Forums > General Industry > Sex on Set...Myth or Reality


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

bzckry foto wrote:
first or second meeting and happens...right there in the studio or on location. This is a GWC's dream but what about advanced amatures and pro's? Does it happen to them? Enlighten me please.

Me and my wife get busy all the time in the studio??

Oct 08 06 10:14 am Link



Posts: 189

Los Angeles, California, US

my work and my sex life are hard to separate.

...without a crow bar.


i find this thread ridiculous.

i spend my waking hours thinking about photography and lighting - not thinking or worrying about what other people do or don't do.... get or don't get.

if you do amazing work everything else will fall into place.  that's my unsolicted fortune cookie wisdom for the day.

it works for me.

Oct 08 06 10:20 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

I know a lot of photographers who have had sex on the set just as soon as the model has left.  Oops, they are alone then aren't they.  Different subject I guess, or maybe not!

Oct 08 06 10:21 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
I know a lot of photographers who have had sex on the set just as soon as the model has left.  Oops, they are alone then aren't they.  Different subject I guess, or maybe not!

And you know this how? Come on give the full details enquiring minds want to know.

Oct 08 06 10:24 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

A skilled, established photographer tried to have sex with me during a shoot. So yes, it happens.

Oct 08 06 10:24 am Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

It happens . . . just not as much as I would like it too.  :-)

Oct 08 06 10:24 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

e-string wrote:
A skilled, established photographer tried to have sex with me during a shoot. So yes, it happens.

LMAO...Ok, I am going to read what I want into that response only because I like the visual..


Oct 08 06 10:26 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

e-string wrote:
A skilled, established photographer tried to have sex with me during a shoot. So yes, it happens.

Really? Like how did it go? don't leave us hanging here it's Sunday. What type of skills did he/she try to use on you? How was he/she established?

Oct 08 06 10:26 am Link


Mike Kelcher

Posts: 13322

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

I've got a few images that seem to depict two models "getting it on".  Well, that's just a picture.  You can't believe what you see anymore.  I was there.  It didn't happen.  The porn photographers probably have a different story.  I'm sure it must happen to them all the time.  I am supposed to photograph a husband and wife in erotic poses soon, I'll get back to you with the details...could be some new ground broken...dunno.  Ain't nobody ever said to me, "Hey big boy, why don't you set that camera down for a while and c'mere".  I'm still waiting for that.  Models...are you listening?  I said, "I'm still waiting for that".

Oct 08 06 10:27 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Vance wrote:

LMAO...Ok, I am going to read what I want into that response only because I like the visual..


He was actually attractive too. Does that help? lol

Oct 08 06 10:28 am Link



Posts: 513

Fresno, California, US

Kristin Excell wrote:
[Horrifying email from David clipped]

That really bums me out to hear about stuff like that.  I know it must be happening, but it's definitely not the norm for what I've seen. 

The unfortunate thing is when it happens, it's so disgusting that it fuels the idea that this is what most "photographers" on MM and other online sites for connecting models and photographers are about. 

This is the reason that I do sometimes favor a kind of eBay-type rating system on these sites.  Those of us who don't do these things wouldn't have to defend our attempts to develop professional portfolios. 

"Photographers" like that give us all a bad name and make it much harder to work with models. 

-- rick

P.S. I should add that at the same time, the idea that models and photographers will never hook up is probably unlikely.  It's more likely, in my opinion, that the photographer is a slimeball taking advantage of a model when that happens.  But in other professions, people do such things.  I've heard about it on every job I've had since I was old enough to work.  And a few times I've dated co-workers at non-photography jobs myself.

Oct 08 06 10:29 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Hadyn Lassiter wrote:

Really? Like how did it go? don't leave us hanging here it's Sunday. What type of skills did he/she try to use on you? How was he/she established?

Well I was nude and he put his head between my legs. Luckily he didn't just go for it, and I had time to say no before he actually did anything. Then he proceeded to ask/beg me to do various other acts. He's established in that he does quite a bit of business with men's magazines, websites, etc. And no he's not just saying that - it's for real. His images are very high quality as well.

Oct 08 06 10:30 am Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

LMAO!  I can hear a couple models talking to each other about a photographer now -

Model one "Yeah he tried to have sex with me during the shoot."

Model two " Was he...well established?"

Model one holds up her thumb and first finger indicating a...small establishment.


Oct 08 06 10:31 am Link


Mike Kelcher

Posts: 13322

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

e-string wrote:
A skilled, established photographer tried to have sex with me during a shoot. So yes, it happens.

I was getting so excited when I read this, thinking that some day, maybe, if you thought I was good enough, ...well....then my bubble burst when you said...

e-string wrote:
He was actually attractive too. Does that help? lol

Oh well.  :-(

Oct 08 06 10:31 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

SKPhoto wrote:
LMAO!  I can hear a couple models talking to each other about a photographer now -

Model one "Yeah he tried to have sex with me during the shoot."

Model two " Was he...well established?"

Model one holds up her thumb and first finger indicating a...small establishment.


Actually, it was so big that I was scared of it.

Oct 08 06 10:32 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Mikes Images wrote:

e-string wrote:
A skilled, established photographer tried to have sex with me during a shoot. So yes, it happens.

I was getting so excited when I read this, thinking that some day, maybe, if you thought I was good enough, ...well....then my bubble burst when you said...

Oh well.  :-(

Oh Mike, if I wasn't already in a committed relationship.... teehee

Oct 08 06 10:33 am Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

e-string wrote:
Actually, it was so big that I was scared of it.

You would love me then.  Im very "non scary"

Oct 08 06 10:33 am Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

e-string wrote:
Actually, it was so big that I was scared of it.

You saw it?!

Note to self, new list to make - Models who don't leave when the photographer gets naked. wink

Oct 08 06 10:37 am Link


Mike Kelcher

Posts: 13322

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

fortunately, I have very small shoes.

Oct 08 06 10:38 am Link



Posts: 36

Irving, Illinois, US

Ok, here is my thing. I try to keep business and pleasure seperated, and I think everyone who knows me, knows that. However.... it has happend. Well not necessarily right there and then, and hasn't happend on set while shooting, but it has happend an hour later.. lol...
I'm not proud, and trust me, I'm not in this business to meet women and get a relationship, but I'm young, single, and have no commitments, so yes, I do get tempted.
Point it,... I stay away from the idea as much as I can, but it has happend.

**turns away in shame**

Oct 08 06 10:39 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

SKPhoto wrote:

You saw it?!

Note to self, new list to make - Models who don't leave when the photographer gets naked. wink

Yeah, he whipped it out in an attempt to "convince" me. Of course I should have left, but he wasn't being forceful. And at the time it didn't seem as creepy as it actually was simply because he's good looking and way too smooth. I know he does this with every model he shoots, and I'm quite sure that many of them fall for it. I know of one who actually did let him have sex with her.

Oct 08 06 10:40 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

e-string wrote:

Yeah, he whipped it out in an attempt to "convince" me. Of course I should have left, but he wasn't being forceful. And at the time it didn't seem as creepy as it actually was simply because he's good looking and way too smooth. I know he does this with every model he shoots, and I'm quite sure that many of them fall for it. I know of one who actually did let him have sex with her.

whipped it out? Like a switchblade? Convince you it was whipped out or convince you he was established? How long after he whipped it out did it take for you to inform him he needed release,I mean a release.

Oct 08 06 10:49 am Link


GDS Photos

Posts: 3399

London, England, United Kingdom

You have to give us M number.  I'll give you some candy if you do ;-)

Oct 08 06 10:50 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Hadyn Lassiter wrote:

whipped it out? Like a switchblade? Convince you it was whipped out or convince you he was established? How long after he whipped it out did it take for you to inform him he needed release,I mean a release.

If there are 10" switchblades, sure.

Convince me to have sex. Which didn't work - in fact it did the opposite. That thing could've hurt me. I don't think he needed me to tell him he wanted some release.

Oct 08 06 10:54 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

gdsandy wrote:
You have to give us M number.  I'll give you some candy if you do ;-)

If you're talking to me, this guy isn't on MM.

Oct 08 06 10:58 am Link


Brandon Zackery Imagery

Posts: 355

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

i find this thread ridiculous.

i spend my waking hours thinking about photography and lighting - not thinking or worrying about what other people do or don't do.... get or don't get.

if you do amazing work everything else will fall into place.  that's my unsolicted fortune cookie wisdom for the day.

it works for me.

If this thread is so ridiculous then carry your happy a** somewhere else then. No one begged you  to come here end enlighten us with your "fortune cookie wisdom for the day".

Oct 08 06 10:58 am Link


TC Studios

Posts: 85

New York, New York, US

Well, maybe after the shoot.

If there was that much sexual energy going with a model, I would use if for the pictures first.

Does that make me a loser, or just 'professional'


Oct 08 06 11:01 am Link



Posts: 1565

Brooklyn, New York, US

Sex on set? During a shoot? Not unless the photographer specializes in shooting porn.

Even then, said photographer would be too busy shooting while the talent is fucking.

As for what happens after the photoshoot, well, it ain't nobody's business if you do....

Don't know about the rest of you, but I can't fuck and take pics at the same time. I'm either doing one thing or the other.

Oct 08 06 11:07 am Link



Posts: 880

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Browning Photography wrote:
Well, I spoke with another photographer who was offered "sexual favors" for payment of the photoshoot that had just ended.  He was like, "I'm not into that kinda thing, lady."  Which was good for him, cuz she turned out to be an FBI agent involved in an investigation trying to catch photographers in the area for accepting prostitution!!!  So, watch yerself, you perverts!

Nice try, but your story is obviously untrue.  If a model affirmatively and without being solicited, offers sexual favors after the completion of a shoot and the photographer accepts, no crime has been committed.  If the photographer asked the model to trade sexual favors in return for a shoot, then a crime has been committed.

Oct 08 06 11:07 am Link



Posts: 880

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

As for me, it has certainly happened before, but it is certainly not something that I would ever solicit. 

As for all of the naysayers: those who can, do (unless they are married or otherwise involved); those who can't, talk sh** about those who do...

Oct 08 06 11:09 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

FemmeArt wrote:
As for me, it has certainly happened before, but it is certainly not something that I would ever solicit. 

As for all of the naysayers: those who can, do (unless they are married or otherwise involved); those who can't, talk sh** about those who do...

Let's not generalize. Some people can but choose not to.

Oct 08 06 11:14 am Link



Posts: 190

New York, New York, US

After doing this 11yrs as a Pro
Ive never heard of it happening once.
Sure you meet people on set, and if the chemistry is right,like in any other business, , at a later date it may be taken further...(although a very bad idea in my book )
But on set ?....why ...?
Work is work, pleasure is pleasure
I notice the two get mixed up a lot on Modelmayhem.

Also logical thinking tells you that on a set, normally there are at least 5 or 6 people.
And the Model is the first person to leave the studio.

Oct 08 06 11:14 am Link



Posts: 1565

Brooklyn, New York, US

FemmeArt wrote:
As for me, it has certainly happened before, but it is certainly not something that I would ever solicit. 

As for all of the naysayers: those who can, do (unless they are married or otherwise involved); those who can't, talk sh** about those who do...

Good point you have there. And it is so very easy for people to talk shit....

Oct 08 06 11:15 am Link



Posts: 2253

Columbia, Missouri, US

I get sexy with my steady photographer-my fiancee!

Oct 08 06 12:10 pm Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

Myth, fantasy, wet dream ... what's the difference ... anything's possible if you believe, right?

Oct 08 06 12:26 pm Link


Michael McGowan

Posts: 3829

Tucson, Arizona, US

Yeah, it happens. But I wish models would quit telling me about the cute photographer they just had sex with. Why do they tell me? Waaaaaah!

Oct 08 06 12:59 pm Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

I'll take the 5th on that one.

Oct 08 06 01:00 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

bzckry foto wrote:
first or second meeting and happens...right there in the studio or on location. This is a GWC's dream but what about advanced amatures and pro's? Does it happen to them? Enlighten me please.

I shoot at the beach too much I guess.  no one has tried to get freaky with me.  Anyone have a bedroom set I can borrow for a couple hours?

Oct 08 06 01:24 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

bzckry foto wrote:

If this thread is so ridiculous then carry your happy a** somewhere else then. No one begged you  to come here end enlighten us with your "fortune cookie wisdom for the day".

Dang, now I know why you're asking.  You've got some pent up frustration and you're needin' it.  Go hire an escort.

Oct 08 06 01:26 pm Link


Chris Soriano

Posts: 57

Omaha, Nebraska, US

oh it's just sex. once the modeling lamps go off, we ain't nothing but mammals.

Oct 08 06 01:33 pm Link