Forums > General Industry > Does TFP really stand 4 Time For Pu**y???


Kina Dore

Posts: 45

Adelphi, Maryland, US

Okay the asterisks represent the letter s...but I didn't want to be too blunt with it..I am just wondering it ...I ended up having a discussion with 10 other models at once (not over the phone in person) and they were all wondering the same thing...It seems in our experiences photogs have gotten a little "too" into the photo shoot..I have heard ever thing to photogs claiming they will not give the photos to the model unless she has sex with them before she leaves...photogs that get hard..or just plain photogs that when you get there all they talk about is sex... I have had ONE really BAD BAD BAD experience with a photog that I think I might report but on the other hand I have had one really professional photog that didnt try anything with me.....but it seems most i have shot with ask me to have sex with them in mid shoot and if I say no then they lose all interest in the shoot and the pics come out like the ones you see in my port...I believe I am beautiful geesh would any of you photogs out there shoot me for TFP/TFCD (the real acronym)  hypothetically and realistically..tell me what you think....But on the real I do not bad mouth photogs just had bad experiences I think it beautiful what photogs do...models as well and when you put two amazing ppl together you create pics that make people go wow...geez i love photogs (for the most part) and models (for the most part) damn i just love this industry...hehehe (4 the most part)

Aug 27 05 08:43 pm Link



Posts: 5067

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Well you guys have been shooting with the wrong people.

Aug 27 05 08:45 pm Link


Sage Black

Posts: 7

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Let me get this straight...they ask you for sex mid-way through the shoot? Who the hell have you been working with? Check out people before you agree to shoot with them. This sounds absurd.

Aug 27 05 08:49 pm Link



Posts: 5067

New York, New York, US

Wow Kinel....who the F have you been shooting with....There are photographers out there that have ulterior motives, etc...however...a roundtable discussion with 10 models?? And you're all wondering the same thing?

These aren't photographers you're shooting with...they're perverts with with more professional photographers. Start off by getting references, meeting up for coffee first if possible to get a vibe, etc...


Aug 27 05 08:51 pm Link


Tommy Mc Photography

Posts: 67

Carson, California, US

Are you shooting with professional photographers or just guys from the block with point and shoot digital cameras?

Aug 27 05 08:52 pm Link


Steven Stone Photo

Posts: 315

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

Even when I shoot my girlfriend, I still don't ask for sex mid-shoot. 
I'm more interested in getting good images.
Maybe my libido is fading with age...

Aug 27 05 08:54 pm Link


Hel Inferna

Posts: 112

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I have never had that experience, but I always have an escort or have really good refrences.

Aug 27 05 08:57 pm Link



Posts: 5067

Washington, District of Columbia, US

I don't see any photographer credits in your port. Where are you finding them, or where are they finding you?

Aug 27 05 09:01 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Kinel, I'm sorry you've had such bad experiences with these wanna be's who are not real professionals. Trade For Pussy is illegal ... it's called prostitution. Any one who uses their status as a so called photographer to pick up on the models deserves no respect, and gets no respect from me. It gives the real pro's a bad rap! 

I'm still pissed that your other thread got locked! People need to talk about things like racism or creepy photographers because otherwise nothing will change!

Aug 27 05 09:03 pm Link


Kina Dore

Posts: 45

Adelphi, Maryland, US

But I have met up with people prior trust me..I thought I was doing everything right...I cant speak for those other models but in my personal experience I have talked to them online..on the phone met in person..and talked to people they worked with before...but then like with the really bad experience that i had with the photog...basically this guy that was gonna become my manager at the time but not anymore because of what happened at the shoot...basically he has worked with this photog before because they work on the MD bikini team together so he trusted him I guess "manager" wanted to come along for the shoot plus he thought it would be hot to videotape it and sell it everytime i changed they went to the back room because the photog wanted to smoke beginning was normal...then it started getting crazy..I met the photog through omp..his references are abundant..i met him 3 or so years ago aand we have had brief convos online since nothing major just a hi blah then during the shoot he made a comment like she is  lucky i didnt meet her 3 years seriously she is lucky i ddint meet her three years ago...he keeps begging me to do nude or body paint when we already pre established thousands of times that i wasnt going to do that at least not that he is like but i will be painting your boobs and stuff nice and slow...nice and slow ..going over the curves of your body..during the shoot i bit my lip a couple of times and he was moaning and saying things like oooo the killer part is my "manager" was disturbed by all of this but did nothing but he said he was feeling horrible because he sent so many models over to the guy so the days after he investigated and called the girls up and they were like he had done inappropriate stuff too but they didnt say anything because they were scared or something like a couple weeks after the shoot my "manager" brings it up saying he wil never send any girls over there and it was so many crazy things goin on at the shoot and he wouldnt tell me all of them..and he was like and you dont even know the i pleaded for him to tell me..and he was like you know when we went to the back room right?  well you know how inside the room had a black curtain.? well behind that curtain is  a glass and the curtain is see through or something and they were tlaking and he said im going to go look at her body to see if she would be good for the bikini team so he goes over and looks at me while i am changing of course without me having a clue and comes back and says yeah she is "manager" said it was shocking and that he was in shock and couldnt say anything.....I feel so violated

Aug 27 05 09:05 pm Link



Posts: 5067

Washington, District of Columbia, US

MD Bikini team? I think I may know who you are talking about...

Aug 27 05 09:07 pm Link



Posts: 1

Greater Upper Marlboro, Maryland, US

I think you need to check people out before you shoot with them and make sure that is what you want to do. Nudity is a art and you have to be creative if you are going to shoot nude otherwise it is called porn...

Just make sure you present yourself in the right manner and professionals will come up to you and want to work with you, otherwise you are going to end up going in the wrong direction and mess up your career..

Aug 27 05 09:10 pm Link



Posts: 6

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

There are perverts in every walk of life...I guess some of them migrate their way into the field of photography.  I don't think I'd make the generalization...actually, I wouldn't make any assumptions at all about anyone before talking with them.

Personally, and I've never really done a 'model shoot' before, just weddings and stuff, I like to talk with the bride and everyone before the event.

I wouldn't see anything at all wrong with wanting to sit down with a photographer and talk with them for a while to set up the appointment to shoot.


I was reading an article recently in (I believe) pop photo, about the photographer who shot a lot of centerfolds for playboy...and he talked with the models a lot before he started shooting...if a photographer is making you feel uncomfortable, I'd say he isn't good at doing his job, and should look into doing other things.

Aug 27 05 09:15 pm Link


Kina Dore

Posts: 45

Adelphi, Maryland, US

I hope no one thinks I am trying to bad talk photogs..seems like everyone is so quick to assume things like that on here geesh...come on photogs you know we all love you!! geez lol I would never bad talk photogs like I said I think they are great just had some messed up experiences that is all but that is why I say that what I have experiences personally it is what it is..he may not me a perverted photog or anything like that at all maybe it was just his reaction to me..who knows? Life is full of people trying to take advantage of any given situation..and i never said nudity was bad I simply said it was discussed prior that we wouldnt be doing that at the shoot and he was happy with that or so he said

Aug 27 05 09:20 pm Link


Dark Matter Zone

Posts: 155

Austin, Texas, US

Lora wrote:
MD Bikini team? I think I may know who you are talking about...

Here's an interesting OMP page! I don't know it it is related to this discussion or not!

Aug 27 05 09:21 pm Link



Posts: 5067

Washington, District of Columbia, US

I hate to point him out because I did shoot with him (Before it was Md Bikini Team) and had no bad experiences...

I'm not trying to say that she didn't have any, I just cannot say anything about my shoot. I shot with him and another photographer together and everything was fine.

Aug 27 05 09:22 pm Link


Dark Matter Zone

Posts: 155

Austin, Texas, US

Kinel wrote:
well you know how inside the room had a black curtain.? well behind that curtain is  a glass and the curtain is see through or something and they were tlaking and he said im going to go look at her body to see if she would be good for the bikini team so he goes over and looks at me while i am changing of course without me having a clue and comes back and says yeah she is "manager" said it was shocking and that he was in shock and couldnt say anything.....I feel so violated

This is illegal. You should go to the Police.

Aug 27 05 09:24 pm Link


Kina Dore

Posts: 45

Adelphi, Maryland, US

Well might be because you shot with him and another photographer.....but how do i go to the police wouldn't I have to get the "manager" to say his part I asked him should i report it he said do what i feel like i need to do but he is still doing work with him for the MD team ..I am feeling pressure not to tell anything especially because my "manager" is the one who knows for sure

Aug 27 05 09:27 pm Link


Dark Matter Zone

Posts: 155

Austin, Texas, US

Check your messages!

Aug 27 05 09:32 pm Link


Ebby is Pink

Posts: 2280

Brooklyn, New York, US

Nerlande wrote:
Wow Kinel....who the F have you been shooting with....There are photographers out there that have ulterior motives, etc...however...a roundtable discussion with 10 models?? And you're all wondering the same thing?

These aren't photographers you're shooting with...they're perverts with with more professional photographers. Start off by getting references, meeting up for coffee first if possible to get a vibe, etc...



Aug 27 05 10:04 pm Link


Dreams To Keep

Posts: 585

Novi, Michigan, US

TFP stands for "Time for Prints" only in my book.  I think you want to find more photographers who read that same book. 

I did once have a new model ask me point blank if I was going to try to have sex with her.  I told her "No, it would only tire me out, disappoint you AND cut into our shooting time."

Aug 27 05 10:22 pm Link



Posts: 1398

Trumbull, Connecticut, US

Kinel wrote:
Okay the asterisks represent the letter s...but I didn't want to be too blunt with it..I am just wondering it ...I ended up having a discussion with 10 other models at once (not over the phone in person) and they were all wondering the same thing...It seems in our experiences photogs have gotten a little "too" into the photo shoot..I have heard ever thing to photogs claiming they will not give the photos to the model unless she has sex with them before she leaves...photogs that get hard..or just plain photogs that when you get there all they talk about is sex... I have had ONE really BAD BAD BAD experience with a photog that I think I might report but on the other hand I have had one really professional photog that didnt try anything with me.....but it seems most i have shot with ask me to have sex with them in mid shoot and if I say no then they lose all interest in the shoot and the pics come out like the ones you see in my port...I believe I am beautiful geesh would any of you photogs out there shoot me for TFP/TFCD (the real acronym)  hypothetically and realistically..tell me what you think....But on the real I do not bad mouth photogs just had bad experiences I think it beautiful what photogs do...models as well and when you put two amazing ppl together you create pics that make people go wow...geez i love photogs (for the most part) and models (for the most part) damn i just love this industry...hehehe (4 the most part)

If it is true, then lets hear some names?

Otherwise I believe you are just looking for attention and bringing up a very unprofessional topic!!!!

Who are they? What are there OMP or MM #'s. Better yet what are there names and phone numbers???

I can not believe some the sophmoric topics on this site.

Aug 27 05 10:25 pm Link


Kina Dore

Posts: 45

Adelphi, Maryland, US

Dreams To Keep wrote:
TFP stands for "Time for Prints" only in my book.  I think you want to find more photographers who read that same book. 

I did once have a new model ask me point blank if I was going to try to have sex with her.  I told her "No, it would only tire me out, disappoint you AND cut into our shooting time."

Lmao i think i will do that she did be blunt and ask up front

Aug 27 05 10:25 pm Link



Posts: 5067

Washington, District of Columbia, US

markEdwardPhoto wrote:

If it is true, then lets hear some names?

Otherwise I believe you are just looking for attention and bringing up a very unprofessional topic!!!!

Who are they? What are there OMP or MM #'s. Better yet what are there names and phone numbers???

I can not believe some the sophmoric topics on this site.

She DID name someone.

Aug 27 05 10:27 pm Link



Posts: 1398

Trumbull, Connecticut, US

Lora wrote:

Whats the name, I didn't see her mention a name?


Aug 27 05 10:32 pm Link



Posts: 5067

Washington, District of Columbia, US

SHe mentioned the MD Bikini Team. From there, I knew who he was and Dark Matter Zone linked to his omp page.

Aug 27 05 10:34 pm Link


Kina Dore

Posts: 45

Adelphi, Maryland, US

Thank you Lora...see that is why victims of anything never say anything because people react that way..all mean and wanting to lynch the girl geez...i know now what not to do..and just to get some attention? is this attention...who knew but thank you for making me feel like I have done something wrong ..and i never said the photog was a bad person i simply said in my experience...he is actually very nice despite what occured he never cursed at me or did anything of the sort he was friendly

Aug 27 05 10:37 pm Link


Aperture Photographics

Posts: 310

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Kinel wrote:
Okay the asterisks represent the letter s...but I didn't want to be too blunt with it..I am just wondering it ...I ended up having a discussion with 10 other models at once (not over the phone in person) and they were all wondering the same thing...It seems in our experiences photogs have gotten a little "too" into the photo shoot..I have heard ever thing to photogs claiming they will not give the photos to the model unless she has sex with them before she leaves...photogs that get hard..or just plain photogs that when you get there all they talk about is sex... I have had ONE really BAD BAD BAD experience with a photog that I think I might report but on the other hand I have had one really professional photog that didnt try anything with me.....but it seems most i have shot with ask me to have sex with them in mid shoot and if I say no then they lose all interest in the shoot and the pics come out like the ones you see in my port...I believe I am beautiful geesh would any of you photogs out there shoot me for TFP/TFCD (the real acronym)  hypothetically and realistically..tell me what you think....But on the real I do not bad mouth photogs just had bad experiences I think it beautiful what photogs do...models as well and when you put two amazing ppl together you create pics that make people go wow...geez i love photogs (for the most part) and models (for the most part) damn i just love this industry...hehehe (4 the most part)

I just KNOW I will get flamed for this comment....but just go back and look at some previous discussions and see all the "professional" photographers on MM who feel it is just fine to have sex with the models they photograph, and how can anyone be surprised that some scumbag is doing this? 

Report this guy to the cops at the very least.

Aug 27 05 10:39 pm Link



Posts: 5067

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Kinel, for those of us who actually spent the time to read the whole thread, we did understand that you wanted advice. I think that maybe your first post was a little long-winded and the meat of the question was lost in lots of run on sentences. For future reference, keep it short and to the point, and more people will understand. smile Best of luck to you.

Aug 27 05 10:40 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

Always check references... the ones they give you AND the ones they DON'T.

Aug 27 05 11:11 pm Link


Michelle Adrienne

Posts: 14

Portland, Arkansas, US

Ewww...  I read an article somewhere that said the ironic thing about photographers who shoot beautiful women is that those who are really really good at it don't get hot from it - they're too busy being professional, creative, technical...

Sorry for your experience and I hope you find better photographers to work with!

Aug 27 05 11:37 pm Link



Posts: 91

Zebulon, North Carolina, US

Our model shoots usually have 4 or 5 people there. I only on very rare occasions will do a shoot with a model without an assistant and is usually because I am only doing some testing of equipment with a model I know.

Some of my best shots are when the model brings her boyfriend. I often have him stand behind me over my shoulder and have her look at him. I get some excellent facial expressions amazing photos from using that technique. We sometimes portray scenarios to get these expressions. My wife or makeup artist on set also helps a lot.

An un-relaxed model does not let me get a good photo.

Most photographers do not want a model to bring their friends or spouse. This is because they don't want distractions. We however use them to our benefit.

As far as getting hot, I don't. I am concentrating on light, hair and aperature of the photo. I am very concerned over the models expression, pose and her eyes.

It is funny however looking over and watching the crowd that forms as we do a shoot in public. :-)

As far as the photographer who made advances towards her I cannot comment on as I was not there. I can tell you that we have received many comments from models we have worked with in the past who have mentioned similar advances.

It is a shame but you must understand anyone can call himself a photographer and anyone can call him or herself a model. We are all people, and we are all different, I would recommend to be cautious but not to over do it.

Aug 28 05 06:57 am Link



Posts: 359

Downers Grove, Illinois, US

What is it with all these bullshit photo-shoot-sex threads lately?

This place is starting to sound like "Penthouse Letters."


Aug 28 05 07:24 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US


Maybe you should stop looking for free shots by "managers" and guys with cameras... same for your friends.

If you can't find a photographer to shoot you for free... find a professional one and pay him... with contract and all.

You need professional photos for your professional portfolio to make a full/part time career (professional or semi-professional) out of modeling.

Of course you can find good photographers who do TFP's with you... but you don't seem to be that lucky with finding real ones.

So, find a real one.

Oh... check James Berglie MM 595, who is in Maryland, of course not for TFP...

Aug 28 05 07:48 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Belair wrote:
What is it with all these bullshit photo-shoot-sex threads lately?

This place is starting to sound like "Penthouse Letters."


You say that like you don't like Penthouse letters. lol

Naw but seriously, the good news is that he didn't try to advance on you. The bad news is that your manager saw all of this but didn't say anything to dude. As your manager, his job is YOUR well being. He failed in that aspect. With you being new to the biz, you didn't know that you could have said no and walked out, pissed off manager/photographer or not. Nobody can protect your neck better than you can.

Aug 28 05 08:22 am Link


Aperture Photographics

Posts: 310

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Monsante Bey wrote:

You say that like you don't like Penthouse letters. lol

Naw but seriously, the good news is that he didn't try to advance on you. The bad news is that your manager saw all of this but didn't say anything to dude. As your manager, his job is YOUR well being. He failed in that aspect. With you being new to the biz, you didn't know that you could have said no and walked out, pissed off manager/photographer or not. Nobody can protect your neck better than you can.

That's a very good point Monsante.  I second that.  Kinel's "manager" should have gotten her out of there fast and had some words with this "photographer".

Aug 28 05 09:59 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Aperture Photographics wrote:

That's a very good point Monsante.  I second that.  Kinel's "manager" should have gotten her out of there fast and had some words with this "photographer".

Thanks. It's also why I wear 4 Super Bowl rings... But that's something completely different.

Aug 28 05 10:10 am Link


pamela mars

Posts: 1719

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

i suggest that you post their names under the heading
"perverted photographers to avoid"
to warn other girls that might get scared and make the mistake of letting themselves be raped.

Aug 28 05 10:13 am Link



Posts: 1476

Lake Oswego, Oregon, US

Udo R Photography wrote:

Maybe you should stop looking for free shots by "managers" and guys with cameras... same for your friends.

If you can't find a photographer to shoot you for free... find a professional one and pay him... with contract and all.

You need professional photos for your professional portfolio to make a full/part time career (professional or semi-professional) out of modeling.

Of course you can find good photographers who do TFP's with you... but you don't seem to be that lucky with finding real ones.

So, find a real one.

Oh... check James Berglie MM 595, who is in Maryland.

Nicely said...

You are definately shooting with the wrong photographers and I suggest you lose the "manager"...

Aug 28 05 10:17 am Link


Mirage Studios

Posts: 5

North Arlington, New Jersey, US

I've been a Professional Photographer fror 18 years now and I've done extensive tfp's. Even when I was shooting a model for Adult Mens Magazines I did not come on to them . There's alot of scum out there and there's an old saqying ...You Don't s**t Where you Eat. Research the Phograper Deeply before you work with them Especially on tfp's or you're opening the door to Trouble. If this is also the case turn around and walk out you're not waiting to get paid at the end of the shoot. If these guys are talking so much about sex thats what kind of photos you're gonna get sexually oriented

Aug 28 05 10:23 am Link