Forums > General Industry > Sex on Set...Myth or Reality


timeless image

Posts: 428

Houston, Texas, US

bzckry foto wrote:
first or second meeting and happens...right there in the studio or on location. This is a GWC's dream but what about advanced amatures and pro's? Does it happen to them? Enlighten me please.

Oct 08 06 05:38 am Link


timeless image

Posts: 428

Houston, Texas, US


Oct 08 06 05:38 am Link


Kristin Excell

Posts: 73

Los Angeles, California, US

lol ok ok, I'm sure that you're all perfect gentlemen! I've just recently had a deadbeat talk to me for over 2 months about a shoot. Bought me tickets and everything. The day before I was set to fly out... I get an email.. tell you what, I went into my email and copied the message, here it is.. oh and the rate was set to be $300 an hour-

"Hi Kristen,

That was you that left that message?  I was on a ramp with jet engines combined
with a poor connection-I didn't know it was you, sorry.

I've been busy since we've last spoken.  The replies that I received were from
many beautiful model and several that offered a lot more than the photo shoot.
I know you are engaged, and seem very sweet.  I want to do several shoots with
you and think I have some good ideas for you.  Being forward, if you were comfy
with me, and you were being paid well for your photoshoot, are you able to bend
a little after the shoot like these other models are doing for me?

Forward and are beautiful and after the last few shoots I've
done I am very excited about hopefully working with's just down to the
question proposed.  Please don't take offense and I hope your answer is as
positive as other models in Boston and Syracuse.


I think that's also why you haven't had a lot of models reply to this post, I think that for a lot of people, who didn't get warning like I did, this is a bad subject and not to be made fun of. So many young girls don't know any better and are afraid to say no.

Oct 08 06 05:40 am Link


DHayes Photography

Posts: 4962

Richmond, Virginia, US

I have a friend known for his extreme fetish photography who used to sleep with his models on a regular basis.  I don't know if he was just photographing the women he cheated on his wife with, or if he and the model just happened to hit it off on the set, but he had the pictures to prove it.  If ya know what I mean.  We were at a jazz club once and he thought the singer performing at the time would make a good model.  I thought he had zero chance of getting her to work for him, but he called the singer over after her set, gave her his card and talked with her a bit about doing some head shots (sorry, no pun) and publicity photos in exchange for modeling for one of his projects.  A week or so later I was at his studio and he had photos of her, naked, in bondage, using toys and showing everything she had.  My friend's adventures went on until one day, his wife slipped into the studio and caught him in the act.  She had also found some of his "self portraits with model".  His wife got the house (they had just purchased a huge place on the river), the kid (they had adopted him the year before) and major alimony.  At the time my friend was in his late 40s, not much to look at, but possessed of the self confidence of an ice salesman at the North Pole with a huge clientele of Eskimos.


Oct 08 06 05:40 am Link


SDR Photo

Posts: 167

Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Could be the quickest way to never have anyone to shoot ever again.

Had younger girl (18 or 19ish) flirt quite crazily a year or so back, and quite forward - told her to behave, my assistant is my girlfriend, and she would have KO'd both of us. :-)

Oct 08 06 05:43 am Link


Michael Raveney

Posts: 628

Miami, Florida, US

now all know why you hold a camera!

Oct 08 06 06:13 am Link


Peter Ljungkvist

Posts: 12

Knäred, Halland, Sweden

If two grown ups do it on the set when they're there of their own free will, doing a tfcd or whatever that is not a commercial work related thing and they end up getting hot for eachothers and sleep on the set and get a kick out of that then so what?

What the hell is what two people do on their free time anything of anyone's business. I think mostly this thread is under the strong influence of the stereotype male 30+ fat photographer with often no appeal to women at all.

I personally don't hit on models or anything like that because I cherish my reputation because I really love what I'm doing. I do get a lot of "models" (note I don't do much commerical work invovling models so it's amateur models we're talking about now) who hit on me.

I've had models who have started hitting on me on the set and I've had som well how to put this.... offers I wouldn't tell my mother about....
Models don't have to care about their rep it seems because they're if something should happen ofcourse aaaaaalways the victim.

Now this was mostly in the beginning of it all. Now I'm shooting with more experience models and even some semipros but still it does happens occasionaly.
Maybe that's something you have to live with when you're as hot as me I guess and even though I would never act on any such opportunity myself I wouldn't blame anyone else for doing so.

Aslong as there are no hidden agenda from the start and it just happens to happen, well then that's life.

Oct 08 06 06:22 am Link


Caroline Ann Martin

Posts: 1736

Williamsport, Pennsylvania, US

photomovement wrote:
Myth or Reality ? I say stupid unprofessional and unethical....

Perfectly said...

Oct 08 06 06:48 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Kristin Excell wrote:
A lot of you seem VERY dissapointed that it hasn't happened to you. Are you dissapointed? Are you doing this because you're passionate about the art, or are you simply looking for young girls who want to get into modeling and don't know any better?
Just curious!

11 post? 

Hmmmmm.... Throw her to the CHIPPER! lmao!

Oct 08 06 06:50 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Caroline Ann Martin wrote:

Perfectly said...


If two people in ANY work enviorment decide to get it on it's their business. It is only unprofessional when it interferes with business or one party is affected in a negative way.

SEX is a part of life and life happens EVERYWHERE....

Oct 08 06 06:56 am Link


Dan Howell

Posts: 3602

Kerhonkson, New York, US

Browning Photography wrote:
Well, I spoke with another photographer who was offered "sexual favors" for payment of the photoshoot that had just ended.  He was like, "I'm not into that kinda thing, lady."  Which was good for him, cuz she turned out to be an FBI agent involved in an investigation trying to catch photographers in the area for accepting prostitution!!!  So, watch yerself, you perverts!

I didn't realize that the FBI got involved with local and state laws.  Not to doubt your story, but it doesn't sound like the kind of operation that the FBI would get involved with unless there were national implications.  If it is true, I can think of about a hundred more pressing national problems that the FBI should be devoting their (our) resources to.

Oct 08 06 07:16 am Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Has never happened to me.  Hell, has never even been offered to me!

Oct 08 06 07:20 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Dan Howell wrote:

I didn't realize that the FBI got involved with local and state laws.  Not to doubt your story, but it doesn't sound like the kind of operation that the FBI would get involved with unless there were national implications.  If it is true, I can think of about a hundred more pressing national problems that the FBI should be devoting their (our) resources to.

Ok then I will say it..


Another Newbie post trying to chest thump..

IE.."A friend"..whatever...Next!

Throw em to the chipper for slinging the brown stuff...

Oct 08 06 07:24 am Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Kristin Excell wrote:
A lot of you seem VERY dissapointed that it hasn't happened to you. Are you dissapointed? Are you doing this because you're passionate about the art, or are you simply looking for young girls who want to get into modeling and don't know any better?
Just curious!

You're darn right I'm disappointed.  I mean, hell, I got into shooting bondage because I thought it would give me a sex life.  Instead, all it's done is make money for me.  Sheesh!  I'd take the sex over the money...

Okay, that's not true.  But when someone only has 11 posts and this is one of them, it goes to the old saying of "ask a stupid question..."

Oct 08 06 07:36 am Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

Caroline Ann Martin wrote:

Perfectly said...

Stupid? Maybe
Unprofessional? on a TFCD, no, on a paid shoot, yes
Unethical? No way. If two people mutually agree (and desire) to do anything personal, it is not unethical.

Oct 08 06 07:39 am Link


R Michael Walker

Posts: 11987

Costa Mesa, California, US

Kristin Excell wrote:
. Bought me tickets and everything.  oh and the rate was set to be $300 an hour-

That would be the first red flag for me. now you're very attractive an all...But Flying a 5'7" web model who does no nudes and paying $300 an hour? Why? He could get local girls from agencies for less. I'd say "Things' were always expected. but then it's only my opinion. But your post was a VERY nice fit for this thread!

Oct 08 06 07:44 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Kristin Excell wrote:
oh and the rate was set to be $300 an hour-

Ok I'm not trying to be an ass here, but SERIOUSLY, what kind of work was this going to be for?  I mean I know of models that have gotten paid some damn nice rates for commercial work involving no nudes, but that was all set up through an agency for some pretty HUGE companies.

Now my assumption is that you were not doing nudes or suggestive work, since you state you don't do it in your profile but truly (at least from what i see here on MM, excluding SOME brick and mortar agency jobs and EVEN LESS freelance work) any photographer agreeing to a rate THAT outlandish, ESPECIALLY for non-nude work, has GOT to be up to something no good OR Thirstin' Frickin' Howell III!

Oct 08 06 07:45 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Mike Walker wrote:

That would be the first red flag for me. now you're very attractive an all...But Flying a 5'7" web model who does no nudes and paying $300 an hour? Why? He could get local girls from agencies for less. I'd say "Things' were always expected. but then it's only my opinion. But your post was a VERY nice fit for this thread!

We were thinking the same thing lol.

Oct 08 06 07:45 am Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

photomovement wrote:

Depends on whether or not you use protection.


So who's a professional?

and unethical....

If our politicians don't have ethics, why should anyone else?*

*CLUE FOR THE CLUELESS: Yes, I am joking.

Oct 08 06 07:48 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Kristin Excell wrote:
A lot of you seem VERY dissapointed that it hasn't happened to you. Are you dissapointed? Are you doing this because you're passionate about the art, or are you simply looking for young girls who want to get into modeling and don't know any better?
Just curious!

Was this a serious question? lol

Oct 08 06 07:50 am Link


Howard Search

Posts: 265

Brunswick, Maine, US

Gotta put my 2 cents worth in here.  I think things happen when people get together.  Any place people work together intimately (and photography is intimate) there is a chance (repeat, chance) something sexual is gonna happen. We are, after all, sexual animals.

What amazes me is that there are replies at 4am on a Sunday morning to this post.

Oct 08 06 07:56 am Link


Carpe Imago Photography

Posts: 1757

Dousman, Wisconsin, US

Damn, it hurts when hot coffee goes out both nostrils!

If I'm going this route (and lie my ass off) I'm at least going to make it two models and the stylist is going to take pictures!  LOL

lotusphoto wrote:
dear penthouse,

i always thought these letters were fake until one day a model showed up at my studio wearing nothing but a....

Oct 08 06 08:00 am Link



Posts: 3

New York, New York, US

you should ask some of the GWC, seems like they are the ones always asking young models to clubs and the fake management companies trolling on this site. In my short 3 days i have been approached by 2 management companies which i thought were not allowed on MM.

It seems to me that most of the people on here are looking for young impressionable models, who do not understand what a models is suppose to do and not do. One day perhaps i will write a thread here for all of the new young models on the true facts of the "model life". MM and other sites are basically hunting grounds for some of the most undesirables. In a nut shell, your best bet is to find a good management company or agency. If they do not want you for work then your best bet is to stop modeling.

Tammy R

Oct 08 06 08:00 am Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

you should ask some of the GWC, seems like they are the ones always asking young models to clubs and the fake management companies trolling on this site. In my short 3 days i have been approached by 2 management companies which i thought were not allowed on MM.

It seems to me that most of the people on here are looking for young impressionable models, who do not understand what a models is suppose to do and not do. One day perhaps i will write a thread here for all of the new young models on the true facts of the "model life". MM and other sites are basically hunting grounds for some of the most undesirables. In a nut shell, your best bet is to find a good management company or agency. If they do not want you for work then your best bet is to stop modeling.

Tammy R

Ahhhhh...first post and already she knows everything about modeling life and MM.

Of course, the idea of taking her own advice probably hasn't occured to her...

Oct 08 06 08:03 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Tape Her Up wrote:

Ahhhhh...first post and already she knows everything about modeling life and MM.

Of course, the idea of taking her own advice probably hasn't occured to her...

Speak softly and carry a ten foot pole.

Oct 08 06 08:05 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

you should ask some of the GWC, seems like they are the ones always asking young models to clubs and the fake management companies trolling on this site. In my short 3 days i have been approached by 2 management companies which i thought were not allowed on MM.

It seems to me that most of the people on here are looking for young impressionable models, who do not understand what a models is suppose to do and not do. One day perhaps i will write a thread here for all of the new young models on the true facts of the "model life". MM and other sites are basically hunting grounds for some of the most undesirables. In a nut shell, your best bet is to find a good management company or agency. If they do not want you for work then your best bet is to stop modeling.

Tammy R


Are you serious?

You have been here how long?

No brownie points for yu..

Off to the chipper with ya


Oct 08 06 08:22 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

H Search Photography wrote:
Gotta put my 2 cents worth in here.  I think things happen when people get together.  Any place people work together intimately (and photography is intimate) there is a chance (repeat, chance) something sexual is gonna happen. We are, after all, sexual animals.

What amazes me is that there are replies at 4am on a Sunday morning to this post.


A newbie with a decent post!

We have a winner!

Oct 08 06 08:23 am Link


Peter Ljungkvist

Posts: 12

Knäred, Halland, Sweden

photomovement wrote:
Myth or Reality ? I say stupid unprofessional and unethical....

stupid: depends on where you're shooting....
unprofessional: depends if it's a commerical work or not
unethical: only if you do it right wink (there are no real ladies only....)

Oct 08 06 08:27 am Link


Bob Mares Photography

Posts: 199

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

I have alot of stripper cliental that make sexual comments all through out the photoshoot because they are use to teasing men in the club, but i just ignore it, because, well their strippers.

Oct 08 06 08:33 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

oldguysrule wrote:
depends on the set...

If theres wronkled bedsheets chances are it had already happend that day.....

Oct 08 06 08:35 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

Bob Mares Photography wrote:
I have alot of stripper cliental that make sexual comments all through out the photoshoot because they are use to teasing men in the club, but i just ignore it, because, well their strippers.

It's probably a nervous defect ... not all strippers do that.

Oct 08 06 08:36 am Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

Tape Her Up wrote:

Ahhhhh...first post and already she knows everything about modeling life and MM.

Of course, the idea of taking her own advice probably hasn't occured to her...

Hey, one year experience there. And the rates are:
Fashion: $100/hr (3hr min)
Lingerie/Swimwear: $150/hr
Glamour/Implied: $150/hr
Commercial Print/Editorial: Standard Day Rates-$800/day


Oct 08 06 08:39 am Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I start at $50 an hour for fully clothed bondage, $75 an hour for topless.  On rare occassion I'll go higher, but only if the model is a bonafide superstar.

Oct 08 06 08:41 am Link


The Don Mon

Posts: 3315

Ocala, Florida, US

Eric S. wrote:
Not during the shoot...


Oct 08 06 08:51 am Link


Veteres Vitri

Posts: 1994

MAYLENE, Alabama, US

Pat Thielen wrote:
Sex is a myth. It's something parents tell their kids to scare them when they want to become lawyers or something...

to paraphrase federal marshal willinholly

Sex is real, it's the female orgasm that's the myth

Oct 08 06 09:02 am Link


Jack North

Posts: 855

Benicia, California, US

Pat Thielen wrote:

What exactly are you saying...?


I think he is saying, If sex is all you want then sex is all you'll get.

Oct 08 06 09:08 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

It seems to me that most of the people on here are looking for young impressionable models, who do not understand what a models is suppose to do and not do. One day perhaps i will write a thread here for all of the new young models on the true facts of the "model life". MM and other sites are basically hunting grounds for some of the most undesirables.

Your first post!  Congradulations! 

It seems to me that most of the models such as yourself on here are looking for old impressionable/lonely Photographers, who do not understand what a photographer is supposed to do and not do.  One day perhaps I will write a thread here for all of the new old Photogs on the true facts of the "Photographer Life".  MM and other sites are basically hunting ground for some of the most undesirables.

Let's see you've been modeling for a whole year and you are ready to write a thread about "The Model Life", it will be an entertaining read!  Why don't you write a book, I can get you booked on Oprah, you'll sell millions upon millions of copies!!!  I can see it now... "Well Oprah, I've been modeling for a whole year and basically I can sum up the whole modeling industry from that whole year.  No, I am not signed with an agency...."

Yeah ok!

By the looks of your rates, it seems to me like YOU are the one hunting for old horny photographers to pay to see you nearly naked.  Call Elite and find out just how much a model gets paid for shooting an EDITORIAL for a magazine, hint, it's not $800 for the day!

Note to MHana:
Was not flaming, just speculating!

Oct 08 06 09:08 am Link


Jack North

Posts: 855

Benicia, California, US

Cecil Sharps wrote:

to paraphrase federal marshal willinholly

Sex is real, it's the female orgasm that's the myth

ah, have much to learn...

Oct 08 06 09:09 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

Jack North wrote:

ah, have much to learn...


Oct 08 06 09:15 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Kristin Excell wrote:
The day before I was set to fly out... I get an email... oh and the rate was set to be $300 an hour-

Unless this was a job that involved MUA's, Stylists, Art Directors, Assistants, and a REAL Client, you should have known that $300 an hour is Cocksucker Rates!

Use your head woman!  What legit PROFESSIONAL photographer would pay to fly someone to his location then pay her $300 an hour to model?  Makes no sense!!!  A professional photographer could get a model from a local agency for less...

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!!!

Oct 08 06 09:16 am Link