Forums > General Industry > Move over GWC's, the 1%er's are here.


Adams Photography

Posts: 177

Eufaula, Alabama, US

Ricco, you are really sad , sad guy.

Aug 01 06 05:06 pm Link


Adams Photography

Posts: 177

Eufaula, Alabama, US

Actually "Black Ricco" LMAO, there's nobody sleeping anywhere in my pictures,let alone sleeping naked. You are a sad little man. Outlaws M.C. my ass. You don't even know what a 1%r is.

Aug 01 06 05:13 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Black Ricco wrote:
There is always somebody jabbin' at somebody then saying "Hey man, I was only kidding" when the finger hits an eye.

As another classic "GWC", fond of taking  pictures of naked women as they sleep, rings in.

Does she know those pics are on the web? this still a humourous "jab" thread ?

Aug 01 06 05:14 pm Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Awww Ricco, that's not right man.

What, are you fuckin' kiddin' me? A bunch of unattractive naked women in unappealing, uncreative  pics and you don't think this guy is the quintessential "GWC"?

He took the first swing. He asked for it.

Aug 01 06 05:16 pm Link


Adams Photography

Posts: 177

Eufaula, Alabama, US

Funny as hell to me !

Aug 01 06 05:17 pm Link


Anthony Wallace333

Posts: 117

well sadly, with most models on this site, thats the only way to get a usable image from a shoot.

so the 1% method aint always wrong.

in defense of the "1%" crowd, i tend to shoot very spontaneous and casual, so i guess it may fall under the 1% catagory, however your description makes it sound so terrible. I wouldnt necessarily count out all photographers who shoot that way. I would consider it more of a natural approach at capturing a model and not forcing anything. Some models work well being directed exactly what to do, others enjoy having the freedom to do whatever they want and the photographer just capture that. Whether the photographer is being selected with his shots, or just shooting spontaneously shouldnt matter, as long as the photographer has a good idea what he is trying to catch and is able to frame the images well and gets the shot.

Aug 01 06 05:24 pm Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Adams Photography wrote:
Actually "Black Ricco" LMAO, there's nobody sleeping anywhere in my pictures,let alone sleeping naked. You are a sad little man. Outlaws M.C. my ass. You don't even know what a 1%r is.

You mean to tell me that some chick who wasn't drunk out of her mind, retarded, or sleeping  let you take that picture?

Aug 01 06 05:26 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US


Hell, it takes me 2-300 shots before I remember to take the lens cap off..

Aug 01 06 05:30 pm Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

LOL Leave it to you to let the air out of the tension balloon, WG.

Aug 01 06 05:33 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

WG Rowland wrote:

Hell, it takes me 2-300 shots before I remember to take the lens cap off..

Relatively easy to do if shooting with a rangefinder.

Aug 01 06 05:35 pm Link


Adams Photography

Posts: 177

Eufaula, Alabama, US

LMAO .... that is a man you goof and he isn't sleeping. Holy CRAP !!!!! You are too funny. Peace , love and joy to the rest of you MM'rs . Ricco , I'd love to just slap you, but,shit splatters, so I won't. Hey, try not to fall off of that throne you made for yourself. I'll be sure to bow low and scrape the ground the next time you come into a room. LOL.You really are a funny guy.


Aug 01 06 05:36 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Black Ricco wrote:
You mean to tell me that some chick who wasn't drunk out of her mind, retarded, or sleeping  let you take that picture?

umm...I don't think that's a chick.

Aug 01 06 05:38 pm Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Oh, so you like to take pictures of naked "men" while they sleep.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Aug 01 06 05:38 pm Link


Archer Photography

Posts: 37

Elizabethton, Tennessee, US

WG Rowland wrote:

Hell, it takes me 2-300 shots before I remember to take the lens cap off..

HA!  Friggin hilarious!

Aug 01 06 05:47 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

So, while Ricco gets away with breaking rule #1 and the moderators turn the other cheek I gotta wonder. Are the two guys he attacked representative of the type of shooter he feels threaten his lively hood? Boy, talk about lack of self confidence.

And question for the mods. Why do you tollerate this type of behavior from some but not from others. Does Ricco intimidate you?

Aug 01 06 05:49 pm Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

perhaps it's the "good enough" philosophy that kicks in when someone shoots 12 pictures and figures they got one worth showing off..

Perhaps you'd do better shooting more and talking less.

It has become clear to me, that the people here that don't have a portfolio that can stand on it's own have to instigate some whiney little thread to attract some attention to themselves. Sad really..

Perhaps you'd do better shooting more and talking less.

Aug 01 06 05:51 pm Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Are the two guys he attacked representative of the type of shooter he feels threaten his lively hood?

"I" attacked?!? Who threw the first punch? And what is this "rule" you claimed I broke?

Aug 01 06 05:56 pm Link


Wayne Chow Photography

Posts: 586

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I appreciate what Black Rico is saying that there are "Spray and Pray" shooters out there, who fire of like a machine gun hoping to get some decent images without thinking about the photograph they want to create.  Sometimes you have an image your mind and you want to create it, so shoot 1-12 frames and you have it.  Too me there is no right or wrong, it boils down to the photographer's shooting style and the model's style.  Some models like to pose away as the photographer keeps snapping away which leads to a high energy shoot.  Some models like to work this way.  Some models just like hold there pose until the photographer clicks the shutter and some will let the photographer do the directing.  There are pros out there that are 1%ers.

Aug 01 06 05:57 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Umm.. From what I read they simply responded to your post. They didn't criticize your work. But you did.

Did you want to make a post where no one responded? Or did you want to make a post where everyone agrees with you.

Aug 01 06 05:58 pm Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

It has become clear to me, that the people here that don't have a portfolio that can stand on it's own have to instigate some whiney little thread to attract some attention to themselves. Sad really..

That wasn't my intention, but I understand how it could be viewed that way.

Killer port. Very creative.

Aug 01 06 06:01 pm Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Umm.. From what I read they simply responded to your post. They didn't criticize your work. But you did.

Oh, so now criticism is against the rules?

It must kill you to have a thread where you're not the center of attention.

Aug 01 06 06:05 pm Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Uh oh... a few minutes have gone by with no response. We can't have that. Lets give the silent lurkers their money's worth.

I've  wanted to respond to this post since I first saw it.

Hey, if you're gonna post a "waaah waaaaah waaaah" thread in a public forum, and make a retard of yourself, don't shoot the messenger when someone points it out.

I'm calmly sitting here in in the warm and comfortable bosom  of  detached amusement as I read the, in your words,  "waaah waaaaah waaaah" defensive protests of much lesser talented individuals such as yourself. It's almost as if you, and the rest of the torch and pitchfork carrying villagers, were thinking to yourselves as you read my opening post, oh my God... he's talking about me.

And btw, if I did decide to shoot the messenger, it would be once or twice, not a thousand. Make sure you e-mail me when you come up with a lighting scheme that involves more than a softbox camera left or camera right. Until then I'll be all atwitter with anticipation.

many of us constantly "overshoot."  why are you so bothered?

Not bothered at all. Simply an observation on my part. You, on the other hand, judging from your post, seems to be the one who's bothered.

Does anyone else have out of focus pictures of naked men they would like to post. I'm sure everyone would love to see them.

Aug 01 06 06:22 pm Link


Kevin Stenhouse

Posts: 2660

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Black Ricco wrote:
Who are the 1%er's? A new breed of digital photographer who lacks the skill, experience,  and knowledge to actually have a preconception of what they want to do, or how they want to approach a project. They come armed with the belief that if you throw enough shit against the wall some of it is bound to stick. They shoot 100 images in the hopes of getting one "keeper" hence the term, 1%er's.

I'm not talking about "event" shooters who are in environments in which they have no control, and shoot thousands of images simply to make sure they covered the event as thoroughly as they could. No, I'm talking about the "machine gunners" who shoot 300 images for each wardrobe change.

Some of these 1%er's even come on internet forums to ask how they can ease their workflows while freely admitting up front that they're going to toss 40 to 50 percent of their images right from the get-go.

The worst thing about a 1%er, other than the fact their work tends to be sub-par,  is they tend to give their work away which is a detriment to all working photographers. The GWC is simply trying to get a quick flash which, although doesn't help our profession, is, I think, less of a danger than the 1%er's who are actually trying to be taken seriously.

Why the contempt? I don't understand why this is a problem. Does it cheapen photography? So what?

Aug 01 06 06:22 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Oops, sorry if I deflated anything before you were done with it... Ok.. Lemme try..

Let's see..

Ricco.. You're an idiot..  (Good?)

um, and....  *digs through Left Wing theories that piss off conservatives."

George Bush killed the ozone layer!  (Yeah, yeah.. Now I'm cooking..)

And... And..

Uh..  Yer work sucks..

How's that?

Aug 01 06 06:27 pm Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

I'd say you gotta pretty good handle on what's goin' on here WG.

Aug 01 06 06:29 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US




Aug 01 06 06:30 pm Link



Posts: 311

Canton, Ohio, US

TXPhotog wrote:

Agreed.  Once again we have the "if you don't do it my way you're pond scum" argument.

*Glares at a certain "woman" he had the misfortune of running across. No time to deal with people that aren't in the business and since you aren't and ask me to explain my self, you are rude ...what a WITCH!!!!!!!!!

I HATE people that act all elite becuase they are professional, and I really don't hink this site deos enough to punish those arrogant idiots. Hence the pond scum attitude previals through volunteer staff theat don't have time to deal with people like her.  Need professional staff to have a professional site, which is why I DON'T consider this a professional site, but a hobbiest site that some pros hang out at.

Hhobbiest, staff, hobbiest site. period.  I'm part of one the best noncom video game sites out there, but its STILL hobbiest....despite the fact I'm equal to a  professional level player and we used to have a world chapoin in multple genres there........

Aug 01 06 06:43 pm Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

waynesglamgirls wrote:
I appreciate what Black Rico is saying that there are "Spray and Pray" shooters out there, who fire of like a machine gun hoping to get some decent images without thinking about the photograph they want to create.  Sometimes you have an image your mind and you want to create it, so shoot 1-12 frames and you have it.  Too me there is no right or wrong, it boils down to the photographer's shooting style and the model's style.  Some models like to pose away as the photographer keeps snapping away which leads to a high energy shoot.  Some models like to work this way.  Some models just like hold there pose until the photographer clicks the shutter and some will let the photographer do the directing.  There are pros out there that are 1%ers.

I almost went blind reading through all these post to finally get to one that makes a very good point....

I'm not adverse to shooting hundreds of frames.....even thousands....or one or two.....but like most professionals I have a goal in mind. With luck I reach it in short order. But like the old saying goes, "the best laid plans of mice and men"....things don't always work as you keep shooting.

The 1%'ers....they have no plan or even the photographic knowledge to make one.....they just shoot and hope......I'm not sure how every else's clients pay them but mine don't pay for hope.

Aug 01 06 06:49 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Black Ricco wrote:
Uh oh... a few minutes have gone by with no response. We can't have that. Lets give the silent lurkers their money's worth.

I've  wanted to respond to this post since I first saw it.

Hey, if you're gonna post a "waaah waaaaah waaaah" thread in a public forum, and make a retard of yourself, don't shoot the messenger when someone points it out.

I'm calmly sitting here in in the warm and comfortable bosom  of  detached amusement as I read the, in your words,  "waaah waaaaah waaaah" defensive protests of much lesser talented individuals such as yourself. It's almost as if you, and the rest of the torch and pitchfork carrying villagers, were thinking to yourselves as you read my opening post, oh my God... he's talking about me.

And btw, if I did decide to shoot the messenger, it would be once or twice, not a thousand. Make sure you e-mail me when you come up with a lighting scheme that involves more than a softbox camera left or camera right. Until then I'll be all atwitter with anticipation.

many of us constantly "overshoot."  why are you so bothered?

Not bothered at all. Simply an observation on my part. You, on the other hand, judging from your post, seems to be the one who's bothered.

Does anyone else have out of focus pictures of naked men they would like to post. I'm sure everyone would love to see them.

My portfolio is filled with soft focus and modern odes to old fashioned glamour.   Some nudes too!

But I was thinking about this 1% stuff.  It's harder to do depending on the gear you use.  Like I have film cameras, only one of which is an auto focus.  The rest are all manual.  Manual film advance.  It's harder to machine gun shoot that way.  Not impossible but definately slower. 
I don't think it makes me better, it's just that since I'm manually focusing (and frequently metering) things anyway, I just take my time with shots.  So much so that sometimes models look stunned, their faces saying...."that's all you're going to take?"

One of these days I'd love to get my hands on a good digital movie camera.  Or just find my super 8 and shoot a sequence and compare frames to a similar series of still shots.  See which has more keepers....

Aug 01 06 07:35 pm Link


Ximena Barreto

Posts: 670

Monterey, California, US

r u photographers who used to shoot film feel threatened now with GsWCs who shoot digital and know how to do a little photoshop?

I doubt any of you "pros" started off the bat shooting for $1000s /shot...just like models need to start somewhere, photographers need to start somewhere, too...

cut them some slack, they are here to learn the trade....if everybody works hard, then everybody can collectively improve

Aug 01 06 07:46 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Black Ricco wrote:
You dont see many REAL photoshoots do you? You know how many thousands of pics Playboy and other magazines shoot in a session with a model just to find 5-6 pics for a layout? A couple hundred is nothing...

These kinda guys crack me up. They get a hot blonde with new tits on a sailboat, something they've done  dozens of times before, use the sun as a backlight, have a flunkie hold a reflector, pound off 3000 shots to get one that doesn't suck, and think they're hot shit.

Try shooting a fully chromed Harley engine and then tell me how much you know about lighting and photography.

I could shoot this in 15 minutes with one light.

Edit... I don't mean to disparage your work, it's a beautiful shot, but I could do it in the time stated with the one light.

Aug 01 06 07:51 pm Link


Ximena Barreto

Posts: 670

Monterey, California, US

this is like WWF ...

World Wrestling Fotografos!!

(its funnier in spanglish)

Aug 01 06 07:58 pm Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

I could shoot this in 15 minutes with one light.

Edit... I don't mean to disparage your work, it's a beautiful shot, but I could do it in the time stated with the one light.

Whadda ya think, FKV PhotoGraphics?

Is he talkin' outta of his ass or what?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Aug 01 06 08:34 pm Link


Ximena Barreto

Posts: 670

Monterey, California, US

WG Rowland wrote:

Hell, it takes me 2-300 shots before I remember to take the lens cap off..


Aug 01 06 08:37 pm Link


Ximena Barreto

Posts: 670

Monterey, California, US

I can see it already on TLC:


1 Camera
1 Ugly Model
1 Flash
1 Cheesy backdrop
15 minutes

See who can come up with the most original picture!

Aug 01 06 08:40 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Black Ricco wrote:
I could shoot this in 15 minutes with one light.

Edit... I don't mean to disparage your work, it's a beautiful shot, but I could do it in the time stated with the one light.

Whadda ya think, FKV PhotoGraphics?

Is he talkin' outta of his ass or what?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Not talking out of my ass at all. 15 minutes. Spent too many years shooting product to lie about it. Put the camera on it, give me composition approval, 15 minutes later I'm done. One speedotron head with a few accessories, but just one head. I've got to look through my archives, but I think I can come up with an example to post, or better yet, you bring that thing down to my studio with a stop watch.

Aug 01 06 08:44 pm Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Oooookay, Bob... and my dad can beat up your dad.

Aug 01 06 08:51 pm Link


studio L

Posts: 1775

Oakland, California, US

Black Ricco wrote:
The worst thing about a 1%er, other than the fact their work tends to be sub-par,  is they tend to give their work away which is a detriment to all working photographers. The GWC is simply trying to get a quick flash which, although doesn't help our profession, is, I think, less of a danger than the 1%er's who are actually trying to be taken seriously.

How can an idiot giving away garbage ever be a "detriment" or a "danger" to a professional that provides real value to a paying clientele who seek same?

Oh please! (eyes roll in successive loop-de-loops).

The only "danger" that a "1%'er" creates is for the "2%'ers", whom you'll no doubt be warning us about next week...or did osama just buy a new 30 megapixel camera to shoot Americans with?

Get real.

Aug 01 06 08:53 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Black Ricco wrote:
Oooookay, Bob... and my dad can beat up your dad.

Don't quite understand the comment. If you doubt I can do it, come here and watch. What does that have to do with your dad.

Aug 01 06 08:54 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

If Bob says he can do it, my money is on he can do it.  I'll even bet he can do it in a lot less than 100 shots smile

A while ago the ASMP did a survey of their membership.  What it showed, among other things, is that the great majority of commercial photographers never shoot models at all.  Mostly it's product shots.

So what does that mean?  All these guys - the bulk of the photographers in the advertising world (read:  "real world" - paying attention, Kim?) who shoot with 4x5 view cameras, often on light tables with those spiffy little tent thingys.  Or architectural photographers, with the same view cameras but lots and lots of lights all over creation.  Now that is real photography.  It must be, because the majority of "real photographers" do just that.

And of course, guys brought up in that tradition tend not to shoot hundreds of 4x5 frames to get one shot.  Economy of shooting counts.  A lot.  So "real photographers" think that's the way "real photographers" shoot.  And sure enough, the survey shows they are right.

Unfortunately, it's that much smaller percentage of real photographers who specialize in fashion work who skew the data.  But they are a minority, and they don't do what "real photographers" do.  They have a very different shoot ethic, of course.  They tended to use 35mm or medium format cameras (now the digital equivalents), often put motor drives on the things (the Sinar motor drive is really slow) and shoot to capture emotion and movement, not position and precise lighting.

So you end up with tabletop guys who treat pictures with people in them like still life shots, thinking that's the right way to do it.  Worse, telling everyone else it's the right way to do it.

Here's a hint:  when what you are chasing is an evanescent moment, "bracketing" is done in time, not in exposure.  That's why so many shots are taken - and why so many "real photographers" don't understand it.

And as we all know, that which we don't understand is bad.

Perhaps instead of paucity and economy of shots, we could use more understanding instead.

Aug 01 06 08:55 pm Link