Forums > General Industry > Exposing Pervs with Cameras...


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Rossi Photography wrote:
People are just NOT getting the point of this thread.

It's not about me, it's not about this paricular photographer. I've already stated a few times I'm not going to "out" him on the net. There are ways us legit photogs here in Detroit can come up with ways to put a stop to him taking advantage of the models here. And since most of us, no matter what city/state we're in, we always run into each other on the net or have heard of eachother. This was an attempt to TRY to come up with ways as a net community of models and photographers to work together and possibly weed these types of people out, find ways to help models know what and who to look out for.

It's obvious the point of it has gone wayyyyyy over some your heads.

No it has not gone over anyones head Rossi, the thing is you made a thread in which you put forth one instance of this persons actions. You left the door open for people who see two sides to each coin to ask very simple questions of you about that instance. No one is against getting rid of these people, I definately am for it. But I need to know the whole story from your end before I decide to join with you in the fight that is surly going to come. I don't care if you did or did not have a relationship of any kind with him, working or otherwise, its your motivation for throwing him out there to be ripped apart is the issue. Saving all the models from the wolves is great but you did not need to use your chosen example unless your going to be forth coming with the whole story from your point of view. Calling people assinine and stupid or trying to say they are unable to grasp the issue is useless and arrogant to say the least.
I'm done with this good luck and I hope you survive this fight intact.

Sep 30 06 08:40 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Hadyn Lassiter wrote:
When you don't have anything else worthwhile to say attack the spelling,very deep that. One point in question,
  Rossi says she was a model and now a photographer. So I would think some period of time has elapsed between the shorts issue and now the outing attempt.
So she has been using his studio since the "attack" but now feel it's time to call this person a pervert. How much time has elapsed since the pulling of your shorts down and this open letter calling someone a pervert?
Does any of this seem strange to anyone here?
I have a daughter who is 13 and if someone did what you say this person did he would not look on the light of day again.
I don't put much stock in someone who pushes someone else to get into a legal fight without putting her money into the battle. Are you going to help pay her legal fees or just run your fingers here with two bit advice off the cuff solutions and sisterly back patting?
Just because you can type does not mean you have something to say E.
No matter how I spell you still found it close enough to read and understand what I wrote as you responded to it. Being a MM diva or professional forum hound means little to me E, put your money into her legal fund and I will take notice of what you have to offer.
Me asking the same questions any lawyer is going to or even her friend the judge does not make me hostile to her, perhaps you should be asking her these questions before doling out your inane group hug.

This'll be the last time I respond to anything you have to say, Haydn. Because in my opinion, I think you are a very disturbed individual. And I'm not saying that to be mean. I honestly think that by how you've conducted yourself in some of these threads. I honestly feel sorry for you. It's clear you have issues.

I never said I was a model. I said, I tried it when I was 18/19 years old. I didn't like it. I've been a photographer for 15/16 years. Just because a photographer photographs me does not make me a model.

You keep talking all this money I'll be forking out in legal fees, this and that... For what? I haven't named anyone. So, I've done nothing wrong. You really make me question your intelligence. Some of the things you've said makes me wonder if you can read and comprehend English.

And you saying to e-string, "you should be asking her these questions before doling out your innane group hug"... She has and I've told her everything. Answered all the questions you've asked. But because you've done nothing but act like an asshole, I won't be answering those questions in this thread. I'd rather leave you wondering. As for anyone else, they can message me and I'll be happy to answer them. If you recall, I stated earlier in the thread, I'd be more than willing to answer if it were be being asked by someone who wasn't acting like an asshole. That would apply to you. You are acting like an asshole. And for that, you'll get no answers from me. None.

EDIT: You refer to me as arrogant. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, huh. wink

Sep 30 06 08:45 pm Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Rossi Photography wrote:

This'll be the last time I respond to anything you have to say, Haydn. Because in my opinion, I think you are a very disturbed individual. And I'm not saying that to be mean. I honestly think that by how you've conducted yourself in some of these threads. I honestly feel sorry for you. It's clear you have issues.

I never said I was a model. I said, I tried it when I was 18/19 years old. I didn't like it. I've been a photographer for 15/16 years. Just because a photographer photographs me does not make me a model.

You keep talking all this money I'll be forking out in legal fees, this and that... For what? I haven't named anyone. So, I've done nothing wrong. You really make me question your intelligence. Some of the things you've said makes me wonder if you can read and comprehend English.

And you saying to e-string, "you should be asking her these questions before doling out your innane group hug"... She has and I've told her everything. Answered all the questions you've asked. But because you've done nothing but act like an asshole, I won't be answering those questions in this thread. I'd rather leave you wondering. As for anyone else, they can message me and I'll be happy to answer them. If you recall, I stated earlier in the thread, I'd be more than willing to answer if it were be being asked by someone who wasn't acting like an asshole. That would apply to you. You are acting like an asshole. And for that, you'll get no answers from me. None.

That pretty much sums up the issue. Asking questions makes me an asshole,oK.

Sep 30 06 08:48 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Hadyn Lassiter wrote:

When you don't have anything else worthwhile to say attack the spelling,very deep that. One point in question,
  Rossi says she was a model and now a photographer. So I would think some period of time has elapsed between the shorts issue and now the outing attempt.
So she has been using his studio since the "attack" but now feel it's time to call this person a pervert. How much time has elapsed since the pulling of your shorts down and this open letter calling someone a pervert?
Does any of this seem strange to anyone here?
I have a daughter who is 13 and if someone did what you say this person did he would not look on the light of day again.
I don't put much stock in someone who pushes someone else to get into a legal fight without putting her money into the battle. Are you going to help pay her legal fees or just run your fingers here with two bit advice off the cuff solutions and sisterly back patting?
Just because you can type does not mean you have something to say E.
No matter how I spell you still found it close enough to read and understand what I wrote as you responded to it. Being a MM diva or professional forum hound means little to me E, put your money into her legal fund and I will take notice of what you have to offer.
Me asking the same questions any lawyer is going to or even her friend the judge does not make me hostile to her, perhaps you should be asking her these questions before doling out your inane group hug.

Money? I'm a full time college student. There is no money to be found here until about 5 years from now. I don't care if you take notice of what I have to offer, especially if you think $ is what makes someone worthwhile. And where did I say anything about telling her to get into a legal battle? All I suggested was a thread to inform models of the tactics people like him use to manipulate models - without giving his name. And as a matter of fact I did ask her some questions via the messaging system.

If you can't get basics like spelling right, why should I think you can get anything more complicated right such as logic and reasoning?

You attempt to be awfully antagonistic, and yet you are the one with nothing real to say. I mean really, playing as a forum bully? What a great role model you must be for your 13-year-old.

Sep 30 06 08:50 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Hadyn Lassiter wrote:
That pretty much sums up the issue. Asking questions makes me an asshole,oK.

Reading comprehension. Work on it.

I asked her questions and she answered me because I'm not arrogant. It's not about the questions, it's about how you act. And because you were immature, she chose not to humor you.

Sep 30 06 08:53 pm Link


Sam Tang

Posts: 152

Novi, Michigan, US

Hey Rossi,

Please contact me privately about this individual. I'm pretty well known and respected in the Detroit area and I ABSOLUTELY HATE and DESPISE individuals who prey on young naive, new models for their own perversions.


Sam T'ang

Sep 30 06 09:09 pm Link



Posts: 1271

Colorado Springs, Colorado, US

A lot of people say check references, meet him in public, why didn't you run, call the cops, etc. It's not that easy. I had a model who is a very close friend ask me to escort her to a meeting with a photographer who claims to work for the sherrif's department. I was forced to decline due to schedule conflicts.
When she returned, she told me that he asked her to go into a bathroom in a public place and take off her clothes with him so he could "get some ideas". To my shock and dismay she did. When I asked her why she told me that she felt intimidated and didn't know what to do.
Looking back, the man was twice her size, wearing a sheriff's department badge, and she was alone (although in public).
The same model has been contacted by convicted child molesters, photographed by a man who was later arrested for indency with a child, and now this. When threatened many people become passive or cower. Yeah, maybe a dude with the sheriff's department would be packin', and maybe he would have a contingency plan for dealing with an escort, but all the same I wish I had been there. Because I am still friends with the snipers from my old unit, and those boys are just itching to use that Barret .50 cal

Sep 30 06 09:12 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Idaho Edokpayi wrote:
A lot of people say check references, meet him in public, why didn't you run, call the cops, etc. It's not that easy. I had a model who is a very close friend ask me to escort her to a meeting with a photographer who claims to work for the sherrif's department. I was forced to decline due to schedule conflicts.
When she returned, she told me that he asked her to go into a bathroom in a public place and take off her clothes with him so he could "get some ideas". To my shock and dismay she did. When I asked her why she told me that she felt intimidated and didn't know what to do.
Looking back, the man was twice her size, wearing a sheriff's department badge, and she was alone (although in public).
The same model has been contacted by convicted child molesters, photographed by a man who was later arrested for indency with a child, and now this. When threatened many people become passive or cower. Yeah, maybe a dude with the sheriff's department would be packin', and maybe he would have a contingency plan for dealing with an escort, but all the same I wish I had been there. Because I am still friends with the snipers from my old unit, and those boys are just itching to use that Barret .50 cal

Ha! Finally the solution for these assholes. Snipers. I like you. wink

Sep 30 06 09:14 pm Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

e-string wrote:
Reading comprehension. Work on it.

I asked her questions and she answered me because I'm not arrogant. It's not about the questions, it's about how you act. And because you were immature, she chose not to humor you.

There was nothing antagonistic in my questions, any lawyer is going to ask far deeper questions than I did. By advising her to start a thread on this issue leaves her open to legal action at some point. Money is not the issue,telling the whole story is, not just the part you feel everyone should know. Its an open forum and as such supplying half the story invites people who think and reason to ask questions. So get over yourself and stop calling me immature for what you and her should be doing,giving the whole story complete since she opened the door with her thread.
If you cannot handle someone asking questions keep the whole thing in private or don't give a specific example and expect everyone to follow along like lemmings.
Attacking me for asking her what I did is juvenile at best. You keep side stepping the questions. Rossi using me as a reason for not answering the questions here where she opened the subject is really thin and shows who is really the immature one or the one who has something to hide.
I really don't care what your opinion of me is when you put it in the forums expect somone to ask your motives.

Sep 30 06 09:25 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

All our actions fall prey to the law unintended consequences  Some call this a type
of Karma.  We must consider with care what we say and do.  Words can have a
great power.  I know I may sound a little werid with this post but what may seem
a good thing to do may not be.

Sep 30 06 09:35 pm Link


Papa Vic Photography

Posts: 8211

Glendale, Arizona, US


I don't want any more part of this thread-as-p*ssing-match and I don't know how it got turned into one.

What I think I've already said: time to put this away, tell anyone who ASKS that you have reservations about this guy and if ASKED be willing to explain why but I don't see any reasoning that would suggest a successful or necessary pro-activity.

Oct 01 06 06:10 am Link


Darker-Side of-Midnight

Posts: 1822

Southfield, Michigan, US


Oct 12 06 03:09 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

All this nonsense about lawsuits is just that: nonsense.

There are plenty of ways to protect yourself yet speak your mind, and virtually nobody is going to be able to afford a lawsuit for slander, or be able to get an ambulance-chaser interested in pursuing it, unless there are deep pockets involved and it's an open and shut case.

If I say "I think so-and-so is a creep" it's not actionable. Why? It's a statement of my opinion, and "creep" is not something you can prove or disprove one way or another. If I say "I think so-and-so is a crappy photographer" it's not actionable. Why? It's a statement of my opinion. In fact, "Perv" is a colloqualism, like "a**hole" and it would be extremely difficult for someone to start a lawsuit over another person saying another is a "perv" because there's no objective standard for the term.

Libel and Slander come into play when you are saying things about another person about which you can or can't prove they are true. If you were to say "Marcus Ranum keeps 2 models chained up in the basement of his studio" then I'd have a case, assuming that damaged my business or reputation, etc. Because I could fairly easily show that I didn't and that you were lying in order to hurt me. It is entirely legal and acceptable to say awful things about other people as long as they are either a) true or b) couched as opinion. I'd have a hell of a time getting a lawyer to go after someone for saying "I think Marcus Ranum is a perv" - no ambulance chaser would touch it on contingency and I'd have to take a second mortgage in order to pay a lawyer to pursue the case -- and he'd be warning me the whole time that I was going to lose. It'd cost about $10,000 just to get started on a lawsuit like that and it'd cost me half that to send a couple crystal-meth smoking bikers with a crowbar to your house - which would be more likely? Which would satisfy me more? You got it.

There are innumerable terms you can use that are not actionable. You could say that a photographer is "skeevy" or "creepy" or (even better) "makes my flesh crawl" and nobody can touch you legally. "I think so-and-so makes comments about models that are inappropriate" - nobody can touch you. "His work is disgusting" - nobody can touch you. "I can't stand his attitude toward models" - nobody can touch you. Just don't go pulling a Tawana Brawley and say you saw someone grope someone, if you didn't.

Too many people watch too much courtroom drama on TV and get the idea that the courts are a useful way of resolving a personal dispute. They are not. Some photographer suing someone for saying he was a "perv" would probably not even make it into Stupid People's Court let alone on the docket of any court in any state in the US.

Before you start getting your panties all wadded up about lawyers, go to the grocery copy and read an issue of the Weekly World News - it's a case-study in how far you can go without slandering or libeling someone: "Angelina Jolie said to be seen at nude photoshoot with GWC" - can't touch it; it's just reporting an alleged incident. "President Bush: was he replaced by a bobble-head space alien?"  - can't touch it; it's a question. Before people on an internet chat board need to start worrying about some photographer suing for being called a "perv" you'll see a lot of settlements as hollywood personalities go after the pant-pant mags. But that won't happen.

And those of you who fear legal action because of something you post here: you're not that important. I'm sorry to say but unless you manage to piss off an insane billionaire or a drug kingpin, nobody here will have the resources or time to waste on you. Sure, you might get years of he-said-she-said bullsh*t and an enemy for life, but a lawsuit? Give me a break. It'd be much more likely that someone'd show up on your doorstep wearing gloves and carrying a claw-hammer than you'll get sued.

So let's all lighten up a bit about the lawyer-waving.


Oct 12 06 03:37 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Ought To Be Shot wrote:
Agreed... I'm no lawyer, but naming him might be considered slander on your part.

Not even close.


Oct 12 06 03:49 pm Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

I'm still trying to figure out, if it was a professional relationship, why you'd be in his home and able to access his computer?

I was at his place and I found in his computer MY photos.

If I missed the response I apologize, the pissing match was getting a bit tedious so I skipped over about 4 pages lol. But of course I saw the inevitable, "oh I'm a photographer in the Detroit area and I hate the photographers that take advantage of their models" comment. Yes, everybody else is unprofessional. The "shoot with me or take your chances on bad things happening" is soooo noble.

Oct 12 06 03:51 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Rossi Photography wrote:
You keep talking all this money I'll be forking out in legal fees, this and that... For what? I haven't named anyone. So, I've done nothing wrong.

Even if you do name someone, you haven't done anything wrong. It's only slander or libel if you're saying something that is provably untrue and is not a matter of opinion.

After all, you were just commenting that so-and-so was "Arrogant" (and vice versa) - that's not slander, is it? Yet you implicitly named names. It's OK to say virtually anything as long as it's a matter of opinion. Now, a given website might have its own policy that says you can't say
"I think Rossi's a dope" (sorry, just an example)
even though that's not slander or libel. There's no objective standard for 'dope' and I made it clear it was just my opinion.

You have every legal right to say "I think photographer X is creepy when he's dealing with models" and nobody can touch you. MM might ban you for it, though - that's their prerogative.


Oct 12 06 03:57 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

To me, the real issue is - if you believe something strongly enough, you should say it regardless of who is asking, and how. If you don't respect your own opinions at least that much then you shouldn't expect others to respect them at all. Dragging your own lack of conviction into a public forum just makes you look like a coward.

"Hey, I think this guy sucks. I'm not willing to keep my mouth shut about it but I'm not willing to name names, either."
that's just so lame.


Oct 12 06 04:00 pm Link


Frank McAdam

Posts: 2222

New York, New York, US

Rossi Photography wrote:
People are just NOT getting the point of this thread.

It's not about me, it's not about this paricular photographer. I've already stated a few times I'm not going to "out" him on the net. There are ways us legit photogs here in Detroit can come up with ways to put a stop to him taking advantage of the models here. And since most of us, no matter what city/state we're in, we always run into each other on the net or have heard of eachother. This was an attempt to TRY to come up with ways as a net community of models and photographers to work together and possibly weed these types of people out, find ways to help models know what and who to look out for.

It's obvious the point of it has gone wayyyyyy over some your heads.

I think your point is well taken, Rossi.  Anyone who can make the net safer for models (and everyone else for that matter) should be commended for caring.  Perv photographers hurt the reputation of every legitimate working professional through their sleazy actions.  There's nothing wrong with looking for a way to expose them.

Oct 12 06 04:11 pm Link



Posts: 2463

Merrimack, New Hampshire, US

Exposing Pervs With Cameras 101
There are two ways: first, you can set the exposure compensation by one stop ("+1"); or, you manually set the ISO rating on the camera to 200 from 100. Both yield equivalent Perv pictures. The difference, however, is that setting the camera's exposing compensation does not adjust the film developing time, it directly affects the exposure time in the shutter release. So, it would go from 1/15 of a second to an 1/8 of a second, which is the wrong direction—we're hoping to use a shorter shutter release time so we can hand-hold the picture because those pervs move a lot.

By setting the ISO to 200 from 100, the camera thinks the film is faster, so it's not adjusting the time at all. It's just shooting at 200, and that accurate light reading for 200 is 1/30 of a second. This results in properly exposed perv on camera!

Oct 12 06 04:17 pm Link


Hacked Account

Posts: 492

Houston, Alaska, US

Rossi Photography wrote:

Funny how this is being turned around on me. Now, if someone who wasn't acting like an asshole asked me, I'd gladly give the answer. smile

do it on myspace....bulletin to all your friends

Oct 12 06 04:30 pm Link


Slowburn Images

Posts: 69

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

Bizarre story! Why would anyone go back after someone tried to pull their pants down?!

Oct 12 06 04:49 pm Link



Posts: 94

Tacoma, Washington, US

e-string wrote:

Ha! Finally the solution for these assholes. Snipers. I like you. wink

Beautiful. Two clowns in the one post. "Yeah, me and my old army buddies we're missing shooting people, we'll kill him." "Yeah, yay you, I like that!".

And yet you moan about people incorrectly punctuating "you're" and needing a reality adjustment. Oh man, could it be more priceless?

Oct 13 06 09:41 am Link