.

Aug 28 05 03:59 pm Link


Kina Dore

Posts: 45

Adelphi, Maryland, US

Well finding a good photographer I think also depends on one's area, where they are located..I know it says maryland but I am basically at the DC border, That is like a 2 minute walk away from me..meaning photographers in the DC area and when it comes to black models it's a little scary..I am an extremely cordial person and when I am being professional I am being professional..what people also need to realize is that people react to everyone in a different way..maybe that was just the way that photog reacted to as far as changin in fashion shows problem i dont care..i could take my clothes off right now and change meaning im not scared to change in front of others and especially fashion shows EVERYONE is changing and i doubt people even have time to be looking at you or care..just the simple fact that he looked at me while i thought i was in privacy..and the fact i didnt even know about it until a week or two after the shoot...The point is people's reactions to people saying things  about bad experiences is usually like shut up whatever it didnt happen blah blah and thats why people never say anything at all...for instance if you have ever seen specials on rapes its even said 1 in every 2 women will get raped in their lifetime but what percentage of those tell anyone..hardly any and why? bcause people make them feel like crap for saying I wasnt even trying to say lets all lynch the photog just saying me personally had a bad expereince with him..I just wanted to see if it was possible for me to get a photog on here that would do tfp and not ask for sex....and th eguy was in the process of becoming my manager after he told me that i told him i couldn't do it because of that and he said he undestoof and he apoligized for not doing anything at the shoot

Aug 28 05 04:31 pm Link


Eddy Torigoe

Posts: 478

Boston, Massachusetts, US

It's too bad you had such a crappy experience Kinel.

If there were any justice in this world, all the perverted photographers would only setup shoots with all the models that never show up or flake out. Then they would cancel each other out. smile

Aug 28 05 06:38 pm Link



Posts: 12

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Your shooting with trash.

Aug 28 05 06:43 pm Link


Dreams To Keep

Posts: 585

Novi, Michigan, US

richardandre wrote:
""No, it would only tire me out, disappoint you AND cut into our shooting time.""

That has got to be the best line I have heard!

Thank you!

Aug 29 05 05:48 am Link


Nicholson Photography

Posts: 586

Columbus, Georgia, US

first off your working with all the wrong photographers.
second. this is why you bring someone with you. you should always have someone with you and so should the photographer.
ask for refs. from other models.
its basic stuff.

Aug 29 05 10:21 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Kinel wrote:
Okay the asterisks represent the letter s...but I didn't want to be too blunt with it..I am just wondering it ...I ended up having a discussion with 10 other models at once (not over the phone in person) and they were all wondering the same thing...It seems in our experiences photogs have gotten a little "too" into the photo shoot..I have heard ever thing to photogs claiming they will not give the photos to the model unless she has sex with them before she leaves...photogs that get hard..or just plain photogs that when you get there all they talk about is sex... I have had ONE really BAD BAD BAD experience with a photog that I think I might report but on the other hand I have had one really professional photog that didnt try anything with me.....but it seems most i have shot with ask me to have sex with them in mid shoot and if I say no then they lose all interest in the shoot and the pics come out like the ones you see in my port...I believe I am beautiful geesh would any of you photogs out there shoot me for TFP/TFCD (the real acronym)  hypothetically and realistically..tell me what you think....But on the real I do not bad mouth photogs just had bad experiences I think it beautiful what photogs do...models as well and when you put two amazing ppl together you create pics that make people go wow...geez i love photogs (for the most part) and models (for the most part) damn i just love this industry...hehehe (4 the most part)

I remember when I first started out, I used to include in my portfolio description on OMP that any model that works with me and trust me to not push them into take their clothes off or go on dates with me.  All I was interested in was taking pictures of them however THEY wanted them to be.  Essentially, it was THEIR shoot and I am working for THEM.

And that is still my attitude.  Whatever model I shoot with, the shoot belongs to them.  I'll give my input and the more control they give to me the more direction I'll provide.  But otherwise, the shoot is theirs.  Me personally, though I LOVE doing my bikini shoots, I love casual!!!  COLORFUL casual cause I love having all kinds of colors and stuff.  Kinda like Skittles smile

Aug 29 05 10:51 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

BlacklistVisual wrote:
Even when I shoot my girlfriend, I still don't ask for sex mid-shoot. 
I'm more interested in getting good images.
Maybe my libido is fading with age...

I have never been able to get a girlfriend to pose for me...maybe she's worried I'd hit on her wink

Then again, I haven't had a girlfriend since I started all this...damn it!

Aug 29 05 10:52 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Michelle Adrienne wrote:
Ewww...  I read an article somewhere that said the ironic thing about photographers who shoot beautiful women is that those who are really really good at it don't get hot from it - they're too busy being professional, creative, technical...

Sorry for your experience and I hope you find better photographers to work with!

Speaking of that, I get asked all the time by co-workers, "How do you do it?  I'd be all worked up and not be able to shoot!"

Honestly though, it's very easy.  Am I aroused sometimes?  Sure, but it's never been distracting.

It's the photo editing that is harder.  When I'm shooting, I'm thinking of angles, composition, lighting, etc.  I'm not STARING at her or her parts.  But while in photoshop and editing,'ve got an image on your screen that you're staring at.  After 3 hours, yeah, I gotta take a break and get something to eat or play Halo and blow stuff up.  Then it's back to work.

Aug 29 05 11:16 am Link


Zachary Reed

Posts: 523

Denver, Colorado, US

ok see this bugs me. Nobody ever wants to give me a chance because I’m a young photographer. They think that it’s my "line" and I’m just trying to get at them and see them naked. If I want ass im out in the club. If anything I’d be more worried about some old guy wantin’ to take nude pics. They’re the ones to worry about because they can’t go out and get it anymore. so instead they try and have it come to them. My advice is keep checking them out the way you have been, but also bring along an escort to the shoot. Hell it can even be your boyfriend just as long as they don’t get in the way.

I wont lie, I’ve gotten a hard-on every now and then but if im not getting excited about my work then how can I expect my audience to react? But at the same time I’ve never let that head start doin the thinking for me.

Remember you also get what you pay for? If you have to pay us then for those few hours we are basically your employee. And we’re focusing on angles, points of view, backgrounds, the entire composition, not just how hot your tits look. Now with tfp it is the photographer who is coming out of pocket. Does that mean we can expect more? Fuk no! if a photographer is doing a tfp it should be a personal project where he is testing out his new ideas, not just bein’ "nice" to a model. Im doing tfp’s right now but its all for me and im not guaranteeing results.  I also let the model know this up front so they can’t be dissapointed if I lose  an entire roll.

Oh well I wish you better luck in the future. Remember, give young talent a shot! We’re all about what we say we’re about!

Aug 29 05 11:48 am Link



Posts: 5067

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Zach Watkins wrote:
I wont lie, I’ve gotten a hard-on every now and then

Well good luck getting someone to pose nude now.

Aug 29 05 11:51 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Mirage Studios wrote:
Nude or sexually oriented shots should not even be an issue on a tfp shoot. Nude shoots are paid assignments

So, if the model is paid it is okay for the photographer to try and rape the model?

Aug 29 05 12:00 pm Link


Zachary Reed

Posts: 523

Denver, Colorado, US

Aug 29 05 12:12 pm Link



Posts: 521

Maricopa, Arizona, US

Kinel, I am sorry for your experiences. I have never been in the DC area so don't know that much about the environment you deal with. Still...there HAS to be a few good ones around there. Be patient and be careful while looking!

Aug 29 05 12:17 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Stop accepting TFP's form GWC's. OK?

I'll bet you 5 dimes to another that if you start asking for references, published work and portfolios you'll be able to stop avoiding boners and start modeling.

Aug 29 05 12:23 pm Link


Zachary Reed

Posts: 523

Denver, Colorado, US

Lora wrote:
Well good luck getting someone to pose nude now.

yeh just take part of what i say and out of context, it looks bad. thanks! you rock!
1 im not a nude photographer or GWC lookin to get off. all im sayin is that if a lady wants some hot photos for her hubby on V-day and im not even slightly aroused, or at least thinkin "damn, thats hot" when i shoot the foto, how is her 47yr old hubby gonna react? simple, he's not, hes gonna go get a playboy or somethin'. and thats not what she came to me for now is it?

reacting to your arousal is when the professionalism goes out the window and good photographer get a bad rep.

Aug 29 05 12:41 pm Link



Posts: 5067

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Well maybe that was something you should have kept to yourself and not shared.... that will turn a lot of models away, trust me.

Aug 29 05 12:43 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Zach Watkins wrote:

Man... Zach... I looked at your portfolio... it's okay... nothing wrong with that... but... what the heck is going on with your funny scripts, like "..:\:\/: /:..  O_o" and so forth.

Then you write your link with that alternating all caps and lower case letters.

I am not sure... but... MAYBE, models don't wanna shoot with you because you present yourself less than professional... at least in writing.

My tip... and I know you didn't ask for my tip... but my tip would be to make sure that you APPEAR professional and not like a hip teenager on AOL Chat or MySpace who takes photos...

Good luck to you.


Aug 29 05 12:48 pm Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

Oh shoot! Wrong forum!

Aug 29 05 12:51 pm Link


Zachary Reed

Posts: 523

Denver, Colorado, US

thanks for your tip. i'll keep that in mind

Aug 29 05 12:51 pm Link


Zachary Reed

Posts: 523

Denver, Colorado, US

thanks for your tip. i'll keep that in mind

Aug 29 05 12:51 pm Link



Posts: 9122

Zach Watkins wrote:
thanks for your tip.

That's what the call girl told the lepper...

Aug 29 05 01:02 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

XtremeArtists wrote:

That's what the call girl told the lepper...

LMAO... nasty... but funny! big_smile

Aug 29 05 01:06 pm Link