Forums > General Industry > Horny Photographers (U know who u are!!!)


Boris Pale

Posts: 28

Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

Robert Voltaire wrote:
I was shooting with a model on a beach-I am a little on the hot side as far as looks go   ; ) -and I had a makeup artist and assistant with me.  The girl wasn't conveying much emotionally so I decided to give her a little direction.  I asked her to pretend that she hadn't seen her boyfriend in a year because he was away in Iraq.  I wanted her to get a mental picture of this person and then to look at me and whisper what she was feeling.  (ie. i love you.  i miss you dearly)  At that moment the sun was peeking out from behind a cloud and there were rays of light everywhere.  Ahhh, she transformed into an angel.  Then there was silence.  Her eyes met mine and she whispered, "I want you to f@#k me up the a##."

The crew and I froze in disbelief.  We all heard it and she didn't stop talking that way.  She continued.

What do you say?

Maybe "you have a juicy ass"  hahaha

No it would certainly be more appropriate to tell herP: "go f*ck yourself and don't mess up the makeup"

I didn't get the line with juicy ass... I have a juicy ass if I ate something bad. How can that be a compliment/pickup line?

Jul 25 06 06:00 pm Link


Jim Ball

Posts: 17632

Frontenac, Kansas, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:

Now that we ( males and female )  have agreed that Sara has a juicy ass, is the issue timing ?  Ahzure is juicy mama herslf, is she seting a double standard ? NO!

I work with a lot of beginning models and you have to tell them they are beautiful to get some level of confidence going.

It is in the presentation. If you give compliments with your pants down,  or with a corncob in your pants or with that doggie-saw-bone look then you will get a bad response.

"You have a really wonderful body " is worlds away from " geez, look at that ass, gimme a bite".

So models you ARE gorgeous and sexy , you will on occasion excite a photographer but we won't lose control and behave like frat boys when you take your clothes off.

I try to take it a step further and instead of telling the model she has a beautiful body, etc. I tell her what beuatiful images I think we are creating.  Since I have got the notebook PC, we can now take a break during the shoot and I can show her the images.  I think it better to compliment her work than to compliment her, which could be misconstrued.

Jul 25 06 06:07 pm Link


That Look Photography

Posts: 1581

Clearwater, Florida, US

IvanSHarris wrote:
damn it...One model thought I was GAY because I didn't say anything...WHAT the I mean I am a professional here....

That has happened to me also. Just because I did not make a move on one of my favorite models that I have worked with for years. She just last month told me she thought I was gay. I just don't mix girlfriends and my work together. It's all over when that happens. Work is work..


Jul 25 06 06:11 pm Link



Posts: 116

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

sexual harassment vs flirting...the difference? One is welcome, while the other is not...

But just for you horny photographers, have a go at yourself before you think about having a model over..May be lude, but at least you won't bug much.
And by the way...Models know pros from pervs...The pervs usually get a bad rep pretty quickly...Models work together on this one.

Jul 25 06 06:13 pm Link


Robert Sanders

Posts: 905

Los Angeles, California, US

Rick Hughes Photography wrote:
Ya know cracks me up? The whole daddy syndrome.

You know the guy I am talking about. The guy that hugs the girls, adjusts her underwear during a shoot and hangs in the dressing room when the girls are naked and says "It's ok. It's different with me. They know I am ok." Five minutes later the girl is coming to me and saying "He is so creepy. I mean he is nice and all, but why is he always touching me and hugging me? Does he HAVE to stay in the dressing room?" You aren't different. You are being used. Wise up. You are an old perv to them and they are just taking the

I thought we were never going to talk about this again. You said you were not going to mention this to anyone... see if I ever come to your photoshoots again!!! I did get rid of the ''who's your daddy bling necklace'' as you suggested. And I got my sweat glands fixed... but that was all part of the deal you were never going to bring this up publicly.

You whore...


Jul 25 06 06:23 pm Link


Carpe Imago Photography

Posts: 1757

Dousman, Wisconsin, US

I am really clinical when I shoot, so the amount of clothes doesnt change that.. So there are photogs with stories as well.. I too KNOW other photogs who dont miss those opportunities..

Geez Harold, you know what that makes you?  A professional.  It's always nice to hear that there are a few left. 

Jul 25 06 08:35 pm Link


Carpe Imago Photography

Posts: 1757

Dousman, Wisconsin, US

John Jebbia wrote:


A good model friend of mine told me this story:

Basically, she was shooting with this guy and she was laying on one of those psychologist style couches.. The photographer asked her to close her eyes which she did.. But it got quiet for a long time and she opened them to find him standing above her rubbing one out.

She didn't freak out. She didn't run off screaming. She played it cool and said something like "Want me to help you out? Put it in my hand." Which he promptly did.

She gripped the mother fucker so hard he couldn't escape. All he could do is stand there screaming. She dragged his screaming ass all over the house then up and down the street yelling obscenities at him in front of all of his neighbors.

She knows who she is. She's probably reading this. She's probably laughing. Way to go!

Way to go Jebbia!  That good red ale that just went through my nose will never be the same again.  And man does it sting!

Damn, that is officially the funniest thing I've ever read on MM.

Jul 25 06 08:42 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

Christine Summers wrote:
At one shoot my photog got a hard on at least 5 times throughout the shoot, and I don't do nudes...I was fully dressed, and creeped out.

I have to ask...what were you doing that caused you to obsessively look at his crotch enough to notice?  And keep count.

And unless he was in swim trunks or is nicknamed "Kielbasa", I don't see how you would tell.

Jul 25 06 09:19 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Oh, this thread again ...

John Fisher wrote:
"One time when I first got to Paris, the agency set me up with this really famous photographer to shoot an editorial for French "ELLE". I was so excited, just being in the studio was a rush! I was up at the front of the studio, and when I turned around, there the guy stood with his pants down around his ankles! It was so gross!"

The young girl and the visiting photographer are now sitting there with their mouths agape.

"Did you leave immediately?", the young girl from Seattle finally asked.

"Well, I should have.......... but it WAS for French "ELLE", she answered.

"Was it for the cover?", I asked.

"Why John, if it had been for the cover, I wouldn't have thought he was so gross!"

Reminds me of an old joke.

Man walks into a bar and sees a beautiful woman.

"Excuse me," he says, "But would you have sex with me for a million dollars?"

"Sure!" she exclaims.

"Would you have sex with me for $10?"

Insulted, she scoffs, "No! What do you think I am?!"

"Honey, we've already established that. Now, we're just haggling over price."

Jul 26 06 01:28 am Link


Hasta la Vista

Posts: 1641

Ahzure wrote:

No candy for you.  Photographers and models aren't f*ck buddies in my book.

Who ever said anything about “F*ck buddies”! That’s like so 90’s! Drop the “buddies” part and have some fun! Anyways I’m innocent of ever saying or doing anything inappropriate at a photo shoot. I mean you can’t get down and take pictures at the same time. Well not at my age at least!

Can I have some candy now! LOL!

Jul 26 06 01:45 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US


I guess I am just turning into an old businees man/introverted artist. I just really want to get great shots and i think that shines through to the models a I have worked with because becoming aroused has never been an issue and many of the models have commented on how comfy they felt with me.

I'd much rather be known for the guy that is focused on the shot and not the "cookies", in the end I think I will be belessed with more and more awesome "canvas"

I've had hot sessions, but only the kind where their was a great chemistry between myself and the model. HOT? SEXY? Hell yeah, but the image we were creating were the cause and goal. When the energy is focused on the art, MAN! It moves to a whole new level.

BUT damn, I want a funny story too!


Jul 26 06 01:45 am Link



Posts: 110

Glendale, Arizona, US

Daniel Schmidtka wrote:

Who ever said anything about “F*ck buddies”! That’s like so 90’s! Drop the “buddies” part and have some fun! Anyways I’m innocent of ever saying or doing anything inappropriate at a photo shoot. I mean you can’t get down and take pictures at the same time. Well not at my age at least!

Can I have some candy now! LOL!

You need some Jesus Juice instead.  Take the whole bottle!!!

Jul 26 06 02:07 am Link



Posts: 1300

Los Angeles, California, US

SKPhoto wrote:

I have to ask...what were you doing that caused you to obsessively look at his crotch enough to notice?  And keep count.

And unless he was in swim trunks or is nicknamed "Kielbasa", I don't see how you would tell.

It was surprisingly obvious...esp. since he made me sit down all the time.  Hey if I was a guy I would make sure my package was secured.

Jul 26 06 02:45 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Christine Summers wrote:

It was surprisingly obvious...esp. since he made me sit down all the time.  Hey if I was a guy I would make sure my package was secured.

Yep, nothing like a secure package, I always say.

Jul 26 06 03:49 am Link


Kelly Kooper

Posts: 1240

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Hehe there should be a thread on horny models too. Photographers aren't the only ones who get 'excited'. If you're aiming for that sexier kind of look, sometimes you can get a bit carried away (I'm purely talking with regards to your thoughts, not actions) but as someone else said, it's how you handle it that determines your professionalism. There's nothing wrong with a normal human reaction that only confirms that what you are shooting is working on the most basic level. Although my reaction to your problem might be more low key because I haven't had a problem in ages so I might have just forgotten what that was like as well.....

Jul 26 06 03:50 am Link


GDS Photos

Posts: 3399

London, England, United Kingdom

You mean I spent all this money on a camera and lenses and other stuff i haven't had the time to read the manuals of and I'm not gonna get laid?

Who wants to buy my camera gear@?  It's black and shiney:

Jul 26 06 03:52 am Link


Kelly Kooper

Posts: 1240

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Rick Hughes Photography wrote:
Ya know cracks me up? The whole daddy syndrome. I run into this all the time. What is with the older photographer "taking care" of the younger models he is around and playing the daddy role?
You want to be different? You want to make a girl feel safe, secure and ok with you? Get your ass out of the dressing room! Wait outside. She can show you the outfit before and after she is in it. Seeing her in the process of changing is not going to help you shoot her better. Stop hugging her and touching her with that level of intimacy. When she says it is ok it still isn't! She just wants more clothes! ;-) She is choking back the gag and accepting the gifts and everyone can see what is going on but the "daddy" doing the hugging.

You can't see it but I'm cheering you on now Rick smile Excellent post!

Jul 26 06 03:59 am Link


Veteres Vitri

Posts: 1994

MAYLENE, Alabama, US

E|||B wrote:
Oh, this thread again ...

Reminds me of an old joke.

Man walks into a bar and sees a beautiful woman.

"Excuse me," he says, "But would you have sex with me for a million dollars?"

"Sure!" she exclaims.

"Would you have sex with me for $10?"

Insulted, she scoffs, "No! What do you think I am?!"

"Honey, we've already established that. Now, we're just haggling over price."

It's better when you know the joke was created by a drunken winston churchill

Jul 26 06 04:05 am Link



Posts: 1300

Los Angeles, California, US

Kelly Kooper wrote:
Hehe there should be a thread on horny models too. Photographers aren't the only ones who get 'excited'. If you're aiming for that sexier kind of look, sometimes you can get a bit carried away (I'm purely talking with regards to your thoughts, not actions) but as someone else said, it's how you handle it that determines your professionalism. There's nothing wrong with a normal human reaction that only confirms that what you are shooting is working on the most basic level. Although my reaction to your problem might be more low key because I haven't had a problem in ages so I might have just forgotten what that was like as well.....

Haha do I make you horny baby?  Do I?  Do I make you randy?

Jul 26 06 04:08 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Christine Summers wrote:

It was surprisingly obvious...esp. since he made me sit down all the time.  Hey if I was a guy I would make sure my package was secured.

Never take Viagra before a shoot !

Jul 26 06 04:08 am Link


J C ModeFotografie

Posts: 14718

Los Angeles, California, US

John Fisher wrote:

A long time ago in ....well, it was when I had my studio in DC, so a long time ago. Anyway a new face from Seattle had come to town to shoot with me and as luck would have it, a young photographer from upstate NY was also visiting. I got a call from an English model I had started years ago, she was back in the States and invited me down to her place in Fredericksburg. So we all packed up and drove down for lunch (long set up, but a great story! Have patience!)

We are all sitting around talking and the English girl is showing us her portfolio which had a couple on terrific fashion nudes in it (she worked the big circuit, Europe and New York). The new face from Seattle asked about the pictures and if she felt comfortable shooting them. Yadda yadda yadda, part of the business, what ever. Anyway, the young girl then asked her if anything "unpleasant" happened during a shoot, and she said: (finally I get to the story!)

"One time when I first got to Paris, the agency set me up with this really famous photographer to shoot an editorial for French "ELLE". I was so excited, just being in the studio was a rush! I was up at the front of the studio, and when I turned around, there the guy stood with his pants down around his ankles! It was so gross!"

The young girl and the visiting photographer are now sitting there with their mouths agape.

"Did you leave immediately?", the young girl from Seattle finally asked.

"Well, I should have.......... but it WAS for French "ELLE", she answered.

"Was it for the cover?", I asked.

"Why John, if it had been for the cover, I wouldn't have thought he was so gross!"

(Real) Life in the Food Chain.

John Fisher
900 West Avenue, Suite 423
Miami Beach, Florida  33139
305 534-9322

Are you saying the British model copulated with (I don't want to use the street term here) that photographer so that she could do an editorial for French ELLE?

JAY carreon

Jul 26 06 04:15 am Link


GDS Photos

Posts: 3399

London, England, United Kingdom

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
Never take Viagra before a shoot !

I just had a shower after a work out (my first in ages)  I used Viagra shower gel and now I'm stiff all over :-)

uhu uhu he said stiff  (in a Beavis and Buthead voice)

Jul 26 06 04:16 am Link


Jim Ball

Posts: 17632

Frontenac, Kansas, US

gdsandy wrote:

I just had a shower after a work out (my first in ages)  I used Viagra shower gel and now I'm stiff all over :-)

uhu uhu he said stiff  (in a Beavis and Buthead voice)

I gotta ask - first shower in ages, or first workout in ages?  ;^P

Jul 26 06 06:18 am Link


Hasta la Vista

Posts: 1641

Ahzure wrote:

You need some Jesus Juice instead.  Take the whole bottle!!!

I guess your right! I'll drink a couple at Phoenix Meet & Greet II - Fri, July 28th. Are you going?

Jul 26 06 08:39 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28739

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Daniel Schmidtka wrote:
I guess your right! I'll drink a couple at Phoenix Meet & Greet II - Fri, July 28th. Are you going?

She went to the last one and was out of control wink

Jul 26 06 08:57 am Link


Nic B

Posts: 166

New York, New York, US

Some models assume a photog is gay if he doesn't hit on them?

Maybe it's because I'm just sorta cute and not smokin' hot-- so I don't expect that every man should drop to my feet in a sweaty, desperate heap -- but that still sounds VERY egotistical. Sheesh.

It's the worst when a photographer is creepy though. I don't mind a genuine "hey, your abs are really toned!" or something along those lines. Hell, I don't even mind ass comments (although I'm sort of an unusal case: you can't NOT mention that disproportionately large thing tacked onto the back of me if I'm shooting nude). But when it's constantly "Wow, you're so sexy," blah blah blah... how do you expect a girl to get comfortable? (I had one like that: never shot with him or even answered his phonecalls again.)

And since an uncomfortable girl will likely look uncomfortable in her photos, that's the epitome of a perv if you ask me: you can't claim to love your work if you're willing to damage it just so you can ogle the model. (And really... couldn't you wait until AFTER the shoot to express interest in a nice and decent way?)

Jul 26 06 10:08 am Link



Posts: 23

Detroit, Michigan, US

Kim Nicole wrote:
you can't NOT mention that disproportionately large thing tacked onto the back of me if I'm shooting nude

OK, im about to click your profile and see this thing you speak of........

Jul 26 06 10:25 am Link



Posts: 110

Glendale, Arizona, US

John Jebbia wrote:

She went to the last one and was out of control wink

haha, that's my normal personality... (yes I bite)

Jul 26 06 03:03 pm Link



Posts: 571

Los Angeles, California, US

I'm 25, I hear that I am supposed to embrace my sexuality.

Jul 26 06 03:11 pm Link


Hasta la Vista

Posts: 1641

Stanley wrote:
I'm 25, I hear that I am supposed to embrace my sexuality.

25!!! Boring!! We had a fire chief in Mesa embrace the neighbors sheep or lamb or something!!! LOL!!! Now that guy can party!

At 25 every guy out their embraces their sexuality. Just don't squeeze to hard!! LOL!

Just joking Stanley! Except for the fire dept guy, really happened!

Jul 26 06 06:26 pm Link


J C ModeFotografie

Posts: 14718

Los Angeles, California, US

Robert Voltaire wrote:
I was shooting with a model on a beach-I am a little on the hot side as far as looks go   ; ) -and I had a makeup artist and assistant with me.  The girl wasn't conveying much emotionally so I decided to give her a little direction.  I asked her to pretend that she hadn't seen her boyfriend in a year because he was away in Iraq.  I wanted her to get a mental picture of this person and then to look at me and whisper what she was feeling.  (ie. i love you.  i miss you dearly)  At that moment the sun was peeking out from behind a cloud and there were rays of light everywhere.  Ahhh, she transformed into an angel.  Then there was silence.  Her eyes met mine and she whispered, "I want you to f@#k me up the a##."

The crew and I froze in disbelief.  We all heard it and she didn't stop talking that way.  She continued.

What do you say?

John Fisher wrote:

A long time ago in ....well, it was when I had my studio in DC, so a long time ago. Anyway a new face from Seattle had come to town to shoot with me and as luck would have it, a young photographer from upstate NY was also visiting. I got a call from an English model I had started years ago, she was back in the States and invited me down to her place in Fredericksburg. So we all packed up and drove down for lunch (long set up, but a great story! Have patience!)

We are all sitting around talking and the English girl is showing us her portfolio which had a couple on terrific fashion nudes in it (she worked the big circuit, Europe and New York). The new face from Seattle asked about the pictures and if she felt comfortable shooting them. Yadda yadda yadda, part of the business, what ever. Anyway, the young girl then asked her if anything "unpleasant" happened during a shoot, and she said: (finally I get to the story!)

"One time when I first got to Paris, the agency set me up with this really famous photographer to shoot an editorial for French "ELLE". I was so excited, just being in the studio was a rush! I was up at the front of the studio, and when I turned around, there the guy stood with his pants down around his ankles! It was so gross!"

The young girl and the visiting photographer are now sitting there with their mouths agape.

"Did you leave immediately?", the young girl from Seattle finally asked.

"Well, I should have.......... but it WAS for French "ELLE", she answered.

"Was it for the cover?", I asked.

"Why John, if it had been for the cover, I wouldn't have thought he was so gross!"

(Real) Life in the Food Chain.

John Fisher
900 West Avenue, Suite 423
Miami Beach, Florida  33139
305 534-9322

Here's a funny story.  I tested with a model a few weeks ago.  She tells me about a test she shot with this New York photographer.  Midway through the shoot he sends everyone out for food - except for the model.  As she's posing, topless no less, he holds down her hands over her head and attempts to violate her.  Fortunately, she manages to squirm free.  Now this is an established, published photographer.  The experience traumatized her so badly - she quit modeling for a whole year.  She is now only recently rebuilding her book.  And with her look she should have been rubbing shoulders with Gemma Ward and Heather Marks at this point in her career - if only that hadn't happened.

So tell me, if you're not a part of the solution - are you not then part of the problem?  I'm not casting judgment on "flirting" or "workplace amore's" - I would love to marry a model too!  But sometimes it goes too far, way too far!

JAY carreon

Jul 27 06 03:32 am Link


Stuart Photography

Posts: 5938

Tampa, Florida, US

I guess its time to come clean. after many years of photographing the A-List models, I can tell you I had sex with several of them, often times right in the middle of the set. I am ashamed of course, but well....heres the list...

Heidi Klum
Sung Hi Lee
Claudia Schiffer
Rebecca Romijn-Stamos
Naomi Campbell
James King
Cindy Crawford
Caprice Bourret
Laetitia Casta
Yamila Diaz
Elsa Benitez
Christy Turlington
Daniela Pestova
Adriana Sklenarikova
Angela Lindvall
Daisy Fuentes
Nadja Auermann
Gisele Bundchen
Victoria Silvstedt

Jul 27 06 06:44 am Link


J C ModeFotografie

Posts: 14718

Los Angeles, California, US

Capt Stu Beans wrote:
I guess its time to come clean. after many years of photographing the A-List models, I can tell you I had sex with several of them, often times right in the middle of the set. I am ashamed of course, but well....heres the list...

Heidi Klum
Sung Hi Lee
Claudia Schiffer
Rebecca Romijn-Stamos
Naomi Campbell
James King
Cindy Crawford
Caprice Bourret
Laetitia Casta
Yamila Diaz
Elsa Benitez
Christy Turlington
Daniela Pestova
Adriana Sklenarikova
Angela Lindvall
Daisy Fuentes
Nadja Auermann
Gisele Bundchen
Victoria Silvstedt

O Captain, My Captain - aren't you forgetting:

Antonio Sabato Jr.
Marcus Schenkenberg
Mark Vanderloo
Michael Bergin
Tyson Beckford???

Best Regards,
JAY carreon

Jul 27 06 06:47 am Link


Brian Ziff

Posts: 4105

Los Angeles, California, US

IvanSHarris wrote:
damn it...One model thought I was GAY because I didn't say anything...WHAT the I mean I am a professional here....

i know, right?

it's like that one model that thought [b]i[/i] was gay just because i kept talking about having sex with men while we were shooting!

Jul 27 06 06:47 am Link



Posts: 10

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

well there are mos definately horny models...  I was called uptight by one a while back.  She really wasnt into shooting, constantly touching me in non sexual way and bending over right in front of me in a thong and asking very detailed questions about her who ha?  later that evening the shoot was almost over she totally grabbed my package and asked me if i was gay?  I laughed, became erect and went home to my girl friend.  Now everytime she comes back to Oahu, she cooks me dinner.  I dont understand women... but i love em!!!


Jul 27 06 06:54 am Link


Brian Ziff

Posts: 4105

Los Angeles, California, US

gdsandy wrote:
In England there is a saying.  "Don't screw the help".

I guess Jude Law didn't get that memo?

Jul 27 06 06:58 am Link


MF productions

Posts: 2064

San Jose, California, US

it seems unprofessional to hit on the models like some  sex object when its your job to take their photos ( sexual harrassment anyone?)unless it was mutual and everyones cool about the situation .

Aug 05 06 02:51 pm Link


Zachary Reed

Posts: 523

Denver, Colorado, US

Dax wrote:

Well.. put!!

If the photographer is good looking.. then is not that much of a problem. I have been on shoots where.. I can see both sides. The reaction when the heavy set or bad looking or older photographer makes comments the girls cringe, and when the younger, good looking, fun photographers make similar comments the girls blush lol funny... Life.. what a joke!

so like, with all that being said, i can loose my somewhat clinical approach of how i do things and flirt it up a bit as long as i stay young and fit? and i won't be labled as a perv? no longer the cold fotographer that only is out after the final image that can be sold. i can actually start having some fun?

Aug 05 06 02:58 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna


Aug 05 06 03:14 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

FKVPhotoGraphics wrote:

I worked in the corporate environment for eight years......and yes the trading does start early........

When I was in my 20's, looked fairly good, no grey hair I worked for an entertainment magazine....and sex was almost a given.....90% of the time from the prospective models side because they wanted to be on the cover or featured as one of our "Fox of The Month" got to be a real joke after a while....when I walked into any of the clubs we covered and the women found the "the guy from Nightlife is here".....first came the rush to the ladies room where there was frantic hair combing, lipstick and makeup spreading...then came the long walk past me to catch my eye.....just for fun I used to mess with my equipment and not look their way.....when they really wanted to be in the was always offered.......ironically the women who finally appeared in the magazine....I never slept with......

Now.....I'm 50, grey hair and put on what would happen now?.....doesn't take genius to figure it out.....I'd be that "perv" photographer.....

Not for nothing but the standards have DOUBLE written across them all the way......and that's a shame because talent doesn't have anything to do with looks when you're a photographer....

that's a very excellent point, pops. if this were a young man shooting then pervert wouldn't be on the list. but then again, these days, he might be a nut case. but alot of it depends on the model. some models do get caughtup with the looks too. some are surprised to see that some of us aren't old and grey.

I marvel at some of the models on here because many have this impression that a photographer is a old white guy as one had told me on the phone. i had to admit it was some funny shit. no, not just the old white guy part, but the stereotype that photographers aren't attractive.

I've seen some female photographers on that are fine and some are just as fine or finer than some of these female models. Damn, there is one on here who showed her face in the 'what do you photographers look like.'

Good thread because not only did the page showed that many of the photographers aren't white guys, it also displayed the different ethnicity of photographers on here including some fine female photographers.

Aug 05 06 03:30 pm Link