Forums > General Industry > Horny Photographers (U know who u are!!!)


John Fisher

Posts: 2165

Miami Beach, Florida, US

A long time ago in ....well, it was when I had my studio in DC, so a long time ago. Anyway a new face from Seattle had come to town to shoot with me and as luck would have it, a young photographer from upstate NY was also visiting. I got a call from an English model I had started years ago, she was back in the States and invited me down to her place in Fredericksburg. So we all packed up and drove down for lunch (long set up, but a great story! Have patience!)

We are all sitting around talking and the English girl is showing us her portfolio which had a couple on terrific fashion nudes in it (she worked the big circuit, Europe and New York). The new face from Seattle asked about the pictures and if she felt comfortable shooting them. Yadda yadda yadda, part of the business, what ever. Anyway, the young girl then asked her if anything "unpleasant" happened during a shoot, and she said: (finally I get to the story!)

"One time when I first got to Paris, the agency set me up with this really famous photographer to shoot an editorial for French "ELLE". I was so excited, just being in the studio was a rush! I was up at the front of the studio, and when I turned around, there the guy stood with his pants down around his ankles! It was so gross!"

The young girl and the visiting photographer are now sitting there with their mouths agape.

"Did you leave immediately?", the young girl from Seattle finally asked.

"Well, I should have.......... but it WAS for French "ELLE", she answered.

"Was it for the cover?", I asked.

"Why John, if it had been for the cover, I wouldn't have thought he was so gross!"

(Real) Life in the Food Chain.

John Fisher
900 West Avenue, Suite 423
Miami Beach, Florida  33139
305 534-9322

Jul 25 06 02:35 pm Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

Robert Voltaire wrote:
I was shooting with a model on a beach-I am a little on the hot side as far as looks go   ; ) -and I had a makeup artist and assistant with me.  The girl wasn't conveying much emotionally so I decided to give her a little direction.  I asked her to pretend that she hadn't seen her boyfriend in a year because he was away in Iraq.  I wanted her to get a mental picture of this person and then to look at me and whisper what she was feeling.  (ie. i love you.  i miss you dearly)  At that moment the sun was peeking out from behind a cloud and there were rays of light everywhere.  Ahhh, she transformed into an angel.  Then there was silence.  Her eyes met mine and she whispered, "I want you to f@#k me up the a##."

The crew and I froze in disbelief.  We all heard it and she didn't stop talking that way.  She continued.

What do you say?

Your place or mine?  Crew dismissed!

Jul 25 06 03:14 pm Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

JAY carreon wrote:
I AM horny - but I keep it in my pants, no matter how provocatively the models act!  It probably means I'm missing out . . .

JAY carreon

Boy, Jay, are YOU missing out!

Jul 25 06 03:15 pm Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

Navid wrote:
Does anyone think that it is any worse than being in a corporate enviroment?
I mean we all have heard about the infamous secretary and her boss.
My experience is regardless of how the photographer or model looks the higher up in the industry you are and the more you can make happen for a girls career wether you are a photographer, art director, client etc the less it becomes an issue with anyone because like Wall Street Trading begins early.
This may sound pretty shitty but i am talking about the fact that in life the more tempting the trade the less anyone seems to have a problem with when people say i would never bla bla bla , i have seen first hand experience that it is not the case. It is actually done on a pretty open level...just ask Demarchlier.

I worked in the corporate environment for eight years......and yes the trading does start early........

When I was in my 20's, looked fairly good, no grey hair I worked for an entertainment magazine....and sex was almost a given.....90% of the time from the prospective models side because they wanted to be on the cover or featured as one of our "Fox of The Month" got to be a real joke after a while....when I walked into any of the clubs we covered and the women found the "the guy from Nightlife is here".....first came the rush to the ladies room where there was frantic hair combing, lipstick and makeup spreading...then came the long walk past me to catch my eye.....just for fun I used to mess with my equipment and not look their way.....when they really wanted to be in the was always offered.......ironically the women who finally appeared in the magazine....I never slept with......

Now.....I'm 50, grey hair and put on what would happen now?.....doesn't take genius to figure it out.....I'd be that "perv" photographer.....

Not for nothing but the standards have DOUBLE written across them all the way......and that's a shame because talent doesn't have anything to do with looks when you're a photographer....

Jul 25 06 03:38 pm Link


lamar photography

Posts: 131

North Charleston, South Carolina, US

i have had many  horriffic experiences as a photographer myself.

one experience in paticular stopped me from taking another commission for a year.  i would never touch a model but i guess he thought it was ok to touch himself, i will spare you the disgusting details.

i did learn though that if your uncomfortable STOP and get the hell out of there, getting a good portfolio or getting paid isnt worth being molested.

Jul 25 06 03:44 pm Link


lamar photography

Posts: 131

North Charleston, South Carolina, US

FKVPhotoGraphics wrote:

I worked in the corporate environment for eight years......and yes the trading does start early........

When I was in my 20's, looked fairly good, no grey hair I worked for an entertainment magazine....and sex was almost a given.....90% of the time from the prospective models side because they wanted to be on the cover or featured as one of our "Fox of The Month" got to be a real joke after a while....when I walked into any of the clubs we covered and the women found the "the guy from Nightlife is here".....first came the rush to the ladies room where there was frantic hair combing, lipstick and makeup spreading...then came the long walk past me to catch my eye.....just for fun I used to mess with my equipment and not look their way.....when they really wanted to be in the was always offered.......ironically the women who finally appeared in the magazine....I never slept with......

Now.....I'm 50, grey hair and put on what would happen now?.....doesn't take genius to figure it out.....I'd be that "perv" photographer.....

Not for nothing but the standards have DOUBLE written across them all the way......and that's a shame because talent doesn't have anything to do with looks when you're a photographer....

If you slept with any of them knowing what they were after then your a perv no matter what you look like. No offence

Jul 25 06 03:49 pm Link


Fantasy On Film

Posts: 667

Detroit, Michigan, US

IF the photographer (male) looks like George Cloney, Colin Farrell, Johnny Depp or Will Smith...then it's NOT harrassment! On the other hand if they look like George Smith, Colin Jones, Johnny-be-Good or Will Stone..yep that's harrassment!!!

(please take the pun as intended..unwanted contact from ANYONE is never a laughing matter)

Jul 25 06 03:50 pm Link


Rick Hughes Photography

Posts: 530

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Ya know cracks me up? The whole daddy syndrome. I run into this all the time. What is with the older photographer "taking care" of the younger models he is around and playing the daddy role?

I am all for nice guys. I am all for people looking out for each other. I have nothing against age differences in dating or marriage. That is not what I am talking about. I am talking about the guy that starts the girls OMP page for her, or Yahoo Club for her, then gets all upset when she no shows a shoot with him, or disappears from modeling as though he was just jilted by a girlfriend. "I did all of this work helping her out and now she just disappears". Here's a clue. You aren't her daddy and you aren't dating her and you most likely will never really get what you are trying to get from her. Stop denying that you want it. You are a guy. Of course you do! Even if you are getting as close as possible and hiding behind the whole daddy thing.

You know the guy I am talking about. The guy that hugs the girls, adjusts her underwear during a shoot and hangs in the dressing room when the girls are naked and says "It's ok. It's different with me. They know I am ok." Five minutes later the girl is coming to me and saying "He is so creepy. I mean he is nice and all, but why is he always touching me and hugging me? Does he HAVE to stay in the dressing room?" You aren't different. You are being used. Wise up. You are an old perv to them and they are just taking the

The girls are not innocent either. They take the clothes bought by the guy and they don't tell the guy that he is NOT their daddy so please stop "daddying" them. They don't tell them the guy he is grossing them out. For now though I am just cracking up over the "daddy". He is of course "just taking care of her" because he sees her "like a daughter." Dude, stop hanging out in your daughters dressing room, shooting her as naked as she will let you and hugging all over her. Don't say you are like a daddy and then say that she feels more comfortable shooting more naked with you because of it. that is pretty

I had a photographer recently tell me "I had 'the talk' with her about boyfriends" like I was going to agree that this young model should not have a boyfriend. Like it was somehow understood. She is young! It's the best time to have a boyfriend of he is supportive of her, and her dreams, goals and ambitions. Have fun and be young!

What happens is so obvious. The older photographer is getting as close as he can with the younger girl, but remains safely veiled behind the daddy role. It's as close to dating as he is ever going to get, but he still gets that thrill of staying just shy of rejection. He buys her things, takes care fo her, and "helps" her because it keeps him as close as possible. All the while he gets to say "It's ok sweetie. You are safe with me. I am different."

You want to be different? You want to make a girl feel safe, secure and ok with you? Get your ass out of the dressing room! Wait outside. She can show you the outfit before and after she is in it. Seeing her in the process of changing is not going to help you shoot her better. Stop hugging her and touching her with that level of intimacy. When she says it is ok it still isn't! She just wants more clothes! ;-) She is choking back the gag and accepting the gifts and everyone can see what is going on but the "daddy" doing the hugging.

Jul 25 06 03:51 pm Link


Rick Hughes Photography

Posts: 530

Atlanta, Georgia, US

sorry that is a little off topic

Jul 25 06 03:51 pm Link


Somewhere in Time Studi

Posts: 1247

Winter Haven, Florida, US

IvanSHarris wrote:
damn it...One model thought I was GAY because I didn't say anything...WHAT the I mean I am a professional here....

......."not that there's anything wrong with that!"...........

sorry, couldn't help myself!

Jul 25 06 03:56 pm Link


Somewhere in Time Studi

Posts: 1247

Winter Haven, Florida, US

IvanSHarris wrote:
damn it...One model thought I was GAY because I didn't say anything...WHAT the I mean I am a professional here....

......."not that there's anything wrong with that!"...........

sorry, couldn't help myself!

Jul 25 06 03:56 pm Link


lamar photography

Posts: 131

North Charleston, South Carolina, US

Rick Hughes Photography wrote:
sorry that is a little off topic

i know a guy like that , only hes a college baseball coach not a photographer.

Jul 25 06 03:56 pm Link


Hasta la Vista

Posts: 1641

Ahzure wrote:
Man, I tell ya- there's something in the air in Phoenix... Seems like a couple of photographers can't deal with the heat and turn into perverts...  Or are they GWC?  Tell me your horrific perv experience- winner gets a piece of candy and some Jesus Juice from Michael Jackson!!!

Just a bunch of PERVES out there!!!! It's the Arizona heat! Guys just wait a few minutes and they’ll ask you! Then you go from PERVE to STUD status!

Jul 25 06 03:57 pm Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

lamar photography wrote:
If you slept with any of them knowing what they were after then your a perv no matter what you look like. No offence

None Taken......funny thing though.....I was dating a few women at the time and none of them even wanted to be in the magazine.....although with their looks I did ask on more than one occasion and refused everytime.... but they did help me in choosing who to run......after you've a few dozen stroll by their looks started to blend and I wanted "distinctive" having girlfriend really helped......

Jul 25 06 04:00 pm Link


Lexi Evans

Posts: 1004

Levittown, New York, US

i am not a horny photographer...i just happen to be a photographer who is horny!

Jul 25 06 04:01 pm Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

All I know is . . . . . . . . . I need to start shooting For Elle.
These regional magazines don't seem to cut it smile

Jul 25 06 04:02 pm Link



Posts: 22

Whittier, California, US

Well I am fifty over 400 pounds and have always told a model she is hot if she is , since I only shoot nudes, I don't know if they think I am a perv or not all I know is that I have never had a girl tell me she never wanted to work with me again. Of course I also have never touched any model in any way that could be considered a sexual advance, when we were working. I have been to social ocassions with girls I have shot and remain friends with most of the women I have worked with. I try to treat them the way I would any other woman. And the only reason I am not friends with all of them is that some times we lose contact with people. However I have meet some photograpers from Arizona who embarass me as a man and as a photographer. However I don't think its the heat its the person.
P. S. I only offer to buy them dinner if they promise we will gey naked in my hottub afterwards.

Jul 25 06 04:05 pm Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

Oliver Cole wrote:
IF the photographer (male) looks like George Cloney, Colin Farrell, Johnny Depp, Will Smith or Daguerre...then it's NOT harrassment! On the other hand if they look like George Smith, Colin Jones, Johnny-be-Good or Will Stone..yep that's harrassment!!!

Oliver, have we met?

Jul 25 06 04:09 pm Link


lamar photography

Posts: 131

North Charleston, South Carolina, US

atleast you guys get female models (who all refuse to work with me lol) i have to deal with erections and internaly homophobic straight guys they are attatched too. 

it would be nice working with someone who knows i have no possible chance for attraction i think.

Jul 25 06 04:13 pm Link


Charlie Schmidt

Posts: 855

Kansas City, Missouri, US

I have had models tell me that they were surprised "we didnt DO something" or they have questioned my sexuality because I didnt get all excited because they were nude and in close proximity... Some have been bold enough to tell me that I "missed out on an opportunity" when I didnt even see it as one..

I am really clinical when I shoot, so the amount of clothes doesnt change that.. So there are photogs with stories as well.. I too KNOW other photogs who dont miss those opportunities..   LOL

I have also had a female model question my sexual preference due to the lack of post shoot activity, And an older married lady "offer more" at the end of the session.

Artistic People open up and feel different......I am guilty of the feeling rushing over me...I will admit this...but I am in a LTR.  It is gonna happen, keep it professional and it will work out.

Horney or not.....don't stifle the emotion, just don't act on them!
If you are involved in the shoot and are getting excited, it will show in the final images.

Have a Great Day

Jul 25 06 04:18 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Justin N Lane wrote:

Why do I have a hard time believing this?

Ditto.  smile

Jul 25 06 04:26 pm Link


Darryl Reece

Posts: 70

Hollywood, Florida, US

Fotticelli wrote:
I must have a really sick mind because all I think about during a shoot are pictures. I'm old maybe that's it.

I've been reading the posts & thinking the same thing--other than "old"!  yikes)
I can't believe that some are justifying this behavior.
*I've heard some horrifying stories from model friends; but, sadly I can't repeat at this moment.

Jul 25 06 04:28 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Ahzure wrote:
if all you got were some comments, then consider yourself LUCKY!!! (at least you have a juicy ass, really)

Wait, that's not fair!!  You can say that and I can't?  Dang!! wink

Even if I wanted to tell a model that, I'd never have the guts.  heh, I can't even talk dirty to a girlfriend without feeling all stupid and busting up laughing.  Oh yeah girl, you like that, you like that? big_smile

My most offensive comments to a model during a shoot:  Yeah, I like that.  That's a hot look.  You have a beautiful smile!  You have beautiful eyes.

That's all I can think of right now.  So far in my attempts at being offensive during a shoot, all I get are thank yous and bigger smiles.

Jul 25 06 04:35 pm Link



Posts: 371

It would appear that there are a LOT of photographers who try it on with models.

NOT on my shoots it doesn't, no matter how provocative the shoot.


Jul 25 06 04:36 pm Link


Jim Ball

Posts: 17632

Frontenac, Kansas, US

Kansas City Media Group wrote:
but I am in a LTR.  It is gonna happen, keep it professional and it will work out.

Horney or not.....don't stifle the emotion, just don't act on them!
If you are involved in the shoot and are getting excited, it will show in the final images.

Have a Great Day

Maybe I'm slowing down with age (nearly 54) but the last three shoots I've been on have involved either full nudity or partial nudity.  I've been so busy worrying about the shots that nothing sexual has even crossed my mind.  Heck, I don't even get aroused looking at the images during the editing process.  Maybe it has something to do with the fact that my wife is my assistant and accompanies me to all my shoots and helps with the editing.  Then again, maybe I just try really hard to maintain a high level of professionalism. :-)

In this internet age, if a photographer let the little head do the thinking during a shoot, it would take about 10 min after the shoot for his reputation to be so shot that he couldn't get a gig shooting a sack of potatoes.

Jul 25 06 04:38 pm Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

Lexi-- wanna shoot?

Jul 25 06 04:43 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

e-string wrote:
Well, there was the old guy who told me I gave him "starch in his shorts". He was a GWC and I was still kinda a beginner.

And then there was the guy who put his head between my legs. Luckily he didn't actually do anything right away and I was able to tell him to because I'm not single was not a GWC, just a jerk. I actually enjoyed the shoot until that point though.

And when you are single this kind of behavior from a photographer would be acceptable?

I'm starting to wonder about all the booty I have been missing out on for the last two years.  I need to start making some phone calls wink

Jul 25 06 04:44 pm Link



Posts: 110

Glendale, Arizona, US

John Jebbia wrote:
Yeah right! We all know photographers don't like to get laid.

But seriously. Why is it that when a man/photographer tries to get some tail he's automatically labled a pervert?

...Probably because it's not appropriate during business?  I dunno, maybe it's just me... But there are some photogs that tell models that "the only way to make money is to get naked..."  I'm sure we all know at least one photog that's pulled that line.

Jul 25 06 04:49 pm Link


Howard Garcia

Posts: 2210

New York, New York, US

Rick Hughes Photography wrote:
Ya know cracks me up? The whole daddy syndrome....

Wow...twice on the same thread.
This really cracks you up!

Jul 25 06 04:49 pm Link



Posts: 297

Northampton, Massachusetts, US

Do you guys have those "manly urges" on repeat shoots with the same girl? Just curious. I find it's hard to have the hots for someone after you've seen their nose so large you have to scroll over it, after heal-brushing out their little mustache, examining their pores, etc.

Jul 25 06 04:52 pm Link



Posts: 1300

Los Angeles, California, US

At one shoot my photog got a hard on at least 5 times throughout the shoot, and I don't do nudes...I was fully dressed, and creeped out.

Jul 25 06 04:53 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Eric S. wrote:
Forget hooking up, I can't even find a model to shoot with me for a tearsheet and $100 and a CD of all the images from the shoot.
Hope everyone else is "gettin' some"


Sorry man, I didn't fit your requirements.  It's not my fault. I only have what God gave me and I ruined over the last 34 years.

Jul 25 06 04:54 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Ahzure wrote:
if all you got were some comments, then consider yourself LUCKY!!! (at least you have a juicy ass, really)

Now that we ( males and female )  have agreed that Sara has a juicy ass, is the issue timing ?  Ahzure is juicy mama herslf, is she seting a double standard ? NO!

I work with a lot of beginning models and you have to tell them they are beautiful to get some level of confidence going.

It is in the presentation. If you give compliments with your pants down,  or with a corncob in your pants or with that doggie-saw-bone look then you will get a bad response.

"You have a really wonderful body " is worlds away from " geez, look at that ass, gimme a bite".

So models you ARE gorgeous and sexy , you will on occasion excite a photographer but we won't lose control and behave like frat boys when you take your clothes off.

Jul 25 06 04:57 pm Link



Posts: 110

Glendale, Arizona, US

Robert Voltaire wrote:
I was shooting with a model on a beach-I am a little on the hot side as far as looks go   ; ) -and I had a makeup artist and assistant with me.  The girl wasn't conveying much emotionally so I decided to give her a little direction.  I asked her to pretend that she hadn't seen her boyfriend in a year because he was away in Iraq.  I wanted her to get a mental picture of this person and then to look at me and whisper what she was feeling.  (ie. i love you.  i miss you dearly)  At that moment the sun was peeking out from behind a cloud and there were rays of light everywhere.  Ahhh, she transformed into an angel.  Then there was silence.  Her eyes met mine and she whispered, "I want you to f@#k me up the a##."

The crew and I froze in disbelief.  We all heard it and she didn't stop talking that way.  She continued.

What do you say?

HOLY CRAP that is the funniest !@#$! I have ever heard!!! I think I would've said "sorry, sh*t stains aren't good before dinner..."

Jul 25 06 04:57 pm Link



Posts: 110

Glendale, Arizona, US

John Fisher wrote:

A long time ago in ....well, it was when I had my studio in DC, so a long time ago. Anyway a new face from Seattle had come to town to shoot with me and as luck would have it, a young photographer from upstate NY was also visiting. I got a call from an English model I had started years ago, she was back in the States and invited me down to her place in Fredericksburg. So we all packed up and drove down for lunch (long set up, but a great story! Have patience!)

We are all sitting around talking and the English girl is showing us her portfolio which had a couple on terrific fashion nudes in it (she worked the big circuit, Europe and New York). The new face from Seattle asked about the pictures and if she felt comfortable shooting them. Yadda yadda yadda, part of the business, what ever. Anyway, the young girl then asked her if anything "unpleasant" happened during a shoot, and she said: (finally I get to the story!)

"One time when I first got to Paris, the agency set me up with this really famous photographer to shoot an editorial for French "ELLE". I was so excited, just being in the studio was a rush! I was up at the front of the studio, and when I turned around, there the guy stood with his pants down around his ankles! It was so gross!"

The young girl and the visiting photographer are now sitting there with their mouths agape.

"Did you leave immediately?", the young girl from Seattle finally asked.

"Well, I should have.......... but it WAS for French "ELLE", she answered.

"Was it for the cover?", I asked.

"Why John, if it had been for the cover, I wouldn't have thought he was so gross!"

Life in the big city.

John Fisher
900 West Avenue, Suite 423
Miami Beach, Florida  33139
305 534-9322

NICE.  You get a gold star for that one.

Jul 25 06 05:00 pm Link



Posts: 110

Glendale, Arizona, US

Daniel Schmidtka wrote:

Just a bunch of PERVES out there!!!! It's the Arizona heat! Guys just wait a few minutes and they’ll ask you! Then you go from PERVE to STUD status!

No candy for you.  Photographers and models aren't f*ck buddies in my book.

Jul 25 06 05:05 pm Link



Posts: 110

Glendale, Arizona, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:

Now that we ( males and female )  have agreed that Sara has a juicy ass, is the issue timing ?  Ahzure is juicy mama herslf, is she seting a double standard ? NO!

I work with a lot of beginning models and you have to tell them they are beautiful to get some level of confidence going.

It is in the presentation. If you give compliments with your pants down,  or with a corncob in your pants or with that doggie-saw-bone look then you will get a bad response.

"You have a really wonderful body " is worlds away from " geez, look at that ass, gimme a bite".

So models you ARE gorgeous and sexy , you will on occasion excite a photographer but we won't lose control and behave like frat boys when you take your clothes off.

lol, this is great.  I think it's nice to have a good relationship with the photographer to get great shots and feel comfy, but biting into the bootious roundimus is probably not the best way to treat a juicy model, you're right.  Gold star for you.

Jul 25 06 05:10 pm Link



Posts: 110

Glendale, Arizona, US

DigitalCMH wrote:

Wait, that's not fair!!  You can say that and I can't?  Dang!! wink

Even if I wanted to tell a model that, I'd never have the guts.  heh, I can't even talk dirty to a girlfriend without feeling all stupid and busting up laughing.  Oh yeah girl, you like that, you like that? big_smile

My most offensive comments to a model during a shoot:  Yeah, I like that.  That's a hot look.  You have a beautiful smile!  You have beautiful eyes.

That's all I can think of right now.  So far in my attempts at being offensive during a shoot, all I get are thank yous and bigger smiles.

Piece of candy from Michael Jackson goes to you.  You caught my double standard!!!

Jul 25 06 05:13 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28739

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Ahzure wrote:
...Probably because it's not appropriate during business?  I dunno, maybe it's just me... But there are some photogs that tell models that "the only way to make money is to get naked..."  I'm sure we all know at least one photog that's pulled that line.

It's not the only way. But it is probably the quickest and easiest way to make money.

Jul 25 06 05:46 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

I am really clinical when I shoot, so the amount of clothes doesnt change that..

Me too.  Plus being partially deaf I'm usually off in my own little world while I'm shooting.  I have to pay too much attention to "hear" chitchat.

Although the worst shoot I had (image wise) was the one where the model told me the session was like being at the doctors (and I agree, there was no rapport and she was about as animated as a brick). 

Sometimes I think beautiful women are a bit put off if their looks don't appear to affect you  Insulted even.

Jul 25 06 05:54 pm Link