Forums > General Industry > Move over GWC's, the 1%er's are here.


T R Willmitch

Posts: 7173

Normal, Illinois, US


I remember in the film-era when this same argument whirled around whether “pros” bracketed exposures or not.  This debate seemed silly to me then and it seems silly to me now.

So what does it matter how one gets to a final finished-image?  Isn’t the image and the image alone what matters? 

Great photographers are classically trained in the fine arts… No they're primitive artists with no training at all.  Great photographers take a single shot and never retouch an image…  No they shoot a thousand images, cull out that perfect one, and Photoshop it to perfection!

Yeah, whatever…  In the end what must stand on its own is the image itself.  What does the rest matter?

Take care,

Jul 31 06 08:58 am Link



Posts: 69

I guess I might ask what constitutes a keeper. All of the models I shoot are pretty much raw amatures. A lot of them being for their senior pics which is the only modeling they will ever do. If the mood and weather is good I may shoot from 200 to 300 frames per session. Generally, the only ones that get thrown out are eyes closed, eyes half closed, head turned or things like that. Or, God forbid, I screwed up, out of focus or what not. More than likely, what is left is very usable, it is just that, upon closer inspection a few of the shots stand somewhat above the others .

Jul 31 06 09:02 am Link


Red Hot Annie

Posts: 88

Chicago, Illinois, US

papa-rotzzi wrote:
Well, when models INSIST that they get EVERY shot from a shoot... Maybe they should re-think their demands.  (becareful what you wish for..)

Or maybe photographers should have enough presense of mind to CARE what they send out as "their work."  I've seen some shots photographers have picked, edited, and posted of models that have given me shudders.

I have *never* insisted on getting every shot from a shoot, and more often than not, I DO get every shot.

Depends on who you think has responsibility over the quality of the final photographs, I guess. 

Personally, I think the word PHOTOGRAPHER comes from PHOTOGRAPHS...or maybe it's photographs that comes from photographer...

Jul 31 06 10:01 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Ann Marie wrote:

Or maybe photographers should have enough prescense of mind to CARE what they send out as "their work."  I've seen some shots photographers have picked, edited, and posted of models that have given me shudders.

I have *never* insisted on getting every shot from a shoot, and more often than not, I DO get every shot.

Depends on who you think has responsibility over the quality of the final photographs, I guess. 

Personally, I think the word PHOTOGRAPHER comes from PHOTOGRAPHS...or maybe it's photographs that comes from photographer...

I think I love you...

a model who *gets it*

Hmph...well there goes my faith in humanity's ability to disappoint me..

Jul 31 06 10:03 am Link


Papa-Rotzzi Photography

Posts: 154

Ladson, South Carolina, US

Ann Marie wrote:

Or maybe photographers should have enough presense of mind to CARE what they send out as "their work."  I've seen some shots photographers have picked, edited, and posted of models that have given me shudders.

I have *never* insisted on getting every shot from a shoot, and more often than not, I DO get every shot.

Depends on who you think has responsibility over the quality of the final photographs, I guess. 

Personally, I think the word PHOTOGRAPHER comes from PHOTOGRAPHS...or maybe it's photographs that comes from photographer...

And I appluad you..

but there are many models on this site that say - in thier profile.. I want every shot on cd or dvd.. some even go so far as to say that they want it as soon as the shoot is over!

I won't give that.. and won't work with anybody that seems to have that expectation. My model gets my full 1% fixed up and ready to go.. with web-sized versions ready to post.

But, if the photog is used to models that demand everything.. that is what your going to get. And if you don't trust the photog to give you his best 1%.. then you should not work with him.

Jul 31 06 11:34 am Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US

just shot close to 7000 images of designer jen nicholson, aubade, cote-a-cote, and other high fashion clothing and lingerie in red rock NV, and other parts of the NV desert outside of las vegas, with a super model, a soon to be super model (i think), and a few agency models

i guess that makes me a 1 percenter too

Jul 31 06 11:36 am Link


1972 Productions

Posts: 1376

Cebu, Central Visayas, Philippines

It dosent take hundreds of frames to get one good shot.  It does take thousands of frames to get that one shot you'll be remembered for.

If you want to shoot 2000 frames per sitting go ahead, knock yourself out. (I don't envy your editing)

If you're confident you got it within 20 takes, well good for you.

Jul 31 06 11:57 am Link


Leonard Gee Photography

Posts: 18096

Sacramento, California, US

I'm afraid I'm a under achiver. Figured the approximate number of printed frames vs. number taken once and it came to 0.5% So I don't even make it as a 1%er.

Varies depending on the type of photographs you do. For still life and product. About 10 to 1. Architecture 5 to 1. Fashion around 150 to 1.

For still life most everything is controlled. For fashion, well you have hair, clothes, hands, feet, expressions and you hope everything is perfect at some point. I've done landscapes with one frame. Just depends.

Oh. The logo on the bike and the foot rest isn't lite well. Could have done better one the circular chrome pattern instead of the "X" look, it's kinda busy for me. Just my preferrences.

For film, Kubric went into 100 takes. Hitchcock, when the editor got done, could barely fit the out takes onto one film reel. Just the way each one works.

You realize that for the so called GWC, they can take 1000 shots and still not get one decent one.

Jul 31 06 12:25 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Black Ricco wrote:
Who are the 1%er's? A new breed of digital photographer who lacks the skill, experience,  and knowledge to actually have a preconception of what they want to do, or how they want to approach a project. They come armed with the belief that if you throw enough shit against the wall some of it is bound to stick. They shoot 100 images in the hopes of getting one "keeper" hence the term, 1%er's.

I'm not talking about "event" shooters who are in environments in which they have no control, and shoot thousands of images simply to make sure they covered the event as thoroughly as they could. No, I'm talking about the "machine gunners" who shoot 300 images for each wardrobe change.

Some of these 1%er's even come on internet forums to ask how they can ease their workflows while freely admitting up front that they're going to toss 40 to 50 percent of their images right from the get-go.

The worst thing about a 1%er, other than the fact their work tends to be sub-par,  is they tend to give their work away which is a detriment to all working photographers. The GWC is simply trying to get a quick flash which, although doesn't help our profession, is, I think, less of a danger than the 1%er's who are actually trying to be taken seriously.

Stop stalking me man!!

Jul 31 06 01:25 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Michael Bell wrote:
You dont see many REAL photoshoots do you? You know how many thousands of pics Playboy and other magazines shoot in a session with a model just to find 5-6 pics for a layout? A couple hundred is nothing...

Did you read what he wrote?  Here, let me help you...

A new breed of digital photographer who lacks the skill, experience,  and knowledge to actually have a preconception of what they want to do, or how they want to approach a project. They come armed with the belief that if you throw enough shit against the wall some of it is bound to stick. They shoot 100 images in the hopes of getting one "keeper" hence the term, 1%er's.

I think Playboy HAS the skill, experience, and knowledge enough to have a preconception of what they want to do and how to approach their project.

I shoot typically 200 to 300 shots in a session.  BUT, that's assuming they have AT LEAST 3 wardrobe changes.  When I first started, I could shoot over 400 shots in a single outfit.  Of couse, that was changing locations and often shooting continuous (get some nice not planned action stuff).  But now, I start getting bored at about 30 shots.  But when I'm at the beach, I'll often shoot 60 to 100 per outfit.  Why the beach?  Because I love playing in the water and it's TOUGH to get THE shot.  I doubt Ricco is talking about me.  If he is, I'm gonna start talking about how he can't drive a Ferrari F50 in Washington D.C. worth a SHIT unless he's running me into a wall. wink

Jul 31 06 01:31 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Leonard Gee Photography wrote:
I'm afraid I'm a under achiver. Figured the approximate number of printed frames vs. number taken once and it came to 0.5% So I don't even make it as a 1%er.

Varies depending on the type of photographs you do. For still life and product. About 10 to 1. Architecture 5 to 1. Fashion around 150 to 1.

For still life most everything is controlled. For fashion, well you have hair, clothes, hands, feet, expressions and you hope everything is perfect at some point. I've done landscapes with one frame. Just depends.

Oh. The logo on the bike and the foot rest isn't lite well. Could have done better one the circular chrome pattern instead of the "X" look, it's kinda busy for me. Just my preferrences.

For film, Kubric went into 100 takes. Hitchcock, when the editor got done, could barely fit the out takes onto one film reel. Just the way each one works.

You realize that for the so called GWC, they can take 1000 shots and still not get one decent one.

Exactly right.  This whole "if you take a lot of pictures there is something wrong with you" argument is tiresome.  Different types of photography require different approaches.  Different photographers have different styles.  Economy of shots is not a high value in the overall scheme of things.

Jul 31 06 01:33 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Black Ricco wrote:
The point is no one could afford to shoot 300 looks per view on film. The polaroids, the film, the processing, it would be totally cost prohibitive. You'd have to charge your client $400.00 an hour to make a living.

The discipline is fast disappearing. The preconception, the planning, all going south. That's my point.

There used to be a time the AD would come to you with a detailed layout of what he had in mind. You sat down, held a pre-production meeting, and you both, sometimes along with a set designer and stylist, decided the best way to approach the project. You knew going in what the goal was, and you all worked together in the most efficient way possible to achieve that goal.

Now it seems to be all run & gun, work on spec, and hope for the best.

Do you really believe the REAL industry has changed?  Perhaps my defense of you was premature?  I mean seriously, the GWC doesn't have clients (other than a possible membership website to show boobies).  So who really cares how they get their results?  But for the REAL pros that have clients and are making money, do you think they are run & gunning while hoping for the best just because they have a digital camera?  I don't see it.  But if they are...hey, I say more power to them.  I wish I had clients.

Jul 31 06 02:42 pm Link


Leonard Gee Photography

Posts: 18096

Sacramento, California, US

Another way to look at it is that GWC AND some PROs look at their photos like s**t made of gold. In their humble opinion - EVERY frame they take is good.

So really they have 1 to 1 and 100%!

That, of course, makes these people perfect and better than you!

Jul 31 06 03:08 pm Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Do you really believe the REAL industry has changed?  Perhaps my defense of you was premature?  I mean seriously, the GWC doesn't have clients (other than a possible membership website to show boobies).  So who really cares how they get their results?

That may have been a little overstated on my part, Chris, it was getting late, but yeah, there has been a change happening in the industry, and I think it's largely due to digital replacing film. The fact that there are no longer any polaroid, film, and processing costs, coupled with the ability to quickly manipulate photos and layouts  in such short times leaves more room for AD's to "shoot from the hip" while on set and not be so tied down to one approach. That's not all bad. It's a pain in the ass working with a complete control freak who's welded to one vision and one way of doing things. It's nice to have a little flexibility to deviate from the layout and try new approaches, but then there's the other extreme. The AD who knows exactly what he wants and will know it as soon as you show it to him. LOL

And by the way, if you'd keep that piece of shit Porsche out of my way I wouldn't be forced to nudge you as I fly by.

Jul 31 06 06:27 pm Link



Posts: 392

Mill Valley, California, US

I feel very old now. It was not uncommon for me to shoot 7 to 8 rolls of film (36 exp each) on an assignment and submit them undeveloped. It was EXPECTED that only one acceptable picture would result. Frankly, what would be the point of two? That would make me a 0.5% percenter.

Jul 31 06 08:13 pm Link


Steven Barrett

Posts: 561


I think the OP has a point.   That with preparation, a shoot can go much more smoothly.  But I think the main thing that he has is expierence.   It is one thing to read a book on photography or take a class but nothing is better than actually shooting.   My pictures are better this year than they were last year.   Someday I hope to have the expierence to be able to be able to envision a shot in my mind, set the lights, explain it to the expierenced model and get it done easily, with little 'mucking about'.

But then again, I love holding the camera and pressing the shutter button.  I like that part.  So when I get a set up I like, I shoot and shoot.

Aug 01 06 11:50 am Link


Telephoto Studio

Posts: 1439

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Garry k wrote:

Too Funny ,too true !

And these 1%ers also like to screw with the model payment curve, deciding to pay what they blow in a strip club in one night to a cute girl to pose naked for them for a couple of hours, thereby giving that model a hyper-inflated sense of their worth as a model.  Which, when these models post their rates on their MM page, encourages other models with crappy snaps on their profile to ask for similar rates.

Aug 01 06 11:57 am Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

Paul Lange, when shooting for the S.I. swimsuit issue, would shoot over 100 rolls of 35mm film a day........

Aug 01 06 12:07 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Black Ricco wrote:
And by the way, if you'd keep that piece of shit Porsche out of my way I wouldn't be forced to nudge you as I fly by.

Heh, I drove that car to give you a chance.  When I took out my F40 or F50 you were often half a lap behind.  in your defense, you're usually drinking wink

But now if you ever get a 360 and PRG3, I'll be blowing past your F50 with my Ford GT!

Oh yeah, and it's Spook to you!  Only my friends get to call me Chris tongue

Aug 01 06 12:13 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

DigitalCMH wrote:

Heh, I drove that car to give you a chance.  When I took out my F40 or F50 you were often half a lap behind.  in your defense, you're usually drinking wink

But now if you ever get a 360 and PRG3, I'll be blowing past your F50 with my Ford GT!

Oh yeah, and it's Spook to you!  Only my friends get to call me Chris tongue

Oooh.. Dem's fightin words..

Man.. I need to get me PGR3..  Sure.. I'll be watching the whole race from the start line (I could strip a clutch in a virtual golf cart)..  But still..  This sounds like a race not to miss..

Aug 01 06 12:34 pm Link


David Birdsong

Posts: 1789

Pontiac, Michigan, US

I would much rather take 1000 shoots in a 3 or 4 shoot and get 4 or 5 really good images than shoot 100 and maybe not get 1 for what ever reason.

Remember when your shooting a model they are moving, showing emotion.. that changes all the time...
So make me one of the .5%ers...

Aug 01 06 12:35 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

I'm a 5 to 10 percenter.  Rarely less, sometimes more.

167 shot shoot got me this gallery

and out of those shots, 8 of them I really really like.

Aug 01 06 01:11 pm Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

It's amazing what Nikon is doing with cardboard and plastic these days. Some of those actually look like they're in focus.

Nice! I like the way her elbow covers your logo. Very nice dimensional touch.

Btw, I see you upgraded to the D200.

Aug 01 06 01:29 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Black Ricco wrote:
Some of these 1%er's even come on internet forums to ask how they can ease their workflows while freely admitting up front that they're going to toss 40 to 50 percent of their images right from the get-go

I forget how many frames it was that Robert Frank shot when he produced his brilliant and significant monograph "The Americans" -- but I believe it was something like 10,000 frames of 35mm film. He "tossed" quite a number but the end result was something that most of us could only achieve in our wildest wet-dreams.

Maybe you should worry less about how other people do their photography, and worry more about how you do your own?


Aug 01 06 01:35 pm Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Maybe you should worry less about how other people do their photography, and worry more about how you do your own?

And maybe you should worry less about what I think about anything, and stop taking humorous "jab" threads on internet forum boards, not to mention yourself,  so seriously.

Aug 01 06 01:40 pm Link


Zero Dean

Posts: 139

San Diego, California, US

Doesn't matter how you get there (within reason), it's the final work that matters.

Some get lucky and can get 1 decent shot in 10. Some shoot 100 photos to get one good shot. Some shoot 1,000 photos to get one phenomenal shot.

And some people just suck, give all of us a bad name, and should pick another profession. wink (not you).

Zero Dean

Official Web Site at:

Serving Santa Monica, Los Angeles and Southern California

Aug 01 06 01:49 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Black Ricco wrote:
And maybe you should worry less about what I think about anything, and stop taking humorous "jab" threads on internet forum boards, not to mention yourself,  so seriously.

Hey, if you're gonna post a "waaah waaaaah waaaah" thread in a public forum, and make a retard of yourself, don't shoot the messenger when someone points it out. about taking yourself too seriously! Sheeesh!


Aug 01 06 01:55 pm Link



Posts: 880

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

many of us constantly "overshoot."  why are you so bothered?

Aug 01 06 02:15 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Black Ricco wrote:
It's amazing what Nikon is doing with cardboard and plastic these days. Some of those actually look like they're in focus.

Nice! I like the way her elbow covers your logo. Very nice dimensional touch.

Btw, I see you upgraded to the D200.

Thanks, I like to fool around a bit with photoshop sometimes when I feel creative.  Yeah, that's about the extent of my creativity, haha.

And yes, I upgraded to the D200 last January.  Nikon actually makes them out of some type of metal.

Aug 01 06 03:03 pm Link


Archer Photography

Posts: 37

Elizabethton, Tennessee, US

Here we go again...

Man, all the GWC's, 196'ers and other people with strange acronyms that haven't been made up yet have to be getting some kind of real damn bad headache...with all the bashing goin on round bout's.  I wonder why the photography GODS even bother to come down from their thrones and waste precious shooting time (and shooting finger energy) posting comments on such trifle pitiful mess as this?  I mean, with all the big time clients and expensive models, who would think to worry about a bunch of useless acronyms running around trying to make a go of it in "real world", who would have the time?  Since they were BORN with all knowledge ever needed to proclaim "professional" status, I guess they never had to work with anything that was less than perfect, or clients that were less than perfect, or models, or equipment, or etc.

All of us poor little peons who get labeled had better watch out, the GODS of the art are ranting AGAIN and we may get some sweat or spittle on us.

Another little humorous jab...

Aug 01 06 03:36 pm Link



Posts: 11804

Sun City, California, US

Aug 01 06 04:00 pm Link



Posts: 11804

Sun City, California, US

Ah . . I see . .   "Humorous Jab" . .   Um  Hmmmm. . .

Let me go re-read the Original Post -  see what was so funny.


Nope..  Still reads as an ill-tempered manifesto.  Pointing out the ills that infest the world - but no solutions. 

Guess the sense of humor is missed by the shit flingers like me.

Sorry - VV

Aug 01 06 04:01 pm Link


Archer Photography

Posts: 37

Elizabethton, Tennessee, US

Black Ricco wrote:
Maybe you should worry less about how other people do their photography, and worry more about how you do your own?

And maybe you should worry less about what I think about anything, and stop taking humorous "jab" threads on internet forum boards, not to mention yourself,  so seriously.

A quote about humorous jabs...guess he thought this whole thing was humorous...I'm tired now...

Aug 01 06 04:32 pm Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Nope..  Still reads as an ill-tempered manifesto.  Pointing out the ills that infest the world - but no solutions. 

Guess the sense of humor is missed by the shit flingers like me.


Too Funny, too true !

The second guy outta the box seemed to get it. Then the intellect curve seem to take a drastic dip. Next time I'll smother it in LOL's and smiley faces.

Btw, I looked at your port. If GWC were actually in the dictionary, your picture would accompany the definition.

Aug 01 06 04:35 pm Link



Posts: 11804

Sun City, California, US

He Noticed Me!!  *swoon*


Aug 01 06 04:39 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Vintagevista wrote:
He Noticed Me!!  *swoon*


Next you two will be having babies together....

Aug 01 06 04:42 pm Link


Adams Photography

Posts: 177

Eufaula, Alabama, US

There is always somebody jabbin' at somebody then saying "Hey man, I was only kidding" when the finger hits an eye.

Aug 01 06 04:44 pm Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

There is always somebody jabbin' at somebody then saying "Hey man, I was only kidding" when the finger hits an eye.

As another classic "GWC", fond of taking  pictures of naked women as they sleep, rings in.

Does she know those pics are on the web?

Aug 01 06 04:50 pm Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

Now we're criticizing and judging photographers by how many shots they take? My my my...elitism in the industry is alive and well. I had a 4 hour shoot the other day but I only took 1 photo lol. I must be brilliant according to this principle. Thanks so much for the validation.

Aug 01 06 04:52 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Black Ricco wrote:
Btw, I looked at your port. If GWC were actually in the dictionary, your picture would accompany the definition.

Awww Ricco, that's not right man.

Aug 01 06 05:05 pm Link