Forums > General Industry > Ban Skinny Models



Posts: 57

Los Angeles, California, US

Star wrote:
this thread seems to be off subject now....

maybe a new thread on anorexia is in order?


Amen... I'm going to get something to eat!

Sep 13 06 02:25 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

Wes Hall wrote:
Oh...did I upset the baby?

And check this...Asshole I may be, but I'm a 6'5" 215lbs. healthy asshole, and proud of it. Are you proud of your weight? I insulted you because you insulted me. As long as you respond in those tones, I will continue to ride you into the sunset. I don't think I'm right...fact is, I don't care.

I am a proud asshole, but the one thing I'm not is a tool. Damn Right! Because I have a mother and other I care about, I will refrain from calling you a "Bitch" like I want to.

But, hate to run...I'm hungry as hell.

Until later...Wes
Obviously you need to calm that shit out. Cause the next time you come at me like that, you better have an army behind you. I hope that you can gain something from this, because I sure have.

As a matter of fact...  I am very happy with my weight. It took me years to be happy with myself and I don't need some jerk like you telling me I need to change. And you can call me a bitch all you want. You don't have any bearing on how I feel. If anything, you are a stranger who picks on other peoples weight because you are just a tool. Yeah, I called you a tool. So what... are you going to cry now? You can say whatever you want about me, but in the long run... YOU DON'T MATTER!

Sep 13 06 02:29 pm Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

I have shot models, male and female and transgendered, from 5-7" 105 to 5'6" and more than twice that weight. I love photography, I love all body types, and as a model myself, I know that while my healthiest weight is a 6-8 (got a personal trainer to get me from a 10-12 to an athletic 6-8 in two months), but I know other models who are very healthy and their maximum weight is 20-30 lbs less than my minimum. They have a different bone structure than I do, and they are beautiful. As are the larger models I have shot, and even myself, in between, I have 4 self portraits up on the first page of my photographer port, and was very happy with the results. Well, enough of this, back to editing. All I can say is good models know how to act and project no matter what their size, and bad models do not know how to pose. I would rather shoot a large model who knew how to pose and show emotion than a bathing suit/lingerie model with a flat stomach and flat hard eyes. It is all about the chemistry, not the size of the model.

Sep 13 06 02:29 pm Link


3rd Floor Photography

Posts: 932

Tucson, Arizona, US

Katie Jorgensen wrote:
Saying that skinny models influence young girls enough to perpetuate eating disorders & therefore should be banned is like ME trying to say that models with big breasts should be banned, because it perpetuates women with smaller breasts (like me) to dangerously go under the knife to fit the norm. And that's just bullshit.

Let's not be ignorant here.

Of course these images influence the general public or else they wouldn't be used in the manner which they are, through marketing and sex appeal. When I was younger all I'd see where big breasted women in the Victoria's Secret magazines. I was already skinny, so I considered a boob job. I never got one, but the influence was certainly there and a lot of girls do fall into it.

Same with anorexics and bulimics. They must be getting their influence somewhere to want to look a certain way. Fashion tells us what is beautiful. Those who aren't happy with themselves are going to try to mirror what they see in fashion so they too can be considered beautiful.

Sep 13 06 02:35 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

3rd Floor Photography wrote:

Let's not be ignorant here.

Of course these images influence the general public or else they wouldn't be used in the manner which they are, through marketing and sex appeal. When I was younger all I'd see where big breasted women in the Victoria's Secret magazines. I was already skinny, so I considered a boob job. I never got one, but the influence was certainly there and a lot of girls do fall into it.

Same with anorexics and bulimics. They must be getting their influence somewhere to want to look a certain way. Fashion tells us what is beautiful. Those who aren't happy with themselves are going to try to mirror what they see in fashion so they too can be considered beautiful.

That isn't always true. Eating disorders don't always stem from skewed body images.

Sep 13 06 02:41 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Wes is acting like a dick.....albeit a dick with a degree.  I started out reading this thread agreeing with the things he was saying but as he got increasingly pigheaded and insulting, I changed my mind.  Is this even the point of this over posted thread anyway?  Maybe this will get locked like the five other times it has been brought up.

Sep 13 06 02:50 pm Link


Ken Long

Posts: 956


On a side note (kinda back to the post....)   According to a quick vote poll ongoing now, 72% of those polled feel that "skinny models" should be banned.

Make anyone else kinda wonder?

Sep 13 06 03:09 pm Link


Kemmie T x10

Posts: 7489

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Sep 13 06 03:27 pm Link


Kemmie T x10

Posts: 7489

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Wes Hall wrote:

Why in the hell did you even write that? Issues like THIS are what forums like this are/were intended for.

Like I said....Nothing against the issue, but there are far more bigger issues..

Since u assumed that I was disregarding the issue, allow me to clarify-
Besides pointing the finger at so-called outside influences and blaming the media for anorexia for example. The real issue is, we sometimes underestimate ourselves-we don't give ourselves enough credit, and I don't think some realize how much control we have over ourselves.

The disorder is very serious, I never said it was not. There is, however, an underlying issue here.

I hope that clears things up for u.

Sep 13 06 03:27 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

Kem Wilkerson wrote:

Like I said....Nothing against the issue, but there are far more bigger issues..

Since u assumed that I was disregarding the issue, allow me to clarify-
Besides pointing the finger at so-called outside influences and blaming the media for anorexia for example. The real issue is, we sometimes underestimate ourselves-we don't give ourselves enough credit, and I don't think some realize how much control we have over ourselves.

The disorder is very serious, I never said it was not. There is, however, an underlying issue here.

I hope that clears things up for u.

There's no point in trying to explain yourself... he'll peobably still keep telling you that you're wrong.

Sep 13 06 03:38 pm Link


Kemmie T x10

Posts: 7489

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Lamonica wrote:

There's no point in trying to explain yourself... he'll peobably still keep telling you that you're wrong.

Riiight......from the looks of your posts in here, I don't think I should be taking any advice from trying to stay on topic here. smile

Sep 13 06 04:04 pm Link


Kemmie T x10

Posts: 7489

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Wes Hall wrote:

WHAT? Right...(Sarcastically) If you were "strong", you wouldn't have a "disorder."

Still, no legitimate explanation has been given.

That's my point.....some of these people who suffer from this "disorder"(note the defination of this word)are suffering because they lack order in their life-in some cases, this is what they are coaching themselves to believe.

Sep 13 06 05:07 pm Link



Posts: 2253

Columbia, Missouri, US

lll wrote:
Government targetting...what?  Next thing, you should wear what they tell you to wear.

Oh, and by the way, the "ban" is for models who has a BMI that is below 18.

Which means...for a 5'9", she needs to weigh over 120lb.  Not exactly "plus size"...get the whole story.

This is BS.  People have different built, different muscle density, different genetics makeup, now they are trying to attempt to "ban" a biological element; good luck with that.

Well...I'm 5'9" and 135-140lbs...I sure HOPE that's not plus size! I may not fit into size 6 CK shorts, but I'm seriously no bigger than a 4.

Sep 13 06 06:07 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

Kem Wilkerson wrote:

Riiight......from the looks of your posts in here, I don't think I should be taking any advice from trying to stay on topic here. smile

Sorrry.... I was just trying to warn you.

Sep 13 06 09:12 pm Link


10-7 Productions

Posts: 55

Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Seriously... I hate the waif look.  Nothing more disgusting as far as I'm concerned... and I've known people with eating disorders... and when people HONESTLY think that they aren't ever skinny enough until they can see things that just aren't supposed to show... we have a problem.  Anyone who doesn't see that there is an image problem in this world also has a very big denial problem.

Sep 13 06 09:18 pm Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

lll wrote:

I beat you.  I am older (I believe), I still weigh under 120lb.  smile  27-inch waist.  smile



Sep 13 06 10:02 pm Link


Kemmie T x10

Posts: 7489

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Lamonica wrote:

Sorrry.... I was just trying to warn you.

Not necessary, I can handle it with a bit more maturity.....

Sep 13 06 11:19 pm Link


Elana Rachel

Posts: 266

Boston, Massachusetts, US

RoninGarou wrote:
Has anyone of you dealt with an anorexic or bulimic person, more than shooting her?

Probably not, cause if you have, I don't think that you still take such kind of "banishment" so dumb to put on.

if you understood what you were talking about you would know that many bulimics and anorexics are fixated on their appearance because of problems that are often not related to their looks at all. in fact, until recent years when eating disorders became more commonplace among people who feel intense levels of stress in their lifestyles, many psychologists attributed eating disorders to childhood abuse.

As for the ban, yes there are women in the fashion industry that have eating disorders, there are also women who are very thin by nature. I don't think we can prevent the children and women of the world from fixating on unattainable body images by banning thin models. If you want people to feel good about themselves and their bodies it is up to parents, friends, families etc. to say 'yes those models are beautiful' but to also say 'and you are beautiful too'. I think it is unfortunate that people blame poor body image on the fact that others have a different body type. Instead of stopping models from doing their job, why dont the governments put more money into health education programs, teach about proper nutrition and have more support for those who are afflicted with eating disorders and body dismorphia...

just a thought

Sep 13 06 11:44 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

ERM Photography wrote:

if you understood what you were talking about you would know that many bulimics and anorexics are fixated on their appearance because of problems that are often not related to their looks at all. in fact, until recent years when eating disorders became more commonplace among people who feel intense levels of stress in their lifestyles, many psychologists attributed eating disorders to childhood abuse.

As for the ban, yes there are women in the fashion industry that have eating disorders, there are also women who are very thin by nature. I don't think we can prevent the children and women of the world from fixating on unattainable body images by banning thin models. If you want people to feel good about themselves and their bodies it is up to parents, friends, families etc. to say 'yes those models are beautiful' but to also say 'and you are beautiful too'. I think it is unfortunate that people blame poor body image on the fact that others have a different body type. Instead of stopping models from doing their job, why dont the governments put more money into health education programs, teach about proper nutrition and have more support for those who are afflicted with eating disorders and body dismorphia...

just a thought

Very well said.

Sep 14 06 11:46 am Link


Jessica B.

Posts: 46

Los Angeles, California, US

If designers want skinny models in their shows, let them hire skinny models.  Freedom of choice, baby!  Let the market decide whether it's a good idea or not.

Sep 14 06 11:49 am Link


Mistriss de morte

Posts: 620

Wilmington, Delaware, US

RoninGarou wrote:
Has anyone of you dealt with an anorexic or bulimic person, more than shooting her?

Probably not, cause if you have, I don't think that you still take such kind of "banishment" so dumb to put on.

i've dealt with a few of them and have helped them get over it.
i think the ban is f******** retarded.
yet i am inclined to go along with it because people like say, kate moss just look sick all the time. people really shouldn't look sick if their  body is naturally that way. take me for instance i weigh a whopping 85 lbs. and i don't look sick at all.
Sick looking models that are all hopped up on cocaine, heorin, methamphetamine, diet pills or that just don't eat should be banned, not skinny models.

Sep 14 06 11:56 am Link



Posts: 558

So if skinny fashion models have such a powerful influence, how come the US and the UK have an obesity problem ?

Sep 14 06 12:10 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Fluffytek wrote:
So if skinny fashion models have such a powerful influence, how come the US and the UK have an obesity problem ?

Because the skinny models are giving everyone else such self-image issues that they have to console themselves with massive amounts of chocolate.

Passing out pitchforks. Who's joining the Million Model March on Madrid with me?

Sep 14 06 12:28 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

Marko Cecic-Karuzic wrote:

Because the skinny models are giving everyone else such self-image issues that they have to console themselves with massive amounts of chocolate.

Passing out pitchforks. Who's joining the Million Model March on Madrid with me?

Hahaha... sign this skinny bitch up...

Sep 14 06 12:34 pm Link


Memi Haute

Posts: 7241

I'm a little worried about this for myself. I've never been anorexic or bulemic, but I am skinny as hell. I know I'll get things throw at me for complaning, lol, but I hate being as skinny as I am. I feel like a skeleton. I WANT to gain wait, but I can never pass the mark of 120. I'm really hoping that Milan doesn't pass the ban, because as of last week my agency is planning to send me there early next year for the next fashion week. I don't want my runway career over before it even starts.

If they pass it, I'm screwed. I checked this site: … ulator.htm

And according to it, I am below my BMI...but I can't help it. I eat ALL the time and nothing happens. It just really sucks to be punished for my genetics. All the women on my mother's side of the family were skinny as rails until they started having babies. And well... I'm not about to go have one now. lol

Sep 14 06 04:30 pm Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

Mandy Y wrote:
I eat alot and when I mean ALOT I do, and I cannot gain weight.

Same here.  I'm like 96 pds.  These anti-skinny people can kiss my/our ass(es).

Sep 14 06 04:33 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Gina McNeil wrote:
I'm a little worried about this for myself. I've never been anorexic or bulemic, but I am skinny as hell. I know I'll get things throw at me for complaning, lol, but I hate being as skinny as I am. I feel like a skeleton. I WANT to gain wait, but I can never pass the mark of 120. I'm really hoping that Milan doesn't pass the ban, because as of last week my agency is planning to send me there early next year for the next fashion week. I don't want my runway career over before it even starts.

If they pass it, I'm screwed. I checked this site: … ulator.htm

And according to it, I am below my BMI...but I can't help it. I eat ALL the time and nothing happens. It just really sucks to be punished for my genetics. All the women on my mother's side of the family were skinny as rails until they started having babies. Well I'm not about to have one now. lol

I wouldn't worry too much about it at this point. And frankly I think the way to deal with this nonsense is flat-out mockery. Make Madrid the laughing stock it deserves to be over this.

(And I wouldn't worry too much about trying to gain weight. Thinness is a perk of your age, which will not last forever. There will come a point in your life when gaining will forever be easier than losing, believe me. You've got a strong look, by the way.)

Sep 14 06 04:36 pm Link


Memi Haute

Posts: 7241

Marko Cecic-Karuzic wrote:
I wouldn't worry too much about it at this point. And frankly I think the way to deal with this nonsense is flat-out mockery. Make Madrid the laughing stock it deserves to be over this.

(And I wouldn't worry too much about trying to gain weight. Thinness is a perk of your age, which will not last forever. There will come a point in your life when gaining will forever be easier than losing, believe me. You've got a strong look, by the way.)

I'm trying not to worry, and I guess it just comes down to letting my agency take care of any arising problems. They told me I'm fine and look perfect in size for runway, so I'm just going to trust that.

And thank you for the kind compliment. smile

Sep 14 06 04:51 pm Link


Kemmie T x10

Posts: 7489

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Gina McNeil wrote:
I'm a little worried about this for myself. I've never been anorexic or bulemic, but I am skinny as hell. I know I'll get things throw at me for complaning, lol, but I hate being as skinny as I am. I feel like a skeleton. I WANT to gain wait, but I can never pass the mark of 120. I'm really hoping that Milan doesn't pass the ban, because as of last week my agency is planning to send me there early next year for the next fashion week. I don't want my runway career over before it even starts.

If they pass it, I'm screwed. I checked this site: … ulator.htm

And according to it, I am below my BMI...but I can't help it. I eat ALL the time and nothing happens. It just really sucks to be punished for my genetics. All the women on my mother's side of the family were skinny as rails until they started having babies. And well... I'm not about to go have one now. lol

Don't worry yourself- you can't get screwd if u screw them first, there are other cities, states, and countries that have a better sense of the very different variety of body builds that would love to give u a chance.

Sep 14 06 08:06 pm Link


duds here

Posts: 397

Chicago, Illinois, US

Mandy Y wrote:

you gotta be kidding!!! I eat alot and when I mean ALOT I do, and I cannot gain weight
I have always been 110 or less at 5'9  sad

I even tried to gain weight but I just can't get over the 110 hurdle

That's because you don't have the worlds finest chocolate bar like we have here in Chicago!  Yet I can eat a lot of them and not get sick or fat, but they are good!

Even worse for me, close to my house they have an outlet store AAHHH!
Can't pass it up too often, a great size chocolate bar for 25 cents, it's like it must have been in the old days buying candy!

Sep 16 06 02:40 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Tikeya wrote:
Same here.  I'm like 96 pds.  These anti-skinny people can kiss my/our ass(es).

Not mine. I don't have one.


Edit: in case anyone gets too pedantic, I do have one now that i've reach the whopping weight of 110 lbs.  But it's funnier without one.

Sep 16 06 03:03 am Link


J C ModeFotografie

Posts: 14718

Los Angeles, California, US

ChristianBehr wrote:
Now this is the dumbest thing I've seen in a while.  Just like some girls are naturally bigger... there are those who can eat more than me ( body of a Hobbit ) and still remain thin as a rail.

So celebrate with your " no skinny models " signs... but know that it's the same thing as having a " no fat chicks " sign under your chair.  Shame on your dumb ass.

Plus models... pay attention.  Now the government is calling the shots as to body types.  Once this is allowed - make no mistake - you could easily be next.  Since when did we allow any government dictate what is or is not a healthy or happy body?  Who wants some Prime Minister telling them to gain or lose weight... isn't life hard enough already?  Now the government tells you how to keep your body.

I second that!  This is so utterly stupid - more like STYOOOPIDDD, that one would believe or one would hope that this is a mere publicity stunt.  But, of course, it could be just another simple case of stupid government!

JAY carreon

Sep 16 06 03:06 am Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Most eating disorders start out of outside pressures. You have to have a certain type of personality to be inclined to bulimia or ana. So it's not just the person, but that doesn't mean you honestly should blame runway models. When no offense the average person or rather teen girl doesn't give a fuck abou lily cole or gemma ward. How many 16 yr olds sit down to a runway show? Compared to how many open up people or teen vogue to see how "dashing" lindsay looks with all her ribs showing. Do I think they're should be a ban..honestly, I don't see what was wrong with the claudia's, cindy's, naomi's, or Linda's...I personally wish the "industry" would go back to that, but i don't feel the gov't has a right to choose. But it does have the right to protect the people, and if they feel this is source of health concerns...

Outside sources+Addictive or controlling personality= Bulimia or Ana.

What I don't get is the utter hypocrisy you read in these magazines...on page 15 they show you a 6ft model in a marc jacobs dress "doesn't she look fab!"... On page 87 they're telling you to "love yourself" and "cheap ways to dress like kate" *eye roll*

yet i still suscribe.

-admitted bulimic

Sep 16 06 10:26 am Link


Richard Maxwell

Posts: 242

Somerville, Massachusetts, US

Sep 16 06 10:34 am Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Wes Hall wrote:

3. Eating disorders...there are only three and here are their solutions:
          A. Anorexia: Eat!
          B. Bullemia:  Eat!...And you better not throw up!
          C. Obeisity: Stop eating so much!!!

You seem to be neglecting the fact that, people with eating disorders are not normal people. Telling a bulimic to eat is not like telling a "sane" person to eat. Trust me, I know...they force feed you in treatment facilities, and they wait untill you've digested the food to leave you alone....

Sep 16 06 10:39 am Link


Opus Lily

Posts: 822

New York, New York, US

lll wrote:
This is BS.  People have different built, different muscle density, different genetics makeup, now they are trying to attempt to "ban" a biological element; good luck with that.

I'm 5'11" and weigh 120 lbs. To most that may sound like I'm starving myself, but I eat like a pig. I have a fast metabolism. The common misconception is that models all starve themselves, which is pure b.s. After shows I have gone out with other models and we've stuffed our faces with hamburgers and hot dogs.

Sep 16 06 02:57 pm Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

Mandy Y wrote:
I even tried to gain weight but I just can't get over the 110 hurdle

Wait 'til you're 45 ....

Sep 16 06 03:00 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

I'll reiterate. I believe the proper response to this nonsense in Spain is mockery.

Sep 16 06 03:01 pm Link


Opus Lily

Posts: 822

New York, New York, US

ChristianBehr wrote:
Plus models... pay attention.  Now the government is calling the shots as to body types.  Once this is allowed - make no mistake - you could easily be next.

This ranks up there with charging overweight people for two seats on an airline. Christian is right. Waving signs that say "ban skinny models" is no better than people waving signs saying "ban overweight people on airlines."

Sep 16 06 03:01 pm Link


Jakki Browne

Posts: 3457

Los Angeles, California, US

I read the posting and skipped to the end so forgive me if I am off-track.  I thought diversity is what everyone strives for.  That means diversity in looks and shapes, so it isn't fair to discriminate against skinny models any more than it is fair to discriminate against plus-size models. I have no problem with ultra-skinny models because the reality is that those body types are due (MOSTLY) to their genetics.  Yes some starve and do drugs to get ultra thin, but I can guarantee that NO amout of starving or drug use will give me Kate Moss's body, my gene pool just doesn't produce that shape.

Sep 16 06 03:06 pm Link