Forums > General Industry > Exposing Pervs with Cameras...


removed member

Posts: 249

bang bang photo wrote:


Sep 29 06 12:50 pm Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

any perv worth his salt will expose himself. 

ba-dum tssshh

Sep 29 06 12:52 pm Link



Posts: 101

San Diego, California, US

Models are the one that should spill the beans on this guy. Plus they should be the one who gets the word out about good guys tooo....More models should be talking to each other and not about each other

Sep 29 06 12:54 pm Link


All Kinds of Photos

Posts: 428

jason messer wrote:

i dont see anything wrong in saying...i shot with (insert name here) and it just wasnt a good time. 

the more words like that get out....the more he will be outed as a douchebag.

whats wrong with saying i had a bad experience with ****.  email me, ill tell you the deal as a ref.

dont take any shit.  if someone is a dickhead....dont be afraid to tell them.

unless youre talkng about me.  in that case....keep quiet.

I guess you are assuming that there are no models that are dickheads. I had one incident with a model that if you heard her story you would probably think I was doing something "wrong" but if the truth be know it was nothing like what she has told people on MM. So here I am trying to perhaps undo something that could hurt any future shoots models because of false allegations. And of course if I would try to defend myself, it would sound like I am just making stuff up or making excuses.

Not all models are angels either!

Sep 29 06 01:12 pm Link



Posts: 191

Denver, Colorado, US

Hadyn Lassiter wrote:
How did I try to make it something other than what you posted? I do feel and this is just me that you two were alot closer than you say. Your on his computer, your using his studio, you shot with him. People share studios here as well, I let others use mine at times but not someone I don't know. Thats the part I find strange,that were close and now your not. Did you go to or use his studio after he pulled your shorts down? For whatever reason.

Hayden.....  you want to make this more than it is..... he is known to most photogrphers and he is what he is. as long as there are models that are new there will always be those types. I know Jodi and she has a Rockin Body.... But that does not give ANYONE the right to pull her pants down. And if you want to believe they were involved.... NOPE guarentee that was NOT the case. As for sharing studios... That happens here all the time. My studio gets used more by others than myself. We help each other out... Not pants them for any reason... And as far as the computer thing... I have mine out all the time and if someone looks they will not find any sneaky shit.......  I am totally with jodi on this   SHE WAS WRONGED   So now lets move on....   She doesnt deserve you trying to say or hinting she had some sort of other interest in him... relationship....

Please lets move on.....

Sep 29 06 01:19 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Right now there is a website called that is being sued.
Anonymous people we assume mostly women can log on, post images of past
boyfriends and any negative thing they want to say.  Men are able to respond
but in one case the lawyer who is suing feels its damaged his career.  A women
claimed he had a STD and that he was bisexual.  This is the problem with outing
people we as a audience have no way of knowing if what's being said is true or not.
If someone has committed a crime against you then contact the police and afterwords if he or she is on MM contact the mods.  People deserve a fair chance
to tell their side of a story and there have been many times models seen to have
a hidden agenda.  There was a past thread where a model claimed a photographer
tried to lick her ass.  Yet she seemed more upset about her TFP images and when
she got them posted the images with the alleged attempted ass licker as photographer.  I agree that MM should not allow negative posts about alleged
incidents with photographers names and information.  If you've been wronged
contact law enforcement and the mods.

Sep 29 06 03:06 pm Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

jason messer wrote:

You know -- when the suicide jumper is teetering on the edge of the 12th floor roof, and the crowd is yelling at him from below to jump. . . .

It's easy to give advice to someone else to be bold -- someone else who will have to live with the consequences of the actions, while we get to go on about our business without having to worry about a thing.

Please read what I wrote on this subject earlier in the thread. If you publicly accuse somebody of being a pervert in this day and age and can't back it up with credible, solid evidence, be prepared to have your OWN house taken down one brick at a time if they decide to fight back, and who wouldn't?

It's easy to be tough and tell people to go ahead and do it -- when no matter what happens, YOU won't get hurt. That's why I draw the line where I do -- if it's a crime, it's a law enforcement matter. If it's not a crime, then. . . . it's not a crime!

That's what I meant. Sorry if I wasn't clear.


Sep 29 06 03:13 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

I had a great idea and it got totally ignored. All you people want is drama.

Sep 29 06 03:15 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

e-string wrote:
I had a great idea and it got totally ignored. All you people want is drama.

I didn't ignore it. It's a good idea.

Sep 29 06 03:26 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Rossi Photography wrote:

I didn't ignore it. It's a good idea.

Ok, so do it! haha. I'm just curious about what sort of tricksy things he told you. smile

Sep 29 06 03:32 pm Link


Prairie Town Production

Posts: 100

Topeka, Kansas, US

If you ever want to expose any photographer or model as being a fruad, first make sure you have a lot of excess money you do not want to keep and a very good lawyer on retainer. Then feel free to expose away. Otherwise keep your comments out of print.

My first question to you, if what you say is true, why did you not call 911 right away? If you had the problem would have been solved a long time ago.

Sep 29 06 03:36 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Larry E. Hayes wrote:
If you ever want to expose any photographer or model as being a fruad, first make sure you have a lot of excess money you do not want to keep and a very good lawyer on retainer. Then feel free to expose away. Otherwise keep your comments out of print.

My first question to you, if what you say is true, why did you not call 911 right away? If you had the problem would have been solved a long time ago.

Um.. I don't think 911 is for people who get depantsed.

Sep 29 06 03:37 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Exposing Pervs with Cameras.

No doubt... lets turn their asses in to the cops... life behind bars fur sure... my parents took nekked pics of me in the tub once... quite a few years back... displayed them in a photo collage on the hallway wall for all to see... sad  Now they're writing me out of the will.  Well guess what mom?... the big boys in the black & whites are in the driveway... aaaaaaaah... revenge is sweet... wink

Sep 29 06 03:41 pm Link


Prairie Town Production

Posts: 100

Topeka, Kansas, US

Unless the photog has permission to touch you in any, it can be considered assault. Yes removing ones pants could be considered sexual assault. If the victim feels it is an assault, than it is.

e-string wrote:

Um.. I don't think 911 is for people who get depantsed.

Sep 29 06 03:47 pm Link



Posts: 2534

Toledo, Ohio, US

I think I may know who this guy is too.......not positive....but pretty sure. You would need some real stone cold evidence to use his name though. You may want to give some creative thought on how to let models know about this guy before they work with him.

It's sad about photogs like this......or maybe I should say sick! Personally I would be more than happy to kick the life out of perverts like this and shove there camera in place where things are ment to just leave your body.

Anyway....this guy will be exposed for all to know evetually. I just hope some model doesn't have to be put through something that will emotionaly scar her before this guy is caught.

Sep 29 06 03:48 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Larry E. Hayes wrote:
Unless the photog has permission to touch you in any, it can be considered assault. Yes removing ones pants could be considered sexual assault. If the victim feels it is an assault, than it is.

I suppose that's true. It still seems a bit silly for some reason. I'm trying to imagine the scene of the police showing up to deal with a guy who pulled down her shorts. lol. I think most sexual assault cases are generally reported after the fact.

Sep 29 06 03:52 pm Link


Prairie Town Production

Posts: 100

Topeka, Kansas, US

Art by its nature is subjective. Just because you get a bad feeling about someone does not make their work any less artistic. It you get assaulted or molested, than call the police. Just as you have worked with photogs you felt were slime, many of us photogs were a bit nervous working with some models too. When you work with the public, you have to learn to deal with the public. And when you work with the artistic public, Lord help us because you know what type lurks in those shadows.

How about ""

GLB Graphics wrote:
Someone needs to design a "" web site...

All kidding aside... Just how do we expose and warn models about guys like this?


Sep 29 06 03:58 pm Link


Prairie Town Production

Posts: 100

Topeka, Kansas, US

And nothing may come of it but it would send a clear message where boundaries are. And after a call or two maybe he will go back to still life.

e-string wrote:

I suppose that's true. It still seems a bit silly for some reason. I'm trying to imagine the scene of the police showing up to deal with a guy who pulled down her shorts. lol. I think most sexual assault cases are generally reported after the fact.

Sep 29 06 04:04 pm Link


Cali Heat

Posts: 336

Los Angeles, California, US

i am sick of all the pervs on these sites taking advantage of other people

Sep 29 06 05:47 pm Link


mary duprie

Posts: 1262

Pontiac, Michigan, US

it's easy to say check references......that's easy to say......i just had a photographer deleted yesterday that was using 11 of my images on his site.....he had been on for 1 month...contacting models.......

interesting enough he conned his was into assisting a very good photographer in LA.....i emailed quite a bit with this legit photographer and the model.....they both said they were suspicious........

I had a makeup talk on the phone with him for 45 minutes.....what crap he spewed!!

he "WAS" going to ask for id but didn' what chance do models have.....

when was the last time a photographer was killed, raped, assaulted ect by hooking up with a model......

this guy now has pics on his computer that he downloaded from the shoot....

the photographer said.....well at least he didn't steal anything.......oh how wrong he is!!!

did i find out info on this guy before they just deleted his profile.......i sure did!!!

in the LA area and want to know???

these guys are like cannot just schew them must kill them!!

"figuritively speaking ofcourse" wink


Sep 29 06 06:51 pm Link


Papa Vic Photography

Posts: 8211

Glendale, Arizona, US

I'm confused.

Right now it seems to me that the OP was sharing the photographer in question's studio/computer/etc. and did some photography with him, and then after she stopped sharing the studio/computer/etc. the photographer suddenly became a GWC and she remembered that he pulled down her pants at one point some weeks ago (before she stopped using his studio? after?).

Is it genuine assault between aquaintences by a shady pervert?  Is it a lover's spat?  Is it revenge for being dumped?  Is it slander by a professional rival? We may never know as the OP has not been especially forthcoming when asked about specifics, and we only know -one- side of this story.

(To the OP: these are some of the entirely legitimate questions you can expect by objective observers regarding your claims, should you decide to push the issue.  If you aren't prepared to answer them forthrightly, perhaps you should let the matter drop and let the gentleman with whom you have a beef sink or swim on his own merit.)

Sep 29 06 09:58 pm Link


Cali Heat

Posts: 336

Los Angeles, California, US

Just name the guy...he ain't gonna sue...people here are just rediculous. This guy pulls down your shorts and people here are acting like he is the victim. "We can't name this poor fellow. We would be warning he future victims. Oh no!"

Sep 29 06 10:15 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

My biggest peave is watching photographers and models beat the snot out of each other verbally all day long on this site about THINGS THAT WILL NEVER CHANGE.

There will always be perverted photographers.

There will always be flaky models.

Breast implants are here to stay.

Escorts are a fact of life. LIVE WITH IT.

Some people like nudes, other people are offended by them. It is what it is.

   Beating your head against the wall about things that will never change only drives YOU slowly insane. Certain things are with us forever: death, taxes, seat belt laws, crooked politicians, people that roll through stop signs, etc.

  These things will not go away.

  Face it.

  You'll sleep better.

Sep 29 06 10:16 pm Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

PapaVic Photography wrote:
I'm confused.

Right now it seems to me that the OP was sharing the photographer in question's studio/computer/etc. and did some photography with him, and then after she stopped sharing the studio/computer/etc. the photographer suddenly became a GWC and she remembered that he pulled down her pants at one point some weeks ago (before she stopped using his studio? after?).

Is it genuine assault between aquaintences by a shady pervert?  Is it a lover's spat?  Is it revenge for being dumped?  Is it slander by a professional rival? We may never know as the OP has not been especially forthcoming when asked about specifics, and we only know -one- side of this story.

To the OP: these are some the entirely legitimate questions you can expect by objective observers regarding your claims, should you decide to push the issue.  If you aren't prepared to answer them forthrightly, perhaps you should let the matter drop and let the gentleman with whom you have a beef sink or swim on his own merit.

What he said.

Sep 29 06 10:17 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Rossi Photography wrote:
I wonder, so I'll ask you.

There's a guy who calls himself a photographer here in the Detroit area. Who is known by most of the legit photographers for what he really is. Every person I've ever mentioned him to all say the same thing. But he has a way of manipulating the models. I know this firsthand because this guy has confided in me some things I don't think he'd ever want his models to know. And I made the mistake of letting him photograph me (before I knew what he is) and that did not go well. Some of you may've read about what happened in another thread. Long story short... in the middle of the shoot, he snuck behind me when I wasn't looking and pulled down my shorts.

Someone (can't remember who) posted in another thread describing him to a tee, saying these guys view the shoot as a date of sort, etc... I'll have to go find the post.

And I also question him in other areas, such as once I was at his place and I found in his computer MY photos. He saved them from my blog. I questioned him on it and he said, "Oh, I just wanted to see what you did, how you shot them...". Bullshit! I also noticed he had many, MANY females pictures saved from their myspace pages. That was a bit weird.

Now, is it right or wrong if I, or someone else, were to expose this guy to the modeling/photog community? Say on a message board such as this?

What'd you think? Would it be wrong to name him publicly? I'm not saying I'm going to. Just curious.

I just wanted to address the bolded section. It's not odd (I don't think) to save a model's photos. I often do so.. I have a folder on my computer with my 'model wish-list' where I save a few photos of each model I am interested in shooting with eventually.

But the odd part is why the heck were you on his computer.. I don't make it a habit to allow models to riffle through my files.. Girlfriends can do this. Or some of my regular models might be on my computer browsing her photos we just took while I am cleaning up or something.. but just random models don't get to do that. Were you more than just a model to this guy?

EDIT: Sorry, I guess I should have read a little bit further before responding.

Sep 29 06 10:22 pm Link


Papa Vic Photography

Posts: 8211

Glendale, Arizona, US

John Jebbia wrote:

I just wanted to address the bolded section. It's not odd (I don't think) to save a model's photos. I often do so.. I have a folder on my computer with my 'model wish-list' where I save a few photos of each model I am interested in shooting with eventually.

But the odd part is why the heck were you on his computer.. I don't make it a habit to allow models to riffle through my files.. Girlfriends can do this. Or some of my regular models might be on my computer browsing her photos we just took while I am cleaning up or something.. but just random models don't get to do that. Were you more than just a model to this guy?

EDIT: Sorry, I guess I should have read a little bit further before responding.

I feel your initial response is a valid one and your hunch that there's -much- more to this story than has been revealed here is shared by several others who have been following this thread.

Sep 29 06 10:29 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

I recall a thread where a outraged model went after a photographer on this site.
Saying while she was posing nude he put his fingers inside her muff.  Several posters gave the usual response, he's a bum and call the police as well as I'm
sorry that happened to you until... one person noted she stayed and finished the
shoot?  She responded with she was so stunned that she was numb and didn't
know what to do.  The thread went down hill from there.  The most basic question
was never answered stunned or not somebody violates you and you respond not
stay finish the shoot and then be outraged and angry.  Don't get me wrong I have
no doubt the OP'S version of events is accurate but we because we haven't heard
the photographers side of things we don't know.

Sep 29 06 10:30 pm Link


Steve Rosenberg

Posts: 47

Richmond, Kentucky, US

Coming from a professional with more experience than most, simply state,
" I had a bad shoot with so and so on such date of shoot".
There is no law against stating the truth, and you do not have to go into specifics.
The reader can contact you if they want more info or advice, but you will have waived the red flag if they care to check it out before they shoot.
References are always a good source to utilize when unsure.

Steve Rosenberg

Sep 29 06 10:31 pm Link


Bryce Productions

Posts: 75

Dallas, Texas, US

Sounds like your at fault too, if someone was on my pc snooping that would be invasion of privacy and as for the photos on Myspace and your Blog those are community boards and pages so what ever you post out there is your own fault.  Dont blame others for downloading them.  If you dont want other people to have them dont post them.

Rossi Photography wrote:
I wonder, so I'll ask you.

There's a guy who calls himself a photographer here in the Detroit area. Who is known by most of the legit photographers for what he really is. Every person I've ever mentioned him to all say the same thing. But he has a way of manipulating the models. I know this firsthand because this guy has confided in me some things I don't think he'd ever want his models to know. And I made the mistake of letting him photograph me (before I knew what he is) and that did not go well. Some of you may've read about what happened in another thread. Long story short... in the middle of the shoot, he snuck behind me when I wasn't looking and pulled down my shorts.

Someone (can't remember who) posted in another thread describing him to a tee, saying these guys view the shoot as a date of sort, etc... I'll have to go find the post.

And I also question him in other areas, such as once I was at his place and I found in his computer MY photos. He saved them from my blog. I questioned him on it and he said, "Oh, I just wanted to see what you did, how you shot them...". Bullshit! I also noticed he had many, MANY females pictures saved from their myspace pages. That was a bit weird.

Now, is it right or wrong if I, or someone else, were to expose this guy to the modeling/photog community? Say on a message board such as this?

What'd you think? Would it be wrong to name him publicly? I'm not saying I'm going to. Just curious.

Sep 29 06 10:32 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

mary duprie wrote:
it's easy to say check references......that's easy to say......i just had a photographer deleted yesterday that was using 11 of my images on his site.....he had been on for 1 month...contacting models.......

interesting enough he conned his was into assisting a very good photographer in LA.....i emailed quite a bit with this legit photographer and the model.....they both said they were suspicious........

I had a makeup talk on the phone with him for 45 minutes.....what crap he spewed!!

he "WAS" going to ask for id but didn' what chance do models have.....

when was the last time a photographer was killed, raped, assaulted ect by hooking up with a model......

this guy now has pics on his computer that he downloaded from the shoot....

the photographer said.....well at least he didn't steal anything.......oh how wrong he is!!!

did i find out info on this guy before they just deleted his profile.......i sure did!!!

in the LA area and want to know???

these guys are like cannot just schew them must kill them!!

"figuritively speaking ofcourse" wink


This is precisely why I include my own photo on my website and model mayhem.

Sep 29 06 11:19 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. We hope you're enjoying the show so far.

This Great Trainwreck Thread #56,324 is brought to you by Pepsi...

Couldn't you use a cool, refreshing Pepsi right now to go with your enjoyment of this thread?

Go to the fridge and grab a can. Ahhhhhh. Now, isn't that satisfying?

What will happen next? Was the original poster wrong for hanging out with someone who was undressing her? Is the photographer in question truly a manipulative and dangerous pervert? How many people support the original poster? How many people will doubt her?

Stay tuned and find out.

We now resume our regularly scheduled melodrama ...

Sep 30 06 02:05 am Link


Caroline Ann Martin

Posts: 1761

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I've had a similar experience (though no physical contact, just VERY inappropriate remarks made). This photog is always posting asking for models for paid artistic nudes. There's nothing artistic about his work, and as I see it, he's basically paying to be with a pretty naked girl for a few hours. (perhaps he sees it cheaper than going to a prostitute and a way that he won't get in trouble?)  But yeah, it irks me to no end to see him constantly posting requests for models. But as others have stated, you are best to simply report it to the moderators. If you say something publically, even though you wouldn't be slandering/libeling him (if it's true), it still could open up a whole can of worms that you don't want opened.

Sep 30 06 02:18 am Link


Caroline Ann Martin

Posts: 1761

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Ought To Be Shot wrote:

Agreed... I'm no lawyer, but naming him might be considered slander on your part.

It wouldn't be slander (or libel)  if it's true, but I agree, just to avoid the headache of him retaliating in some form or another, it's better to not.

Sep 30 06 02:19 am Link


Caroline Ann Martin

Posts: 1761

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Rossi Photography wrote:

Yeah, that was my main reason for posting. I don't want to go the route of the 'he said, she said' bit. But... what do we do? Ya' know what I'm saying? Or do we do nothing and just let these people bury themself? I dunno'...

I also work both sides of the camera, and as a model, I simply put in my port all the photogs I've worked with and include a statement that anyone with questions about the photogs I've worked with are welcomed to message me.  Fortunately it's only been one photographer that I've had any major trouble with.

Sep 30 06 02:23 am Link


Caroline Ann Martin

Posts: 1761

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

bang bang photo wrote:

If you take the information public you better be prepared for a fight, and have lots of evidence. Back someone into a corner and they'll fight -- it's just human nature. You could easily end up facing a defamation of character suit, and it's my understanding (I'm not a lawyer) that the rules of evidence in a civil case are not the same as in a criminal case -- all he has to do is show the preponderence of the evidence is in his favor.

A lot of what you listed as "a bit weird" may be weird, but it's not necessarily illegal or actionable either. I mean, how many people have had their pants pulled down as a bit of innocent horseplay between friends? I'm NOT justifying the guy by any means, but when you publicly accuse someone of wrong-doing you force them to chose between accepting public humiliation and being labeled as a pervert with all the consequences, or coming after you hard to try to salvage their own reputation. The best way to shut you down is to damage YOUR reputation, so if you have any skeletons in the closet yourself, they're coming out. If he gets a good lawyer, he will make your life totally miserable, even if you ultimately "win," which is by no means a certain thing in these kinds of cases.

So my advice: Think twice. If he's done something illegal that you have personally witnessed or have strong evidence of, take it to the authorities and let them prosecute him. If not, I'm not sure what the point is.

Again, I'm not a lawyer, and I don't even play one on TV, so this isn't legal advice. . . .


SOOOOOOOOOOOO true and PERFECTLY said Paul...  I had a similar situation a couple years ago with someone in the weight loss community who was coming into an online group that I run under different names accusing me of insurance fraud as relates to my having needed reconstructive surgeries after losing a lot of weight.  Needless to say, I "outed her" and all hell broke lose.  Even though I didn't do anything illegal and had LOTS of proof indicating that it was her, it didn't stop her from harassing me for over a year including filing frivilous and wrongful small claims lawsuits against me (one that she purposely had served to me 3 days after my 2nd round of surgery right after my husband moved across country and 1 day before I had to move out of our condo).  It was a VERY hectic time in my life and she played on it big time...  Yes, definately better to just report it to the powers that be if there are powers that be that is, and then hope that the idiot will get his just punishment...

Sep 30 06 02:29 am Link


Darker-Side of-Midnight

Posts: 1822

Southfield, Michigan, US

Stuff like this never happens at my shoots..... am I being to nice??

Sep 30 06 06:13 am Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Darker-Side of-Midnight wrote:
Stuff like this never happens at my shoots..... am I being to nice??


Sep 30 06 06:44 am Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Since leaving this thread yesterday and coming back this morning, I can't help but laugh. What you guys have turned this into... I will be taking care of this offline. I shoulda' known better than to think people would take it for what it is and say, 'Hmmm.. What can we do about these creeps to make our profession not such a headache'. Whether you choose to believe what I said happened or not, it still doesn't deny that there are scumbags out there doing this. You know... Work together instead of against eachother. But no... That wouldn't be any fun, now would it! It's going to be turned on me as if I'm some revengeful lover of this creeps and snooping through his computer. I think some of you should go back and READ the entire thread.

This was not a poor me, cry victim plead. That's not in my character. ... this was to maybe come up with ways to help models (and us) weed out these creeps, so they don't have to run into situations like this. The only person who suggested anything was a model. And I'll also add, after I posted this, someone wrote me with the name asking if it was him. Then went on to tell me what he did to her. So, it'll definitely be taken care of. Offline.

To those who keep telling me to name him, I will not be naming him in this thread. After reading some of these replies...? I'm a lot smarter than that. wink

As someone stated earlier in this thread... Us here in Detroit, we help each other out. We have a pretty close knit scene here. So, we'll take care of this asshole. wink

Carry on....

Sep 30 06 06:54 am Link


Holly Dell

Posts: 567

Los Angeles, California, US


Sep 30 06 06:57 am Link


Caroline Ann Martin

Posts: 1761

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

e-string wrote:
I had a great idea and it got totally ignored. All you people want is drama.

Hey there smile
I saw your idea too, and personally, I think it's a GREAT one!!!!!  Yes, we need to write about those we WILL shoot with and then the rest can be assumed that we wouldn't shoot with the others.
smile Caroline

Sep 30 06 07:08 am Link