Forums > General Industry > Ban Skinny Models



Posts: 83

Atlanta, Georgia, US

ChristianBehr wrote:
Now this is the dumbest thing I've seen in a while.  Just like some girls are naturally bigger... there are those who can eat more than me ( body of a Hobbit ) and still remain thin as a rail.

So celebrate with your " no skinny models " signs... but know that it's the same thing as having a " no fat chicks " sign under your chair.  Shame on your dumb ass.

Plus models... pay attention.  Now the government is calling the shots as to body types.  Once this is allowed - make no mistake - you could easily be next.  Since when did we allow any government dictate what is or is not a healthy or happy body?  Who wants some Prime Minister telling them to gain or lose weight... isn't life hard enough already?  Now the government tells you how to keep your body.

i know! I agree smile

Sep 16 06 03:13 pm Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

LiliOPhoto wrote:

This ranks up there with charging overweight people for two seats on an airline. Christian is right. Waving signs that say "ban skinny models" is no better than people waving signs saying "ban overweight people on airlines."

Until they encroach into your seat space, and airplane seats nowadays are small enough.

Governments obviously think you're too stupid to live your own life and to have any sort of sense of self-responsibility.

Sep 16 06 03:15 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Mayanlee wrote:

Until they encroach into your seat space, and airplane seats nowadays are small enough.

Governments obviously think you're too stupid to live your own life and to have any sort of sense of self-responsibility.

Glad you said it first.

But I think governments might be right.  People are pretty damned stupid.

Sep 16 06 04:09 pm Link