Forums > General Industry > Horny Photographers (U know who u are!!!)



Posts: 131

Chicago, Illinois, US

Navid wrote:


Poppycock!! That's funny. Started my day with a good laugh!!

Jul 25 06 09:27 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

MaxwellIII wrote:

That is a funny saying, "starch in his shorts". The guy trying to put his head between your legs may have been trying to get back into the womb.

I like the image of you topless walking on stage in front of a crowd of horny men. Could there be any connection between you wanting to tease and the starch in the guys shorts?

I'm sorry honey, what profession are you in?

That's called a fashion show. The audience members are not claiming to be professionals. I was not attempting to arouse the photographer when he made his little comment.

The thread creator asked for stories about pervy photogs, so I contributed mine. Do you have a problem with that? I am a model, I like attention. I am not a porn "actress". There's a difference. If people want to get aroused by me, that's fine. But if it's in a professional situation, I act professionally and I expect the photographer to do the same.

Jul 25 06 09:29 am Link


Robert Sanders

Posts: 905

Los Angeles, California, US

Dax wrote:
Well.. put!!

If the photographer is good looking.. then is not that much of a problem. I have been on shoots where.. I can see both sides. The reaction when the heavy set or bad looking or older photographer makes comments the girls cringe, and when the younger, good looking, fun photographers make similar comments the girls blush lol funny... Life.. what a joke!

That's funny, I am a heavy set, bad looking, older photographer and I have seen just the opposite, I have seen girls cringe when silly little ''good looking'' boys make silly little rude and offensive comments. ''Fun photographers?'' Just because a man is younger does not make him ''FUN.''

There is no age, body build, nor looks preference on offending someone, it usually comes with a very selfish mind, nothing more. Ulterior motive is the foundation to being perverse; luring someone into a situation to accomplish an altogether different agenda than taking photos. If you want to shoot pictures then you really don't want to get into the girl's pants... if you want to get into her pants, then you really don't have any creative motivation photographically.

What we all do revolves a great deal around the subject of sex, if it is always done with ill intent then that is all you get... ill.

I personally like to have a fun and sexy time with the creative group and pulling great sexual energy from within the model has nothing to do with nailing her. Or even thinking that is priority. Hey, I would love to have sex with every model I photograph, and in a funny sort of way, I do... in fact, I have a different kind of sexual experience than any guy that actually touches her. She gives me her trust and deep emotions, her secrets, her inner being, and no one had to swap juices. I kind of like that form of perversion. And for an overweight, old, bad looking, dark, mysterious, bad boy photographer, I know there are quite a few young extremely beautiful models that like that perversity as well, they will trust me to the end. The creative results are far too rewarding, much greater and longer lasting than a moment of sweat and temporary satisfaction.

Short mindedness is the single worst perversion of all. Experience outweighs any other form of confidence there is... there are a lot of perverts out there, and there is no brand of body and looks that makes them unique. Just because you have a camera doesn't make you a photographer... just because you have a very creative, stimulating, dark, mysterious, fantasy filled, excited mind doesn't make you a pervert either. How you use both of these elements determines your character.


Jul 25 06 09:30 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28739

Phoenix, Arizona, US

e-string wrote:
Well, there was the old guy who told me I gave him "starch in his shorts". He was a GWC and I was still kinda a beginner.

And then there was the guy who put his head between my legs. Luckily he didn't actually do anything right away and I was able to tell him to stop because I'm not single. He was not a GWC, just a jerk. I actually enjoyed the shoot until that point though.


A good model friend of mine told me this story:

Basically, she was shooting with this guy and she was laying on one of those psychologist style couches.. The photographer asked her to close her eyes which she did.. But it got quiet for a long time and she opened them to find him standing above her rubbing one out.

She didn't freak out. She didn't run off screaming. She played it cool and said something like "Want me to help you out? Put it in my hand." Which he promptly did.

She gripped the mother fucker so hard he couldn't escape. All he could do is stand there screaming. She dragged his screaming ass all over the house then up and down the street yelling obscenities at him in front of all of his neighbors.

She knows who she is. She's probably reading this. She's probably laughing. Way to go!

Jul 25 06 09:30 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

John Jebbia wrote:


A good model friend of mine told me this story:

Basically, she was shooting with this guy and she was laying on one of those psychologist style couches.. The photographer asked her to close her eyes which she did.. But it got quiet for a long time and she opened them to find him standing above her rubbing one out.

She didn't freak out. She didn't run off screaming. She played it cool and said something like "Want me to help you out? Put it in my hand." Which he promptly did.

She gripped the mother fucker so hard he couldn't escape. All he could do is stand there screaming. She dragged his screaming ass all over the house then up and down the street yelling obscenities at him in front of all of his neighbors.

She knows who she is. She's probably reading this. She's probably laughing. Way to go!

Oh my gosh, that's HILARIOUS! Wow.

Jul 25 06 09:33 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Collin J. Rae wrote:
All I know is I was a peverted guy way before I was a perverted photographer, now I just get to document said perversion.

-The End-

What Colin said...But more importantly, I think it's just a little nutty that so many "models" expect to prance around in revealing outfits, sporting "come hither" expressions and not be greeted with the arousal in others that is only natural.  I've lost count of how many "models" have screenames with "sexy/sexi/sexay/sex14U" in them...It all sounds like the same old "have your cake and eat it too" double standard to me, but what do I know?

Jul 25 06 09:33 am Link



Posts: 131

Chicago, Illinois, US

e-string wrote:

That's called a fashion show. The audience members are not claiming to be professionals. I was not attempting to arouse the photographer when he made his little comment.

The thread creator asked for stories about pervy photogs, so I contributed mine. Do you have a problem with that? I am a model, I like attention. I am not a porn "actress". There's a difference. If people want to get aroused by me, that's fine. But if it's in a professional situation, I act professionally and I expect the photographer to do the same.

FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!! If that was a fashion show that you were walking on stage topless, what was it that you were suppose to be showing your audience?

I never said you are a porn actress, and I know we can all decide what makes a difference with anything. Nothing wrong with you wanting attention, everyone wants that.

It seems that the guy trying to climb back into your womb, would stop because you say, "No, I'm not single" would actually work, in the heat of the moment.

Nothing personal, just chatting along as we all like to do.

Jul 25 06 09:33 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

MaxwellIII wrote:

FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!! If that was a fashion show that you were walking on stage topless, what was it that you were suppose to be showing your audience?

I never said you are a porn actress, and I know we can all decide what makes a difference with anything. Nothing wrong with you wanting attention, everyone wants that.

It seems that the guy trying to climb back into your womb, would stop because you say, "No, I'm not single" would actually work, in the heat of the moment.

Nothing personal, just chatting along as we all like to do.

It was a lingerie fashion show, and I was one of 2 models wearing boyshorts and body paint. (I have seen images of NYC runway shows for makeup companies where the models were ONLY wearing MU.)

The one who put his head between my legs asked me to do a few more things after I said no, but luckily he was not physically pushy and nothing happened as I told him no several more times.

Jul 25 06 09:37 am Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

MaxwellIII wrote:

This is a perfect saying to keep when working. Can any photographer imagine has fast they would be tossed out of the business if they started hitting on the model, with an art director, client, set designer, etc..

That photographer would not only be tossed out, he would not be working in the industry at that level any longer.

Now if the client wants to try and hit on the model, I think his company would have something to say about that.

So like the English say, "Don't screw the help"

Oh that's a load of crap...

Not that I condone pepole indiscriminantly hooking up on the job, but it happens ALL the time... You work within industry circles and it ultimately integrates into your social circles.  I've dated editors, a pr director, other photographers and...gasp...a model.

Telling someone where you want to lick them during a shoot is inappropriate and letcherous- asking someone out after a few drinks and a good conversation at a wrap party is utterly pedestrian.

Jul 25 06 09:37 am Link



Posts: 131

Chicago, Illinois, US

Robert Sanders wrote:

That's funny, I am a heavy set, bad looking, older photographer and I have seen just the opposite, I have seen girls cringe when silly little ''good looking'' boys make silly little rude and offensive comments. ''Fun photographers?'' Just because a man is younger does not make him ''FUN.''

There is no age, body build, nor looks preference on offending someone, it usually comes with a very selfish mind, nothing more. Ulterior motive is the foundation to being perverse; luring someone into a situation to accomplish an altogether different agenda than taking photos. If you want to shoot pictures then you really don't want to get into the girl's pants... if you want to get into her pants, then you really don't have any creative motivation photographically.

What we all do revolves a great deal around the subject of sex, if it is always done with ill intent then that is all you get... ill.

I personally like to have a fun and sexy time with the creative group and pulling great sexual energy from within the model has nothing to do with nailing her. Or even thinking that is priority. Hey, I would love to have sex with every model I photograph, and in a funny sort of way, I do... in fact, I have a different kind of sexual experience than any guy that actually touches her. She gives me her trust and deep emotions, her secrets, her inner being, and no one had to swap juices. I kind of like that form of perversion. And for an overweight, old, bad looking, dark, mysterious, bad boy photographer, I know there are quite a few young extremely beautiful models that like that perversity as well, they will trust me to the end. The creative results are far too rewarding, much greater and longer lasting than a moment of sweat and temporary satisfaction.

Short mindedness is the single worst perversion of all. Experience outweighs any other form of confidence there is... there are a lot of perverts out there, and there is no brand of body and looks that makes them unique. Just because you have a camera doesn't make you a photographer... just because you have a very creative, stimulating, dark, mysterious, fantasy filled, excited mind doesn't make you a pervert either. How you use both of these elements determines your character.


Robert, you understand your business very well. I can very much relate to trying to pull the sensual side of a woman out of her. Some can do it, and others can't, and inbetween, there are women who think they are working with a pervert.

Hope every photographer and aspiring model can learn what the real difference it.

Jul 25 06 09:38 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28739

Phoenix, Arizona, US

e-string wrote:
The one who put his head between my legs asked me to do a few more things after I said no, but luckily he was not physically pushy and nothing happened as I told him no several more times.

You should have told him:

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. I have chronic diahrea and I could spray at anytime."

Jul 25 06 09:39 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

John Jebbia wrote:

You should have told him:

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. I have chronic diahrea and I could spray at anytime."

haha. Problem was, he was actually quite attractive. Definitely a test of my loyalty to my boyfriend.

Jul 25 06 09:41 am Link



Posts: 131

Chicago, Illinois, US

Justin N Lane wrote:

Oh that's a load of crap...

Not that I condone pepole indiscriminantly hooking up on the job, but it happens ALL the time... You work within industry circles and it ultimately integrates into your social circles.  I've dated editors, a pr director, other photographers and...gasp...a model.

Telling someone where you want to lick them during a shoot is inappropriate and letcherous- asking someone out after a few drinks and a good conversation at a wrap party is utterly pedestrian.

Nothing wrong with asking a model out after the shoot. Not many wrap parties that I know of after a shoot were all of the hired help gets to mix with each other. Everyone just goes home, because it was another day at work.

You may be in a different situation to ask a model out after a shoot, but you are probably with the in crowd.

Jul 25 06 09:42 am Link


Ye Olde Photographer

Posts: 547

San Juan, San Juan-Laventville, Trinidad and Tobago

It been said before by other photographers here: getting aroused during a shoot is natural both for the model and the photographer. How you use these feelings determines wether or not you are a professional.

I am middle-aged and overweight so I have to be more careful how I behave with models :>)

Jul 25 06 09:44 am Link



Posts: 131

Chicago, Illinois, US

John Jebbia wrote:


A good model friend of mine told me this story:

Basically, she was shooting with this guy and she was laying on one of those psychologist style couches.. The photographer asked her to close her eyes which she did.. But it got quiet for a long time and she opened them to find him standing above her rubbing one out.

She didn't freak out. She didn't run off screaming. She played it cool and said something like "Want me to help you out? Put it in my hand." Which he promptly did.

She gripped the mother fucker so hard he couldn't escape. All he could do is stand there screaming. She dragged his screaming ass all over the house then up and down the street yelling obscenities at him in front of all of his neighbors.

She knows who she is. She's probably reading this. She's probably laughing. Way to go!

You not only are very creative with a camera, you are a fantastic story teller. The only part that you lost me on was when she pulled the guy out in front of his neighbors.

By that time, the guys little wee wee would have disconnected itself, but I think g-string believes it. She's a fashion model.

Jul 25 06 09:45 am Link



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

IvanSHarris wrote:
damn it...One model thought I was GAY because I didn't say anything...WHAT the I mean I am a professional here....

Haha I get this one sometimes.  "  you did't hit on me, try to touch me, ask me out..I thought you were gay..."

Truth is... that really shows where their head is at.   They are so used to everyone hitting on them that when they come across a guy who respects there space... or even more surprising to them... someone who isn't interested in them... they automatically write it off as they are gay. 

Funny how a bruised ego turns you either into a bad guy or a gay guy but never a good guy.

Jul 25 06 09:52 am Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

MaxwellIII wrote:

Nothing wrong with asking a model out after the shoot. Not many wrap parties that I know of after a shoot were all of the hired help gets to mix with each other. Everyone just goes home, because it was another day at work.

You may be in a different situation to ask a model out after a shoot, but you are probably with the in crowd.

I wouldn't say "the in crowd" but I've been lucky in that a couple of the clients I  shoot for make up for their lowball day rates by springing for dinner, libations and rowdiness for all involved big_smile

I'd actually prefer a better day rate...

Jul 25 06 09:56 am Link



Posts: 131

Chicago, Illinois, US

e-string wrote:

haha. Problem was, he was actually quite attractive. Definitely a test of my loyalty to my boyfriend.

It was certainly a test of your loyalty to hold back your inner sexual desires for the photographer, especially when you both knew, that it was more then just a photo shoot for both of you.

It was hot and grinding sex you both desired and lusted for from each other. WOW!! You really are very loyal to your boyfriend.

Jul 25 06 10:02 am Link



Posts: 202

Los Angeles, California, US

I was shooting with a model on a beach-I am a little on the hot side as far as looks go   ; ) -and I had a makeup artist and assistant with me.  The girl wasn't conveying much emotionally so I decided to give her a little direction.  I asked her to pretend that she hadn't seen her boyfriend in a year because he was away in Iraq.  I wanted her to get a mental picture of this person and then to look at me and whisper what she was feeling.  (ie. i love you.  i miss you dearly)  At that moment the sun was peeking out from behind a cloud and there were rays of light everywhere.  Ahhh, she transformed into an angel.  Then there was silence.  Her eyes met mine and she whispered, "I want you to f@#k me up the a##."

The crew and I froze in disbelief.  We all heard it and she didn't stop talking that way.  She continued.

What do you say?

Jul 25 06 10:02 am Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Robert Sanders wrote:

That's funny, I am a heavy set, bad looking, older photographer and I have seen just the opposite, I have seen girls cringe when silly little ''good looking'' boys make silly little rude and offensive comments. ''Fun photographers?'' Just because a man is younger does not make him ''FUN.''

Don't take it personal ;-) What part of " I have been on shoots where " didn't you get ?? I was giving MY own experience.. Where did I say: the rule is... only young good looking guys get the attention ?

Don't get all bent out of shape.. is only one person's opinion and like I said.. is not the rule, I bet you charm everyone no matter how good looking or bad looking u may be!

Jul 25 06 10:05 am Link



Posts: 131

Chicago, Illinois, US

Robert Voltaire wrote:
I was shooting with a model on a beach-I am a little on the hot side as far as looks go   ; ) -and I had a makeup artist and assistant with me.  The girl wasn't conveying much emotionally so I decided to give her a little direction.  I asked her to pretend that she hadn't seen her boyfriend in a year because he was away in Iraq.  I wanted her to get a mental picture of this person and then to look at me and whisper what she was feeling.  (ie. i love you.  i miss you dearly)  At that moment the sun was peeking out from behind a cloud and there were rays of light everywhere.  Ahhh, she transformed into an angel.  Then there was silence.  Her eyes met mine and she whispered, "I want you to f@#k me up the a##."

The crew and I froze in disbelief.  We all heard it and she didn't stop talking that way.  She continued.

What do you say?

You put that poor girl in a very dire situation. She wanted you so bad, and all you wanted was that perfect look.

Well, I guess the only thing to do at that point, since you heated her up, is grab her, and hit the first motel on main street that you find.

Just remember, don't sign in with your real name, just in case her boyfriend comes a looking for you!!

Jul 25 06 10:06 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

MaxwellIII wrote:

It was certainly a test of your loyalty to hold back your inner sexual desires for the photographer, especially when you both knew, that it was more then just a photo shoot for both of you.

It was hot and grinding sex you both desired and lusted for from each other. WOW!! You really are very loyal to your boyfriend.

I wouldn't have slept with him (for various reasons) even if I were single, but nice try. smile

Jul 25 06 10:06 am Link



Posts: 1327

New York, New York, US

Heh.  I saw this subject line, read through the sordid discussion, and the whole time have been sighing into my hands: "I want a giiiiirlfriend..."

Jul 25 06 10:07 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Robert Voltaire wrote:
I was shooting with a model on a beach-I am a little on the hot side as far as looks go   ; ) -and I had a makeup artist and assistant with me.  The girl wasn't conveying much emotionally so I decided to give her a little direction.  I asked her to pretend that she hadn't seen her boyfriend in a year because he was away in Iraq.  I wanted her to get a mental picture of this person and then to look at me and whisper what she was feeling.  (ie. i love you.  i miss you dearly)  At that moment the sun was peeking out from behind a cloud and there were rays of light everywhere.  Ahhh, she transformed into an angel.  Then there was silence.  Her eyes met mine and she whispered, "I want you to f@#k me up the a##."

The crew and I froze in disbelief.  We all heard it and she didn't stop talking that way.  She continued.

What do you say?

I would have fallen over laughing if I had witnessed that little moment!

Jul 25 06 10:08 am Link



Posts: 131

Chicago, Illinois, US

e-string wrote:

I wouldn't have slept with him (for various reasons) even if I were single, but nice try. smile

You are really a nice girl, g-string, and I mean that. Sorry about me plugging away at you. Actually, I can understand why some photographers would try to make a move on you. You are very attractive.

Jul 25 06 10:08 am Link



Posts: 23

Detroit, Michigan, US

John Jebbia wrote:


A good model friend of mine told me this story:

Basically, she was shooting with this guy and she was laying on one of those psychologist style couches.. The photographer asked her to close her eyes which she did.. But it got quiet for a long time and she opened them to find him standing above her rubbing one out.

She didn't freak out. She didn't run off screaming. She played it cool and said something like "Want me to help you out? Put it in my hand." Which he promptly did.

She gripped the mother fucker so hard he couldn't escape. All he could do is stand there screaming. She dragged his screaming ass all over the house then up and down the street yelling obscenities at him in front of all of his neighbors.

She knows who she is. She's probably reading this. She's probably laughing. Way to go!

as funny as this story is.  Im sure it is embelished a great, great deal.

Jul 25 06 10:10 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

MaxwellIII wrote:

You are really a nice girl, g-string, and I mean that. Sorry about me plugging away at you. Actually, I can understand why some photographers would try to make a move on you. You are very attractive.

Well that was a surprising comment... here I thought you were just being one of those snarky morons, lol. But it's nice to see that you can pull it back and be decent. Unless I'm falling for some snarky trap. ha

And thank you. And don't worry.. I don't let people I've never met get to me, so it's all good. smile

Jul 25 06 10:12 am Link



Posts: 131

Chicago, Illinois, US

e-string wrote:

Well that was a surprising comment... here I thought you were just being one of those snarky morons, lol. But it's nice to see that you can pull it back and be decent. Unless I'm falling for some snarky trap. ha

And thank you. And don't worry.. I don't let people I've never met get to me, so it's all good. smile

I am serious, and I do like your images. Please don't get me wrong by saying this, but the one of you laying on a bed with your rump up, is really a turn on. You have a fantastic butt, and a man can think of a lot of things to do with a butt like that.

My favorite image of you is the one were you are by the bathing window. You have the perfect shape. You have the shape I'm searching for to some day do a series of 7 images of artistic nudes. If you get to Chicago, sometime, let me know.

For everyone else reading this, this is not some pick up line that I'm using, she really does have that perfect shape.

Jul 25 06 10:16 am Link



Posts: 4515

John Jebbia wrote:
Yeah right! We all know photographers don't like to get laid.

But seriously. Why is it that when a man/photographer tries to get some tail he's automatically labled a pervert?

Yes, especially if he's not a looker (like me) or older.

Jul 25 06 10:18 am Link



Posts: 1327

New York, New York, US

John Jebbia wrote:

A good model friend of mine told me this story:

Basically, she was shooting with this guy and she was laying on one of those psychologist style couches.. The photographer asked her to close her eyes which she did.. But it got quiet for a long time and she opened them to find him standing above her rubbing one out.

She didn't freak out. She didn't run off screaming. She played it cool and said something like "Want me to help you out? Put it in my hand." Which he promptly did.

She gripped the mother fucker so hard he couldn't escape. All he could do is stand there screaming. She dragged his screaming ass all over the house then up and down the street yelling obscenities at him in front of all of his neighbors.

She knows who she is. She's probably reading this. She's probably laughing. Way to go!

This is an old urban legend... I've heard it before in many variations.  Originally it was an elderly woman and a guy broke into her house to try to assault her.  At least your friend could try to be creative when she lies.  wink

Jul 25 06 10:19 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

MaxwellIII wrote:

I am serious, and I do like your images. Please don't get me wrong by saying this, but the one of you laying on a bed with your rump up, is really a turn on. You have a fantastic butt, and a man can think of a lot of things to do with a butt like that.

My favorite image of you is the one were you are by the bathing window. You have the perfect shape. You have the shape I'm searching for to some day do a series of 7 images of artistic nudes. If you get to Chicago, sometime, let me know.

For everyone else reading this, this is not some pick up line that I'm using, she really does have that perfect shape.

Well thank you! Those are some nice compliments. I may be in Chicago in the middle of August, actually. I have to get to work on a paper (due today, lol) right now, but drop me a note if you're serious and we can talk details later.

Jul 25 06 10:20 am Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

Robert Voltaire wrote:
I was shooting with a model on a beach...     ...Her eyes met mine and she whispered, "I want you to f@#k me up the a##."

The crew and I froze in disbelief.  We all heard it and she didn't stop talking that way.  She continued.

What do you say?

What? With all this sand around?

Jul 25 06 10:21 am Link



Posts: 131

Chicago, Illinois, US

swhnyc wrote:

This is an old urban legend... I've heard it before in many variations.  Originally it was an elderly woman and a guy broke into her house to try to assault her.  At least your friend could try to be creative when she lies.  wink

You are probaly the guy who likes to stand up and yell, "It's in his other hand" when a magician is performing a trick. Just enjoy the act.

Jul 25 06 10:28 am Link


JT Hodges

Posts: 2191

Austin, Texas, US

John Jebbia wrote:
Yeah right! We all know photographers don't like to get laid.

But seriously. Why is it that when a man/photographer tries to get some tail he's automatically labled a pervert?

The double standard against men. We are all perverts.

Jul 25 06 10:36 am Link



Posts: 2

Birmingham, Alabama, US

I wonder if those models also flirt with their doctors? do they tell the doctors "you missed out on an opportunity"? I doubt it happens often.

models enjoy being the center of attention. if the photographer makes her that center, but still remains professional, then she will probably be satisfied with the model/photographer relationship.

i personally require all models to bring someone with them to at least the first few sessions and REFUSE to shoot with them if they show up alone. after that we usually become great friends and wind up doing lots of things outside the model/photographer relationship. that DOESN'T mean we get intimate, only that we become good friends and enjoy each others company and attention.

simple rule: be professional or you may be in jail. protect yourself by requiring someone else at the shoot, either provided by yourself or the model or both.
relationships can develop later. the first few shoots are not the time to risk everything you have with someone you don't know.

Jul 25 06 10:38 am Link



Posts: 20

Tempe, Arizona, US

Robert Sanders wrote:
Ulterior motive is the foundation to being perverse; luring someone into a situation to accomplish an altogether different agenda than taking photos. If you want to shoot pictures then you really don't want to get into the girl's pants... if you want to get into her pants, then you really don't have any creative motivation photographically.


I think this sums it up pretty nicely.

Jul 25 06 10:43 am Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

Forget hooking up, I can't even find a model to shoot with me for a tearsheet and $100 and a CD of all the images from the shoot.
Hope everyone else is "gettin' some"


Jul 25 06 10:47 am Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

I must have a really sick mind because all I think about during a shoot are pictures. I'm old maybe that's it.

Jul 25 06 10:51 am Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

Eric S. wrote:
Forget hooking up, I can't even find a model to shoot with me for a tearsheet and $100 and a CD of all the images from the shoot.
Hope everyone else is "gettin' some"


Why do I have a hard time believing this?

Jul 25 06 11:08 am Link


Rick Hughes Photography

Posts: 530

Atlanta, Georgia, US

OK, so this is a little off the subject, but only a little.

Ya know cracks me up? The whole daddy syndrome. I run into this all the time. What is with the older photographer "taking care" of the younger models he is around and playing the daddy role?

I am all for nice guys. I am all for people looking out for each other. I have nothing against age differences in dating or marriage. That is not what I am talking about. I am talking about the guy that starts the girls OMP page for her, or Yahoo Club for her, then gets all upset when she no shows a shoot with him, or disappears from modeling as though he was just jilted by a girlfriend. "I did all of this work helping her out and now she just disappears". Here's a clue. You aren't her daddy and you aren't dating her and you most likely will never really get what you are trying to get from her. Stop denying that you want it. You are a guy. Of course you do! Even if you are getting as close as possible and hiding behind the whole daddy thing.

You know the guy I am talking about. The guy that hugs the girls, adjusts her underwear during a shoot and hangs in the dressing room when the girls are naked and says "It's ok. It's different with me. They know I am ok." Five minutes later the girl is coming to me and saying "He is so creepy. I mean he is nice and all, but why is he always touching me and hugging me? Does he HAVE to stay in the dressing room?" You aren't different. You are being used. Wise up. You are an old perv to them and they are just taking the

The girls are not innocent either. They take the clothes bought by the guy and they don't tell the guy that he is NOT their daddy so please stop "daddying" them. They don't tell them the guy he is grossing them out. For now though I am just cracking up over the "daddy". He is of course "just taking care of her" because he sees her "like a daughter." Dude, stop hanging out in your daughters dressing room, shooting her as naked as she will let you and hugging all over her. Don't say you are like a daddy and then say that she feels more comfortable shooting more naked with you because of it. that is pretty

I had a photographer recently tell me "I had 'the talk' with her about boyfriends" like I was going to agree that this young model should not have a boyfriend. Like it was somehow understood. She is young! It's the best time to have a boyfriend of he is supportive of her, and her dreams, goals and ambitions. Have fun and be young!

What happens is so obvious. The older photographer is getting as close as he can with the younger girl, but remains safely veiled behind the daddy role. It's as close to dating as he is ever going to get, but he still gets that thrill of staying just shy of rejection. He buys her things, takes care fo her, and "helps" her because it keeps him as close as possible. All the while he gets to say "It's ok sweetie. You are safe with me. I am different."

You want to be different? You want to make a girl feel safe, secure and ok with you? Get your ass out of the dressing room! Wait outside. She can show you the outfit before and after she is in it. Seeing her in the process of changing is not going to help you shoot her better. Stop hugging her and touching her with that level of intimacy. When she says it is ok it still isn't! She just wants more clothes! ;-) She is choking back the gag and accepting the gifts and everyone can see what is going on but the "daddy" doing the hugging.

Jul 25 06 01:25 pm Link